Admit and correct your mistakes. Admitting mistakes: how to learn to admit when you are wrong. Main psychological attitudes

A reader wrote to the editor: It is considered not acceptable in our culture to openly and honestly say that you are wrong, or admit that you do not own a certain topic. There is a wonderful expression that the one who does not work does not make mistakes, but in reality people do not like to admit their mistakes, considering such recognition as a demonstration of their incompetence or weakness. It is also customary for us to demonstrate that you know everything, even if it is far from it.». asked recruiters and employers how they teach staff to admit their mistakes.

Olga Pavlova, co-owner of Pavlov's Dog:

Our entire business process is based on the design method of project management. And this method not only encourages mistakes - it is based on them. Accordingly, the ability to make constructive mistakes is so important for our company that we basically check it when hiring.

Of course, hiring a master of errors is a rare stroke of luck. Basically, people come severely crippled by school and university, and even by their previous employer. How we teach ... Yes, as always, in combat, training and theoretical training. It's difficult, but possible.

This is an immersion in our production culture, just stuffed with situations of admitting mistakes. You can't survive in it if you don't learn. Probably, this is the “Give it up - swim” technique.

Before throwing, we check if the person has a chance to swim.

I take this opportunity to say hello to our entire education system. She has become so adept at eradicating people's innate ability to make mistakes and learn from their mistakes that few survive until the bright moment of hiring us, most break down along the way. Hip-hip-hooray, more infantiles with red diplomas, fewer efficient specialists, you are on the right path, citizens of teachers-docents-professors!

Maxim Blazhkun, CEO of Evart Corporation:
Everyone makes mistakes, but it is important to admit your mistakes and correct shortcomings. I have a personal "limit" for mistakes, I always give a person three chances. You can forgive 2 times, but on the 3rd time, if you can’t cope, you need to say goodbye. Endure, teach, there is no point. I cannot work with a person if I see that he consistently does not recognize and correct his mistakes. I do not trust such an employee, he does not suit me. At the same time, I believe that it is necessary to say goodbye to people correctly - not only to pay for the work that has been done, but also to give a minimum bonus + 10% -20% of the salary from above.
I don't like firing people, I personally don't like it very much. But what to do when trust is lost, and the employee does not fulfill the tasks I set. Most likely, this is not because he is a bad employee, but because he is not competent.

To be honest, it's hard to remember when someone asked me for forgiveness lately. Business people are proud, they always think they are right. And in this I am no better than others, I am also a very stubborn and proud person. But I know that it is not necessary to go to extremes and defend your opinion to the last. It’s bad that business people today forget Christian values: “There are no rules in business, there are only 2 options in business: either you strike or you eat.” But I believe that a businessman should be real, observe Christian values ​​and pay people a salary. This is more worthy than expelling and inventing reasons why it is not worth paying for the last month.

I personally apologized and asked for forgiveness more than once. I do not think that this is something shameful and shows my weakness. Only the strong man, with great will is able to ask for forgiveness. After all, it is not easy to admit one's mistake not only to business partners, but also to subordinates.

Alexander Rukin, partner of the founder of the online apartment renovation ecosystem and the ReRooms store of ready-made designs, Yuri Goldberg:

Motivate employees to admit mistakes stick and stick method. Errors are intentional and accidental.

Any employee should admit an unintentional mistake, it is simply beneficial for him, firstly. A mistake is when something goes wrong. This means that the management will figure out the causes of the problem, and, anyway, the perpetrator will be identified and punished.

When acting with intent, when employees deliberately violated a technology, a business process, or stole something, recognition, as a rule, is not initially discussed. Let's reason, because if a person deliberately went to commit something reprehensible, it means that he automatically concealed the intention that originally arose in him. The employee came up with something, then committed an act, deliberately violated it. I'm afraid that all that is possible here is to catch such an employee and give him a chance to correct what he has done, to admit guilt, to repent.

