Members of the SRO will be required to additionally insure certain risks, and maybe even form a new, already third, compensation fund. Your insurance consultant in Austria The crisis is hitting shareholders

Your Russian-speaking consultant in Austria for all types of insurance

Do you want to create capital and secure a future for yourself and your family? Are you opening a company and need information and assistance on obtaining company insurance? Do you want to receive treatment from the best specialists in Austria and avoid additional costs?

Take advantage of a free consultation on concluding insurance contracts!



Services of a private doctor in Austria;
Treatment in private clinics (including childbirth in a private clinic);
Insurance for trips to other countries;
Insurance for issuing invitations to guests to Austria.


Registering a car with an insurance company;
CASCO insurance.


Life insurance for obtaining a bank loan;
Private pension insurance;
Endowment insurance;
Insurance to cover funeral expenses.


Free legal assistance;
Reimbursement of legal costs.


Enterprise insurance for legal entities and private entrepreneurs;
Civil liability insurance;
Travel insurance.
Insurance of apartments and houses;
Disability insurance;
Accident insurance for children and adults;
Insurance to cover dental expenses;
Insurance for accompanying children in hospital;
Insurance against serious illnesses;


Checking current contracts;
Termination of contracts;
Elimination of damage;
Car leasing.



When the need for medical services arises, it often comes with unexpected financial costs. But it is precisely in such situations that saving on health and worrying about financial losses is completely unnecessary. Take care of your health and the health of your family today! With UNIQA health insurance, you will have the opportunity to benefit from the best treatment methods and services of experienced doctors in Austrian clinics. Feel protected in any life situation!

Wellness program “Vital Plan” only for UNIQA clients!

  • Once every two years, a comprehensive examination of the body is carried out in a specialized medical center. The duration of the medical examination is one day.
  • Once every two years, clients are provided with a free wellness trip to a sanatorium (three- or four-star hotel). The voucher is valid for one or two people for a period of two to seven days.
  • Six times a year, clients are provided with a consultation or session with a health and fitness trainer.

For the UNIQA insurance company, this service does not bring any commercial return and serves solely to improve the level of customer service.

What do insurance programs for pregnancy and childbirth include?

Professional observation and consultation of the expectant mother in specialized medical institutions in Austria;
Diagnostics and laboratory tests;
For women over 35 years of age, additional consultations are offered;
Individual programs are compiled taking into account the health status of the expectant mother;
Physiological childbirth: care by experienced specialists in the best Austrian clinics before and after birth.
Attention! This type of insurance can only be taken out before pregnancy!


What consequences of an accident can be insured?
temporary disability;
physical injury, disfigurement and disability;
leaving life.


Insurance of movable and immovable property is one of the most popular types of insurance, designed to ensure the safety of individuals and legal entities. In Austria, you can insure any property: a car, an apartment, a house, a garage, as well as the property of enterprises.


We should take care of a comfortable old age in a timely manner, because time passes faster than we would like. Pension insurance allows you to accumulate a significant amount of money through monthly contributions and interest on such contributions. Another good news: you don't pay any associated taxes.
Russian-speaking consultant in Austria Elena Mrvka will inform you about all the possibilities and benefits of private pension deposits!


What opportunities does endowment insurance open to you?

You can:
provide financial protection, which is extremely important in case of accidents, illnesses or other unforeseen circumstances;
effectively plan and manage the family budget;
timely accumulate the funds necessary for the planned event, taking into account financial capabilities.


Like health insurance, legal insurance is in great demand in Austria. This is easy to explain, because almost everyone has life situations in which they cannot do without professional help and advice from a lawyer or notary. You can avoid significant costs for legal services with legal insurance in Austria. For example, in these cases you will be able to ensure your legal protection by having legal insurance:
Checking contracts before signing them;
Buying a home;
Professional protection of your interests in court;
Legal advice on issues that interest you (housing rentals, cases of car accidents, etc.).

Professional liability insurance

For representatives of many professions, professional liability insurance is an indispensable tool for protecting against the need to satisfy financial claims from clients. It is important to note that insurance payments are made only in case of legal liability, not moral liability. This type of insurance is especially important for doctors, pharmacists, notaries, lawyers and architects.

Civil liability insurance

What is the essence of civil liability insurance?

