Endorphins and cortisol. The influence of endorphin on emotionality and other areas of life The content of beta endorphin in the blood of animals

Beta-endorphins and cortisol are important hormones that influence central nervous system function and blood sugar levels. Both hormones are associated with a single POMC molecule (pro-opiomelanocortin), which can be broken down into peptide elements; POMC is also a precursor of ACTH (corticotropic hormone), which affects the production of cortisol in the adrenal cortex, and contains beta-endorphin. The production of POMC, beta-endorphin and cortisol is controlled by factors produced in the hypothalamus. Corticorelin is formed in the tissues of the hypothalamus and affects the stimulation of corticotropin production in the anterior pituitary gland. Vasopressin, which is also produced in the middle part of the hypothalamus, similarly affects the production of ACTH and its release into the blood. The production of POMC is influenced by a large number of different factors, such as: circadian rhythms, mental state, physical activity and changes in the correctness of biochemical processes. Cortisol in the blood is a feedback element, which in addition inhibits the production of POMC. Beta-endorphin is also formed in the brain and spinal cord; in addition, this hormone has a potential opioid effect on the central nervous system and, apparently, can control the severity of pain.

Beta-endorphin, which enters the general bloodstream, is produced, as a rule, by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The POMC molecule in the area of ​​the carboxyl end has a site called beta-lipotropin, which can later break down into beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin. Beta-lipotropin particles mobilize fat molecules from the body's fat reserves; beta-endorphin, localized in the blood, is involved in many processes, including the regulation of work, regulation of the severity of pain, as well as in maintaining normal blood glucose levels. Beta-endorphin receptors are found in most tissues of the body, for example, a large number of them are located in fats, pancreas, and muscle tissue. With all this, the value of beta-endorphin in the listed tissues has not been reliably determined.

Cortisol is the main glucocorticosteroid and the main component in the feedback chain, plus the hormone inhibits its own production due to its effect on the anterior lobe and hypothalamus. Cortisol is activated by interaction with receptors in the cytoplasm, after which the formed connection is transported into the nucleus, where the action of hormone molecules occurs at the gene level. It turns out that cortisol takes on the functions of the main inhibitor of corticorelin secretion and also suppresses the production of POMC. In addition, the hormone inhibits the synthesis of corticotropin (ACTH), which accumulates in specific cells of the anterior pituitary gland. Regulation of cortisol production can also be accomplished by the hypothalamus. At the same time, regulation due to corticorelin produced in the hypothalamus depends on the circadian rhythms and wave-like nature of production necessary to maintain normal levels of hormones in the blood. Maximum production of corticotropin into the blood is usually observed in the morning, immediately after getting up. It is necessary to take into account that the cells of the anterior lobe of the hypothalamus (suprachiasmatic nuclei) receive impulses from the optic nerves, on which the daily rhythm of the production of this hormone depends. Resection of the optic nerve disrupts the circadian rhythms according to which cortisol and ACTH are produced.

It takes some time for the adrenal glands to create cortisol from cholesterol molecules, so maximum cortisol production occurs with a delay to peak ACTH levels. The main task of cortisol is to maintain the optimal concentration of glucose in the circulatory system by moving amino acids formed during proteolytic processes into the liver tissue, as a result of which gluconeogenesis occurs. Stimulation of this process with the help of cortisol, as well as activation of lipid transport to accelerate metabolic processes, lead to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood. Cortisol similarly acts as a substance that suppresses the functions of the immune response and slows down the course of inflammatory reactions.

Impact of physical activity
on the concentration of beta-endorphin and cortisol
in the circulatory system

There is also confirmed information indicating an increase in the concentration of beta-endorphin when exposed to aerobic and anaerobic physical activity. Some studies suggest that beta-endorphin immunoreactivity increases with exercise and depends on the intensity of the exercise. It appears that in order to increase beta-endorphin concentrations during aerobic exercise, the intensity should be maintained above a threshold of 60% of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). Moreover, the value of this threshold may change and the changes will depend on the specific individual, as well as on the calorie content of his diet. In addition, the type of changes in beta-endorphin levels is determined by the duration of the training process.

Training with systematic progression of loads and high-intensity exercise has a stimulating effect on increasing the concentration of beta-endorphin in the blood. The effect of strength training as the main stimulus for changes in the concentration of beta-endorphin in the general bloodstream is relatively weak. There are obvious discrepancies in authoritative sources; the main factors for this are individual differences in physiological processes in the body. Plus, study results can also be influenced by differences in training programs, choice of exercises, intensity of exercise and period of taking blood samples for analysis. According to the results of one study, the total concentration of beta-endorphin in the blood increases during intense exercise. Namely, changes in the amount of beta-endorphin were influenced by: the amount of work done, the balance of time for rest and work, as well as the power of the effort generated. The same study proved an increase in the concentration of beta-endorphin when exposed to moderate-intensity loads in 30 professional-level strength athletes. In the female body, an increase in the concentration of beta-endorphin was observed after 3 exercises with an intensity of 90% of 1RM (repetitive maximum). There was also an increase in beta-endorphin and beta-lipotropin levels in 5 athletes when lifting weights. Along with this, low-volume strength training does not lead to changes in beta-endorphin levels. Thus, it can be assumed that high-intensity strength work and high volume of training can lead to a short-term increase in beta-endorphin levels in the blood.

Changes in cortisol concentration under the influence of training stress depend on the choice of exercises (basic, multi-joint, isolated), the degree of their intensity and duration of exercise. Often, aerobic exercise with moderate intensity and average duration has no effect on the concentration of cortisol in the blood, despite the fact that some researchers suggest a decrease in its amount in general. Additionally, during prolonged, high-intensity exercise, physical activity tends to increase cortisol levels in the body. This may be due to the mechanism of maintaining normal glucose levels. When athletes consumed carbohydrates during exercise, changes in cortisol concentrations were less significant. Moderate-long physical activity most often leads to an increase in the amount of cortisol in the circulatory system. The amount of this hormone also increased in middle- and long-distance runners, but there was no increase in cortisol in sprinters. Short-term exercise may result in minor changes in cortisol concentrations. It must be said that the circadian rhythm of fluctuations in cortisol production can make it difficult to determine peak levels of the hormone mediated by exercise.

Exercise can lead to changes in cortisol concentrations, which will depend on the intensity and volume of exercise. One of these studies showed that performing forced repetitions leads to a more significant increase in cortisol concentrations compared to exercises where work is performed at a maximum intensity of 95-100% of 1RM. This information also suggests that variability in exercise exposure has a similar effect on blood cortisol concentrations. This assumption was confirmed by the fact that the amplitude of changes in cortisol concentration is also influenced by the degree of intensity of strength training, as well as the total time under load. According to one study, the change in cortisol concentration during high-intensity exercise was more pronounced, regardless of the number of sets, and during low-intensity exercise, the amount of cortisol in the blood after 4 sets was greater than after performing 2 sets. There is also information that high-volume strength training leads to an increase not only in the concentration of cortisol, but also in beta-endorphin. It is curious that the cortisol level grows quite quickly and this is observed approximately 20-30 minutes after the start of the lesson, as well as within 15 minutes after its completion. It was not always possible to detect an increase in cortisol concentration after the end of high-intensity training. The main aspects of these discrepancies in results may be differences in diet, adaptation to exercise, and circadian rhythms.

Beta-endorphin and immunity

The effect of beta-endorphin on the functioning of the immune system was studied in vitro (in vitro), while in a living organism, the effect of this hormone is poorly studied. It has been established that beta-endorphin from mice and humans can proliferate T cells. This information suggests that the effect of beta-endorphin on immunity occurs without the participation of opioid receptors and due to the inhibition of prostaglandin E. It has been established that artificial beta-endorphin interacts with receptors without opioid activity on lymphocytes.

It was also revealed that beta-endorphin in vitro has a stimulating effect on the spleen of mice due to proliferation processes in response to the activity of mitogens. It turned out that this response is dose dependent and is not suppressed by naloxone. In addition, beta-endorphin has no effect on B lymphocytes. Proliferation occurring in the spleen of mature mice increased by 1.5-2 times under the influence of beta-endorphin and depended on the dosage of this hormone in T-lymphocytes. It was found that before proliferation with the participation of beta-endorphin, there was an increase in the concentration of interleukin-2 and its receptors. However, naloxone did not suppress the effect of beta-endorphin. Subsequent confirmation of the proliferation of T cells with the help of beta-endorphin was revealed through the use of concavalin A. Beta-endorphin stimulated proliferation under the influence of mitogens, despite the fact that the graph of the dependence of the stimulating effect on the dosage of the hormone had the form of an inverse parabola, which may tell us about the suppression of the immune response at high hormone concentrations. The same researchers also found that the suppression of immunity due to the effects of cortisol can be half reversed by β-endorphin, so stimulation of β-endorphin slows down the inhibitory effect of cortisol on the immune system.

A test-tube study of the effect of beta-endorphin on the functioning of killer T cells determined its stimulating effect. This work also stated that this effect depended on the dosage of the hormone and was completely suppressed by the administration of opioid receptor antagonists (for example, naloxone). This information suggests that the degree of influence of beta-endorphin on T-killer cells has some differences from its effect on other lymphocytes. Plus, a study was also conducted to study the effect of beta-endorphin on the functionality and number of killer T cells during training loads. Subjects used opioid receptor antagonists or a placebo drug one hour before the start of moderate-intensity physical activity (70% of VO2max) and a duration of 120 minutes. An increase in the concentration of beta-endorphin in the body was noted 1.5-2 hours after the start of the training process, and at the same time there was an increase in the activity and number of T-killers. In addition, taking antagonists did not in any way affect the functionality or number of killer T cells. The researchers concluded that the increase in killer T-cell activity does not correlate with the effect of beta-endorphin. Along with this, it is likely that the effects of the hormone are due to the presence of another type of receptor. Constant physical activity (daily running for 35 days) in mice, in addition to increasing blood pressure, led to an increase in the activity of killer T cells. Some time after this, an increase in the amount of beta-endorphin in the cerebrospinal fluid was noted. Another opioid receptor antagonist, naltrindole, significantly inhibited the activity of killer T cells, which was observed after 35 days of daily muscular work in animals. Antagonists of specific receptors did not affect the functioning of killer T cells. Researchers have hypothesized that the physiological response to training stress is mediated by β-receptors in the central nervous system. The use of beta-endorphin when administered subcutaneously in peripheral tissues did not lead to changes in the activity of killer T cells. Along with this, after the use of an opioid 6-receptor agonist, an increase in the activity of T-killers was noted. At the same time, a single use of C-receptor agonists in the ventricles of the brain inhibited the functionality of T-killer cells. Similar changes were also observed after a single injection of morphine into the animal’s brain. This information may indicate that the influence of beta-endorphin, which regulates the activity of T-killer cells, can be carried out through the 5- and C-receptors. New research work is needed to study this.

