How to get rid of internal wen on the eyelids. What to do if a wen appears on the eyelid? Wen removal methods

A fatty deposit on the eyelid (the medical name for the lump is lipoma) is a benign formation consisting of adipose tissue, sometimes with a capsule. Small white pimples around the eyes or a convex seal not only spoil the appearance of the face, but also negatively affect vision and can serve as a sign of diseases in the body.

Wen on the eyelid is a signal of illness, and not just a rash on the skin

Types and symptoms of lipomas on the eyelids

Types of wen that form on the eyelids:

  1. Milia. A small nodule of a light yellow hue. Benign formations are visually similar to acne, but their main difference is the absence of a duct.
  2. Xanthelasmas. They have the shape of plaques, which can be flat or convex. The color is predominantly yellow. A characteristic feature is the need to remove it, since over time the adipose tissue grows by several centimeters. Xanthelasmas often form in women over 40 years of age.

Types of wen on the eyelids can be seen in the photo.

Milia (left) and xanthelasma (right) on the eyelid

The main symptoms of a lipoma are the mobility of the node and the absence of pain, if the inflammatory process has not begun. When palpating small compactions, boundaries are visible, and the size corresponds to a pea - a white hard ball. Outwardly it resembles an inflamed lymph node. Wen forms both on the lower eyelid and on the upper, singly or in clusters in the eye area.

Reasons for the appearance of a wen on the eyelid

The reason for the formation of lipoma on the eyelid is trauma, the presence of chronic diseases, and the influence of external factors.

Provoking factors:

  • impaired metabolism;
  • poor nutrition;
  • regular stress;
  • bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • hormonal imbalance (adolescence, menopause, pregnancy);
  • insufficient facial care;
  • genetic predisposition;

High cholesterol levels can cause fatty spots to appear on the eyelids

Contributing diseases:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid system.
  4. Physical inactivity.

Which doctor should I contact?

Depending on the location of the compaction, the patient must consult with:

If wen appears on the eyelid, consult an ophthalmologist

It is possible to remove a lipoma on the eyelid not only in surgery, but also in cosmetology centers, skin and venereal disease clinics and ophthalmology clinics.


Diagnosis of the seal is made by a doctor and initially consists of examining the lipoma to exclude the possibility of substandard formations.

To determine the etiology, puncture with thin needles is used. This procedure allows you to study fragments of removed tissue.

For additional diagnostics, the following procedures are used:

  • laboratory tests, in particular general and biochemical blood tests, study of hormone levels;
  • puncture with tissue histology;
  • additional examination by an ophthalmologist.

Laboratory blood tests will help determine the cause.

How to remove wen from eyelid?

Large tumors around the eyes (on the lower or upper eyelid) are subject to surgical removal, all others are treated with conservative methods.

If you find a wen on a child’s eye, do not try to get rid of the tumor on your own, this can lead to complications and unpleasant consequences. Instrumental intervention is not performed in children under 5 years of age.

Surgical method

If the formation near the eye has reached an impressive size or an acute inflammatory process has begun, it is removed.

Surgical removal procedure

The procedure is performed in a hospital using local anesthesia. The contents of the wen are removed using the dissection method. After this, stitches are placed that need to be processed.

A negative aspect of surgical intervention is the possibility of a scar appearing on the skin.

How to remove a lipoma with medication?

The medicinal method consists of introducing special agents into the lipoma tissue that prevent the wen from growing.

Treatment is long, lasting from 2 to 3 months. However, no doctor gives a guarantee that the result will exceed expectations and the wen will resolve.

Laser removal

During the procedure, a capsule containing adipose tissue is removed with a laser. This eliminates relapses. The operation is performed using local anesthesia for small atheromas.

Laser removal is possible for small lesions

The advantages of laser removal are:

  • non-contact method of tumor excision;
  • bloodlessness of the procedure;
  • absence of scar;
  • absence of wound inflammation;
  • rapid tissue regeneration.


The excision method is performed using electric current. Before getting rid of the lump, the doctor gives local anesthesia. The procedure lasts from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the formation, and allows you to get rid of the lipoma along with the membrane.

During electrocoagulation, a special device is used to excise the wen using an electric current.

The positive points are:

  • inexpensive price (1000-1500 rubles);
  • no blood loss;
  • short healing.

With a significant size of the compaction, a small scar may appear.

