How to prepare for a pipel biopsy. Carrying out Pipelle endometrial biopsy: indications for the procedure, reviews. Recovery after biopsy

Histological and other studies of endometrial tissue are very important, since the hormone-dependent nature of this tissue can lead to the formation of various tumors and tissue growths, including atypical ones. Therefore, for timely diagnosis and treatment of such processes, a biopsy is performed. It can be carried out using various methods, and one of these is endometrial biopsy. What it is and how a sample is taken during this process is described in this article.



What is a biopsy? A biopsy of the endometrium of the uterus is the process of collecting tissue from this layer for subsequent study of their histological (cellular) composition. The intervention is considered surgical and can be considered, to some extent, traumatic, therefore it is performed under anesthesia. The main purpose of a biopsy is to examine the material in a laboratory setting to determine the presence of atypical cells in it.

Material sampling tools

Tissues for such research can be collected in various ways. During curettage, the layer of mucous membrane is removed using a special loop. Sometimes sampling is performed during diagnostic hysteroscopy. But the simplest and least traumatic method is pipel biopsy. Sometimes it is also called endometrial aspiration biopsy, since these methods are very similar - only the sampling tool is slightly different, but the principle and actions are the same.

The endometrium is sampled using a thin plastic tube called a pipel, which has a hole in the side at the end. At the other end of the tube there is a piston, which creates negative pressure in the cylinder. Under the influence of negative pressure, some of the endometrial tissue is “pulled” into the tube and remains there. Endometrial aspiration is also performed using negative pressure, but instead of a pipette, equipment more similar to a syringe is used. The process is shown in detail in the video at the end of the article.

Why is it carried out?

An intervention of this kind makes it possible to study the cellular composition of endometrial tissue. As a result, it is possible to install:

  1. The presence or absence of atypical cells in the mucosa, which helps prevent the development of the oncological process;
  2. The presence or absence of endometrial hyperplasia, which can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms;
  3. The presence or absence of bacterial, viral, infectious, fungal agents that potentially pose a danger to health and reproductive function.

The study helps to establish the possibility of conception when planning a natural pregnancy or in vitro fertilization. It also helps to make a particular diagnosis in cases where other diagnostic methods are ineffective and uninformative.

It may also be prescribed in some other cases.


What does a pipel biopsy show? For what conditions and diagnoses is it prescribed?

  1. Pipel endometrial biopsy before IVF or natural pregnancy is performed in order to establish or deny the presence of obstacles to pregnancy;
  2. In case of infertility or frequent miscarriages, especially in the early stages, it is considered a necessary and informative diagnostic procedure;
  3. It is carried out for uterine bleeding of unknown origin, as it helps to establish their cause;
  4. Necessary if an oncological process is suspected;
  5. Quite often it is also carried out if hyperplasia or endometriosis is suspected;
  6. Sometimes it is carried out when viral, bacterial, or fungal infections are suspected;
  7. It is often carried out for hormonal abnormalities in order to establish their effect, nature, and sometimes the cause, for further effective treatment.

In some cases, such a diagnosis is also carried out for other diagnoses and suspicions of them.


Despite the high efficiency, information content and low risk of injury of this procedure, it still has a number of contraindications. Most of them are associated with a complete ban on manipulations in the uterine cavity during certain periods. General contraindications are the following:

  • Pregnancy of any stage, including unconfirmed or suspected pregnancy. Taking material from the uterine cavity during such a period can lead to miscarriage or injury to the fetus. After childbirth, manipulation can be performed if still required;
  • Confirmed infectious, inflammatory, viral, fungal or other pathological processes occurring in the vagina, since additional infection from it into the uterus is possible;
  • Low blood clotting is a contraindication because the technique for performing such an endometrial biopsy does not involve coagulation of damaged vessels, since usually there is no bleeding (at least significant) during such manipulation. However, if there is a clotting disorder, they can occur;
  • Presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Most of these restrictions impose only a temporary ban on manipulation. For example, it can be done after the disease has been cured. However, neglecting these contraindications may lead to unpleasant consequences.


It is in order to exclude potential contraindications that a number of studies are carried out before prescribing this manipulation. You need to do the following:

  • Perform an ultrasound examination to confirm or refute the presence of pregnancy;
  • Take a vaginal smear to determine sterility in order to exclude the presence of infections, including sexually transmitted ones;
  • A coagulogram is necessary for those who do not know exactly what their blood clotting ability is.

