The head of the Ryazan region Oleg Kovalev resigned. Ryazan governor Kovalev resigned, acting deputy appointed Lyubov Youth and energy

The retired Ryazan Governor Oleg Kovalev "returned" as an adviser to the new head of the region, Nikolai Lyubimov. What will Oleg Ivanovich advise?

The person involved in a number of high-profile scandals, Oleg Kovalev, did not become a person involved in a criminal case, but actually returned to power. Moreover, the new governor of the Ryazan region himself asked Oleg Ivanovich to become his adviser.

“Oleg Ivanovich agreed, and I am grateful to him for this, because his experience in managing the region, much of what he did, of course, needs to be continued, and I think that he will help me get up to speed,” said Nikolay Lyubimov.

It looks like Lyubimov is going to continue what Kovalev did in his post. Why then was this castling necessary?

Love in Kaluga

Nikolai Viktorovich Lyubimov headed the region on St. Valentine's Day, February 14th. He is rightfully considered a "Varangian" because. before that, he had nothing to do with the Ryazan region. The patron of Lyubimov is the Kaluga governor Anatoly Artamonov, who appointed Nikolai Viktorovich in 2003 the head of the Kaluga Mortgage Corporation OJSC.

After that, Artamonov created a ministry in the regional government economic development, where Lyubimov soon put. Then Lyubimova lobbied for the post of head of Kaluga, and from 2010 to 2015, Nikolai Viktorovich was Artamonov's deputy until he left for the State Duma. Throughout his career as a politician, Artamonov accompanied him. But what is Lyubimov himself like?

Nikolai Viktorovich does not like to be in the media's field of view, but sometimes it happens. For example, he refused to name the cost of his frequent flights to the Crimea, moreover, concealing their purpose. It should be noted that this was not just a “question from the audience”, but a request from a deputy of the Legislative Assembly Kaluga region Vyacheslav Gorbatin! Opposition deputies said on the sidelines that Lyubimov simply went to rest on the peninsula for budgetary funds. But until now, Lyubimov has remained silent.

But Lyubimov is a simple Russian who was hit by the crisis, he talks about this in an interview. Only now he reports that he doesn’t need bread, but Armani suits (only an Armani vest costs 20,000 rubles), complaining that on “the last trip I could only afford a scarf.” By the way, Lyubimov's scarf from Burberry in the official online store costs 31,000 rubles.

Chief Lyubimova - Artamonov, together they brought the region to a depressive state,. Why Nikolai Viktorovich was appointed to a "difficult" region is still a mystery to many experts.

But Lyubimov has a good adviser, the former governor Kovalev, what will he advise him?


Kovalev was knocked down by the story of Yeseninskaya Dacha. Recall that back in the spring of 2014, it got to the point that Vladimir Putin openly criticized Governor Oleg Kovalev and “demanded clarification from him in connection with complaints from residents of the region about illegal construction of places related to the life and work of the poet Sergei Yesenin.”

What did Kovalev do? Found those who oppose building! In October 2015, it turned out that architect Valentin Gavrilov and social activist Igor Kochetkov were being tried for "disobedience to the police".

Both people raised the alarm when Kovalev wanted to build up "reserved places." They drew the Kremlin's attention to the situation: "sent a letter to the presidential administration, which was accompanied by an action plan to eliminate violations and 65 thousand signatures of citizens on 1.3 thousand sheets."

Do you think Kovalev stopped construction? No, part of a protected area of ​​​​1 thousand hectares. was bred for a cottage setting and renamed "Yesenin Rus"! Andrey Petrutsky, a member of the working group under the government of the Ryazan Region on the development and adoption of projects for zones of protection of cultural heritage objects, appealed to the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, in which he asks not to allow more than 1 thousand hectares of territories belonging to the State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenin. “In the proposed project, within the boundaries of Yeseninskaya Rus, all projected, but mostly not yet built cottage settlements are displayed (excluded from the protection zones): White Dew for 500 houses, a cottage settlement for 400 houses between the village of Ivanchino and the village of Novoselki,“ Ramenskie yards” and a cottage settlement near the village of Letovo – both are designed for the construction of over 1,000 houses,” Petrutsky said in a letter. Moreover, the western border of "Yesenin's Russia" is significantly moved from the natural border of the protection zones of the Yesenin Museum-Reserve. And this was done in order to “legitimize the construction of a new cottage settlement for 50 houses near the village of Ivashkovo in this territory, which was allowed by the Ryazan authorities in 2013”!

