Symptoms of HIV infection in children. Symptoms of HIV in children: stages and diagnosis of the insidious disease Manifestation of HIV infection in children

The disease leads to damage to the immune system child, its significant weakening, all sorts of disruptions in the functioning of the immune system.

The disease has a progressive course, and if no measures are taken, leads to the death of the patient. HIV infection contributes to the development of a number of other infectious diseases and the occurrence of cancer.

The method of infection, characteristic signs, symptoms and treatment methods for HIV in children are different than in adults, so parents whose child has HIV should receive complete information in a timely manner about the characteristics of the disease in children.

What provokes it?

There are several reasons why a child may become infected with HIV. You can get infected in several ways:

  • promiscuity a teenager, unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who is a carrier of the infection, taking drugs when the injection is carried out through a shared syringe;
  • intrauterine infection fetus through the placenta, infection during childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • during blood transfusion and its components, if the donor has an appropriate diagnosis;
  • using medical equipment(syringes, gynecological, surgical supplies) that have not undergone special treatment;
  • during the procedure organ transplantation from an infected donor.

It is known that the virus, the causative agent of infection, is transmitted through blood, semen, and vaginal microflora.

The virus is also contained in the patient’s saliva and urine, however, its content in these substances is too small to infect others.


How does HIV manifest in children? Symptoms and signs of HIV infection in children at different stages of the disease may be different:

About symptoms You can learn about HIV infection from the video:

How is it confirmed?

What is diagnostics? In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor evaluates the clinical manifestations of the disease, as well as the data of the following laboratory tests:

Principles and approaches to treatment

The use of special therapy, unfortunately, does not completely eliminate the virus, and, accordingly, cure the child.

The use of such agents can only suppress the multiplication of the virus (replication) and temporarily normalize the patient’s condition.

Completely destroy the virus cells, alas, does not seem possible. In order to help the patient, special principles and rules of treatment are applied:

Criteria for prescribing HAART

Specific antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is prescribed when appropriate.

However, it is important to remember that children in the first year of life are prescribed HAART without fail (if HIV is diagnosed), without special indications.

At older ages, HAART is used if:

  • the number of immune cells (CD4), which determine the child’s immune status, reduced to 15% or less;
  • the CD4 count is about 15-20%, but the patient has serious secondary bacterial diseases.

Antiretroviral therapy

HAART – main method of therapy, used in the treatment of HIV infection.

To achieve a positive result, a combination of several antiviral drugs is used.

Monotherapy(use of one drug) is possible only for preventive purposes when a child born from an infected mother has an uncertain (or negative) HIV status.

Currently there are a large number of known antiretroviral drugs with a high degree of efficiency. The most commonly used combinations of such agents are:

  • Lamivudine;
  • Didanosine;
  • Videx;
  • Zidovudine;
  • Abacavir;
  • Ziagen;
  • Olytide;
  • Retrovir.

Prevention during the perinatal period

A woman who has a positive HIV status may well give birth to a healthy child.

To do this, first of all, you need to carefully monitor your own health (detect the presence of HIV infection in time, contact the AIDS center in a timely manner), and also follow a number of preventive measures, minimizing the risk of intrauterine infection fetus

To do this you need:

  1. No later than 14 weeks of pregnancy, undergo a special chemotherapy which is carried out at the AIDS center.
  2. During childbirth, a woman is given special antiretroviral drugs. The newborn baby also receives an appropriate course of treatment as a preventive measure.
  3. After a preventive course of therapy, the child is taken blood analysis, since exposure to the drug can provoke the development of anemia and neutrophilia. Indicators of hemoglobin level and the number of neutrophils, as a rule, normalize on their own within a few days.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure HIV infection. However, timely access to a specialized medical center, well-chosen therapy, proper child care allows you to achieve a positive result and improve the quality of life of a small patient.

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about ways of transmitting HIV to children in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

One of the most pressing problems of our time is the diagnosis of HIV in children. The first cases of childhood infection in the USSR occurred within the walls of medical institutions, but currently most children become infected as a result of prenatal penetration of the virus into the child’s body.

