Class hour How to love yourself. Class hour "Can I love?" Issues for discussion


1. Development of communication skills.
2. Formation of the foundations for positive communication between children and with adults.
3. Development of reflection and empathy skills.
4. Prevention of negative attitudes towards oneself, peers and adults.
5. Prevention of antisocial behavior.
6. Formation of skills of adequate behavior in society.

Equipment: image of a vase, paper flowers (red, orange, blue, purple, black).

Progress of the event:

Dear Guys! We've been studying together for three years now, but we haven't really become friends yet. And the point is not that you don’t want to, but that you simply don’t know how to communicate with each other. You often do not understand each other, and without this it is very difficult to communicate with peers and adults, and it is impossible to be friends. Therefore, it is very important to learn to understand who is nearby.

You came here today with your mood. They say: if you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood. I really hope that you are in a good mood now. But it’s okay if this is not the case, I think that by the end of the class hour it will definitely rise. Let's determine what mood you are in now? Choose a flower you like and place it in a mood vase.

I am very glad that this vase contains many yellow and orange flowers. This means that most of you are in a wonderful, good mood.

Now let's divide into groups (by color).

Each of you has a name. We call a person by name. Write on the sheet the name you would like to respond to. Use the sheet as a badge..

Well done! Very interesting names. Someone stayed with their name, but it became more affectionate.

Pay attention to the first letter of this name. It will help you understand yourself, find out what you are. Choose a compliment that starts with this letter. If you find it difficult yourself, let the guys in your group help.

You probably noticed that some of the statements were offensive. What helps us communicate?

Explain what the phrases mean: (work in groups)

"Find a common language";
“The tone makes the phrase.”

What is most important in a phrase, even more important than words?


Look how many letters there are in this word, let's make other words from them.

What is intonation? What is the intonation? (with mockery, with exclamation, with delight, with chagrin, with gratitude).

Practice in groups and say the same phrase with different intonations.

(You did great! - with admiration, with mockery).

(I’m very happy for you! - with approval, with chagrin).

(Thank you! – with gratitude, with resentment).

In what cases are these phrases pronounced? What other phrases can be said with different intonations?

Let's look at your acting skills. Rehearse in a group and read the following phrases with the correct intonation:

The goat got scared
She widened her eyes:
"What's happened? Why?
I won’t understand anything!”
(Interrogative intonation)

“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
Life hasn’t been easy for you!”

And the trough began to cry:
"Alas! I’m broken, broken!”

“I won’t, I won’t
I will offend the dishes
I will, I will, I will do the dishes
And love and respect.”

But the trough answered:
“I’m angry with Fedora.”
And the poker said:
“I am Fedora’s servant”

And the saucers cried:
“It wouldn’t be better to go back!”

And the rolling pin said:
“I feel sorry for Fedor.”
And the cup said:
“Oh, she’s poor!”

Can you guess what work these lines are from? (“Fedorino grief” by K.I. Chukovsky).

Look around, whoever was shy today and never expressed their opinion, let’s invite them to the board. Let's play the game “Frightened Hedgehog”.

Stand in pairs. Decide which of you will be the hedgehog who was very scared by the dog. The hedgehog curled up into a ball, put out his needles and hisses at anyone who touches him. The task of the second participant is to calm the hedgehog with the help of words and touches, so that he believes and hides the needles.

Now you know how people communicate in different situations. Why are there guys who never came to the board and didn’t express their opinion? (They are shy). Feeling confident is not easy, but it can be learned.

There is a sheet of paper in front of you. Answer my questions by putting - or +.

  1. Can you be the first to speak to a strange boy or girl?
  2. Can you meet someone on your own?
  3. Do you like to play with guys?
  4. Can you exchange toys or games with other children?
  5. can you ask to be accepted into the game?
  6. Do you like to play games according to the rules?
  7. Can you give in to keep the game going?
  8. Do you like visiting?
  9. Do you like receiving gifts?
  10. Do you like to give gifts?

Count the - and +. If you get more than 3 minuses, then you need to behave more freely with children and adults. The following game will help you with this:

the player stands in the outlined circle. He needs to jump to another without hitting the line. He says: “I won’t be able to jump.” The rest of the guys encourage him, support his comrade.

