How to write a sample resume for a job. An example of a description of the “Education” block. Use a resume file name that is convenient for the recruiter

Despite the fact that a lot has already been written about the correct preparation of a resume, a large number of job seekers still regularly ask the question “How to write a resume correctly?” What to write about? What is it better to remain silent about? Is it possible to embellish the resume a little? Or is this not worth doing?

To find answers to these questions, let's look at the 7 main rules for writing a resume that will help attract the attention of an employer.

Also below you will find an interesting video where you can hear some more useful recommendations that will be useful to you when preparing your resume.

Clearly state the desired position

Since the employer is looking for an employee for a very specific position, the cover letter to your resume should clearly indicate which vacancy you are applying for. If the job advertisement indicates the position of a technical supervision engineer, then you should not write - specialist of the technical supervision department, employee of the engineering specialty, etc. So write directly - a resume for the vacancy of a technical supervision engineer.

The employer has no interest in solving puzzles and figuring out where to place you if, instead of a specific vacancy, you indicate the desired position vaguely, for example, “manager”, “specialist”, “engineer”, etc.

Do not indicate several different positions in one resume

Even if, due to your life experience and professional experience, you feel that you could cope with work in various positions - from a mechanic to a chief engineer, then you should not focus on a broad profile.

The employer needs a specific specialist for a specific position, and he considers only those skills and abilities that will allow applicants to apply for this clearly defined job.

If you see that an employer has posted several vacancies, it is better to send an adjusted resume to each of them.

Be clear about your desired salary

There is no point in playing hide and seek with the employer and trying to avoid this issue if you do not want your resume to go straight to the trash can immediately after reading it.

Think in advance whether you agree to work for the salary offered. If the employer does not indicate the amount of remuneration and in the “Salary” column writes “by agreement,” then you should definitely understand what salary you will be applying for.

Even if you need work right now, you need to understand that attempts to ask for a salary increase will not always be successful and it is quite possible that you will have to be content with the specified amount for a long time.

Keep it businesslike

Despite the fact that the employer is also a person and, most likely, nothing human is alien to him, you should still not try to stand out from the ranks of other applicants by preparing your resume in an unusual style, diluting it with jokes, abstract notes or some obscure expressions .

Leave this for personal communication with your friends and like-minded people. And in a letter to the employer it is enough to clearly indicate:

  • the position for which you are applying;
  • experience in this position;
  • your achievements at your previous place of work;
  • education;
  • personal qualities;
  • a small amount of additional information (driver’s license, possession of special programs, etc.).

You should not describe in detail personal information and any details that are not relevant to the case. The summary should be concise.

It is better to pay more attention to the merits that will help you apply for this particular position. The main advantages will include experience in a similar position and work experience in the specialty.

Should I provide links to my profile on social networks?

Recently, you can see in job advertisements such requirements as indicating a link to a profile on a social network. Should you show your employer your VKontakte or Odnoklassniki page?

Of course, it is better to have a profile on a popular social network. Today this is a completely common phenomenon, and a person who does not have such a page is perceived a little strange; it may seem that he is hiding something from prying eyes.

Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to provide a link to your page. But this also imposes some restrictions on the content that you publish on your page. You should not flaunt something that may not characterize you from the best side - photographs of friendly drinking sessions, as well as intimate and indecent photos, as well as reposts of messages from other network users.

If you really want to share absolutely any photos and publications with your friends, then at least set the viewing privacy settings, assigning access to a certain part of the content only to your friends or individual users.

Do not provide false information

Many people mistakenly believe that when looking for a job, as in war, all means are good, the main thing is to get into the desired position by any means, and then maybe you will be able to cope.

This is a fundamentally wrong approach that will bring you nothing but a negative attitude from employers.

If you have not completed your education, you should not write that you have a diploma that you have lost and therefore cannot show. It’s very easy to check whether you studied at an educational institution or not.

There is no point in indicating that you are fluent in programs, for example, 1C, Excel, Photoshop or any others, if you do not have experience in these programs. Do not expect that the employer, out of sympathy for you, will teach you the intricacies of using these software tools. If you don’t know how to use them, then there’s no point in writing about them.

This also applies to work experience, projects you have been involved in, as well as any other skills that may be decisive when considering applicants.

Add a photo to your resume

Recently, more and more often in job advertisements you can see the note: “Resumes with a photo are considered first.”

