Fortune-telling tarot about life changes. Tarot divination for the future Divination for pending events

Each generation has its favorite books, its favorite songs, its heroes, including movie heroes. Born in the seventies and eighties, they grew up on the film "Guest from the Future". The above film is a visiting card of that forever lost era. This is something that still makes the hearts of adults already tremble, at the sounds: “I hear a voice from a beautiful far away ...” But why did this film fall in love so much, why could it hurt children's and not only children's hearts so much? Have you ever thought about it?

Meanwhile, everything is simple: this film made it possible to touch the secret of secrets - the Future! Judge for yourself, all the guys, not only Kolya and Fima, saying goodbye to Alisa Selezneva, who was supposed to return in due time, asked her the same questions. questions about their future. All the children wanted to know who they would be, in what matters they could succeed. What a pity that in those ancient times there was no our wonderful service with online divination for the future!

Of course, the Present is our “Everything”! But the future is not in lesser degree our Everything and More! If we knew how events would develop, many mistakes, sometimes fatal, could have been avoided. Alas, we do not have such information. Alas, the time machine presented in the film "Guest from the Future" has not yet been invented. And whether they will ever invent it is a big question. Meanwhile, you still want to look into the future, and sometimes it is vital. How many impasses can a person find himself in?

How to be? Where to go for an answer? Where can you find the information you need? Of course, on the site of Mogur!

Online fortune-telling for the future is a great opportunity to look into your own "Tomorrow"! This can be done through any of the listed Oracles. As they say, fly in and choose whatever your heart desires! Of course, sometimes it is not so easy to choose a fortune-telling system, especially when you have never heard anything about it before. Well, isn't this a reason to try to tell fortunes on each of them? Today - on one, tomorrow - on the other. Or maybe immediately, try to access several systems in one day? Who knows what answers you will get...

It is worth noting that fortune-telling online for the future (free of charge) is considered to be the most accurate. According to statistics, the accuracy of predicting the future is about eighty-three to eighty-seven percent, which, as you yourself understand, is a pretty good result.

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about the event you are thinking about. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Divination Per event. This prediction will help you find out what will happen to you in the very near future. You can find out about the most important events that await you or ask the cards how this or that planned event will go. Since 4 significant cards take part in fortune-telling, the answer will not be categorically simple, and yet, there is nothing complicated here and even novice fortune-tellers will be able to complete this alignment. The interpretations of the cards given on our website are very brief and you will have to independently make logical chains and coordinate the predicted events with each other.

Online divination technique:

For divination, use only a tamed deck and do not treat it as a game or entertainment. Tune in well and concentrate, think about what you want to ask the cards, take a deck of 36 cards, hold it in your hands for several minutes, shuffle it, remove it with your left hand towards you and divide it into four parts. Then, from each pile, draw out one of any cards and look at their meaning according to the interpreter. They will be the main messengers of the events awaiting you.

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are guessing at. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to finish mixing the cards.

Divination Pending events are used when it is necessary to find out about the expected events in the life of the querent, it can be you yourself or a person you have conceived. Depending on this, you must ask the cards to give you information about yourself or about another person. For prediction, a special interpretation of the meanings of Tarot cards is used, designed specifically for this prediction, and all cards are interpreted precisely from the position of designating any events. All interpretations are very simple and understandable to anyone, even an inexperienced person in fortune-telling, fortune-telling itself is also very simple and will not cause you any difficulties. The only thing to remember is that this prediction is carried out only by cards. minor arcana. This prediction can be carried out quite often, the only thing you need to remember is prudence and it is advisable not to carry out fortune-telling until the previous one has happened.

Online divination technique:

Before carrying out this prediction, it is necessary to select the cards required for fortune-telling, namely, remove all the cards of the major arcana from the deck, we will not need them to fulfill this prediction. Then you need to introduce the person on whom we will carry out fortune-telling, it can be you yourself. It is necessary to shuffle in such a way that not only direct, but also inverted card values ​​can be obtained. Since they have different meanings. We shuffle the cards asking them to tell us the whole truth about the events awaiting the querent. After the end of shuffling, we shift part of the cards with our left hand towards ourselves and select any card we like. She will talk about an event that will happen soon.

