Immaculate conception real cases. Does the virgin birth exist? Immaculate or vicious conception

Vadim Deruzhinsky

Analytical newspaper "Secret Research"

How does conception take place? It would seem that everyone knows that the lively sperm is in a hurry to get to the egg. Here they say, and the whole answer. In fact, scientists understand that they know almost nothing about this mystery of the birth of a new life. Among other things, it was a shock to science to find out that what was rejected as a myth immaculate conception(parthenogenesis) exists, and a mother can conceive alone - without a father - a child ...


The discoverer of blood circulation and the life physician of the English kings, Dr. William Harvey, in his declining years, took up the most incomprehensible of all miracles - the miracle of the birth of life. In 1651, he published the book "Investigations on the Origin of Animals", in which he summarized the then ideas of science on this issue. And the ideas, as Harvey wrote, were as follows: scientists believed that the origin of life is in the egg, and the father only brings in an active force that makes the egg wake up (Aristotle called this force "psyche" - the soul).

According to scientists, not only a chicken grows from an egg, but in general all living things. With the permission of King Charles I, Harvey examined female deer killed in the royal lands, and allegedly these observations strengthened his opinion that all living things come from eggs, including mammals. But what is there - in the egg of mammals, Harvey no longer knew and admitted with regret: "The first threads of Nature are almost always hidden, as in the dead of night, and due to their subtlety they are just as not amenable to the sharpness of the mind as to the sharpness of the eye."

However, in Holland, the clothmaker's apprentice Livenguk was already grinding his lenses - who sharpened the eye in order to look at the "first threads of Nature." In 1673, Livenhoek published the first results of his observations in the proceedings of the Royal Society of London. And in November 1677, he announced that he had discovered “animacules” in the sperm. What Harvey wanted so badly happened: the human eye for the first time in history saw a spermatozoon.

In a letter to the secretary of the society, Livenhoek reported that the animaculi were equipped with tails. And further: “Then I often observed a substance of the same kind [male semen] and immediately discovered under a microscope such a multitude of living animaculae that there were thousands of them per grain of sand ... Soon it seemed to me that I could distinguish even individual organs in the bodies of animaccules ... If If it seems to you, most distinguished man, that these observations of mine will be offensive to scientists, I want to ask you, having considered everything, to tell others only what you find necessary. Be healthy, most learned husband ... "

But Livenhoek's observations did not just throw the Royal Society into bewilderment, but insulted them, because they encroached on the sacred authority of Aristotle and Harvey. It was a complete breakdown of ideas: until now, science believed that “everything is from an egg”, but it turned out that “everything is from animacula” - they already contain a ready or almost ready-made organism.

Of course, today we know that a spermatozoon is not a fetus at all with arms, legs, a head and all organs (a kind of boy with a finger). The spermatozoon brings with it simply the "hereditary substance of the father," and the maternal heredity is hidden in the ovum. And only from the egg fertilized by the sperm - the zygote - does the embryo develop. But at that time, scientists began to believe that the embryo was already contained in the sperm.

So in science for a long time a new concept became a dogma: that, they say, without the father's lively animaculas, no origin of life is possible. To a certain extent, this concept was shared by the Church, opposing the immaculate conception of Jesus Christ to our mortal conception from animacules. Here, as they say, the views of religion and science converge at least to some extent.

But again, the time has come for shocks: it turned out that conception is possible without these livestock - that is, an absolutely immaculate conception ...


Once, the most famous scientist in Europe, René Réaumur, received a letter from Constance de Castellet, Inspector General of Sericulture in Sardinia. He informed him of a fact as unexpected as it was inexplicable. He found that many days after the mass emergence of silkworm caterpillars, worms were moving in one of the cells. However, this clutch was demolished by an obviously unfertilized butterfly, of which the inspector general was absolutely sure. So, it was about the "immaculate conception of the silkworm"!

Reaumur responded to a fantastic letter with a single phrase, moreover, in Latin: "Ex nihilo nihil" - "Nothing comes from nothing."