What to do at home?

If it is not possible to visit a doctor, then you can turn to traditional medicine or remove the lipoma yourself.

Treatment with folk remedies

Effective traditional medicine recipes based on homemade plants, herbs and food products that everyone has in their refrigerator.

Aloe juice against wen

Aloe juice will help remove wen within a month

They pick off a leaf of a plant that has been growing for more than 4 years and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 2 weeks. After the expiration date, the fats are blotted with cotton wool moistened with plant juice. To avoid irritation, aloe juice is diluted in equal proportions with distilled water. After wetting, apply a compress. To get rid of the seal, a course of 10-30 procedures is completed.

Golden mustache from lipoma on the eyelids

Beat a fresh leaf with a hammer, wait for the juice to appear and carefully apply it to the affected area. The compress is fixed with a bandage. Do not allow the juice to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

You can remove lipoma from the eyelid with a golden mustache if you carry out therapeutic actions daily for 2-3 hours.

Kalanchoe juice for wen around the eyes

Treat the wen with Kalanchoe juice throughout the day to open the wen

Kalanchoe juice is used to open the seal. During the day, lubricate the affected area around the eyes with the juice of the plant 7 to 10 times. The next morning the capsule should open.

Treatment of lipoma in the eye area using a mixture of garlic and lard

To prepare the solution, mix 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice and 1 tbsp. l. melted lard. The resulting mixture is used to lubricate the seal daily.

Beet based recipe

You can also get rid of wen using raw beets.

To treat lipomas on the eyelids, rub beets, apply them to the wen, covering the top with polyethylene or an adhesive plaster. Keep the compress on your face all night. The procedure is repeated daily. On days 3-5, the formation opens.

Celandine juice in the fight against wen

To do this, prepare a strong decoction of celandine (pour 1 tbsp of dry crushed plant into 150 ml of boiling water), moisten a bandage in it and apply it to the lipoma as a compress overnight. 7-10 days after such procedures, the wen becomes similar to a boil. After 2-3 days, the lipoma breaks through.

Burdock root tincture for the treatment of lipoma

Take burdock root tincture to treat wen on the eyelid

To prepare the infusion, grind 300 g of burdock root and add 0.5 liters of 70% ethyl alcohol. The resulting solution is placed in a dark place, shaking periodically for a month. After this period, the tincture is ready for use. The solution is filtered and taken 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment: until the symptoms of the wen disappear, for 10 – 14 days.

How to remove a lipoma yourself?

It is believed that using a needle is easy and simple to remove the wen.

First, thoroughly wash your hands, put on medical gloves, then treat the area of ​​the seal with an alcohol solution and pierce it with a sterile needle. Then the contents are squeezed out.

This method is not only ineffective, but also far from safe. After the procedure, the formation of new wen is possible. In the worst case, the infection spreads throughout the face.

Possible consequences and complications

If opened incorrectly, the formation may spread to other areas of the skin.

Any minor mistake can lead to an increase in the number of white wen due to the contents getting into neighboring tissues. If the puncture or opening is performed inaccurately, scars may occur, which are a defect visible to everyone around.

The appearance of a wen on the eyelid, in addition to causing problems of a cosmetic nature, may indicate serious malfunctions in the functioning of the body. What are the reasons for this formation? Does it pose a health hazard, and what are the best ways to get rid of wen before your eyes?

Wen on the eyelid: characteristic symptoms, causes of appearance, methods of prevention

What is a wen

A wen on the eyelid is a cosmetic defect in the form of a dense tubercle, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. This neoplasm is also called a lipoma. It consists of adipose tissue. The skin at the site where the wen appears most often acquires a yellow tint.

Sometimes a lipoma resembles an ordinary one, but this is only an external resemblance. The structure of a wen is much denser than a pimple, and it does not have the ability to spontaneously open. Characteristic signs of wen are:

  • consistency inside the tubercle is soft to the touch;
  • the tumor is mobile, easily moves under the skin;
  • absence of inflammation and suppuration;
  • no sensations of pain, itching, burning.

Wen on the eyelids can occur not only in isolated cases. Sometimes these tumors appear in whole groups.

Lipomas tend to gradually increase over time. As a result, nerve endings may become pinched, causing unpleasant pain.

