What creams or ointments can you use? What is better ointment or gel? Which is better: ointment or cream Akriderm

Many medications are available in a variety of forms; products with the same name come in the form or gel. All these varieties have their own characteristics and characteristics. Therefore, when purchasing any medicine, you need to know how the ointment differs from the cream and gel.

Ointment: description of form

Ointments were used as medicine in Ancient Egypt, China and Rome. They were made on the basis of lanolin, cow butter, extracts of medicinal plants: almonds, olives, sesame seeds, various flowers and herbs, and wax.

Modern ointments contain a medicinal preparation and a base, which is usually fats of natural or artificial origin, as well as petroleum products. Often, auxiliary components are added to help the ointment penetrate the skin better, such as nitroglycerin.

This drug is used for application to a variety of wounds, skin, and mucous membranes. To understand how ointment differs from cream, it is necessary to consider the features of the latter.

Characteristics of the cream

Historically, the cream got its name due to the fact that cream and wax were used for a long time. The modern soft form also consists of the main drug substance and a base, which is light, containing an emulsion and water. A distinctive feature of the cream is its ability to have a strong local effect, but it has virtually no systemic effect on the entire body. This is due to the fact that the mild form does not penetrate the bloodstream.

Considering the topic, what is different, it is necessary to point out that the first is quickly and completely absorbed into the epidermis and does not leave greasy marks on items of clothing. In addition, such a mild form is called not only medicines, but also cosmetics or confectionery products.

Gel, its features

Another form of soft medicine is a gel, the description of which will help you understand what it is. It is a type of ointment based on water, gelatin, cellulose and other substances with distributed healing components.

The gel is characterized by plasticity and elasticity; it is created by dissolving solid polymer particles and a neutralizing agent in small quantities in water. All components mix well, thicken and form a viscous soft form.

The structure of the gel is close to an ointment, but it does not clog pores, does not leave a greasy film, and evenly distributes the main substance. The topic of how ointment differs from cream and gel is very important for understanding the use of the latter. This soft dosage form is most effective for muscle and joint pain, osteochondrosis of the spine and neck, sprains, bruises, and salt deposits.

Gels are for external and internal use, ophthalmic, rectal and vaginal, and dental.

What to choose - cream or ointment? Comparison of soft dosage forms

When comparing cream and ointment, one cannot say that one form is better than the other; their differences lie in the base used, the effect, and penetrating ability. The table below clearly shows how the ointment differs from the cream.

Comparison options



Basis of drugs

The main components are various fats, petroleum jelly, lanolin, the composition does not contain water.

Active ingredients: emulsion and water


Penetration ability

Poorly absorbed, part of the product remains on the surface of the skin, so it requires a special bandage at the site of use

Absorbs well, does not leave greasy marks, you can safely apply it under clothes


Forms a film on the skin, which provides a greenhouse effect that promotes deep penetration of the drug

Pleasantly cools the skin due to the presence of water in the product

Therapeutic effect

Penetrates deeply into the epidermis and bloodstream, therefore affecting the body as a whole.

Retains only in the upper layers of the skin, practically does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore has a powerful local effect

Use of the term

It is a purely medical term that denotes medications

Used not only in medicine, but also in other areas: cosmetology and cooking

From the table below you can clearly see the difference between a cream and an ointment, so when choosing a dosage form you need to focus on these features, understand what effect you need to achieve, which drug will be more convenient to use.

Thus, the appearance on the pharmaceutical market of various forms of the same drug is explained by the unique therapeutic effect of each, therefore, to obtain the best result, it is necessary to know their characteristics and properties.

Hello everyone, today we will try to determine which dosage form is better, Clotrimazole ointment or cream. For those who do not yet know, we remind you that this medication is used for fungal skin diseases, as well as mucous membranes, in particular the oral cavity and genitals.

In this material we will consider in which specific case it is better to use ointment and in which cream. Because it is not correct to try to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these dosage forms relative to each other. Correctly emphasizing their best sides, there will be recommendations for the use of a particular dosage form for its intended purpose.

Which is better: Clotrimazole ointment or cream for men

Remember, ointment for skin, cream for mucous membranes

When prescribing Clotrimazole cream or ointment for men, the doctor takes into account the specifics of the patient’s disease. And for the appropriate diagnosis, he prescribes one or another dosage form of the drug. Regarding fungus in men. In this case, use it, as it is more effectively absorbed into the epidermis of the skin and eliminates fungal spores.

The same applies to various types of other skin infections such as lichen and mycoses. If a man is diagnosed with thrush, then the best option would be to use it. Since it is absorbed into the skin less quickly, which is not really necessary. For the most part, being present on the surface of the mucous membranes, blocking the growth and development of the fungal environment.

Clotrimazole ointment or cream: which is better for women

Again, it all depends on the specifics of the disease. When this formulation “what is best for women” is used, it means the treatment of thrush and vaginal candidiasis. In this case, it is 100% better to choose Clotrimazole cream. Since in this case, the mucous membranes are being treated, this form of medicine is best suited for this.

Clotrimazole ointment and cream: what is the difference

The photo shows that the cream is white and the ointment is transparent

So, what is the difference between Clotrimazole ointment and Clotrimazole cream? In addition to the dosage form itself and minor discrepancies in the composition of the drugs, they differ in their physical properties.

In most cases, when treating foot fungus, an ointment is prescribed, since it is more greasy and eliminates peeling of the skin on the legs. In addition, it is perfectly absorbed into the skin and destroys the walls of fungal cell membranes at the cellular level.

The cream is presented to us in the form of an emulsion. And it is more suitable for treating mucous membranes, such as those on the genitals. The mucous membranes in the oral cavity with stomatitis are usually treated.

What is better cream or ointment Clotrimazole for fungus

Definitely for foot and skin fungus, it is better to use Clotrimazole ointment. Depending on the advanced stage of the disease, the duration of therapy will be from two to four weeks. To successfully treat fungus, you will need to wash the affected areas two to three times a day and dry with a towel. And then apply a thin layer of ointment, using circular movements, rubbing it into the skin.

Every person, regardless of gender, age or type of activity, uses skin and body care products. The most common forms of cosmetics and medicines are ointments and creams. Let's figure out how they differ from each other.

Characteristics of the cream

Cream is a purely cosmetic skin care product with a creamy consistency. Typically opaque in color

The cream is characterized by a light texture. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue, while providing a deep level of hydration in the lower layers of the epidermis. This happens due to the presence of water in the base.

When applied, the product does not create a film on the skin, as a result of which the epidermis constantly breathes. It also does not leave greasy stains, so you don’t have to worry about stained clothes. Most creams have a light, pleasant scent that leaves virtually no trail.

Creams are used as an additional skin care product, as they have the following properties:

  • Relieve irritation
  • Have a calming effect on the skin
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis
  • Activates intracellular processes
  • Has a calming effect
  • Heals skin damage - abrasions, bruises, scratches
  • Anti-aging creams enhance collagen production
  • Children's - moisturize and protect delicate skin

The highest quality creams are sold in glass jars. It is not advisable to purchase them in plastic containers, since some components contained in the composition may react with the tube material.

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Characteristics of the ointment

An ointment is a medicinal form of a drug, created to affect the problem through the pores of the skin

All ointments are usually based on fatty components. There is practically no water in the base. The main components of the ointment are lanolin, silicone or fats of animal and plant origin (mink, badger, almond oil, sea buckthorn).

It follows that ointment bases are divided into several types:

  • Lipophilic
  • Hydrophilic
  • Lipophilic-hydrophilic

The purpose of the ointment is to create a film on the surface of the skin and provide a greenhouse effect.

Thanks to fats, the components penetrate through the pores deep into the tissues and have a therapeutic effect:

Due to their oily consistency, ointments can leave marks on clothing, so it is better to use them at home. Some treatments require a compress or bandage. Ointment is an exclusively medicinal product that can only be purchased at a pharmacy.