This answer, apparently, was largely determined by the fact that almost all scientists of that time (including Réaumur) were believers and always remembered the words of the Bible: “The birth of Jesus Christ was like this: after the betrothal of His mother Mary to Joseph, before they were combined, it turned out that she was pregnant with the Holy Spirit. And if so, then it turns out, concluding by analogy, that the silkworm worm ... In general, it turns out sheer sacrilege ...

However, reports of immaculate conception (parthenogenesis - literally "split conception") in worms and insects continued to come. And even a report was made at the Paris Academy of Sciences that unfertilized silkworm eggs began to develop under the influence of the sun and heat. But the inertia of established views was so strong that the Academy ignored all this news.


The situation actually did not change until the very end of the 19th century. Then a significant breakthrough in the scientific recognition of parthenogenesis was made by Alexander Andreevich Tikhomirov, a Russian conservative scientist who did not recognize Darwin's teachings. He worked on the silkworm and was looking for ways to speed up the development of silkworms.

Tikhomirov knew that fertilized silkworm eggs, laid in summer, wait in hibernation for spring to give rise to caterpillars. But if they are disturbed (for example, just rubbed with a brush), then they wake up and develop in autumn and winter. That is, they respond to any irritation with development.

However, these are fertilized eggs. And if you try to encourage the development of the unfertilized?

It turned out - WORKS!

As a result, in 1886, Tikhomirov published an article in Italy, where he said that many irritants (current, acid, high temperature, etc.) can replace the fertilization of silkworm eggs. Few people noticed the article, although it reported on the discovery of world significance.

Unfortunately, Tikhomirov himself soon abandoned his research, and the problem was again forgotten for several decades.

The next major step forward was Jacques Loeb's book "Artificial Parthenogenesis" published at the beginning of the 20th century, containing thousands of facts and observations. Loeb conducted experiments with the inhabitants of the sea and obtained, for example, offspring from unfertilized eggs sea ​​urchins and other sea creatures. His conclusion is as follows: “You cannot look at the spermatozoon, as it was done before, as the cause of development. It is only an accelerator of processes that can be carried out without it. It acts as a catalyst in a chemical reaction."

These experiments have gained many followers. In France, Yves Delage also bred sea urchins from unfertilized eggs - quite normal, perhaps a little weaker and smaller than usual; he used tannin and alkali.

A. Matthew caused the development of starfish eggs by repeated shaking.

E. Bataillon brought out "rootless" tadpoles, using a needle as the "Holy Spirit": he pricked the surface of unfertilized frog eggs with a sharp needle moistened with fresh frog blood.

And finally, in 1940, Gregory Pincus and Herbert Shapiro published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society the absolutely incredible - they carried out successful experiments with a rabbit. An unfertilized rabbit egg was exposed to saline solutions, heat and cold. The article included not only a drawing of a metal vessel where the eggs were cooled, but also a series of amazing photographs.

The camera captured the chromosomes that diverged to the poles of the daughter cells, gathered in the nuclei of these cells, and now one cell gave birth to not two, but four, eight ... And the last picture depicted two snow-white rabbits: a one-year-old mother and a two-month-old daughter. The daughter was an absolute copy of the mother (which causes analogies with cloning). And how could it be otherwise, if only the mother was to blame for the birth of this creature? After all, you can’t consider cold as a father ...

The message of Pincus and Shapiro ended fantastically: “As for man, cases are described that can be attributed to rudimentary parthenogenesis. In a woman who died of peritonitis eight or ten days after childbirth, S. Morel found eggs in the altered Graaf follicles, which began to divide without fertilization and had already produced about 50 blastomeres.

That is, we are talking about the immaculate conception already in man.

conceived immaculately

The virgin birth in human mythology has always been a sign of divinity. The ancient Egyptian goddess of the sky Nut, without a husband, conceived her children - the sun and stars. In the evening, Nut swallowed them, and in the morning she gave birth again. Immaculate virgins gave birth to the Egyptian god Ra, the Phoenician Adonis, the Persian Mithra, the Greek Dionysus.

The virgin Maya conceived the Buddha, and the virgin Mary gave birth to Christ. In general, the trend is visible.

How scientific are these myths?

Science today has become convinced that parthenogenesis is relatively common in simple organisms, but the more complex organisms are, the less often it occurs, and in humans it becomes generally a unique phenomenon.

