Diet for fibrocystic mastopathy: basic principles and sample menu. What you can and cannot eat with mastopathy: diet from a mammologist Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands diet

The essence of the diet for mastopathy

Mastopathy is a common disease among women, because the balance of hormones in the female body is often unstable. Hormonal levels fluctuate as a result of stress, the monthly cycle, various “weight loss” diets, abortions, pregnancies, puberty and menopause, etc.

If a woman notices pain and a feeling of heaviness in the mammary gland, the appearance of compacted areas when palpating the breast, discharge from the nipple or enlarged axillary lymph nodes, this is most likely fibrocystic disease.

How to treat the disease may depend on its form, as well as on the characteristics of a particular female body - age, degree of hormonal imbalance, presence of children, etc. You should not try to cure the disease yourself, it is better to consult a doctor. However, you can speed up relief and eliminate unpleasant symptoms at home by making changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Principles of diet for mastopathy

The basis of the diet for breast mastopathy is healthy foods that can slow down the growth of connective tissues or even reverse the process of their growth.

Diet for cystic mastopathy

The diet should contain a minimum amount of saturated fatty acids along with a sufficient amount of plant components - this is one of the basic rules of effective nutrition. Experimental tests were carried out on several dozen female volunteers. Appropriate changes were introduced into their diet: reducing the consumption of fatty foods (about 20% of the daily energy value was allowed) and increasing the amount of complex carbohydrate foods (up to 60% of the daily energy value). At the end of the experiment, the results demonstrated were compared with the results that were found in those women who did not adhere to any dietary principles, but ate food as usual. In the second group, the amount of fat consumed was at least 30%, and carbohydrate foods (including simple carbohydrates) made up a fairly significant part of the diet.

As a result of two years of testing, it was concluded that in the first test group, whose representatives ate foods low in fat and high in carbohydrates, compared with the second group, the volume and number of nodular formations in the mammary glands decreased, and the risk of malignancy of the process was significantly reduced.

Diet for fibrous mastopathy

The diet, which was also tested over two years, demonstrated that dietary changes could reduce the overall degree of breast structure density. Many patients got rid of extra pounds, and thereby reduced the load on glandular tissues. By the way, the vast majority of experts emphasize the direct connection between the development of fibrocystic disease and the presence of excess weight.

In addition, the risk of developing breast cancer has significantly decreased. By following the diet, most women have virtually disappeared chest pain.

Benefits of diet for mastopathy

  • reduction or elimination of painful sensations;
  • reducing the number and size of seals;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • bringing weight back to normal;
  • general improvement of the body, reducing the load on other organs, lowering cholesterol levels, facilitating digestive functions, etc.

Disadvantages of diet for mastopathy

There are no disadvantages of the mastopathy diet.

  • White meat (chicken or turkey without skin).
  • Fish products (preferably seafood).
  • Fresh vegetable oils.
  • Low-fat dairy products (including cheeses).
  • Bread made from dark coarse flour, bran.
  • In small quantities, natural honey, natural sugar substitutes (stevia, fructose).
  • Citrus fruits, plums, apricots, apples, all varieties of grapes, pears, etc.
  • Vegetables.
  • In small quantities – legumes.
  • Cereals (porridge, sprouted grains).
  • Green tea, freshly squeezed juices (from fruits and vegetables), compotes without sugar.

Prohibited Products

  • Fatty meats, lard, fried and smoked.
  • Margarines, vegetable-animal mixtures (spreads), bittering oils.
  • Fatty dairy products (cottage cheese, hard cheese, cream, sour cream).
  • With caution and in small quantities - pasta, white bread and rolls.
  • Sweet soda, sweets, jam and confiture, baked goods.
  • Coffee, alcohol, strong brewed tea, chocolate and cocoa products.

Diet menu for mastopathy

In order to make the dietary menu not boring and varied, American experts have developed a special “nutrition plan” that can improve the condition of patients with fibrocystic disease. This diet is called “multi-colored” and is scheduled for each day of the week separately.

What is the essence of the diet for mastopathy, and what products does it include?

Let's start, as always, on Monday.

