Pelvic ultrasound preparation for women. Preparation for pelvic ultrasound. What foods should you avoid before performing an abdominal ultrasound?


Sometimes, after a gynecological examination, a woman receives a referral for a transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which becomes a cause for concern, but should she worry in advance? An indication for prescribing a study may be the doctor’s uncertainty about the preliminary diagnosis. In order to eliminate the slightest possibility of risk, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the gynecologist and undergo the procedure as soon as possible.

What is pelvic ultrasound

One of the most highly accurate and safe diagnostic methods used in gynecological practice is ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (USP). The essence of this method is the reflection of the sound wave sent by the sensors by the internal organs. The reflected radiation is converted with the help of technical instruments into a graphic image, which is interpreted by a diagnostician. Using ultrasound, you can track the pelvic organs over time, which allows you to make accurate conclusions.

What is included in the female pelvic organs

The space that is limited by the pelvic bones is called the small pelvis. The organs located in it belong to the reproductive and excretory systems. The excretory system includes the bladder and rectum, which are the same in men and women. The organs of the reproductive system are individual for each sex, for women they are:

  • vagina;
  • uterus (cervix, cervical canal);
  • ovaries;
  • fallopian (or fallopian) tubes;
  • rectum;
  • bladder.


It is recommended to undergo this procedure, regardless of the presence of indications (for preventive purposes), every year, since some diseases of the reproductive and excretory systems may be asymptomatic. The reason for prescribing an ultrasound examination after a gynecological examination is the gynecologist’s suspicion about the presence of neoplasms (fibroids, cancer, tumors, cysts). In addition, indications for the study are:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • signs of inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • pregnancy (a cervicometry procedure is prescribed to assess the condition of the cervix);
  • the presence of an intrauterine device (to control its position);
  • past inflammatory diseases and other gynecological diseases (adnexitis, endometritis, cervicitis, vulvitis, colpitis);
  • infertility (to determine the cause, folliculometry is performed, i.e., identifying disorders of the ovulatory mechanism);
  • previous surgical interventions (to control the condition).

What does it show

During the examination, the specialist performing the procedure evaluates the anatomical structure of the organs. The assessment is based on a comparison of the observed picture with established standards. Deviations cannot clearly indicate pathology; to confirm the diagnosis, the necessary tests must be taken. The following main indicators are used for diagnosis:



An increase in the size of the uterus occurs during the inflammatory process, a decrease occurs during fibrosis.

A change in the natural shape may indicate structural defects of the uterus

Wall thickness

Thickening of the walls of the uterus may be a sign of the presence of malignant tumors or an inflammatory process


Tissue density increases in the presence of pathology


Heterogeneity may indicate fibrosis of the uterus or prostate gland

Presence of neoplasms, compactions, stones

This indicator identifies tumors, stones

How to prepare

Preparation for an ultrasound for women depends on how the diagnosis will be carried out. The transvaginal method does not require preliminary preparation, but it is better that the bladder is emptied before the examination. Prepare for a transrectal ultrasound, which involves examining the pelvic organs through the rectum, and for a transabdominal ultrasound as follows:

  • two days before the procedure, stop consuming foods and drinks that contribute to gas formation (legumes, dairy, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, fresh vegetables and fruits);
  • eat in small portions;
  • 3 hours before the procedure, cleanse the intestines (using an enema or taking laxatives);
  • an hour before the diagnosis, you should fill your bladder (drink 1 liter - 1.5 liters of still water);
  • On the day of the examination, you must refrain from smoking and taking medications.

Is it possible to eat before an ultrasound?

Eating on the day of a transabdominal examination is not recommended if the procedure is scheduled for the morning. If the study is scheduled to take place later than 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a light breakfast is allowed, which must be no later than 11 o'clock in the morning. During transvaginal examination of the pelvic organs, there are no restrictions on eating time.

On what day is an ultrasound performed?