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that attacks the human immune system and destroys a certain type of blood cell (CD4) that fights pathogens.

The development of HIV infection can be divided into three stages:

  • acute infectious stage;
  • latent period;
  • terminal stage (AIDS).

HIV spreads:

  • through blood;
  • through breast milk;
  • through semen and vaginal secretions.

HIV is not transmitted:

  • through food;
  • hugs and handshakes;
  • insect bites;
  • through tears and skin;
  • through household items, plumbing fixtures.

Patients diagnosed with HIV infection require special therapy and social rehabilitation.
According to statistics, over the past 10 years the number of children infected with HIV during the perinatal period has decreased. This is due to the introduction of chemoprophylaxis for vertical transmission of HIV, including the use of antiretroviral drugs of the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor group.
In the absence of prevention, the likelihood of a newborn becoming infected with HIV increases to 30-40%.

Unfortunately, chemoprophylaxis does not eliminate the risk of infection of the child before and during childbirth.

Factors that increase risks include:

  • HIV in advanced stages;
  • early discharge of amniotic fluid, long anhydrous period;
  • episiotomy;
  • natural childbirth;
  • birth before 37 weeks;
  • medical procedures affecting the fetus;
  • breast-feeding.
  • The clinical picture of HIV in children depends on the stage at which the child was infected (postpartum, during childbirth or in utero), and in the case of postpartum infection, on his age.

    Symptoms of HIV infection in children

    Symptoms of HIV infection may not appear for a long time. A person may feel well, despite the fact that the virus is already actively destroying his immune system. The appearance of symptoms indicates that the disease has spread throughout the body.

    The main signs of the disease are:

    • fever, fever;
    • state of fatigue;
    • enlarged lymph nodes;
    • sweating;
    • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
    • muscle pain;
    • ulceration of mucous membranes, rash;
    • muscle pain.

    Diagnosis of congenital HIV infection

    Antibodies to HIV obtained from the mother through the placenta can be detected in the blood of a child up to 18 months.
    To diagnose HIV in children, complex methods are used to exclude false-positive results.
    The diagnosis of HIV is made based on the results of a PCR test, which is carried out in the first 48 hours of a child’s life, then on the 14th day, at 1-2 months and at 3-6 months of life. A positive result of 2 PCR tests allows us to draw a conclusion about HIV infection.
    Diagnosis of HIV in children over one and a half years old is carried out using the ELISA method, confirmed by immunoblotting or RIF.

    In the case of 2 negative results of PCR diagnostics, as well as the results of 2 serological tests for antibodies to HIV, HIV infection can be excluded.

    Clinical manifestations of HIV in children are varied:

    • lymphadenopathy;
    • anemia;
    • malnutrition;
    • interstitial changes in the lungs.

    HIV infection is often aggravated by diseases such as Pneumocystis pneumonia, cytomegalovirus infection, fungal infection, and damage to the central nervous system.

    HIV treatment

    The main goal in HIV treatment is to stop the progression of the disease, so antiretroviral drugs must be taken continuously throughout life. During treatment, periodic (every 12 weeks) examinations are carried out to monitor the effectiveness of therapy and help to avoid side effects.

    Drug treatment for HIV includes primary therapy, which depends on the phase of the disease and the level of lymphocytes, and therapy aimed at treating secondary diseases.

    HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) in children occurs when a virus enters the body, causing persistent pathological weakening of the immune system. It was first described by the French scientist L. Montagnier in the 90s of the 20th century. Based on the data of a virologist, one can understand the nature of the occurrence of HIV. This is a virus with a complex structure, which is resistant to various types of influences and has a high degree of variability.

    According to the results of recent studies, we can talk about a decrease in the incidence of HIV infection among children, thanks to proper diagnosis and treatment. Parents of HIV-infected children should know about modern methods of treating the infection in order to make life easier and their adaptation in society.