Therefore, make sure that the file you send to a potential employer includes your photo.

You should not attach a full-length photo of A4 size. A small (2x3 cm) photo inserted directly into a Word document with your resume will be sufficient. If you are comfortable with a computer and don’t know how to add a photo yourself, ask one of your friends who is more fluent in using a computer to do it. As a result, your resume should look something like this:

The photograph must have a current date of capture. A 45-year-old applicant (or female applicant) should not insert a photo from 20 years ago just because you like how young you look there and how well you turned out in general. After all, you are not being selected for a photo model casting.

Do not miss:

How to write a good resume?
The main rules for writing a resume. How to write about work experience? What is your desired salary? What additional information about yourself should I provide? Step-by-step analysis of all resume points.

Ready-made resume samples

If you find it difficult to create a resume for any of the vacancies yourself, you can use ready-made samples, which you only need to supplement with your photo and correct the information presented in them.

For you, we have collected 12 samples of ready-made resumes that you can use.

Which section of a resume do you consider the most important?

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Your resume will be of interest to the employer if it is written correctly. Filling out each column is accompanied by special requirements and subtleties.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

For an applicant for a vacant position, information about yourself is an additional opportunity to attract the attention of the manager to your candidacy and make your resume stand out from the rest.

The section about yourself in the resume is relatively small in relation to the blocks about “” or “responsibilities.” However, despite this, it is no less important than other points. This fact especially applies to those applicants who have not yet gained professional experience and have poor knowledge.

How to write about yourself on a resume

It is important to maintain brevity and content in this block. The text volume should be about 5 sentences. Do a little self-analysis

According to this plan, we will write “information about ourselves” in the resume:

  • which skills and personal qualities are your strengths (something in which you are superior to other candidates, or some special advantages),
  • in which areas of activity you achieved the best results;
  • think about your professional achievements;
  • for what merits were you nominated for an award;
  • use diplomas, certificates and other documentation that demonstrates your competence.

What is better to write about yourself in a resume?

We use the presence of this column for our own purposes. We will fill it with valuable information that will allow you to stand out among other candidates and convince you that you are the best applicant for this vacancy.

Before filling out this section, re-read the job requirements again. Who does the recruiter prefer? Some advertisements indicate that you need your own car and 5 years of driving experience. Or required with an open visa. If you meet the criteria put forward by the employer, then indicate this in your information in your resume.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

The column should reflect the requirements of the vacancy, arouse the manager’s interest in your candidacy and incline his choice to your side.

  • I can find a common language with people regardless of their age and profession;
  • possession of a driver's license and personal vehicle;
  • readiness for long business trips;
  • I study English, completed an internship for 3 months in England;
  • I work with MS Office programs, skillful handling of office equipment.
  • Knowledge of MS Office programs and working with office equipment.
  • Ability to organize document flow, develop regulations and instructions.
  • Office management, business communication skills.
  • Ability to build relationships and resolve disputes.
  • Control over the work of structural divisions and organization of their activities.

The position of commercial director requires:

  • Sales organization and after-sales service management.
  • Skills in personal transactions for the sale of goods.
  • Working with the client base.
  • Conducting diverse negotiations.
  • Preparation of pricing policy.
  • Conclusion of expenditure and income contracts.
  • Probing the competitive environment.
  • Economy. Expansion of the market field of the product.

Information about yourself in a resume for the position of senior electrician for setting up electrical equipment may sound like this:

  • Married, I have two children.
  • I have skills in working with all power tools.
  • 5th group on electrical safety, drawing up work orders.
  • I do welding work.
  • PC user, Excel, Internet, Outlook, AutoCad.
  • Reading and developing diagrams.
  • Alexander Yurievich

    Director of a recruitment agency

    Successfully searching for a first or new job largely depends on your ability to present yourself. But, as a rule, before meeting with a potential employer at an interview, applications are studied and selected. The more informative and competent your resume is, the higher your chances will be. When getting a job, this is half the success.

