Questions for understanding a person. Provocative questions for yourself. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

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Many of us need a good shake from time to time in order to pull ourselves out of a semi-automatic routine. The list of provocative questions below is sobering and allows you to look at your life from different angles, become a little more aware, understand what is important, where opportunities are hidden, and much more. There are no single correct answers to them, and not all can be answered immediately. But even the search itself will help to think about what often remains out of sight.

provocative questions

  1. What will people say at your funeral? And who will attend?
  2. What are your habits standing between you and happiness?
  3. You are standing in front of the gates of heaven, they ask you: “Why do you need to be let in?”. How will you answer?
  4. If you lose everything today, what will you do? Which people do you turn to for help? How will your actions and habits change?
  5. Are there people who mean a lot to you? When was the last time you told them about it?
  6. What would you change in your life if you knew you would never get sick or die?
  7. You have a million dollars, but today is the last day of your life. What will you do?
  8. How would you describe yourself in five words?
  9. What are the chances that you have already missed something important that you will regret for the rest of your life?
  10. What conclusions could be drawn from this?
  11. If you could now be guaranteed to have three skills, what would they be? And most importantly - why?
  12. If you could be guaranteed to get rid of three habits, what would they be? How do they interfere with you today and why haven't you got rid of them yet?
  13. If you could relive three moments from the past, what would they be? What is special about them?
  14. If you could approach and influence every person in the world, what would your path to success look like? What would you achieve and how?
  15. What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you encounter a very difficult problem or failure?
  16. Do you think that your anger, irritation and anger is only your fault?
  17. How many hobbies did you have five years ago and how many do you have now? If there is a difference, what is the reason?
  18. What are the three main events in your life? You have made three key decisions and now you are living life in a completely different way than you could. Why did you do this and are you happy with your choice?
  19. What were you doing the last time you were so engrossed that you lost track of time?
  20. Do you try from time to time to look for answers to questions that arise about your life, or do you just let them go?
  21. Why do you, being motivated in the morning, lose motivation in the evening? And vice versa, what exactly did you do when you didn’t want anything at all in the morning, but by the evening you were full of enthusiasm?
  22. If karma visited you, would it help or punish you? Why exactly and in what ways?
  23. What do you owe yourself?
  24. What do you owe your family and friends?
  25. When you think about the future, does it scare or excite you?
  26. What do you think: should you first help yourself or a person who needs help? And in what cases?
  27. What makes you special?
  28. How many people do you truly love? What do you do for them and how often?
  29. Describe the best adventure of your life.
  30. Where would you like to live? Why haven't they moved there yet?
  31. Do you believe in or creative thinking more?
  32. Who do you admire and why?
  33. If you knew when and how you would die, how would your life be different now?
  34. What is honor? Does she matter to you?
  35. Which is better: ten years in excellent health or thirty years in mediocre?
  36. If you hadn't wasted your time from now on, what would you have achieved?
  37. What areas of your life are you in control of?
  38. Are you most of the time in your comfort zone or out of it?
  39. Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain?
  40. Which scientists do you consider villains and why?

The philosopher Voltaire called for judging a person by the questions he asks. This is good and correct advice, because you can learn a lot from it: from the ability to get to the bottom of things to personal priorities. Learn to ask the right questions, including yourself - this is also a kind of art. Constantly ask yourself why something happened and how to solve this or that problem. We wish you good luck!

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Taking tests is a favorite pastime of many people. Whether we learn something new about ourselves or are convinced of long-familiar things is not important. The main thing is that we get to know ourselves anew, get tremendous pleasure from the process and, of course, enjoy the result.

website shares this love and therefore collected all the most authoritative psychological tests in one place.


What will tell: Who are you by temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric, and will also determine your emotional stability.

How to pass: Answer the questions as truthfully as possible, trying not to think about the answer.

What will tell: Do you have any behavioral characteristics or predisposition to diseases.

How to pass: At each stage of the test, 8 portraits of people will be offered, you will need to first choose the two most liked photos (in descending order), and then the two most repulsive photos (also in descending order).