In addition to such research, a number of other measures need to be taken:

  1. Avoid sexual intercourse for 3 days before the intervention;
  2. Maintain good hygiene;
  3. Stop taking medications that thin the blood at least a week before the intervention, as they reduce blood clotting, which may result in bleeding (cancellation is possible only in consultation with the doctor);
  4. Stop taking hormonal medications (strictly in consultation with your doctor) at least a week before the procedure;
  5. Carry out the procedure strictly on the established day of the cycle, as this can have important diagnostic significance.

On what day of the cycle is a pipel biopsy performed? It depends on the purposes for which it is carried out. Usually, the most optimal day of the cycle is prescribed by a specialist. Proper preparation for pipell endometrial biopsy is very important, as it affects the information content of the procedure.

Carrying out

Anesthesia is usually not used for this procedure, as it may be more unpleasant than the procedure itself. The collection of the material is almost painless. The pipel is inserted into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal under ultrasound guidance or blindly, after which the tissue is taken for laboratory testing, which lasts from 7 to 10 days. The patient can leave the medical facility immediately after the intervention.


The results of a pipell biopsy of the endometrium can only be correctly deciphered by a doctor, depending on what disease the study was conducted for (based on this, specialists pay special attention to certain characteristics of the endometrium). In this case, there will be no single norm, since much depends on the woman’s age and her hormonal balance. Decryption is possible only taking into account these indicators.

The absolute norm is only the complete absence of atypical cells. But even their presence in minimal quantities is always considered a sign of a precancerous process.

Women undergo various tests throughout their lives when visiting a gynecologist. Most often they have to do an OMT ultrasound and colposcopy. Recently, diagnostic techniques such as hysteroscopy and pipel biopsy have gained popularity. This article will tell you in detail what a pipel biopsy is.

Characteristics of the method

Pipelle endometrial biopsy is a diagnostic surgical intervention performed in gynecology. With its help, the inner lining of the uterus is examined without dilating the cervical canal. Sometimes this technique is included as part of an extensive surgical procedure.

Despite the fact that pipel biopsy of the endometrium is a diagnostic procedure, it can also be performed to carry out therapeutic procedures that will not only obtain the necessary information about the organ being diagnosed, but also improve the patient’s condition. Most often, a woman does not feel pain when collecting material, which allows diagnostics to be carried out without painkillers and narcotics. The technique of performing pipel biopsy is done with a thin tube, the diameter of which is 2.3 mm, 4 mm. The instrument is hollow inside, this is necessary for collecting material for research.


When performing a pipel biopsy, the patient receives the following benefits:

  • painless method that does not require the administration of painkillers;
  • infrequent cases of complications;
  • there is no need to dilate the cervix;
  • due to the simplicity of the procedure, the possibility of incorrect interpretation of the result is eliminated;
  • the possibility of performing the procedure frequently due to the absence of negative effects on the body;
  • there is no need to hospitalize the patient;
  • possibility of carrying out for patients with serious concomitant diseases;
  • complete elimination of the possibility of infection, since the procedure uses a disposable tube;
  • relatively low price, which allows the examination to be carried out in a private center such as Invitro.

A sample of tissue is taken from the walls of the uterus using a pipel.

When is it appointed?

Recently, endometrial aspiration biopsy has been increasingly prescribed. The main indications for its implementation:

  • hyperplasia;
  • infertility of unknown course;
  • bleeding caused by taking hormonal drugs;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • endometritis;
  • menstruation not arriving on time;
  • polyps;
  • fibroids;
  • bleeding after abortion;
  • prolonged bleeding after childbirth;
  • bleeding that is not related to menstruation.

In addition, this diagnosis is indicated during the preparatory period before surgery, to determine the nature of tumor formations, fibroids, and to identify complications after aspiration. Before IVF, diagnosis eliminates the occurrence of troubles that often appear during the implantation of the fertilized egg.


Many women who are scheduled for examination are interested in the question of what day the procedure is carried out, how to prepare for the pipel biopsy. Typically, gynecologists recommend coming for a diagnosis from the 20th to the 25th day from the start of the menstrual cycle. When a woman suffers from heavy bleeding, the biopsy is postponed to the 7th – 10th day after the start of menstruation.

For patients who have started a climatic period, examination can be carried out at any convenient time. Doctors also give the following recommendations to help you prepare for a biopsy.

Before the study, you must refrain from drinking alcohol. It is recommended to avoid thermal procedures, visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or taking a bath, as they can lead to complications. Only hygiene procedures in the shower are allowed.

Before the examination, it is important to stop taking hormonal drugs, chemotherapy drugs, and antibiotics the day before, as they can lead to incorrect examination results. 3-4 days before diagnosis, you must abstain from sexual intercourse. You cannot use vaginal suppositories or creams. You should take a smear to check the vaginal microflora. Before IVF, a pipell biopsy of the endometrium is prescribed one cycle before the start of taking hormonal-based medications.

