What is mumiyo, where did it come from? What is mumiyo - the benefits and harms of the product, rules of use. For skin problems

There is still no consensus on the origin of mumiyo.

Ancient authors, in particular, believed that it was a derivative of bees. For example, Biruni in his “Mineralogy” writes: “...Bees seal their honey and babies with black wax with a pungent, specific odor. This is a medicine for bruises and wounds, it is expensive and rare and is called “mumiyo” in Persian... Mumiyo is a mountain resin, in some respects corresponding to amber and aromatic resins, it is also possible that mumiyo is the thickened urine of mountain goats urinating during the rut and the same place..."

In the 12th century, Muhammad Hussein Alyani described that in the place where mumiyo had been mined for many years, a deep hole formed. It was covered with a large stone, which could only be moved by 50 - 60 people. Once a year, the pit was opened, and a person who went down into it collected the mumiyo that had accumulated in the form of a thin film on the water that had collected in the pit. It accumulated in the form of scales on the walls of the well and on the stones at its bottom. The stones were removed and boiled in water, and then the frozen mummy was removed from its surface.

However, it is now well known that mumiyo is highly soluble in water, therefore, it cannot “freeze on its surface in the form of a film”

Some Eastern scientists believed that mumiyo is formed from vapors that rise from the depths of the earth along cracks in mountain rocks and solidify under the influence of low ambient temperatures. Others say that mumiyo is a mountain wax. In particular, L. Beruni writes: “Mummy is asphalt, mountain resin.” Avicenna also called mumiyo mountain wax - ozokerite. “Mountain wax,” he wrote, “has the same strength as solid and liquid bitumen mixed together, but it is only more useful.”

One pharmacopoeia of oriental medicine describes that in ancient times, corpses were mummified by treating them with mumiyo, honey, resins and other substances. They have been preserved for many centuries. Sometimes the corpses were washed away by river floods - such mummified corpses are equivalent to mineral mumiyo...

Perhaps based on this theory, the German scientist Blount in the 16th century believed that there was only a “human” mumiyo obtained from embalmed human corpses.

So what is mumiyo?

Modern researchers have discovered mumiyo in the territory of the former USSR - in the Pamirs, Tien Shan, Altai, Caucasus, Transbaikalia, Western and Eastern Sayan and in many other places. It has been established that mumiyo can only be found in mountain ranges with increased tectonic activity. Its distribution zone is exclusively on treeless southeastern and southern slopes with high warming temperatures.

Mumiyo is found in four forms: mixed with the excrement of mice, flying squirrels, with the excrement of the mountain gopher and, finally, in the form of small icicles, deposits, thin films all with the same excrement.

It may very well be that animals in this case act as a kind of factory, absorbing the finished mummy and accumulating it in their feces.

Some scientists believe that mumiyo is of petroleum origin.

The book by Y. Nuriliev “Mumiyo and its medicinal properties” describes in detail the sources from which he took mummy, focusing on “the flow of mummy from cracks.”

Biohypotheses about the plant origin of mumiyo are based on the facts of its findings in the form of resinous formations hanging on juniper roots from rock crevices.

The thickness of such roots reaches 5 cm, length - 20 cm. The similarity of the biological properties of mumiyo and bee propolis indicates that mumiyo is a product of the activity of wild bees in the highlands.

Another biohypothesis speaks of the lichen origin of mumiyo.

It is based on the fact of the widespread development of numerous lichens near known mumiyo deposits, and the organic components of lichens, washed away by natural waters and solutions, penetrate into cracks and voids of rocks and are deposited there from small water drops in the form of sinter formations.

Close to the lichen hypothesis is the idea of ​​the formation of mumiyo due to lipids, fats, waxes, and resins that accumulate in grasses on the surface of mountains. These lipids, penetrating into the soil, migrate along with moisture along cracks, where microorganisms - fungi - rapidly develop in the mummy substance, under the influence of which a balm can be formed.

The basis of zoohypotheses is the significant prevalence of coprogenic mumiyo.

As a rule, coprolites, held together by a resinous substance, are composed of the remains of vegetation surrounding the area: branches, straw, dry leaves, fruits, grains, etc. It is assumed that it is they, having passed through the gastrointestinal tract of animals, that become the healing basis of natural mumiyo.

Based on the above hypotheses about the origin of mumiyo and summarizing modern data, seven types of mumiyo can be distinguished.

Corpse mumiyo is a dark-colored solid or waxy mass formed during the slow decomposition of the corpses of animals, fish, and insects.

Lichen mummy is a thick or hard resinous mass - a waste product of lower plants.

Juniper mumiyo is a resinous brown-black mass with a resinous odor, isolated from the trunks and roots of juniper, spruce, and pine.

Bituminous mumiyo is a dark-colored liquid or wax-like mass - a product of the decomposition of plants that do not contain volatile hydrocarbons.

Excremental mummy - fossilized excrement of small animals (the most common type).

Honey-wax mummy is a yellow, brown or black mass - a polymerized waste product of wild bees.

Mineral mumiyo - found high in the mountains, in rock voids where neither animals nor plants could reach.

Thus, all types of mumiyo are a product of polymerization of organic residues.

The materials for its formation can be soil microorganisms and protozoa, as well as animal secretions, plants and microelements, especially in high mountain conditions, where there is a constant reduced oxygen content, sudden temperature changes, winds, strong ultraviolet radiation, and increased radioactive background. In addition, in hot, dry areas, the activity of microorganisms that ensure the decomposition of organic residues sharply decreases. For these reasons, biomass of animal and plant origin, not destroyed by microorganisms, gradually mummifies and polymerizes, hardens and forms sinter structures in soil voids. Based on this, it can be assumed that in “young” mountain formations with increased tectonic activity, a huge amount of original biological material is probably immured in sedimentary rocks, which are the remains of algae, fish, and other marine organisms from the bottom of the sea that was once here, and finally, feces of various types of rodents that existed in these places millions of years ago...