  • Monday- "White Day. From food you should eat white foods: mashed potatoes, boiled rice, low-fat milk, cottage cheese, egg whites, cauliflower. No butter, sour cream or sugar.
  • Tuesday- “red” day. We eat tomatoes, bell peppers, red lentils or beans, pomegranates, cherries, cranberries, beets, etc. You can prepare salads, vegetable side dishes, and beetroot.
  • Wednesday– “green” day of the week. We give preference to greens, salad vegetables, cabbage, cucumbers, green apples, broccoli, green onions, and kiwi. In addition to mastopathy, the listed products have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, heart, and respiratory organs.
  • Thursday- “orange” day. On this day you can eat the following: salmon, citrus fruits, dried apricots, pumpkin, carrots, etc. We treat fibrocystic disease, and at the same time get rid of worries and stress, improving our mood thanks to the sunny color of the products.
  • Friday– “purple” day. The menu includes red cabbage, eggplants, Yalta onions, plums, and grapes. They promote hematopoiesis, improve liver function, and stimulate brain functions.
  • Saturday– “yellow” day of the week. We lean on corn, millet, hard cheese, egg yolks, pineapples, honey.
  • Sunday– a neutral day, that is, a fasting day. We choose the most suitable product for unloading and use it throughout the day. You can also drink pure water or green tea without sugar.

Of course, eating foods by color is just a preference. Such products should make up the bulk of the daily diet, but they can be supplemented with other products from the permitted list.

We have prepared for you a sample list of recipes for dishes corresponding to each day of the week.

Diet recipes for mastopathy

  • On Monday you can prepare a rice casserole - it is very healthy and, most importantly, tasty: we will need such products as a third of a glass of rice, a little olive oil, one onion, one zucchini, three raw egg whites, grated cheese. Preheat the oven to 180°C, grease a baking dish with olive oil. Pour the rice with 200 ml of water and cook for about 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and cover the rice with a lid. Simmer the chopped onion in a frying pan (do not fry, just soften). Transfer the rice and onions to a bowl, add grated zucchini, beaten egg whites and grated cheese (about half a cup), salt and pepper. Knead and place in the mold. Place in the oven for half an hour. When serving, also sprinkle cheese on top.
  • On Tuesday we prepare bright bean soup. Ingredients: 0.5 kg of red beans, 150 g of boiled chicken breast, two onions, 2 red bell peppers, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato paste. Soak the beans in a saucepan overnight, boil them in the morning, drain the water (but do not pour it out). Chop the chicken, onion, and bell pepper and simmer in a frying pan, stirring constantly. Add flour and stir again. Next, add the beans and the water in which they were boiled to the mixture. Add salt to taste. Place on the fire, let it boil, reduce the heat. After a quarter of an hour, add tomato paste and garlic. Bring to a boil, turn off. Bon appetit!
  • On Wednesday you can make a delicious cauliflower and broccoli salad. We separate the cabbage into inflorescences. Steam the cabbage and broccoli for a few minutes, cool, and chop finely. Also finely chop the onion. Mix. Add soy sauce, herbs, salt and pepper. Season with Greek yogurt or kefir and mix again. Bon appetit.
  • Thursday – prepare salmon salad. Ingredients: a glass of boiled salted rice, 150-200 g of steamed salted salmon, one beautiful orange, half an onion, 3 tbsp. l. Greek yogurt, a little melted cheese. Peel the orange and chop finely. If juice comes out during slicing, add it to the rice and stir. Mash the salmon with a fork and mix with chopped onion. Lay out the salad in layers: rice, 1 tbsp. l. yogurt, salmon, yogurt, sliced ​​orange, yogurt. Form the salad and place in the refrigerator for half an hour (or more). To serve, garnish with grated processed cheese on top.
  • On Friday we will treat ourselves to eggplant stew with prunes. Ingredients of the dish: 3 eggplants, a glass of washed, peeled prunes, two Yalta onions, 2 tomatoes, one bell pepper, half a glass of almonds, soy sauce, a little vegetable oil, broth (or water), salt. Cut the vegetables into cubes, add about 20 ml of soy sauce, salt, water (or broth), vegetable oil (about 40-50 ml), prunes and a quarter cup of almonds. Place in a thick-bottomed pan and simmer until cooked. Serve sprinkled with remaining almonds.
  • Corn porridge is perfect for a Saturday afternoon, but not simple. Ingredients: 250 g corn grits, 50 g peeled walnuts, one carrot, two medium onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 50 g of hard cheese. Boil the corn grits for about half an hour, adding salt first. In a frying pan, sauté finely chopped onions and carrots in olive oil. Add the cooked porridge to the onions and carrots and mix. Sprinkle with grated cheese and nuts. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5-10 minutes. You can serve!
  • Sunday is a fasting day. We choose it at our discretion. You can only eat apples, or kefir, or buckwheat or rice porridge throughout the day. Cheers!

Folk remedies for treating mastopathy

Even official medicine recognizes the benefits of folk recipes in the treatment of mastopathy - herbs help correct hormonal levels and accelerate the excretion of intercellular fluid.

Recipe No. 1

Prepare a mixture of yarrow and juniper berries (a dessert spoon of each ingredient). Add a tablespoon of horsetail. Mix the raw materials, measure out a tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. Remove the broth from the heat, let it stand for half an hour and strain. Take the product three times a day after meals (one-third of a glass).