All representatives of pharmacological groups exist in ointment form:

  • Anesthetics
  • Vitamins
  • Antibiotics
  • Antiseptics
  • Hormones

The therapeutic effect of using the ointment depends on many factors:

  • Storage conditions(temperature, humidity, etc.)
  • Component Specifications, which are contained in the composition
  • Concentration of active substances(with a higher percentage of active ingredients, the ointment works more effectively)
  • Application method(for example, for warming, you can additionally apply a bandage or compress, which will enhance the greenhouse effect and the effect of the product)
  • Application area(drug molecules penetrate into soft tissues much faster than into osteochondral tissues)
  • Duration of use(it takes time for the components to seep through the pores of the skin and get into the painful area. That is, the ointment will not work the first time)
  • Skin condition and degree of disease, for which ointment is used (for example, ointment for varicose veins can help at the initial stage of the appearance of vascular network, but if the variant is advanced, it will no longer help)

Similarities between ointment and cream

  1. Ointment and cream are products for external use.
  2. They can be used to heal skin lesions.
  3. The active substances in these two forms may be the same, but the bases are always different.

Often, when choosing a drug for external use, we are faced with various forms of this medicine - cream, ointment, gel, lotion, liniment, suspension, emulsion, paste. What is the fundamental difference between them? Usually this question baffles us. In this material we will try to give a brief description of each dosage form and recommendations for their use. This will help you get the most out of the money you spend on your medicine.

Cream basically contains oils or water. Therefore, the cream is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin, but penetrates shallowly. The cream should be applied to the skin for “wet” lesions, that is, when there is any discharge on the surface. Usually, after just a few minutes of application, the cream does not leave any marks and does not stain clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to use the cream in the morning or afternoon. After application, you can wear any clothes and do your planned activities.

Ointment– a dosage form with a fatty base, which determines its main properties. The ointment has a more viscous concentration, is absorbed more slowly and lasts longer. Unlike cream, ointment penetrates deeper into the thickness of the skin. Typically, the ointment is used for “dry” diseases and for thickening (infiltration) of the skin. Ointments are applied under a bandage, which further increases the depth of penetration and duration of the therapeutic effect. The fatty base of the ointment is usually not completely absorbed into the skin and can stain clothes. Therefore, ointments are usually recommended to be applied at night. And while you sleep, the active component of the drug fulfills its therapeutic purpose.

Gel is a viscous dosage form. The properties of the gel are more similar to cream. The only difference is that the gel contains neither fats nor oils. The gel has a pH close to the pH of the skin, distributes evenly on the applied surface, is quickly absorbed, and does not clog pores (unlike ointment). Some medications in gel form have higher therapeutic activity than in the form of ointments or creams.

Lotion – liquid dosage form for external use in the form of an aqueous-alcohol solution. Often used to treat the scalp, since the lotion easily reaches the skin and does not settle on the hair in large quantities. Also, lotions are often equipped with spray nozzles, which makes it easier to apply the drug to the skin.

Liniment – a dosage form that is an intermediate link between cream and ointment. The composition of liniment includes fats and oils in varying proportions. Depending on the predominant component, liniment acquires the properties of an ointment or cream. A characteristic feature of liniment is that it begins to melt at body temperature.

Suspension – liquid form, which is one or more solid medicinal substances dissolved in a liquid (water, glycerin, liquid oil, etc.). Typically, such medications are absorbed at an average rate and may leave marks on the skin or clothing. Suspensions are used not only externally. They are also taken orally or injected.

Emulsion is a mixture of two liquid medicinal substances. One of them is the base (dispersed medium), the other is the dispersed phase. Typically, during storage, both substances separate in the bottle and form two layers. Therefore, the emulsion must be shaken and mixed before use. Typically, emulsions are quickly absorbed and leave no residue on the skin.

Pasta – This is an ointment of dense consistency, the content of powdery substances in which exceeds 20%. Therefore, it has the appearance of a paste and has a long-lasting effect on the skin. Usually has a drying effect.

Choose a medicine based on the nature of the disease you have and the characteristics of each dosage form. This way you will achieve the maximum effect of treatment in the shortest possible time.

What is better to choose – cream, gel or ointment? Similarities and differences

Please note the following products:

After fractures it is required bone tissue restoration. In order to speed up this process, Mumiyo cream was created. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing, tissue-regenerating effects. Shilajit cream is effective against stretch marks. As an anti-cellulite massage cream, it provides quick visible results.

Gel with DHEA (Active Longevity BIA-Gel) normalizes hormonal balance, recommended for women and men to restore and maintain the natural hormonal balance in the body, to prolong youth. Regular use of gel with DHEA prevents obesity, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and prevents depression. BIA-gel moisturizes the skin and effectively eliminates age spots.

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Many medications come in a variety of forms; products with the same name come in the form of an ointment, cream or gel. All these varieties have their own characteristics and characteristics. Therefore, when purchasing any medicine, you need to know how the ointment differs from the cream and gel.

Ointment: description of form

Ointments were used as medicine in Ancient Egypt, China and Rome. They were made on the basis of lanolin, cow butter, extracts of medicinal plants: almonds, olives, sesame seeds, various flowers and herbs, and wax.

Modern ointments contain a medicinal preparation and a base, which is usually fats of natural or artificial origin, as well as petroleum products. Often, auxiliary components are added to help the ointment penetrate the skin better, such as nitroglycerin.

This drug is used for application to a variety of wounds, skin, and mucous membranes. To understand how ointment differs from cream, it is necessary to consider the features of the latter.

Characteristics of the cream

Historically, the cream got its name due to the fact that cream and wax were used for a long time. The modern soft form also consists of the main drug substance and a base, which is light, containing an emulsion and water. A distinctive feature of the cream is its ability to have a strong local effect, but it has virtually no systemic effect on the entire body. This is due to the fact that the mild form does not penetrate the bloodstream.

Considering the topic of how cream differs from ointment, it is necessary to point out that the former is quickly and completely absorbed into the epidermis and does not leave greasy marks on items of clothing. In addition, such a mild form is called not only medicines, but also cosmetics or confectionery products.

Gel, its features

Another form of soft medicine is a gel, the description of which will help you understand the difference between cream, gel and ointment. It is a type of ointment based on water, gelatin, cellulose and other substances with distributed healing components.

The gel is characterized by plasticity and elasticity; it is created by dissolving solid polymer particles and a neutralizing agent in small quantities in water. All components mix well, thicken and form a viscous soft form.

The structure of the gel is close to an ointment, but it does not clog pores, does not leave a greasy film, and evenly distributes the main substance. The topic of how ointment differs from cream and gel is very important for understanding the use of the latter. This soft dosage form is most effective for muscle and joint pain, osteochondrosis of the spine and neck, sprains, bruises, and salt deposits.

Gels are for external and internal use, ophthalmic, rectal and vaginal, and dental.

What to choose - cream or ointment? Comparison of soft dosage forms

When comparing cream and ointment, one cannot say that one form is better than the other; their differences lie in the base used, the effect, and penetrating ability. The table below clearly shows how the ointment differs from the cream.

Comparison options



Basis of drugs

The main components are various fats, petroleum jelly, lanolin, the composition does not contain water.

Active ingredients: emulsion and water


Penetration ability

Poorly absorbed, part of the product remains on the surface of the skin, so it requires a special bandage at the site of use

Absorbs well, does not leave greasy marks, you can safely apply it under clothes


Forms a film on the skin, which provides a greenhouse effect that promotes deep penetration of the drug

Pleasantly cools the skin due to the presence of water in the product

Therapeutic effect

Penetrates deeply into the epidermis and bloodstream, therefore affecting the body as a whole.

Retains only in the upper layers of the skin, practically does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore has a powerful local effect

Use of the term

It is a purely medical term that denotes medications

Used not only in medicine, but also in other areas: cosmetology and cooking

From the table below you can clearly see the difference between a cream and an ointment, so when choosing a dosage form you need to focus on these features, understand what effect you need to achieve, which drug will be more convenient to use.

Thus, the appearance on the pharmaceutical market of various forms of the same drug is explained by the unique therapeutic effect of each, therefore, to obtain the best result, it is necessary to know their characteristics and properties.

