What is shungite and how is it useful? Shungite: magical and healing properties of the mineral Shungite what it is used for

The natural wealth of the planet has an ancient history of origin. The origin of some curiosities is very mysterious, one can only assume what caused their appearance. A shungite deposit is shrouded in mystery in one of the secluded corners of the Earth. There are several theories that tell about the fact of the birth of a prehistoric mineral.

History and origins

According to scientists, the birth of shungite as a mineral ore occurred during the Cryptozoic, hundreds of millions of years before the appearance of man. In this historical era, the planet had no vegetation, so only proteobacteria could exist in an oxygen-free environment. It is difficult to say how such a geological formation as shungite could have appeared under such conditions.

A mineral deposit could appear as a result of the deposition of organic sediments, which penetrated into the depths of the earth's crust, compacted there and layered. The mineral was formed from bottom sediments containing dead aquatic vegetation, plankton and microorganisms.

The process of structural mineral change of rocks, under pressure and high temperature, led to the emergence of polymers characteristic of shungite. So, this theory is considered more truthful, from the point of view of the scientific community.

The following hypothesis states the probability of the appearance of a mineral as a result of a volcanic eruption. The chemical composition is diverse, all its signs and features indicate a volcanic origin.

But there is an assumption that contradicts all of the above, about the appearance of an unusual stone on Earth. The emergence of mineral formation is associated with the split of the planet Phaethon, which rotated in our solar system, between Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid fell to the surface of the globe, and a deposit of shungite appeared in its place.

Even in the old days, people called the mineral "slate stone" for its black color and unprecedented power in healing. Natural stone radiates vibrations, from which the source, called "Tsaritsyn Key" is widely known as a healing spring. Thanks to an amazing story that began back in the 16th century, the healing spring called "Tsaritsyn Key" is widely known today.

The progenitor of Peter I, Queen Xenia, was in the Tolvuysky monastery, which was located near the source. At that time, she suffered from infertility, and she managed to heal this ailment with the help of miraculous water. In those days, springs with healing water were not well known, only local residents used "living water" charged with the energy of shungite.

During the reign of Peter I, industrial enterprises were being built in the northern regions of the country and the Urals. Again, the rumor about the magical power of the source went when a simple worker managed to be healed of a heart disease. The rumor about healing springs reached the king, he ordered to explore the water. Having tested its properties on himself and convinced of its healing power, a resort was built on his orders, the first in Russia.

The first information about mineral formations came at the end of the 18th century from Academician Ozeretskovsky. Only in the 19th century Alexander Alexandrovich Inostrantsev defined ore and gave it the name of the same name to the village where the rock was discovered and the adit where the stone is mined.

Place of Birth

Behind Lake Onega is the only quarry in the world in which rock is mined. The village of Shunga, in the vicinity of which a healing stone was discovered, is located on the territory of the Karelian Republic. The nearby island of Kizhi consists entirely of shungite soil. This region is famous for its original history and architecture.

It is known that the inhabitants of the island, feeling the impact of the stone, have amazing health and fortitude. In addition, shungite soil has a positive effect on architectural structures of historical significance. Temples built of wood are not subject to putrefactive processes and other destruction.

Physical properties

The mineral is an excellent conductor of electric current, as well as an active catalyst and has adsorbing properties. Shungite ignites well, during combustion it significantly increases the air temperature.

Hardness allows it to be used as a facing material, with the help of cleaning properties it is used as a filter, it is widely used in jewelry, and the use of a gem for various design elements is also common.

Medicinal properties

“Today, science knows enough about shungite to be able to rightfully call it a “health stone” and a “medicine of the 21st century”,” Yulia Nikolaevna Nikolaeva writes in one of her books. For several centuries of its history, the stone has been recognized as healing and is widely used in medicine, cosmetology, and esotericism. The healing properties of the mineral help to get rid of a number of diseases, and also helps to solve the following body problems:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the appearance of gastritis, promotes its healing;
  • disorders of the respiratory system, contributes to the treatment of bronchial asthma;
  • helps to recover from diseases of the gallbladder, pancreatitis;
  • the impact of shungite favorably affects the genitourinary system, helps in the treatment of kidney disease;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • strengthens muscle mass, bones, cartilage;
  • relieves diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, improves blood circulation;
  • strengthening the body's immune system with the help of a mineral, contributes to resistance to many diseases;
  • Allergy has become a global problem, this disease worries many residents of the country and far beyond its borders. Shungite provides significant assistance in its treatment.

During therapy with shungite, the following procedures are performed:

  • inhalation;
  • compresses;
  • baths;
  • the use of internally purified water with the help of a mineral.

Among other things, shungite water is not just drunk, it is taken as the basis when cooking, used for watering plants and given to pets to drink. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to drink at least 3 glasses of mineral water.

magical properties

Even in the old days, local residents living in the region where the amazing mineral was found used it as witchcraft. The magical stone shungite is still used to protect against negative forces. Because of the black color, the stone looks intimidating, many may assume that it is intended for black deeds.

In fact, the complex of properties that the gem is endowed with is intended for healing, which does not fit into the framework of prescriptions for performing satanic rituals. Protection from the effects of dark energy, treatment of parapsychological problems with amulets, improvement of the quality of life - these are the main functions that are characteristic of shungite.

The age of the mineral is quite ancient, and it is known that the older the gem, the higher the level of energy concentration in it. Amulets made of this material are highly effective. The stone is an excellent conductor and accumulator of energy; when negative accumulates in it, it transforms it into a positive charge.

A real amulet will be a great helper, with the right choice of gem and stone shape. A charm with a stone of a round or oval shape gently affects, transforms the negative into a positive, protects the biofield.

Shungite is easy to process, so it is possible to make various figures from it, to cut it. Jewelry with a stone that has clear lines, edges has a more targeted effect, it is used with a clear program for the healing of an illness or the fulfillment of a desire.

Jewelry with a mineral

The range of goods in which the gem is used is diverse, unlike other stones. It is known that the mineral is used in cosmetology, medicine, jewelry, esotericism and more. In jewelry, any color of metal is used, with which the gem is combined. A short list of products indicates that most people can buy this gem and use it for its intended purpose.

  • the price for bracelets made of shungite beads ranges from $6 to $16, and depends on the diameter of the beads;
  • the cost of jewelry in the form of beads depends on the shape of the elements, the diameter and the number of beads, the minimum price is $13, the maximum is $52;
  • amulets in the form of key chains or pendants cost the least - it's $2.5, and more refined ones are about $6;
  • a keychain made of elite shungite costs about $10;
  • the assessment of magical pyramids is made depending on the method of processing the mineral, the price ranges between $ 2.5 and $ 10.5;
  • a pellet used for home massage within the amount of $ 3-4;
  • shungite for baths and foot massage costs about $15;
  • the price of a jug with a shungite filter reaches $25.

As you can see, getting possession of a stone of amazing power is not a tricky business, abundance and prices are affordable for every consumer. Those who wish to purchase an exclusively made jewelry sample of a stone can be sure that this will not require huge expenses.

Important! When purchasing a product made of natural stone, you should ask the seller for a document certifying that the material is original.


The chemical composition of the mineral is very large, which is reflected in its color range, the presence of metals gives a certain tone. If present, shungite acquires a whitish hue, and golden is characteristic of a mineral with inclusions. "Aspid stone" happens:

  • black;
  • dark grey;
  • Brown color.

The mineral is divided into a shiny and matte variety.

How to distinguish a fake?

To buy an original stone, it is important to know its distinctive features that distinguish it from other materials. The first thing to pay attention to is the cost. The low price of a real stone is alarming. In order for the purchase to please, and not disappoint, you should require a certificate and be interested in the manufacturer.

At home, the original can be distinguished from a fake in a very interesting way. It is known that shungite is capable of conducting electric current, to check this you will need 2 pieces of wire, a 9W battery and a light bulb. Having connected everything in series, the light bulb will light up, if this did not happen, it means that instead of shungite there was a completely different breed.

Caring for stone products

Shungite, like other gems, needs proper care. The mineral is fragile in physical properties, so it should be protected from bumps and falls.. Natural stones are washed with soapy water and under running water, then dried naturally, avoiding direct sunlight and heat.

