Chronic trichomoniasis: symptoms, diagnosis and how to treat, reviews from doctors and patients. Chronic trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. Classic manifestations of trichomoniasis symptoms.

One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is chronic trichomoniasis. This pathology is included in the group of STIs along with syphilis, HIV infection, gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, genital herpes and other infections. Trichomoniasis if not treated correctly leads to damage to the reproductive organs and infertility.

Consequences for women and men

Trichomoniasis is an infection with a predominantly sexual transmission, characterized by damage to the genitourinary system of men and women. Every year, this pathology is diagnosed in more than 100 million people worldwide. According to unofficial data, the prevalence of the disease among the population is 10%. If treated improperly, trichomoniasis becomes chronic.

The risk group includes the sexually active population. In women, the peak incidence is between 16 and 35 years of age. This problem is very relevant due to possible negative consequences (infertility, infection of the fetus from a sick mother). Trichomoniasis develops:

There is evidence indicating the role of the causative agent of this infection in the development of diabetes mellitus and mastopathy. The disease is often found together with chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Reasons for appearance

Trichomoniasis is caused by small single-celled microorganisms.

The reasons for the development of the disease are few. Transmission of Trichomonas occurs through sexual, vertical or household contact. The most dangerous are unprotected vaginal contacts with a sick person or carrier. Anal and oral sex reduce the risk of infection. Most often, the source is men with an erased form of trichomoniasis or carriers.

Contact-household transmission occurs when using someone else's towels and underwear. This route of infection is rare due to the fact that Trichomonas are viable in the external environment for 10–15 minutes. The following factors increase the risk of developing the disease:

Chronic trichomoniasis in women and men develops against the background of acute inflammation when symptoms are ignored, self-medication or non-compliance with the treatment regimen. This diagnosis is made if the disease is more than 2 months old.

Manifestations of trichomoniasis

In men, the disease is more mild. Poor symptoms are typical. The most common diseases that develop are urethritis, prostatitis and epididymitis. It takes up to 2 months from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first complaints. The following symptoms indicate inflammation of the urethra:

  • mild itching;
  • burning during intercourse;
  • mucopurulent discharge.

Dysuric phenomena are observed in 4% of cases. With advanced trichomoniasis, solid infiltrates are formed. A dangerous complication is urethral stricture. It makes mictions difficult. Complaints are more pronounced during exacerbations. Along with urethritis, chronic prostatitis often develops. This is due to the fact that Trichomonas penetrates into the deeper parts of the genitourinary tract.

Prostatitis develops in 40% of patients. It is manifested by the release of urine drop by drop, aching pain and burning in the perineum or anus, dyspareunia, frequent and painful urination, as well as a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. There is often discomfort during bowel movements. Itching, a feeling of coldness and sweating in the perineal area may occur.

With chronic prostatitis, the ejaculation process is disrupted and libido decreases. Sexual disorders are observed in 5–8% of cases. When Trichomonas infects the epididymis, epididymitis develops. It is manifested by discomfort in the scrotum and the presence of a seal. The chronic form of trichomoniasis is characterized by impaired spermatogenesis.

Women with trichomoniasis most often develop colpitis. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • scanty gray discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • swelling of the vulva;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen.

The chronic form of trichomoniasis occurs with periodic exacerbations. They can be triggered by hypothermia, decreased immunity, sexual intercourse and drinking alcohol.

How dangerous is the disease?

If treatment for chronic trichomoniasis is not carried out, complications arise. May develop:

Trichomoniasis is dangerous during pregnancy. The pathogen promotes increased production of prostaglandins, against which a miscarriage is possible. Other negative consequences include preterm labor and early rupture of membranes. It has also been established that long-term trichomoniasis increases the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the cervix.


Complex treatment of this pathology is carried out after the diagnosis has been clarified. The following studies will be needed:

In women, the attending physician takes material for microscopy from the mucous membrane of the vagina, urethra and cervix. In men, seminal fluid, blood and scrapings from the urethral mucosa are examined. It is recommended not to urinate for at least 2 hours before collecting material. The polymerase chain reaction is very informative. It allows you to detect the genetic material of the pathogen.

Treatment tactics

Not everyone knows how trichomoniasis is treated. The main aspects of therapy are:

  • use of antimicrobial drugs;
  • use of local antiseptics;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • temporary sexual rest;
  • taking adaptogens and immunostimulants.