The object of insurance under the insurance contract is liability to third parties for possible damage caused. Liability insurance is suitable for vehicle owners and building owners (residential, commercial, industrial or warehouse). In addition, this type of insurance is concluded by individuals engaged in private practice and owners of trade organizations.

The insurance market in Austria covers almost all aspects of the life of an ordinary citizen. For people from the post-Soviet space, such a system is unusual, which often becomes the cause of misunderstandings and financial losses. Generali expert Irina Soldatenko answers our questions about the problems and nuances of obtaining insurance in Austria.

– Please tell us about your work. How do you interact with an insurance agent in Austria?

I deal with all types of insurance for individuals and legal entities. When you first contact me, I conduct a consultation, talk about our products depending on what type of insurance is needed (life and health insurance, real estate, car, etc.), and select the best option.

After concluding a contract, I manage each client individually: I track bills, service, and process insurance cases. That is, from a practical point of view, for each client I have a folder in which all documents are collected.

First of all, confidentiality and high quality customer service are important to me. I am pleased that I have many regular clients who are satisfied with the service, recommend me to their friends, and contact me not only when renewing old contracts, but also to obtain insurance for new objects.

Assicurazioni Generali is one of the leading insurance companies, opened in 1831. In Austria, with a market share of more than 16%, the Generali holding is considered the third largest. In addition to the insurance company, the group includes banking structures and a real estate agency.

– How does the Austrian insurance market differ from the Russian one?

First of all, by reaching the population. In Austria, everyone has insurance for any eventuality: apartment insurance, legal insurance, additional health insurance. This surprises clients coming from Russia.

For example, sometimes people believe that home insurance is not needed if there are no particularly valuable items in it. But insurance also covers damage that may be caused to someone else's property due to fire, flooding and other problems.

If you rent an apartment, then insurance guarantees the safety of the decoration and property belonging to the owner. Most landlords require the conclusion of an insurance contract - otherwise the apartment simply will not be rented.

Let's talk in more detail about types of insurance that are unusual for Russians - pension and savings. On what terms are they concluded?

Pensions in Austria are quite large - up to 77% of the monthly salary. However, if a person does not want to lose money after 65 years, he can take out special insurance that will cover the difference between his salary and pension, that is, give an increase to state security. To do this, the amount that the future pensioner must transfer monthly from his income is calculated.

Endowment insurance works similarly. Such a contract is usually concluded at the birth of a child. The program is designed for 18–20 years: the client makes monthly contributions, and the company charges interest on them. The final amount is given to the child upon reaching adulthood - this is a good starting capital for education, renting an apartment, and so on.

I can say that lately endowment insurance has attracted not only Austrians, but is also becoming more and more popular among Russian clients.

– A rather exotic service for Russians is legal insurance. What risks does it cover?

Legal liability insurance is a very popular service in Austria. The conclusion of such an agreement allows you to consult a lawyer once a month on any legal issues. The fact is that any issues are usually resolved legally, and legal costs are high and can reach up to 50 thousand euros.

The help of a lawyer is needed to resolve disputes with neighbors, landlords, tenants, and employers. Legal insurance will help if an accident occurs and a trial is necessary to find out who is at fault - the insurer will compensate all costs.

Legal insurance has helped me out more than once. For example, there was such a case: a neighbor from above dropped an unextinguished cigarette on the terrace of my apartment, and it damaged the coating. The culprit refused to pay for the damage. I had to contact a lawyer, who obtained compensation.

– Why insure health? Isn’t there free medical care in Austria?

For working citizens there is health insurance under the national program, which is paid for by the employer. But this is receiving medical care under general conditions: waiting, queues, government clinics, not the best medicines.

Prices for the services of good private doctors and specialists are very high. One day of hospital stay costs 1.5–2 thousand euros. But with health insurance, all costs are borne by the insurance company. It pays for examinations, observations by specialists, operations, and hospital stays. Naturally, the level of service will be much higher.

– How long is the contract?

In Austria, people are accustomed to a measured, calm flow of life and often plan it for years in advance. For example, a lease on real estate or a contract with a telephone company is for a minimum of two to three years.

For health insurance contracts, apartments, the normal period is also three years. The longer the contract, the more profitable it is. For example, insuring an apartment for a year, compared to a three-year contract, will cost an average of 20% more. More precisely, the contract is usually concluded for ten years, but after three years it can be terminated.

– How are insurance contracts terminated and extended?