Wet with a soft cloth, let dry, and then put away in the box. If the gem is stored with other jewelry, it must be placed in a soft fabric case, it is better to use velvet for this. Under such storage conditions, the product will retain its beauty for a long time.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Everyone who tries to use the mineral for a protective purpose or the implementation of plans will wonder if the stone can help personally. The astrological properties of the stone are suitable for most signs of the zodiac, but there are a select few who are favored by the gem.

(“++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion++
  • Absolute compatibility of the mineral is possible with Sagittarius, and Lions.
  • For Pisces, the impact of the stone will help to objectively assess the situation, at critical moments, relieve panic excitement, which will push you to make the right decision.
  • Virgo, Capricorn and Libra using natural stone jewelry will be prone to irritability and anxiety, so the use of stone is recommended only for medicinal purposes.

Not only the sign of the zodiac, but also the name determines whether an amulet with such a stone can serve faithfully.

  • Roman stone will help to look at the world differently, to expand horizons. This will relieve loneliness and boredom.
  • It will help Ivan to concentrate on the main thing, not to be wasted, not to be limited by what he can, but to try to discover and develop his abilities.
  • Maxim lacks stubbornness, which would be useful in the fulfillment of plans. The strength of the stone will give patience and courage, keep going, without turning towards the goal.
  • Fedor is kind and responsive, they use this without a twinge of conscience. The mineral will protect against the importunity of people who abuse its goodwill.
  • Arkady is prone to wastefulness. Shungite will help develop prudence and protect him from exorbitant spending.
  • Catherine the mineral will help get rid of uncertainty. With the purchase of a shungite amulet, get rid of excessive hesitation that hinders making the right decision.
  • Varvara is an exemplary wife, mother and keeper of the hearth. However, crossing the invisible line, she falls into the captivity of everyday life, jewelry from a gem will not let her fall into this trap.
  • Zoya is endowed with a quiet, dreamy character. Shungite will help her discover a restless disposition in herself, pushing for bold deeds;
  • The mineral will push Anna to the development of intuition, the tips of which will protect her from troubles and disappointments in the future;


It is known that what is important for a person is what the “shungite” force will be directed to. Despite the forecasts of astrologers, everyone decides for himself who will be more suitable for the impact of the stone, and who will be helped to a lesser extent.

But as a warning, it should be remembered that stones are “living” substances that have memory. Accumulating in itself, as in a reservoir, all energy formations that harm the owner of the gem must be eliminated. Programming can force out harmful information from the amulet. The stone should be fed with positive, positive impulse and good thoughts.

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Shungite- a black stone, has long been famous for its properties, both magical and healing properties. It is about them and about who suits shungite that will be discussed further.

Properties of shungite stone

The mineral shungite is a rock - metamorphosed coal, embodying the transitional stage of anthracite to graphite.

In its composition, 93-95% consists of carbon, in everything else it is hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and in small quantities it contains inclusions of nickel and tungsten, selenium and vanadium.

If we talk about the properties of this mineral, then shungite is marked by a high percentage of electrical conductivity, its thermal conductivity is fixed at the level of 7500 cal. The hardness of the mineral varies from 3.5 to 4, and the density of the structure is 2.1-2.4 g/m3.

History of the stone

The very first mention of this mineral, its healing properties dates back to the beginning of the 16th century - in the annals it was called slate go the viper stone.

Mentions of him are connected by history with the name of the nun Xenia Romanova, the mother of the Russian Tsar Mikhail. The stone is associated with her name and the miraculous healings that the water of the Tolvuy spring created - it was he who spouted from the deposit of this mineral. The healing spring was in full swing in the Tolvuysky monastery, where the ailing noblewoman Xenia was exiled - she drank water every day, after the morning services, and soon recovered, she was able to give the wife of the Tsarevich and heir to the throne, Mikhail Romanov.

It was this spring that was later called the Tsar's Spring, and, a century later, Peter the Great himself appreciated its healing properties. By his order, a resort for officers and soldiers was built around the spring - the famous Marcial Waters resort.

Soon, after the death of the king, it was closed, and it found its second revival in the 60s of the last century.

Academician Ozertsovsky began to actively study the breed in 1792, describing it in his writings, his work in 1848 was continued by the staff captain of the regiment of mining engineers Nikolai Komarov.

The mineral received its current name - shungite in the year 77 of the 19th century and such a definition was given to it by Professor of Geology A. Inostrantsev. The mineral itself received such a name in honor of the village in which it was found - Shunga, respectively, and its name is shungite.

For some time, they forgot about the mineral and remembered only in the 90s of the last century - it was then that rare and unique in their structure carbon compounds called fullerenes were discovered in it.

It was the discovery of this molecular compound that became an important discovery in the world science of the twentieth century, and was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Types and colors of stone

Today, geologists distinguish in their practice the types of minerals:

  1. Brilliant shungite- has a denser and harder structure when the carbon content in it reaches 97-99%.
  2. Matte gray mineral- has a less dense structure, where the carbon content varies within 63-65%.

In addition to this classification, geologists also use another table, according to which they divide the rock - in this case, the level of carbon content in the mineral is taken into account.

Accordingly, the mineral is divided into the following 5 types:

  1. First group- this category includes shungite, in which the carbon level is 95-98%.
  2. Second category- the mineral in its composition contains from 35 to 95% carbon.
  3. Third category- it includes a mineral that contains in its composition from 20 to 35% carbon.
  4. Fourth group– the percentage of carbon varies from 10 to 20%
  5. Fifth group- this includes the so-called shungite-containing rock, in which shungite is present, the percentage of carbon content does not exceed 10%

In its color range, the mineral can be black and dark gray, gray, even in color, or have light blotches of veins.

Shungite deposits

A pure rock of the mineral is very rare in natural deposits - it is more often found as an admixture in dolomite shales located throughout the entire Zaonezhye region.

The percentage of carbon in the mineral is predetermined by the composition of soils and the level of humus.

On the territory of Russia, the mineral is mined in Karelia. Karelia shungite supplies high quality, high carbon content.

In addition, another deposit has been developed in Zazhoginsk, with estimated mineral reserves of about 35 million tons.

Physical properties of shungite

In terms of physical characteristics, the mineral, where the carbon level is 96-98%, is noted for excellent conductive characteristics. It acts as an excellent sorbent and is very combustible - in terms of its heat-conducting characteristics, it is similar to good quality coal.

The healing properties of the stone

Shungite stone has a wide variety of useful properties - it contains a number of chemical compounds and salts, oxides, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body, internal organs and systems. Most often, the mineral is added to water, using it as a general tonic. We present to your attention an article about another mineral - alpanite, its magical and healing properties, here.

In the process of its use, it is worth considering the side effects that the mineral can provoke. In particular, it is able to lower blood pressure, therefore it is not indicated for hypotensive patients, as well as for everyone who has been diagnosed with kidney problems. You should not use this mineral in the treatment of everyone who has been diagnosed with an exacerbation of a chronic disease, oncology.

In all other respects, the mineral has no restrictions on its use - shungite is famous for its bactericidal properties. As noted earlier, they prepare with its use the so-called shungite water. They simply add a mineral to it and insist for 3 days - it is used for many pathologies and diseases.

Shungite has the following medicinal properties:

  1. Treatment of acquired and congenital anomalies. With regular intake of medicinal water, blood flow and blood composition improve, and hemoglobin levels increase.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract- the mineral perfectly treats gastritis and stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, colitis, neutralizing heartburn and stools. So with urolithiasis, the mineral helps relieve pain and gently remove small stones and sand from the gallbladder.
  3. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system. Water with the addition of shungite helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, improve the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and lower high blood pressure.
  4. The properties of shungite stone in the treatment of joints are invaluable: it is indicated for many diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system, restoring their mobility, helps relieve pain, the inflammatory process. Ingestion of water with shungite should be combined with therapeutic baths, with the addition of this mineral, compresses on the affected joint.
  5. The mineral is also indicated for diseases of the respiratory system: shungite water is instilled into the nose with a runny nose and gargled when diagnosing tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Shown and steam inhalation for problems with the bronchi and pneumonia, tracheitis.
  6. Helps strengthen the nervous system, restoring nerve cells and the conductivity of nerve fibers in case of excessive emotional overload, chronic stress and depressive manifestations. Helps to normalize sleep and remove excessive feelings of anxiety, irritability and nervousness.
  7. Use in cosmetology- with regular washing with water infused with a mineral, you can cope with many skin diseases, give the skin elasticity and smooth out the network of fine wrinkles, relieve inflammation and purulent acne. By rinsing your hair with such water after each wash, you can improve their condition, strengthen and stimulate growth.

