Side effects of testosterone. Reviews and complete information about the drug testosterone propionate. Benefits of use in sports

Testosterone... It is this hormone that shows how much a man really is! It is responsible for many functions of our body, and of course determines how much an athlete can progress in the sports field. High testosterone levels ensure that bulking is fast, enjoyable and effective. Judging by the reviews of propionate solo, the product is good and really works. If you are unlucky, then you will have to work many times harder and longer. It is in this case (or in case of a long plateau) we turn to outside testosterone for help. In my opinion, this is the most justified way, my favorite testosterone ester is propionate and a little later you will understand why. So:

And here is our wonderful testosterone propionate solo! This is an absolutely natural hormone that is secreted by the Leydig cells of the testes in men, as well as in small quantities by the ovaries in women and the adrenal cortex in both sexes. Different testosterone esters are used in sports, but as you already understand, we will talk about propionate. Why propionate, you ask? Yes, it’s simple, when we begin to perform some kind of activity, then not only quality, but also speed is extremely important to us.

If we use enanthate, for example, the effect will be felt only after a week, and we will see even later! And this is where the first plus testosterone propionate solo comes in - this is the fastest testosterone ester! The half-life of propionate is 1-2 days (this varies depending on the manufacturer). This means that after an injection of 50 - 100 mg of this wonderful testosterone propionate solo, you immediately feel an increase in strength associated with an increase in the level of the hormone in the body. After 2 days, testosterone levels drop, so injections should be frequent, ideally daily.


Dosages on a solo propionate cycle can vary in different ways, but there are several standard principles. Firstly, propic is standardly 50 or 100 mg per 1 ml, which, in principle, is perfect for both amateurs and professionals. Secondly, you need to install it, as I already said, often, ideally every day, in extreme cases once every two days. So we get a simple regimen: 50 or 100 mg, every day or every two days. Large dosages are possible, it’s even scary to think how much the pros charge! Rumor has it that dosages reach up to 2 grams per day on a solo propionate course! But we don’t need that, guys:

Taking and combining with other drugs:
Here, as they say, let the flaw go for a walk! Testosterone provides us with a huge selection of compatible drugs; in fact, absolutely everything can be used with it. Let me give you a couple of examples. (without PCT):

- Propionate solo. Yes, this happens too! 50 mg every day for 4-5 weeks gives excellent weight gain.
- Propionate + methane. It allows you to gain good mass, although of course it will flood you with water, but the effect will be quick and if you exit the course wisely, you will be able to save most of it.

- Propionate + Winstrol. And here you can already gain more dry mass! Propik retains water, and Winstrol removes it, resulting in some kind of compensation. I recommend testosterone propionate 100 mg per day and Winstrol 50 mg (oral).
- Propionate + turinabol.Strength course lasts 5-6 weeks. Propionate 50 mg per day and turinabol 60-80 mg per day.

*I would like to note that the solo course of propionate is perfectly used in short courses 3*3 or 3*4 . While you can google it, I’ll write about them later!

Side effects:

- Acne. Pimples do not appear as much as from methane, but nevertheless it is better to be safe. They say there is a new way - a solarium with halogen lamps, I haven’t tried it yet, but the reviews are positive!
- Decreased production of your own testosterone. But if you don’t use it a lot and for a long time and listen to your body, then this can be avoided.
- Gyno.Of course, an increase in testosterone levels leads to aromatization, which manifests itself differently in everyone. Be careful guys, we don't need women's tits, Tamox 20-40 mg a day will help

- Hair loss (or active growth on the body). Depends on the individuality of the body, personally, my hair just went on the road! There is only one way to fight - hair removal in any form. I don’t suffer from such bullshit, I don’t care about hairy people.​

The most popular brands:

I think it’s worth mentioning here only a few of the most accessible and popular propionates, since in total there are a huge number of them!

- Ukrainian propionate (dill). Probably now the most popular propionate on the domestic market, as it is affordable and of high quality. The cost ranges from 60-100 rubles per 1 ml 50 mg ampoule.

- Domestic propionate (Khabarovsk). No more than 3 months ago it was available in most pharmacies in the Russian Federation, the cost is 170 rubles for 10 ampoules of 50 mg each! It was just wonderful, but the lava ended. The drug worked and worked like a charm.

- Testopin. Excellent product made in INdia. I tried it once and was satisfied! Excellent 100 mg per 1 ml! I recommend:

- Testosterone propionate - Iran. They say he is good-looking and quite common. Try it, I think you won’t be disappointed, gentlemen!