Soviet biologists G. Grigoriev and L. Markhasev found an interesting coincidence in 1975: it turns out that the myths about the immaculate conception are very close to the scientific practice of parthenogenesis in that there is always some external factor as a catalyst for unfertilized conception. For example, the Buddha, deciding to take on a human form, appeared to the maiden Maya in the form of a sunbeam. And the great Ra is also a product of the sun's ray. Almighty Zeus, having fallen in love with Danae, entered her underground chambers in the form of golden rain, and Danae gave birth to Perseus. To Titian, this golden rain seemed to be a stream of gold coins, but in Rembrandt's painting, sunlight pours into Danae's chambers.

G. Grigoriev and L. Markhasev wrote: “Ancient Judea is a country of salt lakes and Dead Sea where the salt concentration is much higher than in ordinary sea water. Such a saline solution is a classic factor in parthenogenesis. And if we assume that one day, bathing, the Virgin Mary ... "

Further, biologists do not finish the phrase, but write: “However, if we continue the “scientific” explanation further, then we would have to admit that Christ was a woman: due to the absence of the paternal Y-chromosome, the virgin birth of Mary could only lead to the birth creatures with sex chromosomes XX, that is, girls.

It seems that logic suggests that children born to immaculate virgins - Adonis, Buddha, Ra, Dionysus, Christ, etc. - should be just not boys, but girls. Here, apparently, the humiliating attitude towards women in ancient societies played a decisive role, since most of the gods are men (and the Bible or the Koran is the fruit of the labor of only men in general). Gender inequality in these religions is obvious.

However, one of the fathers of Soviet experimental biology, N.K. As early as 1932, Koltsov, in an article on artificial parthenogenesis, wrote that "the emergence of males during such parthenogenesis is possible ... for example, as a result of hormonal effects on a developing female." That is, once again, at the next round of development, science again, as it were, confirms the possibility of biblical ideas - in this case, this is the birth of a boy, Christ, with an immaculate conception.

But the question still remains: why are the Gods men and not women? Apparently, this is not a question of biology, but social psychology: if the Gods had a female appearance, then they would hardly be popular with many men who are accustomed to seeing themselves as the main ones in relations with the female sex.

By the way, as regards the above-mentioned Nikolai Konstantinovich Koltsov, director of the Institute of Experimental Biology, in the summer of 1931 in Kutaisi at the zonal sericulture station, he continued on a grand scale the work begun by Tikhomirov and abandoned halfway through. But his goal was not only and not so much success with the silkworm. Now the tasks were ambitious and concerned the entire national economy of the country. In the collection "Problems of animal husbandry", the scientist wrote "about the possibility of obtaining parthenogenetic offspring in record-breaking hens, which would allow maintaining the productivity inherent in the maternal line."

This applied direction in the study of parthenogenesis was successfully continued by Koltsov's student B.L. Astaurov, who created the production of "immaculately conceived" silkworm on an industrial scale.

But this is practice. But with the theory, as they say, things are still there ...


How, then, can warmth (or some other irritant) replace the father? And what generally happens in an unfertilized egg when it is given an impetus to "immaculate" development?

No answer. Despite all the advances in the sciences, as biologists themselves admit, we have made little progress in the 100 years that separate us from the appearance of Loeb's book on parthenogenesis.

Even Loeb was well aware that the act of conception is by no means limited to the fact that the father's sperm brings hereditary material into the egg. This is only half the battle. His contact with the egg in some way unknown to Loeb (and modern scientists, as they admit) sets in motion hidden forces that force the egg to divide.

This is where the main secret, to which so far no one has been able to approach. And the problem is that the contact of the sperm with the egg is not at all stressful, similar to the influence of factors that cause parthenogenesis. And the phenomenon of parthenogenesis is, apparently, something secondary, a kind of echo of that influence hidden from us at a level hidden from us, which is exerted on the egg.

But having understood what the matter is, we could solve many problems of infertility, which - which is understandable - also remain unanswered, because all this is one whole. Doctors, say, study sperm - normal, should give offspring. The egg is also normal. But there are no offspring, and within a couple it is often impossible to understand which of the spouses is the carrier of infertility. Obviously, here either the sperm or the egg, in addition to the completely normal transmitted hereditary material, does not have the quality that is necessary to start conception.