    Principles of resume writing

    In short, a resume is your business card, through which the employer gets to know you in absentia. Sometimes an illiterate presentation of your skills can become a reason for refusal even by an experienced and qualified specialist. Therefore, it is important to remember the four principles on which a successful resume sample is based when applying for a job:

    • Brevity. Remember that your resume should fit on one A4 page. Therefore, learn to present information about yourself briefly, focusing on the most important thing. Don't retell your autobiography. Focus on the key points of education, work experience and special skills. And don’t try to cheat by reducing the font size and reducing the distance between lines. Information must be readable. Therefore, do not reduce the font size below 12 point.
    • Specificity. The names of educational institutions, as well as organizations in which you worked, must be indicated specifically (and not just a university, factory, office, and so on). Also pay attention to the time frame. It is advisable to indicate dates accurately.
    • Credibility. Provide only truthful information about yourself. Do not attribute to yourself any non-existent regalia and skills. Do not indicate knowledge of a foreign language if in fact you have only learned a dozen words. The same applies to PC knowledge and other specific issues. The lie will be revealed either during the interview or in the first weeks of work. If you submit documents to a recruitment agency, you will be exposed even earlier, because employees carefully check the authenticity of your resume.
    • Selectivity. Include in your resume only information that directly relates to the position for which you are applying. If, for example, you plan to work as an accountant, keep silent about the fact that you have completed hairdressing courses. Do not rewrite the information contained in job application resume examples. The sample is just a hint.

    Technical points

    An ideal resume sample when applying for a job should be impeccable in all respects. It is important to take care of the formatting, because a carelessly drawn up document can scare away a potential employer. Here are some technical points worth paying attention to:

    • Most HR managers agree that it is not advisable to write the word “Resume” in the header of the page. And it’s clear what the document is. In addition, you are wasting an invaluable line in which you can provide essential information about yourself. Although, if the resume is short, it is permissible to indicate the type of document, thereby making it visually larger.
    • In your text editor, select the font Times New Roman. It is optimal for visual perception.
    • Text color is black only. This solution allows the reader to concentrate on the content of the document without being distracted by details. The only detail of the resume that has the right to be in color is the photograph.
    • The main text should be written in 12-14 font, depending on how much information you are going to put on the page. FULL NAME. It is advisable to highlight it in a font larger by 2 points. The names of subparagraphs should be highlighted in bold or underlined.
    • All margins except the left one should be equal to 2 cm. The last one is equal to 1 cm. These are standard parameters for business documents. In addition, all other papers in your personal file (if you are hired) will be drawn up exactly this way.
    • One and a half line spacing is optimal for reading. But if your resume sample when applying for a job contains a lot of information, then single spacing is acceptable.
    • Do not write information in continuous text. Divide it into meaningful paragraphs (it is advisable to leave a blank line between them). A table format is also acceptable.
    • Do not use decorative frames or pictures. A resume is primarily a business document.

    Resume structure

    A resume is a purely individual thing, however, there is a certain generally accepted structure that can be supplemented or trimmed at your discretion. Thus, a standard sample resume for applying for a job (for 2017) includes five points:

    • Personal information.
    • Purpose of submitting a resume.
    • Education.
    • Experience.
    • Additional Information.

    Personal data

    Any sample resume for applying for a job (for 2017) begins with the “Personal data” section. Here is the information you need to include in it:

    • FULL NAME. Indicated in full, without abbreviations.
    • Address. If the place of registration does not coincide with the place of residence, this must be indicated. If you are temporarily renting housing, indicate the time frame within which you can be found at this place. The fact is that some organizations prefer to notify job applicants of their decision through regular letters.
    • Telephone. Indicate both landline and mobile numbers with the appropriate note in parentheses. It would also be a good idea to indicate your cellular operator. If there is any time frame in which you can take calls, also indicate this in your resume. For example, if you are not at home during the day, let the manager not try in vain to call your landline number. If you have a habit of turning off your cell phone in the evenings, specifying a time frame will save the manager from having to dial your number to no avail.
    • Email. In addition to “soap”, you can, but not necessarily, indicate your contacts in instant messengers and social networks.
    • Date of Birth.
    • Additional Information. This may include your marital status, presence of children, citizenship, and the presence of specific diseases. Fill out this column at your discretion, if required by the position for which you are applying.

    Purpose of submitting a resume

    If you decide to write a resume for a job, the sample must contain a section about your goals. The first is the position for which you are applying. Moreover, if you are applying for several vacancies at once, it is advisable to create a separate resume for each. It is possible that each of them will be considered by the heads of different departments.