Manufacturers often produce several forms of preparations for external use. In the form of a medicinal cream, gel or ointment. However, what is the difference between ointment and cream? And what is the difference between gel and ointment? Trying to figure things out often leads an ordinary person to a dead end. This article provides the clearest possible descriptions and recommendations for each type of medication. This information will help you use your funds more efficiently and prevent you from wasting money.

There is a big misconception that real drugs are distinguished by the concentration of medicinal substances. This hypothesis should be immediately dismissed, because almost all external medications contain 2% healing components.

The only difference between cream and ointment is their base. The second usually includes:

  • fats;
  • petrolatum;
  • lanolin.

Remarkable! There is no water in the ointment at all, which helps create a slight greenhouse effect. This factor affects the better absorption of the drug and promotes deep penetration under the skin into the bloodstream. Therefore, ointment, in comparison with cream, has a faster and stronger effect on the body.

The cream base is less dense and greasy, which is due to the low water content. However, due to such a porous texture, the substance does not penetrate deeply into the bloodstream, being absorbed into the outer layers of the epidermis. This drug works well for local treatment, but is not recommended for systemic use. A pleasant addition to all the qualities of the cream is the property of slight cooling, which occurs due to water.

What does this mean for the average consumer? What is the difference between ointment and cream? The first mixture has a deeper effect and a greasy texture, so it is poorly absorbed, not completely and for a long time. It is not recommended to apply it immediately before leaving the house. The second product can be used even when outside the home, because the porous base is easily absorbed by the skin.

There is also an intermediate preparation between cream and ointment - liniment. Depending on the predominant element in the base, the substance takes on the properties of both. A distinctive feature of liniment is that when it comes into contact with the body, the texture under temperature pressure becomes liquid, as if melting.

What is the difference between gel and ointment

An equally popular preparation for external use is a gel-based substance. However, which is better, ointment or gel? What are their similarities and differences? But the main difference between medicines is still the basis. If it completely excludes water from the composition, which affects its properties, then the gel, on the contrary, is created on the basis of water.

The key advantage of the gel is the completely dissolved active ingredients in the base and the absence of fats, which allows you to not worry about marks on clothes or finding time for absorption. The gel is also considered more environmentally friendly, because its indicators are as close as possible to the acidity level of healthy dermis.

When treating facial damage, the gel also wins the aesthetic marathon. It is quickly absorbed and is not noticeable on the skin at all. The ointment forms a shiny crust and often causes clogging of pores. Water-based products are less at risk of premature expiration. Elevated temperatures are an irritant to fat-based products and can cause spoilage.

Important! Regardless of the release form, the drug should be stored in the places clearly indicated in the instructions. Neglecting safety measures can lead to worsening of the condition and allergic reactions.

Also, the likelihood of an allergy to the drug in the form of a gel is much lower, but it is not inferior in healing properties. The mixture additionally nourishes the skin with moisture, which promotes faster healing. And thanks to its special texture, it penetrates deep into the body, so it is good for treating joints and the lower layer of the epidermis.

Everyone knows the ointment
used for treatment
, and the use of cream
associated more with the cosmetic direction. But today many creams have appeared, including medicinal ones, which are no worse than ointments in terms of their effectiveness on the skin.

The similarity between creams and ointments is that they are products for external use, intended for a therapeutic effect on the skin and mucous membrane, eliminating existing problems.

  1. Ointment and cream are products for external use.
  2. They can be used to heal skin lesions.
  3. The active substances in these two forms may be the same, but the bases are always different.

Various forms of drugs can be used to treat skin and other external diseases, as well as in cosmetology practice. These are powders (powders), lotions, lotions, shaken suspensions (chatters), sprays, gels, pastes, oils, creams, ointments, etc.

Quite often, a situation occurs when a patient, having received from a doctor the name of a medicine to be applied to the skin, is faced with a choice just before purchasing - ointment or cream? (sometimes colleagues who are exhausted by optimization forget to indicate) The name is the same, the price is slightly different... Are these dosage forms different and what is the right thing to do?

Everyone knows that ointment is used for treatment, and the use of cream is associated more with cosmetic purposes. But today many creams have appeared, including medicinal ones, which are no worse than ointments in terms of their effectiveness on the skin.

Modern creams are produced for therapeutic effects on the skin, mucous membranes, muscles and even bone tissue and joints. Many medicinal creams have antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, absorbable, healing, and rejuvenating properties.

The similarity between creams and ointments is that they are products for external use, intended for a therapeutic effect on the skin and mucous membrane, eliminating existing problems.

Ointment Relief

From the Greek pharmaceutical company Famar A.V.E. Avlon Plant. The main active ingredients of the product are the essence of natural shark liver oil and phenylephrine hydrochloride. The presence of shark oil causes highly effective wound healing properties, and phenylephrine – the ability to eliminate swelling by improving blood circulation.

When using Relief ointment for the face against age-related changes, the following results are achieved:

  • optimization of metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin for a better supply of oxygen and nutrients;
  • elimination of small wrinkles and smoothing of larger defects;
  • healing of wounds, scratches, cuts;
  • toning the dermis, removing swelling;
  • increasing the elasticity and smoothness of the integument.

The disadvantages of the ointment include the rich smell of fish, which is unpleasant for many, as well as its rather dense texture, which does not allow Relief to be used as a makeup product. Pharmacy anti-wrinkle ointment is best applied at night after removing makeup. One session lasts a week, after which it is recommended to take a break for the same period.

Relief ointment is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the components, chronic hypertension, thromboembolism, thyrotoxicosis.

What is the difference between ointment and cream and gel: comparison, difference. What is more effective, better: ointment or cream or gel?

An example is Mumiyo cream. It has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic, wound-healing, tonic and tissue-regenerating effects. Shilajit cream is used to restore bone tissue after fractures, including bruises, sprains, joint injuries, dislocations, and injuries in the chest area.

Mumiyo cream is used as a massage cream for stretch marks and cellulite. It will help with psoriasis, neurodermatitis, radiation burns and trophic ulcers. Mumiyo cream has proven its effectiveness for medicinal purposes, and also perfectly helps to cope with aesthetic problems.

In addition to ointments and creams, on the shelves of our stores and pharmacies you can often find gels, which also have their own characteristics. Gels differ from other external agents in their structure and mechanism of action on the body.

What is the difference between cream and ointment? Essentially, this is the same product, released in two forms. But they differ not only in appearance, but also in internal content. The drugs have a number of specific differences:

  • Medicinal products are sold in a tube. The color of the strip on the bottle indicates what the drug is. The blue line is the cream, the pink line is the ointment. This sign helps a person to easily distinguish an ointment from a cream.
  • Both products differ in composition. The active substance, dexpanthenol, is contained in the ointment and cream in equal quantities. Other components are different.
  • The ointment is applied in a thick layer, as it has a viscous and thick consistency. The light structure of the cream allows it to be quickly absorbed into the skin.
  • The ointment lasts much longer due to its dense substance.
  • Reviews of the cream indicate that it is more suitable as a prophylactic agent, while the ointment is used to eliminate a specific problem.

The cream is most often used to treat irritated and dry skin. The drug in the form of an ointment treats the epithelial layer of mother and child. The convenience of the cream allows you to apply it for a few minutes before going to bed and going outside. At the same time, the clothes remain safe and sound.

A variety of bases can be used to make an ointment, and its consistency is most often transparent. The cream can be a cream-ointment and be a mixture of ointment with gel and paste. The cream is predominantly oil-based and is rarely transparent.

Another difference between creams and ointments
we can assume that the former can be sold in pharmacies and stores, while ointments are sold only through specialized outlets.

If the ointment has a targeted effect on a narrow pathology, then the cream can be used to simultaneously eliminate defects of both a therapeutic and cosmetic nature.

An example would be
Shilajit cream. It has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic, wound-healing, tonic and tissue-regenerating effects. Shilajit cream is used to restore bone tissue after fractures, including bruises, sprains, joint injuries, dislocations, and injuries in the chest area.

Used as a massage cream for stretch marks and cellulite. It will help with psoriasis, neurodermatitis, radiation burns and trophic ulcers. Mumiyo cream has proven its effectiveness for medicinal purposes, and also perfectly helps to cope with aesthetic problems.