Due to the fact that the female pelvic organs undergo changes throughout the menstrual cycle, it is important to carry out diagnosis in the phase in which the clinical picture is more accurate. The most favorable period for conducting examinations of the pelvic organs is 5-7 days after the start of the last menstruation. In order to assess ovarian function, the procedure is prescribed several times during one cycle. Men can undergo the procedure at any time.

How to do a pelvic ultrasound

During a gynecological or urological examination, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan to identify possible abnormalities. The method of diagnosis depends on the expected diagnosis and can be transvaginal, transabdominal and transrectal. The ultrasound examination procedure lasts 10-20 minutes. and is carried out in the absence of direct contraindications, which may include an allergy to latex (for transvaginal) or open skin lesions on the abdomen (for transabdominal).

Transvaginal ultrasound

The transvaginal ultrasound procedure is practically painless (except in cases of acute inflammation of the genital or abdominal organs). The research proceeds as follows:

  1. The woman frees the lower part of her body from clothes and lies down on the gynecological chair.
  2. The specialist places a disposable condom on the tip of the vaginal sensor (transducer), lubricating it with a special gel.
  3. The transducer is inserted into the vagina.
  4. The sensor sends a signal to the device screen.
  5. The doctor deciphers the resulting picture, dictating his observations to the assistant.

Transabdominal ultrasound

Transvaginal pelvic ultrasound is not prescribed for young girls whose hymen is not broken, so in such cases a transabdominal examination is used, which is indicated for both women and men. You must prepare for this procedure in advance by following your doctor's instructions. The sequence of actions when carrying out diagnostics is as follows:

  1. The person being diagnosed takes a horizontal position on the couch and frees the stomach from clothes.
  2. A conductive gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen and the sensor.
  3. The specialist moves the sensor over the surface of the abdomen, studying the indicators of the internal organs.
  4. After the procedure is completed, the remaining gel is removed and the patient can immediately return to their normal lifestyle.

Decoding the results

The patient has the opportunity to receive the results with their interpretation immediately after the end of the procedure. During the procedure, the diagnostician voices sonological conclusions regarding the observed picture, but an accurate diagnosis must be made by a gynecologist based on the diagnostic results. Deviations from the established norm may indicate both the individual characteristics of the subject and the presence of pathologies. During the examination of organs, their size, echogenicity, and structure are assessed:


Dimensions (length, width) – 70, 60 mm, no thickenings

Thickening of the walls was noted, heterogeneity of the structure was revealed, the size was reduced or increased, there were abnormal formations, cavities

Dimensions (width, length, thickness) – 25, 30, 15 mm, uniform structure

Increased size, presence of cysts, fluid-filled cavities


Free flow of urine through the ureters, complete emptying occurs after urination

Presence of stones, changes in size and position

The fallopian tubes

Not viewed

There are oval, round formations, adhesions, thickening of the walls

For men

During an ultrasound scan of a man’s pelvic organs, the diagnostician determines whether the size and structure of the prostate gland and bladder correspond to normal values. When interpreting the research results, the following data is taken into account:

  • The normal size of the prostate gland is 30/25/1.7 mm (length, width, thickness). An upward deviation in size may indicate prostatitis or prostate adenoma.
  • The structure is homogeneous, there are no inclusions or compactions. The presence of compactions or thickenings indicates the possibility of tumor formations.


The cost of an ultrasound examination procedure differs in different diagnostic centers in Moscow. This examination can be carried out at a price from 1000 to 6000 rubles:

Medical institution

Cost of transabdominal examination, rub.

Cost of transvaginal examination, rub.

Affordable Health



Center V.I. Dikulya

Best Clinic

Ramsey Diagnostics

Perinatal Medical Center

Eurasian clinic


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The most commonly prescribed type of examination for women is pelvic ultrasound. Despite this “popularity,” many patients still have questions about what the reasons might be for prescribing this procedure, how to prepare for it, and what its results say.