Recipe No. 2

Mix tricolor violet, horsetail and valerian root (a dessert spoon of each ingredient). Add a tablespoon of nettle and string. Stir the herb mixture and brew as described above (use in the same way).

Recipe No. 3

Prepare a tincture from 125 ml of alcohol (70%) and walnut partitions (to obtain the required amount of raw materials you will need 25 pieces of whole walnuts). Let the potion stand for ten days in a dark place and strain. Take the tincture for two months (15 drops three times a day).

With fibrocystic mastopathy, the patient needs peace and proper rest, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations, get good sleep and eat well. Smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited. Adequate physical activity is beneficial.

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, which is accompanied by tumors in the breast area. It is characterized by the appearance of nodular seals, benign tumors of the mammary glands, which can become malignant. The most common is fibrocystic mastopathy, the causes of which can be: hormonal imbalances in the body, thyroid diseases, liver diseases, iodine deficiency, polycystic disease, hepatitis, gastritis, ulcers, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, as well as frequent stress, late childbirth. An important role in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy is played by a special diet aimed at reducing pain and preventing relapses.

The essence of the diet for mastopathy

Nutrition for breast mastopathy should be aimed at maintaining hormonal balance in the body. Mastopathy - treatment and diet together will help reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors in the breast, make adjustments to the breast tissue, stabilize the nervous system, get rid of extra pounds and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole.

With diffuse mastopathy, proliferation of connective tissues is observed. Diffuse mastopathy without proper treatment turns into nodular mastopathy. Gradually, dense nodules about 2 mm in size form in the overgrown connective tissues. If left untreated, they can grow up to 4 cm in diameter. Diffuse mastopathy - diet is one of the effective methods of treatment.

Proper nutrition for breast mastopathy and fibroids can slow down the growth of connective tissue, as well as minimize the risk of developing benign cysts in the breast area. Before starting a diet for mastopathy, you should consult your doctor to make individual adjustments to your diet.

Diet for fibrocystic mastopathy - basic rules:

  • The daily caloric intake of the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy should be no more than 2000 Kcal;
  • You should eat at least 5 times a day, with three meals being main meals and two being snacks;
  • It is recommended to eat at the same time when dieting;
  • You should drink at least 1.5 liters of still water every day;
  • Salt must be excluded from the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy or its consumption must be reduced to a minimum;
  • Every day, the diet menu should contain vegetables that can be consumed either raw or boiled, baked, or stewed;
  • Meat and fish dishes should be boiled, stewed or baked; frying should be excluded.

For effective treatment of mastopathy, in addition to diet, you also need proper rest, sleep, and avoidance of stressful situations. Moderate physical activity is also recommended. Long walks in the fresh air, exercise, and avoiding using the elevator are perfect.


  • Dairy diet for weight loss: menu for 7 days
  • Weight loss and intestinal health - diet
  • Oxaluria in adults and children - weekly dietary menu and food list
  • Diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for men - menu for the week

Authorized Products

The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy should be composed exclusively of healthy foods that will help stop the growth of connective tissue and also help reverse this process.

Allowed foods for the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy:

  • Fish and seafood (especially salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, mussels, shrimp). Contain a large amount of iodine;
  • Lean meat and poultry (veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken). They are sources of protein;
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt). They are sources of calcium;
  • Legumes (beans, peas). Have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels;
  • Beets, nuts, spinach, broccoli. They are natural antioxidants. Normalize liver function, cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins;
  • Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, asparagus). Rich in fiber, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cereals and grains (oats, buckwheat, brown rice). Promote rapid saturation of the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Fruits and berries (apples, pears, apricots, citrus fruits). Enrich the body with vitamins and minerals during a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • Brewer's yeast. Lycopene and selenium, which are contained in brewer's yeast, promote the rapid absorption of iodine.

Tea (green and white) is recommended for drinks for fibrocystic mastopathy. Tea contains catechins, which help accelerate the removal of toxins, waste and sugar from the body. It is definitely recommended to include white and green tea in your daily diet menu.

What foods are prohibited to eat for fibrocystic mastopathy?

The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy excludes foods that provoke the growth of benign cysts in the breast area and an increase in the secretion of female sex hormones.

Fibrocystic mastopathy diet - prohibited foods:

  • Bread, bakery and flour products made from premium flour;
  • Semolina;
  • Confectionery products contain a lot of “empty” carbohydrates;
  • Fatty meat and poultry skin make it difficult for the liver to function and increase cholesterol levels;
  • Fatty sauces, margarine;
  • Canned food contains substances that provoke the development of malignant tumors;
  • Smoked meats and fatty, spicy dishes due to their high content of carcinogens;
  • Pickles;
  • Coffee, strong black tea;
  • Carbonated drinks contain steroid hormones that provoke the accumulation of fatty deposits;
  • Alcoholic drinks worsen liver function.