Through thorns to legalization of mumiyo

It is not surprising that the Russian Pharmaceutical Committee for a long time did not dare to legalize a new medical drug, citing the lack of clear scientific evidence of therapeutic effectiveness, reliable standardization methods and a unified scientifically based method of technological processing of raw materials. At the same time, mumiyo as a medicinal product was already produced and used in India, Iran and a number of other countries.

Here is what, for example, the patient information for Indian preparations mumiyo in capsules and tablets says:

“Composition: mumiyo is a complex mixture of organic matter of plant and animal origin with inorganic minerals and compounds. Contains iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, tannic acid, lime, hippuric and benzoic acids, alkaloid benzoates and glycoside, as well as organic mixtures such as hormones, enzymes, vitamins, etc.

Indications: the various medical and therapeutic properties of mumiyo - exudate (exudate) from rocks in the heat - have been recognized for several centuries. It is recommended as a general tonic for a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases, bleeding diseases, anemia, inflammation, obesity, enlarged liver and spleen, kidney diseases and intestinal disorders such as dyspepsia, worms, constipation. General tonic effect: mumiyo gives fresh strength to older people, restores strength and vitality. Particularly effective for anemia and senile dementia. This is caused by the minerals “mumiyo enzymes.” The Russian Pharmaceutical Committee has known mumiyo since 1964, when, on its instructions, the Tashkent Medical and Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institutes began to study and standardize the target product. Conducting clinical trials was allowed by the Pharmcomi-tag three times over the course of these years Moreover, for the second time, tests were carried out in six institutions of the country for a year and a half and on more than 700 patients. But only the Uzbek Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics gave positive conclusions...

After this, the Pharmaceutical Committee unsuccessfully tried to get any projects or articles from the developers; laboratory examinations each time showed the impossibility of reproducing authentic reactions to steroids and amino acids, and the proposed samples of finished dosage forms did not meet the necessary requirements at all.

After this, the Pharmaceutical Committee made another decision: not to authorize the medical use of mumiyo preparations due to the lack of scientific and technical documentation that would allow monitoring the standard of the drug. However, the pressure from enthusiasts did not weaken, and in 1987, by order of the then Minister of Health of the USSR E.I. Chazov, a laboratory for the study of mumiyo was organized at the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology. Unfortunately, after the death of the initiator of these works, Candidate of Medical Sciences V.I. Kalygin, research on mumiyo stopped there. At the end of 1989, M.I. Savinykh and his colleagues compiled their program based on the Novosibirsk Institute of Clinical Immunology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. It was supposed to carry out the preparation of the draft pharmaceutical article at the end of 1990, but at that time the well-known financial crisis broke out, and all appropriations stopped.

At the same time, a similar attempt was made by the Moscow MNTK "Progress" on the basis of the brainchild of the military-industrial complex - the Physico-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. It is interesting that they received funds from the government commission for Chernobyl on the personal instructions of one high-ranking liquidator, who unexpectedly improved his virility through the homemade preparations mumiyo. By the end of 1992, clinical trials were planned at the Kiev Institute of Radiation Medicine, where numerous samples were collected, the elemental composition and organic chemistry of mumiyo were studied, purification technology was developed, and a wide range of indicators was confirmed even within the same deposit... Alas, this is also the work were interrupted.

At the same time, the Nevinnomyssk, Brest and Samara factories of household chemicals without pharmaceutical articles started producing creams and shampoos with mumiyo. In Kazakhstan, a pharmaceutical plant based on Polish and Czech recipes (!) produced the food supplement “Microelam” - honey with mumiyo. It is interesting that the word “mumiyo” is not mentioned in the information - it was diplomatically replaced with “extract of mineral substances”. But this does not change the essence of the matter. For the same hidden reasons, similar products began to be produced in Kyrgyzstan under the name “Tien Shan Murugu”.

Some cosmetic companies distributed creams with North Chinese mumiyo through network marketing, and in fact semi-legally. A number of former military factories have mastered the tabletting of resinous mumiyo aggregates based on hygienic certificates of dietary supplements...

As for Siberian scientists, here the research and production company “Sibdalmumiye” chose its own path. Based on samples of mumiyo from the Altai Mountains, Yakutia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Mongolia, Vietnam and India, in collaboration with the Research Institute of Traditional Treatments (Moscow), Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, Scientific Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS and the already mentioned IKI SB RAMS company developed the production technology and pilot industrial regulations for the production of mumiyo powder, methods for assessing the microbiological

purity and antibacterial activity, ways of electron beam sterilization of the substance, identification of the immunoactive properties of mumiyo have been outlined for testing the biological activity of various samples, methods for reliable identification of the mumiyo powder substance have been created, allowing it to be distinguished from any products of natural origin, norms for the quantitative content of the amount of saturated fatty acids and amino acids have been determined and mumiyo substances. A patent has been received for the “Method for identifying muminoid-like substances.”

Finally, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has certified Brag-zhun honey and Brag-zhun with propolis food products as dietary supplements.

It is not without reason that Moscow geologists came to study the Siberian mumiyo, carrying out their part of the work in the Chernobyl program, in connection with the radioprotective properties of the mumiyo.

The literature on mumiyo today includes more than one and a half thousand sources, including 300 of a scientific nature, 20 dissertations have been defended, including 6 doctoral ones. Industrial organizations have compiled more than a dozen geological reports, held meetings and symposiums...