    HIV is a retrovirus in origin, in which the genetic material consists of RNA. This type of virus is capable of penetrating the body’s DNA as a result of transformations and destroying healthy cells or converting them into cancer cells.

    In the case of HIV, it destroys the immune defense. It is difficult for such children to fight various types of infections. Therefore, parents should help their child manage life with HIV in such a way as to minimize the risk of complications.

    Causes of HIV infection in children

    In many countries, children who have already been living with HIV infection for some time are under special medical supervision. The causes and transmission of infection are still being studied.

    There are several main reasons:

    • early and unprotected sexual contacts during adolescence with HIV carriers;
    • drug addiction, when a shared syringe is used to inject drugs;
    • in newborns, HIV infection enters the body during passage through the birth canal of an infected mother or during intrauterine development through the placenta;
    • blood transfusion from a donor - a carrier of infection - to a healthy child;
    • use of poorly processed and disinfected medical instruments;
    • organ transplantation from an infected donor.

    The sites of localization of the immunodeficiency virus are the bloodstream, semen, vaginal secretions and cerebrospinal fluid. Infection from mother to child is considered the most common route (statistics show more than 80% of such cases).

    Periods of infection in early childhood

    With vertical transmission of the virus, three periods of possible infection are noted.


    This is intrauterine transmission of the virus through the placental circulation. This period accounts for 20% of cases of all possible transmission routes from the mother.


    This is the name given to the transmission of infection through the interaction of the skin of a newborn with the vaginal secretions of the mother during natural childbirth. The risk of developing HIV in this period is the highest; it accounts for 60% of cases.


    This is transmission of the virus through mother's milk during breastfeeding. This stage accounts for about 20% of cases.

    Doctors try to diagnose the disease in an expectant mother in a timely manner in order to prevent the possibility of a natural birth and minimize the degree of danger for the newborn.

    Factors that increase the risk of infection in children

    Factors that provoke the development of HIV are:

    • late detection of infection in a woman during pregnancy and lack of preventive measures;
    • multiple pregnancy;
    • premature birth;
    • natural delivery;
    • uterine bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth;
    • entry of mother's blood into children's respiratory tract during birth;
    • drug and alcohol addiction of a pregnant woman;
    • breastfeeding by an HIV-infected mother;
    • the presence of various chronic diseases in the mother who is a carrier of the virus;
    • infection with various types of virus.

    The manifestation of the disease in children differs from adults infected with HIV. Pediatricians consider CNS pathology to be one of the first manifestations of the immunodeficiency virus.


    When infected with the virus through the genital tract, acute retroviral syndrome occurs. Then the disease goes through several stages: the first two are hidden, without pronounced symptoms, and in the next two stages signs of infection in children already appear. Symptoms during vertical infection in the acute and latent periods may not be observed.

    In a third of infected children, after the incubation period, the first signs are observed in the form of various upper respiratory tract infections, skin rashes, meningeal symptoms and other childhood diseases. The duration of this stage varies from several days to two months.

    The next four stages of HIV development occur in different ways.

    Asymptomatic manifestation

    There is no obvious course of the disease, but an increase in 2 groups of lymph nodes may be observed. The duration of this stage is from two to ten years.

    Second phase

    Characterized by a sharp weight loss, defects appear on the skin and mucous membranes, as well as herpes zoster. During this period, the general state of health does not change.

    Third stage

    The body's immunodeficiency begins to appear. The general condition is disturbed, causeless diarrhea occurs, sudden loss of body weight, persistent increase in temperature, headache, increased sweating, decreased memory and other symptoms are observed. HIV infection in children is also characterized by the appearance of neurological disorders, oral candidiasis, and CMV mumps.

    The fourth stage (the actual stage of AIDS)

    The body is already exhausted, severe signs of the disease appear, including tumor formations.

    Young children affected by the virus are characterized by frequent bacterial infections. In half of the cases, children suffer from inflammation of the middle ear, meningitis, dermatitis, pneumonia, sepsis, and damage to the musculoskeletal system. To alleviate their condition, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment.