What kind of quality - no one knows.

And here it is time to recall another phenomenon that is somewhat mirrored to parthenogenesis: this is telegony, which we talked about in the previous chapter. Telegony is a transfer of inherited material delayed far in time after coition, in which there is no contact between the sperm and the egg. In humans, this manifests itself, for example, in the fact that after coitus with a condom, a woman does not become pregnant, but when she becomes pregnant from a new partner after a long time, it turns out that the children have the genetic material of the first man. In animals, this is manifested in the fact that after coitus of one breed with another, whose offspring, in principle, are not biologically born, the female, after a long time, enters into coitus with the male of her pure breed, but outbred offspring is born.

The latter is well known to all breeders involved in breeding pure breeds of horses, cows, chickens, dogs, cats, pigeons, etc. This is the fact on which, in fact, the whole selection of animals is based. There is still no theoretical explanation for it either.

But why shouldn't we assume that the hitherto elusive “push” of sperm to egg that Loeb and modern biologists talk about can at the same time carry the inherited material itself? In fact, parthenogenesis and telegony are the same in that conception occurs without fertilization by animaculae. and N.K. Koltsov found evidence, in my opinion, not at all that “the emergence of males during such parthenogenesis is possible ... for example, as a result of hormonal effects on a developing female.” He found the conception of males during parthenogenesis, which directly speaks of another phenomenon - telegony (see our other articles). Because the reasoning about the hormonal effects on the mother is tantamount to the fact that the mother herself turns into a man with her child during childbirth - which is hard to imagine.

Parthenogenesis and telegony are two manifestations of the same mechanism of conception of life unknown to us. They are based on a kind of “push”. But what is he?

This "push" does not occur at all at the molecular, physico-chemical level. Moreover, according to the texture of telegony, it does not occur at all during the contact of the hereditary materials of the father and mother (because such contact does not occur), but DURING ORGASM. That is, before.

But what is the biological function of orgasm? Its biologists usually reduce it only to the isolation of inherited material, which, I think, is wrong. During orgasm, I believe, both a certain recording of inherited material at a level not yet known to us, and this desired “push” itself take place.

According to the physiology of males, their ejaculation is always accompanied by an orgasm. But females do not have to experience an orgasm to get pregnant. But at the same time, telegony occurs only when the female experiences an orgasm during coitus.

It turns out that Nature, as it were, “insured” us: if both partners experience orgasm during intercourse, then the inherited material is transmitted, even if it is not transmitted by material carriers. And any next hit of the seed in the egg - even months or years later - will lead to the reproduction in the egg not of this new genetic material, but of the first one. That is, he, as it were, has already made his hereditary record, and then the new material is only a kind of “push”, similar to those that we see in parthenogenesis. Those niches that should be filled by the hereditary material of the new partner in the partner's body are not filled, because they have long been filled, but are only waiting for an impetus to implementation.

That is why I wrote above that parthenogenesis and telegony are mirror images: they behave similarly. In parthenogenesis, a material "push" awakens what is embedded in the body by some OTHER structure of the body, but in telegony it's the other way around - this OTHER structure gives a "push" to the body.

There is a temptation to believe in general that during “spiritual intercourse”, when both partners experience an orgasm, the soul reproduces, and during “bodily exchange of fluids” without mutual orgasm, only “vegetative” reproduction of the body shell occurs. Within the framework of this “vegetation”, parthenogenesis is also quite possible, but the reproduction of the soul is often accompanied by telegony. After all, souls must also be born from something.

If they exist, of course. In any case, I understand a hypothetical soul as a completely material (but non-material for us) substance, which, say, can control the organization of our body (including consciousness) as a matrix as a subject of some Program (Nature or Creators). And the very presence of the soul implies - of course and necessarily - the virtuality (or, in other words, the diversity of the levels of matter) of our world (natural or artificial).