P.S. If you use chemicals, do it to a minimum and wisely...

A handsome male figure is, first of all, sculpted muscles and broad shoulders, the absence of which makes teenagers so complex. In fact, this dream is not as unattainable as you think. Of course, first of all you need to sign up for a gym. However, it would not be amiss to take special means for athletes. These can be protein shakes that provide muscle nutrition, as well as specialized drugs that stimulate the growth of lean muscle mass. As a result, you get stunning results in a short time. The only “but”: if you stop going to the gym, you will just as quickly lose the results you achieved.

Testosterone propionate: myths and truth

Is it worth accepting? Reviews about it are mostly good, but there are also statements from beginners who have little understanding of the specifics of the issue. It is precisely in these statements that arguments are most often heard that this drug, like all other steroids, is a terrible evil, and should not be used under any circumstances. In this case, the main argument is sagging muscles after completing the course. This is partly true, but this phenomenon is also observed in the world. The fact is that only constant loads stimulate the body to build and maintain muscle mass. If a person begins to lead a passive lifestyle, the body will get rid of it, since this is an irrational consumption of nutrients.

We are all so different

However, individual characteristics play a big role. If you naturally have a strong physique, and muscle building occurred against the background of intense training and high-quality nutrition, then even with a complete break, you will remain in shape for a long time. But if the main criterion was speed, then the basis of your outstanding forms will be water, which was retained thanks to steroids. In this case, a return to previous volumes will occur very quickly. Therefore, there is nothing terrible about testosterone propionate. Reviews from experienced athletes indicate that it allows you to increase the body's endurance, which means you can achieve your goals faster.

Description of the drug

Now let's take a closer look at what testosterone propionate is. Reviews make it clear that it is usually used only by professional athletes. It should be noted that this is the most beloved, popular and used testosterone ester in the world of bodybuilding. But beginners and amateurs know practically nothing about it. Why is this happening? First of all, because the duration of action of the active substance is only 1-2 days. That is, in order to achieve truly outstanding success, daily injections are required.

Visible benefits

Why do professional athletes choose testosterone propionate among hundreds of other steroids? Reviews come to our aid here too, saying that with the help of this broadcast you can very quickly achieve visible results. Moreover, it will not appear because the drug mystically makes your muscles grow. Not at all, it’s just that almost instantly after the injection you feel a surge of strength and a huge supply of energy, which means you can give your best in the gym. First of all, this occurs due to a jump in the level of the hormone in the body. However, it should be remembered that the remedy we are considering is not a complex of vitamins, but a steroid, that is, a serious drug with a pronounced anabolic and androgenic effect. A drug that can be converted into estrogens.

The other side of the coin

Why is it that not everyone who dreams of an athlete’s figure uses testosterone propionate solo? Reviews about taking this steroid are mixed. As you know, there are oral capsules that are easy to use, but according to professionals, they do not give immediate effect. An oil solution for injection is much more effective, but it must be used daily, and the injections are very painful. The injection sites almost always become inflamed, which means you will always have to look for a new one. This could be the lower leg and biceps, deltoids and other muscles. Often there is a fever, a jump in temperature. These unpleasant symptoms can last from a couple of hours to several days, but usually (at least that’s what athletes say in their reviews) such a reaction occurs only in the first days.

For men or women

Below we will look in more detail at how to take testosterone propionate. The instructions for use warn that for the most part it was produced for male athletes. However, it is also popular among women. As an argument in favor, the latter cite the opportunity to avoid intense androgenic effects on the body. In addition, the recovery period after heavy training is significantly accelerated, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. However, the steroid is used in reduced doses, and only among professional athletes. If you are new to the world of sports, but decide to take testosterone propionate, the instructions for use recommend not exceeding a dosage of 25-30 mg, injections are given once a week. In this case, a woman can achieve excellent results without the slightest hint of masculinization. Of course, the effect will be more modest, but when increasing the dosage, you should be prepared for side effects. In addition, it should be borne in mind that testosterone ester is not recommended for women without extreme reasons.


Today there are a lot of companies that produce testosterone ester.

  • The first most popular product is the Moldovan Balkan Pharmaceuticals. It contains 100 mg of active substance per 1 ml. However, judging by the reviews, it is not worth buying. This is a heavy and thick oil that dissolves very poorly, works sluggishly, as if there is much less active substance in it than it should be.
  • The next one is Testovis (Italy, 100 mg per 2 ml). Everything seems to be the same, but if you believe the reviews, the difference is very big. A very good, soft, and most importantly - a perfectly working product.
  • But the Russian drug has gained the most trust on the market - it is distinguished by its excellent quality and low price.
  • On the market you can find English and Japanese, as well as Indian testosterone ester, about which there are few reviews due to low popularity. In general, its cost is much lower than that of other steroids.