But in the end, Medinsky did not pay attention to the situation, shortly after his resignation. Officials held closed meetings, to which public figures were not allowed, and as a result, the site was included in the general plan of Ryazan.

There are many who wanted to settle, and even have already settled. For example, the head of the Ryazan prosecutor's office, Sergei Legostaev, himself has a plot on the territory of Yeseninskaya dacha! “The wife of Sergei Legostaev, according to the official declaration of income for 2013, owns two land sizes 3,136 and 1,863 sq. m located in the protected area!

In 2015, Legosteev was not fired, but transferred to Chuvashia! It is worth noting that Kovalev was accused of falsifying the 2012 elections. Not just anyone, but the then regional Duma deputy Sergei Salnikov.

By the way, the Regionstroy LLC company, which belongs to Oleg Kovalev's son, Alexei Kovalev, constantly won tenders "with dad".

Kovalev even managed to “cheat” with his dissertation, which, as it turned out, was written off.

In general, there is something to advise Mr. Kovalev to the new Ryazan governor Lyubimov, and it seems that the latter is happy with such tips. Did Nikolai Viktorovich not know what was going on in the region under Kovalev?

Sergey Kovalev lost. It's time to go?

The main Russian boxer stopped a step away from the unification fight and is now close to the end of his career.

After two losses Andre Ward I thought not only about changing the coach, but also about adjusting my lifestyle. In almost every interview, the Russian said that previously he did not bother himself with training between fights, allowing himself to rest a little more than he should.

Before the fight with Alvarez, Crusher again repeated that he had changed, learned from painful defeats and was immensely glad that someone from above gave him another chance. In all these interviews, one thing was a little scary - Sergey talked too much about the past, and fights with Vyacheslav Shabransky and Igor Mikhalkin failed to appreciate the present. It was he who had to explain to all of us, and at the same time to Kovalev himself, whether the reboot was really a success.

According to rumors, which Sergei himself later indirectly confirmed, before the fight with the Colombian, he had one of the best training camps in his life. At the weigh-in before the fight itself, the Russian showed 78.9 kilograms on the scales, which is 500 grams less than the allowable limit. This was good sign, given that in last time It was quite difficult for Kovalev to weight cut.

Then you can look for a catch in Sergey's excessive smile at the weigh-in and even during the fight. You can look for something in the look of a Russian before a fight. But all this will be just speculation and conspiracy theory. The truth is that Kovalev was winning the fight and outbid Alvarez.

At the time the fight was stopped, all three judges gave the victory to the Russian: 59-55, 59-55 and 58-56, and the strike statistics were also on Sergey's side: 91 to 73 hits on target out of 331 and 251, respectively.

The crasher failed the crash test. Alvarez knocked out Kovalev

Sergey Kovalev lost by heavy knockout for the first time.

Kovalev was more active, but Alvarez was more accurate. After each defeat from Ward, Sergey could always find excuses and, in fact, not prevaricate - in the first fight he was really sued. The second time, he actually got hit below the belt. Only many for some reason have forgotten the course of the second duel and no longer remember what preceded the final series of blows that led to a stop. Kovalev was losing the fight and in the eighth round Ward managed to shock the Russian with a clean punch.

This time, Kovalev, fans and spectators can again go the easy way and attribute everything to a random hit. This will be partly true again, but it will only once again take the focus away from certain problems, the nature of which is again very difficult to determine.

We have seen situations more than once when a boxer ages overnight right before our eyes, as was the case with Wladimir Klitschko in combat with Tyson Fury or with David Haye in two fights Tony Bellew. At the same time, it can be stated with confidence once again that in boxing, in no case can you trust the numbers in your passport.

If you suddenly didn’t know, Alvarez is only a year and six days younger than Kovalev. But the problem was different - Eleider was a contender for the WBC title for two years, and only by coincidence did he get the chance of a lifetime in a fight with another champion. How important this fight was for the Colombian could be seen from his look.

Sergey Kovalev lost by knockout to Eleider Alvarez. How it was

Crusher lost his WBO light heavyweight title.

one more simple solution will write off what happened to the notorious lack of hunger. You can talk about the underestimation of the opponent, which is frankly hard to believe.

Sergey's promoter Katie Duva has already shared her version. In an interview with ESPN, the head of Main Events explained what happened like this:

“Sergey was winning, but he seems to be tired after the sixth round. It's a magic round, as it was in the first fight with Ward. I guess he's just tired.