Not only the patient himself is treated, but also his sexual partner. Antiprotozoal medications are prescribed. Trichomonas are sensitive to 5-nitroimidazole derivatives. The most commonly prescribed drugs are based on metronidazole (Metrogyl, Klion, Metronidazole Nycomed), tinidazole (Fazizhin, Tiniba) and ornidazole (Dazolik, Tiberal). There are various treatment regimens where local medications in the form of gels and suppositories are combined with taking tablets.

When trichomoniasis is combined with other STIs, antifungal drugs may also be prescribed. For this pathology, it is recommended to use local antiseptics. An important aspect of therapy is increasing immunity. For this purpose, Immunomax, Thymogen, Estifan, Immunal and Immunorm are used.

Patients should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • change underwear more often;
  • drink vitamins;
  • diversify the menu;
  • give up alcohol;
  • cure concomitant diseases.

After a course of therapy, repeat treatments are required. They are done three times. Trichomoniasis is curable if you follow all medical recommendations.

Forecast and preventive measures

You need to know not only whether this disease can be cured, but also how to prevent it. To reduce the risk of infection with Trichomonas, you must:

It is necessary to eliminate all risk factors for developing the disease. An important aspect of prevention is increasing the body's resistance. This is achieved by proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. The prognosis for chronic trichomoniasis with proper treatment is favorable. If complaints are ignored, infertility develops. Thus, trichomoniasis poses a danger to the reproductive health of young people.

The inflammatory disease trichomoniasis is caused by the simplest unicellular microorganisms Trichomonas, which penetrate the mucous membrane of the vagina or urethra. There are three main forms of the disease: fresh trichomoniasis, chronic and carriage of trichomoniasis.

We will look at the first two forms next time. Today we will talk about chronic trichomoniasis, treatment, symptoms of this disease. Let's look at them in more detail. It should be noted that the chronic form of trichomoniasis is the most common among all sexually transmitted diseases in both sexes. But let's start with a description of all three forms in order to learn how to distinguish them from each other.

Forms of the disease

We can talk about fresh trichomoniasis if the infection occurred for about 2 months. back, but no more. At this stage, women are plagued by severe itching, burning in the genital area, and unpleasant vaginal discharge appears. Men experience painful sensations, a burning sensation at the time of urination, and there is discharge from the urethra.

If you do not begin to treat the disease, this form smoothly turns into chronic (which we will talk about in more detail). This is evidenced by the complete disappearance of acute symptoms after 2-3 weeks from their onset.

Carriage of Trichomonas. This condition does not manifest itself in any way in the patient. He does not feel any symptoms of the disease. Pathogenic microorganisms are detected only during laboratory testing. But during sexual contact, trichomonas are transmitted to a healthy partner, who develops all the typical signs of trichomoniasis.

Chronic trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis becomes chronic when the disease lasts more than 2 months. from the moment of infection. This form is characterized by periodic exacerbation of the disease with the appearance of all the described symptoms of varying degrees of intensity. Usually the disease worsens after drinking large doses of alcohol, or when the immune system is weakened. Also, exacerbation can be provoked by active sexual contacts.

Chronic trichomoniasis - symptoms of the disease:

The presence of chronic trichomoniasis is so invisible that often people do not even consider themselves sick, lead a normal lifestyle, do not undergo treatment, enter into sexual relations and safely “share” trichomonas with their partners. This condition can last a long time. But then exacerbations of the disease begin to occur, which appear more and more often.

Women with chronic trichomoniasis may develop inflammation of the vagina, spreading to the cervix. This, in turn, is fraught with the development of endometritis. This subsequently leads to problems with conception and difficulties in bearing a child. Ultimately, the woman may become infertile.

Men with chronic urogenital trichomoniasis suffer from damage to the urethra. Typically, the chronic form occurs without significant symptoms. During exacerbations of the disease, all signs of an inflammatory process are observed with the release of purulent contents from the urethra.

Often this form causes quite serious consequences. In particular, it provokes the appearance of prostatitis, vesiculitis, and epididymitis. In addition, epididymo-orchitis (inflammation of the testicles and appendages) may develop. All this ultimately leads to infertility.

You need to understand that the danger of chronic trichomoniasis also lies in the fact that during its development, the risk of developing inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, the appearance of erosions and ulcerations of the external genitalia increases.