The magical properties of the stone

The very mineral - shungite - was called the gift of the Gods by the ancestors, and these are not simple words. The ancients believed that it was he who absorbs into himself everything that harms a person, and what helps - concentrates around him and, having restored, directs in the right direction.

The stone helps to normalize not only the space around you, but also the psychological and emotional state of a person. It is shungite that helps to concentrate forces for grandiose accomplishments, and therefore it is best to wear it to young, ambitious and energetic people. But the mineral, unsure of their abilities, will help to get support from above, self-confidence, their abilities, but you should not wear it for a long time.

As practicing magicians note, a mineral, carved in one form or another, has its own meaning, has a certain effect:

  1. Cube, made from this mineral, helps in business, attracting cash flows, making a person stubborn and purposeful in his goals, helping to realize all his plans.
  2. pyramids from the mineral they help protect the house from witchcraft and dark energy from the outside, human malice and envy - if you place such a figure in front of the front door, you will thereby put an effective protection against external negativity. Among other things, it is the pyramidal shape of the mineral that best protects against the negative radiation of electrical appliances. Just put it in the kitchen or in places where electronics are most concentrated and thereby significantly reduce the negative radiation from it.
  3. balls from a mineral they harmonize relationships in personal life and attract the attention of the opposite sex - it is enough to wear it in the format of beads or a rosary and shungite will help you soon find family happiness. Figurines carved from shungite will bring not only harmony, but also peace to the house, absorbing all the negativity in it and avoiding quarrels and scandals, restoring the supply of positive energy and internal strength to its household members. Any figurine present in the house or decoration will relieve headaches and migraines, coping with bouts of apathy and fatigue. It also helps to neutralize excessive depression - it helps everyone who often manifests depressive moods and manic dependence on alcohol, drugs and games.

Shungite cost

In accordance with official prices - suppliers buy the mineral in Russia 1500-1600 in national currency.

Who is shungite suitable for?

From time immemorial, people have known that this or that stone will be suitable for a particular owner - many selection criteria are taken into account here. The appearance and color of the eyes, skin, gender and zodiac sign - many principles and criteria are taken into account when choosing a stone as an amulet.

With regard to shungite, this hydrocarbon mineral is suitable for everyone. Its protection, healing and magical properties apply to all representatives of the zodiac circle, skin color and race. The main thing that experienced magicians say is the belief that the mineral will give a quick and effective result.

The ability of the presented mineral to absorb, nullifying any electromagnetic radiation and negative magical flows, makes it a reliable amulet for the home and public people.

Such a mineral is also shown to everyone who communicates a lot with mystical forces.- practicing magicians and sorcerers often use it in magical rituals, preventing dark forces and competitors from influencing themselves.

Shungite and signs of the zodiac circle

Shungite compatibility with zodiac signs:

  • Based on the very color of the stone, practicing astrologers recommend wearing shungite as an amulet for Capricorns and Gemini. At the same time, it is the black shades of the mineral that are more suitable for Capricorns, and the grayish shade of shungite is suitable for Gemini.
  • If a person was born under the sign of the zodiac Cancer - shungite is best avoided, and all Aries and Sagittarius, Leo wear black mineral for a short time. Among other things, astrologers have long noticed that shungite in each and every sign of the zodiac enhances the zodiac properties that are uncharacteristic for them.
  • For Scorpions and Pisces, the mineral will help to strengthen the potential and strengthen their own positions, subordinating people to their will. With regard to Pisces, practicing astrologers note that this particular sign, like no other, needs grounding, and if you combine shungite with black agate or tourmaline, this will save them from excessive sensitivity.

Nature never ceases to amaze a person, and shungite stone is another proof of this statement. The black mineral has unique properties and an unusual structure. And its healing power has been used for many centuries to treat a variety of diseases.

The healing properties of shungite became known in the sixteenth century. Our ancestors called it "slate stone" and very actively carried out treatment with water that spouted from springs located in a territory rich in this mineral. And the real glory came to him when, with his help, the mother of the future Tsar Michael, the first ruler of the Romanov family, got rid of the illness.

Nun Xenia Romanova was exiled by Boris Godunov to the Tolvuysky monastery, which was located in Karelia. There she began to drink water from the spring and was able to recover from epilepsy. Later, this source was called the "Tsar's Key". And in the seventeenth century, Emperor Peter the Great gave the green light to the creation in those parts, as they would say now, of a sanatorium in which a variety of army ranks improved their health. In addition, shungite pebbles should have been taken on any trip to purify water and prevent stomach problems.

But they began to study this mineral only at the end of the eighteenth century. It got its name even later, in the second half of the 19th century, when the famous geologist A. A. Inostrantsev gave it a name in honor of visiting Shung, where deposits of this coal-bearing rock were discovered.

The next round of interest was caused by Karelian shungite, the properties of which continued to occupy the minds of scientists already in the nineties of the twentieth century. Studying its structure, the researchers discovered a previously unknown carbon compound. For the discovery of fullerene, which is not found in any other mineral, scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Main characteristics

Outwardly, this natural stone of dark, almost black color is very similar to coal. Research confirms that it is a very ancient rock, with a geological age in the range of two billion years. This is a kind of transitional phase from carbon to graphite.

Speaking about what shungite is, it should be noted that it mainly consists of carbon, the content of which can be different. It also contains a number of other impurities (oxides of silicon, titanium, aluminum, iron, potassium and magnesium), which determine its unusual physico-chemical features, the main of which include the following:

  1. Hardness on the Mohs scale is no more than 4 units.
  2. The stone has a high chemical resistance.
  3. Shows bactericidal and adsorbing qualities.
  4. Able to easily combine with other substances.
  5. It has shielding properties and electrical conductivity.

Having found out what shungite is, it turned out that its deposits are located only in one place. The main developments are carried out in Karelia, namely in the Olonets region, where reserves of about 35 million tons are concentrated.

What does shungite treat?

No wonder a few centuries ago people used shungite and its medicinal properties to get rid of a number of diseases. But the healing properties received scientific confirmation only in the nineties of the twentieth century, when various experiments were carried out in the laboratory.

Scientists have found that the mineral really has unique qualities and can help a person get rid of many health problems. Its effectiveness has been found in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems of the body;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the urinary system and liver;
  • diseases of the respiratory system and a tendency to allergies;
  • skin diseases and damage to the dermis caused by various injuries.

If it is necessary to relieve inflammation in diseased joints, shungite baths are very effective. And their combination with compresses, which are saturated with such a special “dirt”, contribute to the rapid relief of pain after several applications.

In case of problems with the respiratory organs or frequent colds, it is recommended to carry out inhalations with water infused with shungite. It can be used as a rinse or used as nasal drops. By making it a rule to drink this water every day, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins. You can strengthen the immune system and increase vitality.

Making this healing liquid is not difficult at all. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and tips for use. Take a liter of water and pour shungite chips or pebbles into it (no more than 300 grams). In order for the properties of the stone to be fully revealed, you need to wait three days. After the allotted time, pour the infused liquid into another container, leaving sediment at the bottom. You can again pour fresh water there and insist again (this sediment will be useful for 12 months). The ability to use the mineral for such a long time is explained by its ability to purify and saturate water with useful microelements, and not remove useful substances, like other sorbents.

The benefits of the mineral for humans

Useful properties of shungite are widely used in massage. It is known that walking barefoot on grass or sand allows you to influence points that affect the health of various internal organs. But if you make it a rule to walk barefoot on shungite, the effect will be more noticeable. You will relieve stress and fatigue, feel cheerfulness and emotional upsurge.

Shungite shows its healing properties in the field of cosmetology. Water infused on the stone is useful not only to drink, but to use for washing. Over time, you will notice that the complexion has become fresher, the skin has regained its tone and become elastic. And if you were worried about pimples and various rashes, then such procedures, carried out in the morning and evening, will help relieve inflammation and cleanse your face.