    To diagnose HIV in children, a comprehensive study is used - the so-called immune status test. One of the necessary examinations is to determine the amount of antibodies to HIV. It is carried out using ELISA. If the reaction is positive, an immunoblotting test is prescribed, which is considered a reliable method for detecting the virus.

    If the result is negative, PCR helps identify the disease, which is used from the 2nd month of life.

    Diagnostics includes other tests that detect abnormalities in the atypical course of the disease (including an MRI method with a contrast agent, which helps determine the presence of the virus at the asymptomatic stage).


    Children born with HIV infection should be systematically observed by specialists from the AIDS center, pediatricians from the district clinic, and a phthisiatrician. At each appointment, doctors examine the little patient and assess his general condition, and also conduct a series of studies, the results of which determine the degree of damage to the immune system.

    In addition, doctors assess the weight and height of infected children every six months, monitor the Mantoux reaction, and draw blood and urine. Parents make sure that the HIV-infected person’s diet is high in calories.

    Principles of therapeutic therapy for HIV-infected children

    HIV infection in children cannot be completely cured, so no medicine can destroy the virus, but helping the patient live a full life with this problem is quite possible. To do this, we are guided by the following principles:

    1. Antiretroviral therapy, which is considered the mainstay of treatment for HIV infection in children. Along with this method, symptomatic treatment of secondary diseases caused by weakened immunity may also be required.
    2. Any method of therapy can be used only after the child’s parents sign consent to its use.
    3. All necessary medications are issued at the AIDS center at the place of residence of the HIV-infected patient; Here experts give recommendations on their use.
    4. To reduce the level of viral resistance to certain drugs and increase the effectiveness of treatment, several different antiviral agents are prescribed.
    5. Violation of the conditions for taking medications leads to a lack of treatment results, so it is important to strictly follow the instructions for taking medications.
    6. The patient undergoes all stages of treatment at home under the supervision of doctors (in exceptional cases, hospitalization is required).

    Treatment measures for HIV infection

    Treatment, regardless of the route of entry of HIV infection into the child’s body, should be started as early as possible. In addition to taking antiviral drugs, surgery may also be required (for example, if a tumor is detected).

    One of the common methods of treatment is immunoreplacement therapy, when the patient is transfused with lymphocytes. In special cases, a bone marrow transplant is recommended. Immunomodulators that affect viral enzymes are often used.

    The effectiveness of treatment with these drugs is possible only with their regular use. Any interruption of medication is strictly prohibited. To prevent the virus from becoming resistant to certain components, doctors periodically adjust the drug regimen.

    Depending on the concomitant diseases, additional antibiotics, antifungal drugs, and anti-tuberculosis drugs are used.

    We must not forget about taking vitamin complexes so that the adaptation of HIV-infected children into society is as complete as possible.

    It is important to begin treatment of the newborn immediately after birth if the mother did not receive any supportive therapy during pregnancy. First of all, breastfeeding is prohibited as one of the main ways of transmitting the virus.

    Scientists around the world are conducting research to invent a drug that can inactivate HIV.


    The prognosis for children with HIV is quite serious. Parents of young patients are always interested in how long children with HIV live, and whether it is possible to cure HIV. Properly selected antiretroviral therapy significantly slows down the rate of development of the disease. Today, unfortunately, the disease is incurable, but if you follow all medical recommendations, including the treatment regimen, you can achieve high-quality adaptation of infected children into society.

    Prevention of HIV infection in children

    Prevention of HIV infection in children, which includes a whole range of measures, plays an important role in reducing morbidity.

    Primary prevention

    This includes testing donated blood for the presence of a retrovirus. This will help avoid infection when transfusing blood components to children when necessary. This group also includes complete sterility of medical instruments intended for surgical procedures and strict control during organ transplantation for children.

    Promotion of healthy lifestyles

    This is especially important for preventing the occurrence of HIV infection among adolescents who began sexual activity early or use drugs. Education should be conducted in schools to explain the need to use condoms during sexual intercourse and the principle of discretion in intimate relationships. Psychologists, teachers, doctors and parents of teenagers are involved in such events. Society should try to instill in children a love of sports, family values, and responsibility for their own health and the health of their loved ones.