The cheapest Moldovan one will cost 156 rubles; for Russian and Italian you will have to pay about 500 rubles.

When you want more

Despite all the positive reviews about this drug, it is considered weak. Partly because the effect lasts only one day. The peculiarity of this drug, according to experts, is the almost complete absence of such an effect as water retention in the body. However, this is also a controversial point. On the one hand, the body receives minimal load, and lean muscle mass grows, but you will not gain more than 6-8 kg of mass per month, that is, it does not work well as an express method. On the other hand, athletes have learned to turn this effect to their advantage. To do this, they combine testosterone propionate and say that in this case an amazing effect is achieved: excess fat is burned and muscle builds. A reasonable question arises: is it worth using testosterone ester if another drug gives the effect? It may seem that the only advantage of the product we are considering is its low price, and only poor athletes take it. This is fundamentally wrong. Professional bodybuilders include testosterone propionate in their prepared cycle. Reviews after the course indicate that without this drug, training would not be so effective. Testosterone ester begins to work immediately after it enters the body and is excreted just as quickly. It can be used even before major competitions without being detected by a doping test.

So, Turinabol and testosterone ester can be used if you have already completed several light courses and are expecting more impressive results. In this case, taking turinabol (tablets) is divided into three stages (in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, after meals), and testosterone is given three times a week, 100 mg.

Instructions for use

Once again, let us draw your attention to the fact that these are not vitamins. Testosterone propionate should not be taken uncontrollably. Indications for use are sexual underdevelopment and disorders of the reproductive system of a functional nature, as well as diseases of the nervous system. But in the world of sports, it is used exclusively to get a powerful burst of energy and potential for muscle growth.

The patient is injected intramuscularly with a 1 or 5 percent solution. The interval between administrations is 1-2 days. The course can last from several weeks to several months. In this case, the attending physician or fitness instructor, if he has the appropriate qualifications, should draw up a dosage regimen. It should be mentioned that doctors do not recommend taking the drug to healthy people, but this does not reduce its popularity among athletes.

Testosterone propionate and Stanozolol

Another great example of using steroids for muscle growth is a two-drug combination. The anabolic with which testosterone propionate is combined is Stanozolol. Reviews of the intake allow us to conclude that this is one of the most effective complexes for athletes. At the end of the eight-week course, the results are pleasantly surprising: according to the athletes, the gain of lean muscle mass is accompanied by a fat-burning effect. That is, all loose folds will tighten and give way to sculpted muscles. This is just a dream. However, after such a course, maintenance therapy is necessary to avoid a sharp collapse of muscle mass.

What is the course? Testosterone propionate and athletes confirm this information) it is better to take it this way: testosterone ester injections are given every other day for eight weeks, and Stanozolol is taken 60 mg per day, dividing this dosage into 3 doses. To consolidate the effect obtained, from the ninth week we add “Clenbuterol” (120 mcg) and “Proviron” (50 mg). This scheme, according to bodybuilders, will allow you to gain 6 kg of muscle mass over the course and significantly reduce body fat, but the effect will be achieved only if you eat properly.

Let's sum it up

Despite the fact that testosterone ester is a medicinal product, it is also used with great success by athletes. It helps increase endurance and speed up the process of building muscle mass. What is noteworthy is that testosterone propionate does not retain water in the body, which means that your success will last for a long time even if you take a break from training. However, this drug also has contraindications, as well as a number of side effects, that is, you need to consult a doctor before you start taking it.

Important! The BOMB BODY website does not encourage the use of steroid drugs and does not encourage their use. The goal is to convey maximum real information to those who have decided to take this DANGEROUS step, so that the harm to health is minimal!

How to take testosterone propionate. Course and instructions for use. Side effects and post-course therapy. What results are saved?

Testosterone, produced naturally by the body, has a half-life of about 10 minutes. In simple terms, this means that after 60 minutes, there will be virtually nothing left of the testosterone released. If you introduce a portion of natural testosterone, this time increases to 10 hours, which is also not enough for muscle growth.

When a testosterone propionate course is used in the form of injections, the half-life increases to 1-2 days, which allows for greater progress in training.