Such water will also be indispensable for those who want to restore and maintain healthy hair. Regular rinsing will positively affect the growth, silkiness and structure of the hair. Hair follicles will be strengthened, dandruff will disappear.

However, despite all the positive properties and contraindications, it is also inherent. Due to the fact that the stone has a very powerful effect on the entire body, it should be used with extreme caution by pregnant and lactating women. Lipotherapists prohibit its use in acute inflammatory conditions.

magical properties

The magical properties of shungite are also quite diverse and interesting. But opinions about its influence on a person are sometimes diametrically opposed. Some tend to believe that this mineral is associated with negative energy flows and is used only by "black" sorcerers. However, most likely, this attitude is caused only by the gloomy color of the stone. Most often, it acts as a protective amulet, absorbing "bad" energy from the outside world.

Jewelry or amulet with shungite will effectively protect its owner from evil forces, giving him peace and confidence. Drawings are applied to the surface of the mineral, which enhance its influence. Such a talisman will bring success in business, help to establish personal life and be able to protect against diseases.

Shungite pyramids are able to neutralize the harmful radiation of household appliances. Such home amulets will maintain a normal emotional background, relieving stress and maintaining good relations between households.

Astrologers cannot unequivocally say who suits, and so far they have not revealed any special influence of the stone on certain signs of the zodiac. Therefore, anyone can use it as a talisman, especially if they immediately feel a connection with this mineral.

How to distinguish a fake

There are a lot of areas of application of shungite. It is used in metallurgy and the construction industry, in agriculture and in the production of various chemical products. It is indispensable in the manufacture of filters, medicines and cosmetics. It makes very beautiful and original jewelry.

Due to such demand and due to the existence of only one of its deposits, shungite is often faked. To distinguish a fake, you can use the following tips:

  • First, carefully inspect the pebble. If you come across a natural sample, then you will notice the so-called shungite dust, which will collect in a bag or box where the stone was located. A sign of naturalness is the presence of inclusions of a golden hue.
  • A distinctive quality of the mineral is that when lowered into water, it significantly improves its taste. Leave it in a container of water for several hours and then you will notice that the water has acquired a taste similar to spring.
  • But the surest way involves the use of some knowledge from the school curriculum. It is based on the characteristic property of this stone for electrical conductivity. We need to assemble a series electrical circuit using a light bulb, wires and a battery. First you need to check that the circuit is functioning, and then add shungite to it (light bulb - wiring - shungite - wiring - battery). If you have a natural sample in front of you, then the light bulb will burn.

Amazing shungite - a stone, which, according to some scientists, is of extraterrestrial origin, will be a great helper for everyone, showing its unique properties.

Today we will talk on the site alter-zdrav.ru about Shungite, its medicinal properties, contraindications for use.

Many people know about such a stone as shungite, some even use shungite to improve their condition and health. However, if you have not heard anything about shungite so far, then you should immediately pay attention to this stone.

What is shungite

Shungite, or, otherwise, "slate stone" is a dark gray mineral that resembles ordinary coal in its appearance. By the way, they have a lot in common.

The rock that contains shungite, among other rocks, is a product of an intermediate state between amphora carbon in the form of soot and coal and the most common graphite, which we see daily in simple pencils.

From this it follows that shungite in terms of chemical composition, the same as diamond and graphite, carries a large amount of different information, including medical information. At the moment, only one deposit of shungite is known, located near the village of Shunga in the Republic of Karelia.

Modern scientists believe that this unique stone appeared about two billion years ago. This ancient breed has been known since the 17th century for its medicinal properties.

There is a legend that Ksenia Romanova herself, the mother of the first Romanov on the Russian throne, Mikhail Fedorovich, was cured after a serious illness. After 100 years, Peter I turned his attention to the miraculous properties of the stone, having founded a resort in Karelia for Russian soldiers, and also ordered all soldiers to wear a “slate stone” so that their water would always be clean.

Useful properties of shungite

Shungite stone has unique properties, incomparable with any other natural minerals.

As mentioned earlier, the only deposit of such a unique stone is located near the village of Shunga. This is how the name of the stone appeared - shungite. Until today, it is not known how, and, most importantly, where he came from. Some reputable scientists believe that shungite appeared on Earth after the fall of a huge meteorite. This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that its only deposit is unique.

As is customary in folk and traditional medicine, crystals and minerals are the most excellent conductors various information. Therefore, stones have been used in huge volumes by all civilizations of the planet since ancient times.

Well, the properties of coal have been known for a long time, it is enough to recall only the simplest example - activated carbon, which helps to remove harmful substances from the body in case of poisoning. Shungite, like coal, is an excellent adsorbent that can absorb various dangerous and toxic substances from our body.

In addition, viewing shungite products not only provides aesthetic pleasure, but also has a powerful effect on the human body and its condition. Shungite is also credited with magical properties - protective abilities from the evil eye, they say that it absorbs negative energy, cleanses the aura.

In modern conditions, millions of people around the world use shungite filters for water purification, as well as preparations and jewelry made from this healing stone.

Also, Karelian shungite has the ability to calm down, it takes away all negative thoughts from its owner. He helps his master through life, gives him resistance to worldly hardships.

Everyone can be convinced of the effectiveness of using shungite for himself. It is worth at least once in your life to try water infused with shungite stones. The resulting water is truly pure - it is transparent in color and has absolutely no smell. In addition, it can be stored for a long time without blooming. Tap water or boiled water will never compare to it.

Shungite filters are also very popular. In Russia, the mass production of shungite filters began about 30 years ago, and the results of using such filters were amazing. Some even managed to recover from neglected allergies, cured stomach ulcers, gastritis, periodontal disease and many other diseases. This effect is achieved due to the beneficial effect of the stone on human health.

When combined with water, shungite releases complexes of useful fullerenes that help cure allergies, skin diseases, burns, diabetes, cosmetic defects and other pathologies.

Shungite baths are very popular among ladies who dream of keeping youth and freshness longer.

The mineral is included in many creams and ointments for joint diseases, it is useful for legs with varicose veins, as shungite works as a venotonic.

Shungite contraindications

But, despite the obvious usefulness of shungite in purifying water and curing many diseases, it should be remembered that any medicine, even such a natural and pure one, may have contraindications.

However, those who use shungite as a remedy for the first time have noticed slight dizziness and nausea, headache, cramps and mild pain in various parts of the body. Such negative symptoms appear as a result of cleansing the body and removing toxins and metabolic products from it.

When such symptoms appear, especially when shungite is used for medicinal purposes for the first time, it is worth limiting its contact with the body for some time, for example, for several hours.

It is better to start treatment by holding shungite in your hands for several minutes. Gradually, it will become noticeable that the unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear.

Also, shungite liquid does not irritate the mucous membranes, it is not toxic, however, it should not be used in case of neoplasms, chronic forms of pathologies of the heart and cardiovascular system and various inflammations, so as not to lead to negative consequences.

Martial waters - the use of shungite in treatment

Marcial Waters is a balneological and mud resort in Russia, located in Karelia.

To tell about the Marcial Waters, you need to remember the history. By a funny and lucky coincidence, it was Marcial Waters that became the first resort in the Russian Empire. They were discovered in shungite deposits, and for three centuries now many people have been treated with water infused with shungite, not even imagining that they are being treated with fullerenes and fullerites, since they were discovered not so long ago.

Recovery after illnesses with shungite waters, and the absence of health-threatening consequences shows that the use of shungite filters, especially as a medicine, is completely harmless.

The same conclusions were made by various scientists who conducted their research in these places, they were confirmed by some doctors from St. Petersburg, who studied and tested the effect of this unique stone on the human body.

In this study, it was found that shungite is perfect for good protection against the effects of electromagnetic fields emanating from various devices, including mobile phones and TVs.

"Slate Stone" can be called a personal protector of one's own health. At the moment, in a difficult period for the country, shungite will become a real gift to a person who thinks and cares about his health. Its properties are amazing, and it is believed that there is no more useful stone than shungite.

shungite water recipe

Instead of a conclusion, I would like to provide a recipe for shungite water.