I was happy with how the fight was going, but I told Kovalev's manager Egis Klimas: "Let's go through the sixth round and I will relax." But you saw what happened. I do not want to belittle the merits of Alvarez. Sergey dominated, and Eleider came back and stopped him. This is quite an impressive achievement. Sergei fought brilliantly for six rounds.”

At the same time, Duva told a very important thing - the contract for the fight included a clause on revenge in the event of Sergey's defeat. Formally, Kovalev can get even at the end of this year, but…

The coach of the Russian Abror Tursunpulatov, in an interview with a TASS correspondent, said a rather discouraging thing:

“There will be no revenge, Seryoga should quit boxing. Health is not the same. Even if he won the fight, I would suggest that he end his career.”

Such a statement from the lips of the new coach looks like a sentence. There are no additional details yet, but it is quite obvious that Tursunpulatov knows the situation much better than we do.

In general, the idea that we are watching the sunset of Crusher was the first after the end of the fight. Kovalev didn't look bad, but right now it's just not clear why he should continue.

From the point of view of boxing, after three fights under the guidance of a new coach, we still did not see a fundamental difference between Kovalev and ourselves in the conditional first fight with Ward. Sergei was studied, but, even worse, it seems that he was pierced.

Rumors about not the strongest jaw of the Russian have been around for a long time, but Crusher scored opponents faster than they could get to Sergey's chin with a good blow. The first call came in the second fight with Ward, who is rather difficult to call a punching boxer. Today, Alvarez managed to put the Russian on the floor with one clean, albeit somewhat stray blow. By the way, Eleider is also not a puncher in the literal sense of the word - in 23 fights, the Colombian stopped 11 opponents. Today's victory allowed Alvarez to improve his percentage of early wins to 50 percent.

Worse is what happened after the first knockdown - a cloud of missed punches and two subsequent falls. Sergey has missed too much and these blows will definitely not do him good service in future fights. If they will.

After the fight, Kovalev was taken to the hospital to ascertain that nothing threatened his health. What can you say about a career.

The Russian should think hard about whether he needs a second fight with Alvarez. At the same time, you can definitely forget about unification fights. Even if Kovalev decides to fight Eleider for the second time, it will not happen until the end of this year, and Sergey will turn 36 in April. Time is working against Crusher, and there is still every reason to believe that Bivol, Beterbiev and Stevenson hit harder than Alvarez.

One night, like one blow, can change everything. Yesterday, we, perhaps Sergey himself, already clearly imagined the Russian derby with Dmitry Bivol in light heavyweight. If the WBA champion did a brilliant job, the WBO champion lost his title. And that dramatically changes the picture across the division. Until tonight, we were talking about three Russian-speaking champions in this weight. Right now we need to talk about three champions, one way or another connected with Yvon Michel- promoter of Adonis Stevenson, Artur Beterbiev and newly-champion Eleider Alvarez. It's funny how at one moment Stevenson suddenly became the main contender for the title of absolute world champion - after all, it will be quite simple to organize meetings for boxers from one promotional company. Now it can intervene Alexander Gvozdyk, who will try himself in the role of Eleider Alvarez, and, to be honest, he has a good chance of repeating the success of the Colombian.

Stevenson's defeat would be symbolic. Adonis won his belt in 2013 and did so two months before he traveled to Wales and came out as a world champion. At that moment, it was these two fighters who were supposed to reveal the best light heavyweight on the planet for the next five years. But this never happened. Today one of them took a big step towards the completion of his journey.

Whatever decision is made, we must and will respect it. In an ideal world, I would like to see the Russian come back for a rematch with Alvarez, defeat him and walk away as a champion. A man with such a difficult history deserves this. But this is boxing, and very often parting with it is not very beautiful.

Future rival Fedor Emelianenko Chael Sonnen once, as usual, the best of all, described the end of a career in percussion sports.

“Apart from Lennox Lewis, I can’t think of anyone who could get away at the peak. All our careers end the same way - lying face down with a sense of discouragement. And I'm going to follow suit. I don't want to leave anything behind me."

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Governor of the Ryazan Region Oleg Kovalev decided not to participate in the elections to be held in September and submitted an application for early resignation.

“I submitted my resignation letter to the president just over a week ago. When it will be considered, I do not know, but I want, firstly, to thank you all for your joint work. Secondly, I want to wish you to work just as responsibly and honestly under the leadership of the new governor,” Kovalev said at a meeting of the regional government.

