Improving staff efficiency in any industry. How to improve your work efficiency


Western management methods strive to standardize processes, regulate them and force personnel to work according to these regulations. Such methods exclude feedback from management to subordinates; management rarely visits and is not interested in the opinions of workers, and therefore production is ineffective. And workers are unable to change the situation.

In order to create an atmosphere of continuous improvement in the quality of work in the team, employees must be sure: - that the management is always interested in the opinions of all employees of the company,
- that each employee is personally responsible for his work and has the right to suggest improvements,
- that all changes will not be discussed and adopted strictly collectively,
- and that initiative will always be encouraged. With such support for transformations and the focus of the entire management system on them, employees themselves will strive to improve efficiency production.It is also important that employees have confidence in their future. The director should assure subordinates that even in difficult times the company will not have employees. That every employee is invaluable to the company. Such guarantees are especially relevant after the past economic crisis and mass layoffs as a result of it. Another incentive is the opportunity to receive advanced training at the enterprise. Together with stimulating the desire for career growth, this improves the quality of work, its productivity and reduces time costs.

To reduce defects, you need to do the following: - collect and analyze all the reasons for defects;
- highlight the main products for which defects often occur, and the main stages production where it occurs;
- survey all workers associated with the production of low-quality products on the subject: how to eliminate defects;
- create an action plan for improvement;
- make amendments to the technology of the necessary production processes;
- create instructions and recommendations for improving product quality, if necessary, detail production procedures;
- improve the employee motivation system to eliminate defects;
- if necessary, conduct training for employees and even.
All these activities must be carried out with the direct participation of the workers.

Implementation of lean production that every employee should strive to do their work faster, better and with minimal labor costs. Firstly, it is necessary to create working groups to speed up the exchange of information between management and workers and eliminate distortions and delays in the receipt of information. Work groups should consist of all departments and meet regularly to complete daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Each group must resolve the issue at its own level, regulate it and present a solution to the leader. Group decisions related to improving efficiency production, must be immediately implemented. And middle management should bear responsibility for their implementation. Secondly, jobs should be used rationally. This means that there should be free space around the worker, no obstacles to his movements, rationally designed passages between machines and workshops. This will increase the utilization rate of equipment, save time and costs, free up production space and reduce losses during movements. Thirdly, types of activities should be changed (introduce staff rotation). This will introduce workers to related processes and clearly demonstrate what happens when defective products reach the next workshop. Workers can communicate and work together to solve cross-functional problems and resolve them. The staff is disciplined, understands what slows down production and which specialists redo each other’s work. Fourth, the introduction of a system for maintaining equipment and the workplace reduces changeover time, reduces the risk of accidents and increases safety production. As a result of careful handling, the equipment utilization rate reaches its maximum value.

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All proposed measures to improve production efficiency must be carried out comprehensively and in full. Half measures cannot produce results.

Increased employee productivity is an indicator of dynamic business development and effective enterprise management. You can create new business expansion opportunities with help. introducing new technologies and increasing the efficiency of the personnel component.


Increase labor productivity, i.e. You can achieve better results with less effort in the following ways.

Strengthening the material and technical component of production. Automation of business, both core and auxiliary (including support) will give quite a sharp increase. And the use of modern types of equipment will increase the efficiency of using human resources.

Modern enterprise management systems, which are based not only on process automation, but also on a mechanism for accumulating and managing knowledge, will make it possible to increase the productivity of average-level employees.

Reducing costs per unit of output can be achieved by reducing non-production costs. The enterprise’s business processes will help identify bottlenecks and points of unreasonable costs.

The creation of a methodological regulatory framework for an enterprise will help to clearly set a task for employees and outline the scope of their professional work. Due to this, the time spent on clarifying tasks, resolving any issues and disputes regarding the distribution of job responsibilities within related specializations will be reduced. Defining the boundaries of functional areas and centers of responsibility for the progress of the process and its result is an important point for increasing management efficiency.

Improving work organization is an important factor. It concerns both sanitary and hygienic conditions and the ethical component of the organization of workplaces and recreational areas. Improvement, organization in, etc. will reduce the time spent on solving non-production issues, and will also increase employee loyalty to the company.

Increasing employee loyalty to the company and involving them in solving issues of current and future development is one of the most effective ways to increase their labor productivity. The effect of conscious participation in the affairs of the company will give a serious impetus to increasing the employee’s activity.

All methods of managing labor productivity will not be fully effective if there is no developed system of indicators for its evaluation and a system for monitoring the results obtained.

Any enterprise is a living organism that functions thanks to rational management. Increasing the efficiency of an organization is impossible without improving its management; these two processes are interconnected. In addition, improving the management of an organization makes it possible to increase all indicators of its production and economic activities with virtually no additional material costs.


First of all, improving management organization start by involving senior management in the process. In his hands are the levers that make it possible to take into account the quality of the final product at the earliest stages of quality formation. It is top management that can and must encourage employees to achieve high standards of product and service quality.

The consumer is an equal participant in the management process. It is necessary to establish a direct relationship with him so that his needs become known to the manufacturer as early as possible. The enterprise must quickly respond to and take it into account in its services.

Solve the problems of supplying materials and marketing products, which are vital for the implementation of the production process. Set estimated rates according to cost levels so that they match estimated production rates.

Eliminate the shortage of specialists in production. The creation of new jobs is certainly beneficial both in terms of ensuring the necessary workload of the enterprise, and in the employment of specialists necessary for production, which wants to reach a new level.

Strive for a constant increase in wages, but also do not forget about social responsibility to employees. For example, if you want to solve the housing problems of leading professionals, resort to mortgage lending. After all, in the end, the profit received thanks to their direct participation will subsequently be disproportionately higher.