Origin of the name "mummy"

The origin of the name mumiyo is still unclear. Translated from Greek, it means “preserving the body.” In Iran, the source of mumiyo is located near the town of Oyin, and there is an assumption that the word mum-oinn was formed from the combination of the words “mum” - “soft” and the name of the place. The Arabs call it oracle-jtbod (mountain sweat), in Burma - chao-tui (blood of the mountain), in Tibet and Mongolia - bragshaun (rock juice), in Altai - barakhshin (mountain oil).

As for the Greek translation, it probably has considerable justification. In the Museum of Antiquities of Berlin, mummy number 721 is listed - this is the embalmed body of a one-year-old Egyptian prince who died approximately 2.5 thousand years ago. Imagine the surprise of scientists from the University of the Swedish city of Unsala, where Egyptian mummies were sent for restoration, when it was discovered that one of them was showing signs of life!

Several cells were extracted from the little prince's left calf, from which DNA was isolated. Biologists decided to determine whether the resulting DNA fragments were capable of functioning, and for this purpose, they divided one of them into small parts into which E. coli bacteria were introduced. And here a sensation awaited them: the bacteria continued to divide, recreating in each generation a copy of the modified plasmid, each of which contained a fragment of the mummy's DNA. This means that DNA, without losing its functions, came to life after almost two thousand years of sleep! Now it is enough to extract a DNA molecule from a mummy cell, transplant it into an egg cell that has previously been deprived of a nucleus, and, by introducing this egg cell into the uterus of a modern woman, within the prescribed period of time, get a living child at the “age” of 2.5 thousand years! Moreover, it will be a complete pile of the little prince, his twin brother.

Such is the extraordinary power of mumiyo, which was used by the ancients when embalming human remains.

In Chile, in the Atacama Desert, famous for its extraordinary dryness, at the mouth of the Cahirones River, about a dozen perfectly preserved embalmed mummies were found, the age of which, established by radioactive analysis, is at least 7 thousand years. Today these are the oldest mummies known to science. Mummies have been found in Egypt, India, China, and in various places in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, America and Europe. And although the methods and methods of embalming were different, the end result was the long-term preservation of the mummy in an unspoiled form.

Embalmed drinks used in antiquity are reported in the alchemical works “The Book of Camarius, the philosopher and high priest, with instructions for Cleopatra on the divine and sacred art of the philosopher’s stone”: “In you is hidden all the wonderful and terrible secrets. Initiate us by illuminating all elements with your radiant image. Let us know how the higher descends to the lower, and how the lower rises for the higher, and how that which is in the middle approaches both the higher and the lower, merging and forming one whole. Show us the blessed waters falling from on high to awaken the dead who lie around the center of Hades, chained in darkness, how the elixir of life reaches them and awakens them, raising them from deep sleep, like new waters that were formed during their mortal sleep , under the influence of light penetrate them. The vapors support them, rising from the depths of the sea, they support the waters.”

A fragment of a skull was found in Kenya. The age of the fragment is 2.5 million years, which is 300 thousand years older than the oldest known fossil human ancestor. In the north of South America (Chile), the embalmed remains of people found are considered the oldest mummies known to science, belonging to the culture of hunters and fishermen, gatherers of sea shellfish, which disappeared as a result of a catastrophic earthquake.

Embalming has been mastered by man since ancient times. They embalmed leaders, leaders, military leaders, heads of families, clans, tribes, etc. It is known that the physician of King Nanarra, Guy de la Fontaine, specially traveled to Egypt in 1564, collecting information about the mummy. He saw among the merchants of Alexandria up to 40 varieties of mumiyo, made from the bodies of dead slaves, from the corpses of puppies. The bodies were treated with bitumen and dried in the sun or buried in hot sand in special vessels. Therefore, the German scientist Blount (1656) believed that there was only a “human” mumiyo made from embalmed corpses. He quotes from the works of another doctor, Huxlight (1599): “And these dead bodies are mummies, which doctors and pharmacists force us to swallow against our will.”

With this view of mumiyo, it is natural that the famous surgeon Ambroise Pare - the personal physician of Charles IX, a Huguenot, whom the king saved in his bedroom during St. Bartholomew's Night, forbade the use of mumiyo in large doses, since neither the doctor nor the pharmacist selling it, anything did not know about his origin.

And yet, John Parkinson (1567 - 1650) wrote in his “Herbal” about the successful use of mumiyo for various diseases, and the English doctor Roberge James in 1776 included mumiyo in the “Pharmacopoeia” as a resinous substance, black, shiny, with a pleasant odor and a sour-bitter taste...

Herodotus, in his book “The History of the Wars of the Romans,” characterizing the culture, life and rituals of the ancient Persians, writes: “... Regarding the dead (the deceased): having covered the corpse with wax, the Persians interred it.” Unfortunately, he doesn't mention the name of the wax. If this name refers to the period of the emergence of the Zoroastrian era, then it can be assumed that the ancient Persians were engaged in mummification of corpses with the help of mummies, and the expression “mummification of corpses”, or “mummy” for short, arose as a result of the tate processing and drying of corpses with the help of " mumiyo, and the ancient Egyptians borrowed these two names from their neighbors.

Mumiyo is the most valuable gift of nature; there is no more environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless product in the world. This is what the ancient sages in the East said.

Avicenna spoke a lot about the healing properties of mumiyo - this perfect natural remedy. And some modern scientists, having conducted numerous studies, have come to a similar conclusion that mumiyo has a positive effect on the body.

Mumiyo is found in hard-to-reach places, in caves, in rocks, where the “miraculous balm” flows out of crevices, icicles or mineralized accumulations are found. Mumiyo is a viscous, sticky mass of dark brown color with a sharp, burning taste and specific odor; it softens from the warmth of the hands, and the purified product completely dissolves in water. People call it “juice of the rocks” or “blood of the mountain”

In Russia, research on the pharmacological properties of mumiyo Shakirov A.Sh began back in 1955, relying on ethnographic works and medical manuscripts. During the study, it turned out that mumiyo is simply a storehouse of useful substances; each of its components is capable of enhancing regenerative processes in tissues and influencing metabolic processes in the body. Mumiyo contains 30 micro- and macroelements, up to 35 chemical elements and 10 metal oxides, 6 amino acids and a number of vitamins A, B and C, bee venom and resin-like substances along with essential oils. Thanks to the complex composition of mumiyo, so successfully selected by nature itself and collected in one substance, its effect on the body is positive and multifaceted.