Why is it important to encourage and support each other?

Do you want to be supported?

Do you get support often?

How do you feel when you are supported?

Do your parents support you?

Which of your friends supports you and in what cases?

Now choose a person and ask him for something, trying not to repeat the phrases.

Whose request was most important?

Who was it impossible to refuse?

Is it easy for you to make a request to your parents? To friends? To the teachers?

But sometimes you need to be able to refuse, to say “no” at the right moment. In what cases can the ability to refuse come in handy?

I'll check it now. Imagine that I don’t know you, treat you with sweets and ask you to show your apartment. (the teacher offers candy, accompanies the treat with requests, the children politely refuse).

Clever girls! Now I am calm for you.

Stand in a circle. Your neighbors in a circle probably have something that you can learn, something that you like about this person. Tell us about it. The children take turns turning to the neighbor on the right and saying: “I really like this about you...”

I am sure that today we have become a little friendlier, we have begun to understand each other better.

Thank you for your attention.

Municipal government educational institution

"Komsomolsk secondary school"

Odessa municipal district of Omsk region

Methodological development

class hour

"Knowing yourself"

Prepared by: Kukushkina Antonina Vasilievna,

physics and mathematics teacher

highest qualification category

MKOU "Komsomolskaya Secondary School"


Explanatory note pp. 3-4

Scenario for an hour of communicationc tr. 5- 11

1. Introduction "Do we know ourselves?"

a) exercise “Recognition”

2. Interactive conversation on the topic “Why is self-esteem needed?”

4. “Knowing yourself” pp. 6-10

a) Test – game “My place in educational affairs”;

b) exercise “Getting to know yourself”;

c) exercise “Who am I?”;

d) exercise “Tell me a mirror”;

d) body condition test;

f) exercise “What is in your name?”;

g) exercise “I am in various life roles”;

h) exercise “My portrait”

5. Final words p.11

6. Summing up (reflection) p.11

Literature p.12

Appendix p.13

Explanatory note

The methodological development “Knowing yourself” contains forms and methods of educational work of the class teacher to develop and support the individuality of each child, which manifests itself from birth.Individuality should be understood as singularity, uniqueness, and the dissimilarity of one person from another.“Children are flowers. You can’t… demand that all flowers smell the same” (V.I. Doroshevich). An important sign of human individuality is the activity of a person’s creative creative personality. In order for a child to become an individual, upbringing is necessary in a complex: family first of all, school and society. ABOUTmain target education - to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual.Private target- provide conditions for the flourishing of the individuality of a particular person, taking into account his age characteristics. Personalization - is the activity of an adult (teacher) and the student himself to support and develop this individual, special, original, something that is inherent in a given individual by nature or that he acquired through individual experience. At the first stage of individualization, it is necessary to diagnose the study of students and their individual characteristics. The most common methods in practice are observation, questioning, conversation and studying the products of students’ activities.The main assistant to the teacher and parent in the formation of the child’s individuality is himself. Knowing yourself is directly related to all types of self-improvement: self-education, self-affirmation, self-determination, etc. It is necessary to involve a teenager in the process of self-knowledge, to reveal a person’s potential, his ability to develop, train himself, change, improve. But the teacher must always remember: in the behavior of children, and especially in adolescence, cyclical changes become noticeable, when during the upswing the teenager is active and sociable, and during the downturn he is apathetic, irritable, and touchy. In this connection, inadequate self-esteem and an inferiority complex appear. High self-esteem leads to the development of self-esteem, while low self-esteem gives rise to anxiety and uncertainty.

The teacher faces task create conditions for the formation of adequate self-esteem, that is, To help students build an image of their best qualities in order to rely on them when making decisions and choosing paths. All this contributes not only to the education of the student, but helps him to believe in himself, assert himself and find his place in this life.


- expand children’s understanding of themselves through self-knowledge, self-determination (getting to know their own “I”); - development of the ability to know oneself, effectively interact with others, awareness and promotion of personally significant problems,

Promote the formation of adequate self-esteem;

Arouse interest in oneself, encourage children to introspection, self-knowledge, self-improvement;

- increasing psychological culture.

