Raw food salad from seaweed. Seaweed raw food recipe. Dessert recipes for raw foodists

This Malaysian noodle soup is a great excuse to use your spiral vegetable cutter when you get tired of making raw zucchini pasta with tomato sauce. The most interesting thing about it is that it looks like it takes a lot of time to cook it. In fact, all that is required is to make noodles from zucchini and grind the sauce in a blender. If a […]

This salad is very nutritious and rich in minerals thanks to seaweed. It is very reminiscent of a tuna salad, which is played by sprouted peas, providing it with the right texture and "meatiness". This dish is a great way to include enough seaweed in your diet. Their number can be increased or decreased depending on personal preferences. Note: cashews always go through […]

This nutrient-packed seaweed and kale salad makes for a truly light and delicious main course or side dish. Most people don't really like algae. However, these saltwater and freshwater plants are powerful prebiotics that are beneficial for gut health. They are considered one of the most mineral-rich alkalizing foods. Seaweed contains […]

When there are not a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, you can make a healthy seaweed salad. They are stored dry for a long time, so you can buy arame, nori, kelp and others in reserve. Raw sea vegetables are valued for chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals from the ocean, as well as iodine, iodine helps the thyroid gland by helping to regulate metabolism. They also […]

If you want a dish of Japanese cuisine or just rejuvenate. Such a large amount of minerals, which is contained in seaweed, there is practically nothing. Kelp has a lot of iodine (which nourishes and protects the thyroid gland), bioavailable iron, calcium and even vitamin C. And few calories. In general, salad is pleasant and healthy to eat. And if you consume seaweed regularly, […]

Preparing the base vegetable broth ahead of time allows you to add character and depth to your food, which is essential for raw food cuisine. This broth can be added to any savory dishes instead of water, making them more complex and rich in taste, such as flaxseed crackers, sauces, pates, marinades, soups, etc. The composition of the broth can be changed according to your taste [...]

Sometimes I am simply amazed at how some facts from our history have influenced the perception of people ... And oddly enough, even those who did not find these events! Take, for example, the period when only seaweed was on store shelves. Since then, probably, for a whole generation of people who lived at that time, hunting for such a treat has disappeared forever.

Here is your obedient servant, although I did not find this time, but still there was a mindset in my brain that this disgusting treat tasted. But, like most, it was caused by following someone else's experience and opinion.

Of course, I knew that seaweed is useful, but I did not want to try it. But at some point, my body as a raw foodist began to demand this treat, never even knowing what it was. sea ​​kale with a raw food diet, especially in winter is a must. You can't talk about it without trying this dish.

The whole mistake is in the way it is prepared. Properly cooked cabbage is an unearthly delicacy. So how do I cook it, you probably ask? Oddly enough, the method of its preparation is written on the package ... But dishonest sellers boil and soak it to get more weight from a dry product. With such cooking methods, it loses all valuable properties.]]>So, attention. Cabbage is thoroughly washed in clean (!) Water at least three times. This is necessary to free from sand. Then the cabbage is soaked for 2 minutes (!), Exactly two. More and she will lose her taste and become like you don’t understand what ...

Now it remains just to add seasoning for Korean carrots. I take this seasoning from Uzbek sellers in the market, where they mix its components in front of me. And soy sauce. Soy sauce should not contain any letters "E"! Do not spare money for a quality product, believe me, you will not regret it.

Seaweed with a raw food diet helps replenish iodine. This is very important in winter, when there is practically no greenery. Cabbage also contains calcium (a great alternative to milk), iron, carotene, thiamine and vitamin B. Seaweed is very similar to the human body, so it is perfectly absorbed. I think this is simply an indispensable product on the table in any home. Without iodine, you can become completely stupid, here even no "" can help ...

  • My way // 28th December 2010 // 47
  • Everyone knows, but no one can explain what is the harm of a raw food diet // 23rd December 2010 // 210
  • Thoughts of a raw foodist // 14th December 2010 // 4
  • Raw food diet in winter // 10th December 2010 // 18
  • Overview of the causes of the disease // 7th December 2010 //

This post has 1 comment

03 03 2011 | Dishes for raw foodists | Sunny Italy

[…] at least the same seaweed. The majority, taught by the bitter experience of the past […]

Or kelp, contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.

In Asian countries, kelp leaves can be harvested for future use. They are not only dried, but also frozen. And they are dried, salted and canned.

In order to diversify the diet, sea kale is best used with other products. For example, if you add vegetables or mushrooms, you get tasty and healthy salads.

How to use dried seaweed

Better for salads dried seaweed. Such cabbage only loses moisture, but retains all its beneficial properties, since when dried, vitamins and trace elements are completely preserved in it.

Dry seaweed is suitable for soups and salads.

Before using dried seaweed for cooking, it must be rinsed very thoroughly under the tap, as there may be a lot of sand in it. Then it needs to be soaked in cold water.

Pour about 8 parts of water compared to cabbage.

Soaking time is arbitrary, depending on the freshness of the cabbage. It can be from 10 minutes to several hours. She should swell.

Rinse the cabbage again, put it in a colander and let it drain.

Salad with seaweed and pine nuts

For this salad we need:

  • sea ​​kale
  • carrot,
  • garlic,
  • a handful of pine nuts,
  • cold-pressed peanut butter (can be any oil)
  • some sea salt.

Prepared and soaked cabbage should be mixed with grated carrots. Add crushed garlic, nuts, a little salt and mix with olive oil.

Try using arame seaweed for salad.

Arame is a species of Japanese kelp Eisenia bicyclis, a dark brown deep-sea algae with a mild sweet taste that is harvested, dried and cooked.

Arame grows along the Asian coast of the Pacific Ocean - from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk to the coast of Korea - and is highly valued by the Japanese. Aram contains 10 times more calcium than milk, 500 times more iodine than oysters, and almost 1,000 times more than fish.

Arame is rich in vegetable protein and vitamin A, contains calcium, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C and D - all about the benefits of vitamins, as well as their side effects.

Salad of seaweed and celery root

For the salad we need:

  • 1 carrot
  • about the same amount of celery root
  • 1 large champignon
  • some seaweed (dried and then soaked)
  • garlic
  • parsley
  • handful of walnuts
  • olive oil hol. spin
  • walnut oil hol. spin

Carrots, celery and champignons need to be grated for Korean carrots.

Cut parsley and garlic, add prepared soaked seaweed. Nuts just need to be broken by hand. Salt the salad and season it with oils in equal proportions.

To prepare the salad, we need:

  • sea ​​dried cabbage
  • carrot
  • Champignon
  • garlic
  • pepper mix
  • lemon juice

How to prepare a salad?

  1. Seaweed must first be soaked.
  2. Cut mushrooms and sprinkle with lemon juice, pepper, salt and add a drop of olive oil. Leave them for 10 minutes.
  3. While the mushrooms are marinating, grate the carrots and add the crushed garlic.
  4. Mix cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, garlic. Salt and season with mayonnaise.

Enjoy your meal!

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