Any pharmaceutical preparation usually combines 5-8 chemical substances, while mumiyo contains up to 50 components. This is the secret of mumiyo. This unique set allows you to give positive results in the treatment of various diseases: intestinal disorders, stomach and duodenal ulcers, liver and diabetes. It is also used in inflammation of the sciatic nerve, rheumatism and osteotuberculosis processes, purulent ulcers and infectious wounds, burns and epilepsy, migraines and headaches, dizziness and paralysis of the facial nerve. The list of diseases goes on - inflammation of the mammary glands and allergies, sore throat and runny nose, bronchial asthma and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, cough and chills, erosion and inflammation of the female genital area, hypoaspermia (low-quality male semen) and infertility in men and women. And these are not all ailments that can be treated using mumiyo.

Shilajit gives a good effect by eliminating the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in the treatment of all forms of oncology, and facilitating the postoperative recovery period. The drug is used quite successfully between courses of treatment.

A positive effect on DNA synthesis leads to increased division and an increase in the formation of new cells, that is, to rejuvenation of the body.

Attention ladies! If you apply mumiyo to the face (and body) as a mask, then wrinkles will be smoothed out and the skin will take on a velvety appearance.

Mumiyo- not a panacea for all ills, but an effective remedy for many, many diseases. What is mumiyo– this is a real gift from God. This is what popular wisdom says, and this truth is undeniable.

Study of the medicinal properties of mumiyo as a healing agent

The year 1955 was marked by the study of the medicinal properties of mumiyo by A. Sh. Shakirov, who was the first in the USSR, based on ethnographic data and manuscripts in the field of medicine, to discover its fairly extensive possibilities as a healing agent.

A series of spectral and chemical studies of mumiyo confirmed the presence in it of high-quality compounds of elements (silicon, iron, calcium, aluminum, manganese, cobalt, lead, titanium, magnesium, nickel), as well as various fatty acids and amino acids. Experiments at least somehow explained the nature of the origin of this remedy. But still, there are still a number of conflicting opinions on this issue in science.

Some scientists say that mumiyo, often called “mountain wax”, “sweat of the rock”, “blood of the mountain”, “glue of the stone”, is produced by wild honey bees, which are called “mumiyo asil” (“mumiina”, “mumillion”).

Other experts classify mumiyo as a geological rock formed in the faults of mountain rocks. Expeditions are now extracting mumiyo in the depths of caves, in grottoes located at an altitude of up to 3,000 meters, in places where birds and animals cannot penetrate, where nothing grows, not even lichens.

The fact that the mumiyo contained mummified excrement of many rodents, which also contained admixtures of substances of plant origin and waste products of various microorganisms, gave reason to believe that the mumiyo is of animal origin.

Brag-shun (mumiyo) in the sources of Tibetan literature

In Tibetan literature, mumiyo was called “brag-shun”. This term comes from “brag” (rock) and “shun” (leaking), literally translated – “rock leaking”. In a number of sources, brag-shun is described as a kind of nectar of the five elements of matter. It is generally accepted that brag-shun accumulates on the dark side of rocks and is formed like mercury, cinnabar, and feldspar. The treatise “Yangal-Zhadbo” reads: “From the rocks, which are heated by the scorching rays of the summer sun, the juices of 6 different types of precious metals (gold, copper, silver, tin, iron, lead), like a liquid extract, seep and flow - this and there is a brag-shun, namely a rock spout.”

Accordingly, in the treatises of Tibetan medicine, the appearance of brag-shun is associated only with processes in geology.

Brag-shun is described as a solid and heavy substance, having a characteristic odor and color, which dissolves in water without sediment. “In the case when the brag-shun contains impurities of earth, animal droppings, and stones, this type is considered the worst, although if it was mined in sacred places, then it is suitable.”

There are 5 main types of brag-shun, such as tin, ferrous, copper, silver and gold. This classification of a substance is based on appearance, taste and medicinal properties. For example, golden brag-shun is red-yellow in color, bittersweet in taste, and has a wide range of medicinal properties that promote longevity. It has the ability to heal diseases of the nervous system, as well as relieve problems with secretory function. The substance looks like frozen dry bear bile, has a burning smell, and dissolves in water without sediment (similar to a saffron solution). And in total, as the treatise says, there are 115 types of brag-shun.

Origin of mumiyo in Central Asia

To establish the nature of the appearance of mumiyo, scientists conducted special studies. During their course, a variety of this substance called “arhar-tash” was studied. The search for him was carried out in the mountains of the Aksu-Dzhabagly Nature Reserve.

As a result of long and painstaking work, scientists have determined that mumiyo is not a mountain balsamic substance associated with the formation of geological rocks. Mumiyo is an organic raw material that is produced by plants, soil microorganisms, and animals.

Analyzes demonstrated that the remains of the excrement of rodents living in the mountains do not differ in chemical properties from mumiyo, and prompted the idea of ​​producing it artificially. Silver mountain voles began to be fed with a variety of medicinal, cultural and weed plants. Having studied the excrement of the experimental subjects, scientists came to the conclusion that, most likely, the poisonous grass and medicinal plants that the animals eat contribute to the formation of mumiyo (arhar-tasha). It was also found that all types of mumiyo, regardless of the area of ​​location and mechanisms of formation, contain organic carbon.