In addition to the impact factors described above, beta-endorphin affects immune function and other effects: macrophage chemotaxis, antibody transport, T-helper production. The movement of macrophages to the area of ​​beta-endorphin administration was detected. Neutrophil granulocytes similarly move to the site of beta-endorphin administration, and this response is suppressed by incubation with opioid receptor antagonists. Opioid substances, when injected into the ventricles of the brain, exhibit their effects in different ways. Some of these substances stimulate the activity of macrophages, the other part – neutrophil granulocytes. Chemotaxis depends on the dosage of the neurohormone. A high level of p-endorphin inhibits chemotaxis, while a low level of the hormone activates the work of neutrophil granulocytes. Since baseline levels of beta-endorphin do not rise to the levels studied during training stress, it is likely that beta-endorphin may have a stimulatory effect on immune function.

It has been proposed that opioid-derived proteins, such as beta-endorphin and enkephalin, have a similar structure and may interact with interleukin-2. Interleukins are components of the inflammatory response that interact with beta-endorphin and cortisol. It is likely that both of these neurohormones exert their effects through binding to interleukins. Suppression of immune function can occur at different stages of the interaction and, as a rule, this occurs through a reduction in the production of interleukins 1 and 6 (both of these types are dose dependent). β-endorphin stimulates the production of interferon-Y in response to treatment with concavalin A. The increase in interferon-Y production when applying physiological concentrations of beta-endorphin was dose-dependent and was not suppressed by the action of opioid receptor antagonists.

It seems that beta-endorphin is capable of influencing various immune components (both systemic effects and peripheral tissues). This effect may be due to the action of opioid receptors. In addition, the influence of beta-endorphin may occur due to cortisol.

Immunity and cortisol

Cortisol can generally be thought of as a hormone that suppresses immune function and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Corticoids when administered parenterally can lead to a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils, while the maximum effect of the drugs is noticeable after 4 hours. A large dosage of drugs from this pharmacological group can lead to premature apoptosis (destruction) of B and T lymphocytes. Cortisol is able to modulate the functioning of the immune system by stimulating apoptosis processes in the thymus gland and lymphocytes. Along with this, a cortisol derivative, cortisone, can slow down the process of destruction of lymphocytes. It has been established that glucocorticosteroids lead to apoptosis of monocytes. The process of apoptosis depends on the speed and amount of cortisol itself. Monocyte apoptosis is due in part to stimulation of interleukins-1. In addition, cortisol can suppress TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) and prostaglandin E by activating monocytes and mononuclear phagocytes. Interleukin-1 is a feedback element in the modulation of hypothalamic functions, as well as the secretion of corticotropin and cortisol. Incubation of thymus cells and spleen cells with corticosterone in “test tube” conditions during the first day leads to the destruction of these cells. The amount of corticosterone in the cultured medium was the same as during maximum physical activity. This fact suggests that cortisol contributes to the processes of cell death of lymphocytes, as well as to the suppression of immune function after high-intensity physical activity.

It has been established that corticoids also inhibit the functions of killer T cells. After regular use of prednisolone, 10 people diagnosed with arthritis showed a decrease in the activity of T-killer cells in the blood. Under the influence of corticoids, a decrease in the activity of T-killers is observed both in a living organism and in test tube conditions (in vitro). Along with this, the phenomena observed in both cases had some differences. Pharmacological dosing of corticoids made it difficult for killer T cells to attach to target cells. Prednisolone and hydrocortisone inhibit the action of T-killers in mononuclear phagocytes (the degree of the inhibitory effect depends on the dosage of artificial hormones) and, in addition, suppress their interaction with target cells. Inhibition of the interaction of mononuclear phagocytes with the desired cells when exposed to corticoids depends on the dosage and the process of phospholipid methylation.

The suppression of the immune system due to the effects of cortisol usually becomes maximum after a couple of hours. Cortisol exposure observed during low-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise has minimal impact on immunity. Along with this, high-intensity training can lead to significant changes in cortisol concentrations, and this, as a rule, will affect the functioning of the immune system. In addition, high-intensity training over a long period of time can lead to immune suppression.

Final part

Beta-endorphin and cortisol have a special effect on immune function, with beta-endorphin being a stimulant and cortisol being an inhibitor of immune functions. The influence of these two hormones on the regulation of immune function during short-term and long-term physical activity has not been fully established. The effects of physical activity on beta-endorphin secretion and immune cell function in vivo remain to be studied. Plus, additional study of the body’s adaptation processes after exposure to physical activity should be carried out. The importance of diet (maintaining a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins), the effects of cortisol and beta-endorphin on the body's immune response must also be investigated.

Against the backdrop of the fitness boom, the phrase “during running, endorphins are released - hormones of happiness, our internal drugs” are used more and more often. Actually this is not true. Firstly, when running, not only endorphins are formed, but also endogenous cannabinoids, as revealed in a recent neurobiological study. Secondly, endorphins are not hormones. Third, although the structure of endorphin molecules is indeed similar to “real” drugs like morphine and heroin, their narcotic effect has not been proven.

Everything is interconnected

Mass consciousness is slowly accepting the idea that emotions are controlled by invisible substances secreted by equally invisible (to the naked eye) brain cells and something like that.

  • Dopamine- this is the “pleasure molecule”,
  • oxytocin- this is the “attachment hormone”, and so on.

In reality, the picture is much more complex.

  • Firstly, neurotransmitters and hormones are still different things. The former are secreted by some neurons and transmitted to others through a special cell contact - the synapse. Synapses can be formed either by two neurons or by a neuron and a muscle cell.

But the second ones - hormones- first of all they enter the blood and only then to the target cells (which do not have to be neurons or muscle cells). These targets can be located in any organ.

We almost never see the net effect of a single neurotransmitter, and there are several reasons for this.

  • Firstly, the effect of a neurotransmitter on a specific cell depends on which receptors (special protein molecules that can physically or chemically bind to the neurotransmitter and change their properties in response to the formation of this bond) are located on the surface of this cell.
  • For almost every neurotransmitter, there are several types of receptors. Activation of receptors of different types has different effects on the physiology and behavior of the body - to the point that the responses of different cells to the same neurotransmitter are directly opposite. Secondly, neurotransmitters can influence not only “their” receptors, but also “foreign” ones, increasing or decreasing the susceptibility of the latter. Finally, most cells have receptors for several neurotransmitters at once.

Runner's Euphoria

A common feature of all endorphins and endocannabinoids is a wide spectrum of action. Compared to traditional neurotransmitters such as glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, acetylcholine and the like, they have a more global effect. Therefore, they are sometimes called neuromodulators rather than neurotransmitters. Endogenous cannabinoids and endogenous opiates, like conventional neurotransmitters, are released by one of the two neurons in the synapse. The difference is that their action is directed against the course of the main chemical signal. Traditional transmitters are released by the presynaptic neuron and received by the postsynaptic neuron. With endocannabinoids (and often endogenous opiates), the opposite is true. Endogenous opiates and endogenous cannabinoids act on the presynaptic cell - a neuron within the synapse that releases traditional signaling substances. As a result of this effect, the presynaptic neuron begins to release more or less neurotransmitter than before.

The last of these principles is often forgotten.

An example of this is the story of runner's euphoria: a condition where people who have run or swam a significant distance feel happier and calmer after exercise. Some people experience decreased sensitivity during the “runner’s euphoria”, and some even feel that their consciousness is almost separated from their body.

So, at the beginning of September 2015 in the magazine Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) An article was published that showed that after running on a wheel, mice become calmer and less susceptible to pain, and this effect occurs due to the activation of endocannabinoid receptors.

Endocannabinoids- these are substances that are similar in structure and action to the active components of marijuana, only they are produced by neurons in the brain, hence the prefix “endo-”. And calm and pain relief are just two manifestations of a runner’s euphoria.

News outlets circulated the PNAS article because it presented a supposedly new fact:

“runner's euphoria” is caused not by the action of endogenous opiates (these include endorphins - endogenous morphines, which are produced by brain cells and act like morphine and heroin), as was believed a couple of decades before, but by the action of endogenous cannabinoids.

The 2015 discovery could have influenced the development of pharmacology, if not for a couple of circumstances.

  • Firstly Scientists have previously reported that endocannabinoids are involved in creating the “runner's high.”
  • Secondly, an increase in mood and pain threshold after physical activity is caused by both cannabinoids and opiates, and according to journalists, it turned out that only one thing works. In fact, there is something of a division of labor between the “internal drugs”: endogenous opiates mainly reduce muscle pain that occurs after exercise, and endogenous cannabinoids are more likely to reduce anxiety. Given that the study discussed was conducted on mice and not on humans, it was not possible to assess the feeling of happiness after training: we cannot reliably assess the level of happiness in rodents.

Endogenous opiates: drugs or not?

Let's define what a drug is. The WHO considers it "a chemical agent that causes stupor, coma, or insensitivity to pain." In this sense, endogenous opiates most likely fit the definition of a drug, because the main purpose of their action in the body is to reduce the sensation of pain.