Recently, in one new project, the co-founder and employee received a kickback on the purchase of raw materials - they bought wood, ash. So funny, they paid, they were about to leave, and the person remembered that he “forgot his umbrella” and returned to the office of the counterparty. Then, as it happened, they caught him - they just double-checked the prices. This employee referred to the reason for taking the kickback: he had to travel several times on business trips around the Moscow region at his own expense. The man also referred to expenses, and also said that "the demon beguiled"

Then, during the debriefing, several more employees went, as they say, into a split. An engineer, a technology developer, together with this manager, made claims: they are overly controlled, they want to be removed from operational activities and the development of a business unit. Often there are such overly creative engineers. When setting production on a regular track, they are not at all suitable. And they are only suitable for work on breakthrough inventions. Suitable for laboratory research activities.

As a result, a new line of business for the manufacture of thermomodified wood has remained in a frozen state for the time being. And a small team was offered to work in the penal battalion mode: to accomplish feats in sales and business development, to receive a salary, subject to receipt of revenue and well-coordinated work of the business unit. The essence of the method of working with the guilty is to give the last chance, put them in the most severe limits and the most difficult conditions. Who "screwed up" - prove by a feat the right to continue working. As you can prove, we will return to work in a regular business, on an ordinary commercial front line, and now there are penalties and the management expects a feat from a delinquent employee.

Alexey Volkov, CEO of Digital.Tools agency:

The most important method: the absence of punishment for self-admitting a mistake. We created the appropriate conditions and told that the main task of working on mistakes is not to put pressure on the employee, but to help him grow and work better.

At one time, we singled out errors associated with the low qualification of employees as a separate area. The main thesis: in this case, it is not the employee who is to blame, but the company that undereducated the employee. I came up with the idea that when the one who asks you for the result, and the one who teaches - in one person, it works poorly. Thus, we have separated the functions of a leader and a mentor. We have a trainer who constantly trains employees. And you can consult with him on a professional issue, without fear that this will lead to bad consequences.

The second tool is mirror audits. Employees involved in similar projects mutually check each other's work and give advice. They see themselves as equals. And a colleague - as a person who came to help.

Much more difficult with errors related to personal qualities. Cowardice, laziness, etc. Situations when employees are afraid to admit their fault, thinking not about the result, but how they look, or simply afraid to admit that the mistake was their fault. Here we look at the root of the problem, connecting a psychoanalyst who helps a person deal with the root cause. If the employee does not want to change after that, then most likely he will not stay with us.

Natalia Storozheva, General Director of the business and career development center "Perspektiva":

The first recommendation on how to teach employees to admit their mistakes is for the manager to have the courage to admit their own mistakes. Because bosses are people too, they also make mistakes from time to time. And both in big and small things: they can also be late, fail to meet deadlines, forget flash drives, documents, forget to pay bills, etc. And, if the manager has the courage to confess and apologize to his team or to clients (in the presence of the team): “Yes. I was inaccurate, I forgot, I missed… I was not organized enough, please forgive me”, this is the best educational example for employees.
The second point is to never ridicule your employees for confessions. If a person decides to confess (it was he who did not attach the file to the letter, did not warn the client about the postponement of the meeting date), it is necessary to explain to the person what he was wrong about and how to avoid it in the future. Perhaps he needs additional awareness, additional access or authority. Or the error is systemic, in which case explanations are not enough, training is required.
That is, the best way to motivate to admit mistakes is not to scold, but to teach how to fix it, confirming it with your own example.

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The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Theodore Roosevelt

To err is common to every person. But not admitting your mistakes is the biggest mistake. This is the height of stubbornness, which is often confused with determination, although there is a big difference between these concepts.

  1. Stubbornness - behavior, in which a person ignores the requirements of people to him, does not follow instructions, does it out of spite.
  2. Purposefulness is trait which helps a person achieve the desired results.

Stubborn people face misunderstanding and condemnation of others. The inability to integrate into society and the unwillingness to admit mistakes leads to conflicts. The person becomes aggressive and withdrawn. She may have mental problems.

The ability to admit one's own mistakes is important for personal development. How to develop it, we will tell in the article. Following the recommendations, you will learn to avoid conflicts, misunderstandings in communication and be able to control emotions in any situation.

Why people don't admit their mistakes

Everyone is familiar with the feelings caused by the recognition of one's own mistake. Shame, feeling of personal defeat, fall. They stop many from confessing in situations like this.

The reasons for not wanting to admit a mistake are external and internal.