Reasons for the appearance of wen

Possible reasons for the appearance of wen on the eyelids may be:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • congenital pathology;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • failure of the liver or pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • excess cholesterol in the blood;
  • improper diet;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics and skin care products.

Doctors note that wen forms more often in people over 30 years of age. However, it is not uncommon for this problem to appear at an earlier age. It has also been noted that such formations appear more often in women.

Sometimes quite dangerous diseases are disguised as wen. Therefore, you should not neglect the doctor’s opinion. Only a doctor can accurately determine what is in front of him: an innocent lipoma or a cancerous tumor.

Prevention measures

Despite the fact that there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of lipomas, and they are quite diverse, it is still possible to minimize the likelihood of lipomas appearing. To do this you should:

  • be attentive to the condition of your skin, follow the rules of hygiene, and do not overuse cosmetics;
  • adhere to healthy eating rules;
  • exercise;
  • give up alcohol and smoking.

Is a wen on the eyelid dangerous?

Wen is a benign formation, and, as a rule, causes more problems in aesthetic terms: it spoils the appearance, interferes with the application of cosmetics, etc.

However, lipomas should not be taken lightly. Doctors recommend removing the wen on the eyelid, even if this is a purely cosmetic problem. The fact is that this formation can increase and grow. The fatty tissue inside the eyelid can begin to put pressure on the eyeball, interfere with blinking, and cause other inconvenience.

In addition to purely cosmetic inconveniences, there is a more serious danger. No one is immune from the fact that this benign formation will not develop into a malignant tumor. The fact is that internal fat accumulation tends to encapsulate. As a result, a barrier is formed that prevents antibodies from penetrating into the wen. This gives freedom for the development of pathogenic organisms.

Another serious risk factor is the situation when a person does not know how to get rid of a wen on the eye. He begins to solve this problem on his own using various home remedies, without consulting a doctor.

Under no circumstances should you try to pierce a wen on your eyelid yourself! With such actions you will not get rid of the source of the problem, but on the contrary, you can provoke a sharp growth of the lipoma. This may not have the best effect, not only on appearance, but also on vision.

How can you get rid of wen on the eyelids and eyes?

Before deciding how to get rid of a wen on the eye, you should make sure that it is truly a benign formation. Only a doctor has the right to make such a conclusion. He will also recommend which removal method is best to use in each specific case.

Medical and cosmetological methods

Doctors and cosmetologists know best how to get rid of wen on the eyelids. It is these specialists who should be involved in the treatment or removal of lipomas. The treatment method is chosen individually.


In the case where the wen is on the lower eyelid or is relatively small in size, it is possible to remove it without surgery.

Under conditions of absolute sterility, the doctor punctures the lipoma with a needle and injects the medicinal solution directly into the fatty tissue. Over the next 2-3 months, the formation gradually resolves. Unfortunately, a positive result from such treatment is not always observed, but in approximately 80% of cases.

Medications are administered into a lipoma only after a complete examination of the patient, usually in a hospital setting.


Removing the wen surgically is considered the most reliable way. But, as a rule, they resort to this method only in cases where the lipoma is large enough and interferes with the normal functioning of the eyes.

The operation is performed at the discretion of the doctor under local or general anesthesia. During the operation, the surgeon removes the fatty formation itself, as well as the capsule located around it. Removing the capsule is a very important point, because it tends to grow into the tissues surrounding it, and if it is not completely removed, there is a very high probability of re-formation of the wen.

A prerequisite for the operation is preliminary examinations and tests. The surgeon may also require permission to perform the operation from a general practitioner, ophthalmologist, or other specialist (depending on the general health of the patient).

The rehabilitation period after surgery is 2-3 weeks.


Removing a lipoma on the eyelid using a laser method is the most painless. The impact on the lipoma is carried out in a non-contact, point-to-point manner using a laser beam.

An important advantage of this method is that after removing the lipoma there are no scars left. The procedure goes quickly, all unpleasant pain is minimized.

Electrocoagulation is a method of removing fat tissue using electric current. Most often, this method is used to remove several wen concentrated in one place.

Electrocoagulation is performed under local anesthesia, and when removing small lipomas, without it at all.

The healing process of the wound lasts about 10 days. Sometimes a pigment spot may appear at the site of the lipoma, which will disappear over time.

Folk remedies

Modern medicine has enough means and methods to treat wen. Doctors strongly advise not to treat lipoma yourself at home.