“Narcotic drugs are substances of synthetic or natural origin, drugs, plants included in the List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, including the Single Convention on narcotic drugs in 1961."

Beta-endorphin and other endogenous opiates are not on the mentioned list.

Rice. 1. Beta-endomorphin molecule. Image: Diomedia.

Well, without official language, a drug is any substance that changes behavior and mood and on which a person becomes dependent. Let's start with behavior change. The euphoric effect is attributed to endorphins, but it also manifests itself from taking high doses of morphine and heroin - recognized drugs that themselves are not related to endorphins, but are only similar to them in structure. But the direct connection between endorphins themselves and the feeling of happiness in people has not yet been proven. Moreover, long-standing studies in rats and humans show that morphine and one of the most common endorphins, beta-endorphin, have different effects on the body at similar dosages.

For example, in a 1977 study, three cancer patients and two patients were given intravenous injections of either beta-endorphin, morphine, or just saline after nine days of abstinence from methadone. Although neither the subjects nor those who monitored their behavior after the injections knew which of the three substances was in the syringes, the effects of morphine and beta-endorphin were all easily distinguished. I must say that

everyone who took beta-endorphin felt better: For some, the pain went away, while others temporarily stopped experiencing symptoms of withdrawal symptoms.

These and newer results suggest that beta-endorphin could theoretically be used as a pain reliever, especially since it has no significant side effects.

Other work done on rats showed that beta-endorphin and morphine did not change behavior in male rats in the same way. Experimental animals were introduced to either a female ready for mating or a castrated male. In the first case, males, not under the influence of any substances, demonstrate sexual behavior, and in the second - social behavior. So, intravenous administration of 0.5-1 milligrams of morphine made the experimental subjects forget about mating and communication, and the introduction of the same amount of beta-endorphin increased the desire to interact with a castrated male and decreased interest in the female. Because of this, the authors suspected that morphine and beta-endorphin act either on different types of receptors or in different parts of the brain. This suspicion is confirmed by later studies.

Is there a dependency?

As for addiction to beta-endorphin and other endogenous opiates, no one has really studied it (or created it). Basically, the researchers injected beta-endorphin into animals that were already on morphine. Beta-endorphin relieved such animals from the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, but it was impossible to say whether it was addictive: as a rule, this endogenous opiate was administered once or twice. Well, then, in order to study addiction, it is necessary to show what will happen to the body if it stops receiving regular doses of endogenous opiates. It is difficult to find such an organism, because normally everyone produces opiates. You can, of course, temporarily “turn off” one or more genes responsible for the production of beta-endorphin and similar substances. The problem is that beta-endorphin is not synthesized from scratch, but is “split off” from one large protein, other “fragments” of which also affect physiology and behavior. If we block the production of beta-endorphin, we automatically disrupt the production of several other important molecules. It turns out that in this case it will not be possible to look at the net “withdrawal effect” of beta-endorphin.

Rice. 2. Structural correspondences between opioid peptide and morphine. Image: Dannybalanta.

Another option is to block the receptors that perceive opiates. Such studies have been carried out, but since these receptors respond to both morphine and beta-endorphin, it cannot be argued that the effects obtained in them (lack of analgesic effect of morphine, increased pain sensitivity and immunity to other drugs) are caused only by the “withdrawal” of endorphins.

In general, endogenous opiates cannot be completely removed from the body, unlike real opioid drugs. But you can wait until the level of beta-endorphin in the blood decreases on its own. This is possible in those organisms whose physiology changes cyclically - in women. In 14 subjects, the content of beta-endorphin in the blood was measured every day from the seventh day of the menstrual cycle to the twenty-fourth. It turned out that the closer to the onset of menstruation, the lower the concentration of this endogenous opiate in the blood. The more beta-endorphin levels fell, the more pronounced premenstrual syndrome was in the woman. So perhaps endogenous opiate withdrawal syndrome does exist.

Endorphin helps alcoholism

Still, endogenous opiates are involved in the formation of addictions. Only the dependence will not be on them, but on other substances - like food and alcohol. For example, if you cause stress in a rat by tugging at the tip of its tail for several days in a row, it will “eat up” this stress - of course, provided that there is enough food. If, ten days after the onset of stress, an animal is given an opiate receptor blocker, it will behave as if it had recently stopped taking morphine. And drinking alcohol increases the release of endogenous opiates in the brain. This is especially true for heavy alcoholics. Apparently, different endorphin susceptibility to alcohol determines who will become addicted to it and who will drink only on holidays.

Rice. 3. Image: Roadnottaken / Wikipedia.

Speak correctly

So, it turns out that we have too little evidence to classify endogenous opiates as drugs. They also shouldn’t be called hormones of joy and happiness: hormones are a bit of a different story, and the appearance of joy and happiness from endogenous opiates still needs to be found and proven. Now it is best to think of endogenous opiates as another type of neurotransmitter like glutamate - only a little more powerful.

Human life is like a zebra: streaks of failure alternate with streaks of success. The body reacts to changing events, showing various emotions - sadness and joy. In the mid-seventies of the last century, while studying a method of relieving pain without analgesics, opioid neuropeptides were first discovered. American scientists and their Scottish colleagues drew attention to them almost at the same time. Independently of each other, they isolated a substance from the pituitary gland of animals, the formula of which was identical to the formula of morphine. At the same time, the strongest analgesic effect of this substance was established, superior to the effect of morphine taken in the same amount. A few years later, similar substances were discovered in humans. They are called endorphins.

The word endorphin came into Russian from English. The term endorphine comes from an abbreviation of the phrase “endogenous morphine.” Translated from Greek, the adjective “endogenous” means “formed within.” The word "morphine" is derived from the name of the Greek god Morpheus - "he who shapes dreams." The meaning of the term is often interpreted as “inner pleasure.”

Endorphins belong to opioid neuropeptides - biologically active substances. They are similar in structure to opiates. Formed in nerve cells, they:

  • affect human immunity;
  • contribute to the normalization of metabolism;
  • regulate the mechanisms of memory, sleep, knowledge acquisition;
  • maintain homeostasis.

Where is the hormone endorphin produced?

Endorphins are produced naturally in the pituitary gland and other parts of the brain from beta-lipotrophin. This is a hormone that controls the activity of the endocrine glands in the human body. Pituitary hormones are distributed through the bloodstream to tissues and organs. Once at the nerve endings, endorphins connect with receptors and send a nerve impulse to the “pleasure center.”

Reasons for the formation of hormones in the body

During experiments, scientists found that endorphins are produced in the human body in the following situations:

  • during a danger: when pain or a stressful situation occurs. The release of endorphin into the blood is a protective reaction against heavy physical and mental stress and sudden changes in body temperature. It occurs naturally in the body. Ideally, the defense should work at a critical moment in any illness for recovery to begin. If this does not happen, there may be serious consequences;
  • when positive emotions arise. The release of endorphin is associated with a feeling of joy, happiness, harmony. Therefore, it is generally accepted that endorphin is the hormone of happiness. Any pleasure received from meeting your girlfriend, reading a good book, watching an interesting film or attending a concert is associated with endorphins.

The role of the hormone in the human body

Living in society, a person every minute performs actions himself and reacts to the actions of the creatures around him. At the same time, the internal state of the body may change under the influence of hormones, including endorphins.

Pain causes suffering to every living being. Despite this inconvenience, it is necessary in order to sense danger in time and be able to protect yourself from it. The importance of endorphins in regulating the pain threshold is great. It is the release of endorphin into the blood that changes the severity of pain felt by the body, thanks to which you can isolate yourself from the source of pain in time and prevent irreversible injury. Endorphins, connecting with the corresponding receptors in the nervous system, stop the progression of the pain impulse to higher departments.

Endorphins are able to regulate emotions and act as a deterrent when overexcited. Under their influence, the body begins to react adequately to the situation. Under stress, the adrenaline system works in full mode: breathing and pulse quicken, blood pressure rises, and the work of the digestive system and kidneys is activated. Endorphins harmonize the state of organs and systems, “smoothing out” the stimulating effect of adrenaline. The braking stage begins. The body begins to work in energy-saving mode.

After overcoming the danger, the body is rewarded with active stimulation of the pleasure center, and euphoria occurs. The influence of endorphins on accelerating tissue healing and the appearance of callus in fractures, and on increasing immunity, has been experimentally proven.

Endorphins, acting on receptors, stimulate the formation of associative connections in the brain. They influence the development of imaginative thinking, memory and fantasy.

Reduced hormone levels in the human body

People with chemical addiction have low concentrations of endorphins. It can increase with the use of alcohol or drugs - substances that stimulate its formation. If the inner world and external circumstances do not interfere with or even welcome this way of obtaining happiness, then a person can become a drug addict or alcoholic.

Those who are faced with this problem when using psychoactive drugs experience a rapid release of endorphin into the blood. Gradually, all body systems stop working without doping. Regular intake of synthetic morphines from the external environment stops the natural production of endorphins. Feeling unwell. It manifests itself in different syndromes:

  • pain, a classic example of which is the withdrawal of a drug addict. Withdrawal occurs when the body lacks its own analgesic substances. The same thing happens in people with chronic diseases. When withdrawing from narcotic analgesics, a person feels severe pain. A person encounters similar sensations during depression and severe exhaustion;
  • arousal syndrome that occurs during a stressful situation. Stress provokes strong destructive emotions: irritation, anger, fear;
  • depression syndrome, which appears under severe stress, severe chronic illnesses, and physical injuries. The expression of this syndrome is indifference to everything around and lack of satisfaction, decline in immunity and decrease in muscle mass, chronic fatigue;
  • Black-and-white world syndrome occurs in those who have been treated for the effects of psychedelics or drugs. A person who has a pathology of associative-dissociative processes in the central nervous system is not able to see the beauty of the world around him, cannot and does not want to create. He needs doping again;
  • asthenic syndrome. Wasting syndrome is often characteristic of all chronic diseases. It manifests itself in a decrease in muscle mass, a decrease in resistance to injury, and a decline in immunity.