There is no need to specifically extend the contract - this happens automatically. If you wish to terminate the contract, you must notify us by email or fax three months before the insurance expiration date.

For example, if you entered into a three-year contract on September 1, 2016, it will be valid until September 1, 2019, and the termination letter must be sent no later than June 1. True, there are tariffs under the terms of which you can send a notice of termination just a month in advance.

– What determines the contract price? Are there minimum and maximum amounts?

Just as in Russia, there is no specific fixed amount of insurance; in each individual case, the agent takes into account many nuances. For example, car insurance is calculated based on the engine power and the cost of the car, to this is added CASCO and a mandatory policy, an analogue of the Russian compulsory motor liability insurance.

The cost of insuring an apartment depends on its size and furnishings. We usually offer three options: basic, standard and deluxe.

Health insurance is calculated by age. In my practice, there was such a case: while the client was making a decision whether to enter into a contract or not, he had a birthday. Accordingly, according to the documents, he became a year older and the cost of insurance increased.

Accident insurance is calculated depending on the sum insured, the minimum is 500 thousand euros.

The cost of legal entity insurance for companies is determined on an individual basis. The agent takes into account turnover, size of the company, number of employees and much more.

– Here’s a slightly provocative question: does it happen that people don’t pay?

Unfortunately, this happens. For example, I had clients who took out insurance to obtain a long-term visa in Austria, paid for a couple of months, and then stopped paying on the spot.

A year later, they went to the magistrate to renew their residence permit, and problems arose. After all, the magistrate records offenses, debts, lawsuits - all this speaks of unreliability. Extension of stay will be refused, at least until the debt is paid off, and it can already be very large.

If you do not pay car insurance, then in case of any car accident the driver will have to pay out of his own pocket, and this is very expensive. If the police discover a lack of insurance, they will simply remove the numbers. And all this, of course, will also be registered with the magistrate.

Sometimes people forget to pay, or they think that if they don't pay, it means the contract is being terminated. However, the contract is terminated only through the special procedure that we discussed. While the contract is in force, penalties and fines are accrued for non-payment, and the amount of debt is constantly growing.

– So, will the insurance company immediately sue for non-payment?

This doesn't just apply to insurance companies. All companies (telephone, utility services) sue, but, of course, not immediately, but after several notifications.

If your next insurance bill is overdue, a reminder is sent after two to three weeks and a penalty is assessed. If payment is not received after another two or three weeks, a second notification is sent and penalties are assessed. In a maximum of a month, the company will initiate legal proceedings.

In this case, the person is automatically blacklisted. That is, he is marked as an unreliable payer in the register of the Versicherungsverband (Association of Austrian Insurance Companies). This is analogous to a bad credit history: subsequently it will be very difficult to conclude an agreement with another insurance company or the conditions will be the most unfavorable.

In addition, until he pays the debt, the Versicherungsschutz (insurance coverage) is suspended. In other words, if something happens, the person will not receive insurance, medical care, and so on. But at the same time, the debt remains and the penalties continue to accrue. The contract must be paid until its expiration date!

– What if a person cannot pay for objective reasons, for example, he left the country, or some circumstances have seriously changed?

You need to contact the insurer and provide confirmation. Most likely, the consultant will offer some way out, a compromise. For example, health insurance can sometimes be suspended for a period of time. But you can’t not pay at all.

– What else would you advise to those who need to take out insurance in Austria?

First of all, do not delay making a decision. Any troubles can happen, problems with the apartment, with the car, with health. Resolving all these issues in Austria costs huge amounts of money. Therefore, when moving to Austria, I recommend immediately contacting an insurance agent. This will save you from many unpleasant situations.

And, secondly, if you do not speak German perfectly, it is better to work with a Russian-speaking specialist. We will always tell you in detail about all the possibilities and individually select insurance programs. Because both when concluding a contract and when an insured event occurs, it is necessary to understand all the details and nuances as clearly and completely as possible.

-Thank you! We hope that this information will be useful to our clients and, indeed, will help them avoid problems when processing insurance contracts in Austria!

Insurance for housing developers has been provided since January 1, 2014, but it still raises a lot of questions among both developers and branches of Rosreestr and executive authorities. In connection with the creation of compulsory liability insurance for developers to shareholders, it is planned to abolish. The Government of the Russian Federation has prepared a corresponding bill.