Equipment:ICT; recordsworks of Bach, Beethoven (music should be calm); slides with instructions for working rules; handout: markers of three colors ( red, green and black); sheets papers with smiley faces; blank sheets of paper where self-esteem and a list of personality traits will be recorded (in the future “My Portrait”); small mirrors according to the number of students; data on the weight and height of each student and a reminder with the meaning of each student’s name . Form: an hour of communication for students in grades 8-9.

Location: cool room.

Time spending: preferably at the beginning of the school year.

Methods: interactive conversation, problem situation, self-characteristics, individual form of work, game situations.

Result: at the end of the hour of communication, each student must compose a description of “My portrait” (based on the proposed exercises).


Write the topic of the communication hour on the board (not necessary when using ICT); - epigraphs - “A smart person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself,” German poet I.V. Goethe.

Methodical tips: The class teacher is a subtle psychologist who organizes an atmosphere of unpretentious, friendly communication. No more than 3-4 minutes are given to complete the exercises.

Scenario for an hour of communication

Classroom teacher asks the children to mark their presence (their mood) on paper with the image of emoticons, decorating it with a felt-tip pen of the same color (red, green and black) (Appendix 1).

1. Introduction "Do we know ourselves?" (slide 1)

Typically, older adolescence is considered the age of personal self-determination, which is associated with understanding oneself, one’s capabilities and aspirations. Meanwhile, not many people know what they want and cannot adequately evaluate themselves or their comrades.

How can we find out about ourselves - am I good or bad?

Answer: classmates, friends, parents, etc. will tell you.

Classroom teacher: Okay, let’s find out how true this is (done exercise "Recognition"). I ask one of the students to leave the class (by counting, wishing or drawing lots), at which time the remaining students choose another student as the object of the riddle. Then the “driver” is invited, and each of those sitting in the class characterizes the person in a few words. The leader must name this hidden student according to his characteristics.

The guys are unable to give a description, even a partial one. They become convinced that they know so little about their comrades. How difficult it is to answer the question, “What is he like,” even though we studied with him for more than one year. It is even more difficult to answer simple questions: who am I? what am I? what do I want to be? Today we will learn to answer these questions.

2. Interactive conversation on the topic “Why is self-esteem needed?” (slide 2)

Classroom teacher. The great German poet I.V. Goethe argued: “An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.” Can you consider yourself smart people? (Children answer)

Self-knowledge and self-analysis are very important for a person. With self-knowledge, one begins to determine the purpose of life, that is, building one’s own “I”, forming oneself as a socially necessary and useful for society, a significant person. A born child becomes a person, a person, only in society. Knowing yourself is not easy. First of all, you need to be extremely sincere and honest with yourself. You cannot value yourself higher than you really are.

They say about such people: “He thinks a lot about himself.” If a person evaluates himself too low, then another danger lurks here: lack of self-confidence.

Classroom teacher. Why do we need proper self-esteem at all? What will it give? Sample answers from children:

    Find out your calling, choose a profession.

    Avoid mistakes and disappointments.

    Behave correctly with others.

    Don't take on impossible tasks.

    Correctly determine your goal in life.

Classroom teacher. You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. Indeed, a person who objectively assesses his abilities and capabilities will be able to accurately choose his calling and determine his goal in life. It is easier for such a person to avoid the collapse of life plans, disappointments, and mistakes.

3. Problem situation “How to evaluate yourself?”

The answers are listened to.

Classroom teacher. What can you find out about yourself?

Sample answers from children:

    Your physical capabilities, health status.

    Your talents, abilities (mental, creative).

    Your character, temperament, will.

    Your tastes, habits.

5. Your strengths and weaknesses. From the outside it is easy to determine what kind of self-esteem a person has, but it is more difficult to evaluate oneself. And where to start? To do this, today we turn to the science of psychology, which has a variety of techniques (exercises).

4. “Knowing yourself.” Performing psychological exercises .

Classroom teacher. Each student knows about each other's attitude to learning. We will try to confirm the degree of learning motivation of everyone.

Test – game “My place in educational affairs”(guys on the move) . It is carried out in the form of a game with students in the classroom. I ask everyone to sit, if they wish, either closer to the door or to the window. If there is no space, then you can simply stand in the place in the class where the student is comfortable.