Manifestation of excess hormone in the human body

People with high levels of endorphins are resistant to stress and can regulate breathing and heartbeat. They are calm and resilient. Some of them love risk and speed. They have quick thinking and leadership qualities. These are talented people with a rich imagination. They have a harmony of spiritual and physical principles. They give the impression of happy people. In unfavorable situations, they plunge into the world of dreams and become aggressive.

Hormones that give joy and happiness

The world around us does not always provide a reason for joy, much less happiness. Wise nature, pitying a person struggling with life’s adversities, endowed him with the ability to produce his own substances that are responsible for a calm, happy existence and help to cope with problems. Endorphin and serotonin are hormones of happiness that control the emotional sphere.

Serotonin is formed in the pineal gland and small intestine from tryptophan, an essential amino acid that regulates mood. Acting as a conductor of nerve impulses, it affects areas of the brain responsible for motor activity and cognition. Combined with endorphin, serotonin gives the whole range of positive feelings. The emotional stability of the body depends on the level of serotonin. If it is lowered, then the slightest reason can provoke a violent, inadequate reaction from a person.

Endorphins are responsible for the smooth functioning of the organs and systems of the human body and prevent inflammatory processes. If they are produced in insufficient quantities, this leads to a decrease in the quality of life. At the same time, physical activity decreases and depression appears. In spring, when daylight hours lengthen and ultraviolet solar radiation increases, the human body produces happiness hormones. Changes in positive emotions stimulate the production of these active substances. At the same time, endorphin is a special hormone that controls all regulatory systems: adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin. The endorphin system, being a higher-level regulatory system, participates in the process of evolution of living organisms, accepting only those mutations that lead exclusively to the progress of the species. When the endorphin system, disrupted for some reason, is restored, the entire body is gradually restored as a self-regulating system.

How to increase hormone levels in the body

In chemically dependent people, endorphins are produced artificially when using drugs, alcohol and psychedelics. But this is the wrong way. “Happiness” obtained in this way is short-lived and illusory. You can increase endorphin levels in your body naturally. So, it is subject to any positive emotions that can be caused by various factors. For example, endorphin concentrations can be increased by eating certain foods:

  • avocado. Even half a fruit can improve your mood;
  • banana. One fruit contains an amount of tryptophan that provides long-lasting elation;
  • paprika. Its active substances enhance brain activity, it quickly restores its function and copes with stress;
  • chilli. A small particle of chili improves well-being and relieves pain;
  • mustard. The oil included in its composition promotes a surge of strength and vigor;
  • beet , which contains many useful substances, including folic acid, which destroys homocysteine ​​- a substance that causes a feeling of depression;
  • dark chocolate creates a feeling of happiness for a long time;
  • strawberries promote the production of endorphins and also enrich the body with important elements - magnesium, iron, folic acid, vitamins E and C;
  • ice cream made from natural cream and containing sugar and sometimes chocolate, vanilla and other flavors helps to calm, relax and harmonize the personality.

There are also non-food safe ways to lift your mood. They are associated with performing any actions that lead to a feeling of satisfaction, joy and happiness, and therefore lead to an increase in hormone levels. You can experience happiness:

  • exercising regularly;
  • looking at the world positively;
  • getting positive emotions from visiting the theater, listening to records of your favorite performer, relaxing in nature;
  • communicating with loved ones and pets;
  • sunbathing on the beach or in the solarium;
  • doing drawing, playing music or handicrafts;
  • doing something for others, giving people joy;
  • having sex;
  • using acupuncture. When exposed to certain points during acupuncture, endorphin is released.

Artificially synthesized hormones

The discovery of endorphins became a sensation in the world of science. Laboratories were created in all countries to study the chemical properties of new substances. The customers for research were often governments that cared about the prestige of their states and dreamed of hardy and strong warriors and athletes who were insensitive to pain. The sponsors were pharmaceutical companies concerned with the problem of how to obtain endorphins in tablets and begin their mass production.

The creation of artificially synthesized endorphins initially seemed like a promising and interesting job: it was about producing an ideal non-addictive analgesic. Further study of the properties of this substance revealed its other properties. It turned out that endorphins increase immunity, counteract stress, accelerate tissue regeneration, normalize blood pressure, and help restore the body against past diseases.

American soldiers fighting in the Persian Gulf used endorphins in tablets. But their analgesic effect was weak and short-lived; Some of these pills caused overexcitation, hallucinations, and convulsions. I got used to the pills quickly. There are no drugs in pharmacies whose active ingredient is endorphin. Medicines that stimulate its production, various dietary supplements, and antidepressants are sold.

In clinical settings, the physiotherapeutic method of transcranial electrical stimulation (TES therapy) is used to increase endorphin levels. A method for the natural production of endorphins under the influence of weak electrical impulses on the brain was developed by Professor V.P. Lebedev and his colleagues at the Institute of Physiology. I. P. Pavlova USSR Academy of Sciences. With this approach, the amount of endorphins increases many times, and the body’s endorphin system is naturally restored.

Studying endorphins and trying to synthesize them artificially, scientists came to the conclusion that inside the human body there is a factory of happiness hormones. A person can learn to control the production of endorphins. This natural production of hormones is much more effective and safer than chemical intervention. It takes time to produce endorphins, so in order to achieve a lasting effect from active actions or eating tasty foods, you need to be patient. And then life will sparkle with new colors!

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    very useful article


Endorphins (English: Endorphin) are a group of opiate-like substances that are produced in neurons of the brain, perform the function of reducing pain and affecting a person’s emotional state.

The hormone endorphin is synthesized from the substance beta-lipotrophin, which is produced in the pituitary gland. The hippocampus regulates the functioning of endorphins, controls the production and quantity depending on the situation. These substances are called the hormone of joy, although endorphins indirectly affect the state of euphoria, a sudden feeling of happiness and delight.


Endorphins regulate the emotional background of both women and men. They play an important role in stress resistance. The release of endorphin into the blood reduces pain sensitivity by interacting with the opioid receptors of the nervous system, thereby giving the body time to adapt to pain.

Endorphins block weak pain signals. Morphine can block almost any pain. When you get used to the drug, the body is not able to fight the pain on its own.

The effect of the hormone is comparable to opioid drugs such as morphine, heroin, and methadone. Thus, endorphins have a protective function, helping the body recover from stress physiologically.

Endorphins improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, have a positive effect on the central nervous system, thus increasing brain function. They also affect the function of the endocrine glands, increasing their functional activity.

Sufficient to The amount of endorphin leads to the improvement of all body systems, promoting organ regeneration, increasing well-being and maintaining your youth.

Decreased endorphin levels

In the era of complete urbanization, a person often experiences a lack of endorphin in the blood; this is manifested not only by a decline in mood, but also by severe irritability and aggressiveness. The dullness of everyday work, especially in the autumn-winter period, contributes to this. Such people look nervous, anxious, and get tired quickly.

They do not tolerate stressful situations well and cannot find a way out of this situation; most often they become depressed. People with a lack of endorphins cannot adequately appreciate important moments in their lives. They are prone to conflicts, which are most often resolved by force. Brain activity deteriorates, thereby reducing memory, cognitive functions, attention, forgetting practical skills, and low concentration in business.

The reason for this condition could be: physiological or pathological disorders of endorphin production or due to an overabundance of foods that cause a surge of endorphins, such as chocolate, ice cream, sweet soda, alcohol.

Excess endorphins

Since endorphins are involved in the regulation of emotional background, an excess causes a state of euphoria. In some cases, euphoria is manifested by loss of self-control and short-term memory loss. Can cause hysteria, which is expressed by laughter with tears.

This condition is extremely rare, rather than a lack of endorphins. An excess of the joy hormone is treated by removing the irritant that causes an excessive surge of the substance.

How to trigger a surge of endorphins?

With insufficient stimulation of the hypothalamus, or due to exhaustion, decrease in the overall level of endorphins in the blood. There are several ways to increase the level of endorphin, both physiological and medicinal.

To enhance the production of endorphins, you should add fruits to your diet, for example, oranges, apples, strawberries, pomegranates. Seafood such as mussels and shrimp contribute to the production of the joy hormone. Also cayenne pepper, chili pepper, hot spices.

Favorite music can be a good therapy for the problem of endorphin deficiency. It is important not to overdo it, because if you listen to music very often, it will cause addiction to this type of therapy, and in the future it will no longer cause a rise in endorphins.

Physical activity such as running, swimming, tennis, or other sports causes a surge in the joy hormone, which not only improves your health, but also improves brain function. Dancing, drawing, and playing musical instruments also help overcome the endorphin slump.

Among other things, the level of endorphins increases with a positive attitude in any task that you would not undertake. In addition, communication with loved ones, friends or a loved one will increase your level of the joy hormone. A good book or movie has the same effect.

A medicinal way to increase the amount of endorphins is to administer their synthetic analogue. Their intake is strictly controlled by a medical specialist in this field.

Clinical methods of increasing endorphins in the blood include TES therapy. Transcranial electrical stimulation is the first and unique treatment method that works through non-invasive electrical stimulation of antinociceptor structures. TES therapy selectively and strictly dosed activates the hypothalamus, which produces endogenous substances.

By increasing the synthesis of endogenous opioid peptides, the functioning of the immuno-neuro-endocrine function is improved. Pulsed electrical influence through the electrodes reaches the mastoid processes, activating the structure of endogenous polypeptides.

This therapy is one of the only ones that can stimulate the production of endorphins, but it is not very common in the clinic, and most of the new developments of this technique are at the clinical trial stage.