Why is a pelvic ultrasound done in women?

Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the pelvis is the safest method of examination using ultrasonic waves, which allows you to examine the lower abdominal cavity and diagnose the condition of the organs and tissues located in it.

Based on the results of ultrasound, it is possible to create a more accurate picture of the patient’s health status, which helps determine or clarify the diagnosis.

A separate advantage of ultrasound examination is that it does not provide a static image, as in a photograph (which can be quite blurry), but a dynamic picture.

The most important part of the research procedure is preparation for it.

Most often, a pelvic ultrasound is prescribed when it is necessary to examine the ovaries, bladder, uterus, fallopian tubes or cervix.

Indications for pelvic ultrasound in women

During the examination of the patient, the attending physician gives a referral for an ultrasound so that you can:

  • establish the causes of pain in the pelvic area;
  • study the shape, condition, size of the uterus and/or ovaries;
  • confirm intrauterine pregnancy;
  • identify the causes of uterine bleeding;
  • determine whether there are compactions, fibrous tumors, ovarian follicles, etc.

Types of ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Before you begin preparing for an ultrasound, you should get some idea of ​​how the procedure itself works, especially given that there are several types of ultrasound:

Research in accordance with this method can only be carried out over a certain period, which is determined by the attending physician, since this method has limitations due to individual physiological characteristics. To carry out the procedure, special vaginal sensors are used.

  • Transabdominal ultrasound

When using this method, the anterior abdominal wall is examined. It is already necessary to prepare for this type of study in advance, otherwise correct and accurate diagnosis becomes difficult.

  • Combined ultrasound

The method is based on combining the two previous methods and is characterized by the greatest accuracy.

Ultrasound of the pelvis in women: how to prepare?

To ensure the effectiveness, correctness and accuracy of the study, in most cases, you should first take care and prepare the bladder and intestines.

The transvaginal ultrasound method requires that the bladder be as empty as possible; only in this case can we talk about obtaining accurate diagnostic data.

To ensure such conditions, before the examination (several hours earlier), the intestines are cleansed using an enema.

And in the 1-2 days preceding the procedure, limit the amount of consumption of products that contribute to gas formation. In addition, if possible (also a few days earlier), it is advisable to use drugs that activate the digestive process. These include: activated carbon, festal, creon, etc.

The transabdominal ultrasound method requires slightly different preparation. The patient needs to ensure that the bladder is full. For this purpose, you should drink about a liter of water some time before the procedure.

The fact is that in a filled state, the bladder is able to push back the intestines, making it possible to obtain a clear picture and reliable information about the condition and position of the pelvic organs.

In addition to the above tips for preparing for different types of research, there are also a number of general recommendations:

  • on the day of the procedure you cannot eat anything (maximum yogurt or tea with a couple of cookies 10-12 hours before the examination);
  • in addition, on the day of the examination, you must not use cosmetics (or use a minimum), do not wear jewelry, change your underwear to clean ones (before starting the examination, you will need to take off most of your clothes);
  • the procedure is paid, so each patient is provided with a towel, sheet, napkins (so that the remaining gel can be removed), which means there is no point in carrying all the same things with you from home.

What does a pelvic ultrasound show in women: deciphering the results

Correct interpretation of data obtained during an ultrasound depends on which organ and under what accompanying conditions needed to be examined.

Ultrasound examination of the cervix during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a complete change in physiological parameters in a woman’s body occurs, therefore, at this stage, ultrasound is prescribed as a preventive measure, even without any special indications for this procedure.

Particular attention to the condition of the fetus begins to be shown around the 12th week of its development. An ultrasound examination is performed to make sure that the ovaries, walls and cervix are not burdened with neoplasms.

But the most important thing is to determine whether the pregnancy is ectopic. Monitoring for open/closed cervix is ​​also performed.

An open cervix carries a high risk of miscarriage, since its premature opening can cause infection of the fetus.