Therapy for this disease is always complex. Treatment is carried out with protistocidal drugs and local procedures. The most effective drug for chronic trichomoniasis is ornidazole. It has high activity against Trichomonas. It has a destructive effect on the DNA of this single-celled microorganism and acts very quickly. The cell dies after about eight hours. Ornidozole is prescribed in combination with other necessary drugs, 0.5 g twice a day. The total treatment period is five days.

Complex therapy also includes specific immunotherapy. In particular, cyclin and antioxidant complexes are prescribed.

During relapses, during exacerbation of the disease, patients of both sexes are administered the Solcotrichovac vaccine. This drug is administered using three intramuscular injections, 2 weeks apart. The next vaccination is carried out after a year.

During treatment, it is extremely important to maintain a certain diet. It is necessary to categorically refuse alcohol, limit the consumption of spicy, very salty, pickled, smoked, fatty, and fried foods.

In addition, you should abstain from sexual activity during the entire treatment period. It is necessary to observe mandatory personal hygiene, namely, keep the body clean, change underwear regularly, and shower daily.

Chronic trichomoniasis can be considered completely cured if, when examining smears, a decrease in the number of red blood cells is observed, and the symptoms and signs of pathology disappear. After the treatment and follow-up examination, you will need to visit the doctor again in a year to conduct a follow-up diagnosis. Women should undergo follow-up checks during three menstrual cycles. Be healthy!

(trichomoniasis) is a sexually transmitted infection that causes inflammation of the genitourinary system. Manifested by signs of colpitis, urethritis, cystitis, proctitis. It is often combined with other genital infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma, candidiasis, etc. In the acute stage, there is abundant vaginal discharge, itching and burning in women and pain when urinating in men. In the absence of adequate treatment, it becomes chronic and can subsequently cause prostatitis, infertility, complicated pregnancy and childbirth, childhood pathology and mortality.

General information

(or trichomoniasis) urogenital is a disease exclusively of the human genitourinary system. The causative agent of trichomoniasis is Trichomonas vaginalis, which is sexually transmitted.

The target organs of trichomoniasis in men are the urethra, prostate, testicles and their appendages, seminal vesicles, and in women - the vagina, the vaginal part of the cervical canal, and the urethra. Trichomonas vaginalis is detected more often in women due to more pronounced manifestations of trichomoniasis and more frequent visits to the doctor for preventive purposes. Mostly, trichomoniasis affects women of reproductive age from 16 to 35 years. During childbirth, infection of a newborn with trichomoniasis from a sick mother occurs in approximately 5% of cases. In newborns, trichomoniasis occurs in a mild form due to the structural features of the epithelium and is capable of self-healing.

In men, usually, the presence of trichomonas does not cause obvious symptoms of trichomoniasis; they are often carriers of trichomonas and, without experiencing obvious illness, transmit the infection to their sexual partners. Trichomoniasis can be one of the causes of non-gonococcal urethritis, chronic prostatitis and epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), and contribute to the development of male infertility due to decreased sperm motility and viability.

Infection with trichomoniasis mainly occurs through sexual contact. Trichomoniasis is extremely rarely transmitted through household means - through linen, towels, and swimsuits contaminated by patients.

The number of diseases associated with trichomoniasis is large. Trichomoniasis is often detected with other STI pathogens (gonococci, chlamydia, ureaplasma, Candida fungi, herpes viruses). Currently, it is believed that Trichomonas contribute to the development of diabetes, mastopathy, allergies and even cancer.

Biological features of the causative agent of trichomoniasis

Trichomonas attach to the cells of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract and cause an inflammatory process there. Trichomonas waste products poison the human body and reduce its immunity.

Trichomonas can live in the genitals and even in the bloodstream, where they penetrate through the lymphatic pathways and intercellular spaces with the help of the enzyme hyaluronidase. Trichomonas are extremely adapted to exist in the human body: they can change shape, disguise themselves as blood plasma cells (platelets, lymphocytes) - which makes the diagnosis of trichomoniasis difficult; “catch” other microbes onto yourself and in this way evade the body’s immune attack.

Microorganisms (gonococci, ureaplasma, chlamydia, Candida fungi, herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus), getting inside Trichomonas, find protection there from the effects of drugs and the human immune system. Motile Trichomonas can spread other microbes throughout the genitourinary system and blood vessels. By damaging the epithelium, Trichomonas reduce its protective function and facilitate the penetration of germs and sexually transmitted viruses (including HIV).