Testosterone propionate course

  1. There is a stabilization of androgen receptors, accelerating the process of protein synthesis, which means a strong androgenic effect;
  2. Using a course of this drug it is possible to avoid excess accumulation of water in the body;
  3. A distinctive feature of this steroid is its pharmacokinetics. After entering the body, the appetite increases in the shortest possible time and excites the nervous system. The result of these processes is increased strength after training loads and improved strength;
  4. However, due to the effect lasting only 1-2 days, it is necessary to use a frequent course of injections.

Testosterone propionate instructions

The drug is used mainly in 2 ways:

  • force;
  • mass and strength.

The table below specifically outlines dosages to achieve both goals:

If you carefully study the first dosage regimen to improve strength performance, then injections should be done after 2 days on the third. This will allow you to get rid of water, which, although slightly, is capable of retaining this drug, which will help maintain the strength result. It is scheme No. 1 that is best suited for powerlifting.

The second regimen will allow you to improve not only strength indicators, but also advance in gaining muscle mass. This occurs due to the more frequent use of injections and, as a result, maintaining a high percentage of testosterone in the blood. Therefore, scheme No. 2 is more suitable for bodybuilding.

There is another method using a course of testosterone propinate, which is used before competitions. It is necessary to inject 300 mg 1-2 hours before the start of the competition. drug, which will cause a sharp improvement in strength and self-confidence.

There have been cases when doping control was deceived in this way, although this is a risky way to achieve high awards, but it has the right to life.

Testosterone propionate side effects

Like any other anabolic drug, the specimen in question has its drawbacks:

  • water retention;
  • the occurrence of acne;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • gynecomastia;
  • increased aggressiveness;
  • reduction in the body's own production.

But it is worth paying attention that the injection dose over the course of a week is no more than 400 mg, so these side effects are not pronounced. If the course is used as a “solo” course, you should not expect strong “side effects”. Some have more, and some less, it all depends on the state of health, genetics, age.

Due to its "soft action" it is often used by women in the sports world. Typically the dosage regimen is 25-50 mg. every 5-7 days for 8-10 weeks.

PCT after a course of testosterone propionate

After completing the course, it will not be possible to fully maintain the results acquired during the course, but this does not mean that the loss of mass and strength will be the same as before the start of the course. Not least important is proper nutrition, proper organization of the training process, and sufficient recovery period for muscle fibers.

In addition, a smooth exit from the course always has a better effect on maintaining muscle mass.

Regarding PCT (after a course of therapy), if the course is used individually, then, as in the case of turinabol, there is no need for exit. However, to be 100% sure, hepatoprotectors can be used for preventive purposes.


Based on the above, testosterone propionate is a gentle drug and is used as a trial course of steroids, which is suitable for beginners in this field. It is actively used in strength sports - such as bodybuilding and powerlifting. It is able to increase strength indicators and stimulate the growth of muscle fibers, and the result after leaving the course remains much more significant than before taking it.

This is the most popular and used anabolic steroid in bodybuilding. A short side chain gives advantages in quickly getting into work, which is why the athlete feels the effect in the next 1-2 days. With more frequent injections of testosterone propionate, the athlete maintains peak concentrations of the substance in the body.

Anabolic effect testosterone propionate ester is to increase the concentration of the male sex hormone testosterone. It is used by many representatives of sports disciplines, since hormonal levels have a qualitative effect on progress and new achievements. The main focus of the drug in bodybuilding- this is an increase in muscle mass, increased strength, endurance and accelerated recovery after heavy loads.

Anabolic steroids will always be around. After all, a person is always looking for something to spur himself to improve. These are the laws of evolution. Someone can expand their consciousness with various substances, someone runs marathons, someone reads books and modifies themselves, opening new worlds. Pharmacological drugs that imitate the action of the male sex hormone help build muscle mass and improve physical characteristics. This improves the quality of life and makes a person stronger. Is it bad?

Mechanism of action of testosterone propionate

It's really simple. Previously, the problem was set as to how to increase the level of the hormone, how to optimize the maximum absorption of synthetic testosterone. The pill destroys most of the testosterone. Therefore, testosterone ester was invented, which, when released into the aquatic environment - blood - begins to be converted into a regular hormone. And in our case, propionate acts as a fast ester when the release occurs in the first days.

Advantages and disadvantages of testosterone propionate

The main advantage of this ester is the rapid transition from the original state of the product to the testosterone hormone. This is the most optimal solution for increasing hormonal levels through the use of anabolic steroids. The disadvantage will be the frequent need for injections. For a consistently high concentration, propionate will have to be administered every 1-2 days.