You can get rid of the wen by applying a cut Kalanchoe leaf to the damaged area 2 times a day.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil also helps remove accumulations of fatty tissue. To do this, lubricate the lipoma with tea tree oil diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio twice a day.


There is an opinion that if you eat a teaspoon of ground cinnamon daily, you can gradually get rid of wen. You can use the spice with any food or drink.

Vitamin A

The lipoma can be lubricated daily with liquid vitamin A. This is an inexpensive drug that can be bought at any pharmacy.


The wen can be lubricated with iodine, diluted with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio, three times a day.

Avoid treating wen on the eyelid with alcohol tinctures, onions, hot peppers, etc. This will not give any effect. But you can easily get a burn on the delicate skin around the eyes, or the eye itself. Also, you should not heat the lipoma - this is very dangerous!

From all of the above, we can conclude: lipoma is a benign formation, and causes troubles for the most part of an aesthetic nature. But this does not mean that this problem can be taken lightly. If it appears, it needs to be treated. Well, it’s better to entrust this matter to specialists.

You can see clearly what wen looks like before your eyes, why it occurs, and how to choose the right methods for treating it in the video.

Wen is a benign neoplasm. There is no risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Some types of neoplasms have a tendency to grow and become inflamed.

Timely treatment of a wen on the eyelid will help avoid suppuration and other dangerous complications.

Experts do not indicate the exact cause of the appearance of wen on the eyelids. There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of such seals. These include:

  • obesity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endocrine abnormalities;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • excessive consumption of fatty foods.


You can visually examine the wen on the lower and upper eyelids in the photo below:

How to get rid

There is no one specific therapeutic course for eliminating wen. Treatment can be carried out by a cosmetologist or surgeon if the formation is large.

Drug treatment

In most cases, drug therapy is prescribed to eliminate wen on the eyelids. It involves the use of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Benefits of drug therapy:

  • minimal trauma;
  • no need for rehabilitation after therapy;
  • painlessness;
  • absence of scars and cicatrices.

In most cases, Diprospan is prescribed. The drug contains sodium hydrogen phosphate and betamethasone. It relieves inflammation and has a strengthening and anti-allergic effect.

Active substances help reduce the number of immunoactive cells at the site of the inflammatory process.

Diprospan is administered by injection directly into the site of inflammation.

The course of treatment may involve from 1 to 4 injections, the exact number depends on the size of the wen.

The formation will gradually decrease, and after 1.5-2 months it should completely disappear.

Your doctor may prescribe the use of the following:

  1. Videstim ointment. The composition contains vitamin A. It helps reduce the formation and breakdown of lipids.
  2. Cream Gistan. The medicine not only removes old wen, but also prevents the formation of new ones.
  3. Balm Vitaon. The product is suitable for daily use. It reduces the size of the formation.

Drug therapy will only be effective against small wen.

To eliminate large seals, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Drug therapy gives a good effect, but the risk of new wen appearance is 18%.

At home

They can be used to eliminate single and small formations.

Before using them, you should consult a specialist regarding the effectiveness and safety of such therapy.

Effective folk remedies:

  • compress from the Golden Usa;
  • lotions with alcohol and oil;
  • oak bark tincture;
  • celandine juice;
  • onion based product.

Golden Us Compress It is recommended to use within two weeks. You need to make a porridge from the leaves of the plant and apply it to gauze. To prevent the compress from falling, you can secure it with a band-aid. This product must be kept on the affected area for 2 hours.

No less effective oil lotions with the addition of alcohol. All components are mixed in equal proportions. The medicine must be applied to the wen until it completely disappears.

To prepare oak bark tincture you will need 50 g of dry base and a glass of vodka. The product must be infused for 3 days. The finished composition is applied to the seal using an ear stick. The procedure must be repeated 3-5 times a day. The therapeutic course lasts about a week.

You can remove wen using freshly squeezed celandine juice. An onion-based compress is quite effective. It is recommended to do it at night. It is important that the onion composition does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Squeezing, puncturing or cutting a lipoma at home is strictly prohibited.

Otherwise, you can introduce an infection into the wound, and this will lead to abnormal spread of the tumor and the formation of large tumors.

How to delete

If the lipoma is large or multiple, the doctor may prescribe removal of the tumor.