These are circumstances that we cannot influence or partially influence. They do not depend on us and can happen at any moment.

  • Transport breakdown.
  • Bad weather conditions.
  • Late time.
  • Little child at home.
  • Unseen circumstances.
  • Injury or accident.
  • Another person interfered.
  • Delay at work.
  • Disease.



How does it manifest

Defeat, but proud - what could be more stupid for self-esteem and authority in the eyes of other people.

Covering up your guilt or mistake is a real defeat, and admitting, apologising, or correcting a mistake is a victory.

Fear of error Many attach great importance other people's opinion, they are afraid to fall in the eyes of others, to be ridiculed and criticized.

Your mistake can be noticed, even brought up for discussion. But this is not for long. Other people's mistakes are quickly forgotten. Only we remember our mistakes, because only we experience them deeply.

Complexes come from childhood. People are frightened by the prospect of being ridiculed, looking weak. Children hide their fears behind cunning, up to lies. This carries over into adulthood.

The Napoleon complex has a great influence when pride interferes with making the right decisions.

Fear of losing status You need to be aware of your status personally, and not rely on someone else's opinion. It should be remembered that the conquest of status is always associated with mistakes and blunders, this is inevitable. Accept it and get ready. It is natural for a person who moves forward to err.
Dependence on the desire to act or look ideal in the eyes of others makes you be guided by behavioral stereotypes, follow other people's ideals, correspond to other people's ideas, and may even live a life that is not your own.

Few will dare to show their shortcomings, and look for an external reason for excuses. As a result, relief comes, shame does not press, in the eyes of others it was justified. But only for the near future. If other mistakes follow, and the picture is not corrected towards admitting mistakes, the person will lose trust and respect in the eyes of others.

In fact, a seeming defeat turns into a victory for a person who admits his guilt, both in the eyes of other people and in his own. This is a sign of strength.

You need to be able to be flexible in relationships with people, in relation to the performance of professional tasks. If you take on a case, you are also responsible for it.

What are the consequences of this behavior

The clash of internal attitudes that contradict each other leads to - psychological discomfort.

It is manifested by a painful perception of the situation, a sense of shame and leads to the search for ways to justify one's mistakes. This is an attempt to remove the burden of responsibility from oneself and shift it to circumstances or other people by stubbornly denying one's wrong, sometimes even using cunning or deceit. This is the position of the victim.

Why you need to admit mistakes

The trend in the moral development of society is such that people who are able to admit their mistakes enjoy great respect and honor. There are few strong-willed people. They are valuable, they hold on tightly, they are needed. After all, their honesty, high level of self-criticism and willpower deserve absolute trust.

A defeat can always be turned into a victory: to correct a mistake, to do much better. And in the professional plane, such character traits will be highly appreciated. Admitting one's guilt frees one from the psychological burden.

The one who knows how to admit that he is wrong, has the ability to control emotions, respect the opinions of others, be critical of himself and strive to correct his shortcomings.

To do this, you need to constantly develop and learn to accept constructive criticism.

How to learn to admit that you are wrong

Most people are willing to accept an apology and forgive. After recognition, you need to internally calm yourself, praise and stop self-flagellation. Evaluate not yourself and your behavior as a whole, but a single act.

There is an effective psychological exercise - "Mistake". It will help you learn to accept yourself with your shortcomings, not being afraid to admit it to yourself and others. Especially if you are prone to exaggerated experiences, you see disaster in mistakes.

Step 1

  1. To make it easier to accept your own, even a serious mistake, you need to express it in a funny way. Say to yourself ironically: Mistake" or " Mistake came out”, accompanying what was said with a frivolous gesture of hands.
  2. You can copy any animated character. You need to pronounce it in a playful manner, being in a relaxed internal state.
  3. First, say it out loud in front of your friends or in front of others. Take it to the level of a ritual. Then you can do it mentally.
  4. After recognition, you will not want to engage in destructive self-criticism.

Step 2

Switch perception from negative to positive:

  • Mentally or really wrap your arms around your shoulders;
  • Say out loud or to yourself: I'm good". Or compose another phrase that carries the same semantic load.