    The second point in the “Goal” section is salary. If you and the employer do not agree on this issue, he has the right to reject your candidacy at the stage of reviewing your resume. As a result, you won't have to haggle over pay during the interview. As a rule, it is customary to indicate the average amount that has established itself in the labor market for a given specialty. But if you objectively consider yourself a good specialist with extensive experience, you can increase this figure by 30%. But don't give a specific number. Write: "From... rubles per month."


    To create a resume for a job, the sample must contain information about your education. Here experts disagree. Thus, some consider it appropriate to mention school education, while others consider it unnecessary. The main part is secondary and higher education, indicating the period of study, educational institution, faculty, specialty and qualifications obtained. Don't use abbreviations. The employer may well not know the abbreviated names of universities and specialties; he will not waste time searching for transcripts on the Internet. Please write all names in full.

    After basic education, indicate additional education. This could be some courses, trainings or electives. Write only about what is confirmed in the form of diplomas and certificates. Indicate only those courses that directly or indirectly relate to the planned activity.


    A sample of the correct resume for applying for a job should contain information about professional experience. If you don’t have one, you can tell us about practical training at an educational institution. As for previous jobs, you need to provide the following information about them:

    • The time period from the moment of taking up a position until dismissal.
    • Name of the organization. No abbreviations - just the whole thing!
    • Scope of activity of the organization. If the title doesn't tell you anything about the specialty, be sure to provide a brief description.
    • Job title. Please note what position you held at your previous job. Ideally, your statement should be supported by an entry in the work book.
    • List the authorities and responsibilities and job functions you performed in your previous job. This will be a kind of additional confirmation of your professional skills.
    • Achievements. If you have any commendations or recommendations from a previous employer, please include them. Perhaps you contributed to increased productivity or profit levels? Be sure to include a numeric value.

    additional information

    A sample of the correct resume for applying for a job should contain not only dry facts, but also some additional information. In this section you can praise yourself. But, again, you shouldn’t stray too far from the specifics of the planned work. Here's what you can talk about in this section:

    • Degree of personal computer proficiency. If the work is not directly related to working on a PC, you can limit yourself to the generalized “confident user” and the like. If a computer will be your work tool, be more specific about what programs you know.
    • Knowledge of foreign languages. List the languages ​​you speak, indicating your level of knowledge. This skill will be useful in any organization, regardless of position. Perhaps this will serve you well for a promotion in the future.
    • Extra skills. This could be having a driver's license, creativity or any other ability that can become a competitive advantage when choosing from several applicants.
    • Personal qualities. Include everything that should help you win the employer's favor. For example, stress resistance, communication skills, etc. Also a valuable quality may be the willingness to work beyond normal limits or go on long business trips.
    • Recommendations. If previous employers or teachers are willing to personally put in a good word for you, include their contact information in your resume.

    Blank resume sample for a job

    For a person who has not previously worked on creating a self-presentation, this task may seem difficult. Fortunately, it won't be difficult to find a blank template or example of writing a resume for applying for a job. The document blank looks like this:

    Date of Birth: Photo
    experiencePeriodPlaceJob titleResponsibilities

    Additional Information

    PC proficiency
    Foreign language skills
    Extra skills
    Personal qualities

    Sample of filling out a resume for a job for a student without professional experience

    Advertisements for vacancies for a particular position in 90% of cases are accompanied by the phrase: “Work experience is required.” This line sometimes makes me laugh, because where can a university or technical school graduate get this experience? A competent resume for applying for a job will help you get the desired job. The sample looks like this.

    Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
    TargetApplying for a junior specialist position
    Date of Birth01.01.1995 Photo
    Additional Information
    Foreign language skillsEnglish (with dictionary)
    PC proficiency

    Office programs;

    Graphic editor;


    Professional skills

    Writing interesting and competent texts;

    Website administration;

    Psychological counseling for youth

    Personal qualities

    Responsibility for the work performed;



    Fast learner;

    Ability to process large volumes of data


    Healthy lifestyle;

    Studying foreign languages;

    Psychological research

    RecommendationsDean of the Faculty of Psychology Pavlov Pavel Pavlovich

    Sample resume for an accountant

    An accountant is one of the most responsible positions in any enterprise. We can say that this is the second person after the general director, because the specialist deals with financial flows. Therefore, it is important that the applicant for the position is able to create a competent resume for applying for a job. The sample looks like this.