To prepare it, you need an enameled or glass saucepan with a volume of about 3 liters, fill it with tap water, then dip about 250 grams of shungite stones into this water. The resulting water should be insisted for several days, after the removal of the stones it can be drunk.

The first mention of shungite was recorded in the documents of the 16th century. At that time, Queen Xenia was cured of infertility with his help. Since that moment, this shungite stone has been called Tsarevnin, and its healing properties are still used today.

What is Karelian shungite?

Karelian shungite is one of the most ancient rocks. The stone got its name in 1887, when a large mineral deposit was found in one of the South Karelian villages of Shunga. It has an attractive appearance, the color is dark graphite. Stone jewelry always looks elegant and noble, they are a great addition to any look.

Shungite is not only beautiful, it also has healing properties, more about them below.

Shungite stone - description and photo

The stone is a combination of carbon and silicate minerals (mica, quartz). Shungite has magical and healing properties due to the special structure of fullerene molecules. Scientists discovered a unique composition in the 20th century, this event was awarded the Nobel Prize.

The origin of the stone is the subject of controversy among researchers. There are 2 versions: some believe that shungite is the remains of a meteorite that arrived on Earth, others that it was formed from ocean microorganisms.

How and where is it mined?

The stone is mined in a single place - near Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, this is in the northwestern part of Russia. Only the rock extracted in this place has healing properties. This confirms the fact that the water in Lake Onega is crystal clear, you can safely drink it. Shungite disinfects it and makes it drinkable.

There are 4 deposits in Karelia, but only one is being developed - Zazhoginskoye. A high-quality mineral is mined here, suitable for the production of jewelry and products.

Application of shungite

Shungite is used in metallurgy, construction, industry, traditional medicine and cosmetology.

Most often, the stone is used to purify water. Shungite water has unique properties, it:

  • destroys bacteria;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • anesthetizes.

This liquid is taken orally in the complex treatment of anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, hypertension, diseases of the joints and ENT organs. Healing water is also suitable for compresses and baths, and stones - for massage.

Shungite mineral for water purification, reviews

Purify water with a mineral as follows. Rinse shungite well under running water before the first use. Put the stone on the bottom of enameled or glassware, fill it with water - 250 g of mineral is enough for 5 liters of liquid. Insist 3 days. From 5 liters of finished water, you can take no more than 4.5 liters, the rest should remain in the bowl for the next cleaning.

Add the next "portion" to the remaining 0.5 liters and insist again for 3 days. Every 2 weeks, shungite should be thoroughly washed from settled dirt. 1 stone is enough for continuous use for 8 months.

In order to constantly have the opportunity to drink healthy water at home, you can simultaneously put 2 containers with shungite for cleaning with a difference in infusion of 1 day.

This product will keep for 3 days at room temperature. Please note: you do not need to put in the refrigerator or boil the healing water, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.

Daily fluid intake will help strengthen the immune system and support the body. The minimum daily volume is 2-3 glasses. Washing with shungite water will help restore skin tone and make it more elastic.

One of the notable stones used for decorative, magical and medicinal purposes is shungite stone. People believe in its power, attach great importance to the talismans made from it.

But in order to use this stone correctly, you need to know what it is and how it differs from others.

History of origin, deposits

Shungite is an ancient rock that contains silicate minerals and carbon. According to some experts, it is a meteorite that hit the Earth about 2 billion years ago.

The existence of such a theory is explained by the fact that this breed is found in only one part of the planet, and the area is rather limited. According to another version, shungite was formed as a result of the activity of bacteria and unicellular organisms of the Precambrian period.

This mineral is an intermediate stage between anthracite and graphite, metaphorized coal.

Its first description was made by the scientist Ozeretsovsky during soil research on the island of Kizhi. The inhabitants of the island have endowed this stone with amazing properties since ancient times. Sometimes it was confused with coal, but shungite did not burn.

Under Peter I, there was an interest in the healing properties of the breed. Near the main field there was a resort where the military was treated.

The name of the breed comes from the village of Shunga, in which there was the first adit for its production. The only deposit of shungite is Zazhoginskoe (Karelia).


To understand what shungite is, you need to study its description. It is a black mineral, similar to coal and anthracite. It is based on carbon, but it contains many other compounds.

  • hydrogen;
  • oxygen;
  • sulfur;
  • hydrogen;
  • selenium;
  • nickel;
  • molybdenum;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • aluminum;
  • tungsten.

The presence of a large amount of minerals in shungite makes it very useful. It absorbs harmful substances, protects against the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields and geopathic zones. Therein lies its significance.

Physical characteristics, types, color

Among the main physical properties of the stone are the following:

  • electrical conductivity;
  • high level of density;
  • hardness (may decrease under the influence of air and water);
  • adsorption;
  • redox properties.

The main feature of the rock is its ability to remove harmful impurities from the water. Also, the Karelian mineral eliminates unpleasant odors and tastes.

Black shungite is found in nature. It is very rare to find a dark gray breed.

It is divided into types depending on how much carbon is contained in the mineral. According to this, high-carbon (which is used for treatment) and low-carbon (it is used for industrial purposes, since it has no healing properties) types are distinguished.

There is another division as well. In this case, elite shungite is considered the most valuable. It is black in color and is beneficial for health due to its medicinal properties.

Other varieties contain less carbon, so their color is closer to gray. These stones are not used for treatment.

Features used in medicine

Shungite is distinguished by a large number of features that allow it to be used for medical purposes. Its benefits are associated with a large number of chemical elements in its composition.

Also, its ability to purify water is valuable, as a result of which it acquires medicinal properties.

Among the valuable characteristics of the mineral are:

  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulating;
  • antihistamines;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • purification of water and air from adverse compounds;
  • neutralization of harmful substances due to their decomposition;
  • activation of biological processes in the human body;
  • supply of useful trace elements;
  • elimination of headache;
  • increased sexual activity;
  • stabilization of the emotional state;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • lung cleansing;
  • neutralization of magnetic fields.

Thanks to all these features, shungite becomes a very valuable tool for eliminating many pathologies. But you need to know how to use it correctly.

Features of medical use

Treatment is carried out when the stone comes into contact with the human body. This allows you to ease the symptoms of pathology.

Most often, shungite is used for skin diseases, injuries, disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Also, shungite water is used for medicinal purposes.

After its purification with this mineral, changes in its properties are observed, which makes it an effective alternative medicine.

It is used for rinsing, inhalation, compresses. It is added to baths, food is cooked on it. It is also possible to prepare a medicinal infusion, which contains shungite water and medicinal plants.

To eliminate the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, it is recommended to simply keep a shungite pyramid at home. T

This object reduces the intensity of radiation that comes from any devices, preventing their pathological effect on a person.

The mineral finds its application in psychotherapy. There are special rooms in the arrangement of which shungite is used.

When you are in such a room, you can improve the psycho-emotional state and increase efficiency, get rid of fatigue.

Features of the preparation of shungite water

Shungite water is often used for treatment and recovery. It can be effectively added to food, you can wash your face with it, prepare cosmetics.

Thanks to its effect, it is possible to improve the condition of the skin, get rid of inflammation, calluses and varicose veins.

Also, this tool is effective for strengthening immunity and eliminating pathologies of internal organs.

You can prepare such water yourself, you should only take into account certain rules.

They are as follows:

  1. Before preparing the product, you need to rinse the natural mineral. To do this, it is placed in a colander and substituted under a stream of water from the water supply.
  2. Next, you need to buy purified water, since it is better suited for such purposes.
  3. It is necessary to place 300 g of rock in the prepared container and fill them with purchased water (3 l).
  4. Cleaning begins in half an hour, but it is necessary to insist the composition for three days.
  5. It is advisable to use the remedy in the first 3 days after preparation.
  6. Shungite water does not lose its properties during boiling.
  7. The part of the water that was at the very bottom of the infusion tank should be poured out, as it may contain harmful impurities.
  8. The stones must be washed, after which you can prepare the next portion.

Shungite water is best suited for medium-sized stones, but after a few months they should be replaced with others. The presence of metals in the rock can lead to the formation of rust.

Presence of contraindications and side effects

Despite the healing properties of the mineral, it requires some caution in use. It has contraindications that must be taken into account.

  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.

At the initial stage of using this stone for medicinal purposes, unpleasant changes in well-being may appear.