Ryazan Governor Oleg Kovalev declined the press conference and released a written text that he had previously read at the morning meeting of the regional government. Considering the governor's illness and age, they apparently agreed to this format. Meanwhile, the anonymous Internet channel "Nezygar", known for often "leaking" curious insiders, draws attention to the fact that the outgoing governor of the Ryazan region continued to live in the Moscow region throughout the entire period of work in the region.

As local media write, “for all eight years the governor did everything so that not a single personnel decision would take place without him. But in the end, it is practically impossible to find “Kovalev’s man”, a man, as they say, of a team, in any leadership position.”

Now we are waiting for the appointment to Ryazan of State Duma deputy Lyubimov, the former mayor of Kaluga. They say that Alexander Chepik, deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia, is an alternative candidate for him. Chepik himself is from the Ryazan region. Since 2001, he worked in the structures of Zubitsky (Industrial and Metallurgical Holding). In 2007, he became Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia for Economics. The Governor of the Ryazan Region, Oleg Kovalev, who retired today, was actually a champion in terms of survival.

He was on the verge of defeat in the 2012 gubernatorial election, with Rotenberg and Kozhin standing behind Igor Morozov, who opposed him. Then Kovalev was saved only by his opponent's misunderstanding of the basics of subordination - they tried to bypass Volodin. As a result, Morozov was forced to withdraw his candidacy in exchange for a position in the Federation Council.

Then Kovalev was at least twice on the verge of resignation - in 2015 and 2016. Moreover, there was a serious public occasion raised by the ONF - the construction of Yesenin's places by officials.

Chemezov, Alfa, Surkov, Gordeev have serious interests in the region. Before the resignation of the governor of the Ryazan region, there was also a change in the leadership of the regional Directorate of the FSB. At the end of January, the head of the FSB, Alexander Laznov, resigned, and Sergey Erofeev came to replace him from Rostov-on-Don.

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Bivol held their title fights. Kovalev failed to defend his WBO light heavyweight title, losing to 34-year-old Colombian Eleider Alvarez. A little earlier, Bivol defended the WBA title for the third time and defeated the Malawian by unanimous decision.

Former champion International Boxing Federation (IBF) flyweight champion exclusive interview Gazeta.Ru shared his opinion about the performance of Russian boxers in the United States, and also suggested whether 35-year-old Kovalev should continue his career.

- What are your impressions from the last boxing evening?

- Dmitry demonstrated exceptional discipline, completely controlled the course of the fight. Of course, the audience wanted to see a spectacular and brighter victory, but Bivol did everything right. He didn't need to add or subtract anywhere. Each of his actions was verified precisely and to the end. As for Sergei, he just lacked this discipline.

Kovalev spent the whole fight chasing the opponent, not thinking about defense, as a result of which he missed those fatal few blows from Alvarez.

- The main surprise was the defeat of Kovalev. He boxed first, but was eventually knocked out. What happened to Sergei?

- Sergey focused only on attack, but it was necessary to think about defense. Kovalev wanted to crush his opponent with power and strength, but in the end he himself was knocked out. And Alvarez, by the way, has a good shot. This is a punching and experienced boxer. Sergei did not take this into account. He put pressure, put pressure on his opponent and at one moment missed the thread of the fight.

- Kovalev's coach changes almost before each preparatory stage. Sergei has long been his own coach. The fate of his future career depends only on him. I think Tursunpulatov simply expressed his opinion, nothing more. Kovalev has his own vision of this situation, and it is up to him to decide whether to continue his career or not.

It is very important to take into account the physical condition of Kovalev, as well as his contract with promoters. If he has the desire, opportunities and strength, then he should again enter the ring and show himself.

As for the rematch with Alvarez, I doubt that it will take place. It all depends on the promoters. If they agree, then Sergey needs to reconsider the tactics of the battle. He needs to focus not on the power of impact, but on technique. In this Kovalev Alvarez will not yield for sure. We also need to work on defense. The chances of taking revenge on the Colombian will only appear if Sergey approaches the fight differently.

— What can you say about Bivol's performance? Chilemba proved to be a tough fighter.

- It is always difficult to box with opponents who immediately close in defense and do not rush at the opponent. Chilemba did the same: he did not show aggression towards Bivol and counted only on counterattacks. This is a very slippery, but experienced and strong boxer.