What will tell: What are your leading character traits, will show the degree of self-awareness and the level of self-esteem.

How to pass: You must answer quickly, without thinking, there are no “bad” or “good” answers.

Personality type

What will tell: What features of behavior in a group, family and personal relationships do you have.

How to pass: It is necessary to determine how the given statement suits you on a 4-point scale.

What will tell: What traits dominate your character. It will also reveal secondary qualities that are involved in its formation.

How to pass: When answering questions, do not think about a specific moment or mood, take your standard behavior as a basis.

What will tell: What character traits, inclinations and interests are characteristic of you.

How to pass: It is worth answering quickly, truthfully and as accurately as possible.

career guidance

What will tell: What professions do you have in common with your inclinations and abilities.

How to pass: Of the two proposed options, it will be necessary to choose one of the most desirable or least objectionable.

What will tell: Which activities are related to your personality type.

How to pass: You will be offered three response options: “Agree”, “Disagree” and “Difficult to say”. You need to choose based on your feelings.

What will tell: What are the main motivational levers that drive your actions and decisions.

How to pass: By answering questions, you confirm or refute your behavior in these situations. Let's answer honestly and quickly.

What will tell: What is your IQ level.

How to pass: In the proposed game situations, you will need to make a choice based on your assumptions, calculations and ideas.

What will tell: What are your abilities for generalization and analysis, the speed of perception of the material, the accuracy of its assessment and the flexibility of thinking.

How to pass: Try not to linger on one task for a long time, it is better to move on to the next one. The speed of decision-making and a superficial assessment of the situation are important here.

What will tell: At what level of development are your verbal and non-verbal components of intelligence.

One of the main obstacles to self-knowledge is constant employment. We run, something distracts us, we try to do several things at the same time. It is difficult to tune in to self-knowledge. And you need to tune in a quiet environment, listening to thoughts and emotions, the body that speaks the language of physical sensations.

We drown out our sensitivity. Most lose touch with themselves. Being distracted by correspondence on your smartphone at lunch, you stop feeling the taste of food. As a result, you miss signals that let you know how you feel and help you figure out why.

Why is it important to understand yourself?

When we know ourselves well, it is easier for us to succeed. This is logical - if we set goals that match our skills, interests and values, we are much more likely to achieve them.

Understanding ourselves, we become kinder to ourselves - if you understand why you acted one way or another, then you see that you did everything you could do in this situation, and it is easier for you to forgive yourself for mistakes.

Understanding ourselves, we become kinder to ourselves

Knowing how you feel makes it easier for you to meet your emotional needs. You better understand what you need from others.

To truly live, you need to accept yourself for who you are. Understand what is important to you and muster up the courage to be yourself, not what others want you to be. Here are some tips.

Listen to yourself

What feelings do your thoughts evoke in you? Without judging or judging, pay attention to what emotions they evoke. This process will help you realize a lot - what affects your mood, how you feel about yourself and others.

If your own thoughts make you feel angry or helpless, a therapist can help you figure out what is hidden in the depths of your psyche.

Ask yourself the right questions

We often ask questions like “What are you doing? What do you need?". Instead, ask, “What is important to you? What are you worried about? This will help you better understand your interests and the meaning of your life.

If we are not interested in what we do, life turns into a burdensome duty, loses its meaning. On the contrary, if we do what is important, then we feel a surge of energy and gain meaning. Make a list of what is important to you and consider how these values ​​are present in everyday life.

Pay attention to what bothers you in the behavior of others

We can learn a lot by paying attention to what we don't like about others. Carl Jung suggested using the term Shadow - those parts of our personality that we do not want to know about. He pointed out that we often see things in others that we don't want to see in ourselves. If we start to understand why some people annoy us so much, then we can establish contact with these hidden parts of our personality - namely, they help us grow and develop.

As an illustration, psychologist Lisa Marciano gives a real-life example: “My former colleague was a very attractive woman and understood this very well. She loved to flirt and be the center of attention. It annoyed me. When I noticed this, I wondered why these qualities aroused such strong emotions in me.