In a word, all the questions of our conception - a seemingly ordinary phenomenon - inevitably lead us to fundamental philosophical problems. Because the search for the nature of conception is no less, and perhaps much more complicated than the search for gravity, black holes and the Big Bang of the Universe. Here comes the crisis in knowledge. A clear barrier emerged, common to the development of various fields of natural science. We have rested all the sciences on something unified, which we still do not even closely understand. But we really feel it.


The Immaculate Conception also occurs naturally in nature. In the highlands of the Caucasus, a rock lizard lives, which reproduces only by parthenogenesis, and if you cross it with a male, sterile hybrids arise - nature supports only the parthenogenetic race. Where does the starting impulse come from in this case?

This question is asked by scientists, to which many others can be added. Starting with the main thing: why, then, are these males evolutionarily needed here?

American scientists E. Bass and M. Olsek, studying turkeys, came to the conclusion that their natural parthenogenesis is a disease caused by a virus. What has already made many other scientists think about cancer: in both cases, the virus stimulates cell division and the subsequent development of tissue. This analogy was found by Koltsov.

Thus the riddle becomes even more enigmatic: behind it are still unknown laws of life.

Apparently, there is no reason to believe that we will come close to solving this riddle in the coming centuries. The main problem is that with the version of the world structure where we are virtual, we will never get an exact answer to the questions that interest us.

It seems that there are no so-called “blank spots” left in the history of mankind, but the topic of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary still disturbs the minds of many researchers and increasingly leads them to the idea of ​​a scientific explanation of this phenomenon. Perhaps someone refers this phenomenon to the realm of a miracle, and someone is probably trying to explain this by the phenomenon of parthenogenesis, which is quite acceptable, since science knows this phenomenon both in plants and animals, when the participation of males in reproduction is not is necessary. From the material in Owlcation (Parthenogenesis: Virgin Births in Nature, Aug, 19, 2012), we can learn about parthenogenesis something like this: “The word “parthenogenesis” comes from the Greek language and literally means “virgin birth”. Outside of the process of fertilization, a new organism develops from the egg, inheriting genetic information from its mother, while excluding the male. This phenomenon is observed in nature in some animals ... ”On my own behalf, I will only add that we are talking about one of the forms of sexual reproduction without fertilization by a male germ cell, a male gamete, that is, a spermatozoon. Despite the seeming improbability of such a phenomenon, however, this has already become a reality, since in Japan it was possible to obtain offspring in mice under laboratory conditions by means of artificially reproducing the process of parthenogenesis in the laboratory. From the Science magazine article (, Gretchen Vogel, "A Mouse With Two Mothers", Apr 21, 2004) we can learn about a certain Kaguya mouse, "the first mammal born from two genetic mothers. Scientists in Japan created a perfectly viable mouse, which they named Kaguya, by combining genetic material from two eggs. For some animals this is nothing special, speaking of developing from a single unfertilized egg. Insects, reptiles, and other species are capable of reproducing a process called parthenogenesis. Mammals, however, require the participation of both father and mother.” This experience of Japanese scientists has irrefutably proved that parthenogenesis in mammals is possible, and genomic imprinting, which requires that both male and female genes be present in the DNA of the fetus, is not a necessary moment, just the process of parthenogenesis requires completely different conditions. To give you an idea of ​​what I'm talking about, according to the Genome News Network (Mice with Two Mothers, Apr 23, 2004), "in a new study led by Tomohiro Kono of the University of Tokyo, his colleagues managed to change the way they labeled two of the entire mass of genes so that two sets of female genes derived from eggs can be combined into living embryos. […] This new study, cited in Nature, reports that the researchers focused on two genes known to be important for imprinting. […] The results show that the correct imprinting of the H19 and Igf2 genes is very important for the normal development of the embryo. However, the efficiency of the method of obtaining new offspring was very low. Out of more than 500 embryos, only two survived to the time of birth.