    Semenova Tatyana Semenovna
    TargetApplication for the position of chief accountant
    Wagefrom 40,000 rubles
    Date of Birth:01.01.1975 Photo
    Address:Pushkin, st. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. 9
    Family status:married, 2 children
    2001 - 2009Moscow State UniversityAccounting, analysis and auditmaster
    experiencePeriodPlaceJob titleResponsibilities
    2011-2017LLC "Cafe-Pirozhkovaya"Accountant

    Processing of primary documentation;

    Preparation of tax reporting;

    Conducting cash payments

    2009-2011Factorial LLCChief accountant's assistant

    Registration of incoming transactions;

    Maintaining accounting documentation;

    Carrying out instructions from the chief accountant

    Additional Information
    Foreign language skillsEnglish at conversational level
    PC proficiency

    Office programs;

    Program "1C-Enterprise"

    Personal qualities

    Personal responsibility for the result;

    Increased attention to detail;

    Mathematical thinking;

    Ability to work with large flows of information

    RecommendationsGeneral Director of Cafe-Pirozhkovaya LLC Oleg Olegovich Olegov

    Sample resume for sales manager

    Sales manager is a fairly in-demand profession today. But there is also a lot of competition among potential employees. Your success will largely depend on whether you can correctly write a resume for a job. A sample could look like this.

    Andreev Andrey Andreevich
    TargetApplying for the position of Sales Manager
    Wagefrom 50,000 rubles
    Date of Birth:01.01.1988 Photo
    Address:Pushkin, st. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. 9
    Family statusnot married
    2005-2010 Kazan Social InstituteAdvertisingSpecialist
    2010-2014 Moscow State UniversityTranslationBachelor
    experiencePeriodPlaceJob titleResponsibilities
    2014-2015 LLC "Reklamist"Advertising Services Promotion Manager

    Development of a client base;

    Presentation of company services;

    Conclusion of contracts

    2015-2017 LLC "Capital-credit"Financial Services Sales Manager

    Working with clients;

    Conduct of negotiations;

    Post-sales consultations

    Additional Information
    Coursesin 2013 coaching on the topic "Professional Sales" (certificate)
    Foreign language skills

    English (spoken);

    French (with dictionary)

    PC proficiency

    Office programs;

    Accounting programs;

    Graphic editor

    Personal qualities

    Communication skills;

    Attentiveness to clients;

    Leadership skills;

    Stress resistance;


    School teacher resume

    The vast majority of teachers work in state educational institutions. But this does not mean that a diploma in teaching education is enough. And at school you need to be able to present yourself. A sample resume for a teacher to apply for a job is as follows.

    Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna
    TargetApplication for the position of primary school teacher
    Family statusMarried with a child
    Date of Birth:01.01.1990 Photo
    Address:Pushkin, st. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. 9
    2007-2013 Moscow State Pedagogical InstitutePsychology and pedagogymaster
    experiencePeriodPlaceJob titleResponsibilities
    2013-2017 Gymnasium No. 63, PushkinTeacher of elementary grades

    Preparation and conduct of classes;

    Knowledge control;

    Working with parents

    Additional Information
    CoursesIn 2014, training “Pedagogy of modern times” (certificate)
    Professional skills

    Confident PC user;


    Organizational skills;

    Knowledge of business etiquette and adherence to rules;

    Correct oral and written language;

    Fluency in English

    Personal qualities

    Sense of responsibility;


    High level of self-organization;

    Stress resistance;

    Love for children;

    Communication skills

    A standard resume sample for applying for a job is the first step towards making a competent and effective self-presentation. Some professional advice will help you get even closer to your dream job.

    • Create a basic sample resume for a job and adjust it every time you look for a new job. Find out more about the organization itself and its leader. Based on this, add new items or exclude existing ones.
    • You don't always need to flaunt your strengths. The head of the organization or your immediate superiors may not like it if your level of qualifications, experience and competence is higher than theirs. Perhaps some regalia should be kept silent. You will have time to demonstrate your abilities during work.
    • Don't leave empty blocks. If you have no work experience, simply omit this item. If you don't know foreign languages, do the same. Adjust resume templates for applying for a job. The sample is for guidance only.
    • Always include a photo with your resume. According to statistics, such applications are much more likely to be approved than “faceless” resume forms for employment. A sample with a photo is attractive to the applicant.
    • Be sure to print the document on your computer. A handwritten resume is difficult to read and is not taken seriously.