Classroom teacher. By how and what place a student chooses for himself in space - closer to the window or to the door - one can indirectly judge the degree of educational motivation of the individual. And I explain that the windows of our classroom symbolize the maximum effort of a person to study well, and the doors symbolize the minimum. Everyone has now spontaneously chosen a place in the class that corresponds to the efforts they put into their studies. .

Next is executed exercise “Getting to know yourself” ( Slide 3 with questionnaire). Classroom teacher. In front of you is a blank sheet of paper. Write down, as far as possible, the continuation of phrases from slide No. 3. Then the guys take turns speaking, someone may miss their turn.

    My best qualities are...

    What I like most about myself...

    I love to play...

    My favorite school subject...

    I love watching movies about...

    I like music…

    My favorite pastime...

    I feel happy (oh) when...

    I would like to be...

Classroom teacher. Well, what do you think, continuing the phrases, have you fully and objectively assessed yourself? (Students’ answers, if necessary, I convince with an example that it is incomplete). Further (slide 4)

I am a family, in me, as in a spectrum, there live seven “I”s, unbearable, like seven devils. And the blue one whistles into a pipe! And in the spring I dream that I am eighth! Robert Rozhdestvensky.

The image of “I” is multifaceted (slide 5, quiet, light music sounds). It manifests itself in different situations and circumstances: you can be a “modest and quiet student” - in class, at home - a “thunderstorm in the family”, on the street - a “good friend” and so on, or even vice versa. One Self is external (physical), and there is also an internal Self (mental). There is a conscious Self (which you are aware of), and there is an unconscious Self (you do not realize why you feel such an attitude towards something, for example, why you like the smell of lilac). There is a Self that thinks and feels “to myself,” and there is a Self that behaves in one way or another (behaviorally) role-wise (in various roles). You remember yourself in the past, imagine yourself in the future. Sometimes you imagine unrealistic, fantastic images of yourself; you may have an ideal Self that you would like to become. Based on a multifaceted image. I answer the question “Who am I?” Exercise “Who am I?”When answering the question, give at least 20 answers (for example: I am a student, I am a hockey player, I am a friend, I am handsome), guided by the “I” scheme(slide 5). Record your answers again on a piece of paper.. If desired, several students can read aloud their mini-essays about themselves. Classroom teacher. (slide 6) Each person has a small mirror on the table in front of you. Perhaps someone has already considered themselves in it. The sage saw him as a sage, the fool saw him as a fool, the ram saw him as a ram, the sheep saw him as a sheep, and the monkey as a monkey. But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him, and Fedya saw a shaggy slob. K. Chukovsky. Why do you need a mirror? (students' answers). That's right, you look in the mirror and see what you look like: like your vows, what kind of face you have, eyebrows, eyes, hair. You can see yourself as a physical body. Exercise “Light, tell me a mirror.”Describe how you see yourself in the mirror (eye color, hair color, lips, nose, facial expression, etc.)? Classroom teacher . Besides this there are many other physical characteristics. Which? (answers: weight, height, how fast you run, what are your strength qualities, jump length, etc.) Let’s do it fatness test (slide No. 7), which will allow you to engage in self-improvement if necessary. Each individual is personally recorded with data on his height (in dm) and body weight (in kg), taken in advance from the school nurse. Calculate the fatness indicator using the formula: body weight in kg divided by height in dm and find out the condition of the body.