In conditions of fierce competition, which is characteristic of almost any sphere of production today, it is quality products comes to the fore. Improving the basic characteristics of a product should become one of the primary tasks for the management of an enterprise that strives for leadership in the market.

You will need

  • - market analysis;
  • - GOST or TU.


Analyze the competitive landscape by selecting similar products as the subject of research. Consider products of different price categories, while trying to determine the ratio of price and quality. It is quite possible that you will discover significant quality of your product and its analogues. Draw appropriate conclusions.

Achieve full compliance of your product with GOSTs or technical conditions according to which it is produced. Even the slightest deviations can affect the quality products. Ensure that staff adhere to instructions.

Control quality purchased raw materials and key ingredients for your products. For example, even a slight deviation in the ash content of flour can affect the properties of the baked product. Pay attention to every little detail that could endanger the whole batch products.

Ensure compliance with sanitary and hygiene standards. Expiring products, toxic materials, and improper storage of raw materials can all undermine your efforts to improve quality.

Research the opinions of consumers of your product. Organize tastings, distribute questionnaires, conduct customer surveys. It is quite possible that you will get a completely different understanding of the concept of product quality. Clients will share with you their impressions and wishes, which you can subsequently apply in production.

Try to stay up to date with current trends and developments. Every year, new materials and technologies appear that help optimize the production of a number of products. For example, high-tech synthetic fillings for winter clothing retain heat much better and are easier to care for than natural down. But at the same time they cost much less, which will allow the manufacturer of winter jackets to increase quality, saving on cost.

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If you have set up your own business and are striving to build a good business reputation, you must constantly monitor quality produced products. But defects or partial defects can nullify all your efforts.

You will need

  • - controller;
  • - video surveillance system.


If you start receiving complaints about quality product, analyze the situation and try to figure out what the defect is. One of the first reasons for defects is low-quality raw materials. If complaints about quality arrive during the sales of one batch made from the same materials, then it is logical to assume that this is the reason. Check quality remaining raw materials and take appropriate measures.

If even after this the product leaves much to be desired, invite specialists to check the operation of the equipment. Possibly the cause of the defects products is a technical malfunction of the machines.

After diagnosing and eliminating all problems, pay close attention to the work of the staff. After all, marriage is often the reason products is simple negligence. To stop the misuse of working time and reduce endless “smoking breaks”, install video cameras in production. Awareness of constant monitoring will make your employees more responsible and collected.

Video surveillance will help fight another reason for defects - “saving” consumables. Often enterprising workers “save” valuable ingredients and then pocket what they saved. To solve this problem, install video cameras and invite an inspector to work. Also strengthen access control and establish clear rules for the removal of hand luggage from the production area. These measures will help you significantly improve quality products and reduce the number of thefts.

But don’t forget about rewarding your employees. Develop a clear and understandable system of bonuses and awards, some of which must be given out with your own products. The worker, knowing that he will definitely get one of the products, will work with great diligence on its manufacture.


  • improving product quality

Production efficiency is a certain economic and financial indicator that reveals how well an enterprise operates. This coefficient is used in their work by all economists without exception.

Production efficiency consists of the efficiency of all operating organizations. A production method is considered cost-effective if it does not allow the company to increase the quantity of product produced without increasing the costs of the necessary resources. Also, in which, the enterprise will not be able to provide the same quantity of goods produced, using a smaller amount of resources of one type, without increasing the costs of other resources. In turn, it is possible to increase production efficiency with the help of certain factors: the use of specific achievements of science, the necessary advanced technologies in production; structural restructuring of the economy; development of all areas of specialization; mastering modern management skills; taking advantage of the international division of labor. Also, increasing efficiency in production can be achieved through savings, including the recalculation of all operating costs and using ways to better use capital. A rather important nuance in increasing production efficiency will still be STP (scientific and technological progress). After all, it is the widespread introduction of various advanced technologies, automation of production, the creation and further use of various new materials that will contribute to a reduction in the amount of material and labor reserves, as well as an increase in the output of manufactured products. It must be remembered that production efficiency always directly depends on the correct use of the economy mode. At the same time, saving resources should turn to the decisive area of ​​distribution of energy, fuel, raw materials and supplies. Only industry has an important role in resolving these issues. It is necessary to provide the entire national economy with modern machines, necessary and efficient equipment that will help ensure high productivity using raw materials, fuel, energy, and other material resources, the development and use of low-waste or completely waste-free technological processes. Increasing production efficiency may depend to a large extent on the best use of key areas. It is necessary to more intensively distribute the existing production potential in order to achieve maximum utilization of existing equipment, increasing the complexity of its operation over time.


Create an atmosphere at the enterprise to search for ways of effective development. Take an interest in the opinions of employees and listen carefully to their business proposals. Encourage initiative and innovation, materially and morally stimulate the work of innovators and inventors. Introduce collective discussion of proposed decisions to change the production process.

Introduce a system of your own professional training and retraining in your company. Some types of production require workers to have scarce specialties, which today are not always available in educational institutions providing vocational education. Organize on-the-job training under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Use the capabilities of functional cost analysis of the enterprise’s activities and products. Create a permanent or temporary working group that will study the technological process, find production bottlenecks and develop solutions to reduce costs and increase profitability. Include heads of structural divisions, leading engineers, experienced production foremen and innovators in the group.

Implement a lean production system at the enterprise. Provide in it specific measures for the rational use of production, raw materials and material resources. Consider using production waste to produce new types of products.

Develop an algorithm for the exchange of production and management information. Ensure that management decisions are communicated to executors in a timely manner and without distortion, bypassing intermediate links. Keep strict records of incoming and outgoing documentation.