    Perinatal prevention

    This is a set of measures carried out when an immunodeficiency virus is detected in a pregnant woman. In such cases, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy in the first trimester, and at a later date, strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and adhere to the treatment regimen. These measures help reduce the risk of having sick children by half. Infected women should only give birth by caesarean section. After giving birth, the baby should not be fed with breast milk. If the father is infected, only artificial insemination of the mother is possible.

    Monitoring and vaccination of HIV-infected children

    If there is an HIV-infected child in the family, it is necessary to register him with a medical institution in order to competently carry out treatment measures. It is strictly forbidden to hide this diagnosis from doctors; this can harm the child, depriving him of the opportunity to live a full life. Timely vaccination of HIV-positive children is one of the important preventive measures.

    Carefully following all the recommendations of doctors, delicately explaining to HIV-infected children the features of their lifestyle, you can significantly improve the prognosis for young patients. Although the disease is incurable today, the work of many scientists is yielding positive results in this direction. Perhaps in the coming years, every patient with HIV will have a chance at a long and happy life.

    HIV infection is a real scourge of the modern world. It is widespread throughout the globe, affecting the young, able-bodied part of the planet's population.

    The danger also lies in the fact that often people do not suspect that they have this disease, and, being its carrier, contribute to its further spread.

    Unfortunately, HIV is diagnosed not only in adults, but also in newborns - most often it is transmitted to the baby from the mother. If the parent “awarded” the child with the infection or he received it in another way, then the first symptoms of HIV appear, on average, up to 3 years of life.

    When, when the disease develops rapidly before one year of age, the baby dies within a few months.

    When a child is infected at a later age, the incubation period, that is, hidden, lasts 5 years, and life expectancy after this may be about three years if measures are not taken.

    Why does HIV develop?

    HIV is the abbreviated name for the condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. It is accompanied by a decrease in immunity, and, against this background, the development of various infections, malignant tumors, etc.

    The spreader of this virus can be a person with AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome provoked by HIV infection), or its carrier. In nature, the source of this virus is chimpanzees.

    The virus can remain in the human body for several years without causing any symptoms. AIDS is the last stage of the disease. It is characterized by the appearance of various complications, which ultimately lead to death.

    The pathogen is contained in all biological fluids of the body: blood, saliva, tears, breast milk, cerebrospinal fluid, and secretions of the sex glands. Once in the human body, the immunodeficiency virus destroys the cells responsible for immunity: lymphocytes, macrophages. By multiplying, it causes their death, then penetrates into the blood, and with its current enters other parts and systems of the body.

    At first, the human body is able to compensate for losses by forming new cells. But over time his strength is lost, the immune system is depleted and the infected person becomes susceptible to various infections. They are the ones who cause death in AIDS.

    Main routes of transmission:

    • sexual;
    • with blood - injections, blood transfusions, dental interventions, salon manipulations (piercing, tattoos, manicure);
    • from an infected mother to the fetus;

    The risk of developing the disease increases in people with unconventional orientation and drug addicts.

    How does infection of newborns occur?

    A child becomes infected with HIV in the following cases:

    • in utero- through the placenta, cervix or fetal membranes;
    • due to physiological labor, especially if there is a perineal incision;
    • during breastfeeding through contaminated milk;
    • through raw tools, skin damage;
    • during manipulations involving blood- organ transplants, blood transfusions.

    The earlier a child becomes infected, the more severe and rapid the disease progresses.

    It is very important that an HIV-infected mother takes appropriate specific therapy during pregnancy. This will reduce the child’s risk of illness to a minimum.

    First signs and later

    The human immunodeficiency virus multiplies rapidly in the blood, but when released into the environment it is destroyed within 20 minutes. Also, this pathogen is sensitive to high temperatures: at 60° its properties are significantly reduced, and at 80° it dies.