Swearing, we turn on the self-defense system. Learn to defend yourself with praise. Try to praise the other person during a fight and you will witness their transformation.

A person who has developed the ability to be stronger than pride and has learned to switch perception from negative to positive becomes a self-confident, independent and self-sufficient director of relationships with people.

Step 3

Transition to action. Give yourself the setting: Work". Get down to fixing the error. But first, apply the error differentiation rule: separate minor errors from global, significant ones. Erase the first ones from memory, work on the second ones so as not to repeat them.

Learn to accept criticism, trust the advice and corrections of those people who are your guides, in whose sincere and benevolent attitude you are sure.

Also, learn to resist the temptation to criticize others over petty trifles. Apply the error differentiation rule. If it is necessary to express a critical opinion, do it in a matter-of-fact, kind and condescending manner. Don't label a person's personal characteristics.

When and how to admit your own mistake

Main psychological attitudes:

  1. Confess immediately at the moment of realizing the mistake and your guilt. Do not delay, so as not to change your mind, succumbing to doubts.
  2. Make a categorical confession: Yes, it's my fault and I'm ready to take responsibility».

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So, after a long break, I got the idea to write this article. What will it be about? Let's talk about what often prevents us from moving forward, comprehending something new, and developing in general. And, paradoxical as it may be, the cause of problems often lies in our desire to be right!

"...But still, I'm right!"- a phrase that has caused many conflicts, upset nerves and other negative consequences.

"Truth is born in a dispute", - said one smart person, but I think he was only half right. In a dispute, truth is really born if the people participating in the dispute are looking for the truth, and not trying to prove to each other that they are right.

In general, why did I decide to write this article? Simply because for most of my life I have always tried to prove to everyone and everything that “I am RIGHT!” ... while I experienced real pleasure when I still managed to prove my case to others.

The other side of the coin was that I experienced just "hellish torment" when I realized that in some situation I was wrong, but I did not have the courage to admit that I was wrong.

Ego is a nasty thing, it makes you feel humiliated and defeated when you are "wrong", when you make a mistake. However, thank God, over the years, there is some wisdom that helps to realize a very simple and comforting fact:

"It doesn't matter if you're right or not! It is important that you found the right option, even if through personal mistakes. Admitting a mistake frees you from your own shackles that force you to follow a wrong decision for the sole purpose of "being right for everyone else."

When to admit you were wrong(or at least stop trying to prove yourself right)?

1. When you are objectively wrong(i.e., some facts have come to light that indicate that you were wrong). To continue to persist in this case is simply stupid!!! Say "poop" to your ego. To err is normal. Admitting a mistake makes you stronger, not weaker (as many people think). On the contrary, the inability to admit one's mistake is a sign of weakness.

2. When you see that your opponent cannot be persuaded. And really, is it worth wasting your nerves to prove to others that you are right (even if you are really right)? Maybe a person prefers to be mistaken! Are you ready to spend your nerves trying to break through the psychological protection of a person?!

From my own experience, I can say that this is a useless exercise. In addition, often the “right” solution simply does not exist. Each person has OWN outlook on life, because this is HIS LIFE!

If you can follow these two steps, then your life will become much calmer. By allowing other people to live their lives, you allow yourself to live YOUR life, without having to prove to others that you have the right to live the way you think is “right”!

"Your life, your rules"- a great idea that frees you from nervous shocks and stress. Just remember that other people have the right to use exactly the same rule!

Look at the USA, they are trying to impose their vision of the CORRECT structure of the state on everyone. So what? In my opinion, many countries hate the US for their DERMocracy (oops, typo...democracy).

By trying to impose your CORRECT point of view on everyone, you push others away from you and become blind to your own mistakes. Give up such "dermocratic" politics in your life.

Over the past 3-4 years, I have become somewhat wiser in this regard, thanks to which the number of conflicts in my life has decreased significantly. There are so many negative emotions in life, you should not provoke them yourself, allowing your EGO to prove your own rightness at every step.

Maybe I'm wrong; maybe I'm wrong. Tell me what you think about this in the comments.

Copyright © 2011 Dmitry Balezin

There is nothing completely wrong in the world - even a broken clock shows the exact time twice a day.