Vitamins and microelements

A properly selected diet for fibrocystic mastopathy will have a direct impact on the synthesis of hormones and the metabolism of steroids. The diet menu for fibrocystic mastopathy must include foods high in iodine (seaweed, seafood, fish, buckwheat, eggs, legumes, butter).

The development of fibrocystic mastopathy can also be caused by a deficiency of vitamins A, B6 and E in the body. Therefore, the diet menu must include foods containing these groups of vitamins: B6 (wholemeal bread, rice, buckwheat, vegetables, legumes, nuts), A (offal, fish oil, cod liver), E (nuts, legumes, vegetable and olive oil, beef, sea fish).

While following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin-mineral complexes, especially those containing selenium and Omega 3. It should be remembered that the course of taking vitamins should not exceed three months, otherwise an excess can have a detrimental effect on health. It is recommended to take a month's break between courses of taking vitamins during a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.


Diet for mastopathy - menu for the week (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • Green apple;
  • Broth with croutons. Boiled chicken fillet;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Baked potato. Herring with onions. Cucumber and tomato salad.


  • Cottage cheese seasoned with Greek yogurt;
  • Orange;
  • Okroshka. Lightly salted salmon;
  • A glass of fermented baked milk;
  • Seafood risotto. Seaweed salad.


  • Pumpkin porridge with milk;
  • Pear;
  • Creamy broccoli soup with croutons. Lightly salted herring;
  • A glass of curdled milk;
  • Rice. Steamed veal cutlets. Grated carrot salad.


  • Muesli with nuts;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Fish soup with pieces of fish. 2 slices of whole grain bread;
  • Natural yogurt with herbs;
  • Baked turkey fillet. Beetroot salad with quince.

P Friday:

  • Curd pudding;
  • Kiwi;
  • Bean soup with croutons. Fish soufflé;
  • Goat cheese 2 pieces;
  • Baked pike perch. Vegetable stew.


  • Buckwheat porridge with milk;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Beetroot soup. 2 slices of bran bread. Boiled chicken breast;
  • Cottage cheese with berries;
  • Baked sardine. Greek salad".


  • Steamed omelette of 2 eggs;
  • 2 apricots;
  • Chicken soup with pieces of poultry meat. 2 slices of rye bread;
  • Prunes stuffed with walnuts;
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls with beef and sour cream.

In between meals while following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy, drinking green or white tea, but without sugar, is recommended.


Beetroot salad with quince

Beetroot salad with quince


  • Beetroot 2 pcs;
  • Quince 1 piece;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • Sour cream to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the beets until tender, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Peel and seed the quince and grate it.
  3. Pour boiling water over raisins, let steep for 5 minutes, chop.
  4. Mix beets with quince and raisins, season the salad with sour cream, stir.

Bean soup

Bean soup


  • Beans 200 gr;
  • Cauliflower 300 gr;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp;
  • Rosemary 1 sprig.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water over the beans and leave to swell for 10 hours.
  2. Drain the water, rinse the beans, put them in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water.
  3. Bring to a boil, reduce gas and cook for 2 hours until tender.
  4. Peel the onions and cut into small cubes. Sauté in a frying pan with olive oil until half cooked.
  5. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences, transfer to a saucepan, and add the prepared beans and onions there.
  6. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  7. Grind the soup in a blender until smooth.
  8. Before serving, garnish with a sprig of rosemary to taste.

A hearty pureed bean soup can be included in your diet for fibrocystic mastopathy for lunch.

Seafood risotto

Seafood risotto


  • Long grain rice 400 gr;
  • Seafood 500 gr;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Celery;
  • Green pea;
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp;
  • Broth 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Wash the celery, dry it, chop it.
  2. In a frying pan heated with olive oil, sauté the onion and celery for 5 minutes.
  3. Add rice and peas to the vegetables, stir, pour in broth. Simmer over low heat under the lid until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Pour boiling water over the seafood, drain the water, add to the rice with vegetables, stir, turn off the gas.
  5. Let the dish brew for 5-7 minutes.

The refined taste of seafood risotto will surprise even gourmets when following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.

Greek salad"

Greek salad"


  • Tomatoes 3 pcs;
  • Cucumbers 2 pcs;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Bell pepper 1 pc;
  • Feta cheese 200 gr;
  • Olives or black olives to taste;
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onions and cut into thin half rings.
  2. Remove seeds from bell peppers and cut into thin half rings.
  3. Wash cucumbers and tomatoes, dry, cut into cubes.
  4. Mix vegetables in a bowl, season with olive oil, stir.
  5. Place diced cheese and olives on top of the salad.