    Drawing up a resume is one of the important stages on the path to employment, and the most important thing is to write it correctly, because the decision to even simply invite you for an interview largely depends on this. And if earlier, a resume was compiled for applicants who apply for high positions that require extensive practical experience and knowledge, now this document is created by almost everyone. Let's look at what it contains and how to write a resume for a job.

    The main task of a resume is to successfully sell your knowledge, skills and desire to work for the benefit of the company to the employer. Naturally, your integral task is to obtain the highest salary that is generally possible. One of the significant assistants will be a correctly composed resume, and then a successful presentation of yourself at an interview as an employee needed by the company. Try to prepare the document correctly and briefly - on 1-2 sheets of A4 format.

    And so, what needs to be indicated in the questionnaire, its structure.

    Availability of personal information of the applicant

    When writing a resume, the template should include your contact information (phone number, address and email) and your city of residence. It is worth noting that HR managers and managers who select their staff can even pay attention to the name of the mailbox.

    For example, [email protected] It is unlikely that there will be a great desire to invite such a person for an interview, so it is better to indicate a box that does not mean anything, say in the form of a phone number, name, etc.

    It is advisable to indicate your age in the questionnaire if it plays in your favor. And although there is a legal ban on age discrimination, you may not be included in the number of invitees. The same applies to photography; as a rule, its absence does not arouse interest on the part of the HR department, and on the contrary, it can cause the feeling that a person is hiding something.

    You should not post photos in a swimsuit if you are not going to get a job in a modeling agency - it should be business-like or reflect your hobbies. So, if you are getting a job as a security guard, then a photo in a kimono will be very useful; If you are applying for the role of a manager, then it is better to choose an office background, and you should be wearing a suit.

    From practice, about 87% of employers will prefer a questionnaire with a photo of the applicant.

    Wishes for future work

    In the eyes of the employer, you must have a certain goal and confidence in your abilities. There should be no discrepancy between the responsibilities in the resume and the proposed vacancy. If your desired position and the vacant one are fundamentally different, then you should make another resume specifically for this specific offer.

    Almost all well-known systems, such as,,, allow you to copy one of the resumes filled out on the site. You shouldn't miss such little things. You should also include the minimum wage and starting salary. At a minimum, you will save yourself from negligent employers who underpay and withhold wages.

    Specify work experience

    A very significant point will be your experience in previous places of work, if of course there are any. As a rule, places of work are indicated in chronological order, starting with the most recent:

    • Place of work (name of organization and field of activity), if there are too many companies, then it will be enough to indicate the last 3-4 places or describe the most significant ones.
    • The period of your working activity.
    • The position you hold, indicate if there were transfers within the company, promotions and incentives.
    • The resumes of applicants who indicate their achievements in the workplace stand out very favorably, and even better if they are confirmed by numbers, for example: “At my previous job, I implemented an industrial management system, thanks to which I reduced production costs by 25%, and the company’s profit as a whole by 15%. By doing this, you show your importance and this will be your added value in relation to other candidates.


    First of all, it is necessary to indicate the most significant and relevant education for the vacancy, including courses completed. Moreover, we write better education with more recent dates, and various courses that are not related to the matter are unlikely to play any role. For example, if you are applying for the position of sales manager, then the personnel officer will not be interested in the information that you have completed cutting and sewing courses, unless you are applying for a job in a fabric and tailoring store.

    Professional skills

    A separate paragraph indicates professional skills - the knowledge that you acquired in educational institutions, at previous places of work, or on your own. The degree of proficiency in foreign languages ​​(spoken and technical level is especially valued) and computer skills are separately indicated. However, you can often see incorrectly written project titles in resumes, and it is advisable to indicate the names of foreign programs in English.

    Do not use a lot of flattering reviews about yourself, for example, “the ability to cooperate with a team”, “extensive work experience”, often excessive overpraising can not work in your favor, it is better if the HR people draw such conclusions themselves. If a resume template is compiled for a specific proposal, it is worth using the mirror method, that is, the application of the required skills, as it is written in the vacancy. Use the same keywords that the employer needs, thereby you will speak to him in his language.

    Additional information about yourself

    This section mentions readiness for business trips, moving from one city to another, and, if necessary, agreement to work overtime. If necessary and appropriate, you should indicate the availability of a driver's license and its category, especially if the vacancy requires it. Availability of a foreign passport, marital status, as well as your hobbies. It will be good if you include your positive qualities, for example, initiative, diligence, communication skills, and so on. Any manager will be glad to have an executive and experienced employee. If you have recommendations, you can also submit them.