Paulo Coelho

The mirror reflects correctly; it does not err, because it does not think. To think is almost always to be wrong.

Paulo Coelho

An adversary who exposes your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them.

Leonardo da Vinci

Never be afraid to make mistakes - there is no need to be afraid of hobbies or disappointments. Disappointment is a payment for something previously received, sometimes disproportionate, but be generous. Be afraid to generalize disappointment and don't color everything else with it. Then you will gain the strength to resist the evils of life and rightly appreciate its good sides.

Alexander Green

The worst mistake you can make in life is to be afraid to make a mistake all the time.

Elbert Hubbard

They learn from their mistakes, they make a career from others.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Any passion pushes to mistakes, but love pushes to the most stupid ones.

François La Rochefoucauld

Many men, falling in love with a dimple on their cheek, mistakenly marry the whole girl.

Stephen Leacock

Just a few years ago, she still complained about herself, was still capable of heroic deeds, but now she has learned to adapt to her own mistakes. She knew that the same thing happens to other people: they become so accustomed to their miscalculations and mistakes that they gradually begin to confuse them with their own merits. And then it's too late to change anything in your life.

Paulo Coelho

The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.


My mistake was that I expected fruit from a tree that could only bear flowers.

Honore Mirabeau

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Alexander Pope

Mistakes can always be forgiven if only you have the courage to admit them.

Be tolerant of other people's mistakes. Maybe you yourself were born by mistake.

Alexander Kumor

Too smart listeners are boring to deal with. They think they know everything and they are wrong.

Dmitry Emets

The fault of any woman is the fault of a man.

Johann Herder

Making a mistake and realizing it is wisdom. Recognizing a mistake and not hiding it is honesty.

Close the door on all errors and truth cannot enter.

Rabindranath Tagore

Whoever thinks he can do without others is greatly mistaken; but he who thinks that others cannot do without him is still more mistaken.

François La Rochefoucauld

The one who does nothing is never wrong.

Theodore Roosevelt

A person who does not make mistakes receives orders from those who make them.

Herbert Proknow

Everyone calls experience their own mistakes.

Oscar Wilde

He who examines his soul deeply catches himself so often in error that he willy-nilly becomes modest. He is no longer proud of his enlightenment, he does not consider himself superior to others.

Claude-Adrian Helvetius

To err is a property of man, to forgive is a property of the gods.

Alexander Pope

Do you want to reach the location of a mentor? Give him the opportunity to correct your mistake from time to time.

Wiesław Brudzinski

Archery teaches us how to seek the truth. When the shooter misses, he does not blame others, but looks for the fault in himself.


It is much easier to find a mistake than the truth.

Johann Goethe

Mistake is from God. So don't try to fix the mistake. On the contrary, try to understand it, feel its meaning, get used to it. And there will be liberation.

Salvador Dali

If any chance is at least one percent higher than others, try it. Like in chess. They put you in check - you run away. In the meantime, you are running away - the enemy may make a mistake. After all, no one is immune from mistakes, even the strongest players ...

Haruki Murakami

There is no shame in admitting to a person in your mistake.

Catherine II

Everyone has to make their own mistakes in life.

Agatha Christie

Nature is never wrong: if she gives birth to a fool, then she wants it.

Henry Shaw

Admitting your mistakes is the highest courage.

Alexander Bestuzhev

Experience is the sum of mistakes made, as well as mistakes that, alas, could not be made.

Françoise Sagan

When you finally realize that your father was usually right, you yourself have a son growing up, convinced that his father is usually wrong. If you don't learn from your mistakes, there's no point in making them.

Lawrence Peter

We do not need to step on the same rake that we already had.

Viktor Chernomyrdin

I will not refuse to live my life again from beginning to end. I will only ask the right, which the authors enjoy, to correct in the second edition the errors of the first.

Benjamin Franklin

The weak are often cruel, for they stop at nothing to undo the consequences of their mistakes.

George Halifax

Better to be wrong with everyone than to be smart alone.

Marcel Achard

He who admits his mistakes too easily is seldom able to correct himself.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Our mistake often lies not in what we have done, but in regret for what we have done ...

Samuel Butler

A truly thinking person draws as much knowledge from his mistakes as from his successes.