Apply a visual management system at your enterprise. One of the possible options is the use of visual graphs and histograms located at workplaces, where the performance indicators of departments or sections of the production line are noted. Red color on the graph may indicate that a particular section is lagging behind. Based on the results of work for the current period, the management of the enterprise must analyze the efficiency of the structural divisions, identify the reasons for low efficiency and develop measures to improve it.

Creativity lives in every person, which is why so many people are interested in handicrafts. And at first we get joy even from creative chaos - we grab onto making different products, sometimes without finishing the previous ones, we purchase materials and tools without a system, etc. But everything changes when we decide to turn our hobby into a source of income. The lack of system and order significantly reduces our productivity, and therefore our income. Let's look at what mistakes prevent us from working more efficiently and quickly.

Proper storage of materials and tools

Let's also expand on the first item on the list and think about whether we are comfortable enough in the order we have created? Moreover, this needs to be done periodically, as soon as this very inconvenience arises. And definitely - starting work on a new project. We put everything unnecessary away, take out and conveniently arrange everything you need. Do we need to talk about extraneous objects, such as a pile of coffee cups?
This list item also hides one interesting psychological point - the inconvenient arrangement of necessary items can prompt you to unconsciously put off even your favorite thing. Agree, how to get joy from the process if for each necessary item you need, for example, to climb to the top shelf of a closet using a stepladder. Think about what things you put off and why? Surely one of the reasons is described here.

Optimization of the work process

Having allocated time for creativity, do not be distracted by anything else. All these small things greatly distract your attention and eat up precious time - smoking break, checking email, TV, phone, etc. Observe yourself, or better yet, write down for several days (always keep a notebook with you) - what and how much you are distracted. Now think about it - maybe it’s worth taking scheduled breaks (like recess at school)? Or did you choose the wrong time? Or is this not the most productive hour of your biological clock? By conducting this analysis and correcting the situation, you will not only make your work more effective, but also acquire a useful habit of concentration.


Very often we have to repeat the same actions, for example, ironing parts. Plan the process so that you can iron as many parts as possible at once - this will reduce the time spent warming up the iron and running from the machine to the ironing board. Such moments can be found in any activity. Before you start your next project, think about how you can optimize the process. Make something like a production plan, you'll probably find a way to speed up the work.

Thinking through every step

Even if you followed our advice and made a work plan, always keep the next step in mind. Maybe it’s time to put the iron on to heat up to iron the parts we are now sewing? Remember the song from the cartoon - “I take one berry, look at another, notice the third.”

Save time

Even if needlework is just a hobby for you and you enjoy the process itself, try to speed up a little, it will soon become a habit and save you time. Well, for needlewomen who fulfill orders, this is simply necessary. There is no need to force yourself, just do faster what you can do faster without overexertion.

Purchase of materials

We are not talking about “hamstering” at all; you also need to purchase materials wisely. Here we will talk about blanks. There are probably repeating details in your business. Take labels, for example. So make more of them right away! Think about other details and elements that you can do in advance and a lot.

Save time

Include periodic reading of literature on planning and time management into your plan. And apply the principles you like. After all, time is the most precious thing we have!

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The percentage of “workaholics” among IT specialists is incredibly high: they can spend hours discussing the solution to a problem, sit at the computer for days, go without vacation for years, moving from project to project. However, for some reason this dedication may not in any way affect the efficiency of the IT department team.

Improving staff efficiency- a subject of concern for almost every IT service manager - both a small company and an industrial giant. The personnel motivation system is often built by trial and error, and the number of errors is quite large. How to optimize motivational models? How to make people want to work in this particular organization, to work to achieve business results?

In IT services, a situation often arises when people are well motivated to work on a project, understand the goals and objectives of the work, clearly see the horizons, are aware of their areas of responsibility and work with full dedication. In everyday work, the picture is often significantly different: people do not think about the ultimate goals of their work, and do not feel the incentive to do it as well as possible. It turns out that the team completes the sprint distances quickly and harmoniously, but the achievements at the stayer distances look much more modest. Since managers are often unable to change the situation, a search begins for external influences. Any explanation is used - from the general state of the Russian economy, which, like an ocean in a drop, is reflected in the organizational characteristics of individual companies, to the specifics of the Russian mentality, which, of course, sometimes allows you to “go fast”, but only due to the fact that in front of with this they “harness” for a long time and slowly. However, no matter how reassuring and reliable the explanation may seem, it does not solve the problem.

In order to understand the reason for this phenomenon, it is necessary to consider the real, and not the declared, organizational principles of the company in general and the IT department in particular.

Formula for success

People think about creating or improving a motivation system when there is a need to increase the efficiency of employees and to use labor resources more rationally. Managers often describe the problem something like this: “People work great, love their profession - to the point that they are ready to give the company their personal time, working overtime on their own initiative. They are good professionals. But in general, the IT service is not working as efficiently as it could be, time and labor resources are being used irrationally.” Often the feeling of ineffective use of labor resources arises on an intuitive level and is not supported by any indicators. Managers often see a way out of this situation by changing the system of personnel motivation, which, as a rule, means increasing salaries.

“Increasing the efficiency of a company or its division is not limited to the creation of motivational schemes. The effectiveness of people depends not only on motivation, so it is necessary to consider it in combination with other significant influencing factors. The approach to creating an effective personnel work system that we practice is quite often used in the West, but has not yet become widespread in Russia,” says Dmitry Voloshchuk, consultant in the “Personnel Performance Management” department of Ecopsy Consulting.