External products from Argo are aimed at preventing the occurrence of pathologies and complex effects on the body and skin. You can purchase them yourself; the products have a mild and safe therapeutic effect.

In addition to ointments and creams, on the shelves of our stores and pharmacies you can often find gels, which also have their own characteristics. from other external agents due to its structure and mechanism of action on the body.

Ointments for hemorrhoids are intended for topical use; the best results from their use are achieved; for the internal form of the disease, it is more convenient to use rectal suppositories.
Many people ask: “Which ointments for hemorrhoids are the best and most effective for treating this insidious disease”?

For residents of large cities who lead an insufficiently active lifestyle, the problem of hemorrhoids is becoming more and more urgent. The disease occurs when venous circulation is impaired and congestion occurs in the pelvic area.

It manifests itself as dilation of veins and the formation of nodes, pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Due to the sensitivity of the problem, patients often try to treat the disease on their own, delaying contacting a doctor. This is fraught with progression of the disease and the development of complications.

Proctologists urge you to seek qualified help in time, when there is every chance of coping with the disease. Modern conservative therapy has many means for treating hemorrhoids. are most effective in the early stages of the disease; tablets, suppositories and ointments are used to combat external and internal hemorrhoids. Let's take a closer look at what ointments against hemorrhoids exist, what their advantages are, and which ones bring the best results.

The composition of ointments includes a wide variety of active substances. Some of them are called upon, that is, they have a hemostatic effect. Others have an anti-inflammatory effect or contain anesthetics to help manage pain. There are phlebotonic ointments that help reduce the size of nodes and have a resolving and hemostatic effect.

The advantages of ointments are that they are convenient and easy to use; they are applied to sanitary napkins and applied to the affected areas.
They have a local local effect, which is safe for the body.

They can be used by women during pregnancy. Ointments relieve inflammation, swelling, itching, heal, relieve pain and stop bleeding. Their treatment is quite effective, especially in the initial stages, when external and internal hemorrhoids have not yet formed large nodes.

They are applied after bowel movements and hygiene procedures in the form of an application. For internal hemorrhoids, you can lubricate the anus from the inside or insert a tampon soaked in ointment there. Rubbing medicinal products into the nodes is not recommended.

Their disadvantages include incomplete absorption of their components; as a result, traces of leakage may remain on the laundry. They should be used intermittently, in short courses of 10 days. Particular caution should be taken when using medications containing hormones. They can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise adverse consequences cannot be avoided. Treatment with ointments should be combined with proper nutrition and a healthy, active lifestyle.

The constituent components of these products determine not only the texture, but also their action. The recipe has the following differences:

  1. For the treatment of minor abrasions and wounds;
  2. For sunburn, redness and irritation of the skin;
  3. To prevent cracked nipples;
  4. As a daily skin care product;
  5. For minor damage to the epidermis;
  6. In order to have a quick effect and not stain clothes.

The ointment will be effective for:

  1. Treatment of dry epidermis, including dermatitis of various origins;
  2. Healing cracked nipples and eliminating their dryness;
  3. Prevention and treatment of diaper rash in infants;
  4. For the care of dry and irritated skin of children and adults;
  5. For long lasting effect.

Each of the means has its own advantages and disadvantages. For some, long-term exposure is an undoubted advantage, for others it is a big disadvantage. Many women note that a product with a thick consistency is best suited for caring for a child’s skin, as it creates a barrier film that repels moisture.

Differences and general properties of ointment, cream and gel.

Nowadays you can find a huge number of topical medications in pharmacies. This is a cream, ointment, and also gel. Many buyers are completely lost when the question arises, what to choose? In this article we will talk about the differences between ointments, creams, and gels. Which drug is advisable to purchase?

Varicose veins of the lower extremities and anorectal area (hemorrhoids) are common diseases, the occurrence of which may be associated with physical inactivity, pregnancy, sedentary work and other factors. To treat these diseases and prevent complications, venotonics, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory, painkillers and other drugs are used.

Heparin ointment and Troxevasin gel are included in the list of the most popular drugs against varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Despite the differences in composition and mechanism of action, they are used for similar indications.

Retinoic ointment

The main active ingredient of this cheap ointment is isotretinoin, which is a form of vitamin A with increased biological activity. Thanks to him the remedy:

  • activates the process of restoration of damaged tissues;
  • smoothes out signs of age-related changes on the face;
  • improves the process of tissue renewal and removes dead cells from the surface;
  • increases skin elasticity and smoothness;
  • reduces sebum production, preventing acne.

The disadvantages of Retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment from a pharmacy include the impossibility of using it immediately before going out into direct sunlight due to the ability to increase the photosensitivity of the skin. In this regard, it is recommended to apply the product at night, after evening washing. If after one course, which is 3 weeks, the ointment does not show results, it must be replaced.

Contraindications to the use of the ointment are hypersensitivity to the components, chronic liver and kidney diseases, inflammation of the pancreas, and decompensation of cardiac function.

Gel or cream, which is better - what's the difference in composition?

The difference between cream and gel lies in the chemical composition of these products, which determines their properties:

  • Gel is a substance that is 80% water, and cream is an emulsion of water and oil.
  • The gels have a high viscosity and do not contain fats or oils at all, so they do not leave greasy marks on the skin or clothes.
  • Cream is an opaque substance, while gels are highly transparent.
  • Most gels, unlike creams, have a pH close to the pH of the skin.
  • It is better to apply the cream to the skin in the evening; the gel can be used at any convenient time.

Water makes up up to 80% of the gel composition

An equally popular preparation for external use is a gel-based substance. However, which is better, ointment or gel? What are their similarities and differences? But the main difference between medicines is still the basis. If it completely excludes water from the composition, which affects its properties, then the gel, on the contrary, is created on the basis of water.

The key advantage of the gel is the completely dissolved active ingredients in the base and the absence of fats, which allows you to not worry about marks on clothes or finding time for absorption. The gel is also considered more environmentally friendly, because its indicators are as close as possible to the acidity level of healthy dermis.

When treating facial damage, the gel also wins the aesthetic marathon. It is quickly absorbed and is not noticeable on the skin at all. The ointment forms a shiny crust and often causes clogging of pores. Water-based products are less at risk of premature expiration. Elevated temperatures are an irritant to fat-based products and can cause spoilage.

Also, the likelihood of an allergy to the drug in the form of a gel is much lower, but it is not inferior in healing properties. The mixture additionally nourishes the skin with moisture, which promotes faster healing. And thanks to its special texture, it penetrates deep into the body, so it is good for treating joints and the lower layer of the epidermis.

Medicinal products for external use are available in various forms. The most common preparations are those made in the form of an ointment or cream. Is there a difference between these two forms?

Some believe that the main difference between ointment and cream is the concentration of active ingredients. It's a delusion. Most medical products for external use contain up to 2% medicinal components.

In fact, the difference between ointment and cream lies in their base. The ointment base includes fats, petroleum jelly and lanolin. There is no water in the ointment. Due to this, after its application, a greenhouse effect is created, allowing the active substances to penetrate deep into the skin and reach the bloodstream. For this reason, ointment has a greater effect on the body than cream.

The cream base is less greasy due to its low water content. Resembling a light emulsion, this foundation practically does not penetrate the bloodstream, lingering on the outer layers of the skin. We can say that the cream has a local effect and not a systemic one. In addition, the water contained in the composition creates a pleasant cooling effect.

The difference in bases also affects the ease of use of external medications. The cream is absorbed quickly enough and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. It can be applied before leaving the house and during the day without worrying about its appearance. Unfortunately, the ointment cannot boast of such qualities. The oily, heavy base is not completely absorbed and you have to remove excess ointment or cover the treated surface with a bandage.

Another important difference is that the ointment is a purely medicinal form of the drug, which can only be purchased at the pharmacy. It is impossible to find cosmetic or preventive ointments on sale. While the term “cream” is applied to a variety of products, including even culinary ones. Cosmetic stores are overflowing with various creams for the face, body, hands and feet.

The word “cream” translated from English means “cream”. This is explained by the fact that for a long period the basis of any cream was cream and wax.