Mumiyo in India

Indian, Burmese, Japanese, Mongolian and other mumiyos have a similar qualitative composition, but differ in the proportions of individual parts. After many studies, scientists concluded that in scientific medicine they simply must - this rare gift of nature. Today, dozens of different medicines and ointments based on mumiyo are sold in pharmacies. Medicine in our country does not yet know the exact composition of the product, which means it does not have information about the properties of different types of mumiyo, which, naturally, affects the effectiveness of treatment. And that is why many years of knowledge from the field of traditional medicine acquires truly invaluable value.

So, what is mumiyo?

Based on the above, scientists came to the following conclusions:

  • all types of mumiyo are of purely organic origin;
  • The material with which mumiyo is formed are: plants, soil microorganisms, microelements, animals, as well as the products of their activities.

At high altitudes, under conditions of low oxygen content, rapid winds, constant temperature changes, high ultraviolet radiation, as well as in hot, dry areas, the activity of organisms that ensure the decomposition of organic matter is sharply reduced. Because of this, circumstances arise when biomass of plant or animal origin is not destroyed by microorganisms, but over time it mummifies and polymerizes. In some places where moisture does not flow, they harden, while in others they are dissolved by soil water, dispersing and forming sinter structures.

Mumiyo asil It is a solid, bitter-tasting mass, highly soluble in water, dark brown or black in color, with a smooth surface that has been polished by time. Mumiyo is a low-toxic substance, and when heated, it easily becomes soft.

The best mumiyo asil is considered to be the raw material that is black, shiny, and has an inherent smell of oil. It is checked like this: you take a small piece of mumiyo and place it on your palm, and if it starts to melt a little from the temperature of your hand and becomes soft like wax, it means that it is an excellent quality mumiyo. If the heat of the hand does not soften the substance, its quality is quite low. However, the best evidence is the rapid healing effect, especially for bone fractures.

What do mumiim treat?

Avicenna, Shakirov and other scientists and academicians wrote a lot about the treatment of various diseases with mumiyo. As indicated in the manuscripts of the East, the substance gives strength to the human body, and especially to the heart. Excellent results are achieved with intestinal disorders, liver diseases, bone-tuberculosis diseases, chills, dizziness, general paralysis and paralysis of the facial nerve, pulmonary hemorrhages, allergic diseases of a chronic nature, rhinitis, bronchial diseases, erosions, various types of tissue defects of the genital organs and other female diseases, infertility in men, hypoaspermia (poor quality sperm), etc.

Mumiyo heals poisoning, scorpion stings, stuttering, while providing a general strengthening effect. Thanks to mumiyo, the healing process of bone fractures is accelerated; a callus in the bone is formed 8-17 days faster than usual.

For what diseases is it used?

For a long time, mumiyo in the East has been considered a panacea for many diseases. This remedy is actively used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, liver, and lungs. The active elements of mumiyo help restore tissue in case of fractures and other injuries. Unlike many medical products, mumiyo is not addictive and does not have a toxic effect. I would like to talk in more detail about the diseases that this wonderful drug can easily cope with.

Shilajit in the treatment of the liver

Shilajit has been actively used in the treatment of the liver for many decades. This remedy was used back in the days when most liver pathologies were simply not known. Today, even official medicine fully recognizes the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis with mummies. A lot of therapeutic regimens have been developed, the high effectiveness of which has been repeatedly confirmed by clinical studies. Very often, mumiyo is used to prevent cirrhosis. The product helps soften the ducts, relieve tension and strengthen blood vessels. Shilajit also helps with acute pain in the right side. Thanks to it, it is also possible to restore and strengthen hepatocyte cells. For cholecystitis, mumiyo helps the body fight small stones (they simply dissolve) and also prevents cholelithiasis. Recently, mumiyo has begun to be used for acute and chronic forms of renal pathologies.

How to treat the stomach with mummies

Shilajit is widely used in the treatment of two of the most dangerous diseases of the stomach - gastritis and ulcers.

Shilajit for ulcers

Duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer and high acidity - mumiyo will help cure all these ailments. The decisive factor in using the drug for duodenal ulcers is the ability to accelerate regeneration processes in the body. The tissues begin to recover several times faster, due to which the consequences of duodenal and stomach ulcers are eliminated in the shortest possible time. Moreover, the product has a strong analgesic effect - stomach pain disappears within 15-20 minutes after use.
In general, mumiyo promotes many processes in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Reducing the inflammatory process.
  • Normalization of nutrition of stomach tissues.
  • Restoration of the surface epithelium and glandular epithelium.
  • Strengthening the mucous membrane.
  • Disappearance of various symptoms such as hunger pains, weakness, drowsiness and irritability.

Among other things, mumiyo can be freely combined with most other medicines.

For gastritis

Mumiyo also works effectively for gastritis, but only in its natural form. Shilajit in tablets is unlikely to help with this disease. The product is used for suspected gastritis, in case of high/low/zero acidity, as well as for dyspepsia. Gastritis is a fairly common and serious disease, which in severe form can be accompanied by severe pain and serious bleeding. The active elements contained in mumiyo (vitamins, steroids, proteins, essential oils, etc.) are excellent for gastritis, and also have a strong stimulating effect on the body: cells begin to divide intensively, the exchange of nucleic acids and proteins increases, and cleansing of the body begins and local wound healing. Stomach pain will disappear within a few weeks after the first use of mumiyo. Good sleep will also return, weakness and irritability will go away, the mucous membrane will strengthen and ulcers will heal. The drug can also be used during pregnancy - no harm to the fetus is observed.