Even in high dosages. It is lighter compared to longer lasting testosterone esters. It retains less water, which is why it is used not only in bodybuilding, but also in those sports disciplines where endurance and functionality are important.

Testosterone propionate (Testover P) increases physical parameters, which is used by runners, athletes, swimmers, and tennis players. A universal drug that directly affects hormonal levels and progress in sports. Everything depends on our hormones - mood, capabilities, potential. Testosterone propionate increases a person's capabilities and exalts him among the rest. Testosterone makes a person stronger.

Effects of Testosterone Propionate

1. Increased muscle mass. The male sex hormone is the main factor in the activation of anabolic processes, leading to an increase in muscle mass. These effects are used in bodybuilding, both in mass and cutting courses.

2. Increased strength. Testosterone is capable of increasing all physical indicators of an athlete - speed, strength, endurance. This is what is necessary to gain competitive ability in competitions and achieve results. Increased hormonal levels contribute to progress in sports, and testosterone propionate is the main means to ensure this effect.

3. Fat Burning. Testosterone is the main male hormone, which manifests itself not only as an engine of progress, but also as a fat burner. There is a reduction in the fat layer and an increase in muscle mass. This is something that is impossible to achieve without the use of pharmacological drugs.

4. Anti-catabolic effect. An anabolic steroid is initially suspected of suppressing catabolic, muscle-destroying effects. Testosterone propionate is no exception. The drug is able to preserve muscle structures from destruction during periods of high stress and dietary restrictions.

5. Increased sex drive. There is an expression: “Testosterone makes girls more beautiful.” Of course, representatives of the fair sex most often remain the same, but in the eyes of men they become much more attractive with increased testosterone levels. Hormones make us move, evolve and strive to procreate. Testosterone stimulates sexual and erectile function, which increases a man's status and gives him self-confidence.

6. Stimulation of blood formation. The creation of new blood cells - red blood cells - improves the transport of nutrients and oxygen. When consuming testosterone propionate, muscle endurance increases.

7. Improved quality of life. Testosterone gives self-confidence, which gives drive to life and energy for new creations. A person with elevated hormonal levels looks at the world differently and wants to create. In fact, this is not just talk, but quite logical, based on the man’s starting goal to continue the family and produce.

The overall sensation of using testosterone propionate is felt the very next day, since the side chain contains fewer carbon atoms than long esters like enanthate. Strength, speed, and endurance begin to increase. Anabolic processes lead to muscle growth.

How to take testosterone propionate

Testosterone ester is presented in injection form. Injection frequency - frequent, once every 1-2 days. The weekly dosage is divided into several doses and taken intramuscularly to constantly maintain concentration.

Testosterone propionate dosages

The drug works best with daily dosages of 50-100 mg. Within these limits, the drug will perfectly burn fat and build lean muscle mass. In dosages 200-300 mg of the drug is used in mass-gaining cycles, combined with other anabolic steroids, increasing the effectiveness of the cycle.

What to bind testosterone propionate to?

Basically, testosterone ester can act as the only drug in the course. True, when combining it with other drugs, the effect will be much more significant. The use of testosterone propionate is cost-effective both when working on mass and in cycles for drying and relief. Testosterone propionate exhibits high activity associated with the effect on androgen receptors, and also has pronounced non-genomic activity, which makes it an ideal companion with any anabolic steroid

Combinations of testosterone propionate for weight. The drug is universal and will work effectively in combination with other steroids. Common options are combinations of testosterone propionate,

Side effects of testosterone propionate

Any testosterone ester tends to aromatize. With a sharp increase in hormonal levels, testosterone begins to convert into estrogens. This entails fluid retention and the risk of gynecomastia. In fact, these side effects are easy to avoid.

2. Carrying out after a course of therapy using antiestrogens - tamoxifen and Proviron-ver, for example. This will avoid fluid retention and the risk of gynecomastia.

3. Testosterone propionate is not toxic to the liver even at very high dosages. Studies have shown that even a dosage of 2 grams did not cause any harm to the organ.

Testosterone propionate course - this is a “drying” course, which, of course, can be used for gaining weight, or while working on strength indicators, but this would not be rational . Testosterone propionate is usually used or in preparation for combat, since propionate is a short ester, the detection time for some years is from 4 to 5 weeks, or, as mentioned above, on “drying”, since a well-composed course allows you to avoid water retention. Perhaps the smart-ass jocks are already beginning to wonder why they can’t avoid water retention, and this question will lead to pain and poverty. Propionate is a short ester, so you have to put it on much more often, and it hurts, and besides, since you have to put it on more often and more, it turns out much more expensive. But keep in mind that steroids have side effects, so you should not use them without a doctor’s advice!