Before the procedure, you should avoid any physical activity.

Important! If a woman is suspected of having cancer, then an examination of the endometrium with pipell biopsy is carried out any day, even if a blood smear is available.

Research results

After the biopsy is performed, the material is placed in a liquid and delivered to the laboratory. Decoding is carried out under a microscope. Typically, the patient receives results 7 days after the procedure. It is worth saying that in private clinics the result comes faster than in public clinics. After receiving the conclusion, the woman needs to come to the gynecologist, who will interpret it correctly and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Many women are interested in what the biopsy shows. Usually this:

  • bacteria;
  • particles of tissue, mucous membrane;
  • sticks;
  • polyps;
  • tumor formations.

To interpret the result, you must contact a doctor who will make a diagnosis. It is prohibited to decipher the result yourself.


Since a biopsy performed with a pipel is a surgical procedure, there are some contraindications for the procedure. These include inflammation of the uterus, infectious diseases, pregnancy, menstruation, bleeding disorders, and genital tract infections. In addition, there are individual diseases for which examination is contraindicated. These cases are determined by the doctor based on the patient’s condition.


Complications after pipell biopsy most often occur as a result of erroneous actions during tissue collection for examination. Also, negative developments cannot be avoided if contraindications are not taken into account. The consequences of pipell biopsy of the endometrium are both immediate and delayed. The first case involves the development of pathology due to errors that occur during the collection of material. Usually there are consequences of a delayed type.

Women often encounter the following negative aspects of a biopsy:

  • if the procedure is carried out despite the presence of an inflammatory process in the reproductive organ, then perforation of the uterus occurs. Since the infected organ has thinner, loose walls;
  • an incorrectly selected tube size leads to extensive bleeding. It can be life-threatening for a woman;
  • bleeding can also occur as a result of damage to the cervix. This complication usually occurs due to poor blood clotting;
  • If the smear test is poor, the uterus may become infected.

After collecting the material, slight discharge in the form of a brownish smear or a few drops of scarlet blood may be observed for a short time. Usually these signs go away on their own after 2-3 days.

Brightly colored discharge should be a reason to visit a gynecologist

A video detailing the pipel biopsy can be viewed on the page below.

In the field of gynecology, one of the most popular methods for identifying histological problems is endometrial biopsy. The technique is aimed at examining a piece of uterine tissue under a microscope.

Thanks to this, it is possible to accurately determine the presence of morphological changes in the mucosa. To date, certain types of endometrial biopsy have been developed, which have different capabilities, purposes and contraindications.

Pipelle biopsy - what is it?

So, the diagnostic procedure involves taking a sample (during the patient’s lifetime) of mucosal tissue, so that chemical and histological studies can be subsequently carried out.

The event is an important component of minor surgical intervention, carried out as an independent intervention. But in severe cases, an endometrial biopsy is performed intraoperatively, urgently.

This is a procedure performed solely for diagnosis and histology determination. Although, it rarely happens that an endometrial biopsy is a therapeutic procedure.

Before the event, there must be appropriate preparation; this directly determines whether the patient will feel painful and uncomfortable sensations during the process.

Types of diagnostic tests in gynecology

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • Avoid physical overexertion;
  • Do not take hot baths or warm procedures.

Before the biopsy, the patient is asked to administer an anesthetic (this is optional, optional).

It is imperative to refrain from using medications that can affect the endometrium. If one of the rules is violated, you should not be shy - you need to tell the doctor everything.

Contraindications for surgery

Despite the simplicity and ease of performing a biopsy, it is nevertheless a surgical intervention, and therefore has a number of contraindications:

  • Development of inflammation;
  • The presence of pathologies of the uterine cavity;
  • Incoagulability of blood;
  • Infectious venereal diseases.

Also, the doctor may prohibit the procedure due to personal, individual illnesses that will be determined in advance.

The event is quite simple, so no consequences or side effects are observed. However, in specific, individual situations, slight short-term bleeding may occur, appearing on the day the biopsy is taken. It is worth knowing that in this case no inpatient examination or observation is required, so the woman can immediately go home.

The advantage of the procedure is a high level of accuracy and information content, compared to the fact that the intervention from a biopsy is minimal. In practice, this activity has not yet had negative reviews or any side effects or deterioration in well-being.

How is this procedure carried out?

The diagnostic event Pipelle biopsy is a modernized method of examining the endometrium and uterine cavity. The technique is based on the standard method of endometrial aspiration.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

Previously, when standard curettage was performed, when a small amount of a diagnostic sample was taken, almost the entire endometrium disappeared, and a large wound appeared on the membrane.