Trichomonas carriage is isolated as a form of trichomoniasis, in which the pathogen is detected in the laboratory, but there are no manifestations of the disease. This division is arbitrary, since different forms of trichomoniasis can transform into each other. Erased forms of trichomoniasis play a large role in the spread of the disease. The pathogen that lives in the genitourinary system is a source of infection to a partner during sexual intercourse and its own re-infection.

Trichomoniasis is dangerous due to its complications, as it increases the risk of transmission of other infections (including HIV), pregnancy pathologies (premature birth, stillbirth), the development of infertility (male and female), cervical cancer, and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. If you have similar symptoms, or even if they are absent, you should be tested for trichomoniasis, and possibly other STIs. This is important for women planning pregnancy, for sexual partners who are Trichomonas carriers and patients with trichomoniasis; for everyone leading an active sex life.

Self-medication of trichomoniasis can lead to the opposite result: trichomonas become more aggressive, begin to multiply more actively, and the disease acquires hidden or atypical forms. Diagnosing and treating trichomoniasis in this case can be much more difficult.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis involves detecting the pathogen using various methods.

Based on patient complaints and examination, the presence of Trichomonas can be suspected. When examined in women with trichomoniasis, signs of inflammation are observed - swelling and hyperemia of the vulva and vagina. During colposcopy, a symptom of “strawberry cervix” may be observed: redness of the mucous membrane with pinpoint and focal hemorrhages on the cervix. Epithelial dysplasia is noted, and sometimes atypical epithelial cells may appear.

Trichomoniasis is reliably detected using laboratory methods:

  • microscopy of the studied material (for women - smears from the vagina and urethra, for men - smears from the urethra);
  • cultural (microbiological) method using artificial nutrient media;
  • immunological method;
  • PCR diagnostics.

Trichomoniasis in men is more difficult to diagnose due to the lack of symptoms; in addition, Trichomonas in this course of the disease are in an atypical ameboid form. Before planning a pregnancy, both men and women should undergo a full screening for STIs, including trichomoniasis.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

Treatment of trichomoniasis is carried out by venereologists, gynecologists and urologists. It must be carried out for any form of the disease, regardless of the presence or absence of manifestations. Treatment of trichomoniasis should be carried out simultaneously for sexual partners (even if tests of one of them are negative). Treatment of trichomoniasis in only one of the sexual partners is ineffective, since re-infection may occur after treatment. The production of antibodies against the causative agent of trichomoniasis does not form lasting immunity; after treatment, you can get sick again if you are re-infected.

Treatment of trichomoniasis must be combined with treatment of other STIs that often accompany the disease.

Trichomoniasis is considered cured when the pathogen is not detected during diagnosis and clinical symptoms are not observed. Sexual activity is prohibited during treatment. It is necessary to inform your sexual partner about the presence of trichomoniasis and other STDs, about the need for examination and treatment.

The result of treatment for trichomoniasis depends on the normalization of the microflora of the genitourinary system and the body as a whole. In women, a vaccine against inactivated lactobacillus acidophilus is used for this purpose. It is possible to prescribe immunomodulatory drugs.

Chronic trichomoniasis is an insidious infectious disease that can cause serious harm to health. It is sexually transmitted and therefore occurs in both men and women.

After infection, a person may not experience any discomfort, so identifying the disease in the early stages can sometimes be problematic. The chronic form of the disease is the most common. To cope with it, you need to know its features and the rules of therapy.

What is the pathogen

First, microorganisms penetrate into the intercellular space, and then into the subepithelial tissue. Trichomonas move using flagella. They attach to the epithelial cells of the urethra, and then quickly rise up the urethra.

The entry of the pathogen into the organs of the genitourinary system leads to a severe inflammatory process. The hyaluronidase they secrete makes the tissue loose. As a result, toxic substances gain the ability to easily penetrate cells.

If the infection goes undetected for more than two months and no control methods are taken, it develops into a chronic form.

It is characterized by frequent alternation of periods of exacerbation and remission. An exacerbation of the problem occurs against the background of taking a large dose of alcohol, decreased immunity, and excessive sexual activity.

Chronic trichomoniasis is a common disease. Among the main reasons for this are:

  • High activity of the pathogen and its viability.
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  • The use of intrauterine devices as a method of contraception is very popular.
  • Difficulties in diagnosing trichomoniasis.
  • Decreased human immunity.

Most often, the disease is transmitted sexually from an infected partner to a healthy one. The domestic route of infection cannot be ruled out. Trichomonas can live outside the human body for five hours. Sometimes this time is enough for infection.