The Avis Law Agency has prepared answers to the most common questions about liability insurance for developers:

1. In what cases does a developer need liability insurance?

If he attracts funds from shareholders under equity participation agreements in the construction of multi-apartment residential buildings. Insurance is required if, after January 1, 2014, the developer enters into the first share participation agreement in the construction of a specific house. We are talking specifically about residential buildings. If a developer attracts funds from shareholders for the construction of non-residential premises (apartments, etc.), then insuring his liability in this case is not only not necessary, but also impossible under the law. Read more about this in our. Although recently there have been proposals to include under the regulation of the law on participation in shared construction, incl. raising funds from equity holders for the construction of apartments and other similar premises.

2. What options does the developer have to ensure his responsibility to shareholders?

The law provides 3 options:
1) bank guarantee;
2) membership in the developers' mutual insurance society (OVS);
3) insurance in a company that has a license for such insurance and complies with the requirements of the law.

3. Who chooses the security method?

The developer himself chooses one of the security methods specified in Section 2 in relation to each specific apartment building.

4. What requirements does the law impose on a bank?

In order to issue guarantees to developers for obligations to shareholders, the bank must have been operating for at least 5 years, have an authorized capital of at least 200 million rubles and equity capital of at least 1 billion rubles. Few banks in the country meet these requirements. As a rule, these are large and conservative banks.

When purchasing real estate under construction in Italy, the buyer must understand that he is taking a risk, since the property may be unfinished, and the money paid as an advance will be lost. There were cases when the developer became bankrupt even before the completion of construction work, and only creditors who received security in property (for example, a bank that financed construction using real estate) could in practice demand fulfillment of obligations.

Buyers without special guarantees usually find it difficult to return the money paid as a deposit or down payment. However, you can avoid some problems and reduce the risk if you know what can and should be demanded from the developer.

What should every buyer know when signing a contract for the purchase and sale of housing under construction in Italy?

First of all, when concluding a preliminary purchase and sale agreement and before payment of funds as a deposit to the developer’s account, the latter, in accordance with Art. Art. 2, 3 of Legislative Decree 122/05, must be provided to the buyer bank (or insurance) guarantee. This measure is necessary to protect the buyer in the event of bankruptcy of the developer or other possible failures. If the developer has not issued a warranty policy, then in this case the purchase and sale agreement may be considered invalid.

It must be kept in mind that bank or insurance guarantee can only be issued by financial institutions (eg banks) or insurance companies that have the appropriate licenses (obtained from the Ministry of Finance) and registered in the register of the Bank of Italy.

In the event of bankruptcy of the developer company or other problems, the buyer can contact the bank or insurance company directly, without filing a claim (by going to an Italian court) to the developer for a refund.

Secondly, according to Art. 4 of Legislative Decree 122/05, the developer, at the time of signing the purchase and sale agreement (transfer of ownership), must provide insurance policy valid for a 10-year period and guaranteeing compensation for material damage caused by the destruction (full or partial) of real estate or serious construction defects. Moreover, the insurance coverage must begin from the moment construction work is completed.

Thirdly, the preliminary purchase and sale agreement must necessarily include the following points: information about the developer and the buyer, a cadastral description of the real estate and land plot, a full description of the technical characteristics, an indication of possible urban planning agreements, obligations or mortgages, maximum terms for construction and delivery of real estate, its full cost, payment methods, possible contracting companies, main details of the application (if a building permit has not yet been obtained) or building permit, as well as details of a bank guarantee.

Fourthly, the buyer should not forget about the right of first refusal, which must be exercised in the event that the property is sold at auction and the residence is used as the buyer's primary residence.

Fifthly, it is best to make cash contributions as construction progresses. Initially, 5-8% of the total amount is paid at the stage of laying the foundation, at the stage of installing load-bearing structures 10-15% is paid, etc.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of questions when purchasing real estate in Italy, so we recommend that you seek legal assistance before signing an agreement with the developer in order to protect your interests.

© website of lawyer Francesco Grasso
Copying and reprinting of news texts is permitted only if there is an active link to the source. Do not violate copyright! Violators will be held accountable.

Shpigunova Yu.A. Developer liability insurance // International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. – 2016. – T. 6. No. 1. – pp. 53-56.