Abstract on biology
11th grade student Zilina Elizaveta

Chapter 1. The concept of endorphins and the endorphin system.
1.1. Endorphins.
1.2. The structure of the endorphin system.
1.3. Types of endorphin system receptors.
1.4. Functions of endorphins and the endorphin system.
Chapter 2. Excessive and insufficient amounts of endorphins in the body.
2.1. The effect of reduced concentrations of endorphins on the human body.
2.2. The influence of redundancy of different parts of the endorphin system on the human body.
Chapter 3. Restoration and development of the endorphin system.
3.1. Factors influencing the increase in endorphin levels in the body.
3.2. Increasing the amount of endorphins through sports.

Endorphins were discovered in the 70s of the 20th century as one of the pituitary hormones. Their biological properties turned out to be very similar to those of opiates. They immediately established their strongest analgesic effect, several times greater than the effect of morphine in the same doses. That is why they were called “endorphins” (a combination of the words “endogenous” and “morphine”).
This discovery became a scientific sensation. Dozens of laboratories around the world began to actively study these substances. One of the main customers of the research was governments wanting to get soldiers and athletes who were hardy and insensitive to pain. The main sponsors were, of course, pharmaceutical companies dreaming of mass production of artificially synthesized endorphins. Humanity was promised the perfect non-addictive painkiller, a panacea for opiate addiction and an ideal analgesic. But all this was only the beginning of the story of endorphins...
Interest in endorphins grew stronger as more became known about the properties of these new substances. Thus, during scientific experiments with these substances, it was discovered that the elimination of pain is not the only effect of “endorphin therapy”.
Scientists constantly reported on the new functions they had discovered for “internal morphines.” It turned out that endorphins accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, increase immunity, counteract stress, normalize blood pressure, help recover from serious long-term illnesses, protect the body from fatigue and emotional stress, and much more.
All this scattered, but at the same time amazing information about the “new hormones” of our body aroused our interest in this topic.
The presented abstract work is devoted to the topic “Endorphins”. The problem of this study has relevance in the modern world. This is evidenced by the frequent study of the issues raised at the intersection of several interrelated disciplines. Many works in biology, chemistry, physiology, psychology, anesthesiology, sports medicine, narcology, and oriental medicine are devoted to research issues. However, the material presented in educational literature is either superficial, or numerous monographs on this topic discuss narrow issues on this topic. Currently, none of the narrow specialists in these areas have a complete generalized picture.
In this regard, the high significance and lack of generalization of the topic “Endorphins” determine the undoubted novelty of this abstract work. Further attention to the issue of “Endorphins” is necessary for the purpose of a deeper and more substantiated solution to specific current problems of preserving and strengthening human health. The study of these issues begins from early school age, but special attention is paid to them in the course “Man and his health.” The topic “The endorphin system of the body” is not included in this course.
The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to the great interest in the topic of “Endorphins” in modern science, and on the other hand, to its practical absence in the school biology course. And, consequently, insufficient awareness of schoolchildren about the reserve capabilities of their body, inherent in the endorphin system. Lack of understanding about the biological nature of endorphins, the mechanism of their functioning and their role in the regulation of the basic processes of the body’s vital functions. The study of these issues formed the basis of this abstract work.
The purpose of the abstract is: To study the biological nature of endorphins, their effect on the human body.
To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:
1. Formulate the concepts of endorphins, endorphin system.
2. Find out the features of the structure and functioning of the endorphin system in the human body.
3. Study the effect of a lack and excess of endorphins in the human body.
4. Identify factors influencing the production of endorphins in the body.

The abstract work has a traditional structure and includes an introduction, a main part consisting of three chapters, conclusions, and conclusion.
The sources of information for writing work on the topic "Endorphins" were basic educational literature, fundamental theoretical works of scientists in the field under consideration, the results of practical research by prominent domestic and foreign authors, articles and reviews in specialized and periodical publications devoted to the topic "Endorphins", reference literature, other relevant sources of information.

Chapter 1. The concept of endorphins and the endorphin system.

1.1. Endorphins.
The term “endorphins” entered science almost immediately after their discovery, when European scientists began to study the mechanisms of the analgesic effect of the Chinese acupuncture system. It was found that when medications that block the analgesic effect of narcotic analgesics are introduced into the human body, the analgesic effect of acupuncture disappears. It has been suggested that acupuncture releases substances in the human body that are chemically similar to morphine. At the beginning of the century, a substance was isolated from the pituitary gland of a camel, the formula of which was almost identical to the formula of morphine. A few years later, similar substances were discovered in humans. Such substances are conventionally called “endorphins” or “internal morphines”. Various scientific dictionaries offer different interpretations of the term, complementing and specifying each other. Let's list some of them.

Endorphins- the term is used to refer to any morphine-like substances that are naturally produced in the brain. The discovery of endorphins led to the conclusion that painkillers such as morphine act on the same nerve cells that are normally activated by the brain's own endorphins.

Endophins- neuropeptides with morphine-like (opiate) effects; are formed mainly in the brain (pituitary gland and other structures). They have an analgesic and sedative (calming) effect, and affect the secretion of pituitary hormones.

Endorphin- a group of polypeptide chemical compounds, similar in structure to opiates, which are naturally produced in the neurons of the brain and have the ability to reduce pain, similar to opiates, and influence the emotional state of a person. Endorphins are formed from a substance produced by the pituitary gland - beta-lipotrophin; they are believed to control the activity of the endocrine glands in the human body.

Endorphins (enkephalins)– endogenous “drugs”. "Natural drugs" ("hormones of joy", endorphins). Act on opiate receptors, i.e. have a morphine-like effect. By chemical nature they are peptides. Endorphins cause analgesia (pain relief), euphoria (which is why they are called “happy hormones” or “natural drugs”), and affect memory and the ability to learn. Among endorphins, the most active is β-endorphin, consisting of 31 amino acid residues:
NH2–Tyr–Gly–Gly–Phe–Met–Thr–Ser–Glu–Lys–Ser–Gln–Thr–Pro–Leu–Val–Thr–Leu–Phe–Lys–Asn–Ala–Ile–Ile–Lys– Asn–Ala–His–Lys–Lys–Gly–Gln–COOH.
The meaning of the word, origin, synonyms in other dictionaries, in particular in the dictionary of Efremova, Ozhegov, Dahl, the etymology of the term in the Max Vasmer dictionary, synonyms for it in the dictionary of Russian synonyms were not found.
Endogenous “morphines”, peptides with morphine-like effects produced in the central nervous system of vertebrates (mainly in the limbic system, pituitary gland and hypothalamus); participate in the neurochemical mechanisms of pain relief, reduce the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Subsequently, it was possible to determine the place of synthesis of these substances. At first, experiments were carried out on animals, and with the growth of technology, it became possible to study the parameters of the endorphin system in humans. Isolated in pure form from the pituitary gland. It turned out that the place of synthesis of these substances is the subcortical nuclei of the brain. Different nuclei synthesize different types of endorphins. Their quantitative and qualitative composition was determined using the “labeled antibodies” method.
Endorphins are formed by proteolysis of the high-molecular-weight precursor protein proopiocortin, the molecule of which includes the structures of corticotropin, melanocyte-stimulating hormone and β-lipotropin. In brain and intestinal tissue, endorphins, like morphine and enkephalins, bind to opiate receptors. The analgesic effect of endorphins is observed only when they are injected directly into the brain. β-endorphin has the greatest morphine-like activity. It is suggested that they may be mediators or modulators of pain inhibition. Acting on the central nervous system, endorphins cause sedative (calming) and cataleptic (numbing) effects and can stimulate or suppress the secretion of pituitary hormones.

1.2. The structure of the endorphin system.
The endogenous opiate system is structured as follows. Clusters of nerve cells located in the subcortical nuclei of the brain synthesize neuropeptides. The hypothalamic-pituitary system is the main site of synthesis and secretion of polypeptides of endogenous origin, which have a morphine-like analgesic effect. There are four families of endogenous opiates (according to Ashmarin): endorphins (a-, B- and y-), dynorphins A and B, neoendorphins alpha and beta, methionine- and leucine-enkephalins. Endorphins, dynorphins and neoendorphins are formed in the adenohypophysis, while enkephalins are synthesized by neural structures of different parts of the brain, primarily the thalamus and hypothalamus, and cells of the intestinal mucosa.
Opiate receptors are located:
in the cerebral cortex,
in the subcortical nuclei and gray matter of the spinal cord,
in the nerve nodes of internal organs - in the heart, lungs, kidneys, bronchi, intestines.
Endorphins enter the blood, like pituitary hormones, and are distributed to all organs and tissues. From the blood they enter the nerve endings, where they connect with their receptors and facilitate the conduction of a nerve impulse that “runs” to the “pleasure center”.

1.3. Types of endorphin system receptors.
In the late 80s, receptors for the endorphin system were discovered. According to the English neurophysiologist F. Bloom, there are different types of receptors, the stimulation of which produces fundamentally different effects!
For example, stimulation of some receptors caused inhibition of the nervous system, up to deep sleep, while others caused excitement, up to convulsions. Some receptors (according to Ashmarin) reduced blood pressure, while others, on the contrary, increased it. Some narrowed the range of information coming from the senses, others expanded it to the point of developing hallucinations!
It is now known that opiate receptors are located in synapses (impulse switching zone) of other types: acetylcholine, adrenal, dopamine, etc. This means that endorphins regulate the “second level” - they regulate the activity of regulatory systems. According to modern data, they exercise control over all regulatory systems of the body.