Perhaps someone will say that this is probably some kind of mistake and the editors of scientific publications probably simply did not understand something? But no, because in a report published in the same journal Nature (according to the Russian version of, 21.04.2004) it is said that the test “egg had two sets of chromosomes belonging to the mother, and not one maternal and one paternal, as it should be in nature. This phenomenon, called parthenogenesis, is never seen in mammals. A group of Japanese scientists managed to turn off the gene that is responsible for imprinting - this is the barrier that prevents parthenogenesis in mammals. […] Researchers injected the genetic material of an immature egg into a mature egg that already had its own set of chromosomes. They then "activated" the mature egg, causing it to develop into an embryo." From all this we can extract the most important thing: Japanese scientists managed to turn off the gene responsible for imprinting. But this quote from the Internet publication (04/22/2004) will be useful primarily for those who want to learn something about the very process of obtaining offspring by this method: “This is a mammal - a mouse, which was given the name Kaguya. She was born in Japan as a result of mixing the genetic material of two eggs. This development of a mammal, whose genetic material is derived from a female egg without interference from male genes, has been scientifically referred to as parthenogenesis, or "virgin birth," according to New Scientist.

Let us immediately note that the expression or term “immaculate birth” was used in relation to this case, which will undoubtedly remind us of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary and give faith that this could well be the case with representatives of our species. As for the case with the laboratory mouse, here we already have a case with human intervention. In order not to tire readers too much, I will briefly tell you that we are talking about the suppression of the activity of the H19 gene in an immature mouse egg, as a result of which another Igf2 gene is activated, which is responsible for the reproduction of the protein in the process of embryo development. Both of these genes undergo a process of so-called imprinting, which prevents the development of the embryo without the participation of male and female genes at the same time. It seems that this mechanism is laid down by nature itself, but apparently in the organisms of mammals, including higher ones, including humans, another mechanism can sleep, which can be turned on under certain conditions in completely natural ways, and can also be turned on completely artificially in laboratory conditions. Speaking of the latter, by manipulating the genes, scientists managed to create in the laboratory a completely healthy population of mice capable of reproduction, whose life expectancy level significantly exceeded that of normal individuals obtained by natural means. Maybe someone from the ignorant will say, they say, ba, but this is a clone! And here again they will be wrong, because this individual is not a clone! According to published scientific data, we learn that Kaguya is not a cloned animal, as the cells of two parents were used to create her. The study itself aims to study the process of parthenogenesis, as Japanese microbiologist Tomohiro Kono stated: "The aim of our study was to find out why both sperm and egg are required for mammalian development," Kono said. Subsequently, Kaguya traditional way- with the participation of a male - gave birth to offspring.

I also foresee other skeptical exclamations, they say, such mice supposedly will not live long. However, even here skeptics will be wrong, since mice obtained by parthenogenesis live much longer (!!!). This experience is also important in that it may in the near future become the starting point for extending the life of the beautiful half of humanity, since women born as a result of the process of parthenogenesis will be able to live much longer than ordinary women conceived by natural reproduction. Moreover, it turned out that certain male genes in mammals and, in particular, in humans, significantly shorten human life. It is they who accelerate the aging process in individuals conceived by natural sexual reproduction, which inclines my opinion in favor of parthenogenesis. As the scientists noted in their publication in the journal Human Reproduction (February 2010), “all obtained female mice, compared with normal ones, which had both“ maternal ”and“ paternal ”gene material, had significantly smaller sizes and weight. Presumably, certain male genes increase the growth potential of the offspring's organism, while shortening its life.