People may notice symptoms such as:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • whiskey pressure;
  • convulsions.

The appearance of such symptoms does not mean that the stone is harmful to a person. These are side effects caused by the cleansing action of shungite.

It removes pathological compounds from the body, disrupting the usual microflora, which causes a similar reaction. Therefore, at the beginning of treatment, one should not be zealous, taking a lot of shungite water or keeping the mineral on the body for a long time.

About magical properties

Esotericists attribute magical properties to shungite. They deny the "black" energy of the stone, which is spoken of by those who focus solely on the color of the mineral.

In fact, this is a protector stone, so it is used to create amulets and talismans. It helps to conduct spiritual energy into the human body.

Shungite is often used in occult ceremonies. One of the main rituals is a ritual for the fulfillment of desires with the use of shungite pyramids.

The main useful characteristics of the stone are associated with its ability to cleanse everything around. It is also considered from a mystical point of view, believing that shungite can neutralize the negative energy directed at its owner.


This mineral is often used as a talisman, as it is distinguished by strong energy. But esotericists do not recommend using such a talisman all the time - it is needed only in difficult circumstances.

In order to use the magical properties of shungite, one should keep the stone at home or occasionally wear it on the body.

Features of its action depend on the form of the mineral.

Rounded stones bring harmony to love relationships, cubic stones contribute to success in business, pyramidal ones protect the well-being of the family. Despite its ability to help in establishing intersexual relations, shungite is not used for love spells.

He has no power that can draw one person to another. But at the same time, he protects already formed relationships from disintegration.

The ability to cleanse makes it a strong talisman against damage. Shungite can be used to eliminate unfavorable energy from objects whose origin is unknown.

It also cleanses the thoughts of its owner, relieving him of nervousness and helping to cope with old experiences in order to move on.

If the owner is in danger, the talisman can warn him by sending a prophetic dream. In people who wear shungite jewelry for a long time, intuition increases.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

  • The mineral is suitable for any person, regardless of what his zodiac sign is. There are no contraindications for this. But the most useful shungite is considered for the signs of the elements Earth - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus.
  • Fire signs should be careful, as they are not recommended to wear black stones.
  • Gray shungite is not suitable as a talisman for representatives of the Cancer sign.

as decoration

This mineral is mined for use in medicine and cosmetology or for industrial purposes. It is not precious, so it is not used in jewelry.

But if you wish, you can find shungite jewelry in the form of bracelets, beads, pendants and earrings. Such products are produced quite often. They can be worn with clothes of any style and color, taking into account only your own taste.

Application in other areas

This stone has a lot of healing properties, which is why it is used for treatment. But medicine is not the only area of ​​its application. It is effective for purifying air and water, so it is widely used for environmental purposes.

Shungite is used to make effective water filters. Thanks to them, you can save drinking water from harmful microorganisms and impurities. This method is more effective and safer than cleaning with chlorine.

The stone is also used in agriculture, chemical industry, energy, water supply.


Previously, this mineral could be found in pharmacies, but now it is not sold there. You can find it on the Internet. They offer crushed rock, pyramids, water filters, talismans.

The price may vary depending on the quality of the stone and the type of product. The cost for talismans and small figurines starts from 50 rubles. A bag of minerals weighing 15-20 kg can be purchased for 1500 rubles.

Features of care

Special efforts are not required to preserve shungite. The main rule is not to drop the talisman, as it is fragile.

This stone is not suitable for permanent wear, it must be removed from time to time. Store it in a separate soft cloth bag. To clean it from dust, use soapy water.

If shungite is planned to be used for making shungite water, there are also certain rules. Acquired gravel should be well washed from dust. It is recommended to drain the first water.

Before using gravel for making shungite water, it must be rinsed (each time).

Differences of natural stone

Valuable characteristics are inherent only in natural shungite. Dishonest sellers can sell coal or shungizite under the guise of this mineral. Therefore, it is very important to know how this breed differs from others.

The main feature is the ability to conduct current. If the stone does not conduct current, it is fake.

Also, a fake can be recognized by the following features:

  1. Fragility. Shungite breaks easily.
  2. A large amount of dust. The stone wears off.
  3. Matte. Due to its brittleness, this mineral is not polished.
  4. Impact on water. If natural shungite is placed in water, bubbles will soon appear on its surface.
  5. The presence of golden streaks (iron sulfate).

This mineral has many useful properties. Knowing them, you can avoid mistakes in use and get the maximum benefit.

Shungite has a strong energy, so it is not recommended to wear it all the time. This stone is contraindicated for children - because of the weak energy field.


We usually extract substances useful for the body from products of plant or animal origin. Meanwhile, objects of inanimate nature are sometimes fraught with simply amazing healing properties. Shungite is one of the brightest proofs of this.

What it is

For those who hear this word for the first time, let me explain that shungite is a mineral that is 99% carbon. Outwardly, it is very similar to anthracite, however, unlike this valuable type of coal, shungite does not burn under normal conditions. It is for this reason that this mineral did not find its practical application for a long time and was not considered of great value.

Only one large deposit of shungite is known in the whole world today. It is located in Karelia (by the way, the stone owes its name to the village of Shunga, where its deposits were first discovered). In addition, this fossil was also found in small quantities in Kazakhstan and the North Caucasus.

Did you know? Most scientists attribute organic origin to shungite, believing that it was formed from bottom sediments, plankton deposits, algae and protozoa, which were pressed, dehydrated and went underground for millions of years. But this point of view is not indisputable, because, according to its opponents, the breed is so ancient that there was practically no life on Earth at the time of its formation. Some attribute volcanic origin to shungite, and some even argue that the stone came to us from outer space (probably as a result of a meteorite fall).

Shungite (it was called "slate stone" in Rus') is usually black, less often gray or brown. It can be broken into pieces very easily. It would be wrong to say that shungite does not burn, it just requires special conditions for this process. The slag that dissolves during combustion envelops the surface of the stone, and combustion stops without access to oxygen. At the same time, the mineral has the ability to inhibit oxidative reactions, making it an excellent antioxidant.

Shungite as a natural water filter

Useful properties of slate stone are used by a person through the preparation of shungite water.

As you know, there are several types of water filters - mechanical, ion-exchange, biological, electrical, physical and chemical. In particular, the action of the latter is based on a process called "sorption". Its essence lies in the ability of some solid materials (adsorbents) to absorb various impurities in the liquid. Peat, ash, clay, sawdust can be used as adsorbents, but the most popular among them is.

Important! Shungite as an adsorbent is not inferior to activated carbon, and in relation to some harmful compounds it surpasses it tenfold! This mineral is able to purify ordinary tap water from various impurities hazardous to health (heavy metal salts, radionuclides, nitrates, pesticides, acids, alcohols, phenols, resins, acetone, humic compounds, oils, gases, etc.), foreign odors and unpleasant aftertaste by almost 95%.

After cleaning with a slate stone, the water becomes clear and clean. Interestingly, with the help of this adsorbent, not only can be filtered. It is also used, in which a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, helminth eggs and other organic muck accumulate. For the same purpose, the mineral is sometimes simply thrown into wells.

It is believed that shungite not only purifies water, but also structures it. Unlike "man-made" filters, natural sorption with the help of a slate stone does not remove the beneficial minerals contained in it from the water (,), and also endows it with additional healing qualities.

As a result of such purification, we get not “dead” (as after hard chlorination), but truly life-giving and very tasty water. This effect is achieved due to the content of so-called fullerenes in shungite - special molecules consisting of 60 carbon atoms closed in one chain.
Water purified with shungite has:

  • antioxidant;
  • restorative;
  • wound healing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • bactericidal;
  • antihistamine (antiallergic) and many other useful properties.
The undoubted advantage of shungite as a natural filter is also its ability to retain its bactericidal, adsorbing and catalytic properties for a long time.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Outwardly, shungite does not look very attractive, so very often, under the guise of a valuable mineral, you can buy a piece of ordinary coal or, even worse, a cobblestone of a suitable color picked up in the nearest doorway.