Reasons for appearance

Trichomoniasis is caused by small single-celled microorganisms. The reasons for the development of the disease are few.

Transmission of Trichomonas occurs through sexual, vertical or household contact. The most dangerous are unprotected vaginal contacts with a sick person or carrier.

Anal and oral sex reduce the risk of infection. Most often, the source is men with an erased form of trichomoniasis or carriers.

Contact-household transmission occurs when using someone else's towels and underwear. This route of infection is rare due to the fact that Trichomonas are viable in the external environment for 10–15 minutes.

The following factors increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • pregnancy;
  • casual sexual contacts;
  • commercial sex;
  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • menstrual bleeding;
  • decreased vaginal acidity;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • abortions;
  • decreased immune status.

Chronic trichomoniasis in women and men develops against the background of acute inflammation when symptoms are ignored, self-medication or non-compliance with the treatment regimen. This diagnosis is made if the disease is more than 2 months old.

Get tested for Trichomonas

Trichomoniasis: forms of the disease

The disease occurs in three forms:


With this form, the patient does not worry about anything. The diagnosis is made after examining a smear for flora. But during sexual contact, the causative agent of trichomoniasis is transmitted to the partner, and he already exhibits symptoms of the disease.

Acute form

We can talk about a fresh form of the disease if the pathogen entered the body no earlier than two months ago. Symptoms of trichomoniasis in women include severe itching and burning in the genital area.

As well as copious greenish discharge with a specific smell of rotten meat.

Signs of infection in men are discharge from the urethra, burning and pain when urinating. If left untreated, acute trichomoniasis smoothly turns into chronic. The fact that the disease has taken a chronic course is indicated by the disappearance of signs of the acute form.

Chronic form

The disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation, which can be very long. Since the body does not develop strong immunity to trichomoniasis, re-infection is possible.

Women, unlike the opposite sex, become infected much faster and easier. Chronic trichomoniasis in men, compared to the disease in women, has a milder course, but can cause the most serious consequences. In men, damage occurs to the urethra and genital organs.

In women, the process involves the urethra, vagina and cervical canal of the cervix. Trichomoniasis is often accompanied by other sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and others.

Routes of infection and risk factors

In terms of prevalence, the disease ranks among the first among all urogenital infections.

Most often, infection with trichomoniasis occurs through sexual contact. The pathogen is quite unstable in the external environment, so infection with Trichomonas by contact is practically excluded.

Infection is promoted by:

  • Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the development of pathogenic flora in the genital tract.
  • Having sexual relations with casual partners without using protective equipment is an almost 100% guarantee of infection.

From the moment the infection enters until the first symptoms of the disease appear, five to ten days pass. Late diagnosis and the absence of manifestations of signs of the disease contribute to the transition of the acute form to chronic trichomoniasis. The source of infection is often carriers or men suffering from mild manifestations of the disease.

The possibility of infection also increases in the following cases:

  • with decreased immunity;
  • when engaging in prostitution;
  • during sex during menstruation;
  • when the vaginal pH shifts towards decreasing acidity;
  • with bacterial vaginosis.

The manifestations are practically no different from the signs of inflammation of the genital mucosa (vulvovaginitis). Local symptoms are acute:

  • sensation of irritation and tingling (itching);
  • irritating heat of organs (burning);
  • congestion of blood vessels (hyperemia) and swelling of the labia;
  • rash on the perineum;
  • vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea), which has a foul odor, yellow-gray color and foamy consistency.

Manifestations of the disease intensify when emptying the bladder, long walks, during and after intimate contact.

Symptoms of damage to the bladder and urethra

The disease is characterized by manifestations similar to inflammation of the urethra (urethritis):

  • disturbance of the urination process (dysuria);
  • copious pasty leucorrhoea of ​​a greenish tint;
  • pain localized in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of cervical lesions

The introduction of infection into the cervix often leads to the formation of erosion on the organ. Signs of damage:

  • hyperemia and redness of the uterus (can only be detected during examination by a doctor);
  • leucorrhoea;
  • violation of the cyclicity of menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome in chronic trichomoniasis is characterized by an increase in all symptoms, regardless of the affected area.

Trichomoniasis in pregnant women can cause:

  • risk of developing fetal pathology;
  • risk of premature birth;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • frozen pregnancy.

The infection itself cannot reach the fetus through the placenta, but during natural childbirth the child can become infected.