Within this approach, efficiency is considered as a derivative of three elements:

  • Efficiency = competence / organizational barriers x motivation, where competence is professional knowledge and skills (and in the case of an employee in a leadership position, also managerial skills). Leadership qualities are an important component of the competence of IT service employees, since in a business environment, a significant part of which is organized on a project basis, most specialists from time to time take on a managerial position - project manager, head of the project office, etc.;
  • motivation is a system of material and non-material incentives based on people’s values ​​and guidelines;
  • organizational barriers are attitudes and features of the organizational structure that prevent people from working with full dedication for the benefit of the company. These may be inorganic work rules, standards that make it difficult for employees, gaps in the organizational structure, lack of regulations and procedures - for example, procedures for responding to problem situations, and so on.

Based on the formula, we can consider the activities of employees in three dimensions - professionalism, motivation and corporate environment. “In order to understand the degree of efficiency of a department, you need to look at what point in this three-dimensional coordinate system it is at: how great the competence and motivation are, and what the organizational barriers are. Only after this can we draw a conclusion about what steps need to be taken to increase efficiency,” says Dmitry Voloshchuk.

The level of professionalism of IT specialists can be measured using professional tests or based on the assessment of their immediate supervisor. The situation is more complicated with their managerial skills and competencies - often IT specialists do not undergo any training in management skills and implement their managerial functions based on their own ideas about them. Moreover, a common situation is when the best IT specialist becomes the head of the IT service, regardless of whether he has the inclinations and skills of a manager or not.

Organizational barriers vary from company to company. Endless mandatory memos that must be written for any reason, complicated approval procedures, outdated corporate standards and much more can hold back the development of the organization. “People find it difficult to look at their activities from the outside and take steps to optimize them - there are so many current operational priorities and absolutely no time for a critical look. As a result, the importance of organizational barriers is often underestimated. Meanwhile, experience shows that simple steps to improve business processes can free up 20–30% of employees’ useful time, says Dmitry Voloshchuk. “In addition, if a person is engaged in “monkey work,” this demotivates him.”

Theory and practice

Roman Zhuravlev: “The management practices of IT services in companies do not form any system.” Like any other process in the IT management system, personnel management must have clearly defined goals, clearly related to the goals of the IT department, agreed, in turn, with goals and priorities of the company. To achieve these goals, tasks, main activities, and procedures must be defined. Responsibility for the implementation of both individual procedures and the process as a whole must be distributed. The necessary resources must be allocated and the availability of the necessary competencies ensured. It is advisable to identify and learn to evaluate measurable indicators of the effectiveness of the personnel management process. It is important that human resource management activities include phases of planning, execution, evaluation and improvement.

“As a rule, the practices of managing IT services in companies do not form any system,” says Roman Zhuravlev, director of the IT training department at IT Expert. - Processes, even if identified, interact ineffectively. The goals of the IT function are not defined or are not related to the goals of the company.” The main activities in the field of personnel management are carried out, according to him, something like this:

  • planning: quantitative - within the quota for staff expansion, usually annually. The quota calculation is not based on anything. In the field of training - within budgets - on the one hand, vague ideas about the prospects for infrastructure development - on the other.
  • personnel selection: sources are not systematized. The activities of the relevant department at the company level do not produce results when it comes to IT service personnel. Professionally oriented selection is carried out haphazardly. Employees selected based on the expert assessment of IT department heads are sent “to personnel” for registration and formal checks.
  • training: in full accordance with planning, that is, randomly. (A detailed calendar plan can not only be drawn up, but also observed. However, the question “Why are these particular people and these particular programs in it?” belongs to the category of rhetorical.)
  • motivation: employees involved in projects are financially motivated to complete the project on time. Employees engaged in operational activities are motivated to retain them within the framework of a corporate-wide incentive program (salary, bonuses, social package). The IT manager gets involved in special cases, such as when a key employee tries to leave the company.

The described practices are not at all similar to the recommendations set out in modern IT management models, such as COBIT, MOF, which determine the need for effective personnel management, including planning, selection, training, development, motivation, rotation and dismissal. The reasons for this discrepancy, according to Roman Zhuravlev, are:

  • low level of maturity of management processes in most Russian companies;
  • uncertainty of the status and goals of the IT service in the company;
  • insufficient training of IT service managers in the field of management;
  • lack of adapted personnel management techniques that take into account the specifics of IT services.

“Under such conditions, in most cases there is no practical need to “optimize motivational models.” They will remain models,” notes Roman Zhuravlev.

“The most important thing is to integrate the motivation system for a specific person into the overall goal-setting system of the company (or division, if we are talking about an IT service), says Elena Sharova, deputy director of the corporate management systems department at IBS. - Each individual employee must understand his role in the overall “working mechanism” and see his contribution to achieving overall success. And the motivational scheme should be directly related to achieving the business goals of the department and the company as a whole.

In the process of setting the overall strategic goals of the company, they are decomposed to the level of individual performers. Each employee must, on the one hand, have a list of clear goals and objective criteria for achieving them, and on the other, see how his work contributes to overall success. All this creates the most important psychological effect - a feeling of involvement in a great cause. Without it, it is almost impossible to interest an employee.