There are several ways to verify the authenticity of a slate stone. All of them can be divided into two groups:

  • subjective (we evaluate the seller and the terms of the transaction);
  • objective (we evaluate the product itself).
Both of these methods must be used in combination.
So, you should purchase a mineral from trusted suppliers and at a price not lower than the average (too low a cost is the first sign of a fake). Compare prices, read reviews, gather as much information about the company you are dealing with, and only then make a purchase.

Important! A seller of shungite can be registered anywhere, but the manufacturer's address must be in Karelia, in which case the likelihood of encountering scammers is much less.

Oddly enough, with objective methods of checking the quality of shungite, the situation is much more complicated.

Natural mineral almost does not shine and has a rough surface. Due to its high fragility, it is impossible to polish it, so a stone that is smooth and sparkling in the sun is definitely not shungite.

If you put a slate stone in water, nothing will happen to it, except that tiny bubbles form on its surface. If the object dissolves or crumbles, then you have a fake.

Rather, greenish streaks on the cut will testify in favor of a real slate stone, although their presence is not mandatory.
Also a good sign is the presence of at least a small amount of coal dust in the package (the mineral is very fragile and easily erased).

The classic way to distinguish a fake from a true shungite is electrical conductivity test. We take a small light bulb (9 volts), a regular battery and connect them with a wire. We connect two more wires, respectively, to a light bulb and a battery, and attach the free ends to the proposed shungite. The light bulb should light up.

Important! In fact, a test for electrical conductivity makes it possible to distinguish shungite from other minerals, but in no way confirms the healing qualities of the stone. The fact is that high electrical conductivity only indicates that the corresponding mineral contains a certain amount of carbon. However, in addition to carbon, shungite can contain various impurities, which, once in water, endow it with harmful rather than useful properties.

To get out of the situation, some sellers offer to “listen” to the stone: hold your hand over it and follow your feelings, try the water in which the mineral has lain, apply it “to the sore spot” and wait for the effect, etc.

Perhaps such advice will seem useful to someone, but, in our opinion, the healing properties of the slate stone cannot manifest themselves so clearly that they can be “felt with hands”. Therefore, it is best to use all of the above recommendations in combination, without neglecting any of them.

How to make shungite water yourself

It is very easy to prepare "living" water with shungite. At the bottom of glass or enameled dishes (the material from which the container is made must be neutral), carefully washed stones of any size are laid out at the rate of 100 g per liter of water.

After 30 minutes, the water will be purified, but it will receive the full range of useful properties in 72 hours.

After the set time, the water must be carefully drained, and even better - removed from the sediment using a soft tube. Shungite remaining at the bottom and the lower layer of water, if possible, it is better not to "disturb".

The water drained in this way can be used for its intended purpose, and the pebbles can be washed and, if desired, filled with a new portion of water.

How and how much water can be stored at home

Shungite water should be used within three days, while it should be stored in the same container in which it was prepared (preferably in glass). A cool room is suitable for storage (not necessarily, you can limit yourself to room temperature), but there should not be electrical and other emitting devices nearby (, etc.).

Important! Shungite water can be boiled (for example, if you use it for preparing various dishes and hot drinks), because of this it does not lose its beneficial properties.

The mineral itself is reusable, but about once every six months it needs to be replaced with another one, like ordinary filters.

Application: folk recipes

Shungite water is widely used both in and in official medicine (mainly in sanatoriums and resorts). Interestingly, the beneficial properties of the liquid are manifested both in internal and external use, in addition, ointments are made on its basis, and the stone itself is sometimes used in various massage procedures.

Shungite water treats joints, skin and stomach, it helps to heal wounds and relieve, has a beneficial effect on the gums and is indicated for.

Did you know? Many believe that water infused with slate stone neutralizes the so-called geopathic zones - areas filled with "evil energy" and therefore have a harmful effect on all living things that cannot be explained by science.

The unverified properties of shungite water can also include its ability to protect a person from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.


So, you can drink shungite water prepared “with your own hands”, you can use it (the latter, by the way, is preferable, because, no matter what they say about the healing properties of purified water, in practice it is usually advised to boil it before drinking, such a paradox).

It is not necessary to use such a procedure as a treatment for a cold (for children, by the way, it is categorically not recommended to do inhalations at home without the direct prescription of a doctor, you can burn the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract). Just take a free moment, boil water, let it cool a little and steam your face, covering your head with a towel.

Then wipe the skin of the face, prepared from the same shungite water, and again breathe over the steam. Repeat this alternation of contrasts several times, then apply your favorite nourishing cream on your face and rest a little. You will be simply amazed how fresh and tender your face will be with minimal time and money.

Shungite water cold compresses can be used as an external remedy for providing emergency care for burns, calluses, bruises, skin inflammations, edema, bruises, other injuries or pain syndromes of various nature.

One of the compress options is to soak a towel or gauze in water purified with a slate stone and apply it to a sore spot, another, more effective one is to use frozen shungite water (crushed or frozen ice in portions).

Important! To use ice compresses, you need to know the basic rules of cold and heat treatment, since these procedures have the opposite effect. For example, not cold, but heat should be applied to a sore spot: to prevent injury, to relax stiff joints; in the later stages of injury treatment (cold is applied in the first minutes, and the sooner the better), with neck injuries, especially in front and on the sides. Neither heat nor ice should be applied to open wounds, if there is an infection, if you have diabetes, if you have problems with blood circulation!

To prepare a compress, depending on its purpose, you can use not only cold, but also hot shungite water, except when the treatment requires dry heat.

Remember: if we are not talking about first aid, and the cause of the pain that has arisen is not clear, before applying a compress to the sore spot, in any case, you need to consult a doctor and establish an accurate diagnosis!

Shungite baths are an excellent means of relieving fatigue and raising your mood. This pleasant procedure allows the healing liquid to contact the entire surface of the skin, warming the body and saturating it with useful minerals and good energy. And if you plunge into such a bath with your head for a few seconds, you can also achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition of the hair.

Take a hot bath (the temperature of the water should be at least 45 degrees, since the preparation of the process will take some time, and the water should have time to cool down just enough to become comfortable for the body). Put 0.3-0.5 kg of shungite pebbles into it, after wrapping them in gauze, and leave for at least a quarter of an hour. When the water has cooled to a suitable temperature, extract the shungite and immerse yourself in the healing liquid. The time of taking such a bath on average should be 15-20 minutes, but you should always be guided by your feelings.

Important! Even a not very hot bath can lead to additional stress on the heart, in addition, there are still some situations when such a procedure should be treated with extreme caution (pregnancy, alcohol or drug intoxication, etc.).

But if without fanaticism, a shungite bath is a wonderful way to quickly recover after serious physical exertion or hypothermia.

Foot massage

In this case, unlike the previous ones, shungite is used in its “pure” form.
I must say that foot massage, including with the help of stones, is an ancient invention of the Chinese. With its help, in the Celestial Empire, headaches, throat diseases, sexual disorders and many other ailments were treated.

The idea is that there are a huge number of different nerve endings on the human foot, each of which is somehow connected with a particular organ or system. Thus, by massaging a certain point on the foot, we act on a certain organ and transmit the “correct” signal (setting) to it.

We already know that the ancient Chinese did not know about any shungite, for their procedures they used other "useful" stones, in particular, marble, gypsum, jasper, volcanic basalt and ... coal shale.

Today it is a very fashionable direction of alternative medicine, and shungite is widely used in it. It is believed that procedures with the use of slate stone help to "pull out" pain, and since the healing mineral has the ability to absorb negative energy, the disease after such a procedure recedes by itself.

Did you know? According to the basics of oriental medicine, some minerals are masculine (yang), others are feminine (yin), and others are neutral. All opaque stones, including shungite, have a feminine element. It is they who are most preferred for therapeutic massage, since their very touch to the sore spot already takes away bad energy.

Small or medium stones, as well as shungite chips (crushed stone) are usually used for foot massage. In the first case, the patient is in a horizontal position, and hot stones are placed between his toes.

In the second, walking on shungite rubble is used (as an option, you can sit with your feet on the stone chips, but in this case, the procedure time to achieve a similar effect increases from five minutes to two hours).

Such therapy normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep and relieves fatigue, helps with headaches, and also fills the body and soul with peace and tranquility.

Contraindications and harm

By itself, the slate stone does not and cannot have direct contraindications (although people who are prone to blood clots, as well as in the presence of tumors, heart problems in the acute phase and a serious inflammatory process in the body are usually advised to refrain from using shungite water).