If a child becomes infected, treatment can begin from the first days of life.

The most important thing is the need to support the immunity of both the child and the mother.

If the infection occurs during pregnancy and is not treated during pregnancy, it can be dangerous for the fetus. As practice shows, these days neglected situations arise extremely rarely.

That is why before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to get tested. And during pregnancy, a test for trichomoniasis is taken before registration for pregnancy.

How does chronic trichomoniasis manifest in women?

Early detection of infection allows for early diagnosis and timely treatment. However, ½ of infected women are unaware of the disease. The reasons for such carelessness are:

  • Frequent urge to urinate, pain, and burning during urination are considered to be a consequence of cystitis;
  • pain during sexual intercourse, aching pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen are classified as colds of the genitourinary system.

The inflammatory process caused by the proliferation of localization sites of the pathogen may involve the paraurethral ducts, Bartholin's glands, and the cervix.

  1. The development of the disease in women occurs with clearly expressed symptoms.
  2. The course of the disease has 3 stages:
    • acute form with clear manifestation of signs of the presence of the pathogen in the body;
    • subacute type, the patient’s disease does not bother him much;
    • sluggish asymptomatic type, detected only during routine medical examinations.
  3. Menstrual periods, hypothermia, and other side factors can provoke an increase in the symptoms of indolent infections and accelerate their penetration into the body.

A clinical examination allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and distinguish trichomoniasis from more harmless types of infection.

How dangerous is the disease?

If treatment for chronic trichomoniasis is not carried out, complications arise. May develop:

  • female and male infertility;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • frigidity;
  • anorgasmia;
  • disturbance of spermatogenesis;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • cervical cancer;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • orchitis;
  • urethral stricture;
  • acute urinary retention.

Trichomoniasis is dangerous during pregnancy. The pathogen promotes increased production of prostaglandins, against which a miscarriage is possible.

Other negative consequences include preterm labor and early rupture of membranes. It has also been established that long-term trichomoniasis increases the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the cervix.

Chronic trichomoniasis in men

Treatment of chronic trichomoniasis in men must be carried out in all cases when trichomonas are detected, even with mild or complete absence of symptoms.

Trichomoniasis is a topic that is in great demand among the male population, because with general sexual promiscuity, the likelihood of contracting this disease increases several times. 10% of the planet's population is susceptible to this scourge every year. The disease is transmitted sexually.

Men often underestimate this disease and do not pay attention to it. And even the opinions of doctors on this issue are divided.

Is it possible to get rid of a disease if it has not been treated for a long time?

Yes, provided that the doctor has chosen the most favorable treatment regimens. Although it is easiest to carry out therapy in the initial stage.

In the chronic stage, in addition to pills, you will also need complex treatment of chronic trichomoniasis. If at least one trichomonas remains alive in the body, then after some time a relapse will certainly occur.

There are a lot of testing methods: from monitoring scrapings from the urethra to donating urine, ejaculate, and prostate secretions. The accuracy of such analyzes ranges from 90 to 95%. But during the incubation stage, pathogens cannot be detected.

A mandatory condition for the duration of treatment is abstinence from sexual activity, as well as simultaneous treatment of both partners.

This is done in order to prevent re-infection.
Yes, you will have to give up many joys! In particular, alcohol is contraindicated during treatment, as it nullifies the therapeutic effect of the drugs. Avoiding fried, salty and spicy foods will also help your recovery. There is a price to be paid for pleasure and carelessness.

If you follow a diet, the prescribed treatment for a chronic disease will be more effective. You should not neglect maintaining intimate hygiene during treatment. It is very important to shower and change your underwear daily to prevent self-infection.

Treatment will also be helped by measures to increase the body’s immunity.

The most effective drug against sexually transmitted diseases, including protozoa, is Metronidazole - a cheap and well-studied drug by doctors.

Treatment lasts 7-10 days. Then, after passing the analysis, the course is repeated. But pills alone will not help in advanced cases.

The doctor may prescribe procedures that remove the external manifestations of the disease. This could be massage, ultrasound, mud therapy. To enhance immunity, special medications are prescribed.

Remember that under no circumstances should you self-medicate! Only a highly qualified specialist can determine what stage the disease is at, how far the infection has progressed, and select effective treatment. Each case is individual, as is the course of therapy.

The treatment that is suitable for one may not be suitable for another. Therefore, it is so important to see a doctor as soon as possible.