Yu.A. Shpigunova, student

Scientific adviser: Yu.S. Norbekova

Institute of ServicesCohabitation and Entrepreneurship Branch Don states T Military Technical University in G . Mines

(Russia, Shakhty)

Annotation. Despite the measures already taken to improve the legislator b regulation, in this area more and more new difficulties arise related to at enforcing the rights of construction participants. The relevance of the issue is also due to the high social significance of this construction industry. The article contains a general description of emerging for insurance responsibility of the developer, namely And the use of materials of inadequate quality in construction work, as well as the use of d proposed approaches to their resolution.

Keywords: insurance, developer, capital construction, guarantees th term, building permit.

In d This work addresses the issue of liability and reasons for construction quality and liability insurance n property developer in Russia y skoy F federation and other foreign countries.

Today, developers s Trying to protect themselves, they create their own reserve funds, but the amount of money allocated to them minimum , customers are reluctant to agree to the terms O means an increase in construction costs. Significantly more effective for developers V it is necessary to provide in the construction estimate additional costs for implementation e insurance, which, in turn, O allows you to insure the entire set construction risks.

Mandatory liability insurance n liability of developers for failure to comply with requirements O their obligations under the participation agreement O left construction allows in the distance th Let us avoid the common A standing time of violation of the rights of participants And cove of shared construction. Creature n One important fact in this well-coordinated mechanism is the independence of the insurance company A research from the developer himself. So, for example And measures, in France risk insurance forconstruction has existed since 1979 city ​​in Ger mania, comprehensive insurance against all risks costs 2% of the estimated cost And construction costs of the facility. In Italy this type of fearhaniya is an obligation and so the same as in France. Page A claimants of responsibility for failure l Failure to comply with obligations under the agreement for participation in shared construction will constitute A construction workers involved in raising fundsastniks of shared construction.

In Russian F federation, as well as in other post-Soviet countries, energy e Russian performance in the residential sector has remained to a low degree. Given affects not only old buildings, often new residential buildings are considered non-energy efficient . On par with low promas w established standards, one of the factors of this difficulty may be insufficient A exactly high quality of the work performed.

As a rule, owners in Russia do not know what they can do if at noticing defects in your new apartment. More than one organization may be involved in the construction process, and it is not always obvious who is actually responsible n ity for defects. Owners may feel that the procedures for interacting with the developer in order to eliminate deficiencies To com are too complex and incomprehensible. P O Because of this, in most cases they decide to do the repairs themselves or, in the case of at due to minor problems, continued A yut continue to live with them.

Subsequently completion of the builder b property of a capital construction facility l And the center carrying out the construction must provide the developer with such informationъ project results of engineering surveys, pre d assigned documentation, inspection reports e implementation of works, designs, teaching A networks of engineering and technological support for the subject of capital construction, other documentation required for the purpose of operating such O th object. Papers for construction and industrial purposes e putting the object into use.

In accordance with Articles 754– 755 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for quality O built object, including for its O compliance with those stipulated in the contract And contract, material responsibility T The responsibility lies with the General Contractor.He is also responsible for possible and the risk of operating the constructed facility during the warranty period, as well as for deficiencies identified during this period With the object’s problems (resulting from violations committed by him. If the mouth If the new warranty period is less than 5 years, then the General Contractor is still responsible for defects inъ ects identified over 5 years with m O ment of delivery of the object.

Warranty periods may vary h depending on the type and result of construction work, but in any case they are determined by law or conditions I mi agreement. In a construction contract, on the contrary, in Art. 756 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation indicates max. And a minimum five-year period from the date of e giving the customer the result of construction work, which is applied in the event that the contract or law does not stipulate V other legal provisions (Articles 724, 756 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, for deficiencies discovered during construction and during operation of the facility are borne byproperty liability T authority and designer (architect) (Article 761 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Legislation of the Russian Federation and tions clearly defines the answer tness for the quality of construction, etc. A wa consumers in this area. Analysis of court cases in recent years A hall that the probability of winning the trial andcompensate for the damage And Kami is quite tall. However, purchasing Clients are often unaware of their rights and have little chance of winning a case if the documents filed with the court are not properly completed. Even if b the tenant knows about his rights not to accept an apartment if there are deficiencies, then e which defects are either difficult or e it is possible to identify before signing the work acceptance certificate during a visual inspection; they appear only after living A niya in the apartment. Increased awareness n information about how to take n correctly O all housing, what you need to pay attention to A first of all, where there may be O potential problems, how to detect sources of hidden defects, would be useful in solving this problem.