    If you have included recommenders in your resume, make sure that they are ready to give you a positive reference, that you have a valid phone number, and whether they remember you at all. It would be comical if a possible employer called the indicated phone number, and in response he was told: “Ivanov? I don’t know who this is!” or another person will answer the specified phone number. All this will indicate that you want to deceive the HR department, so it is better not to write recommendations at all than to end up in the situation described.

    The most common mistakes when writing a resume

    Before posting your resume on a website or sending it to a potential employer, you need to very carefully check what you wrote in it. Even the presence of grammatical and phraseological errors will play a negative role. It is better if you first give it to an experienced HR person from another company to read it. Their eyes are already trained, and often they can see serious mistakes at first glance.

    What are the most common mistakes in resumes?

    1. Contact information is missing or incorrect.
    2. Error in date and place of birth.
    3. There is no information about the education received.
    4. The presence of a large number of abbreviations that may not be clear to other people. If the resume is handwritten, the handwriting should be legible and readable.
    5. Presence of stylistic and grammatical errors.
    6. The style of presentation is reminiscent of rewriting a work book.

    In order to avoid typos, you can let your relatives or friends read what you wrote if you haven’t found an HR account, and when writing your resume, use special text editors, for example, MS Word, which allow you to check words for errors. It happens that employers have developed their own form for conducting employee surveys, which also requires a photograph. But if your copy is written correctly, you can transfer the data to the employer form.

    The most common question is “How to write a resume?” visits newcomers who have just graduated from educational institutions. Young job seekers do not always know what they want, so it is even more difficult to imagine what a potential employer expects from them. As for professionals and those who are in a creative search for their path, they tend to be more confident in themselves, despite the fact that they make no fewer mistakes in writing a resume than former students. Today we will learn how to write a resume so that it is guaranteed to be your ticket to an interview.

    There are different ways to write a resume. It has no set form. But there is a list of recommended columns. A good resume always contains:
    1. Personal information: full name, age, address, marital status, contact information of the compiler.
    2. Goal: what position are you applying for and why.
    3. Work experience: in chronological order, starting from the last job, years of work, company names, position, responsibilities and achievements are recorded.
    4. Education: years of study, name of educational institution, specialty.
    5. Additional information: all your additional knowledge, skills, talents and character traits that will make you stand out from other candidates and help you in your new job.
    6. Recommendations: an indication of the possibility of providing them.

    You shouldn’t be creative in this regard and omit one of the points; the recruiter is unlikely to appreciate it.

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    Remember: your resume should be short, specific, and honest. Write using active voice. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, write not “trained,” but “trained 20 new employees.” As for volume, 1 A4 sheet is considered ideal. It’s not worth writing less, but it’s not worth writing more either. Anything else that needs to be said, you will say at the interview. In the “Work Experience” section, indicate only information that relates to the future position. For example, if you worked as a camp counselor and are applying for a secretary position, then you can keep silent about such a fact in your work history. This is especially true for those who have rich and varied work experience. If you list your entire career path, your resume may turn out to be too “motley” and lacking a common focus. This creates a negative impression, and the resume risks ending up in the trash.

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    As for the “Training” column, it should be filled out as fully as possible for those who have just received a diploma, and briefly specified for those who have solid work experience. Writing a resume for a former student can be difficult; there is a great temptation to list all the “crusts” received in order to increase the volume of the resume. But, if you are planning to take the position of sales manager, do not write that you have completed floristry courses; it is better to indicate that you completed an internship at a company where you had similar responsibilities for a month.

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    Another mistake that job seekers often make is to write a resume and send it to all vacancies. For each case, a resume must be compiled separately! Especially if you are just starting your career and trying yourself in different professions. It cannot be the same as a web designer's resume, even if you are well versed in both topics. The resume should have a purpose, where everything below will be subordinate to it. Everything that is described should flow logically to the main goal and relate to one professional area. This way you will create the impression of an integral person who knows what she wants.

    Before you sit down and write a resume, imagine yourself in the shoes of the person who will receive this resume. Find out more about the company you are going to work for, about the specifics of its work, think about what they can expect from a future employee, and what exactly will interest them in you. Believe in your strength, prepare carefully - and you will definitely succeed!

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