Other indications for this procedure include the following clinical situations:

  • rapid increase in the size of the formation by 2-3 times;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • serious cosmetic discomfort;
  • negative impact on the organs of vision.

Before removal, the patient must be examined not only by the surgeon, but also by an ophthalmologist. For this purpose the following studies are prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • checking blood for clotting;
  • determination of hormonal status.

Only if the indicators are normal, the patient is sent to the surgical hospital, where surgery will be performed. There are the following methods for removing formation:

  • surgical;
  • use of laser;
  • liposuction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • electro wave effect.

Surgical method of removal involves the use of a scalpel. After such an intervention, the wound takes quite a long time to heal and requires some postoperative care. There is a risk of eye damage and inflammation of the suture.

Laser removal is considered one of the most effective and safest methods.

The advantage of this manipulation is the absence of a rehabilitation period. This is a bloodless and accurate way to eliminate wen on the eyelid.

Liposuction involves removing fluid from the tumor. A special tube is used for this. Electrocoagulation and cryodestruction involves eliminating the lipoma in one session. In the first case, the neoplasm is cauterized using high-frequency currents, and in the second case, liquid nitrogen vapor is used. The wound after the intervention disappears 7-10 days after the manipulation. There is a risk of developing a pigment spot.

Radio wave surgery- exposure using a radio knife. After such an intervention there are no scars and no risk of relapse.

It is important that during the operation the tumor is completely removed: along with the pulp and membrane. The procedure for eliminating lipomas on the upper and lower eyelids is slightly different.

On the upper eyelid, the skin is more delicate, so formations form there more often. On the lower eyelid, a wen is often confused with a cold stye.

Before carrying out treatment, the doctor must make sure that there are no contraindications.

Which doctor should I contact?

To eliminate a wen on the eyelid, you will need to consult several specialists: an ophthalmologist, a dermatologist, a surgeon and an endocrinologist.

If the tumor is small and does not cause discomfort, then it can be removed at an aesthetic medicine center or a dermatovenerological dispensary.

This procedure is also carried out in cosmetic clinics and ophthalmology centers. With extensive damage, additional diagnostics are required. Full surgical intervention is carried out only in a surgical hospital.

Wen on the eyelids is not only an aesthetic problem. They may increase in size and become inflamed. If the formation is small, drug therapy will be sufficient to eliminate it. Removal of a large lipoma is carried out using one of the surgical methods.

A fatty tissue (lipoma) on the eye and eyelid is a single or multiple benign formation containing fat cells inside. Pathology can develop due to a decrease in the body’s defenses or as a result of human heredity. Such growths can occur in both a child and an adult man or woman.

The most common places where wen is located: the area under or above the eyes, upper or lower eyelids, in the corners of the eyes, on the white of the eyes. These neoplasms look like white (in rare cases yellowish) lumps. Wen on the eyes is a significant cosmetic defect, so many patients (especially women) are in a hurry to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Such neoplasms on the eyeball occur mainly in older people. They are often confused with a lipoma or cyst on the eye. The medical name for such growths is pinguecula. Wen cannot form on the whites of the eyes, since there is no adipose tissue on these organs. This disease develops due to strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation or injury to the mucous membrane of the eyes. Most often, the pathology affects both organs of vision at once, causing symptoms such as tearing, dryness and redness of the eyeball. Remove growths using a laser. It is almost impossible to get rid of the disease on your own, so you should not self-medicate to avoid unwanted consequences.


Experts have not yet been able to establish the true reasons for the appearance of wen under or above the eyes. However, they highlight the following factors that contribute to this:

  1. Deviations during intrauterine development. Because of this, atypical adipose tissue is formed in a person, capable of accumulating and forming compactions.
  2. Problems with metabolism, due to which a wen can form above the eye.
  3. Disruptions in hormone levels in the body. This can happen during pregnancy, during puberty, and with diseases of the endocrine system.
  4. Pathologies of the urinary system.
  5. Presence of diabetes mellitus.
  6. Heredity. If the disease was present in the parents’ history, then wen under the eyes may also appear in the descendants.

How to get rid of wen on the eyelids and eyes

Fatty tissues are treated by various specialists. First of all, this is done by dermatologists and cosmetologists, and in advanced cases – by surgeons. If a lipoma appears on the white of the eye, the patient must be referred to an ophthalmologist.