Vitamin Greek salad should definitely be included in the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.

Oatmeal with dried fruits

Oatmeal with dried fruits


  • Oatmeal 50 gr;
  • Milk 200 ml;
  • Dried fruits.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce the gas and add oatmeal.
  2. Cook the porridge over low heat for 15 minutes, covered.
  3. Pour boiling water over dried fruits and let steep for 5 minutes. Decant the water, cut the dried fruits into small pieces.
  4. Place the porridge on a plate and sprinkle chopped dried fruits on top.

Oatmeal with dried fruits is perfect for tomorrow while following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.

Mastopathy is a very common female disease. To combat this disease, various treatment methods have been developed: taking medications, therapy and a properly designed diet. Nutritionists recommend consuming only high-quality and healthy foods for cystic mastopathy, and completely abandoning some until recovery. In order for a positive result to be visible in the near future, you need to follow all the rules and adhere to a strict diet.

Mastopathy is a harmless lump in the breast area. At the moment of palpation, a woman can detect swelling and feel terrible pain near the tumor. If you do not seek specialized medical help in time, serious consequences are possible: the development of compacted nodes and tumors in large sizes and quantities.

The development of fibrocystic mastopathy is widespread. In order for the mammary gland to quickly recover, it is necessary to regulate the woman’s hormonal levels, and this can be done with the help of a special one. Nutritionists and other specialists have proven through long studies that some foods included in a woman’s daily diet can provoke illness or aggravate the situation during recovery. Various nervous shocks and stress also negatively affect health.

Causes, types and characteristics of the disease

If lumps appear in the chest and there is a suspicion of mastopathy, then you need to decide on the form of the disease.

There are two types of pathology:

  • nodal
  • diffuse

The diffuse variety is dangerous because, with untimely intervention, it easily develops into a nodular form. In the primary stage, this form is caused by the presence of proliferation of connective tissue areas, the size of the joints increases and changes its shape. The next stage is the development of small nodules, no more than 2 millimeters. When neglected, the nodules reach sizes up to 4 centimeters in diameter.

The nodal form is also divided into types:

  • fibrous
  • cystic
  • glandular

A mixed type of pathology is often observed, when one form smoothly transforms into another, so it turns out that the diagnosis includes two types at once, for example, cystic fibrosis.

The main reasons for the development of this disease are:

Treatment of mastitis in a nursing mother, causes and measures to prevent the disease

After determining the cause and making a diagnosis, the patient needs to regularly consult with a monologue and also independently examine her breasts at home every day.

Diet - allowed foods

Before resorting to serious drug treatment, it is first recommended to adhere to the correct diet. There are a number of products that have a beneficial effect on female hormones and treatment of the mammary glands occurs faster. Some ingredients slow down the growth of tumor compounds.

If the menu includes these ingredients daily, the treatment will be much more successful.

What foods are prohibited to eat for fibrocystic mastopathy?

In addition to healthy products, there are also harmful ones that contribute to the development of benign neoplasms and provoke secretion in the female reproductive system.

Breast cancer: symptoms and signs, development factors, diagnostic methods and treatment

During fibrocystic mastopathy, it is forbidden to eat and drink:

  • smoked, fried and very spicy foods to protect the body from carcinogens
  • animal fats due to high cholesterol levels
  • any preservation or sealing can cause cancer
  • table salt - it retains liquid, and thereby is very harmful to the body, should be consumed in limited quantities
  • alcoholic drinks, as they decompose sex hormones and increase estrogen production
  • carbonated water - subcutaneous fat accumulates
  • black tea, cocoa and - cause the accumulation of unnecessary fluid in the mammary glands

If possible, during treatment you should completely abstain from these foods and drinks.

Impact and positive side of diet

Sometimes some patients are inattentive and frivolous about the menu and diet. However, this is wrong; in order to understand the importance of proper nutrition, you should know in advance all the advantages and principles of influence.

The purpose of the therapeutic diet:

  1. Remove harmful microelements from the female body as soon as possible.
  2. Normalize peristalsis, prevent the development of constipation.

Important principles of proper nutrition:

  • increase the consumption of carbohydrates that are easily digested
  • rid the body of excess, harmful fats
  • normalize the regularity of water consumption, you need to drink up to 2 liters per day
  • reduce the amount of salt in the menu

Positive aspects of the diet:

  1. Pain in the breast area disappears or decreases.
  2. The tissue structure of the thoracic area is normalized.
  3. The risk of developing a malignant neoplasm is reduced.
  4. Allows you to easily and quickly remove excess.
  5. Improves the health of the entire system and vital organs.

If a woman is not indifferent to her health, she will be able to give up her favorite foods for a while and complete the necessary course of treatment to the end.