Body condition

Body condition score


2,9 -3,2

Poor nutrition




Excessive weight



5.41 or more

They analyze their condition using the table and draw the appropriate conclusion: there is something to work on, some people need to think about it. But there is no need to be upset, since physical characteristics change with age. In place mystery. Who we are talking about: “In the morning on four legs. During the day - on two, in the evening - on three"? (answer: baby-adult-old man with a stick) With age, a person not only changes physically, but you are the author of yourself! Change yourself, improve your qualities, both internal and external. But your relatives gave you your name at birth: parents, grandparents, etc. Puzzles:1. What can't a person live without? (no name) and 2. Doesn’t sink in water, doesn’t burn in fire, doesn’t rot in the ground (person’s name). Exercise “What’s in your name?” ( slide 8) Write your name in large letters and from each letter a word that begins with that letter and characterizes you. Example on your name on a slide: ANTONINA - A active, N stable, T talented, ABOUT own, N easy to see, AND intellectual, N astyrna, A Devatnaya What qualities of a person are encrypted in his name: external or internal? (answers) Do you like your name? What does it mean? (listen to the answer) Then I distribute pre-prepared memos separately for each person with the meaning of his name. For example, Ruslan – when little one is emotional, capricious, somewhat cunning. Loves to be praised. He needs fame, a craving for fame, the ability to find a common language, comes from the Turkic - “arslan” - lion. Olga - serious, touchy, thoughtful, capable, but learns reluctantly. Very feminine, takes care of her appearance, doesn’t mind chatting with her friends, vulnerable. The guys read them out. I listen to their opinion about whether the description of the meaning of the name coincides with its human qualities. Information taken from the book “The Secret of the Name” (see list of references). Classroom teacher. At 10 years old, at home, with your own people, you have your own name. But as soon as you got on the street, you lost this name. There are no names here, they go by nicknames. What about at school? It has its own habits, They consider you big here and call you by your last name. And so there are three titles, three roles: In the family, on the street and at school. V. Berestov. Exercise “I am in various life roles.”( slide 9) Write who you are to others, what roles do you play? Using slide 9, imagine the totality of your social roles.

son (daughter) brother (sister) grandson (granddaughter) I = student boy (girl) member of the circle classmate ………………..

Classroom teacher. You have seen how wide the spectrum of human characteristics is. Physical data can be measured, external data can be seen in the mirror, but internal qualities of a person? Here is a number of personality traits (slide 10). Exercise “My portrait”. Do you have all of them? Tag them to yourself. Think about whether you have any negative qualities? Tag them too. How could you name this list of your qualities, strengths, weaknesses? (answer “My portrait”). I appeal to the students: now tell me, based on the description received, of who the guys described at the beginning of the hour of communication. I draw their attention to a more complete description.

5. Final word Classroom teacher. As you know, all people are unique, but many cannot or do not want to realize this uniqueness. And for this you just need to know yourself, give yourself an objective assessment. It turns out that this is not at all easy. Few manage to create an objective description. Everyone has their own, individual, unique process of self-discovery. It will last a lifetime. Knowing yourself begins with knowing other people, knowing the world, and knowing the meaning of life. I introduce the recommendations for self-assessment and self-observation (slide No. 11).

    Judge yourself by your actions. Success is an indicator of your strengths, failures characterize your weaknesses and shortcomings.

    Compare yourself to others. With those who are better.

    Listen to criticism addressed to you: if one criticizes, think about it; if there are two, analyze your behavior; if there are three, remake yourself.

    Be more demanding of yourself than you are of others. Compare your opinion of yourself with the opinion of others about you. In a dream, touch the stars and clouds. And believe that it is not in vain. And know that everything in life is not so easy. Hope for a Miracle, believe in a fairy tale. Love each other and give warmth. And live truly, without a mask. Laugh, cry and create destiny. 6. Summing up (reflection). Classroom teacher. What did today's class teach you? Were you able to learn something new about yourself and others? (Students' answers). Once again, I ask the students to color one emoticon for each one with a colored felt-tip pen at the end of the lesson. I post them separately (those at the beginning of the hour of communication and those emoticons that are decorated at the end of the lesson). I draw the attention of the guys. Please analyze. Clench your hand into a fist and: for those who were interested, straighten the thumb; for those who will need knowledge in life, the index finger; for those who have worked hard, the middle finger; for those who have learned a lot, the ring finger; for those who liked the activity, the little finger. And let's applaud ourselves! Thank you for your communication (slide 12)!


1. Akimova M.V., Kozlova V.G. Student individuality and individual approach. Moscow, 1992.

Class hour on the topic “Learn to be friends”

Goal: developing an understanding of the most valued human virtues, the meaning of friendship and the qualities that need to be developed in oneself in order to be worthy of friendship.

1. Teacher: Guys, we have an interesting and serious topic for class. Try to guess what we are going to talk about. Hint: the definitions “strong”, “long”, “real” fit this word. And this word is (friendship)
- Today our class hour is dedicated to talking about friendship. Where does friendship begin? This is also sung in the song about friendship. (With a smile) Slide 2. When a person smiles, he puts you at ease, your mood rises, and you also want to smile in response. By smiling, we show sympathy and trust, and this is where friendships begin.