Galen is considered the creator of the first cream. He developed a product that included spermaceti, almond oil, wax and water.

Every year, up to 11,000 new types of creams are released for sale.

The global brand Givenchy has released a black cream. According to the creators, the skin will not turn black from its use. When applied, the product acquires a neutral tint.

Glass jars are considered the best packaging for cream. Molecules of other polymer packaging may react with the components of the product.

  1. Cream and ointment are two forms of medicines for external use.
  2. The ointment base does not contain water; the cream must contain water.
  3. The greasy ointment creates a greenhouse effect on the skin, while the cream pleasantly cools.
  4. The ointment penetrates the bloodstream and has a systemic effect on the body. The cream remains on the upper layers and has a local effect.
  5. The cream is easily absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on clothes and skin. Excess ointment must be removed.
  6. Ointment is an exclusively medical term. Many cosmetic products are called creams.

What is the difference between gel and cream? This question worries many girls, since the large assortment in stores often confuses them. Let's try to understand what the difference is.

Cream is a cosmetic product for moisturizing the skin. Available as an opaque emulsion.

Each girl chooses for herself what is more convenient for her. Most often, gels are used for washing or lifting, and creams are used for moisturizing, especially in the evening and at night. Reviews about a gel or cream can be both positive and negative, and this does not depend on the consistency, but on the quality of the product itself and the skin’s reaction to their use.

In fact, when treating degenerative changes in cartilage tissue, prescriptions for the use of medications are made by the attending physician. However, for preventive purposes or at the initial stage of development, it is possible to use Chondroxide independently, since local forms have an excellent safety profile.

Both gel and ointment contain the same active ingredient chondroitin sulfate 5%. As a conductor in both lek. forms, dimexide is used. Excipients for the ointment include petroleum jelly, lanolin and monoglycerides; for the gel - propylene glycol, ethanol and some other chemical compounds necessary to maintain the gel-like dosage form.

The difference between an ointment and a gel lies in the very structure of each dosage form. The gel requires almost no rubbing; after application it is quickly absorbed, forms a barely noticeable protective film on the skin, and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. The ointment is oily and thick in consistency, more suitable for massage procedures. No significant differences in bioavailability are reported; the active substance penetrates equally from both forms.

The undeniable advantage of the drugs is the absence of contraindications. This is because the drug does not cause side effects. In very rare cases, local allergic reactions in the form of itching and urticaria are possible.

Pregnancy, lactation and childhood are a warning to the use of the drugs in question due to the lack of data on experimental observations.

The structure of the gel is close to an ointment, but it does not clog pores, does not leave a greasy film, and evenly distributes the main substance. The topic of how ointment differs from cream and gel is very important for understanding the use of the latter. This soft dosage form is most effective for muscle and joint pain, osteochondrosis of the spine and neck, sprains, bruises, and salt deposits.

Gels are for external and internal use, ophthalmic, rectal and vaginal, and dental.

Many medications come in a variety of forms; products with the same name come in the form of an ointment, cream or gel. All these varieties have their own characteristics and characteristics. Therefore, when purchasing any medicine, you need to know how the ointment differs from the cream and gel.

Each girl chooses for herself what is more convenient for her. Most often, gels are used for washing or lifting, and creams are used for moisturizing, especially in the evening and at night.

Reviews about a gel or cream can be both positive and negative, and this does not depend on the consistency, but on the quality of the product itself and the skin’s reaction to their use.

The pharmaceutical industry produces thousands of drugs in a wide variety of forms: ointments, creams, gels and pastes - it’s not easy to understand all of this. What is the difference between cream and gel and what is better to buy, ointment or paste? Let's try to figure this out.

Another form of soft medicine is a gel, the description of which will help you understand the difference between cream, gel and ointment. It is a type of ointment based on water, gelatin, cellulose and other substances with distributed healing components.

The gel is characterized by plasticity and elasticity; it is created by dissolving solid polymer particles and a neutralizing agent in small quantities in water. All components mix well, thicken and form a viscous soft form.

Zinc ointment

The search for anti-wrinkle ointment for pennies from the pharmacy will probably lead to zinc paste. Its retail price for the minimum volume of tube in domestic pharmacies starts from 16 rubles. But can such a cheap product be effective?

The basis of the ointment is zinc, which has pronounced regenerating properties. In medicine, the ointment is used to eliminate signs of diaper dermatitis, diaper rash, healing burns and bedsores. The use of ointment in cosmetology allows you to:

  • prevent photoaging of facial skin when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • increase the rate of dermal cell renewal;
  • improve the healing of wounds, cuts, scratches;
  • increase the softness and elasticity of the integument;
  • eliminate acne inflammation.

Since zinc ointment has a drying property, it is not recommended to use it against wrinkles around the eyes. For the same reason, ointment must be applied to excessively dry skin in combination with a rich nourishing cream. In some cases, the drug causes itching, burning, and redness on the skin at the site of use.

To protect against ultraviolet radiation, you need to apply zinc anti-wrinkle ointment from the pharmacy a few minutes before going outside. At the same time, a colorless film is formed on the skin, which helps to obtain an even tan without the risk of burns.

Cream and emulsion

The main difference between cream and emulsion is their consistency. In essence, an emulsion is a regular cream that has a liquid consistency. This designation can be called not very correct, because any cream is an emulsion.

Most cosmetic and medicinal creams are an emulsion of water in oil, which is why they have such a thick and greasy structure. They penetrate the skin easily, but leave greasy marks on it. An emulsion is a solution of oil in water, which makes its texture light. It contains very few lipids, so it does not create the feeling of a greasy film on the skin.

Pomegranate emulsion for stretch marks

Heparin ointment or troxevasin: which is better and what is the difference (differences in composition, reviews from doctors)

Another cheap pharmacy ointment for wrinkles is heparin, which can be purchased starting from 45 rubles per tube with a capacity of 25 g. In pharmacology, the drug is classified as a direct-acting anticoagulant. Its action is aimed at reducing the local inflammatory process and resolving stagnation in the blood while simultaneously relieving pain in damaged areas.

When applied to the skin of the face, the effectiveness of heparin ointment is manifested in:

  • eliminating swelling and dark circles under the eyes;
  • reducing the manifestation of inflammatory processes (acne and other rashes);
  • smoothing out small facial wrinkles.

Thanks to the light texture of the product, the penetration of the active ingredients into the inner layers of the dermis occurs quite quickly, which allows you to get a visible result after short use. After a week-long session, the skin surface will become silky, smooth and elastic. Not recommended for use against wrinkles around the eyes.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include ulcerative-necrotic processes, decreased blood clotting, and low platelet levels in the blood.

Fluid and cream

Fluid is a cosmetic product that differs from cream in its semi-liquid consistency and minimal amount of oils and fats.

Of the entire line of cosmetics, fluids have the lightest texture and contain the least amount of oils. The size of dispersed fluid particles is much smaller than in a regular cream.

The fluid contains substances that give this product a gel structure; fluids are an excellent way to moisturize the skin.

The fluids have the least amount of oils in the composition and have the lightest texture

Fluids are great for oily and combination skin, and cream is an ideal product for dry skin.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by Candida fungi (including nail fungus), our readers successfully use an antifungal agent - an effective remedy for foot fungus, unpleasant odor and itching. Peppermint essential oil will give you coolness and eliminate unpleasant odors after a busy day at work. And:

Get rid of the fungus..."

The polymers that make up the fluid remove excess sebaceous gland secretions from the skin, giving it a natural matte finish.


The main active ingredient is an enzyme extracted from the blood of dairy calves under three months of age. Deproteinized dialysate consists of a number of valuable nucleic acids, proteins, and essential amino acids. Additional components are white petroleum jelly, cetyl alcohol, cholesterol, each of which has a certain cosmetic value.

The use of Solcoseryl promotes:

  • increasing the protective properties of the skin when in contact with external irritants (frost, wind, sun rays);
  • healing of minor wounds and injuries;
  • retaining moisture inside the dermis to prevent it from drying out;
  • increasing the softness and elasticity of the skin by activating the process of collagen fiber production;
  • smoothing of wrinkles and deeper folds as a result of improved cell metabolism.