Based on the 3D image shown by the ultrasound machine monitor, it is quite easy to determine whether the cervix is ​​closed. During pregnancy, ultrasound examinations will need to be performed at 16, 20 and 24 weeks.

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries

The ovaries are a paired organ responsible for the implementation of female reproductive function. Normally, the ovaries, consisting of stroma and follicles, are not equipped with a membrane. Examination of the ovaries is necessary to clarify the absence/presence of structural changes or pathologies of condition and size.

The size of the ovaries may depend on age, the presence of excessive stress, the presence of menstruation, stress, etc.

All information obtained as a result of the examination is recorded by the doctor responsible for this, and then transferred to the disposal of a gynecologist or other specialist, if necessary. Only a medical professional with appropriate experience and high qualifications should decipher the study and establish a diagnosis in accordance with these data.

With a pelvic ultrasound, it is possible to detect various kinds of pathologies and congenital anomalies that lead to infertility, miscarriages and other problems with the onset and course of pregnancy.

Possible diagnosis

Diagnoses made using pelvic ultrasound may include:


The disease is one of the most frequently diagnosed using ultrasound. The essence of the disease is that the inner layers of the uterine walls grow, and the size of the uterus increases. This disorder is observed in patients of childbearing age.

The prognosis may vary depending on how severely the disease has developed. For the same reason, recommendations regarding the method of treatment may differ.

Sometimes endometriosis causes infertility, and the degree of its influence on the functioning of the body can only be accurately assessed with the help of ultrasound.

Uterine fibroids

Ultrasound waves help to detect the presence/absence of benign nodules. Uterine fibroids are just one of them.

It is formed in the layer of smooth muscles that form the uterine walls and consists of smooth muscle fibers randomly woven together. A similar problem is typical for 75% of women of childbearing age.

So, for women of fertile age, the frequency of such studies should be approximately once every year and a half. And after 40 years - annually, since at this time the possibility of the occurrence of pathologies and neoplasms sharply increases.

And some more advice from a doctor on preparing for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women.

Gynecological practice cannot do without ultrasound diagnostics. Such an examination allows you to carefully examine the reproductive organs and identify possible pathologies. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women is a standard diagnosis that almost all representatives of the fairer sex encounter.

Most often, patients have to undergo an abdominal ultrasound, but in some cases a vaginal or rectal examination may be prescribed. The method chosen by the doctor will affect how a woman prepares for a pelvic ultrasound. Typically, the difference will be whether you can eat or drink before the procedure.

Abdominal ultrasound

If the examination will be performed through the external abdominal wall, then preparation should include the following steps:

  • Review your usual diet and 3-4 days before the examination, exclude from the menu foods that cause flatulence (whole milk, legumes, grapes, black bread). These days it is better to give preference to light foods, steamed or boiled.
  • You can get rid of gases not only with the help of diet, but also with the help of drugs based on simethicone and activated carbon. They should also be started 3-4 days before the scheduled diagnosis.
  • You should not eat before the ultrasound in the morning. A woman can have her last meal no later than 19:00, and preference should be given to easily digestible food.
  • If the patient suffers from constipation, then two full cleansing enemas are recommended, which should be done the night before and in the morning on the day of the examination.
  • An hour before the procedure, you need to take care of filling your bladder. You should refrain from going to the toilet and drink 1.5–2 liters of water.

In a hospital setting, if there is an emergency, doctors can fill the bladder with fluid using a catheter.

Transvaginal ultrasound is preferable for obese women

Preparation for a pelvic ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor includes the following steps. Before going to the diagnostic center, you need to take care of the personal hygiene of the external genitalia. It is very appropriate to take a shower and change your clothes beforehand. Thus, the patient will feel more comfortable and the diagnostician will be more pleased to conduct the examination.