Complex treatment of this pathology is carried out after the diagnosis has been clarified. The following studies will be needed:

  • microscopic examination of smears;
  • general urine and blood tests;
  • sowing on nutrient media;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • gynecological examination;
  • colposcopy;
  • polymerase chain reaction.

In women, the attending physician takes material for microscopy from the mucous membrane of the vagina, urethra and cervix. In men, seminal fluid, blood and scrapings from the urethral mucosa are examined.

Treatment regimen for chronic trichomoniasis (carriage)

Particular attention is paid to the treatment of the chronic form. Since persons with a chronic form are carriers of the infection. The chronic form is a consequence of untreated trichomoniasis.

The treatment regimen is chosen strictly individually. Depends: on the duration of the disease, on the localization, on the form of the inflammatory process. All concomitant diseases are also taken into account.

Main drugs: Metronidazole, Tinidazole, Ornidazole. The course and regimen of treatment is basically no different from the main one. The treatment package includes:

  • vaginal (rectal) suppositories;
  • immunostimulating drugs;
  • vitamin therapy.

Local treatment

Prescribed in cases where complications have arisen or the disease has become chronic. For local treatment use: ointments, gels, tinctures for douching. Women are prescribed creams (gels) to treat the external genitalia. Baths, douching or tampons with solutions of chamomile, sage, etc. are also recommended.

After the course of treatment, it is urgent to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.
For this purpose use: Ginolact, Vagilak.

Treatment of pregnant women

It is very difficult to prescribe treatment for a pregnant woman. Basically, all drugs have the property of penetrating through the placenta to the fetus. That is why the course of treatment should begin no earlier than the third week of pregnancy. Only local drugs are prescribed.

Ornidozole - 1 g per day, course of treatment up to 10 days.

The following drugs are also prescribed in combination:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • antioxidants;
  • immunostimulants;
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

Vaccine SolkoTrichovak against trichomoniasis

The vaccine is used as an immunostimulant and treatment of trichomoniasis. Stimulates the formation of antibodies in vaginal secretions.

These proteins are able to eliminate pathological bacteria, which has a beneficial effect on the development of normal vaginal bacteria. The vaccine is used in combination with antimicrobial drugs.

0.5 ml is administered intramuscularly, three times. The interval between administrations is 2 weeks. A year after the last vaccine, a revaccination is given once.

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From whom: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To whom: Administration site

Not long ago my health condition worsened. I began to feel constant fatigue, headaches, laziness and some kind of endless apathy appeared. Problems also appeared with the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, diarrhea, pain and bad breath.

I thought it was because of the hard work and hoped that it would go away on its own. But every day I felt worse. The doctors couldn’t really say anything either. Everything seems to be normal, but I feel like my body is not healthy.

Chronic trichomoniasis in men and women is the most common form of this inflammatory infectious disease. This factor is due to the lack of timely treatment and the characteristics of the causative agent of the disease.

The oral form of Trichomonas is uncommon. The disease has virtually no symptoms and is detected mainly during a dental examination. The disease poses a danger to internal organs, since, having settled in the mouth, the pathogen enters the gastrointestinal tract with food.

The intestinal variety of trichomoniasis is a rare form of the disease that is difficult to diagnose due to symptoms similar to more popular infections of the digestive system.

Trichomonas pathogen belongs to unicellular asexual organisms. It is very mobile and has the ability for maximum adaptation in the human body: it can change shape, attract other bacteria, multiply quickly and attach to the mucous membrane.

Trichomonas do not tolerate low and high temperatures or contact with oxygen. The optimal conditions for them are the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the genitourinary system and a temperature range of 35 to 37 degrees. Therefore, infection with trichomoniasis occurs through unprotected intimate contact.

Symptoms of the disease

The time interval from the moment of infection, that is, the penetration of Trichomonas into the body, until the manifestation of symptoms can range from a couple of days to a couple of months.

Trichomoniasis has three main forms:

  1. Fresh. Has pronounced signs. In men, pain in the penis area and when emptying the bladder. Discharge of a foamy substance from the urethra, blood in the ejaculate. The female version is characterized by: swelling of the external genitalia, burning sensation in the vagina, yellow profuse discharge with a pungent odor, pain during urination and during intimate contact.
  2. Trichomonas carriage. The course of the disease is asymptomatic. Trichomonas do not cause concern to their owner, but at the same time they develop, multiply and are transmitted to the partner. Their presence can only be determined through laboratory tests.
  3. Chronic. Symptoms appear in waves. Exacerbations alternate with periods of remission. In women, the signs of trichomoniasis are more pronounced than in men.