Solcoseryl is contraindicated for use in case of individual sensitivity to the components, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also prohibited to apply anti-wrinkle ointment around the eyes due to the high risk of irritation, redness and itching.

Reviews that are found on the Internet claim that the effectiveness of Solcoseryl increases several times in combination with another - Dimexide. To prepare a special mask, 1 tsp. Dimexide must be dissolved in 10 tsp. clean water. Wipe your face with the resulting solution using a cotton sponge, and apply a moderate-thick layer of Solcoseryl on top. The procedure lasts about an hour, after which the face should be washed, wiped with a towel and treated with any nourishing cream.

Serum and cream

The main difference between serum and cream is not the base, but the active component.

A regular cream contains a small amount of active substance, usually a few percent. The concentration of active substances in the serum is ten times higher than that of the cream. Typically these are vitamins (A, B and E), antioxidants, trace elements and various organic acids. Sometimes serums are also called concentrates.

Unlike cream, serums have a liquid consistency, which is lighter even than a fluid. These are emulsions created on a fat or water basis.

Moisturizing body serum against stretch marks

Serums contain special compounds that increase skin permeability, facilitating the penetration of the main active substances into it. They are also called “conductor substances”. Serums are often applied “under cream”.

Another difference between cream and serum is the cost of the latter. This product definitely cannot be called cheap.


Radevit is used in dermatology to improve the regeneration of damaged tissues, as well as relieve inflammation and itching. And although this pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle ointment is more effective than some professional creams, it is not included in the affordable category. The cost of the product in pharmacies across the country ranges from 300 to 400 rubles per package.

Radevit contains components beneficial to the skin - vitamins A, E and D2 in forms with increased biological activity. Excipients include petroleum jelly, glycerin and wax, which serve to soften the skin. The absence of fragrances and dyes in the composition makes the product highly hypoallergenic.

Use around the eyes and other areas of the face helps:

  • increasing local immunity of the facial skin;
  • activation of collagen and elastin production;
  • improving cell renewal;
  • deep hydration of the dermis and “sealing” moisture inside its layers;
  • reducing inflammation and abscesses.

To obtain the effect, the ointment must be applied twice a day after water procedures with gentle massaging movements. One course lasts a month, but if necessary, the duration of use of the drug can be increased to 45 days. Exceeding the period is fraught with hypervitaminosis, which negatively affects the health of the skin.

It is necessary to use Radevit for wrinkles around the eyes with extreme caution, since retinol can cause local skin irritation. If the ointment gets on the mucous membrane, you should immediately rinse it with water to avoid unwanted reactions.

Pastes and ointments

Due to their paste composition, their effect is more intense and lasting. Pastes have drying and adsorbing properties, which make them possible to use as a remedy against inflammation.

Bepanten –
The drug is available in two forms: ointment and cream. Ointment and cream contain one active substance - dexpanthenol, in both forms its concentration is the same and amounts to 5%. The main difference is the consistency of these medicinal products: the cream is lighter, and the ointment has a thick consistency and has a more intense effect. The ointment contains 50 grams of almond oil and 250 mg of lanolin; these substances perfectly moisturize the skin. The ointment also contains beeswax.

Available in the form of ointment and cream, it is used for skin inflammation and allergies. The main active substance of both ointment and cream is betamethasone. The composition of various types of this remedy includes gentamicin, which is effective against bacterial infections, clotrimazole, which copes well with fungal infections, and salicylic acid. The cream is more suitable for oily skin, and the ointment is more suitable for dry skin. .

Akriderm - ointment for external use

– used for fungal pathologies of the skin and has two forms: cream and ointment. The active substance is clotrimazole, both forms contain the same amount: 0.01 g per 1 g of product. The ointment is thicker and greasy, more suitable for dry skin; it is better to apply cream to wet areas. .

is a very popular drug that is used to treat inflammatory and fungal diseases. Available in the form of ointment and cream. The composition of the active substances in both forms of the drug is the same, only the base differs. The ointment penetrates deeper and faster, which is why it is used for severe forms of diseases. The cream contains alcohols, which are effective for weeping dermatitis, but they can cause allergies.

Any form of cosmetic and medicinal products has its own characteristics that must be used wisely. Before purchasing this or that product, think about whether it is suitable for your skin, whether a cream or emulsion will be effective in solving your particular problem?

Bepanten cream and ointment are medicinal and cosmetic products that are familiar to almost everyone. This product is especially appreciated by mothers, as it is an excellent product for caring for the baby’s skin, treating wounds and abrasions, as well as cracked nipples during breastfeeding. Despite the great popularity of Bepanten products, few people know what the difference is between this drug in the form of an ointment and a cream.

In addition to these two forms, Bepanten is available as a lotion in a bottle. The lotion also contains dexpanthenol and has healing properties.

Bepanten is a drug produced in two forms: ointment and cream. Ointment and cream contain one active substance - dexpanthenol, in both forms its concentration is the same and amounts to 5%. The main difference is the consistency of these medicinal products: the cream is lighter, and the ointment has a thick consistency and has a more intense effect. The ointment contains 50 grams of almond oil and 250 mg of lanolin; these substances perfectly moisturize the skin. The ointment also contains beeswax.

Clotrimazole is used for fungal pathologies of the skin and has two forms: cream and ointment. The active substance is clotrimazole, both forms contain the same amount: 0.01 g per 1 g of product. The ointment is thicker and greasy, more suitable for dry skin; it is better to apply cream to wet areas. Read more about the drug Clotrimazole.

Triderm is a very popular drug that is used to treat inflammatory and fungal diseases. Available in the form of ointment and cream. The composition of the active substances in both forms of the drug is the same, only the base differs. The ointment penetrates deeper and faster, which is why it is used for severe forms of diseases. The cream contains alcohols, which are effective for weeping dermatitis, but they can cause allergies.

Paste differs from ointment in that it contains a large amount of powdery substances. Thanks to this, the pastes have a thicker consistency. The amount of powdery substances in the paste varies, but it is always not lower than 25% and not higher than 65%. A typical example of this product is the familiar toothpaste, which contains a large amount of powder, which helps to remove plaque more effectively.

Akriderm - available in the form of ointment and cream, used for skin inflammation and allergies. The main active substance of both ointment and cream is betamethasone. The composition of various types of this remedy includes gentamicin, which is effective against bacterial infections, clotrimazole, which copes well with fungal infections, and salicylic acid. The cream is more suitable for oily skin, and the ointment is more suitable for dry skin. Read more about the drug Akriderm.


The ointment attracts attention with its interesting composition. The main component of the drug is zinc combined with hyaluronic acid, which is a well-known anti-aging agent. Its widespread use in cosmetology is associated with the following properties:

  • retain moisture inside dermal cells;
  • restore elasticity and firmness to tissues;
  • protect covers from the negative effects of the external environment;
  • heal wounds and minor skin damage.

In combination with zinc, it effectively cleanses the dermis of inflammation, sebum and other impurities. To get rid of pimples and acne, it is recommended to apply Curiosin twice a day to a previously cleansed face.

Analysis of the composition of both forms

Ointments were used as medicine in Ancient Egypt, China and Rome. They were made on the basis of lanolin, cow butter, extracts of medicinal plants: almonds, olives, sesame seeds, various flowers and herbs, and wax.

Modern ointments contain a medicinal preparation and a base, which is usually fats of natural or artificial origin, as well as petroleum products. Often, auxiliary components are added to help the ointment penetrate the skin better, such as nitroglycerin.

This soft form of the drug is used for application to a variety of wounds, skin, and mucous membranes. To understand how ointment differs from cream, it is necessary to consider the features of the latter.

When comparing cream and ointment, one cannot say that one form is better than the other; their differences lie in the base used, the effect, and penetrating ability. The table below clearly shows how the ointment differs from the cream.

Comparison options



Basis of drugs

The main components are various fats, petroleum jelly, lanolin, the composition does not contain water.

Active ingredients: emulsion and water


Penetration ability


Therapeutic effect

Use of the term

From the table below you can clearly see the difference between a cream and an ointment, so when choosing a dosage form you need to focus on these features, understand what effect you need to achieve, which drug will be more convenient to use.