Treating joints with mumiyo

Joints can be affected by a variety of diseases - ANFH, coxarthrosis, DOA, and the like. What to do? The first thing that comes to mind is going under the knife. However, is it worth it? After all, there is a completely non-surgical method - yes, we are talking about mumiyo again. This remedy is the best general strengthening drug for joints. It promotes the healing of wounds, the formation of bone calluses, normalizes blood flow (thanks to this, the beneficial microelements and vitamins that are in the mummy enter the joints much faster), restores sleep, the nervous system, and acts as a pain reliever.

For stretch marks after pregnancy

  • Reduces the size of stretch marks
  • Will make their color less bright
  • Smoothes the relief of stretch marks and reduces their depth
  • Increases skin elasticity
  • Enriches the skin with essential vitamins and natural minerals

Mumiyo can be taken immediately after childbirth - the drug will not affect breastfeeding in any way.

For acne

Relatively recently, the positive qualities of mumiyo in terms of treating acne have been identified. Based on this product, you can prepare a nutritional composition, cream, mask and other “weapons” against acne. How does mumiyo work? Well, everything is simple here: the drug penetrates the skin, tones it, eliminates inflammatory processes and helps restore a healthy white color. As already mentioned, mumiyo contains a lot of vitamins and microelements that are very beneficial for the skin. However, these components will penetrate the skin of the face for a very long time through the body. A completely different matter is a cream or mask based on mumiyo. It is enough to treat your face in the evening to feel the effect in the morning: the skin becomes fresher, acne becomes less noticeable, and new, pleasant sensations appear.

Mumiyo is recommended to be taken either early in the morning, immediately after a night's sleep, or closer to night, three hours after the last meal. After taking mumiyo in the morning, it is advisable to stay in bed for about half an hour. As an external remedy (as an ointment or compress from a non-concentrated solution), mumiyo is used immediately before...

Sedentary work or an abundance of fast food affects your health and appearance. An incorrect lifestyle with constant haste and postponing attempts to take care of yourself until later leads to excess weight. Often, if the changes have gone quite far and the body has become fat, then a long process of losing weight will be required. This is understandable, because the factors that led to this condition affected the body for a long time. But you can use additional remedies from traditional medicine that will speed up the restoration of health. Shilajit, which is taken for weight loss, is one of these.

The whole process looks like this:

  1. Insects living in mountainous regions and feeding on the plants that grow there accumulate unique microelements and essential oils.
  2. Bats that eat insects, digesting them with the help of special enzymes.
  3. In the cave where bats live and relieve themselves, droppings accumulate on the walls and in cracks.
  4. The excrement continues to ferment, while being exposed to humidity, mountain air and winter frosts. This allows you to concentrate the raw materials from which a useful product will be produced.
  5. Collectors find caves with colonies of bats and inspect the places for accumulated droppings. Coprolite deposits, which are easy to collect and transport, are of great value.
  6. Companies buy raw materials (or organize their own search teams) and clean them of impurities.
  7. Purified mumiyo is packaged in jars or made into tablets, and some are supplied as raw materials for cosmetics.

All drugs that end up on the shelves and in the hands of customers are cleared of foreign inclusions or insufficient fermetesin components. This is especially important to know for those who are disdainful of this product because of its origin.

Methods of influence

Mumiyo has certain effects on humans. Due to the large number of elements in the composition, the list of functions is quite large:

  1. Immunostimulating. It occurs due to the normalization of hormonal levels and an increase in nutrients for the immune system.
  2. Antibacterial and antiviral. Minerals and enzymes disrupt the usual habitat of pathogens, which affects the rate of their reproduction.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Enzymes and minerals reduce the damaged area.
  4. Regenerating. Accelerates metabolic processes in the damaged area, which is why the number of cells necessary for recovery is created faster. This helps scratches, wounds and fractures heal more actively.
  5. Visually rejuvenates. This occurs due to the restoration of the mineral composition of the skin and hair follicles.
  6. Brings internal organs to a healthy state. This occurs due to the entry of normal amounts of nutrients into the cells.

Used to restore the following systems in the body:

  • Musculoskeletal system;
  • External integument (skin, hair, nails);
  • Peripheral nervous system;
  • Central nervous system;
  • Genitourinary system;
  • Respiratory system;
  • The cardiovascular system;
  • Lymphatic system.

Shilajit affects almost the entire body, but its use is different. Not all diseases can be treated, so you should find out for which conditions the medicine will be most effective.

Indications for use

Thanks to the unique complex of elements contained in mumiyo, it is used for a large number of diseases. Although this remedy is a component of traditional medicine, many doctors recognize the beneficial effect of its use.

Diseases for which mumiyo is prescribed:

  1. Frequent colds and acute respiratory infections. The mineral complex supports the body, which allows the immune system to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms as effectively as possible.
  2. Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis). In addition to supporting the body, it changes the composition of saliva and moisture reaching the affected areas, which helps slow down the proliferation of bacteria.
  3. Damage to the joints, causing crunching or pain when moving. To reduce symptoms, you need a course of rubbing, which is done at night.. But it is important to remember that dressings are required that will prevent soiling of the bed linen (mummy is almost impossible to remove from the fabric).
  4. Bronchitis and asthma. To soften the throat and maintain the body, mumiyo is taken in a course.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the outer ear.
  6. Fungal infections.
  7. Skin, hair or nails suffering from a lack of nutrients or environmental influences.
  8. Hormonal imbalance caused by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands. Most often, this happens due to poor nutrition.
  9. Hypertension. Shilajit normalizes blood composition, which lowers blood pressure.
  10. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. The drug envelops the affected area and helps cells recover faster.
  11. Problems associated with high acidity (heartburn, belching, etc.).
  12. Stretch marks that occur after childbirth or rapid weight loss. To eliminate them, a special mass is rubbed into the skin or compresses are made from diluted raw materials. It is best to do self-massage courses that will help the skin recover faster.

It is important to remember that any disease must be treated not only with traditional medicine, but also with medications prescribed by a doctor. Shilajit can be an adjuvant; it cannot replace narrow-profile drugs.