John Dewey

Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. But doing nothing is a mistake.

Emil Krotky

Blessed are those who forget, for they do not remember their own mistakes.

Friedrich Nietzsche

You should not be shy for fear of making mistakes, the biggest mistake is to deprive yourself of experience.

Luc Vauvenargue

We dye our hair a different color each time so as not to repeat the same mistake twice.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

None of us would have tolerated others' mistakes like ours.

Oscar Wilde

We easily forget our mistakes when they are known only to us alone.

François La Rochefoucauld

We don't like to be pitied for our mistakes.

Luc Vauvenargue

There are people who don't make mistakes. These are who others think.

Henryk Jagodzinsky

The biggest mistake is trying to be nicer than you are.

Walter Bagehot

It is better to make a mistake yourself than to point out a mistake to your husband.

George Halifax

Our main mistake is not that we believe that women love us, but that we believe that we love them.

Sasha Guitry

The mistake of one is a lesson to the other.

All people make mistakes, but great people confess their mistakes.

Bernard Fontenel

Bertrand Russell

There is only one inherent error - this is the belief that we are born to be happy.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Even if everyone is of the same opinion, everyone can be wrong.

Bertrand Russell

Never point out mistakes if you don't know how to fix them.

George Shaw

How clearly people understand their mistakes is evident from the fact that, talking about their behavior, they always know how to put it in a noble light.

François La Rochefoucauld

In most disputes, one mistake can be noticed: while the truth lies between two defended views, each of the latter moves away from it the farther away from it, the more fervently it argues.

Rene Descartes

“What, you think I'm an idiot?” “No, but I could be wrong.”

Tristan Bernard

I know that I am subject to errors and often make mistakes, and I will not be angry with anyone who wants to warn me in such cases and show me my mistakes.

Peter the Great

You can get to perfection in making the same mistake.

Alexander Kumor

Are we not making the mistake of a child in wheeling a murderer who beats the chair he stumbles upon?

Georg Lichtenberg

Others imagine they know the bird exactly because they have seen the egg from which it hatched.

Heinrich Heine

The Master said, “My case seems to be hopeless. I have not yet met a person who, knowing about his mistakes, would admit his guilt to himself.


Not correcting a mistake, but persevering in it, brings down the honor of any person or organization of people.

Benjamin Franklin

People's mistakes in their calculations of gratitude for the services rendered by them come from the fact that the pride of the giver and the pride of the recipient cannot agree on the price of the good deed.

François La Rochefoucauld

Nothing teaches like the realization of one's mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education.

Thomas Carlyle

Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth.

Claude-Adrian Helvetius

A life mistake is an offense that did not bring pleasure.

Sidonie Colette

Woe to the people who are never wrong: they are always wrong.

Charles Lin

If it is true that humanity learns from its mistakes, we have a bright future ahead of us.

Lawrence Peter

The smartest thing in life is still death, because only it corrects all the mistakes and stupidities of life.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

The greatest mistake that is usually made in education is not accustoming youth to independent thinking.

Gotthold Lessing

People rarely commit one indiscretion. In the first indiscretion, one always does too much. That is why they usually do another second one - and this time they do too little ...

Friedrich Nietzsche

Moving among scientists and artists, it is very easy to err in the opposite direction: we often find a mediocre person in a wonderful scientist, and very often an extremely remarkable person in a mediocre artist.

Friedrich Nietzsche

What a mistake to wish to destroy something from which you do not know how to profit.

Bernard Werber

It is much easier to find an error than the truth. The error lies on the surface, and you notice it immediately, but the truth is hidden in the depths, and not everyone can find it.

Johann Goethe

The most fatal mistake that has ever been made in the world is the separation of political science from moral science.

Percy Shelley

By digging up errors, they lose time, which, perhaps, would have been used to discover truths.

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

Truth spoken without love breeds error.

Gilbert Sesbron

Mistakes are not worth much to notice: to give something better is what befits a worthy person.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Dictate unintelligibly to reserve the right to decide who made a mistake.

Wiesław Brudzinski

Misuse of words leads to errors in thought and then in practical life.

Dmitry Pisarev

A successful person is a person who makes others pay for his own mistakes.