Thus, the appearance on the pharmaceutical market of various forms of the same drug is explained by the unique therapeutic effect of each, therefore, to obtain the best result, it is necessary to know their characteristics and properties.

Making medicines was similar to cooking - the same techniques: grinding, soaking, boiling, drying. In this case, a variety of magical formulas, spells and rituals were used, the implementation of which should have accompanied the production and use of this or that medicine.

Liquid dosage forms were used in the form of solutions, mixtures, and decoctions for internal and external use.

Lanolin was obtained from sheep wool by performing a series of sequential steps - boiling, washing the mixture with sea water, filtering the product, and bleaching it in the sun.

Oils were extracted by squeezing from olives, almonds, nuts, and sesame fruits. Essential oils were extracted from flowers at normal or elevated temperatures by extraction with olive or nut oil. This is how, for example, the well-known rose oil was obtained.

Ancient Egyptian healing agents did not irritate the skin, were shelf stable, and in some cases had a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The compositions and methods of preparing medicines (including ointments), given in the works of doctors of Ancient Greece, are very diverse. Along with brief information, there are detailed descriptions of the manufacturing technology of these products.

Some ancient Greek medicinal mixtures are difficult to attribute to any specific dosage form. It is characteristic that many widely used products - various oils and fats, honey, wine, juices of various medicinal plants - were “medicinal preparations” and at the same time liquid and viscous (ointment-like) agents, flavor and odor flavoring agents.

In the 1st century AD The ancient Roman physician Dioscorides Pedanius, in his essay “On Medicines,” described all the medicines of plant, animal and mineral origin known at that time, and grouped over 500 medicinal plants according to morphological characteristics. It was a breakthrough in pharmacy...

And in the 1st century. AD in Rome, encyclopedic works of Aulus Cornelius Celsus and Pliny the Elder appeared, containing information on medicine, incl. And about preparing medicines.

The greatest physician of Ancient Rome, Galen (130-200), summarized the ideas of ancient medicine in the form of a single doctrine, which had a great influence on the development of natural science until the 15th – 16th centuries.

The reason that prompted Pliny to begin compiling his work was the desire for independence “from the deceptions of doctors,” who often “sold the cheapest medicines for huge amounts of money.” In addition, “some doctors... ailments that could have been eliminated in a few days or even hours were prolonged for a long time in order to have longer income from patients who considered their situation difficult.”

The Hippocratic Oath says exactly this and it is pronounced by almost all doctors in the world when receiving a medical diploma), but medical practice in Ancient Rome sometimes contradicted these fundamental principles.

The Middle Ages (especially the 16th century) was the heyday of iatrochemistry, i.e. "medicinal chemistry". Its founder is considered to be the physician Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, who is better known as Paracelsus. This remarkable doctor and scientist put forward the idea of ​​​​joining chemistry to medicine, which he considered the greatest of sciences.

Paracelsus expressed the main task of chemistry in words that have become immortal: “I consider chemistry necessary, without it there can be no knowledge of medicine. A chemist must be able to extract from every thing something that benefits people. Chemistry has only one purpose: to prepare medicines that restore lost health to people.”

The technology for manufacturing dosage forms did not appear yesterday, it has existed for centuries... Not even centuries, but millennia...

Finely ground healing substances were added to the molten base, and the ointment was stirred until cooled. The juice of medicinal plants was injected into some ointments, and then the ointment was heated until the moisture boiled away.

Subsequently, doctors and pharmacists learned to make creams, then gels. So, my friends, about soft dosage forms...

Chondroxide is a combination drug that contains two components with a therapeutic effect. The first component is chondroitin sulfate. It is intended to replenish the existing deficiency of hyaluronic acid and other substances necessary for normal joint function. It has high bioavailability, is well tolerated by the body, and selectively accumulates in joint tissues. The raw material for the production of chondroitin is the cartilage tissue of marine fish or other marine inhabitants, for example, mollusks.

The second active component of the drug is dimexide. It performs several functions:

  • being an antioxidant, it neutralizes excess free radicals in inflamed tissues;
  • improves microcirculation;
  • inhibits the passage of pain impulses through neurons;
  • due to its ability to quickly penetrate deep into tissues, it works as a conductor for other drugs, enhancing their effect.

Chondroxide is sold in pharmacies in two versions: ointment and gel.

Bepanten is a medicine that is available in the form of cream and ointment. Both products are sold in the form of a tube filled with a thick substance. A person chooses one drug or another depending on the skin disease that bothers him. Externally, the cream and ointment are similar.

Before choosing the form of the drug, you need to decide on the type of product.

If a secondary infection has joined the dermatitis or inflammation has arisen as a result of bacterial infection, then it is necessary to prescribe a drug with gentamicin. In case of a high risk of bacterial infection and mycosis, as well as allergization as a result of exposure to fungi, it is recommended to use Akriderm GK. The structure in which the cream differs from the ointment only determines the preference for prescribing one form or another at different stages of the disease.

Akriderm SK is used for dermatological pathologies that are manifested by thickening, roughening and redness of the skin.

Often, when choosing a drug for external use, we are faced with various forms of this medicine - cream, ointment, gel, lotion, liniment, suspension, emulsion, paste. What is the fundamental difference between them? Usually this question baffles us. In this material we will try to give a brief description of each dosage form and recommendations for their use. This will help you get the most out of the money you spend on your medicine.

The cream basically contains oils or water. Therefore, the cream is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin, but penetrates shallowly. The cream should be applied to the skin for “wet” lesions, that is, when there is any discharge on the surface. Usually, after just a few minutes of application, the cream does not leave any marks and does not stain clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to use the cream in the morning or afternoon. After application, you can wear any clothes and do your planned activities.

Ointment is a dosage form with a fatty base, which determines its main properties. The ointment has a more viscous concentration, is absorbed more slowly and lasts longer. Unlike cream, ointment penetrates deeper into the thickness of the skin. Typically, the ointment is used for “dry” diseases and for thickening (infiltration) of the skin.

Ointments are applied under a bandage, which further increases the depth of penetration and duration of the therapeutic effect. The fatty base of the ointment is usually not completely absorbed into the skin and can stain clothes. Therefore, ointments are usually recommended to be applied at night. And while you sleep, the active component of the drug fulfills its therapeutic purpose.

Comparison options



Basis of drugs


Penetration ability

Poorly absorbed, part of the product remains on the surface of the skin, so it requires a special bandage at the site of use

Absorbs well, does not leave greasy marks, you can safely apply it under clothes


Forms a film on the skin, which provides a greenhouse effect that promotes deep penetration of the drug

Pleasantly cools the skin due to the presence of water in the product

Therapeutic effect

Penetrates deeply into the epidermis and bloodstream, therefore affecting the body as a whole.

Retains only in the upper layers of the skin, practically does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore has a powerful local effect

Use of the term

It is a purely medical term that denotes medications

Used not only in medicine, but also in other areas: cosmetology and cooking

Comparison options



Basis of drugs

The main components are various fats, petroleum jelly, lanolin, the composition does not contain water.

Active ingredients: emulsion and water


Penetration ability

Poorly absorbed, part of the product remains on the surface of the skin, so it requires a special bandage at the site of use

Absorbs well, does not leave greasy marks, you can safely apply it under clothes


Forms a film on the skin, which provides a greenhouse effect that promotes deep penetration of the drug

Pleasantly cools the skin due to the presence of water in the product

Therapeutic effect

Penetrates deeply into the epidermis and bloodstream, therefore affecting the body as a whole.

Retains only in the upper layers of the skin, practically does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore has a powerful local effect

Use of the term

It is a purely medical term that denotes medications

Used not only in medicine, but also in other areas: cosmetology and cooking

Hydrocortisone ointment

– a drug of steroid origin. Its composition is based on the glucocorticoid hormone, which is produced by the human adrenal glands. In medicine it is used to eliminate allergic reactions and inflammations of the skin.

The cosmetic value of the ointment lies in the properties of hydrocortisone to retain moisture inside the dermis. As a result, local swelling is formed, which stretches the skin, eliminating small facial wrinkles.