There is no specific treatment for the disease in a medical institution, so a person can even go to a cosmetology office. But in this case there is one condition - the cosmetologist can only deal with small seals. To remove a wen on the eye or eyelid, the following methods are used:

  • deep cleaning;
  • laser use;
  • grinding;
  • using a sterile needle for removal.

If the above methods are ineffective or the lipoma is large, the cosmetologist will refer the patient to a medical center for consultation with a surgeon or even an oncologist.

After this, appropriate diagnostics will be carried out and individual treatment will be prescribed. The lipoma will be removed in the following cases:

  1. If a wen on the eye causes pain.
  2. The node is located on the edge of the eyelid, which makes it difficult to move the eyes.
  3. The lipoma touches the white of the eye.
  4. Education affects a person's vision.
  5. There is a clear cosmetic defect.


The following types of studies are carried out as diagnostic measures for lipomas:

  1. Palpation and examination of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  2. Laboratory tests (this includes CBC, biochemistry, blood test for hormones).
  3. Wen puncture for further cytological examination.
  4. A biopsy, the purpose of which is to exclude the presence of cancer cells.
  5. If the formation is deep or large, then an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is performed.

Drug treatment

Often a person tries to avoid surgical intervention, so the most common method of treating wen on the eyelids is medication, when an anti-inflammatory drug is injected into the lipoma cavity. For this purpose, a remedy such as Diprospan is used.

Drug therapy has a number of advantages:

  • minimum trauma;
  • absence of scars;
  • the patient does not feel pain;
  • there is no recovery period.

Depending on the size of the wen around the eyes, there may be one or more such injections. The essence of the technique is to gradually reduce the compaction, after which it completely disappears. The effectiveness of Diprospan injections ranges from 78 to 83%.

There are other methods of drug therapy:

  1. Videstim ointment. Vitamin A, which is contained in the drug, is able to break down fats, as a result, the wen on the eyelid gradually decreases in size and disappears altogether.
  2. Vitaon balm (you can use it to treat problem areas under or above the eyes).
  3. Gistan cream (the drug prevents the formation of new formations).

Despite all the advantages of this treatment, there is still a significant drawback, since there is a possibility of re-appearance of nodes in the same place. If a wen appears on the eye or inner eyelid, the use of local medicinal treatments is prohibited.

Surgery and contraindications

Laser removal

The laser will be especially effective for small and medium-sized lipomas. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis (in a clinic or beauty salon).

The doctor first examines the formation and agrees to laser removal. Features of the procedure:

  1. No anesthesia is required, since laser removal of wen on the eyelid does not cause pain.
  2. The laser beam penetrates the seal tissue, causing the contents to evaporate.
  3. After the procedure, pigment spots may remain, which disappear within a week.
  4. There are no scars left.
  5. Depending on the size of the wen on the eye, you may need from 1 to 2-3 procedures.

Laser therapy for lipomas is carried out if the person does not have problems with the circulatory system. In general, this procedure is the safest of all presented.


This method allows you to get rid of both single and multiple wen on the eyelids. During the procedure, the nodes are exposed to high-frequency electric current, resulting in the rejection of fatty tissue. Depending on the wishes of the patient, local anesthesia can be administered, but many refuse it, since the procedure does not cause severe pain.

The resulting wound heals within 10 days. Scars do not form after this, but a light spot may persist for some time, which soon disappears without a trace.

Surgical removal

Traditionally, when removing a wen on the lower or upper eyelid, surgical excision is used. In this case, both local and general anesthesia are used. The main methods of surgical removal:

  1. The classic method is to get rid of a node with fatty deposits by excision. There are practically no relapses, but a barely noticeable scar may remain in the eye area.
  2. Endoscopic method. In this procedure, a small incision is made in a healthy area of ​​skin through which an endoscope is inserted. After this, the wen on the eyelid is removed. The advantage of this procedure is that after such an operation there are practically no scars left. But the method does not provide a 100% guarantee that the seal will not appear in the same place again.
  3. Liposuction, in which the contents of the tumor are suctioned through a small incision. But patients need to know that this method of removal often causes relapses.

After any operation, the contents of the tumor are sent for biopsy. The rehabilitation period lasts on average 2-3 weeks.