In rare cases, ultrasound may be done during menstruation. If the patient finds herself in this situation, she should take spare sanitary pads or tampons with her. It is necessary to think about what clothes to wear for the examination. If the patient is asked to undress to the waist or change into a hospital gown, it is best to wear clothing that can be easily removed.

Most often, a transvaginal examination is performed with an empty bladder, so you should not drink water or other drinks 30 minutes before the examination. And also before the procedure itself you need to relieve yourself. In some cases, a comprehensive ultrasound is performed - first through the anterior wall of the abdomen, and then with a vaginal probe.

In this case, the patient will be asked to partially fill the bladder to elevate the abdominal organs and allow visualization of the pelvic organs. And then the woman will be asked to go to the toilet and after voiding, a vaginal sensor will be inserted.

Transrectal ultrasound

Transrectal ultrasound is extremely rare for women. But nevertheless, if, for some reason, the doctor chose this particular examination technique, then preparing for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is also not difficult. The main thing to do is to cleanse the intestines before the procedure. Most often, doctors prescribe convenient pharmaceutical products for oral administration or microenemas.

The gynecologist will tell you how to prepare for the procedure.

As a rule, any type of ultrasound is recommended to be done on days 5–7 of the cycle. During menstruation, examination is carried out in exceptional cases. If the patient has acute pain, then an ultrasound scan is performed urgently on any day of the cycle. Gynecologists recommend that all women, even if they have no complaints, undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs every 2 years in order to identify hidden gynecological diseases. And for the examination to truly be informative, you need to adhere to simple principles of preparation.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound, echography) in women is of great diagnostic importance; it allows us to identify both acute and chronic pathologies. The study is harmless to the body and can be performed as many times as desired. Preparation for women is very important so that no extraneous echo shadows arise; they overlap the image and impair the visibility of the organ being examined.

Indications for pelvic ultrasound in women

According to the tactics of modern gynecology, ultrasound is indicated for all women; it has 3 directions:

  • Preventive examination.
  • Diagnosis of gynecological diseases.
  • Monitoring the development of pregnancy.

Ultrasound for preventive purposes

All women who have reached childbearing age are shown an echography of the pelvic organs in order to identify pathology in the early stages, when it does not yet have symptoms.

A preventive study is carried out once every 2 years, and in women at risk who are predisposed to certain diseases, every 6-12 months.

Women over 40 years of age who have no health complaints are required to undergo an annual preventive ultrasound examination. This is due to the high incidence of cancer at this age.

Examination of gynecological patients

Diagnostic ultrasound can be performed both routinely and urgently. A planned study is done to monitor the course of the disease, the treatment process, and also if the patient complains for the first time.

Women with bleeding, severe abdominal pain, suspected ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, or a foreign body in the genitals are urgently examined.

Ultrasound in pregnant women

This is a mandatory study necessary to assess the development of the fetus, the condition of the placenta, uterus, and determine the amount of amniotic fluid.

Routine ultrasound during pregnancy is carried out in 3 stages: 1st at 10-14 weeks, 2nd at 20-24 weeks and 3rd at 32-34 weeks of pregnancy.

After IVF, the 1st ultrasound is done 3 weeks after embryo implantation, the 2nd after 5-6 weeks, and if everything is normal, further examination is carried out as in a natural pregnancy. For medical reasons, unscheduled ultrasounds can be performed as many times as necessary.

Types of ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Modern ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in women can be carried out in 3 ways:

  • Transabdominal.
  • Transvaginally.
  • Transrectal.

Transabdominal ultrasound examination

In this type of examination, an ultrasound device sensor is applied to the skin of the abdomen; it sends ultra-high frequency sound waves to the pelvic organs and “catches” the return waves. This “answer” is subjected to information analysis and projected onto the device’s display in the form of an image. Such a study is often carried out for preventive purposes and for pregnant women.

Transvaginal examination

In this study, the sensor is inserted as close as possible to the cervix and uterus - into the vagina. This allows you to obtain more reliable information about the presence of pathology, as well as determine, if necessary, the early stages of pregnancy.