- Dmitry won, but only on points. Before that, he finished the fight ahead of schedule five times in a row. Has Chilemba's experience affected?

- I wanted to see a brighter performance from Bivol, especially after instructions (coach Dmitry Bivol. - Gazeta.Ru), who, towards the end of the fight, demanded that his ward repeat combinations. But Dima not only ignored them, but acted according to the situation. Chilembo snarled dangerously several times, trying to strike at a time when Bivol was just beginning his attack. There was a risk of running into trouble, and the Russian understood this.

Therefore, the fact that Dmitry could not finish the fight ahead of schedule will not affect his condition and career in the least. On the contrary, Bivol gained the necessary experience of confrontation with this type of fighters.

Such fights should be in the career of every boxer. Dmitry is still quite young and very promising athlete. Victory by knockouts is still ahead of him. Although this is far from the main thing. After all, it is important to be attentive and control every episode of the battle, which Dmitry demonstrated.

Bivol plans to have his next fight at the end of this year. Who could become his rival and what are Dmitry's prospects for the future?

- He has long been burning with the desire to unify the titles. But it is not clear how the negotiations with the promoters of Alvarez, who defeated Kovalev, will go. If Bivol's representatives offer to fight, then the Colombian will most likely refuse. Therefore, if there is no unification fight, then Dmitry will concentrate on defending the title. It all depends on the physical condition of the Russian and time. If he has the opportunity, he will again enter the voluntary defense of the championship belt. AT otherwise he will expect a mandatory entry into the ring against the boxer who is next in the rankings.

I would like Dmitry to box with eminent, star athletes. By the way, perhaps we could see Bivol's fight with the same Kovalev, although Sergey will probably refuse.

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BRYANSK, Feb 14 — RIA Novosti. The governor of the Ryazan region, Oleg Kovalev, announced his resignation at a meeting of the regional government on Tuesday. After several hours of intriguing suspense, the residents of the region learned the decision of the president: State Duma deputy Nikolai Lyubimov, who previously worked in the Kaluga region, will temporarily act as head of the region.

At the end of last week, a number of media published assumptions about the upcoming resignation of a number of heads of the region, including the name of the governor Oleg Kovalev, who headed the Ryazan region for 9 years. There were no official denials from the regional administration that day, but already on Tuesday, Kovalev himself confirmed this information.

"I submitted my resignation letter to the president just over a week ago. I don't know when it will be considered, but I want, firstly, to thank you all for your joint work. Secondly, I want to wish you to be just as responsibly and worked honestly under the leadership of the new governor. And thirdly, I want to assure you that no matter where I work in the future, I will always help the Ryazan region. Thank you all. All work!" Kovalev told reporters at a press conference.

Later it became known that Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the powers of the governor of the Ryazan region, Oleg Kovalev, and proposed that State Duma deputy Nikolai Lyubimov, who had previously worked in the Kaluga region, head the region.

Ex-governor Kovalev

Oleg Kovalev came to the Ryazan region in 2008, leaving the post of deputy State Duma Russia, where he was a member of the United Russia faction. In July 2012, to participate in direct elections, he retired early. Already in October, gaining 64.43% of the vote, he was elected head of the region.

Political associates of Kovalev noted that one of the main results of his work as governor of the Ryazan region was the public's trust in the authorities.

"Over the past years, systematic and productive work has been built with the government of the region. The positive results of our joint activities visible. More than 20 successfully implemented projects and initiatives: the construction of new schools, kindergartens, the repair of rural gyms and cultural centers, and many others,” said Arkady Fomin, secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party.

Nevertheless, an experienced worker in the construction industry, who at one time built the Volzhskaya CHPP, the Kashirskaya State District Power Plant, and other important national economic facilities, in the region, according to experts, faced a number of problems.

“The former governor both came and left… To our deepest regret, the results are not very good. In fact, our budget is equal to the budget of three years ago, and given inflation, we will provide 30% less services to the population. The roads, as they were broken, have remained ", - said Viktor Malyugin, leader of the Communist Party faction in the Ryazan Regional Duma, to RIA Novosti.

Party faction leader Fair Russia"In the Regional Duma, Sergei Pupkov added to the above one more problem - deceived equity holders. "I'm afraid that a very acute crisis may brew with defrauded equity holders. Several objects are in a very borderline condition, I'm afraid that they will not be completed. We can talk about hundreds, if not thousands of residents of the region," he told RIA Novosti.