Let's, friends, smile at each other,
We will give smiles to our guests!
Ready to communicate! Then - get to work!
I wish you good luck!
- Today our smiles should shine like the sun. The emblem of our meeting will be this beautiful, kind sun.

2. Please step into the circle. Standing, we greet each other.
Hello Friend! (right hand forward)
How are you? (right hand on neighbor's shoulder)
Where have you been? (right hand behind neighbor's ear)
I missed! (hug yourself)
You came? (hands to the side)
Fine? (hug)

3. - Friendship has been talked about at all times, poets and writers, scientists and philosophers have written about it and expressed their thoughts. For example, the philosopher Socrates wrote: “No communication between people is possible without friendship.” (Slide 3) And you and I have also talked about friendship, and today we will continue this conversation.
Slide 4. Imagine that you are walking along the road and there is a stone on the way that says:
“If you go to the left, you will find friendship. If you go to the right, you will lose a friend.”
In life, we always choose which path to follow, what to do, and our choice characterizes ourselves. What and why will you choose?
To do this, two posters are hung on opposite sides of the classroom. On one it is written - “Friendship is not needed”, on the other - “Friendship is needed”. Students are asked to define their position and prove it.

Slide 5. – Take friendship carefully in your palms and pass it on to each other. Feel what friendship is like
- to the touch;
- taste;
- what color is it;
- what weather can it be compared to?
I write down the children’s conclusions on the board.

Conclusion: friendship gives us pleasant feelings.

5. Slide 6. Game “Find someone like you”
Students stand in a circle. I ask them to close their eyes and not talk to each other. I pin little drawings on their backs (a sun, a cloud, a flower, a heart, and one drawing of a thundercloud).
Assignment: find “your kind” and take your places at the tables. You can't talk while doing this.
Please note that one student remains.
- How does someone feel who is left alone and without friends?

There is an old but true saying: “You have to be a friend to have friends.” Indeed, it is very important to be able to make friends yourself. This is what we will talk about today.

6. Updating knowledge and ideas on the topic.
- So, the key word of our conversation is friendship. Write it down in your notebooks.

So, we found out what is needed. I want people to be friends with each other, understand each other and be happy. Issues of friendship have always worried people on Earth, which is why the International holiday Friendship Day even appeared, which is celebrated annually on June 9 (Slide 7). This is still a young holiday. Not all people know about it. But every year more and more people celebrate this day. What can you do on Friendship Day? (On Friendship Day, you can call a friend, write him a letter, visit a friend, give him a gift.)
- So that you don’t forget about this important holiday, there is a reminder in your notebooks.
Introduction to the concept of “friendship”.
- In order to talk about friendship, you need to understand what friendship is (Slide 8). People have been thinking about this question for a long time and have found out what friendship is. Try to complete this statement together within your group.
Friendship is ______________________________________________________

Let's hear what you came up with.
- Now compare your statements with the interpretation of this word from the Explanatory Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov (Slide 9, click)

“Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.”
S. I. Ozhegov “Explanatory Dictionary”

Conclusion: You were not mistaken in your judgment. It’s great that you understand what friendship is.