The sensor is a plastic rod 12 cm long and 3 cm in diameter, a condom is put on it, lubricated with a special sterile gel and carefully inserted into the vagina.

The visualization procedure lasts no more than 5-7 minutes. It has limited use in pregnant women to avoid causing miscarriage.

Transrectal ultrasound method

For this type of ultrasound, sensors are inserted into the rectum, they vary in length and curve, and the study itself is called TRUS (transrectal ultrasound).

The value of the method lies in the possibility of more accurate examination of the uterus and appendages: identification of myomatous nodes, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and tumors, examination of the fallopian tubes. The procedure is similar to transvaginal ultrasound, but is performed lying on the left side after a preliminary digital examination of the rectum, duration is 10-15 minutes, there are no contraindications for pregnant women.

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Preparing for a transabdominal pelvic examination

Examination of organs with an abdominal sensor is carried out within 5-7 days after the end of menstruation and requires compliance with 3 important preparatory measures:

  • 2 days before the test, avoid foods that can cause bloating(fruits and vegetables, legumes, herbs, milk).
  • The night before, do a cleansing enema.
  • The study is carried out with a full bladder, that is, so that before the procedure the patient has a moderate desire to urinate.

Such measures will maximize the passage of the ultrasound signal and visualization of organs. However, for urgent indications, such an ultrasound can be performed without preparation.

Preparation for pelvic ultrasound in women using the transvaginal method

Transvaginal examination is usually carried out for medical reasons, most often if there is a suspicion of cervical pathology, and therefore can be performed on any day of the menstrual cycle. However, if time permits, you should wait for the end of your period and immediately conduct the study, but no later than the 1st week, the results will be the most reliable.

Unlike a transabdominal examination, filling the bladder is not required. 1 hour before the procedure, you need to stop drinking liquids and go to the toilet.

Proper bowel preparation is important so that there are no gases in it, similar to preparation for a transabdominal ultrasound. If you have an intestinal disease and a tendency to bloating, you need to take one of the remedies (espumisan, smecta or their other analogues) 2 days before.

Pregnant women in the early stages only need to eliminate or reduce gas formation in the abdomen taking sorbents that are not absorbed from the intestines and are not dangerous to the fetus (activated carbon, polysorb).

Ultrasound examination with a rectal probe necessarily requires special preparation. It consists only of thoroughly cleansing the intestines. To do this, you can take one of the laxatives the night before and have a good bowel movement before the procedure, no later than 1.5-2 hours.

You can also do a cleansing enema 2-3 hours before the scheduled ultrasound procedure so that the intestines are completely empty and the urge to go to the toilet stops. Pregnant women are not recommended to cleanse at home; it is better to prefer one of the saline laxatives, after consulting with your doctor first.

Modern medicine can offer many ways to examine the body. Some are more common, some are less common. But one irreplaceable thing will be discussed below.

This type of research is the most modern way to diagnose many diseases, identify pathological processes, inflammation in the abdominal cavity or gynecology, among others. This is the most accurate research method, highly informative and, most importantly, very accessible to a wide range of the population.

Ultrasound research is based on the phenomenon of echolocation. The principle is approximately the following: a signal is sent inside the body using the device, where it is reflected from the internal organs and returns back. The device reads it and, thanks to the different acoustic properties of tissues, they can be identified.

What is it for?

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed on everyone, regardless of age and gender. It is done in order to get to the bottom of the cause of blood in the urine and difficulty urinating (kidney examination); identify a malignant tumor; diagnose the condition of the rectum; to determine the causes of abdominal pain. The ovaries, uterus and appendages are also examined. With its help, pregnancy is confirmed and its timing is established. Examine the prostate gland. Determine the causes of infertility.

There are no contraindications for these studies.