A number of unresolved problems, as well as the inability to agree with local elites, according to a number of experts, became the main reasons for the resignation.

However, there are those who believe that Kovalev still managed to some extent find a compromise with the elites, albeit towards the end of his term. According to a member of the regional Public Chamber, candidate political science Alexandra Semyonova, the problem of elite competition or, as the political scientist calls them, clans, is acute in the region.

“But Oleg Ivanovich managed to find a certain balance point, not to give any privileges to one and at the same time somehow humiliate the other“ clans ”... It actually took Oleg Ivanovich six years to set up a system of checks between them. A counterbalance. Now this will not happen. The situation will worsen in the elections to the Ryazan City Duma in 2018,” Semyonov said.

At the same time, he stressed, it will be difficult for Kovalev's successor. “It is necessary to reach an agreement between them, and this should be done by a person to whom they would listen, to whom they treat with respect. I can’t really imagine how a person from the outside can do this,” the interlocutor added.

new hopes

Now the region is pinning its hopes on the new protege of the Kremlin, Nikolai Lyubimov, who, like Kovalev in his time, comes to lead the Ryazan region, leaving the chair of the State Duma deputy.

Nikolai Lyubimov is a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation from the Kaluga Region. Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Kaluga State Pedagogical Institute named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky with a degree in "Teacher of History and Socio-Political Disciplines" with a specialization in "Law". In 2001 he graduated from the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute with a degree in jurisprudence. Over the years, he worked in the Kaluga region CEO Mortgage Corporation, Minister of Economic Development of the Region, in 2007 he was elected mayor, from September 2015 to September 2016 - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region.

While political opponents are expressing concern that the new interim has no Ryazan roots and, like Kovalev, can “run away” to Moscow for the weekend, not settle down on the ground and not establish interaction with local elites, party members, meanwhile, are expressing support for the new appointee.

"Nikolai Viktorovich Lyubimov is a member of the United Russia party, our fellow party member, was appointed acting governor of the Ryazan region by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. And, of course, we will support him. He has extensive experience in both legislative and executive authorities in key positions. Behind him is a solid practice of economic activity, overseeing the economic, social and political block of issues," said Mikhail Krivtsov, head of the United Russia faction in the Ryazan Regional Duma.

According to him, Ryazan United Russia believes that Lyubimov "has everything to cope with the duties assigned to him."

Youth and energy

Anatoly Artamonov, head of the Kaluga Region, also expressed confidence that Nikolai Lyubimov would cope with his duties. Lyubimov, he said, went through "an excellent management school." From 2010 to 2016, Lyubimov served as head of Kaluga, deputy governor of the Kaluga region and chairman of the legislative assembly of the Kaluga region.

"All the projects that have been implemented in the Kaluga region, in one way or another, were implemented with his direct participation. All these years we have always been working as one well-coordinated team, and he was the most active participant in it," Artamonov said in an official statement.

The Kaluga governor notes that Lyubimov is "a young, literate, charming, sociable person."

The current chairman of the Kaluga Legislative Assembly, Viktor Grib, agrees with him.

“I can say that I know him as a very energetic, proactive, consistent and, most importantly, very positive person,” Grib said. According to the deputy, during the year of Lyubimov's chairmanship, the regional parliament "managed to resolve many issues and put forward a number of important initiatives at the federal level", in particular, Lyubimov raised issues of efficient use of agricultural land, improvement of taxation in the field of subsoil use, dealt with the problem of organizing regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban electric transport.

Lyubimov achieved close interaction between the deputies of the Legislative Assembly and representative bodies municipalities region, in addition to training seminars, there was a discussion of acute problems of municipalities, many of which, according to Grib, then found a legislative solution.

Lyubimov's plans

Nikolai Lyubimov himself at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that the region has great potential in industry, agriculture and the tourism sector.

“Vladimir Vladimirovich, of course, I would work in the Ryazan region. I think that this region is very promising, very beautiful, with a rich cultural and historical past, with a rich potential in the field of tourism and, of course, an industrial and agriculturally developed region,” said Lyubimov at a meeting with the President.

"I think that a very rich potential, including the human potential of this area, can be developed much more seriously, although a lot of good has been done, we see that in last years governor and his team. However, I think we need to develop further," he added.

Among other advantages of the Ryazan Territory, in his opinion, are geographical proximity to Moscow, industrial and human potential. Lyubimov promised to justify the trust of the head of state and the expectations of the inhabitants of the Ryazan region.

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