In addition to foods, there are foods that also promote rapid recovery. In this case, the following vitamins will be useful: C, E and A. Vitamins of these groups have a good effect on hormonal levels, and when all hormones begin to function harmoniously, the risk of mastopathy decreases several times.

It is also recommended to avoid table salt. Sometimes, if the severity of the disease is advanced or severe, the doctor may recommend a complete ban on salt intake. It is this that provokes swelling, which can lead to knots and compactions.

From chokeberry

  • 0.5 l. pure alcohol
  • 0.5 l. pomegranate juice
  • 0.5 liters of apple juice
  • 0.3 l of holosas
  • All components must be thoroughly mixed with each other and placed in a 3-liter bottle.

    Use one tbsp daily. spoon four times half an hour before meals.

    Traditional therapy

    There are also a number of folk remedies that are no less effective for treating mastopathy.

    Recipe No. 1


    • juniper berries
    • horsetail
    • yarrow

    All these components are taken no more than one tablespoon.


    A tablespoon of the dry mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water. Let it stand. Only after the herbs have softened and lost their shape should the infusion be boiled for a couple of minutes. Then it is infused for 30 minutes and carefully filtered.


    Drink one third of a glass at least three times a day, preferably immediately after meals.

    Recipe No. 2


    • 1 dessert spoon horsetail
    • 1 spoon of tricolor violet (you can use the pharmacy version)
    • one dessert spoon of valerian root
    • series
    • nettle

    All herbs are mixed well and poured with boiling water, exactly as in the first recipe. Drink one third of a glass of tincture three times a day.

    However, it is important to understand that the diet is only one part of the treatment; without drug intervention it will be difficult to relieve a severe inflammatory process. At the same time, rationally selected nutrition allows you to positively and accurately adjust the hormonal state of the female reproductive system. Self-medication is life-threatening.

    So, fibrocystic mastopathy is common in women. Treatment is possible if you act in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor. There is a certain diet developed by nutritionists that helps not only to cure mastopathy, but also to maintain normal health of the entire body. It is worth taking responsibility for your health and completely giving up harmful foods for a while.

    Apr 8, 2017 Violetta Doctor

    Fibrocystic mastopathy is a common disease in women starting from the age of thirty, but in recent years it has been diagnosed at an earlier age. This disease affects the mammary glands, in which the connective tissue begins to grow, resulting in the formation of a cavity filled with secretory fluid.

    The main reason for the appearance of diffuse mastopathy is explained by hormonal imbalance, or more precisely, a violation of the production of individual hormones - progesterone and estrogen. Treatment of the disease involves an integrated approach, including the use of diet therapy. How effective is a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy, and how to follow it correctly is a question that many women with this pathology would like to answer.

    The appearance of fibrous is directly related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the intestinal system does not work correctly, the patient experiences regular, prolonged pain, the incoming fiber is not fully absorbed, and there is a disturbance in the intestinal microflora. At the same time, the reabsorption of estrogens already excreted in bile occurs. In such a clinic, nutritionists advise eating food rich in fibrous structure, that is, fiber, every day.

    The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy promotes the following:

    1. Regulation of hormonal balance.
    2. Boosting the immune system.
    3. Enriching the body with useful substances.
    4. Reducing the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
    5. Elimination of excess weight.
    6. Reducing the likelihood of developing malignant processes.

    Today, therapeutic nutrition is an important component of the complex treatment of FCM; therefore, the more carefully it is followed, the more effective the healing effect will be.

    By adhering to the recommendations of a nutritionist, a woman can help her body in the fight not only against mastopathy, but also reduce it. Thus, medicine has proven that with a healthy diet, malignant tumors lose their density and significantly decrease in size.

    Based on this, we can say: diet therapy is quite capable of preventing the formation of oncology and other serious complications that often accompany fibrocystic pathology. So, how should you eat when you are sick, and what should you pay attention to when preparing your diet?

    Many experts believe that a dietary diet for diffuse disease in the mammary gland increases the effectiveness of drug and surgical intervention by 30 percent or even more.

    The main task of proper nutrition:

    1. Remove harmful toxins from the body.
    2. Prevent constipation.
    3. Stabilize liver function.
    4. Restore metabolic metabolism.
    5. Improve the general condition of the body.

    A priority place in the diet should be occupied by foods rich in vitamins, nutrients, and microelements that increase the functionality of the immune system, thereby enhancing the protection of the cell membrane of the breast from attack by pathological processes, such as:

    • Vitamin E is present in vegetable fats and vegetables.
    • Vitamin B and other vitamins of this group help recovery processes and have a calming effect.
    • Antioxidants that have an aggressive effect on malignant cells are present in huge quantities in rose hips.