Gilbert Sesbron

Those who think that a people undergoing a revolution are easily defeated are mistaken; on the contrary, he is able to overcome others.

Charles Montesquieu

A reprehensible mistake is made by those who do not take into account their capabilities and strive for conquest at any cost.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Of those who are near you, encourage not those who exalt everything you have done, but those who scold you severely for your mistakes.

Basil the Macedonian

Women are just as capable of making mistakes.

Lawrence Peter

Fixing old bugs often costs more than new ones.

Wiesław Brudzinski

Whoever stopped loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive.

Johann Goethe

A scientist is like a mimosa when he notices his mistake, and a roaring lion when he discovers someone else's mistake.

Albert Einstein

The fact that people do not learn from the mistakes of history is the most important lesson of history.

Aldous Huxley

To avoid mistakes and disappointments, always consult with your wife before starting an affair.

Edgar Howe

A fool who accidentally tells the truth is still wrong.

Our greatest mistake today is that we always confuse two opposite propositions with one another and consider them as one proposition. One is science and the other is faith...

Mirza Akhundov

When reason gives in to impulse or anger, and blind rage offends a friend by action or word, then later neither tears nor sighs are able to correct the mistakes.

Ludovico Ariosto

Modesty can be appropriate everywhere, but not in the matter of admitting one's mistakes.

Gotthold Lessing

Truth is a perfect mistake, just as health is a perfect disease.

A punctual person makes all his mistakes right on time.

Lawrence Peter

To get angry means to take out the mistakes of another.

Alexander Pope

None of the mistakes do not cost us as cheaply as the prophecy.

Oscar Wilde

Tolerance is when someone else's mistakes are forgiven; tact - when they do not notice them.

Arthur Schnitzler

A great man is judged only by his main deeds, and not by his mistakes.

When you write from dictation, you can show your own individuality only in mistakes.

Wiesław Brudzinski

You can blame the mistakes of a great man, but you should not blame the man himself because of them.

Georg Lichtenberg

Great men also make mistakes, and some of them so often that one is almost tempted to regard them as insignificant people.

Georg Lichtenberg

The present is a consequence of the past, and therefore unceasingly turn your gaze to your behinds, thereby saving yourself from notable mistakes.

Kozma Prutkov

It is a great mistake to think that a sense of duty and compulsion can contribute to finding joy in looking and seeking.

Albert Einstein

In order for one person to discover a fruitful truth, it takes a hundred people to incinerate their lives in unsuccessful searches and sad mistakes.

Dmitry Pisarev

Almost all of our mistakes are, in essence, of a linguistic nature. We ourselves create difficulties for ourselves by inaccurately describing the facts. So, for example, we call different things the same and, conversely, give different definitions to the same thing.

Aldous Huxley

Humans tend to make mistakes. Only those who admire us are not mistaken.

Oliver Hassenkamp

In politics, as in grammar, the mistake everyone makes is proclaimed the rule.

André Malraux

Let people make any mistakes to their own detriment, if only they could avoid the worst misfortune - submission to someone else's will.

Luc Vauvenargue

People are unaware of mistakes they don't make.

Samuel Johnson

In the rapture of victory, mistakes are forgotten and extremes arise.

Gilbert Chesterton

If two mistakes don't work, try a third.

Lawrence Peter

The greatest mistake in education is excessive haste.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it.

Franklin Jones

What a pity that we do not live long enough to learn from our mistakes.

Jean La Bruyère

Many consider it a virtue to repent of mistakes rather than to try to avoid them.

Georg Lichtenberg

One of our most disastrous mistakes is to spoil a good deed by badly carrying it out.

William Penn

“Would you give your life for your beliefs?” - "Of course no. After all, I could be wrong.”

Bertrand Russell

Who will deny that all people are desperate truth-seekers, because they so openly and sincerely repent of their mistakes, and not a day goes by that they do not contradict themselves.

Jonathan Swift

I respect all kinds of deviations from common sense: the more ridiculous the mistakes that a person makes in your presence, the more likely it is that he will not betray, will not outsmart you.

Charles Lam

Few mistakes are less excusable than the means we use to cover them up.

François La Rochefoucauld

Philosophy studies the erroneous views of people, and history - their erroneous actions.