It is very important that the rules of the game are initially set, not only from the point of view of motivation, but also the organization of work in general. It is necessary to clearly establish what the employees’ areas of responsibility are, how we work, how we communicate, how and who will control the work, how we will punish. Work rules (and motivation rules in particular) should not be a “black box” - they should be transparent and understandable. The less subjectivity, the better.”

sources of inspiration

Elena Sharova: “Each specific employee must understand his role in the overall “working mechanism.” “To build an effective management and motivation system for the IT service, Roman Zhuravlev emphasizes, it is important:

  • clearly formulate the goals of the activity - the IT service as a whole, its individual divisions, and individual performers. Agree on high-level goals with company management and bring them to the attention of employees;
  • make reinforcements dependent only on the overt results of IT activities. Rewards for other people's successes do not motivate people to do better. Bonuses and other incentives based on company performance may contribute to the loyalty of IT employees, but not to improving the quality of work;
  • determine intermediate points of activity assessment - semantic or temporary. The year-end bonus encourages you to perform better in December. The results of interim assessments should be prompt and obvious. A bonus for good work in the first quarter, paid in September, is perceived as a late repaid debt;
  • make the management and motivation system adequate to the complexity of the organization, ensuring simplicity, fairness and accuracy of assessments. Take into account the features of different methods of managing activities. Use data from automation systems for IT management activities (records of work performed, reports, protocols, etc.);
  • Remember that IT employees are different. A user support operator, a programmer and a network engineer have different personality traits, prefer different objects of activity, organize their work differently... And an effective management and motivation system must take these differences into account;
  • provide opportunities for professional growth. For IT specialists, it is usually a priority over the career one. The opportunity to learn ensures the relevance of the professional level, maintenance and improvement of qualifications;
  • try to establish effective interaction with the HR department. Often he doesn't help the CIO because neither party understands what the overall challenges are, not because those challenges don't have solutions.

Bread, knowledge, soulful atmosphere!

“If you compare the entire motivation system with an iceberg, then salaries, bonuses and other material benefits are what lies on the surface, what is visible and relatively easy to compare,” says Nadezhda Shalashilina, HR director of the Lanit group of companies. “But non-material motivation is the underwater part of the iceberg, which is much larger and deeper, and you can’t immediately see it, although it makes up the majority of the block.”

However, for most people the main motivating factor is material motivation. But this factor, according to Elena Sharova, needs to be worked subtly and competently: “Financial compensation is not just buying a person’s qualifications, it should motivate him to achieve specific goals and stimulate him to grow. The frequently occurring “ritual” salary increase by a certain percentage each year does not in any way motivate people to achieve success. Employees perceive it as a fact and do not see the connection between the salary increase and the growth of their qualifications. And more capable employees are not motivated for rapid professional growth, because they do not see how their earnings depend on the quality of their work. Thus, an objective assessment (in monetary terms) of an employee’s abilities should be formed taking into account the employee’s contribution to achieving project goals (if we are talking about project management) and the opportunities for his professional growth.”

One of the effective mechanisms of material motivation is personnel certification. During the certification process, goals for the year related to professional and career growth are discussed with the employee. The certification form records not just his responsibilities, but a development plan - what new role he should try himself in, what skills and competencies should be developed in order to step to a new level. For work purposes, the foundation for the development of certain skills is laid for the year. An increase in qualifications, development of skills and competencies is followed by a change in compensation.

The second tool for building motivational schemes is motivation by goals. “Goals must be clear, and clear indicators for their achievement must be set so that there are no discrepancies,” emphasizes Elena Sharova. - The principle is that a better result guarantees a greater reward. There is always a bonus fund. We just need to give meaning to bonuses, which in different companies are traditionally issued annually, quarterly or monthly, we need to tie them to the achievement of specific goals. This mechanism should not be a “black box”, but should be understandable and objective.”

“Given the undeniable importance of the monetary factor, non-material motivation, in my opinion, is the most reliable way to retain highly qualified specialists, especially in conditions of personnel shortages and rapid salary growth,” says Nadezhda Shalashilina. “And all because it is non-material motivation that gives people common values ​​and goals, passion for their work, opportunities for development and self-realization, recognition and true pleasure from work.”

In the IT industry, it is generally agreed that the main factor of non-financial motivation is professional and career growth. Therefore, it is necessary to plan how the employee will grow both professionally and career-wise, over the next two to three years, says Elena Sharova. “This is where the credentialing tool comes in again,” she continues. - It is during certification (if the company has an existing and not a formal procedure) that the goals of the employee’s personal growth are developed and they are aligned with the general goals of the company.

To ensure consistency between the company's strategic goals and the goals of individual employees, IBS has adopted the principle of conducting certification “from top to bottom” - first management, and then down the job ladder. Thanks to this, general top-level goals are decomposed into specific goals for each employee. In accordance with work goals, the employee is given development goals - what needs to be learned, what to master. Moreover, in order to show the employee development opportunities, we always set somewhat more ambitious goals in the certification than required by qualifications. This stimulates and motivates him to develop, gives him confidence that he has many prospects and the opportunity to constantly learn new things.”

Among other important factors of non-material motivation, one can note the importance of the leader’s personality. “Obviously, the leader and the atmosphere he creates in the team mean a lot - the mission of the company is transmitted through the leader, he must ignite hearts. But still, the organizational structure, especially if we are talking about an industrial scale, should not rest on the personality of the leader, but, first of all, on some culture, regulations, rules of interaction and development plans,” says Elena Sharova.

According to a survey conducted by Ecopsy Consulting on the topic “What primarily keeps talented employees in a company?”, 44.78% of respondents answered that what keeps them going is a constant professional challenge, the opportunity to solve interesting problems, and in second place (17. 91%) turned out to be the identity of the immediate supervisor. The high level of income did not rise above the third step (16.42%). “People are people. The material component is important, but the conditions are more important - professional and personal. No one is ready to work with people who are unpleasant to them and to pour water from empty to empty,” sums up Dmitry Voloshchuk. - The topic of non-material motivation is still poorly developed by Russian companies, largely due to the fact that the potential of material motivation has not been used up. Competition for specialists is largely due to this resource. But since we are already in a situation where candidates form the market, and the demand for them is much higher than supply, the issue of non-material motivation will be acute in the coming years. When wages reach a ceiling, other resources will begin to be sought. And here the Russian market will follow the Western path: most likely, this will be motivation, which is costly for the company, but is given to employees in the form of intangible benefits: a social package, opportunities for free education and recreation, payment for a number of family needs - life insurance, payment for children’s education and etc. These practices are well developed in the West and will soon be actively implemented in Russian companies.”