In our family, it was believed that it was better not to attract attention to oneself, it was suggested that it was a shame to be proud of other people's attention. When I realized that I forbade myself to manifest those qualities that annoyed me in a colleague, I was able to allow myself to restore contact with my “shadow” desires - sometimes be the center of attention.

50 questions that will free your mind. Ask yourself questions and try to answer them sincerely. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. But sometimes it's right question asked- there is already an answer.

50 questions every person should ask themselves:

    How old would you give yourself if you didn't know your age?

    Which is worse: failing or never trying?

    Why, if life is so short, do we do so much of what we don't like to do, and yet do so little of what we love?

    If the work is done, all is said and all is done, which was more talk or deed?

    If you were allowed to change only one thing in the world, what would it be?

    If happiness becomes the national currency, what kind of work will make you rich?

    Do you do what you believe in or are you trying to believe in what you do?

    If the average human life span was 40 years, what would you change in your life to live it to the fullest?

    How much control do you have over what happens in your life?

    What are you more worried about: doing things right or doing the right things?

    You are having lunch with three people whom you respect and appreciate. They begin to criticize your close friend, not knowing that you are friends with him. This criticism is humiliating and unfair. What will you do?

    If you could give a small child only one piece of advice in a lifetime, what would it be?

    Could you break the law to save a loved one?

    Did you see madness where you later saw genius?

    What in this life do you do differently than other people?

    How is it that what makes you happy doesn't make everyone else happy?

    What did you really want to do but never did? What's stopping you?

    Are you holding on to something that you should have let go?

    If you were offered a permanent move to another country, where would you move and why?

    Do you press the elevator call button more than once? Do you really believe this will speed up the elevator?

    What would you like to be: a nervous genius or a happy fool?

    Why are you you?

    If you could be your own friend, would you want such a friend?

    What is worse: if your best friend moves to live in another country, or lives nearby, but you stop talking?

    What are you most grateful for in this life?

    What will you choose: lose all your past memories, or never have new ones?

    Is it possible to achieve the truth without fighting?

    Has your biggest fear become real?

    Do you remember how you were terribly upset about 5 years ago? Does it matter now?

    What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so?

    What events from your past made you feel real, alive?

    If not now, then when?

    If you haven't achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

    Have you ever been with someone and didn't say anything and then decided it was best conversation in your life?

    Why has a religion that preaches love caused so many wars?

    Is it possible to know without a shadow of a doubt what is good and what is bad?

    If you were given a million dollars now, would you quit your job?

    What do you want more: to have a lot of work to do, or not enough work, but the one you like to do?

    Do you have the feeling that today has already been repeated hundreds of times before?

    When was the last time you began to actively act, having only the germ of an idea in your head, but at the same time already strongly believing in it?

    If everyone you know dies tomorrow, who will you visit today?

    Would you like to trade 10 years of your life for worldwide fame and attractiveness?

    What is the difference between life and existence?

    When is it time to calculate the risk and start doing what you think is right?

    If we learn from our mistakes, why are we afraid to make them?

    What could you do differently, knowing that no one will judge you?

    When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? What about heartbeats?

    What do you like? Have your last actions expressed this love?

    For every day of the past 5 years, can you remember what you did yesterday? And the day before yesterday? And the pose the day before yesterday?

    Decisions are made here and now. The question is: Do you take them yourself, or does someone else take them for you?

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You probably had situations when you wanted to get to know a person better, but did not know what questions to ask him, so as not to seem rude or incorrect. As a result, this led to embarrassment and missed opportunities. We've all been through this: when we're interested in someone, it's not always clear how to break the ice. If you really want to get to know someone, you need to learn how to ask the right questions. Whether it's a date or meeting a work colleague, it's helpful to have a few things ready.

Experienced communicators know that the right question at the right time can do wonders. It will help to start a conversation, get to know a person better, achieve goals. Asking questions is an important key to many effective marketing.

The questions below are powerful enough on their own. But how can you make the best use of this list? Here are some important tips that will help you not only strike up, but also successfully continue the conversation.