The concept of "true friend".
- So, guys, we found out what friendship is. But without whom can friendship not take place?
- Of course, there is no friendship without friends. What should a true friend be like? That is the question? I suggest you watch a short film. (Slide 10)
- Do you think the main character of the film is a true friend? (No, he was only taking advantage of a friend, and a true friend should give, not take).
- What should a true friend be like? (Slide 11) I invite you to imagine that there is a magic shop in which there are unusual things: patience, a sense of humor, sensitivity, kindness, respect, compassion, etc. Acquire those qualities that you think should be in a true friend.
- Probably, your friends want to see the same character traits in you.
- In your notebooks there are designs of hearts. You now know what qualities a true friend should have. Which of these qualities do you have? Please write it down. (Slide 12)
Discussion: “I can be a true friend because I am.”
- Each of you has qualities inherent in a friend. That is why we have friendly relations in our class. But there are still qualities in the magic shop (I post them on the other side of the board) that you did not choose. Why? (A true friend should not have these qualities.)
- On pieces of paper, write down what you would like to change in yourself or completely get rid of unworthy qualities so that you have more friends. Your entries are intended only for you, no one will read them.
- By throwing these leaves into the trash can, we will believe that we will be able to eradicate in ourselves what we admitted only to ourselves. (Students write, fold and throw in the trash).
7. Slide 13. Creative task “Looking for a friend”
- Any person probably dreams of having a true friend. Some of you are probably already lucky, and you have such a friend. Someone has many acquaintances and friends, but it is difficult to choose from among them a person whom one could proudly call a friend. And someone, perhaps, due to shyness or isolation, feels lonely and bitterly admits to himself that he has no friends. But in any case, a true friend will not hurt anyone.
Now I will become the editor of a special newspaper of free advertisements. It's called "Looking for a Friend." Each of you will place an advertisement there looking for a friend. There are no word limits or letter size restrictions on this ad. Any form is accepted. You can set out a list of requirements for a friend candidate, the entire set of qualities that he should have, or you can draw his portrait. Can you tell us about yourself? In short, make the announcement the way you want. But you just need to make sure that your ad attracts attention among others.
Take sheets of paper, pens, pencils and start your ad. Preparation time: 5 minutes.
There is no need to sign advertisements.
- Time is up. Who wants to read their ad? When leaving our meeting, please post your announcements on the Notice Board.
- Did you like all the ads?
- Was it difficult to write about yourself?
- Time is up. Let's put our announcements on the table. Now everyone silently reads them and puts a tick on the side of the 1-2 advertisements that caught your attention and you are ready to contact its submitters.
8. Games.
Slide 14. Now we will play the game “Do I know my friend (my girlfriend)?” A couple of friends are participating in the game. I will ask questions. One of the friends will write the answer on the board, then we will listen to the other. Let's compare the answers and conclude whether they know each other well.
Favorite hobby. (What does he like to do in his free time?)
What circle or section does he attend?
What is his favorite time of year?
What sport do you like?
What lesson do you like at school?
What books does he like to read?
What animal would you like to have at home?
- Well, we see that he knows well how his friend lives, what his interests are. Let's check how things are going.
Energizer “Get to know a friend”
Children form 2 circles. Holding hands, they move in different directions with their eyes closed. On the command “Stop”, the one who stands inside the circle must guess the name of the one who stands opposite him in another circle, without touching him with his hands, but by his voice. (You must say the phrase “Friendship is important to everyone.”
9. Rules of friendship
- Well, we worked very hard, we have already learned a lot. But the most important thing is that there will be no friendship between people if we ourselves do not follow certain rules, the laws of friendship (Slide 15). What should people observe, how should they treat each other? Let's compile a set of basic laws of friendship.
- To do this, get acquainted with the list of rules and select those that you think must be followed and observed in order to be a good friend, and friendship to be real.
Write them on your palms.
Laws of Friendship
Help a friend in need.
Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.
Don't deceive your friend.
Be polite.
Be careful.
Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.
Be responsive not only in grief, but also in joy.
Do not be greedy.
Don't be a traitor.

Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
Know how to admit your mistakes and do not be offended by fair criticism.
Do not envy.
Know how to keep secrets.
Take care of your friends.
Know how to forgive.
Try to be sincere.
Be tolerant of people different from you.
- Let's hear what rules you have chosen for yourself. (Children read out the selected rules).
- Conclusion: The rest of the rules will also be useful to you. By following these rules of friendship, you will never lose a friend. And so that the emblem of our class hour glows longer from the smiles that we gave each other during communication, attach your “hand of friendship” to the sun. (Slide 16)

Final part.
- The class hour has come to an end. You have a long road of life ahead of you. And let only true friends meet on your life’s path.
Now stand in a circle, hold hands - these are the hands of a friend. Place your hands on your shoulders. This is a friend's shoulder that you can lean on in difficult times.
Who feels the shoulder nearby,
He will never fall
He will not be lost in any trouble.
And if he suddenly stumbles,
Then a friend will help him get up,
Always his reliable friend
In trouble he will lend a hand.