A course of testosterone propionate on mass can be replaced enanthate course , and save propik for better times. But even when these times come, you shouldn’t use it solo, it’s simply ineffective, it’s much better to use it in tandem with another pre-para, in the hope of getting a synergistic effect . The classic is the course of pro-pi-ka and win-stro-la, when propionate is given every other day at 50 mg, and winstrol at 30 mg daily. It is worth noting that in compotes with propic, as a rule, the amount of remaining steroids is counted from propionate in such a way that their total amount Honestly, you didn’t pre-sha-lo the dough. This rule is not always observed, but if this is your first pro-pio-na-ta course, then it is better to proceed from this rule.

Testosterone propionate course: characteristics of the drug

Testosterone propionate - this is testosterone, to the molecule of which a propio-no-acid ester is attached, which, in fact, determines the nature of its action. Since it is, as it were, the standard of AAS, its androgenic and anabolic activity is 100%, which, translated into Russian, means that it is very stimulating hypertrophy and hyperplasia, but also strongly suppresses the pituitary-hypothalamus-testicular arc. It has a pro-peak effect for 2-3 days, but the peak of its activity occurs on the day of injection, yes, per-orally, but it doesn’t stick, you have to inject it directly into the ass. There is a story going around the gyms and sports forums about its local effect, that is, that, supposedly, from injections into the deltas you can achieve greater growth in this muscle groups, but it’s just a “mul-ka”, so you can prick it where your heart lies.

There is another rumor that only complete mental retards can believe, since the essence of the rumor is that a course of testosterone propionate is completely harmless to the liver. It doesn’t matter that the liver filters absolutely all the blood that is in the body, so whether you swallow pills or inject dough directly into your veins doesn’t matter , since exogenous testosterone is in the blood, it means that sooner or later it will pass through your liver, and this meeting will be unpleasant for the liver. On the other hand, this side effect is not critical, the liver is an organ that is not regenerating, besides, this process it’s quite impossible to help PCT . But there are many other delicious side-effects, such as hy-ne-ko-mastia, acne, baldness, prostate enlargement, im-potency and other benefits -ti. In general, the set is standard!

The positive consequences of a course of testosterone propionate are also the same as those of other steroids, namely: an increase in the level of insu-li-but-an-additional growth factor, shifts improves the nitrogen balance in a positive direction and promotes the proliferation of cell bodies in muscle tissue, which helps accelerate muscle hypertrophy -on and starts the process of its hyperplasia. All this leads to an increase in muscle mass, an increase in strength indicators, a reduction in subcutaneous fat cells and, during the course, an increase in libido. In the case of competent PCT, it is possible to avoid the negative consequences of propik, and the honestly gained 6-7 kg of lean muscle mass will stay with you , since it will be muscles, and not “water”.

How to make a course of testosterone propionate

Duration: course: 4-8 weeks, which, by the way, is a plus of propik, since such short courses are possible only on short broadcasts.
Dosages: 50-100mg every two days or every day, although some pros go up to 1g per day, but these are exorbitant numbers.
Dosage frequency: Usually they put it either every day or every other day, it’s possible more often, of course, but since the pre-para-paragraph is injectable, it’s very difficult to put it 2 times a day, and, most likely, pointless.
Compote: in principle, the dough can be combined with any steroid, it’s like a pre-para-t for the free hu-do-zh-kovs, al-hi-mi-kovs of our time, but, more often than not, it is stopped with Vin-Strol, Tren, Prima and Masteron, also during the course be sure to use anti-estro-genes or aromatase inhibitors, starting from the second week, in order to avoid - to reap the growth of beautiful full female breasts, which is popularly called gynecomastia.

Solo course: 50-100 mg every day for 4-6 weeks, from the second week it is necessary to take anti-estro-genes or aromatase inhibitors.
Drying course: 50 mg of propic every other day and 30 mg of Winstrol daily, duration 4-8 weeks, from the second week it is necessary to take antiestrogens or aroma inhibitors.
Course for weight: 50 mg of propic every other day and methane rate 10-20-30-20-10, duration 5-8 weeks, from the second week you need to take antiestrogens or aromatase inhibitors.
Course for strength: 50 mg of propionate every other day and turik 50 mg per day, duration 6-8 weeks, from the second week it is necessary to take antiestrogens or aroma inhibitors.

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