1) Mu receptors. This link is associated with overcoming the consequences of stress, transferring metabolism to maximum resource saving mode.
In laboratory conditions, stimulation of this link causes euphoria, slowing of breathing, drowsiness, effects opposite to the action of adrenaline and norepinephrine, and the effects of acetylcholine stimulation.
Ultra-strong stimulation causes a shutdown of nervous activity - anesthesia, and can cause respiratory arrest and a sharp slowdown in heartbeat.
The release of mu-agonists symbolizes the end of an extreme situation and means salvation from death. The first, rapid effects of mu-agonists cause maximum emotional experiences - they give a state of happiness. Slow effects are aimed at stopping the harmful effects of adrenaline stress on the body. They cause a slowdown in the heartbeat and breathing, a decrease in the level of oxygen metabolism, and cause the central nervous system to calm down and put it into a drowsy state.
Mu-agonists also restore reduced renal filtration and improve blood circulation in the abdominal organs. It is possible that such different effects are caused by different versions of agonist molecules, but most likely, the same molecule causes different effects depending on which receptor it is carried with the bloodstream - to the receptor located in the subcortical formations of the brain, receptors in the pathways of the heart muscle, the nervous tissue of the kidney, or in the nerve plexuses of the abdominal cavity.
In this case, taking into account that the place of release is the venous network of the pituitary gland, the emotional centers of the subcortical nuclei of the brain will react most quickly, then the heart, and lastly the abdominal organs and kidneys.
Be that as it may, the real effect of mu-stimulation looks like this: a short-term moment of boundless happiness, then psychological and physical calm, a state of inner comfort, then sleep.

2) Kappa receptors. This link is responsible for the effectiveness of behavior in a stressful situation. It is associated with the mobilization of all forces to save a life in a critical situation, stimulation of mental activity, combat excitement and pain relief.
Euphoria of this type develops according to the following mechanisms. In the process of going through a stressful situation associated with a risk to life, the body sacrifices a little for the main thing - saving life. Those injuries received during the struggle, such as abrasions, scratches and bruises, have no significance compared to the problem of survival. The process of fight, flight, or combat requires absolute ignoring of these injuries, that is, pain relief. Pain relief should not be accompanied by drowsiness or loss of coordination and attention. On the contrary, it is necessary to increase the productivity of thinking several times, speed up reactions, and improve impulse transmission in the nervous system. You also need to speed up your metabolism in order to squeeze maximum strength out of your muscles. At the same time, the emotional center must receive an unambiguous message that the battle is wonderful, and not dare even think about defeat. Thus, euphoria is closely related to the extreme mobilization of all the forces of the body.
Such mobilization by purely biochemical mechanisms can last no more than three to five minutes. After these minutes, other mechanisms are activated.
It should be said right away that such people are especially susceptible to injury. This is due to the fact that their method of obtaining euphoria is associated with partial tissue damage. Kappa receptor effects have evolved as a response to partial damage. And it is damage that is the most ancient trigger of this system. With the development of the cerebral cortex, the triggering factor also became information received from receptors, or even simply a volitional effort.
However, damage is still a necessary factor involved in both the development and maintenance, as well as training of kappa stimulation mechanisms.
Separately, it should be noted that the energy and resources to manifest the action of kappa-endorphins do not come from nowhere. The body pays for the effects of psychostimulation with its own proteins - primarily muscle proteins. Therefore, using this link too often leads to physical exhaustion.
Damage and the reactions it initiates are closely related to the immune system. And a developed kappa system is associated with a developed and active immune system.

3) Delta receptors. This link is responsible for the second period of recovery from stressful situations, regeneration, recovery from serious illnesses associated with weight loss and exhaustion. We can say that this system builds up muscle mass, which was used up both directly in a critical situation and in the early phase of recovery, when regeneration occurred due to its own structures, primarily muscles.
Euphoria is associated with a feeling of superiority, awareness of one’s strength, and being chosen. We also have to admit that this type of euphoria is associated with a feeling of dominance - a feeling of superiority among other representatives of the same sex.
In laboratory conditions, the properties of enhancing the regenerative abilities of tissues were discovered.
Since the level of delta endorphins is not subject to sharp fluctuations, in ordinary life they exhibit incredible stability of character and excellent psychological endurance. However, when they find themselves in extreme situations (“hot spots”), they become lost and end up in a situation of nervous breakdown, as they are unable to deal with extremely severe stress. They do not tolerate pain well.

4) Sigma receptors. This link is associated with the need to change the behavior pattern for better adaptation. To develop a new type of behavior, associative connections in the cerebral cortex expand.
Thus, this is the youngest link in the endorphin system in evolutionary terms. It is not associated with tissues and tissue metabolism, internal organs, and does not go beyond the central nervous system. Communication with the external environment occurs only through receptors, and even then through the mediation of the cerebral cortex. (Thus, this is the most “subjective” link of the endorphin system).
To understand the essence of this link, let us give an example. A small animal met a predator on its way to a watering hole. It escaped and sits in a dark hole, repairing damage and struggling with the effects of stress. Having recovered, it nevertheless does not leave its refuge. The path to the water is cut off. During the day it is guarded by one predator, at night by another. The animal continues to sit in its hole. Finally, it makes a decision to look for another route. It comes out into the sunlight. He associates overcoming this impasse with a feeling of insight.
It is important for us that insight appears at the very end, after all stress and anti-stress reactions have gone through. It is absolutely clear that this link is the most rigid and is not activated suddenly, but only after a long stay in conditions where the flow of information entering through the senses is limited. Otherwise, changes in behavioral stereotypes would occur unreasonably frequently and are unlikely to lead to improved adaptation.
In laboratory conditions, stronger associations are induced, followed by hallucinations. With super-strong stimulation - complete switching off of consciousness. Euphoria - with colorful visions, ecstatic experiences, revelations.
However, in addition to the sharp release of endorphins of this group, there is also a certain basic level of activity of the system. And here a lot depends on the information load that a particular person experiences. Of course, congenital developmental features cannot be ruled out.

1.4. Functions of endorphins and the endorphin system.
The transition from simulating the action of endorphins with chemical analogues to strengthening a person’s own endorphin system became a turning point in the formation of a completely new clinical thinking.
It became clear in what cases and why the brain produces endorphins.
The first response is for protection: the release of endorphins is the body's natural protective reaction to stress or pain.
Endorphins are released into the blood during heavy physical and mental stress, during freezing and overheating, and during the acute phase of almost all diseases. If this protective system “works,” then health is maintained and the disease does not develop, but if not, then the consequences can be the most severe.
The second answer is for positive emotions: the release of endorphins in a person is directly related to the feeling of happiness, pleasure, achieving a goal, etc. This is why endorphins are colloquially known as “joy hormones.” The pleasure of a good film, listening to music, a wonderful book - these positive emotions are of an endorphin nature. Relaxation by the sea, chocolate, sex, victory in sports, success in science, etc. – are also a source of “joy hormones”. The indisputable truth is known: “The wounds of winners heal faster!”, and this is an example of the action of endorphins.
The role of endorphins in regulating the feeling of pain seems quite clear. Although the perception of pain is necessary to warn of danger to soft tissue and bones, persistent severe pain can incapacitate us. Endorphins regulate the amount of pain we feel, giving us the ability to interrupt contact with the source of pain and take necessary action if tissue damage has occurred. Endorphins appear to play a similar regulatory role in emotions. The excitement caused by fear or rage can be so strong that a person or animal is unable to control their behavior and protect themselves from harm. Endorphins appear to regulate arousal so that the body, when experiencing an emotion, can behave according to the situation.
The functions of the “new molecules” turned out to be diverse. The main news was their counteraction to the effects of stress: they normalized blood pressure, respiratory rate, kidney function and digestive system. In experiments, it was found that endorphins accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, the formation of callus during fractures, and increase resistance to sepsis.
Let's take a closer look at some of them:
- Pain-relieving function: endorphins connect to the corresponding receptors in the nervous system and block the progression of pain impulses to higher departments. Endorphins and opiates (such as heroin) are thought to act in similar ways to control the perception of pain.
- Counteracting stress: During stress, the body switches to “military” operating conditions. All resources are switched to ensuring the most efficient activities in the external environment. At the same time, there is a ruthless reduction of resources for internal functions. Under normal “peaceful” conditions, balance in regulation is carried out by the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system. Under stress, when the adrenal system is fully activated, it is opposed by the endorphin system. The task of endorphins is to reduce the frequency and strength of heart contractions, lower systemic blood pressure, slow breathing, redistribute blood flow from muscles to internal organs, and reduce physical activity.
- Reward function: an organism that has successfully overcome a life-threatening situation receives encouragement in the form of stimulation of pleasure centers - a feeling of euphoria.
- Regulation of excitation and inhibition: endorphins are involved in the regulation of excitation and inhibition. In the first phase of stress, when the issue of life and death has not yet been resolved, that part of the endorphin system works that enhances productive thinking. After deciding the issue of life and death, during the period of “licking wounds”, the turn of inhibition begins, the body goes into energy saving mode.
- Stimulation of healing processes: It has been experimentally proven that endorphins accelerate regeneration, healing, consolidation of fractures, and normalize the state of the immune system.
- Activation of associative connections in the cerebral cortex: There is an independent class of receptors, the stimulation of which enhances associations, imaginative thinking, and creative imagination.

Chapter 2. Excessive and insufficient amounts of endorphins in the body.