How to make the secret obvious

The development of a motivation system for each company is individual; it depends on many internal and external factors. “When creating a motivation system, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the internal attitudes of people and how the employees’ own goals are related to the company’s goals,” emphasizes Dmitry Voloshchuk, consultant at Ecopsy Consulting. - At the moment when a motivation system for operational activities is being developed, it is very important to understand, on the one hand, what the company expects from employees and what it is ready to motivate them for, and on the other hand, what people expect from the company.

If the system motivates one thing, but people expect another from the company, then the motivation system will not work because it is not suitable for these specific people. And on the contrary, motivational schemes must be adequate to the company’s expectations from the staff. If a company expects teamwork from a department, but the motivation system is aimed at encouraging the manifestation of individual qualities, without taking into account how a person is involved in collective work and works for a common result, a cohesive team will not develop.”

People's internal attitudes are a difficult area to identify. They are made up of social, group and individual preferences, goals and traditions. But, despite all the diversity of internal motives, some characteristic features inherent in IT specialists can be identified.

Life from project to project

Nadezhda Shalashilina: “Intangible motivation is the underwater part of the iceberg.” When selecting employees, managers sympathize with like-minded people. As a result, over time, the team consists of people with the same way of thinking. Along with obvious advantages, this approach has some disadvantages.

Today, the heads of companies and their departments, in the overwhelming majority of cases, are people aimed at constant professional and career growth, and the IT sector, as already noted, is distinguished by the fact that professional growth has a priority. Each successive step in professional growth, as a rule, is correlated with participation in a project. Accordingly, many IT specialists have developed design thinking. When they become managers, they select employees with similar business qualities. If the work of the IT department in such a situation is organized on a project basis, it will be very effective, especially in a dynamically developing company. But if the current operational activities of employees are not marked out by clear time periods and clearly described goals, people on this “plain” quickly begin to lose their zest for life and soon go in search of new Everests. “The daily activities of such employees can be organized in the form of mini-projects, with clear goals and a clear system for evaluating results,” says Dmitry Voloshchuk. “Motivation should be built in such a way that people see clear guidelines and realize what the achievement or failure to achieve their goals will mean for them.”

Design thinking poses another danger. People accustomed to project work consider it necessary to get involved in the implementation of as many projects as possible, regardless of the real possibility of completing them. They consider project abandonment to be the main indicator of professional failure. Therefore, the IT department can be involved in many simultaneously implemented internal projects aimed at automating various business processes or improving existing systems. At the same time, the total volume of work significantly exceeds the capabilities of available resources. Accordingly, dozens of projects may remain unfinished for years. “The significant difference between an internal IT department and an independent company implementing projects on the market is that the internal department does not evaluate its own profitability,” notes Dmitry Voloshchuk. - This is the situation in most IT services of large companies. Of course, the manager would have to filter proposals from internal customers based on the resources at his disposal. But, as a rule, he himself is characterized by project thinking, and he formed a team of like-minded people. The circle closes.

In such a situation, we propose to change the value orientation - the main thing becomes not the number of projects being implemented, but the number of successfully implemented projects. This automatically entails the creation of a filter of customer proposals - only those projects in which functional departments are really interested begin to be accepted. At the same time, obviously hopeless projects must be terminated so that resources are not wasted.”

Player coach syndrome

The problem of the “playing coach” is very typical for IT services. The IT service employees are wonderful professionals with a high level of knowledge and extensive experience. They have gone from beginner programmers and system administrators to high-level professionals, they thoroughly know the subject area and have a good understanding of what their subordinates at all levels do. However, their current work lies more in the field of management than in a specific subject area. The main function of these specialists is setting tasks and monitoring their implementation. But knowledge of the subject area and lack of managerial skills lead to the fact that they tend to analyze every problem that arises among employees too thoroughly or undertake to correct the shortcomings themselves. They react to any request for help or in the process of monitoring the execution of orders not as managers, but as engineers. “This is a very common problem in IT,” notes Dmitry Voloshchuk. - The department operates ineffectively because employees of higher official and qualification levels spend their time and effort on solving the problems of their subordinates. They love their work very much and are unable to refuse interesting problems in the subject area, because management tasks do not captivate them so much. In such a situation, it is very important to build a system of priorities in the motivational scheme. If employees are motivated by business results, they will solve the problem as a whole, without going into small details.”

Public is higher than personal

Dmitry Voloshchuk: “Motivation should be structured so that people see clear guidelines.” Another common mistake in creating a motivation system is when the system motivates people only for individual work and all indicators reflect the personal effectiveness of each employee. In such a situation, employees lack a sense of team, collective mutual assistance and support to work comfortably. In addition, in a team where everyone feels like a “star,” the team effect does not arise. Having messed things up, people unconsciously try to lobby for the priorities of their area, which slows down the common cause. There is a lack of synergistic effect from the team's work.

“It is necessary to create indicators of the collective work of the unit,” advises Dmitry Voloshchuk, “and reinforce the achievement of these indicators with a bonus system. In this case, the bonuses will be fragmented: part is issued on the basis of general indicators, and part - on the basis of individual ones. There is nothing revolutionary in this method of motivation - this is exactly how, for example, the bonus system was organized at industrial enterprises back in Soviet times. But it almost never occurs to IT service managers to apply this experience to the work of their subordinate department. Perhaps, at first glance, the idea of ​​comparing the work of a person producing material values ​​with the work of a person creating intellectual values ​​looks absurd. But if you take a closer look, you will find many similarities in the process of organizing their work and their goals. We just need to build a motivation system in strict accordance with the expectations of employees.”