    The incubation period, that is, the time from the moment the virus enters the body until the development of the first signs of HIV infection, ranges from a couple of months to 10 years. It all depends on what age the child was infected. After the incubation period, the disease begins to develop quite quickly.

    Common HIV symptoms At an early stage, children have the following manifestations:

    1. Increased body temperature. Its values ​​can be up to 38° or higher. This is the body’s response to the introduction of viruses, because it is accustomed to the fact that at high degrees they die. But not in this case. Hyperthermia can persist for up to 4 weeks.
    2. Enlarged lymph nodes.
    3. Increased sweating.
    4. Increased size of the liver and spleen.
    5. Respiratory phenomena, rash.
    6. Changes in blood tests.
    7. Often an early manifestation of HIV in children is neuroAIDS, that is, disorders of the nervous system. Based on which department is involved in the process, they distinguish:
      • for disorders of the central nervous system: encephalopathy: characterized by a decrease in the ability to remember, impaired movement, muscle weakness, small contractions, decreased mood, lethargy, and fatigue.
      • encephalitis - the disease begins with mild symptoms: forgetfulness, movement disorders, muscle weakness, poor emotions. Then a rise in body temperature to high levels, loss of consciousness, and convulsions occur.
      • meningitis - headaches are in the foreground, nausea and vomiting are less common. Characterized by increased temperature, decreased body weight, and rapid fatigue. Muscle symptoms may develop: inability to bring the head to the chest, muscle stiffness.
      • When the spinal cord is damaged, myelopathies are observed - they manifest themselves as weakness in the legs, which is first replaced by partial and then complete immobility. There are malfunctions in the functioning of the pelvic organs, decreased sensitivity;
      • when the peripheral parts of the nervous system are damaged, polyneuropathy develops - immobility, a decrease in the volume of muscles of the limbs on both sides.

    In newborns, signs of damage to parts of the nervous system can appear from 2 months. The main features include:

    • convulsions;
    • increased tone of the arms and legs both at rest and during movement;
    • inconsistency of muscle movements;
    • impaired mental function; underdevelopment of parts of the brain.

    There may be no early signs in children, and the disease begins to manifest itself immediately from the first stage.

    The main symptoms of HIV in children of different ages are almost the same, but there are some peculiarities.

    Newborns with HIV infection are usually born prematurely or with low birth weight. The presence of intrauterine infection is also characteristic: herpes, cytomegalovirus and others. Subsequently, these children do not gain weight well. The appearance of the child is also characteristic: protruding forehead, shortened nose, squint or protrusion, blue tint of the sclera, plump lips, a clearly defined pit above them, developmental defects: cleft palate, cleft lip.

    Other signs of the immunodeficiency virus may appear in children infected in utero or during birth, between 3 and 9 months.

    These symptoms include:

    1. Disorders of mental and physical development: such children begin to walk and sit late, the level of psychomotor development is also not normal.
    2. Poor weight gain, low height gain.
    3. Lymphadenopathy is enlargement of the lymph nodes.
    4. Increase in body temperature to 38°.
    5. Enlarged liver, spleen.
    6. Skin lesions: fungal, bacterial infections, dermatitis, rashes in the form of blisters.
    7. Infections of the oral cavity in the form of aphthous stomatitis. It manifests itself in the form of ulcers on the mucous membrane.
    8. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and respiratory organs.
    9. Malfunctions of the digestive system: poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, bloating.
    10. Central nervous system disorders.
    11. Such children very often suffer from infectious diseases that are severe and long-lasting.
    12. In rare cases, cancer develops.
    13. Changes in blood tests: anemia, decreased levels of leukocytes and platelets.

    These symptoms are also typical for older children. The routes of infection for them can be organ transplantation, blood transfusion, injections, or sexual contact.

    People with HIV infection live an average of 10 years. It should be noted that there are people who are immune to the HIV virus due to the presence of a certain immunoglobulin A.

    Stages of the disease

    As already mentioned, The first stage of HIV in children is latent and can last up to 10 years.