In fact, this is a very interesting, rather intriguing problem that undoubtedly affects the male part of our planet (our strong, so to speak, gender), which cannot be kept silent, because one day we can bring thunder from a clear sky, since the development of science and technology , medicine and human progress is taking such rapid steps that parthenogenesis in women, apparently, will become in the near future a completely common phenomenon, the same, for example, as a method of natural reproduction. It would be useful here to also recall the technology of cloning, as a result of which the notorious sheep Dolly appeared. However, for those who are not very versed in the issue, I will say that parthenogenesis and cloning are two different things. Parthenogenesis is a form of sexual reproduction without fertilization by a male egg, and cloning is "the natural occurrence or production of multiple genetically identical organisms through asexual reproduction." There is also evidence from unconfirmed sources about human cloning, but this is quite enough to understand that all this leads to very bad consequences. And it’s good if, during the scientific and technological revolution, individual representatives of our species are not written down in the Red Book, because of which the latter may end up in some kind of cabinets of curiosities or storehouses of genetic material, or it may even turn out that with the passage In time, some new virus will appear, like Ebola, which, unlike the latter, will begin to selectively mow down an exceptionally strong half of humanity, as a result of which we may turn out to be an extinct species, like mammoths, for example, or dinosaurs. And yet, having used so many maxims here and having touched on the moralizing side of the problem, we are moving away from the most important thing, namely, the sense of reality. After all, someone can justifiably see some underlying reason here, accuse me of bias and rightly reproach, they say, all this is just idle speculation that does not reflect the essence of the issue. Well, the reproach is, of course, reasonable, and therefore let's turn to the facts. So, are there cases of parthenogenesis in humans known in history, if you do not mention the case (or the dogma of St. catholic church) Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary? The answer is yes: in history there are real cases of immaculate conception in people who occurred in Africa and European countries. For example, an article in the popular Peregrine reads (Science behind women getting pregnant without sexual intercourse, 14 Dec 2015) mentions that “in 1956, the medical journal The Lancet published a report on 19 alleged cases of virgin birth among women in England, which were studied by members of the British Medical Association. The six-month study convinced researchers that human parthenogenesis is physiologically possible and has actually occurred in some of the women studied.” Agree, this gives a lot to think about.

So, if parthenogenesis is still possible and reliable cases of parthenogenesis are known in the history of mankind, then the virgin birth of the Virgin Mary and the appearance of Jesus no longer seem like something fantastic and has a real scientific explanation. As you know, science has irrefutably proven that it is not the X or Y sex chromosome itself that is responsible for the external signs of sex, but only one sex gene located in it. Anomalies are also known in the history of mankind, when outwardly quite normal and sexually capable men were carriers of the female sex chromosomes XX. Studies have shown that a failure occurred in their genome during conception, as a result of which a gene responsible for male sexual characteristics got into one of the sex chromosomes. However, carriers of this gene set are infertile and cannot have children. If this is so, then there is no doubt about the reality of the virginal self-conception of the Virgin Mary and it becomes clear why a male was formed during the division of the egg. I believe that Jesus Christ, after all, was and was exactly the way the Holy Gospels describe him.

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Immaculate Conception... Myth or Reality? Biologists have long discovered that this phenomenon is not uncommon for the animal world.

Many invertebrates reproduce in this way, and in some cases, some species of birds and lizards. This saves the species from extinction if for some reason there is not a single male nearby.

Theoretically, a person is also capable of immaculate conception (parthenogenesis).

Forensic experts are well aware that under stressful situations, the influence of high temperatures and in other extreme situations, a female egg can begin to divide, even if it is not fertilized. Some scientists believe that if a woman is predisposed, then it may be enough for her ... just take a long steam bath in the bath, and the egg will begin to divide, turn into an organism. However, most likely, she will die soon. How does the virgin birth happen? The egg cell, ready for fertilization, contains 23 chromosomes - the carriers of the sex.

During the “immaculate conception”, 23 female chromosomes, ripe for fertilization, are divided into two halves each, and 46 chromosomes necessary for a new life are formed in the egg. After that, the egg can begin to split up and develop an embryo, moreover, exclusively female.

In total, 16 cases of immaculate conception in people that occurred in Africa and European countries (including Russia) are known. Doctors believe that these "miracles" are due to a bacterium that usually lives in insect organisms, but can move into a person, stimulating the division of an egg and forming an embryo.

The bacterium destroys the male embryos or turns them into female ones. Many cases of a change in the sex of the embryo have already been recorded in people who have experienced extreme situations or live in a hot climate, and the male sex of the embryo always changes to female and never vice versa.

There is a version that the bacterium can live for a long time in the human body and become more active under the influence of high temperature (for example, when visiting a bath or sauna). But the "immaculate conception" is a phenomenon so unexplored that sometimes it is confused with the most "perverse".

For example, there are many cases when virgins became pregnant without sexual intercourse, for example, after petting, when the partner's sperm fell on the genitals. It is difficult to get pregnant in this way, but possible - the most "dexterous" spermatozoa are able to penetrate a woman through a hole in the hymen and reach the egg, covering a distance of about 10 cm!