2.1. The effect of reduced concentrations of endorphins on the human body.
Endorphin production may be reduced in certain pathologies. In a person with chemical dependence, the amount of endorphin in the body is reduced. And quite often such a person feels “normal” for the first time only after consuming an alcoholic drink or a narcotic substance, since any of the drugs directly or indirectly increases the amount of endorphin.
If the inner world or moral structure of this person positively perceives this method of obtaining happiness in life, then after a while he becomes a drug addict or alcoholic.
People susceptible to chemical dependence also have other innate metabolic features. For example, their liver transforms substances differently, and therefore the absorption of alcohol occurs in a non-standard way.
When taking psychoactive drugs, endorphins are rapidly released into the blood plasma and the brain adapts to this over time by increasing the number of receptors that perceive endorphins. In addition, soon all body systems come to a state of inability to function without the above substance.
Since the brain receives a large amount of morphine from the external environment (heroin) or adapts to regular harsh stimulation (vintage, cocaine, ethanol), after a while it stops the synthesis of natural endorphins.
Then the person begins to experience ailments that can be expressed in syndromes:
Pain syndrome. The most striking example is the state of withdrawal from narcotic analgesics. Withdrawal of a drug addict is a direct consequence of the insufficiency of the body’s own painkillers. The leading syndrome here is pain. But with any long-term illness, the endorphin system is also depleted. All chronic patients have a noticeably reduced pain threshold. The same applies to cases of overwork, exhaustion, and depression.
Most likely, with this syndrome, all links of the endorphin system are “knocked out,” but in acute cases, mu - receptor insufficiency dominates in terms of the richness of external manifestations.
Excitement syndrome. It is most familiar from “Combat mental trauma” or post-traumatic syndrome. In general, any severe stress can cause agitation, irritability, alternating anger and feelings of fear. Of course, we have the right to associate this syndrome with a deficiency of mu, the receptor link that is “responsible” for recovery from depression.
Depression syndrome. Lack of a sense of pleasure, decreased associative processes, decreased immunity and muscle mass. Develops with all chronic diseases, frequent stress, and physical trauma. A special feature is the connection of depressive states with debilitating effects on perception and excessive stimulation of the senses. The recently popular “chronic fatigue syndrome” is also associated with depression.
We can associate this syndrome with a relatively uniform decrease in all parts of the endorphin system. “Black and white world” syndrome. This syndrome appeared quite recently, and it is associated with the pathology of associative-dissociative processes in the central nervous system. It is clearly evident in individuals who have undergone treatment for drug use or psychedelics. The recovery time for those parts of the endorphin system that are responsible for the regulation of associative processes is quite long. The pain syndrome can be relieved in 2–3 weeks. In modern clinics, treatment continues for just that long. The person undergoes a month-long course of treatment and is released into society. Yes, the person does not experience pain. He may not even be depressed. But he is deprived of the opportunity to create, the world around him is dim, devoid of bright colors. The patient is again drawn to drugs or psychedelics.
The second option is inhibition of the associative link due to excessive stimulation of perception.
Of course, we have the right to suspect a deficiency of sigma receptors responsible for the expansion of associations.
Asthenic syndrome (exhaustion). Rarely develops in isolated form. Often accompanies all long-term diseases. Accompanied by a decrease in muscle mass, a decrease in resistance to injury and a decrease in immunity.
Here we are faced with a deficiency of predominantly the delta receptor link.
Other syndromes. A lot of serious dysregulation has been encountered in medical practice during “ultra-fast opioid detoxification.” This technique involves gross intervention in the endorphin system, crippled by long-term drug use. A person can endure such a harsh intervention only in a state of general anesthesia with artificial ventilation. General anesthesia “covers” the central nervous system, but other organs react sharply to interference with the endorphin system. Anesthesiologists are faced with severe disruptions in lung function, blood pressure management, and disruption of the stomach and intestines.
Recent studies have proven that endorphin receptors are closely related to serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, GABAergic, and cholinergic synapses. Thus, all control pathways of the nervous system are covered by the network of the endorphin system. We can say that endorphins perform higher management functions, controlling the activities of control systems.

2.2. The influence of redundancy of different parts of the endorphin system on the human body.
Centuries of development of civilization have given rise to a number of practices that cause enhanced development of individual parts of the endorphin system. These practices formed a number of special character traits.
Excessive development of mu receptors: yogis, qigong masters, hermits in various religions, marathon runners.
They are characterized by calmness, peacefulness, and some lethargy. They are able to slow down or stop breathing and heartbeat, and endure incredible physical and pain loads. They take pleasure in silent, motionless concentration and monotonous work.
People with predominant development of this link tolerate stress better than others and do not succumb to fear and panic. They are able to maintain concentration for a long time, know how to wait, and are able to do monotonous work with pleasure. They are receptive and insightful. They have the highest resistance to pain. The ability to learn is very high. Psychological stability is high. Somatic type - tall or average height, good digestion, well-fed, large, elastic muscles.
Excessive development of kappa receptors: fighters - professionals, fanatics, flagellants.
Aggressive, cruel, capable of enduring extreme pain, ignoring obvious injuries. They enjoy extreme situations involving risk and injury.
People with a predominance of this system have an explosive character, love risks, are prone to competition in all forms, games, and passion. They have superbly developed combinatorial thinking, fast thinking, but the ability for long-term concentration is low. Reactions are heightened, the pace of life is very high. Not suited to monotonous work. They quickly become exhausted, lose interest, and jump from one thing to another.
Appearance: Thin, strongly sinewed, often of small or medium height.
They have constant problems with weight gain and muscle mass growth. Prone to high blood pressure and peptic ulcers. Difficulty controlling alcohol consumption. In difficult situations, they break into conflict, behave inappropriately, and are prone to hysteria and violent expression of feelings.
They are depleted quickly, but are also restored quickly.
The speed of development of the kappa system is amazing. Sometimes a person only needs to win a fight once - and a home boy turns into a berserker. So, as a rule, there are no problems with the development of the kappa unit. Problems arise when the kappa link is not adequately supported by the mu link. Then nothing can control the excitement, and the person will have serious psychological problems.
Excessive development of delta receptors: Bodybuilding fans.
A huge sense of superiority, confidence in one’s own health, inward orientation, some deafness to the feelings and emotions of others, inability to feel the suffering of others. They enjoy demonstrating physical strength, body size and shape.
People with a predominance of this link are characterized by a thirst for leadership. They are excellent athletes. They always achieve their goals.
In unfavorable situations they are aggressive, prone to violence and destruction.
Extremely resilient, exhaustion and recovery do not have a clear wave pattern; there is a clear connection between psychological effects and the amount of muscle mass.
Excessive development of sigma receptors: meditators of all directions.
People with predominant development of this link are talented and dreamy. They have a vivid imagination, they are mystics, artists, poets. They grasp the whole picture, easily find analogies, and skillfully use artistic thinking. They remember information easily and learn foreign languages ​​easily. Somewhat less adapted to hard work.
These people are characterized by low nutrition, the muscles are atrophied, the ligaments are weak, and the bones are thin.
In unfavorable conditions, they lose all connections with the world, stop active activities, and plunge into the world of dreams and internal experiences.
Balanced development: a separate group should include people practicing complex systems, such as ballet, mountaineering, mountaineering, and scuba diving. Despite their external dissimilarity, they all develop the “spiritual and physical” quite harmoniously and correspond to the idea of ​​a happy person.

Chapter 3. Restoration and development of the endorphin system.

For almost 20 years, these scientific searches have excited minds, depicting the amazing healing promise of endorphins, but did not answer the main question - how to reproduce their effects without interfering with the brain? During this time, scientists discovered receptors for the perception of endorphins.
It turned out that they are present almost everywhere, participating in many life processes! When the biochemical structure of endorphins was established, pharmacologists immediately entered the arena: various synthetic analogues of endorphins were created, repeating their action to one degree or another. Some of them were produced in ampoules, other analogues were in tablets.
The government order for artificial endorphins seemed to be fulfilled by the pharmaceutical industry. Already during the Gulf War, American soldiers had secret painkillers in their individual first aid kits, the potency of which was almost comparable to drugs and did not seem to be addictive. However, the ideal analgesic still did not work out: not only was the pain relief effect from such “tabletted endorphins” not so high. Some pills caused excitement, that is, they had psychostimulant properties, others caused hallucinations, and others led to convulsions. Almost all synthetic analogues had some side effects.
While world pharmacological science was trying to get out of this impasse, Russian scientists proposed a completely different path.
A group of Leningrad researchers from the Institute of Physiology named after. I.P. Pavlova of the USSR Academy of Sciences, under the leadership of Professor Valery Pavlovich Lebedev, as a result of many years of research, found a method of exposure to weak electrical impulses, in which the brain itself begins to actively produce endorphins. The method is called transcranial electrical stimulation (TES therapy). By the time Western pharmacologists were forced to admit that the search for an “endorphin cure” was not successful, the domestic method had already been successfully introduced in leading Soviet clinics, such as the Institute of Emergency Medicine. N.V. Sklifosovsky, Military Clinical Hospital named after. N.N. Burdenko, Military Medical Academy named after. S.M. Kirov and many others.
As a result of TES therapy procedures, the amount of endorphins in the body is not only normalized, but also increases with a reserve for the future. The endorphin system is restored (improved, renewed) in the same way as muscle strength increases when exercising on a simulator.
After a course of TES, even with relative health, the body begins to produce “happiness hormones” more intensively than before. But - only in cases where they are necessary! EFT does not produce people who constantly walk around with a smile on their face, it is just that the strength of natural defensive or emotional reactions increases after the procedures. TES therapy is still practiced in Russian clinics, as evidenced by reviews from domestic scientists
Increases performance, endurance, resistance to infections, etc. Quality of life improves!
However, scientists around the world were forced to agree that the best producer of endorphins is the human body itself and learning to manage this “production” would be much better, cheaper and safer than churning out “chemical endorphins”.
Moreover, the endorphin system has been found to be trainable!