    It is also called chronic lymphadenopathy, since its main symptom is enlarged lymph nodes. It is of a generalized nature - at least 2 groups of nodes increase, and located to the waist: in the chin area, near and behind the ears, above and below the collarbone, on the back of the head and in the neck area. But the process can also involve the inguinal, femoral, popliteal lymph nodes; their sizes reach 1 cm and are affected symmetrically on both sides. There is no pain when palpating the nodes. They are not connected to nearby tissues, the skin over them is not changed.

    When these symptoms appear, it is worth excluding the development of other pathological processes.

    The main criterion is persistent lymphadenopathy - for 3 months. This sign is one of the main symptoms of HIV infection.

    This stage is also characterized by fever, sweating, malaise, and poor weight gain.

    Stage 2 of the disease or acute stage is characterized by pronounced symptoms.

    Symptoms of the acute stage of HIV include:

    1. Constant hyperthermia, enlarged lymph nodes.
    2. Night sweats.
    3. Digestive system disorders - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
    4. Dramatic weight loss.
    5. Children often suffer from infectious diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, ARVI.
    6. Fungal, bacterial lesions of the skin, mucous membranes: rash, stomatitis, purulent elements.
    7. Nervous system disorders: meningitis, encephalitis, dementia.
    8. Blood poisoning.

    The final stage of the disease, AIDS itself, is accompanied by damage to all organs and systems, severe diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, significant weight loss due to digestive problems, and the addition of a secondary infection.

    The leading symptoms of the last stage of HIV infection are opportunistic and oncological diseases, that is, those that develop as an associated infection with HIV due to reduced immunity. These may be infections caused by the herpes virus, Epstein Bar, cytomegalovirus, as well as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

    The most common of these diseases in children is:

    1. Pneumocystis pneumonia. Affects children 1 year of age. The causative agent is Pneumocystis. The disease is characterized by the formation of infiltrates in the lungs and is accompanied by the following symptoms:
      • obsessive nonproductive cough;
      • temperature increase;
      • rapid breathing;
      • weakness, increased sweating at night.
    2. Interstitial pneumonia. This disease is typical only for childhood, begins unnoticed and has a sluggish course. It is non-infectious in nature. Accompanied by the formation of infiltrates from cells of the immune system. Main symptoms:
      • shortness of breath, rapid increase in respiratory failure;
      • cough without sputum production;
      • signs of lack of oxygen.

    Oncological diseases in children can develop Kaposi's sarcoma and brain tumors, but this is extremely rare.

    The course of the final stage of AIDS is quite severe. The child's death occurs from an associated infection.


    Diagnosing children for HIV can be carried out even in the prenatal period. To do this, the amniotic fluid is examined or a chorionic villus biopsy is taken. But these methods are quite traumatic.

    Confirming the presence of the disease in newborns born to HIV-positive mothers is difficult. The thing is that at birth their blood contains maternal antibodies, which disappear only by 18 months, and only in rare cases can they go away earlier. In this regard, the diagnosis of these children can be established or refuted no earlier than 1.5 years.

    Currently There is a PCR method that allows you to isolate the DNA of the virus. This is a fairly sensitive method, thanks to which examination can be carried out already in the first two days after birth. If the examination result is positive, it is repeated in 1-2 months.

    A second positive result confirms the presence of HIV infection in the following cases:

    • if 1 result was negative and the second was positive, this also indicates the presence of infection;
    • if the first 2 examinations gave a negative result, the next one is carried out at the age of 4 months using other methods - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblotting;
    • if the diagnosis is not confirmed, it is carried out at 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 months. If the results are negative 2 times in a row, the diagnosis is removed.

    In older children, HIV can be detected 2 weeks, 3 and 9 months after infection.

    Laboratory tests are the first thing that is used to make a diagnosis of HIV infection. But they also play a role here:

    • clinical manifestations;
    • collecting data indicating the possibility of infection;
    • X-ray data, MRI.