Philip Guedalla

Each person has his own particular way of making mistakes, especially since mistakes often lie in misunderstood accuracy.

Georg Lichtenberg

When we see enough to correct our own mistake, we begin to see all the danger associated with it.

George Halifax

Perhaps two errors fighting each other are more fruitful than one undivided truth.

Jean Rostand

People are much less mistaken when they confess their ignorance than when they imagine themselves to know everything that they really do not know.

Joseph Renan

The human race is a mistake. Without it, the universe would be unbelievably more beautiful.

Bertrand Russell

The mistakes of the young are an inexhaustible source of experience for those who are older.

Wiesław Brudzinski

The husband, like the government, should never admit to being wrong.

For many modern people having to admit your mistakes is incredible challenging task. Often this becomes the cause of disagreements at work between employees or at home between loved ones. The consequences of such behavior can be quite unpleasant. Is it worth it to do so? Our answer: no. And in support of this, we will try to give in this article some tips on how to learn to admit your mistakes.

Why is it so hard to admit mistakes?

But first, let's find out why many people are very important, even if it is incorrect. Why is it so hard to say the simple words: “I'm sorry, I was (a) wrong”? The problem is that such behavior for many people violates their belief about their own ideality. But don't perfect people make mistakes? Commit. They simply recognize them, analyze and correct them.

After all, the stain on the clothes will not disappear if a person tries not to notice it and convinces himself that he looks “like a needle”.

It is likely that admitting mistakes hurts self-esteem. But, a person who notices and admits his mistakes can be more proud of himself than the one who ignores them.

An example is the history of the development of some large corporations. If the leaders of Panasonic or Nokia would analyze all their shortcomings, correct them and keep up with the times, then they could keep their business in the forefront. Only radical changes, the recognition of mistakes and a clear awareness of one's failures allow one to develop and improve.

5 valuable techniques for learning to admit mistakes

So, you understand that it is very important to admit when you are wrong. But you don't know how to learn it. There are several techniques that allow you to objectively analyze behavior and make the right, informed decision.

1. Get rid of emotions.

In the event that you have a conflict with a partner, you should not solve it with a cry or a scandal. It is best to spend some time at a distance from each other. This will allow you to cool down a little and carefully weigh the pros and cons. It is unacceptable to use humiliating words or obscene language against your opponent during a quarrel. Otherwise, you will have to apologize later. Use every opportunity to step aside from the scandal that you are experiencing. And only after some thought in a calm environment, you will be able to understand who is right, admit the wrong if necessary, and make a decision.

2. “Swap places” with your opponent.

Try to look at the situation through the eyes of your partner, to perceive mistakes from his point of view. Imagine for a moment that you are him. Try to take into account his point of view, worldview and experience as much as possible. As Dale Carnegie taught his readers, people need to be able to listen, not judge. Smart is the one who tries to look at things through their eyes. Often this approach to conflict resolution brings very good results. And if you, having looked at the problem from a different angle, realized your mistake, you should apologize.

3. Involve a third party.

If you are unable to resolve the conflict and perceive mistakes objectively, ask other people for help. Choose those people who are able to assess the situation impartially. Tell them the whole essence of the problem, hiding nothing. Do not forget to state the point of view of the opponent as correctly as possible. And let him say who, in his opinion, is right in this situation. This will allow you to discover and more easily accept your mistake without making it again.

4. Be honest.

Often a heart-to-heart conversation allows you to find a way out of a difficult situation and understand your own rightness. Listening to the point of view of your opponent, in no case go over to insults or scandal. Understand that mistakes must be acknowledged with dignity. The essence of the method is to comprehend the situation as calmly as possible and draw the right conclusions.

5. Are you ready to stop communicating with the one with whom you quarreled?

Do you understand that the timely recognition of mistakes will allow not only to maintain friendship between people, but also to strengthen it? Think, for sure, your ambitions are not worth parting with other people who have a different point of view on the current situation from yours.

People who understand that mistakes need to be recognized, analyzed and corrected are always surrounded by friends. They live much easier. Try and accept your mistakes, because of which conflicts “hang” over you. And after a while, notice how the people around you become more tactful and polite.

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