Folk remedies

Wen on the eye or eyelid, under or around the eyes, gives a person an unaesthetic appearance. You can get rid of small formations at home. Just before starting to use traditional methods of treatment, it is necessary to consult with your doctor in order to avoid possible complications such as inflammation and suppuration of the lump. There are many traditional ways to treat wen around the eyes:

  1. Use of fragrant callisia. The more common name for this plant is golden mustache. To prepare the remedy, the callisia leaf must be cut into two parts and applied to the wen on the eyelid. To prevent the leaf from falling, it should be secured with a bandage or adhesive tape and left overnight.
  2. Garlic ointment. The garlic is first ground and mixed with any vegetable oil. The eyelid with wen must be wiped with this product several times a day and at night.
  3. Onion mask. First, the onion is baked, then the laundry soap is finely chopped and everything is mixed into a homogeneous mass. Then this mass is transferred to a gauze bag, which is applied to the neoplasm on the eyelid. These bags should be changed periodically. After 10 hours of using the onion mass, a positive result will be noticeable.
  4. Vinegar with iodine. These two substances are diluted 1 to 1. Then, using a cotton swab, the resulting mixture is applied to the wen under or above the eye. The course of treatment is 1 week, and the procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. Make sure that the solution does not get into your eyes, and also do not heavily lubricate the affected area, otherwise you risk getting a burn. A single application of the product will be sufficient, regardless of the color of the stain.
  5. Garlic with lard. Grind 200 g of lard and 100 g of garlic until smooth. Next, apply a thin layer of the mixture to the lipoma. A cabbage leaf is placed on top. And on top of all this a cotton-gauze bandage is applied. This procedure is done before bedtime. The combination of lard and garlic has a resolving effect on fatty tumors.

All these methods will be good for single and small wen in the eye area. If there are several compactions, then we can talk about lipomatosis or Dercum's disease. In this case, only removal surgery will help.

It is prohibited to cut or pierce the formation on your own, as there is a danger of infection and further inflammation, which can cause the wen to degenerate into liposarcoma.

Products such as celandine juice, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, pepper or garlic compresses are not applied to the area of ​​the inner eyelids.


Preventive measures aimed at preventing the formation of wen may be as follows:

  1. Wash your face regularly with soap and then apply cream to your face.
  2. Body weight should be kept under control.
  3. Clean your face regularly using a scrub, but not more than twice a month.
  4. Eat right. Avoid eating foods high in fat and cholesterol.
  5. Monitor your health, promptly eliminate problems and diseases that arise (especially diseases of the gastrointestinal system).

Thus, the basis of preventive measures against the occurrence of fatty seals is proper facial hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

In order to finally get rid of wen on the eye and eyelid, as well as on other parts of the body, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the main reason why they appear, namely, to strengthen the immune system.

The appearance of wen on the skin is a common phenomenon. Anyone can face this problem.

Particularly unpleasant is their occurrence on the face, in the eye area. After all, the eyes, as we know, are the mirror of the soul, so everyone wants there to be no unaesthetic formations around them.

Women aged 30 to 50 years are more susceptible to fatty tissue, but they also occur quite often in men.

The appearance of lipomas is associated with internal problems of the human body, so it is impossible to become infected with them.

What it is?

A small tumor formed by overgrown fatty tissue is called a wen (lipoma). It can appear anywhere on the human body where there is at least a small layer of fatty tissue.


There is a risk of such formation occurring on the eyelids. It does not pose a danger, but it can significantly “spoil” a person’s appearance.


The reasons for the appearance of wen on the eyelids are not fully known; they appear unexpectedly and tend to gradually increase in size.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of lipomas:

  • Increased cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Improper care of sensitive facial skin, causing clogged pores.
  • Using cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type.
  • Impaired flow of bile.
  • Diabetes.
  • Frequent overeating.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

All these factors can lead to the growth of adipose tissue, which provokes the appearance of wen.


Wen on the eyelids is absolutely painless and does not cause any problems to a person, except for worries about appearance.

Lipoma can be identified by the following signs:

  • Education is mobile and soft.
  • There is no pain when pressing on the wen.

Lipoma can stop developing or grow very quickly. The wen is extremely mobile, but there is no need to touch it again.

  • Excessive touching and squeezing can lead to the destruction of the capsule in which the adipose tissue is located, which will not benefit the body.
  • Constant touching creates a massage effect and increases blood circulation, which can cause lipoma growth.

A cluster of fatty tissues located very close to one another is called lipomatosis. And if it is accompanied by pain – painful lipomatosis.