This is a rather complicated layout, we advise people with some experience to do it. Otherwise, it may be difficult to interpret it. Divination is used to draw up a horoscope for a certain period of time. In this case, the following questions are asked: "What awaits me over the next 30 days", "What awaits me this year", etc. The horoscope can also be decomposed into a specific event. From the tarot layout, you will learn the development, evolution of your question. Sample questions: "Will we get married", "Will I be loved ...", "How will my career develop", etc. For the alignment, you need to draw out 12 minor arcana and 7 major arcana.

A horoscope can be decomposed either into an event or for a certain period of time. Therefore, the first 4 major arcana of the tarot describe 4 large periods (either the evolution of an event or a time period): beginning, apogee, slope, sunset. In case of a question on an event, slope can mean let. The last 3 terrible arcana of the tarot describe 3 periods that stand out sharply from one another: past, present, future.

The 12 minor arcana symbolize the 12 months. The farther the lasso is, the more distant the period of time it describes.

Use this alignment no more than once a week, you can even less often.

Form selection. After you have chosen all the cards, you will need to choose a blank - a card that represents you in the layout. If it is impossible to combine both age and appearance from the table, choose a form only according to your gender and appearance. If the blank card you have chosen is already in a spread, you will need to replace the card in the spread with the Major Arcana of the tarot. Almost all of this will be done automatically and will not be difficult. The form is placed in the center of the layout.

An abbreviated way of divination for the future

This is an abbreviated version of the horoscope for the future, it is simpler in layout and interpretation. Can be used daily, for example, as a forecast for the day.

Sample questions: "How will such and such a thing end?", "How will such and such a question develop?", "Will we be together?" and other questions that can be asked in the usual way of divination. You will need to draw 4 minor arcana and 3 major arcana. The third minor lasso denotes an obstacle. If the card in this position is good, there will be no obstacles in your way.

Depending on the topic of the question, only one suit of the minor arcana is used in the layout. If the question is about work, business, career, or any other matter, you should choose wands. If you lay it out for love, take the bowls. If the question concerns any struggle, confrontation, process - take swords. If the question is about money, do the layout of pentacles.

A strange thing is our life. Changes are knocking on the window, but we seem not to hear them. And after all, the changes are important, but we simply do not see them. Why? Yes, because we are afraid of change, and we resist it. We are afraid that they will change everything: our thoughts, our actions, our lives. To suppress resistance and stop being afraid of change, you can turn to the cards and make a Tarot layout for change. If you really are on the verge of some new events and are very afraid of them, the cards will be able to dispel your fears or confirm doubts.

The "Change" layout and its features

By their nature, people may reject change, call themselves victims of change, or rejoice in change and expect it. People who are afraid of change, find it a threat to their current position, seek to avoid them.

And when changes are inevitable, and you just can’t decide on them, do a fortune-telling, make a layout called “Change”:

  • it will address the reasons for the change;
  • you will know the consequences of change;
  • the alignment will analyze the dominant factors and give its vision of change.

Let's look at what causes a person to resist change. One and the most main reason it is passivity. A person who is accustomed to his "swamp" does not want to do anything in order to change at least something in his life. He denies the change, gets angry, has long negotiations. And all this in order to avoid change. In the "Change" layout, you may not understand some of the interpretation of the cards, so you can draw four more cards and find out what preceded the need for change. In an additional spread, you can describe the less significant factors of the present moment and new trends that will occur later.

According to some scholars, resistance to change stems from a lack of understanding of the importance of what change will bring. Try to approach change from a different perspective. Consider, along with the Tarot cards, all the pros and cons that may be after the change comes. You will see that there will be much more positive values. Direct all your energy towards what you want for yourself. Together with attention to the problem, we give it part of our energy. Therefore, it is necessary that your positive energy be directed towards both problems and changes. It is a pity that at school and college they do not teach how to choose a goal and go towards it. But without it it is difficult to get out of the maelstrom of problems. The alignment for change will increase your chance to see the best side of new opportunities and events.

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