Venereal disease manifests itself differently in representatives of different sexes.

Manifestations of chronic trichomoniasis in men

The symptoms of the disease are similar to the manifestations of the inflammatory process of the walls of the urethra - urethritis. Purulent discharge and pain bother only a small percentage of infected men.

The main signs characterizing the presence of a chronic disease:

  • discomfort when emptying the bladder;
  • periodic tingling in the area of ​​the head of the penis.

Alcohol consumption and strong sexual arousal can serve as provocations for exacerbation of symptoms. With a long course of the disease, in half of the cases, Trichomonas spreads to the prostate gland. An advanced infection threatens a man with prostatitis and inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis).

Manifestations of chronic disease in women

With chronic trichomoniasis, women feel the symptoms more vividly. Trichomonas in the female body can affect several organs at once or one of them. The main complications of the disease are infertility and cervical cancer.

Symptoms of vaginal lesions

The manifestations are practically no different from the signs of inflammation of the genital mucosa (vulvovaginitis). Local symptoms are acute:

  • sensation of irritation and tingling (itching);
  • irritating heat of organs (burning);
  • congestion of blood vessels (hyperemia) and swelling of the labia;
  • rash on the perineum;
  • vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea), which has a foul odor, yellow-gray color and foamy consistency.

Manifestations of the disease intensify when emptying the bladder, long walks, during and after intimate contact.

Symptoms of damage to the bladder and urethra

The disease is characterized by manifestations similar to inflammation of the urethra (urethritis):

  • disturbance of the urination process (dysuria);
  • copious pasty leucorrhoea of ​​a greenish tint;
  • pain localized in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of cervical lesions

The introduction of infection into the cervix often leads to the formation of erosion on the organ. Signs of damage:

  • hyperemia and redness of the uterus (can only be detected during examination by a doctor);
  • leucorrhoea;
  • violation of the cyclicity of menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome in chronic trichomoniasis is characterized by an increase in all symptoms, regardless of the affected area.

Diagnostic methods

Detection is made using instrumental examination and laboratory tests.

Basic methods:

  • visual examination of the genitals and cervix;
  • examination of the genital organs with binocular optics (colposcopy);
  • examination under a microscope of smears from the urethra and vagina (microscopy);
  • bacteriological examination of smears for culture (culture method);
  • determination of DNA fragments or PCR diagnostic method (polymerase chain reaction);
  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • identifying the interaction of blood plasma proteins (antibodies) and foreign organisms (antigens) - an immunological method.

Diagnosis of infection in men most often comes down to microscopy and culture of smears from the urethra, blood tests, and a verbal description of symptoms.


Treatment of chronic trichomoniasis is a long process, which should be carried out for both partners at the same time.

Treatment of the disease excludes:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages. Medicines negatively affect alcohol metabolism, causing Antabuse-like syndrome (alcohol intolerance);
  • presence of spicy seasonings in the diet.

Treatment is considered successful when no pathogens are detected during diagnosis and the body’s microflora is completely restored. There is no immunity to trichomoniasis, so there is always a chance of re-infection.

Treatment of the disease involves an integrated approach, including the use of a number of medications:

  • special antimicrobial drugs (Metronidazole), the use of this medicine in gel form for topical use:
  • drip administration of silver nitrate and protargol into the urethra (instillation);
  • antiviral drugs;
  • drugs that regulate the functioning of the immune system (immunomodulators);
  • tetracycline antibiotics (in the presence of bacterial complications);
  • antiallergic drugs (antihistamines);

  • preparations for restoring microflora (prebiotics);
  • baths and douches with disinfecting components;
  • phytotherapeutic agents (decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs prepared according to traditional medicine recipes).

Prevention of infections

To avoid infection with trichomoniasis, you should not neglect basic preventive measures:

  • exclude casual sexual relations;
  • regularly use condoms during intimate contacts;
  • visit a doctor at least once a year, take smears from the urethra (for women - from the urethra and vagina);
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene.

In a situation of casual and unprotected sexual intercourse, the genitals should be immediately treated with a strong antiseptic (for example, Miramistin). This will reduce the risk of infection by about half.

Failure to comply with preventive rules and excessive freedom of sexual contacts provoke the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Many sexually transmitted diseases progress only because of a person’s irresponsible attitude towards their health.

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