Types of wen

Two types of wen can appear on a person’s eyelids:

  • Milia are the most common type of lipoma. This type of wen is a small, yellowish-white nodule. It differs from acne in the absence of a duct, so it cannot be squeezed out.
  • Xanthelasma (flat xanthoma) usually occur on the lower and upper eyelids. They are a slightly elevated or flat yellow plaque, the surface of which is either smooth or slightly wrinkled. Often such lipomas are located symmetrically on the inner corners of the upper eyelids. Their size can range from a few millimeters to 5 centimeters.

Xanthelasmas can grow and merge with adjacent plaques. Most often, such wen on the eyelids is present in women after 40 years of age.

An aggravating factor is liver disease or metabolic disorders.

Treatment options

Wen may not be treated if it is small in size, but usually it looks aesthetically unattractive and spoils a person’s appearance.

Treatment options for lipomas on the eyelid:

  • Surgical.
  • Medication.
  • Laser removal.
  • Self-removal.
  • Traditional medicine methods.

Before any treatment involving a doctor, the first step is to take tests and undergo a series of examinations.

If there is a very large lipoma, the doctor can take a puncture for analysis (by piercing the wen with a needle).

In addition, the patient may undergo an ultrasound scan and consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Surgical removal

Indications for surgery to remove a wen on the eyelid are as follows:

  • Rapid growth (increase in size two to three times per month).
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Problem with closing eyes.
  • Painful sensations.
  • Cosmetic defect.

Surgical intervention can be of two types:

Solving the problem with endoscopic surgery. The surgeon makes a small incision through which the endoscope is inserted into the tumor. Using a special tool, the wen is separated from the eyelid and removed. They try to make the incision in a less noticeable place, for example, in the crease of the eyelid.

Surgery possible using traditional surgical techniques– an incision is made, the contents of the wen are removed, then the tissue is excised and a suture is formed. In this case, it is imperative to eliminate the fat capsule, otherwise the wen will appear again.

The operation to remove the wen is surgically performed under local anesthesia and only in a hospital setting. After the procedure, the person must spend some time there under the supervision of a doctor. Usually the removed wen is sent for histological examination.

The recovery period lasts two to three weeks. When a wen is surgically removed, scars remain in its place.

Drug treatment

If the wen is small in size (up to three centimeters in diameter), it is removed with medication. To do this, the doctor, using a thin needle, punctures the lipoma and injects drugs into it to promote its resorption.

The result of treatment with this method can be seen after two months.

Laser removal of wen on eyelid

Laser removal is the best way to get rid of lipomas, especially to combat fatty deposits on the face and in particular on the eyelid.

Advantages of this method:

  • Painless.
  • Bloodlessness, since small vessels are “sealed” during the operation.
  • Accuracy. With a laser beam it is much higher than with a scalpel.
  • There is no possibility of infection, since the laser cauterizes the edges of the wound.
  • Eliminating the possibility of relapse, since the capsule is also removed along with the wen.
  • Complete absence of scars after the procedure.

Self-removal of wen

Removing a lipoma on your own is extremely dangerous, as infection can occur (due to lack of sterility), and scars can also remain; in addition, squeezing out a lipoma can provoke abnormal growth of adipose tissue.

If a person nevertheless decides to remove the lipoma on his own, he should follow a certain sequence of actions:

It is better not to engage in amateur activities, but to consult a doctor, especially since the eyelid is a very delicate place. We should not forget that when removed independently, the wen capsule remains unchanged, which means a relapse is possible.

Treatment with traditional methods

Many people place their hopes on traditional medicine methods. However, we must remember that such treatment usually takes a long time and is not always effective.

The most popular folk remedies:

  • Mix a teaspoon of fresh garlic juice with a tablespoon of lard. Lubricate the wen with the resulting composition daily.
  • Using a blender, grind five chestnuts, aloe (a tablespoon of crushed leaves) and a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture to the wen until it disappears.
  • Mini-compresses from the juice of the golden mustache plant.
  • Eat a tablespoon of cinnamon every day.

Risks and consequences

Although the wen is a benign formation, there remains a risk of its degeneration into liposarcoma (a malignant tumor).

The reason for such a transformation may be the encapsulation of the lipoma, in which case it becomes a breeding ground for a wide variety of microorganisms.

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