However, fanatical and illiterate treatment with unconventional methods can be hazardous to health. In particular, unpleasant consequences can lead to:

  • the use of tap water purified by a mineral of unverified origin for drinking without its preliminary boiling;
  • applying cold or hot compresses to a sore spot without finding out the cause of the pain and in violation of the basic rules for helping with such conditions;
  • taking a hot bath in the presence of contraindications and without observing the precautionary rules;
  • self-treatment in case of a disease requiring urgent medical intervention.
Shungite is an amazing mineral, the properties of which were discovered by man relatively recently. Purification of water with the help of this stone is a scientifically substantiated fact, as for structuring and absorbing negative energy, you can believe it or not. In any case, it is important to understand that shungite water can make your skin softer and your overall health better, but it will not replace official medicine either in terms of diagnosis or treatment. The gifts of nature should be used carefully and wisely, only then they will go for good!

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/shungit-1.jpg" alt="shungite stone" width="300" height="284">!} Nature never ceases to amaze a person, and shungite stone is another proof of this statement. The black mineral has unique properties and an unusual structure. And its healing power has been used for many centuries to treat a variety of diseases.

Facts from history

The healing properties of shungite became known in the sixteenth century. Our ancestors called it "slate stone" and very actively carried out treatment with water that spouted from springs located in a territory rich in this mineral. And the real glory came to him when, with his help, the mother of the future Tsar Michael, the first ruler of the Romanov family, got rid of the illness.

Nun Xenia Romanova was exiled by Boris Godunov to the Tolvuysky monastery, which was located in Karelia. There she began to drink water from the spring and was able to recover from epilepsy. Later, this source was called the "Tsar's Key". And in the seventeenth century, Emperor Peter the Great gave the green light to the creation in those parts, as they would say now, of a sanatorium in which a variety of army ranks improved their health. In addition, shungite pebbles should have been taken on any trip to purify water and prevent stomach problems.

But they began to study this mineral only at the end of the eighteenth century. It got its name even later, in the second half of the 19th century, when the famous geologist A. A. Inostrantsev gave it a name in honor of visiting Shung, where deposits of this coal-bearing rock were discovered.

The next round of interest was caused by Karelian shungite, the properties of which continued to occupy the minds of scientists already in the nineties of the twentieth century. Studying its structure, the researchers discovered a previously unknown carbon compound. For the discovery of fullerene, which is not found in any other mineral, scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Main characteristics

Outwardly, this natural stone of dark, almost black color is very similar to coal. Research confirms that it is a very ancient rock, with a geological age in the range of two billion years. This is a kind of transitional phase from carbon to graphite.

Speaking about what shungite is, it should be noted that it mainly consists of carbon, the content of which can be different. It also contains a number of other impurities (oxides of silicon, titanium, aluminum, iron, potassium and magnesium), which determine its unusual physico-chemical features, the main of which include the following:

  1. Hardness on the Mohs scale is no more than 4 units.
  2. The stone has a high chemical resistance.
  3. Shows bactericidal and adsorbing qualities.
  4. Able to easily combine with other substances.
  5. It has shielding properties and electrical conductivity.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/karta-.png" alt="" width="80" height="68 "> Having found out what shungite is, it turned out that its deposits are located only in one place. The main developments are carried out in Karelia, namely in the Olonets region, where reserves of about 35 million tons are concentrated.

What does shungite treat?

No wonder a few centuries ago people used shungite and its medicinal properties to get rid of a number of diseases. But the healing properties received scientific confirmation only in the nineties of the twentieth century, when various experiments were carried out in the laboratory.

Scientists have found that the mineral really has unique qualities and can help a person get rid of many health problems. Its effectiveness has been found in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems of the body;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the urinary system and liver;
  • diseases of the respiratory system and a tendency to allergies;
  • skin diseases and damage to the dermis caused by various injuries.

If it is necessary to relieve inflammation in diseased joints, shungite baths are very effective. And their combination with compresses, which are saturated with such a special “dirt”, contribute to the rapid relief of pain after several applications.

In case of problems with the respiratory organs or frequent colds, it is recommended to carry out inhalations with water infused with shungite. It can be used as a rinse or used as nasal drops. By making it a rule to drink this water every day, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins. You can strengthen the immune system and increase vitality.

Making this healing liquid is not difficult at all. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and tips for use. Take a liter of water and pour shungite chips or pebbles into it (no more than 300 grams). In order for the properties of the stone to be fully revealed, you need to wait three days. After the allotted time, pour the infused liquid into another container, leaving sediment at the bottom. You can again pour fresh water there and insist again (this sediment will be useful for 12 months). The ability to use the mineral for such a long time is explained by its ability to purify and saturate water with useful microelements, and not remove useful substances, like other sorbents.

The benefits of the mineral for humans

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/shungit-2.jpg" alt="shungite for massage" width="300" height="205">!} Useful properties of shungite are widely used in massage. It is known that walking barefoot on grass or sand allows you to influence points that affect the health of various internal organs. But if you make it a rule to walk barefoot on shungite, the effect will be more noticeable. You will relieve stress and fatigue, feel cheerfulness and emotional upsurge.

Shungite shows its healing properties in the field of cosmetology. Water infused on the stone is useful not only to drink, but to use for washing. Over time, you will notice that the complexion has become fresher, the skin has regained its tone and become elastic. And if you were worried about pimples and various rashes, then such procedures, carried out in the morning and evening, will help relieve inflammation and cleanse your face.

Such water will also be indispensable for those who want to restore and maintain healthy hair. Regular rinsing will positively affect the growth, silkiness and structure of the hair. Hair follicles will be strengthened, dandruff will disappear.

However, despite all the positive properties and contraindications, it is also inherent. Due to the fact that the stone has a very powerful effect on the entire body, it should be used with extreme caution by pregnant and lactating women. Lipotherapists prohibit its use in acute inflammatory conditions.

magical properties

The magical properties of shungite are also quite diverse and interesting. But opinions about its influence on a person are sometimes diametrically opposed. Some tend to believe that this mineral is associated with negative energy flows and is used only by "black" sorcerers. However, most likely, this attitude is caused only by the gloomy color of the stone. Most often, it acts as a protective amulet, absorbing "bad" energy from the outside world.

Jpg" alt="shungite jewelry" width="300" height="100">!}
Jewelry or amulet with shungite will effectively protect its owner from evil forces, giving him peace and confidence. Drawings are applied to the surface of the mineral, which enhance its influence. Such a talisman will bring success in business, help to establish personal life and be able to protect against diseases.

Shungite pyramids are able to neutralize the harmful radiation of household appliances. Such home amulets will maintain a normal emotional background, relieving stress and maintaining good relations between households.

Astrologers cannot unequivocally say who suits, and so far they have not revealed any special influence of the stone on certain signs of the zodiac. Therefore, anyone can use it as a talisman, especially if they immediately feel a connection with this mineral.

How to distinguish a fake

There are a lot of areas of application of shungite. It is used in metallurgy and the construction industry, in agriculture and in the production of various chemical products. It is indispensable in the manufacture of filters, medicines and cosmetics. It makes very beautiful and original jewelry.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="80"> Due to such demand and due to the existence of only one of its deposits, shungite is often faked. To distinguish a fake, you can use the following tips:

  • First, carefully inspect the pebble. If you come across a natural sample, then you will notice the so-called shungite dust, which will collect in a bag or box where the stone was located. A sign of naturalness is the presence of inclusions of a golden hue.
  • A distinctive quality of the mineral is that when lowered into water, it significantly improves its taste. Leave it in a container of water for several hours and then you will notice that the water has acquired a taste similar to spring.
  • But the surest way involves the use of some knowledge from the school curriculum. It is based on the characteristic property of this stone for electrical conductivity. We need to assemble a series electrical circuit using a light bulb, wires and a battery. First you need to check that the circuit is functioning, and then add shungite to it (light bulb - wiring - shungite - wiring - battery). If you have a natural sample in front of you, then the light bulb will burn.

Amazing shungite - a stone, which, according to some scientists, is of extraterrestrial origin, will be a great helper for everyone, showing its unique properties.

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