    The diagnosis of AIDS cannot be based on a single examination. This requires a series of tests at a certain time interval. Also, do not forget about the possibility of a false positive reaction. This mainly occurs due to errors in the test. Therefore, you should only trust trusted laboratories and not conduct the test at home, although this option is also possible.


    Despite the large amount of research on AIDS, Unfortunately, a cure for it has never been found..

    But there is antiretroviral therapy that can prevent the development of the disease in children born to HIV-positive mothers. These drugs slow down the reproduction of the virus.

    A condition for positive treatment is the use of a complex of such drugs by pregnant women and the child after birth.

    In infected children, HIV treatment is reduced to treatment of concomitant diseases and symptomatic treatment.

    AIDS is a serious and fatal disease. And it is doubly sad when it affects the younger strata of the population. Therefore, the fight against this disease should begin, first of all, with prevention and dissemination of knowledge about it.

    HIV infection in children is a pathological condition that is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and is characterized by a progressive decrease in the child’s immunity. There are no specific clinical symptoms.

    The main manifestations include: fever, diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology, lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes - editor's note), frequent infectious and bacterial diseases, as well as AIDS-associated and opportunistic pathologies (diseases caused by various pathogens, in most cases representatives of the conditioned pathogenic microflora of the human body and resulting from a significant decrease in the functional activity of the immune system - editor's note).

    The main methods of laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection in children are: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and immunoblotting.

    Clinical characteristics of children born to women with HIV positive status

    A woman who is HIV positive can give birth to both a healthy and an HIV-infected child. Moreover, provided that the full course of prevention of perinatal transmission of HIV infection is completed, the probability of having an HIV-infected child does not exceed 3%. In the absence of prevention, the risk of infection of the baby increases to 30%.

    In some HIV-infected children with perinatal transmission, clinical manifestations are detected quite early, and the disease progresses rapidly in the first year of life.

    Some children who are HIV positive do not develop AIDS symptoms until school age or even adolescence.

    It happens that children born to HIV-infected women may more often experience other infections acquired during the perinatal period (for example, syphilis, hepatitis, herpes infection, cytomegalovirus infection, etc.).

    Let's try to deal with each of the above symptoms.

    Enlarged lymph nodes are one of the early symptoms of HIV infection in children.

    The main signs of generalized lymphadenopathy in HIV infection:

    • Enlargement of one or more peripheral lymph nodes measuring approximately 0.5-1 cm in two groups or bilaterally in one group;
    • Lymph nodes are painless on palpation; not fused with surrounding tissues, the skin above them is of normal color and temperature;
    • Enlargement of lymph nodes is permanent, lasts 3 months or more and is not associated with acute inflammatory processes.

    In addition to lymphadenopathy, children with HIV infection may have an enlarged liver and spleen.

    As a rule, impaired rates of physical development and decreased growth rates during HIV infection are associated with:

    • with frequent infectious diseases;
    • with disruption of the absorption of nutrients in the intestine;
    • with increased energy costs of the body;
    • for various social reasons.

    In addition, wasting syndrome may occur during HIV infection, which belongs to the diagnostic criteria for AIDS. It is determined by the following characteristics:

    • weight loss over 10%;
    • increased body temperature for 30 days or more;
    • chronic diarrhea for 30 days or more.

    In addition to frequent infectious skin lesions (fungal, bacterial, viral), children with HIV infection experience seborrheic or atopic dermatitis, scabies, as well as molluscum contagiosum, maculopapular rash and vasculitis.

    Damage to the gastrointestinal tract may also indicate the presence of HIV infection in a child. Clinical manifestations include:

    • decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting;
    • chronic diarrhea;
    • enlargement of the abdomen due to bloating of the intestines and an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
    • rectal prolapse.

    Children with a positive human immunodeficiency status are characterized by frequent acute respiratory viral infections and severe bacterial infections with a tendency to a protracted and recurrent course of the disease.

    As a rule, bacterial infections in HIV-infected children are severe. The most common symptoms are purulent otitis media, meningitis, sinusitis, and pneumonia.

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