3.1. Factors influencing the increase in endorphin levels in the body.
Excitement of the nervous “pleasure center” gives us a feeling of lightness, joy and cheerfulness. Many modern drugs have the same effect. In order to trigger the release of endorphins and feel happy, it is not at all necessary to “get on” heroin. There are many other natural and safe ways in the world that can trigger the release of endorphins into the blood.
All of them are based not on the introduction of endorphins from the outside, but on enhancing their synthesis. The simplest way to increase the concentration of endorphins is, of course, sex. During the act of love, a huge amount of “happiness hormones” is released into the blood of the partners.
In Eastern medicine, there was tantrism - a teaching that calls for treating all mental and physical ailments with the help of sex. Bronchial asthma, gastritis and thousands of other diseases were treated with only this universal medicine. It must be said that quite a lot of patients recovered after such therapy. And this is not surprising - after all, endorphins play not only the role of “internal satisfyers”. These substances also have powerful analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. So the healing effect of sex has been fully proven.
Food also promotes the release of endorphins. Statistics say that 40% of the population of childbearing age prefer good food to good sex. Indeed, a delicious lunch is a source of endless pleasure. But not every food has the same effect on the synthesis of endorphins. It has been proven that carbohydrate foods come first in stimulating the production of “happiness hormones.” Consumption of chocolate has a particularly strong effect on our mood.
English scientists have proven that this product stimulates the production of both endorphins and serotonin. So it is not surprising that in moments of stress, dissatisfaction, disappointment or simply fatigue, we are “drawn” to chocolate.
The second “effect of happiness and joy” comes from bananas. They not only stimulate the production of internal endorphin, but also contain a fairly large amount of ready-made serotonin. Ice cream has almost the same effect. For example, the average American eats 7.5 kilograms of ice cream per year. But in our disadvantaged country, each resident accounts for only three kilograms of this delicacy.
Psychologists say that this fact emphasizes that overseas residents are much less resistant to stressful situations than we are. All other sweets also stimulate the release of endorphins, but to a lesser extent. Carbohydrates have been shown to have a greater impact on women. That is why representatives of the fair sex, who have “fell” into depression, begin to gain weight at a catastrophic rate. This is explained precisely by the fact that the female subconscious forces her to “eat up” all her misfortunes. Other foods also influence the production of endorphins (see Appendix 2). For example, eating chili peppers. Keep it on your tongue for a while and you will not only feel better, but you will also be able to get rid of the pain.
The next way to produce endorphins is to think positively! To do this, you need to control your thoughts and when a negative one appears, immediately replace it with a positive one. This will ensure the release of endorphins into the blood, and you will notice how your mood improves.
New experiences, such as going to the theater or seeing a concert of your favorite artist, also affect endorphin levels. Music that makes you cry is a great stimulant for the release of endorphins.
Ultraviolet light can also stimulate the release of endorphins, so either go to a solarium or to the beach to lift your mood.
Musical works can increase the level of endorphins in the blood. Biochemical substances that arise in the body under the influence of positive experiences and emotions caused by music favor the formation of its own anesthetics in the body and increase the level of immunity. There is a theory according to which the pleasure received from music, the feeling of floating, is the result of the production of endorphins.
One American medical journal reported (from a study of music therapy treatments) that many expectant mothers who regularly listened to certain pieces of music during labor did not require pain medications. “Music therapy increases the production of endorphin by the pituitary gland and thereby reduces the need for medication. It also distracts from pain and reduces nervous tension,” the researchers concluded.
Along with reducing stress and pain, natural high-frequency sound signals can cause an increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood, increasing the body's natural resistance to disease. Lymphocytes also increase the body's resistance to leukemia, herpes virus, mononucleosis, measles and other infectious diseases.
Stress and troubles have a completely different effect on men. In the late 80s, a sociological survey was conducted among three thousand Americans, which proved that the majority of the stronger sex prefers to “sweat away trouble.” Simply put, men go to the gym. This phenomenon also has a scientific explanation. The fact is that the level of endorphins increases after intense physical activity.
Exercising for 30 minutes increases the concentration of “happiness hormones” five times. And this indicator returns to the original level in about an hour and a half. At this time, men either completely forget about all their sorrows and troubles.
But why women and men choose such different ways to stimulate their mood still remains a mystery to all-knowing science.

3.2. Increasing the amount of endorphins through sports.
Scuba diving without breathing apparatus. Holding your breath allows you to easily dive up to 10 meters deep.
Both during training and during direct dives, the task is to voluntarily resist inhalation. Apparently, the body’s oxygen reserves are much greater than its volitional capabilities. So holding your breath for one to two minutes is not at all dangerous for a healthy body. At the same time, notice how few people are able to swim underwater for at least 40 seconds! Most people are afraid to stay under water for more than three to five seconds, let alone minutes.
And here are hidden enormous reserves for training the endorphin system. Volitional resistance to inhalation cannot but use the ability of mu group endorphins to suppress breathing and slow down the heartbeat. This is what really helps a swimmer. Of course, preliminary hyperventilation, chest size, volume and type of muscles are of great importance. But every individual diver knows that this is not the only issue. Dive training trains not only mechanics, but also control systems. Diving is closely related to yoga and meditation.
Muscle stretching exercises. Ballet stretches and stretches of martial arts, stretches of gymnasts and yogis - they are all united by the fact that a person overcomes long-term and quite severe pain with an effort of will. The mu-receptor system has the greatest analgesic properties, so it is logical to assume that with dosed pain exposure it is this system that develops first.
Tests for breaking objects. A special section of martial arts - tests for breaking objects and corresponding training methods - are associated with the risk of injury and are almost always accompanied by partial tissue damage. This is hard qigong in Chinese wushu, hardening of striking surfaces in Japanese karate-do, and the same group includes the ability to take a punch in European boxing.
It is absolutely clear that these methods primarily develop the endorphin system.
If in the Chinese and Japanese traditions these methods are practiced only together with methods for developing the mu-receptor unit, then European boxing develops only the kappa-receptor unit. It is not at all surprising that boxers for the most part are much more explosive and more prone to conflicts than representatives of martial arts.
Body-building. An excellent means of developing the delta receptor unit. “Jocks” behave, look, and speak not like ordinary people. A real jock can be recognized by his look and manner of speech; he never experiences a feeling of awkwardness or uncertainty. He always feels like a top-level person.
Deprivation techniques. Activities that are so dissimilar in appearance, but essentially united in the qualities they develop, such as meditation, mushroom picking, mountain tourism, fishing and the tea ceremony... Everything that requires the ability to hear silence... All this develops the sigma link of the endorphin system.
Low dose naloxone method. In 2003, the NLD technique, low-dose naloxone, was used in New York. Its essence is that a person takes 2-3 mg of an endorphin receptor locator at night. The body experiences endorphin starvation and responds by increasing the synthesis of its own endorphins. As a result, your mood improves during the day and your immune system improves. The authors of this technique now claim that they successfully cure many hopeless diseases, including AIDS and tumors.
Strengthening the mu-link
The key to training is two factors - the ability to tolerate pain and the ability to hold your breath.
Kappa link gain
A completely different training regimen. Pain associated with tissue damage, risk, competition.
Delta link reinforcement
Anything that promotes muscle growth. Bodybuilding and weightlifting, wrestling.
Strengthening the sigma link
The ability to concentrate on your thoughts.

The study of the biological nature of endorphins and their effect on the human body is, in our opinion, a very promising direction in science. Based on the objectives, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. In modern science, endorphins are understood as a group of polypeptide chemical compounds, similar in structure to opiates, which are naturally produced in the neurons of the brain and have the ability to reduce pain, similar to opiates, and influence the emotional state of a person.
The human endorphin system is a collection of nerve cells located in the subcortical nuclei of the brain. Endorphins activate opiate receptors in the cerebral cortex, subcortical nuclei and gray matter of the spinal cord, as well as nerve ganglia of internal organs. The receptors of the endorphin system are different - mu receptors, kappa receptors, delta receptors, sigma receptors. When different types of receptors are excited, fundamentally different effects are achieved.
2. The functions of the endocrine system are diverse:
- the body’s protective reaction to stress or pain during severe physical and mental stress, during freezing and overheating, in the acute phase of almost all diseases;
- for positive emotions: the release of endorphins in a person is directly related to the feeling of happiness, pleasure, achieving a goal, etc.;
3. With insufficient production of endorphins in the body, a person begins to experience ailments, which can be expressed in various syndromes: pain, excitement and depression syndromes, asthenic syndrome (exhaustion), “black and white world” syndrome and other syndromes.
The enhanced development of individual parts of the endorphin system makes it possible to form a number of special human character traits:
- yogis, hermits in various religions, who are characterized by calmness, peacefulness, and some lethargy;
- fighters are professionals, fanatics, distinguished by their aggressiveness and ability to endure extreme pain, ignoring obvious injuries;
- fans of bodybuilding with a huge sense of superiority, confidence in their own health, inward orientation, inability to feel the suffering of others;
- meditators of all directions - people with predominant development of this link are talented and dreamy. They have a vivid imagination, they are mystics, artists, poets.
4. Among the factors influencing the natural production of endorphins in the body are sex, food, music, sports, and ultraviolet radiation. There are methods of artificially stimulating the production of endophins - TES therapy.

The endorphin system is a “higher level” regulatory system that controls all other regulatory systems of the body: analgesic, immune, reparative (healing), hormonal, etc. This system participated in the process of evolution (and even ciliates and snails react to opioids), selecting only those changes and mutations that led to the progress of the species. This is the foundation that, by restoring it, you will gradually restore the entire body, which is a well-functioning self-regulating system. The striving for ideal is so natural for a reasonable person!
Therefore, many modern treatment methods do not strive to directly control certain processes in the body, but help to strengthen natural protective reactions or restore their missing or poorly functioning links.
Hardening procedures, hiking, fresh air and sports, proper and regular nutrition - all this helps maintain health.
However, the problem is that a person cannot do anything but alternate between playing sports, going to the beach, having sex, eating chocolate and listening to music. In life, for most people, the endorphin production system is suppressed by constant stress, poor environment, irregular nutrition, city noise, quarrels in the family, at work and other unfavorable external and internal factors.
As we have already said, living year after year leads to the fact that the natural mechanisms of endorphin synthesis begin to work with less intensity: “getting drunk with happiness” becomes more and more difficult with age. And diseases can sometimes accumulate like a snowball. Stress, chronic fatigue, depletion of the immune system, premature aging and disease... Are they the only ones who persecute drug addicts and alcoholics? Of course not! That is why it is not enough to appeal to sobriety and a healthy lifestyle!
The endorphin system is an undiscovered, unexplored continent that must not only be studied under a microscope, but also mastered for practical purposes, to achieve health and longevity. Thanks to the targeted, comprehensive development of this system, a person can overcome many negative personality traits.
It is necessary to understand from the inside the mental problems of a person, and with them the mental problems of the entire society. This means that by controlling endorphins, we can control not only our health, but also our destiny.

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