    However, after reading this, you should not run and drink excessive quantities of rosehip drink, or rush to other extremes. It must be said that in order for the diet to truly benefit the body and help a woman overcome the disease, a mammologist or nutritionist should be involved in preparing therapeutic nutrition.

    An individual nutrition plan is selected for each patient, based on the characteristics of the disease and the results of preliminary tests and hardware examinations. Only a well-structured balanced diet can help as much as possible in eliminating diffuse mastopathy.

    There are certain rules for preparing such nutrition, which imply:

    • Saturated fats are replaced by unsaturated fats.
    • Preference is given to fish dishes and seafood.
    • Animal fats are replaced by vegetable fats.
    • Fatty meats are replaced by lean ones.
    • Regular presence of porridges and cereal dishes.
    • The priority is vegetables and fruits, greens.
    • Drinking enough clean water (at least 1.5 liters) and natural juices.

    As you can see, the diet table offers the optimal nutritional solution that will bring only maximum benefit to the body.

    Healthy foods and rules for their preparation

    In addition to the basic rules, the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland must include foods that inhibit the proliferation of connective tissues. At the same time, do not forget:

    1. It is not recommended to get carried away with sugar; it is better to replace some of it with stevia, Jerusalem artichoke syrup or honey.
    2. Legumes promote the active release of estrogen, but their consumption should be moderate so as not to aggravate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    3. Nuts are a storehouse of many useful substances.

    So, what foods are allowed to eat with fibrotic pathology:

    Fish contains a significant concentration of iodine, which is extremely necessary for the body in case of fibrocystic disease. The fact is that iodine deficiency is a common cause of the development of cystic tumors in the mammary gland.

    Vegetables are useful for their fiber; they can be eaten raw or used to prepare a variety of dishes. If raw vegetables provoke unpleasant discomfort in the abdominal cavity, you should stop eating them and eat only those that have been cooked.

    Separately, I would like to note the benefits of dairy products for fibrocystic pathology. This category of food saturates the body with proteins and calcium, and it is desirable that the milk table consist of low-fat foods:

    • Cottage cheese.
    • Kefir and bifidoc.
    • Ryazhenka.
    • Curdled milk.
    • Natural yogurt without additives.

    With regard to culinary options for preparing first and second courses, proper nutrition involves preparing food in the following ways:

    1. Boiling.
    2. Steam.
    3. Extinguishing.
    4. Baking.
    5. Grill.

    Heat treatment such as frying is undesirable. In addition, for complex mastopathy, fasting days are recommended.

    What foods should you avoid?

    Many of us do not even suspect that if we have a disease, eating certain foods contributes to the progression of the pathology. FKM is no exception. The fact is that certain products contribute to a more active secretion of hormones of the reproductive system and we should not forget about the ubiquitous harmful cholesterol, which should not have a place in dietary dishes.

    So, what is forbidden to eat if you have fibrocystic breast pathology? First of all this:

    • Flour baked goods.
    • Semolina.
    • Chocolate.
    • Sweets.
    • Margarine.
    • Mayonnaise.
    • Jam, confiture.
    • Conservation.
    • Smoked meats.
    • Coffee, strong tea.
    • Alcohol.
    • Corn oil.

    In addition to the above, it is necessary to avoid sweet carbonated drinks with dyes, spicy foods, specific spices and excessive salt. With fibrous mastopathy, a large amount of salt provokes tissue swelling. As a result, the woman begins to complain about pain and heaviness in her legs, not realizing that salt is to blame.

    In addition to alcoholic beverages, tobacco products are also taboo; if you maintain a healthy diet, you should stop smoking.

    Today, the “Colorful Diet”, specially developed by American nutritionists, is at the peak of popularity. According to reviews from many patients with cystic disease, eating according to this dietary regimen will not only benefit the body, but also be tasty. Its main feature is that each day has its own specific color, according to which the products for the menu are selected, for example:

    1. “White” day: egg white, milk, rice, potatoes, cottage cheese.
    2. “Red” day: red bell pepper, red apple, borscht, pomegranate or cherry juice.
    3. “Green” day: cucumbers, cabbage, kiwi, apples of the appropriate color. By the way, green vegetables contain elements that have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiac systems.
    4. “Orange” day: salmon, carrots, tangerines or oranges.
    5. “Purple” day: grapes, beans, eggplants.
    6. “Yellow” day: millet porridge, cheese, boiled corn (not canned in any way).
    7. The last day of the week is neutral and fasting. On this day, give priority to kefir, freshly prepared vegetable or fruit drinks, or green tea.

    As you can see, the proposed option of dietary nutrition using an innovative method is not only interesting, but also allows you to saturate the body with nutrients and beneficial substances. However, the consumption of food according to the color scheme is just a predominant accent, that is, it should make up the majority of the daily menu, but it can be diluted with other permitted products.