Some get pregnant without a man at all - by sitting on the place where the seminal fluid was located, or by wiping themselves with a towel with traces of sperm. But among these cases, no, no, and something inexplicable will come across, such as the story of a nun who became pregnant 20 years after she took a vow of chastity.

Who knows, maybe men will soon disappear, and the female body is insured against such disasters?

In ancient times, when people still did not reliably know about the biological processes occurring in the body, conception was often imagined. In ancient myths, there are versions about the entry into the body of a woman of the fetus. Such a woman was considered and had to endure a child. At the same time, future mothers did not assign the main role to men in the process, they believed that it could come if special ones were held with sacred stones, water, and trees. Therefore, there were legends about the immaculate conception from water, wood, thunderstorms, sacred attributes.

In other ancient myths, in particular Greek ones, there is a widespread version that a woman can become pregnant from a deity who will choose her for his intimate pleasures. So the great god of thunder and lightning, Zeus, often came to appease the beautiful maidens in different guises: a bull, a golden rain, a swan. After that, the girls in due time gave birth to illegitimate children from the Thunderer. It was also an immaculate conception.

Similar cases are mentioned in Eastern mythologies. For example, one of the ancient Chinese emperors, as the legend says, was conceived by his mother at the moment when she stepped on the footprint of a giant. The conceptions of other emperors came from the spirit of the mountains, from a flash of lightning, from a dragon, from a swallow's egg, from a shooting star. Accordingly, all these conceptions occurred immaculately, and the reasons for the conception indicated that the future emperors and generals were outstanding, talented, unique personalities, close to divine powers.

In legends ancient egypt also there are cases of immaculate conception of some emperors. Even the legendary Zarathushtra's mother conceived, according to legend, from the stem of a wild plant.

Mongolian legends say that Genghis Khan was also conceived by his mother immaculately - from the gaze of a deity. Immaculate conception is attributed to the mothers of Plato, Pythagoras, Alexander the Great.

In Russian folklore there is also the theme of the Immaculate Conception. In some fairy tales, girls give birth to children from a magical seed, from a breath of wind, from swimming in a magical lake.

Currently, medicine disputes the fact of the immaculate conception, considering it impossible. I must say that this phenomenon has not been fully studied, since in the modern world there are isolated cases when all the facts prove that conception occurred without the direct participation of a man, that is, without sexual intercourse.

Scientists have long proven that for animals the immaculate conception is not at all rare. This happens in many invertebrates, and sometimes even in birds and lizards. But is this way of reproduction peculiar to humans?

What is parthenogenesis?

The term parthenogenesis comes from "parthenos" - virgin, and "genesis" - origin, birth. And it translates as "reproduction." It is a form of sexual reproduction in which an embryo develops from an unfertilized egg.

Doctors are well aware that under stressful and extreme situations, under the influence of high temperatures, a female egg, even if not fertilized, can begin to divide on its own.

How does parthenogenesis occur?

The egg, which is ready for fertilization, has. During parthenogenesis, the 23 female chromosomes divide in half, resulting in the formation of 46 chromosomes in the body, which are necessary for a new life. After the embryo develops, and only female.

Scientists believe this may be due to a bacterium that normally lives in insects. But if it enters the human body, it stimulates the division of the egg. There is a version that this bacterium can live for a long time in the human body and become more active under the influence of high temperature, for example, while visiting a bath or sauna.

There have been cases of a change in the sex of the embryo in people who have experienced extreme situations or live in a hot climate. Interestingly, the male sex of the embryo can change to female, but never vice versa.

Immaculate or vicious conception?

The immaculate conception is still a very unexplored phenomenon. Sometimes it is confused with ordinary conception, for example, there are a large number of cases when girls, being virgins, became pregnant without intercourse. This happens when sperm gets on the girl's genitals, for example, after petting or if the girl sits on the place where the seminal fluid is located, or wipes herself with a towel with traces of sperm. Getting pregnant in this way is very difficult, but still possible. Some spermatozoa are able to penetrate the female body and overcome a distance of even 10 cm, and the hymen is not at all an obstacle for them.

There is a famous story of a woman who lived in Finland and was divorced. After a severe miscarriage, she became childless. Once she had serious problems at work, when she came home, she decided to relax and relieve stress by taking a steam bath. Later it turned out that she

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