Don't ask one question after another. Let the conversation develop. Give your interlocutor enough time to answer the question. The essence of the conversation is not how many questions you have time to ask.

Don't switch from one topic to another. Remind yourself that this is not an interview where you quickly switch between subjects. Let the theme unfold naturally.

Show real interest. If you are really interested in this topic, your interlocutor will notice it.

Ask Consistent Questions. You can avoid moving on to other topics by engaging the other person with a question that flows smoothly from the other person's previous answer.

Emphasize. Don't talk about everything you know. The message you are trying to convey or the question you want to ask should be precise and concise.

Here are a few good questions, which will help you start interesting conversations and allow you to establish deep connections with others.


If you had a card that gets you out of court for a crime, what would you commit?

This deep question will introduce you to the darker side of the interlocutor. Interestingly, there is almost no person who will simply tell you that he will not use this card. When the interlocutor answers this question, there is an opportunity to talk on this topic for quite a long time. For example, why did he choose this particular crime?

What book or movie has influenced you the most?

Everyone has a book or movie that has influenced them to a great extent. Using this question, you will get very interesting information about the personality of the person you are talking to. You will not only find out which genres he likes the most, but also what kind of work he distinguishes from the rest, which can already give a lot of topics for further conversation.

What would you give your life for?

Of course, you should not approach a stranger with this question and certainly not ask it right away - he is not particularly carefree. Using it, you should understand that you can both get a lot of interesting information about the interlocutor, and push him away, being known as an eccentric.

If you could be a character in a book or movie, what would it be?

This particular question will make your conversation partner go crazy. And let's be honest, is it unpleasant to imagine that you can live in the imaginary world of your favorite book or movie?

At the same time, the answer to this question will tell you a lot about the personality of this person. In almost all cases, he will choose a character who is very similar to himself - a person with whom he identifies.

If you could time travel, where would you go?

Admittedly, this is a very tricky question to find out if a person has an interest in history. In this case, even a superficial answer can be developed.

If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be?

Talking about the past touches everyone. Of course, there is a possibility that the person will say that they would not like to change anything, but even in this case, it is possible to use and ask something like: "Wouldn't you even want to change your hairdresser?".

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

The question is not as stupid as it might seem. As a rule, people name such a superpower that they really lack in life. That is, the question has a very strong subtext.

The answer will help you make a conclusion about the personality of the interlocutor. After all, is he going to use his power solely for selfish purposes, or is there something social in his desire?

Who was your hero as a child?

By asking this question, you can learn a lot about a person's personality. Don't forget to ask a counter question about what his current hero is like.

What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?

There are people who would hide, and there are those who would fight. This simple question will help you move on to more informal communication, get to know the interlocutor. The chain of reasoning in this case is able to show how ready a person is for difficult non-standard tasks, how he thinks.

If you could live anywhere, what would it be?

Here there is a risk of running into banal answers (desert island, New York). But it is quite possible that you will receive an exhaustive answer. For example, you will understand that a person has long wanted to move, but he does not succeed. This is interesting topic for discussion.

What is the best comedy you have ever watched?

This question will not only help you get some good recommendations for your list of movies to watch, but it can also provide great talking points and tell you if the person you're talking to has a sense of humor and what it is.

Would you buy a one way ticket to Mars?

Mars and Musk are of interest to many today. Someone says that all this is meaningless, others argue that this is the most interesting and amazing adventure in the history of mankind.

If you had a chance, would you choose another profession?

Asking a person about where he works is boring. It is always much more interesting to talk on the topic "If ...". Half of the previous questions are based on this. People love speculation, especially about a better life.

Most likely, a person has a dream of a new profession, which he will tell about. And then you can already ask other questions on the same topic.

What makes you truly happy?

Asking this question is a great way to make friends and other acquaintances. Usually people talk about the little things first. They will tell you that listening to music or hanging out with their friends is what makes them happy. But once you start digging deeper, you'll find a lot of interesting things.

We wish you good luck!

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