CIO to note

Like any field of activity, the field of information technology goes through various stages of its life cycle. At first, creators come to a new area, but over time, technologies are developed and a wide layer of artisans emerges. A clear procedure appears, a set of algorithms and templates designed to solve problems. This is necessary and inevitable. Since the IT field is quite young, creativity in it has turned into a craft relatively recently. Therefore, a typical situation today is when an IT specialist, who has reached the highest professional level, loses interest in a subject area that no longer gives him the opportunity to solve problems of increasingly higher complexity. The sacramental question arises: what to do? “There are two options: either push professional priorities into the background and enjoy life, or look for new uses in professional activities,” says Dmitry Voloshchuk. - If the first option is unacceptable, then for the CIO the solution to the problem may be in changing the role, in entering managerial activities. Moreover, the IT environment is designed in such a way that a person can reach a very high career level while remaining an expert.

Today, companies have a serious need to increase the efficiency of IT services and increase their manageability. IT services have large budgets, great prospects, and great risks if they are poorly managed. The situation has reached a critical point when it is necessary to reach a qualitatively new level of IT service management. Companies have already begun to allow IT managers to participate in business management and strategic planning. Accordingly, not just specialists will be in demand, but specialists with the inclinations and knowledge of a manager. Those who know how to combine both of these roles – expert and manager – are already becoming competitive and interesting to the market.”

Elena Nekrasova

Accounting automation for any business


16.02.2015 11:36:35

Any modern manager strives to achieve the growth and development of his enterprise. To achieve this goal, he needs competent, qualified personnel who fully correspond to the position they occupy in terms of their professional skills. But even after recruiting a team of professionals, many have repeatedly thought about how to further increase the productivity and efficiency of employees.

In striving for this, any manager runs the risk of being influenced by myths about the effective work of staff. Firstly, many believe that it is easy to achieve a goal without resorting to methods of motivation and encouragement. Secondly, the head of a large well-established company may have the idea that everyone dreams of working here, and working conditions and pay will be secondary. The third myth is the belief that any employee feels simply obliged to the company that hired him, and therefore will be unconditionally loyal to it. And finally, the fourth misconception is that you can easily fake caring for your employees. Managers who are in the grip of these myths are doomed to fail in their efforts to improve employee performance.

How to increase staff efficiency?

In order to increase the efficiency of staff, it is necessary to make some efforts on the part of the company itself, represented by management. First, you need motivation. It’s good to start by explaining to employees that the company’s income, and therefore their personal income too, depends on the quality of their work. There are bonuses for this kind of motivation. Set the size of the bonus depending on the performance of the department or the company as a whole. The second important factor in the process of increasing work efficiency is the social package. Include in it additional features that you can actually implement in practice, and your employees will be truly grateful to the organization, which means they will stick to their jobs and strive to do quality work.

The following techniques can be used as ways to increase labor efficiency. Each employee must have a clearly defined functionality and the results expected from him, as well as criteria for assessing labor efficiency. By clearly knowing management's expectations, an employee will be better able to cope with the task at hand than if he is constantly in the dark about what kind of reaction to his work he should expect. Don't forget that an important point in personnel management is the ability to communicate with management. Do not artificially increase the distance with your subordinates. The ability to openly ask questions and receive answers from your immediate supervisor will also be beneficial. An employee who actively participates in the life of the enterprise, whose opinion is interesting to management, will be more motivated to achieve not only personal success, but also that of the entire company as a whole. And, of course, do not forget about gratitude for the personal successes and achievements of your employees.

Another point that sometimes remains behind the scenes is the working conditions of workers. This mechanism can also be used to achieve the goal. To ensure that employees work efficiently and productively, create the most convenient and comfortable working conditions. Many companies find it necessary to create an area for afternoon tea or coffee for their employees. Of course, there is a risk that some workers will stay there too long, but there will be a number of positive aspects. Employees will be able to relax and unwind somewhat in an informal atmosphere. This will unite the team. And while discussing any current work issues, the only correct solution may suddenly come up, which would be difficult to come up with alone while sitting at your desk. Don't prohibit employees from posting photos of their loved ones in the workplace. Family will always be more important than work for a person. On the contrary, by showing interest and care for your loved ones, you will get an employee who is more loyal to the company. Don't overload office life with unnecessary rituals and traditions (like listening to the company anthem at the beginning of the work day).

The manager must come to the conclusion that the main goal of control is the result obtained, and not the employee’s busyness during the working day. There is no need to catch your workers every cup of tea they drink during the day. Better spend more time on the results of the work he has done. And if there are any shortcomings, point them out. There is also no need to overdo it with all kinds of penalties and punishments. A leader should not be feared, he should be respected. Then the result of work in such a company will be higher and the benefits from the employee’s work will be greater. And of course, by respecting your subordinates and being as honest as possible with them, you will create such conditions that employees will value working in your company. This means they will make their work as effective as possible for the company.

Superman, Batman, Fantastic Four - movie heroes, super powers whom we admired in our youth (and not only)... Each of us looked with admiration and imagined ourselves in their place... I wonder if there are such people among our colleagues...? Yes, yes and again, Yes... They proudly bear the title: “Man – Maximum” - a High-level employee...