Mumiyo is quite easily absorbed by the body and has virtually no contraindications. The only thing that causes concern is that the mass contains a small amount of toxic substances. But the body easily removes them if you take no more than 30 mg per kilogram of body weight orally.

Due to the fact that there is a suspicion of possible poisoning, you should not take mumiyo in the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy. There are no reliable studies on the effect of mumiyo on the health of women and fetuses. Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from using it, because constant changes occur in the body, and untested intervention can disrupt the development of the fetus or worsen the condition of the mother.
  • Lactation period. You should not take mumiyo orally or spread it on the skin, due to the slightly toxic substance included in the composition. It does not pose a danger to an adult, but if it gets into mother's milk, it can cause diarrhea or other disorders in the child, including an allergic reaction or poisoning.
  • Blood clotting disorders. Shilajit can cause the situation to worsen.
  • Tumors. If a person has a tumor or a predisposition to its occurrence, then one should refrain from taking the drug. Otherwise, the violation will further develop, receiving additional recharge. People with cancer should be especially careful, even if they are in remission. Cancer cells can begin to grow faster than the immune system can destroy them.
  • Preschool age. Young children should not be given shilajit due to the fact that all doses contain the amount of substance required for an adult. And the presence of a weak toxin negates all beneficial properties.

You should carefully consider contraindications and refuse to use it even if you have suspicions or symptoms of one of the diseases. You must first see a doctor and undergo a full examination. Perhaps excess weight is associated with a problem that will not allow the mummy to act at its full potential.

Individual intolerance to one of the substances included in mumiyo can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before starting a course of treatment, especially if the drug must be taken orally, you need to check your personal reaction.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product with massage movements to the skin located above the vein. The procedure should be repeated 2 times, every 6 hours. The best areas for application are the inside of the wrist or elbow, or, in extreme cases, the popliteal area. If after 1 day there is no itching or red spots on the skin, and the temperature does not increase, then the drug can be used.

How to use for weight loss

In order to lose weight, you need to take mummy internally for quite a long time. There are special recommendations for duration - for greater effectiveness, the course should be about 2 weeks, but less than 20 days. If body weight decreases too slowly, or it was initially high, then the course should be repeated again. To do this, after 5-10 days they start taking mumiyo again.

The maximum number of repetitions is 4, after which you should take a break of at least 1 month, or better yet, six months.

Application scheme:

  1. 500-1000 mg in the morning, 30 minutes before meals;
  2. 500-1000 mg 12 hours after the first dose.

It is recommended to take the second dose 2-3 hours before meals so that the drug has time to have the maximum effect on the body. At the same time, it will prepare the gastric mucosa and normalize the digestive system. If you take the drug a second time immediately before a meal, it will dissolve while the food is being digested, and some of the beneficial substances will be lost.

What it is?

This is a rare complex of organic and mineral substances that occurs exclusively in the natural conditions of wild mountains. We’ll talk about the actual composition a little later; first, let’s note the general significance of mumiyo for Altai and Russia. After all, first of all, when talking about what mumiyo is, we will not talk about proportions or chemical formulas (which, however, are extremely important and we will discuss them further).

Mumiyo - juice of the Altai mountains, “mountain resin”. This is the oldest universal medicine. It was used both for the prevention and treatment of serious injuries and diseases long before the development of medicine. And they used it successfully! It is not without reason that the effectiveness of the mystical composition of mumiyo is still widely known today.


In the middle of the 20th century it thundered sensation- was discovered, returned from oblivion, an ancient medicine, a miracle balm, widely used in ancient times.

Once again, everything new is well forgotten old!

The more researchers studied mumiyo, the more and more the “mountain resin” became shrouded in a certain halo of mysticism, inaccessible to “mere mortals.” They even said supernatural origin of mumiyo and almost legendary features of the composition.

Despite the fact that modern research reveals to us quite accurate information regarding the immediate chemical composition of mumiyo, we still do not know for sure the principles of the origin of mumiyo, the exact features of the formation of the deposit. The mystique of mumiyo is justified by two facts:

  1. We still don't know, what is mumiyo, how is it formed, although we know its, albeit average and approximate, but still a certain chemical composition.
  2. We also know that it extremely effective q treats many, sometimes completely different diseases. Again, in this case, not fully studied composition.

Shilajit was known as a universal healing remedy already in ancient times:

4th century BC

  • Counts the first person known to history those who used mumiyo and used it in medical practice.
  • Prescribed mumiyo for deafness, nosebleeds, etc.
  • He developed some of the most ancient healing recipes with mumiyo that have come down to us.

Muhammad Zakariyo Razi:
9th century

  • He was one of the first to suggest the infectious nature of some diseases, for the treatment of which he applied mumiyo.
  • I also used mumiyo in practice for headaches.

Al-Hakim an-Naysaburi:
10th century

  • Described Shilajit as a means of treating fractures, wounds, dislocations and almost any external damage

Ibn Sina(Avicena):
11th century

  • He used mumiyo in completely different directions, from which methods and methods of using mumiyo are described for:
    • purulent wounds
    • bleeding
    • fractures
    • facial paralysis
    • gastrointestinal diseases
    • stomach ulcers in particular
    • for diseases of the upper respiratory tract
    • as an antidote to scorpion venom
    • and etc.

A page from one of Avicena's works

Muhammad Tabib:
12th century

  • Known for his treatise on sexology, he described the properties of mumiyo according to strengthening and restoration of sexual function in men.
  • He also described the antibacterial properties of mountain resin in relation to intimate hygiene.

Sadiq Ali Razavi:
19th century

  • He also described mumiyo as a powerful stimulating drug that should be used for bone fractures and damage to the upper respiratory tract.
  • Described some original ways to use mumiyo.
  • He designated mumiyo as a means of promoting the treatment of infertility in both men and women.