    Regarding how often to eat during the day and what size one serving should be, experts emphasize: the daily dose of calories should not be more than 2000 kcal, you need to eat in small portions, at least 5 times a day and at the same time every day. like this:

    • Breakfast.
    • Snack.
    • Dinner.
    • Snack.
    • Dinner.
    • Before bed - a glass of yogurt.

    The menu options below are just an example, based on which you can independently, or with the help of a nutritionist, develop an individual diet, both for the day and for the week.

    First day

    • Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, nuts or honey, freshly prepared juice.
    • Snack: 100 g of raisins (nuts), or any fruit of your choice.
    • Lunch: steamed fish or chicken fillet with mashed potatoes.
    • Snack: fruits or berries or vegetable juice.
    • Dinner: baked fish, fresh vegetable salad, green or...
    • Before bed: yogurt.

    Second day

    • Breakfast: steam omelette, green tea.
    • Snack: rye bread with bran, seaweed salad.
    • Lunch: vegetable soup, fish stew with cereal side dish.
    • Snack: fresh fruit of your choice.
    • Dinner: stewed vegetable stew, salad with fish.
    • Before bed: kefir.

    The third day

    • Breakfast: cottage cheese, rosehip drink.
    • Snack: soft-boiled egg, apple.
    • Lunch: rice porridge, stewed fish with vegetables.
    • Snack: apple or nuts.
    • Dinner: veal casserole, vegetable salad.
    • Before bed: fermented baked milk.

    A good solution would be to supplement proper nutrition with a special set of exercises, appropriate procedures and, of course, taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

    Healthy recipes for dietary dishes

    Based on the proposed recipes, you can prepare a variety of dietary dishes. The important point is that the prepared food meets all the requirements of the treatment table.

    Bean soup

    A light, nutritious soup prepared according to this recipe is ideal for a diet menu. Ingredients:

    • Beans (red) – 300 g
    • Chicken breast (boiled) – 150 g
    • Onion – 1 pc.
    • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
    • Tomato paste – 1 tbsp.
    • Garlic – 2 cloves.
    • Flour – 1 tbsp.
    • Salt - to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Pre-soak the beans (overnight), then boil.
    2. Chop the boiled chicken fillet, onion and pepper into cubes.
    3. Simmer the prepared ingredients in a small amount of vegetable oil, add flour, and mix.
    4. Add the beans and the water in which they were boiled.
    5. Add salt, bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
    6. Add tomato paste and chopped garlic, bring to a boil. The soup is ready.

    Eggplant and prune stew

    This dish is an original combination of plant products rich in vitamins. Ingredients:

    • Eggplants – 3 pcs.
    • Prunes – 1 cup.
    • Onion – 2 pcs.
    • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
    • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
    • Almonds - 0.5 cups.
    • Soy sauce – 20 ml
    • Vegetable oil – 50 ml
    • Salt - to taste.
    • Water or broth - 1.5 liters.

    How to cook:

    1. Cut the eggplants, onions, peppers and tomatoes into cubes.
    2. Add soy sauce, water, salt and oil to them.
    3. Wash the prunes and add to the vegetable mixture.
    4. Add half the amount of almonds, mix.
    5. Simmer in a thick-bottomed container until cooked.
    6. Sprinkle with remaining almonds before serving.

    Rice casserole

    A healthy and nutritious dish that is prepared quickly and easily. Ingredients:

    • Rice – 1/3 cup.
    • Onion – 1 pc.
    • Zucchini – 1 pc.
    • Egg whites – 3 pcs.
    • Cheese – 50 g
    • – 1 tbsp.
    • Salt - to taste.
    • Olive oil – 1 tbsp.

    How to cook:

    1. Rinse the rice, add 200 ml of water and bring to a boil, then boil for 10 minutes, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the rice grains soften.
    2. Finely chop the onion and simmer in olive oil, but do not fry it under any circumstances, but only bring it to softness.
    3. Combine onion and rice and place in a bowl.
    4. Peel the zucchini and grate it.
    5. Beat the whites.
    6. Grate the cheese.
    7. Add the prepared zucchini, cheese and egg whites to the onion-rice mixture.
    8. Add a little salt, add a pinch of pepper if desired, and stir.
    9. Grease the mold with oil and transfer the rice mixture into the mold. Bake at 180 g for 30 minutes. Before serving, you can additionally sprinkle with grated cheese.


    An integrated approach is required to treat complex diffuse mastopathy. The effectiveness of medications and other treatment methods increases several times if the patient carefully follows proper nutrition. A radical change in lifestyle and diet allows you to regulate the hormonal system and life processes in the body, which significantly brings the moment of getting rid of pathology in the chest closer, which is why it is so important to monitor your diet, completely removing harmful foods from it.

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