In the last article we discovered a super formula, and it sounds like this:


I am sure that many, looking at this rule, even got upset... Constantly scrolling through one thought in their heads: “I give myself completely to my work, but in all this time I have never heard a kind word from my manager...” I sympathize with you, and I will try to explain, Why do many managers behave this way:

  1. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” Every time we encounter something, we try to find the culprit for what is happening. Of course, we can convince ourselves that we spend a lot of time at work, and do not want to admit how, sometimes, we bring little benefit to the common cause. If you are ready for an honest assessment of your effectiveness, today I will give you one great tip (be patient);
  2. You haven’t had a heart-to-heart talk with your manager for a long time. He doesn’t give compliments, this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t see your efforts, he’s just cautious with warm words (although, in my opinion, this is not always correct). There are many such cases in practice when, after a joint trip with a team to nature, many then begin to perceive it as familiarity and try to use it in further work (they say, I ate kebab with him yesterday).
  3. You are simply unlucky with your manager (he builds his career by walking over “corpses” and for him you are nothing more than a resource for achieving personal goals). Such managers only use . My advice to you is, if you have other employment options, change your job today, because here they won’t give you...

Perhaps your case is different, so I stated only my opinion, and not a 100% rule for action. So, for today: Consider the rules that will make you a “Maximum Man”... They are simple, but will require a transformation of your thinking... Meet the 5 steps to maximum efficiency and a successful career:

STEP 1 - “Last day before vacation”;

STEP 2 – “If I get fired, there’s simply no other job like this”;

STEP 3 – “I live and breathe work”;

STEP 4 – “Don't worry, be happy”;

STEP 5 – “I am who I say I am.”

Now, step by step, let’s look at their essence:


We have already talked about this method many times in previous articles (for those who haven’t read it, I recommend: (at the end of the article)). Literally in a nutshell I will remind you of its essence... Imagine this picture: on Monday you go on a week-long vacation, therefore, on Friday you need to adjust your work so that after the vacation you don’t have to clear out the “debris” for days... Accordingly, on Thursday, you are like this on Friday way that “The last day before vacation will be most effective during the day... The main feature of this method is to ALWAYS work like this Friday!!! In this way, you will achieve maximum efficiency and impact... While preparing today’s material, I seriously thought about: “What helped me to look at time differently, and, in most cases, to throw out the words “I don’t have time” from my vocabulary...” The answer lies in a small free but very useful program LazyCure. Its essence lies in the fact that in it you record all your actions during the working day, and the program automatically calculates the time spent on solving a specific issue. After which, it shows you the efficiency of your working day... You will be amazed at the results...

Let's see how it works. Typing the word into Google search LazyCure, the official website of the developers will go first. Download the latest version from it, by the way, starting from version 4.0, the program already has the Russian language. I have the English version 3.8 installed on my laptop, so all the pictures will be from it.

So, after installing and launching the program on your computer (laptop, tablet), you will see this picture:

All you need next is in box 1, I highlighted it in red, to record all the things you do during the working day, including smoke breaks, coffee, lunch, conversations, etc. (in a word, absolutely everything - be honest with yourself). After you have typed the name of the activity, press the “Done” button (step 2). And so the whole working day... Time to reap the benefits... At the end of working hours, click the “Show” menu item (number 3 in the picture), and select the “Time Log” submenu and you will see something similar to this:

  1. Column “Start” is the start time of the action (task);
  2. The “Activity” column is the action itself (task);
  3. Column “Duration” - duration of the action (task);
  4. Column “End” - time of completion of the action (task).

These are your statistics for the day (for example, in order to save time, I took a small section of my working day). After that, go back a step, click the “Show” menu item (number 3 in the figure), and select the “Summary” submenu

At this stage, our task is to set criteria for our actions: “Work” or “Rest”. Double-click on the cells with the left mouse button (in the picture I showed where to click). After each click, you will see this window:

Where I write “Work”, “Rest” you will have English options. They can be easily renamed by clicking the “Rename” button. Once everything is done, the table will look like this:

By going to the “Tasks” tab, you will see how much time you spent on work and how much on rest:

The last chord. Click the “Efficiency” tab and own the result of your efficiency. In my version, it is equal to 95% (this is a very high result, for only one reason, the measurements were taken over a period of time of less than half an hour).

Let's calculate the efficiency norm. Conditions:

  1. 10 hour working day (600 minutes);
  2. To maintain performance, an employee must rest for at least 10 minutes every hour. Given a 10-hour working day, such pauses will “steal” 100 minutes of working time (10 minutes * 10);
  3. Lunch break: 1 hour (60 minutes).
  4. Efficiency = The remaining working time (minus rest) is divided by the total working time and multiplied by 100%.

Efficiency = (600 minutes – 100 minutes – 60 minutes)/600 minutes*100%? 75%

This is your benchmark to strive for. You will be surprised, before I got acquainted with this wonderful program, my result was 35%. Awesome, right...?

A successful career is, first of all, the effective use of working time. It would seem like a lot of time, I discussed yesterday’s talk show with my partner, drank coffee for 10 minutes, jumped into social networks for “a second :-)”, then looked at the newsletters coming to my email... Considering myself an organized person, I was delighted by the experiment I conducted. shocked... These little things, by the end of the working day, result in hours of wasted precious time that does not bring any results... 21 days of working with this wonderful program and careful, ruthless analysis of what is happening significantly changes the picture towards the efficient use of working time... By the way, the developers, at the time of writing this article, were developing a version for Android, so soon it can be used on any smartphone.

Don’t be lazy, install this program for yourself, and “waste” your working time for your own benefit. IMPORTANT!!! Don’t forget, you are doing this for yourself, and not for anyone, therefore, be extremely honest and attentive, the result depends on this: “Whether your career will be or not...” I will tell you the remaining four steps in the next article (don’t forget to subscribe for site updates in the form below)… See you soon…

Thank you for your invaluable time spent in my company!!!
Let increasing sales bring you pleasure...
Best regards, Andrey Zhulay.

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