It is noteworthy that the fact of using mumiyo is known long before its mention by Aristotle. However, we get a more or less complete idea of ​​how the ancients operated with this substance from Great scientist.

Place of Birth

Mumiyo deposits extremely rare. A coincidence of special conditions of climate, landscape, flora and fauna is required. Partially the answer to the question “ what it is? we get it precisely from this fact.
After all, it is the mountain nature of mumiyo that gives us much knowledge about its composition and origin.

The most famous mummy deposit in Russia is naturally located in the Altai Mountains.

So what are mummy made from? What is its composition?

The important point here is Shilajit cleansing procedure. What it is? This is when a pure extract of active beneficial substances is formed from a heterogeneous substance. As a result, mumiyo looks like a dark brown or black pure mass, with a shiny surface, a special aroma and a slightly bitter taste.

Speaking about the chemical composition of mumiyo, it should be noted that it has organic And inorganic basis. Each of which has its own special benefits for human health.

The organic part consists of nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.

The inorganic part of the mumiyo is the key and the most important moment of its composition! It contains calcium and magnesium, widely known for their benefits, the use of which is an everyday necessity. Moreover, it also contains: sodium, potassium, aluminum, cesium, barium, tin, chromium, the use of which vital to any living creature, regularly.

Wide composition palette?

But even this is the composition of the mumiyo not limited to, because mumiyo also includes vitamins: E, K, C, as well as some essential oils and resins.

Why even know the composition?

Because it is these above-mentioned elements that extremely rarely enter the human body in full volume, and the need for them is present, as already said, every day!
That's why mumiyo is and regulator, and stimulant full-fledged healthy activity of the body, which is absorbed 100%, without a trace.

What does it cure?

We have compiled for you a detailed map of the diseases and health problems that treats mumiyo, or in which it provides irreplaceable assistance to the body.

To the question "what is mumiyo" It's difficult to give a definite answer. It would be more correct to give the following definition: the drug mumiyo is a mountain resin (like tree resin), consisting of a natural mixture of organic and inorganic elements.

This substance is mined in the highlands of a number of countries, but the most valuable organo-mineral products come to us from Altai. Mumiyo has a homogeneous structure, black with shades of dark brown, a specific smell and bitter taste, has excellent water solubility, and when completely dry, forms a light brown mass capable of absorbing water vapor from the air. Therefore, when storing it in a place where there is access to moisture (kitchen, bathroom, refrigerator, etc.), the mummy becomes quite soft and sticky.

Probably everyone who was interested in the legends of the origin of mumiyos noticed that they are all associated with mountains. Indeed, at the very beginning, this natural balm, frozen in streaks of various sizes, was found directly in the mountains. The mumiyo, which was found in the crevices of the mountains, was considered either oil vapors that had settled on the rock, or the fossilized remains of ancient animals and insects. Scientists from European countries categorically disagreed with such data and called mumiyo nothing more than a substance that was obtained from embalmed human corpses. Despite the statements and disagreements of scientists, it was quite difficult to determine one hundred percent correctness of one of them, since each statement about the origin of mumiyo could be quite logically explained. Only thanks to modern physical and chemical research methods were scientists able to determine that each researcher who claims the specific origin of mumiyo is right in his own way. After all, it turned out that mumiyo is a substance of more than one origin.

The predominant part of scientists from different countries divided the mumiyo into 2 groups, saying that it can have a biological and directly geological origin. Another part of scientists assures that the mumiyo may have the following origin:

  1. Mineral. This version of the origin of mumiyo is the most common and is explained by the interaction of minerals directly with microorganisms.
  2. Honey-wax is, of course, a waste product of wild bees. After thousands of years, it petrified, which could also be influenced by climatic conditions in the mountains.
  3. Corpse. If you believe this version, then the mumiyo was formed from the corpses of animals that were mummified naturally or artificially.
  4. Excremental. This refers to the completely petrified excrement of animals such as bats and wild rodents.
  5. Lichen is a product of the vital activity of lichens.
  6. Juniper is pine and spruce resin mixed with water and settled in rock crevices.

Mumiyo, found in different parts of the globe, also has different ages. For example, mumiyo from Central Asia, judging by research results, is about 15 thousand years old. At the same time, the Gorno-Altai mumiyo is, in comparison with the previous sample, a rather young material, since its age reaches 1500 years.

Despite the many studied properties and versions of the origin of natural mumiyo, even today scientists continue to argue and build hypotheses regarding the origin of its different types. A larger percentage of researchers who have devoted more than one year to the study of mumiyo believe that mumiyo can only form under the following conditions:

  • minimum percentage of oxygen;
  • sudden and fairly frequent changes in temperature;
  • high intensity ultraviolet radiation.

Each of the above conditions exists directly in the mountains. As a rule, in such high-mountainous areas there is also a very low activity of microorganisms, which take an active part in the direct decomposition of various kinds of organic residues. It is these factors that contribute to the mummification of biomass of both animal and plant origin, preventing their destruction by microorganisms.

Properties and chemical composition of mumiyo

For many years, only traditional healers actively used mumiyo. Medicine remained on the sidelines and did not actually use the substance. The turning point was 1960, when the first articles about the incredible healing properties of mumiyo appeared in the then popular scientific literature. This became the second birth for the substance.

The healing properties of mumiyo on the human body have been known for more than three thousand years. The scope of use of mumiyo is quite extensive; the product is truly a healing “elixir”. Therefore, it is surprising how such an unsurpassed remedy remained unknown to people for many years. But practically nothing about mumiyo was known only in our countries, and in oriental medicine this healing agent has long been actively used. This fact is tracked in ancient medical records of India, Tibet, Mongolia and Asia.

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