New condition for the developer about page A of civil liability, which contains an obligation to ensure e Collecting funds raised from shareholders will make it possible to reduce the threat for apartment owners not to purchase roofing s tie (losses of harm in case of damage to health and niya. But there is a threat, what is inside e similar insurance is possible but it will provoke increase in housing prices by 3 - 5%. Pushing off from all listed n Much higher, it is possible to develop conclusions regarding the product and the materials themselves, in order to protect the rights of victims of O covering (losses of damage caused to their life, well-being or property, the environment because of application of the product (performance of work, provision of services), produced (sales O bathrooms or provided) with minuses and n And as not proper sanitary general practice And known standards and rules, and in addition to the conditions of technical regulations d it is expected to adopt the Federal Law “On compulsory sanitary and epidemiological insurance” a ni".

It must set rights O high, economic and organizational foundations of compulsory civil defense insurance and h preparers, performers, sellers (hereinaftercompulsory sanitary and epidemiological insurance). This becomes especially relevant in light ofFederal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities”, which reduces the list of licensed types of activities by almost half and in the future introduces simplified n order of their receipt with simultaneous n mandatory compulsory civil defense insurance. In this regard, the state needs to e look at priorities in the development of fears O go business of Russia and create corresponding T new legislative framework for harm O personal economic stimulation of such an important socially significant type of insurance as compulsory insurance A recognition of manufacturers, sellers and performers for product qualitytaking into account the specifics of sanitary and epidemiological indicators.

Having analyzed the results of the trial implementation of this type of insurance, we can draw the following conclusions regarding O strongly mandatory insurance gra Danish responsibility for quality on duction (hereinafter referred to as SGOKP). SGOKP is a real, prompt and effective mechanism for protecting consumer rights and implementing the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights.” O consumers", Federal Law "On technical regulation And rovaniye", the draft Federal Law "On compulsory sanitary and epidemiological insurance A Research Institute"; through the insurance mechanism And additional guarantees are implemented A tions of consumer rights to products, with O meeting the requirements of technical regulations, sanitary and epidemiological norms, national standards; financial burden is reduced h ka on the state budget at f And funding quality assessment work T VA, standardization, metrology and cert And fication, supervision of compliance with requirements O standards and certificates according to t actions; economic methods fear about The most important socio-economic and political problems are solved: O raising and ensuring proper A product quality; increasing the country's foreign exchange reserves, increasing its defense potential and security; provide T all prompt and effective protection A villages and enterprises from low-quality products. Victims will be able to at provide timely monetary compensation A tion adequate to the material and physical And physical harm (damage);p level increases employment of the population during the implementation of the insurance program, since the demand at new jobs are being created (by increasing the volume of insurance and other infrastructures in this area: appraisers, auditors, repair services, experts, insurance agents, insurance brokers, surveyors, specialists in the creation and n Internet technologies, etc.); temporarily sv O insurer's funds, accumulator And roved through the insurance mechanism in insurance reserves to ensure about ten social insurance payments can be effectively invested in government at gift long-term social programs, what is being done in all civil And called countries with developed market economies.


1. Insurance / P edited by Professor L.I. Reitman - M.; 1992.

2. Rubina Yu.B. , Soldatkin V.I. Insurance portfolio: tutorial. – M.: Somin tek, 1999.

3. Finance / P Edited by Rodionova V.M. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1995.

4. Shinkarenko I.E. Liability Insurance / Directory. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999.

5 . Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 No. 4016-1 “On the implementation of the Ro Law With Siysk Federation "On Insurance".

6 . "Civil CodeRussian Federation (part two)" dated 01/26/199614-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 22, 1995), (as amended on December 23, 2003).


Yu.A. Sigunova, student

Supervisor: Yu.S. Norbekova

Institute of service sector and entrepreneurship branch of Don state technical university in Shakhty

(Russia, Shakhty)

Abstract. Despite the steps already taken to improve the legislative regulation in this area, there are more difficulties associated with naru-tion of the rights of participants of construction.The relevance of the question due to high social importance of this sector of construction.The article contains a General description occurs when the liability insurance of the Builder, namely the use of materials of inadequate quality in construction works, as well as proposed approaches to their solution.

Keywords: insurance, Builder, capital construction, and warranty period, the construction permit.

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