Before using hydrocortisone ointment to smooth your facial skin, you should be aware of the possible risks:

  • an excess of glucocorticoid in the body is fraught with hormonal disruptions;
  • uncontrolled use of the drug increases the risk of developing skin pathologies of fungal and bacterial origin, as well as local allergic reactions;
  • Regular application of the ointment is addictive, so over time the effect of its use will become less and less pronounced.

special instructions

When purchasing anti-wrinkle medications from a pharmacy at a low cost, you should remember that they should be used with extreme caution. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions to exclude the possibility of adverse reactions or identify contraindications.

To determine individual sensitivity, it is recommended to do a test. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the skin of the wrist. Usually the allergic reaction manifests itself over the next 24 hours. If this does not happen, the drug can be applied to the face.

If the components of the pharmaceutical product are harmless to the skin of the eyelids, it is necessary to use it for crow’s feet under the eyes in moderation. Apply the ointment carefully so that it does not get on the mucous membrane.

Do you use pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles?

In recent years, dermatologists have often prescribed patients with various skin rashes either Anaconda spray (manufacturer: NNPTSTO company, Russia) or Triderm ointment (manufacturer: Schering-Plough company, Germany). Let's try to understand what is more effective: Anaconda spray or Triderm ointment?

Area of ​​application of drugs

The spray is used to prevent infection with mycoses and for therapeutic effects against fungal skin lesions, especially against diaper rash in the groin area caused by fungal activity.

Radevit Active is produced in the form of an ointment containing fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E - in tubes of 10, 20, 35 g.

Active substances in 1 g of ointment –

  • vitamin A (retinol palmitate) – 10 mg,
  • vitamin D3 (colecaciferol) – 50 mg,
  • vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) – 5 mg.

Excipients: butylated hydroxyanisole – 1 mg, butylated hydroxytoluene – 1 mg, emulsion wax – 80 mg, petroleum jelly – 50 mg, glycerin – 100 mg, ethyl alcohol 95% – 100 mg, purified water – up to 1 g.

Analysis of the composition - vitamin A is the only component here that can prevent photoaging of the skin, or even achieve a slight reduction in the depth of wrinkles. It must be said that vitamin A in Radevit is presented in the form of retinol palmitate, which is not pure true retinol, but only an ester of retinol.

When penetrating the skin, retinol palmitate will slowly transform first into pure retinol, then into retinaldehyde, and then into retinoic acid, which is the only effective form of vitamin A. It must be said that only retinoic acid (of all forms of vitamin A) - Skin cells have special receptors. And that any form of vitamin A must first be transformed into retinoic acid before it can act on the skin.

However, as a result of this conversion process, retinol palmitate loses up to 90% of its activity and effectiveness, and only a little pure retinol is formed from it, and even less retinoic acid.

Important: the concentration of vitamin A in Radevit ointment is 1%. For example, the recommended concentrations of true retinol in anti-wrinkle medicinal cosmetics should be from 0.5 to 1%. Most of the retinol palmitate when converted to pure retinol will be destroyed during the transformation process. This means that in order for retinol palmitate to have an effect comparable to the effect of 1% pure retinol, its concentration must be several orders of magnitude higher.

Another disadvantage of retinol palmitate compared to other forms of vitamin A (such as retinoic acid or pure retinol) is that retinol palmitate penetrates the skin to a shallower depth, affecting mainly only the epidermis. Those. it practically does not penetrate into the dermis, where fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin are concentrated.

The advantages of Radevit ointment - thus, retinol palmitate will work perfectly only in the epidermis, promoting the regeneration of its cells, its hydration, and also increasing the hydrophobic properties of the skin. The remaining vitamins included in Radevit are also able to act only on the surface layer of the skin, as they cannot penetrate deeper.

But, despite this, Radevit heals dry and irritated skin very well, and can act as an excellent protective cream for dry skin, improving its protective properties under adverse environmental conditions.

Making medicines was similar to cooking - the same techniques: grinding, soaking, boiling, drying. In this case, a variety of magical formulas, spells and rituals were used, the implementation of which should have accompanied the production and use of this or that medicine.

Liquid dosage forms were used in the form of solutions, mixtures, and decoctions for internal and external use.

Lanolin was obtained from sheep wool by performing a series of sequential steps - boiling, washing the mixture with sea water, filtering the product, and bleaching it in the sun.

Oils were extracted by squeezing from olives, almonds, nuts, and sesame fruits. Essential oils were extracted from flowers at normal or elevated temperatures by extraction with olive or nut oil. This is how, for example, the well-known rose oil was obtained.

Ancient Egyptian healing agents did not irritate the skin, were shelf stable, and in some cases had a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The compositions and methods of preparing medicines (including ointments), given in the works of doctors of Ancient Greece, are very diverse. Along with brief information, there are detailed descriptions of the manufacturing technology of these products.

Some ancient Greek medicinal mixtures are difficult to attribute to any specific dosage form. It is characteristic that many widely used products - various oils and fats, honey, wine, juices of various medicinal plants - were “medicinal preparations” and at the same time liquid and viscous (ointment-like) agents, flavor and odor flavoring agents.

In the 1st century AD The ancient Roman physician Dioscorides Pedanius, in his essay “On Medicines,” described all the medicines of plant, animal and mineral origin known at that time, and grouped over 500 medicinal plants according to morphological characteristics. It was a breakthrough in pharmacy...

And in the 1st century. AD in Rome, encyclopedic works of Aulus Cornelius Celsus and Pliny the Elder appeared, containing information on medicine, incl. And about preparing medicines.

The greatest physician of Ancient Rome, Galen (130-200), summarized the ideas of ancient medicine in the form of a single doctrine, which had a great influence on the development of natural science until the 15th – 16th centuries.

The reason that prompted Pliny to begin compiling his work was the desire for independence “from the deceptions of doctors,” who often “sold the cheapest medicines for huge amounts of money.” In addition, “some doctors... ailments that could have been eliminated in a few days or even hours were prolonged for a long time in order to have longer income from patients who considered their situation difficult.”

The Hippocratic Oath says exactly this and it is pronounced by almost all doctors in the world when receiving a medical diploma), but medical practice in Ancient Rome sometimes contradicted these fundamental principles.

The Middle Ages (especially the 16th century) was the heyday of iatrochemistry, i.e. "medicinal chemistry". Its founder is considered to be the physician Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, who is better known as Paracelsus. This remarkable doctor and scientist put forward the idea of ​​​​joining chemistry to medicine, which he considered the greatest of sciences.

Paracelsus expressed the main task of chemistry in words that have become immortal: “I consider chemistry necessary, without it there can be no knowledge of medicine. A chemist must be able to extract from every thing something that benefits people. Chemistry has only one purpose: to prepare medicines that restore lost health to people.”

The technology for manufacturing dosage forms did not appear yesterday, it has existed for centuries... Not even centuries, but millennia...

Finely ground healing substances were added to the molten base, and the ointment was stirred until cooled. The juice of medicinal plants was injected into some ointments, and then the ointment was heated until the moisture boiled away.

Subsequently, doctors and pharmacists learned to make creams, then gels. So, my friends, about soft dosage forms...

Often, when choosing a drug for external use, we are faced with various forms of this medicine - cream, ointment, gel, lotion, liniment, suspension, emulsion, paste. What is the fundamental difference between them? Usually this question baffles us. In this material we will try to give a brief description of each dosage form and recommendations for their use. This will help you get the most out of the money you spend on your medicine.

The cream basically contains oils or water. Therefore, the cream is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin, but penetrates shallowly. The cream should be applied to the skin for “wet” lesions, that is, when there is any discharge on the surface. Usually, after just a few minutes of application, the cream does not leave any marks and does not stain clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to use the cream in the morning or afternoon. After application, you can wear any clothes and do your planned activities.

Ointment is a dosage form with a fatty base, which determines its main properties. The ointment has a more viscous concentration, is absorbed more slowly and lasts longer. Unlike cream, ointment penetrates deeper into the thickness of the skin. Typically, the ointment is used for “dry” diseases and for thickening (infiltration) of the skin.

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