Ultrasound of the pelvis. Preparation

No matter what day this examination is scheduled, it should not be done if a procedure using barium was already performed the day before. Preparation for ultrasound of the pelvic organs is generally simple. And it depends on the organ that will be examined. The procedure itself is quite easy and quick; no activity is required from the patient. It is enough for him to lie on the couch, on his back or on his side. It is necessary to expose the stomach or lower abdomen. The diagnostician will lubricate the sensor with a special gel and move the sensor over the abdomen, pressing lightly. Viewing of internal organs is carried out from different angles.

If there is inflammation in the area being examined, discomfort or pain may occur during the examination. Depending on the disease and the purpose of the examination, the ultrasound procedure will take from ten to twenty minutes.

Transabdominal ultrasound

This type of diagnosis will be carried out externally, through the abdominal cavity. A couple of days before the scheduled examination, you should follow a small diet. Eliminate foods that cause fermentation and gas formation. Limit yourself in the intake of plant and meat products, it is better to exclude dairy and carbonated drinks. Before the ultrasound, you need to empty your bowels. Before the procedure itself, the patient will be asked to drink a sufficient amount of water approximately one hour in advance to ensure that the bladder is well filled. If the study needs to be done urgently, the fluid will be administered in a hospital setting through a urinary catheter. The examination can be carried out either lying on your back or on your side.

Transrectal ultrasound

Diagnosis of diseases through the anus. For transrectal ultrasound of the pelvis, preparation consists of performing a cleansing enema. The day before you should exclude gas-forming products. The patient is positioned on his left side, and his legs will have to be bent at the knees. A thin transducer is inserted into the rectum, so the examination is a little painful.

Transvaginal ultrasound

Diagnosis will be performed vaginally. Ultrasound of the pelvis, preparation: for this three to four hours the patient will not be able to drink liquids and should have a bowel movement immediately before the procedure. The procedure is performed lying on your back, hips apart.

If it is necessary to find the cause of infertility, then it will be more informative to do a transvaginal ultrasound than a transabdominal one.

No special preparation is required for an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs if the woman has bleeding of unknown etiology or acute pain. It is best to carry out the procedure with an empty intestine.

To conduct a pelvic ultrasound, preparation for a woman’s menstruation is not required if there are emergency indications for the study. If the procedure is planned, then it is better to carry it out on the fifth or seventh day of the cycle.

Ultrasound and pregnancy

This type of diagnosis for expectant mothers is simply an irreplaceable procedure that will allow both the gynecologist and the youngest mother to control the entire course of pregnancy. Modern diagnostics make it possible to identify possible deficiencies in the early stages and, with the onset of pregnancy, to identify the location of the embryo to exclude ectopic fertilization. Such a pregnancy can pose a threat to a woman’s health and life.

An ultrasound examination will show with high accuracy the location of the fertilized egg. Determine its age, judging by its size, and structural features. Already in the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy, with the help of an ultrasound examination, the expectant mother will be able to hear her baby’s heart beating. This not only evokes positive emotions in both parents, but also allows the doctor to verify the normal functioning of the fetus and its normal development.

To perform a pelvic ultrasound, no preparation is required during pregnancy. It is carried out at all stages of pregnancy.

During her pregnancy, the expectant mother will undergo ultrasound screening three times. First, for a period of ten to twelve weeks. A little later, at eighteen to twenty-two weeks. And the final one - already at twenty-eight to thirty-two weeks. The purpose of the study is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the fetus, find out its anatomical structure, the correct and timely development of all organs and systems, assess growth parameters, and exclude developmental defects.

Examination of pelvic organs and tissues using ultrasound is widely carried out in both women and men. Modern experts strongly advise all women over forty years of age to undergo this type of study and men over fifty years of age. This will allow you to timely diagnose problems with the reproductive organs, bladder, and kidneys, if you have any. Thereby speeding up treatment and preventing negative consequences. Early ultrasound diagnosis for the purpose of prevention is the key to your health and longevity.

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