2. Reflection. Summing up the work
Slide 16. Reflection “Everything is in your hands”
Trace your left hand on a piece of paper. Each finger is a position on which you need to express your opinion by painting your fingers in the appropriate colors. If a position doesn’t interest you, don’t paint it.
Big – for me the topic was important and interesting – red.
Index – learned a lot of new things – yellow.
Medium – it was difficult for me – green.
Unnamed - I felt comfortable - blue.
Little finger - there wasn't enough information for me - purple.

Evaluate yourself. The process of self-discovery.
- Guys, look what we got. We know what friendship is, who a “true friend” is, we have derived a formula for friendship, and compiled a set of laws of friendship. We just have to find out if we can be real friends (slide 9).
- There is a sun with rays on your desks. In the center we see the inscription “I can”. Think about what you can do for your friend. Write about it in the light. Attach the faces to the sun and you will get your own portrait. (Children fill in the rays, attach them with double-sided tape to the sheet with the sun, and voice their answers).


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Class hour

How to love yourself

Issues for discussion during class time:

  • -How do you understand what self-esteem is?
  • -Why is it important to evaluate yourself?
  • -Do you think that your own assessment of yourself coincides with the opinions of others?
  • -What is the danger: a) underestimated; b) inflated self-esteem?
  • -Whose opinion about yourself do you consider the most significant?
  • -How to increase self-esteem?


“A person is like a fraction, the numerator is what he is, and the denominator is what he thinks about himself.”

(L.N. Tolstoy)

Rules of communication

"Everyone's opinion should be


"Do not interrupt!";

“Don't be aggressive!”; “Get it done in a minute!”;

“If you criticize, suggest!”;

“Don’t rush to conclusions!”

Test results for self-esteem

  • More than 120 points. You extremely satisfied with themselves. However, you are fairly lacking in healthy self-criticism and the ability for real self-esteem. e . Try to understand and evaluate this circumstance with the help of family and friends.
  • From 60 to 120 points. You are fairly confident in your abilities, but are completely free from extreme complacency and narcissism.
  • Less than 60 points. You don't like yourself. Pull yourself together and gain confidence. Look around and think - it is possible that you are simply underestimating yourself.

Issues for discussion:

  • - How and what does a person’s self-confidence consist of?
  • -Why are there people who are confident in themselves?

and not very or completely unsure?

  • -How can this affect your success in life?
  • -Can I overcome this?
  • This is the subject of our conversation today.

Self-esteem (definition of concept)

"It's an opinion about yourself"

“This is an understated or inflated sense of one’s importance,”

“This is a lifesaver in difficult situations,”

“This is a way of protecting the opinions of others,”

“It’s a springboard for success.”

Psychological term


This is a person's opinion about:

- To myself

-Place among people

-Your capabilities

and qualities.


  • For example : “Capable, but lazy; more of an optimist than a pessimist; a great visionary and dreamer; does not always keep his word, is touchy, but not vindictive; gets carried away with many things, but does not follow through; is often quick-tempered; not a coward, but cannot defend himself;

and other options.

Words of appeal to increase self-esteem

Well done! Fine! Marvelous! Fabulous! Grandiose! Wonderful! Unforgettably! You are gifted. Witty! Talented! Extra class! It's like a fairytale. Very impressive. Inimitable. Amazing. Incomparably. Bright, figurative. Great! Wow!!! Congratulations. Beauty!

Remember them more often use it!

Great start. You're a miracle. You're on the right track. I am proud of you. You do it smartly. This is exactly what is needed. Much better than I expected! Well said - simple and clear. Already better. I'm just happy. I really need your help. Working with you is just a joy. Everything that worries you is important to me. Every day you do better. Teach me to do the same. I can't do without you. I'm proud,

that you succeeded! I couldn't have done better myself. No one can replace you. I need you as you are. For me there is no one more beautiful!

My life motto:

  • "Only success!"
  • "Don't squeak!"
  • "I'm the best and

Everything will work out for me!”

  • “No matter what happens, the dream will come true!”


  • Salyakhova. L.I. Handbook for the class teacher. Scripts,
  • Stepanov E. Diagnostic techniques used in modeling the educational system./ E. Stepanov // Education of schoolchildren - 2004. - No. 3.- p. 33-36.
  • 3. Stepanov S. How to become happy./ S. Stepanov// Education of schoolchildren -2005.- No. 5.- p. 30-33.
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