It is important that the modern diagnostic method is quite possible for use in cases of suspected formation of malignant or benign tumors in the uterine cavity or in case of metrorrhagia after a miscarriage.

The process of separating the endometrium for diagnosis and analysis is carried out by vacuum separation created in the uterine cavity.

If a more detailed examination and subsequent tests, laboratory tests are required, before performing a biopsy, the uterine cavity is sometimes irrigated with a special solution in order to subsequently perform washouts.

Professional experts recommend that before the procedure, as a preparation, ensure sexual rest and abstain from intimacy, do not do any douching, and do not use vaginal tampons for 2-3 days before the biopsy. To exclude STDs and all kinds of acute urogenital diseases, a qualified doctor must prescribe a preliminary examination.

After endometrial biopsy

Despite the fact that the procedure is minimally invasive and simple, it is nevertheless associated with a violation of the integrity of the mucous tissues of the uterine cavity. Therefore, it is not uncommon for slight bleeding that does not cause pain to appear during the first 24 hours after an event.

After a diagnostic curettage of Pipel, heavy, menstrual-like discharge may be observed for some time, accompanied by short-term pain in the lower abdomen.

It is worth immediately clarifying that the pain is not prolonged, and the rate of discharge after the procedure is much less than during the menstrual cycle and should not include blood clots, impurities of pus and any unpleasant putrefactive aroma. When any of the above symptoms appear, this is a signal to contact a specialized medical institution for advice.

Immediately after the study

When the diagnostic procedure is completed, the doctor recommends using a sanitary pad; discharge is possible. But, under no circumstances use tampons, they can irritate the mucous membrane, causing discomfort. Minor pain in the abdomen or lower back is considered normal; this fact is due to spasms in the uterus.

Important symptoms that you should be concerned about are the following characteristics:

  • Heavy bleeding;
  • Prolonged severe pain;
  • Unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • Increased body temperature.

If symptoms do not go away even after taking painkillers, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In order to prevent serious consequences and various complications, the following rules must be followed after a biopsy:

In addition, to prevent the development of infections and pathogens in the uterine cavity, it is recommended to take a course of antibiotics. If necessary, the leading doctor may prescribe hormonal medications.

The recovery period lasts no more than 3-4 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Periods after biopsy

When using the gentle Pipel biopsy method to diagnose possible pathologies of the uterus, menstruation may begin with a slight delay of 8-10 days. The meager volume and period of menstruation also differs somewhat from standard indicators. This is not a reason to worry, there is nothing wrong with it.

If the delay continues for more than 10 days, you should take a pregnancy test and then consult a specialist.

Planning to conceive a child is recommended only in the next menstrual cycle after the Pipel biopsy.

This is done so that the uterus rests and the mucous membrane undergoes a full course of restoration of functionality. It is worth knowing that the diagnostic procedure does not affect the functioning of the ovaries.

Considering that the Peipel biopsy is a gentle method for diagnosing diseases of the female organs, the remaining layer of the endometrium is quite enough to undergo the IVF fertilization procedure in the next ovulation cycle.

Often, leading experts advise women not to resort to intimacy with their spouse during the period while spotting appears. In the subsequent menstrual cycle, it is recommended to use barrier method contraception.

Possible complications

Before the day for the procedure is set, specialists together with the patient will choose the most appropriate diagnostic method, based on the woman’s personal testimony, body characteristics, etc. Depending on this, preparation requirements and various risks after the event are regulated.

Despite the fact that bleeding and minor pain are possible after a pipel biopsy, you should not immediately say “No” to this event, because no other methodology will provide such an accurate histological analysis.

Possible complications:

How long should I wait for biopsy results?

As a standard, the diagnostic process and subsequent interpretation of the results takes at least 14 days. This should be performed exclusively by a pathologist or histologist. If the leading specialist has made an appropriate note in the referral for analysis, an additional immunohistochemical analysis is possible.

How long the results will be made depends on the capabilities of the laboratory and the experience of the specialist, as well as on the volume of research and additional analyzes performed.

Cost of the procedure

Another important aspect today is the cost of the manipulation. Most clinics have already included this procedure in their list of services.

The price will vary depending on the region, level of the clinic and other circumstances. In Moscow, the average price for this procedure is 3,000 rubles. In the regions, the price for Pipelle endometrial biopsy is lower.

When a Paypel endometrial biopsy is performed, the price includes payment for histological or cytological examination. On average it fluctuates from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles. So the final cost of the entire survey will be in the area 7,000-8,000 rubles.

When diseases of the uterus occur, some research methods (ultrasound, x-ray) may not be informative. In this case, a biopsy is performed. This is usually a painful procedure that does not require lengthy preparation, administration of anesthetics, or dilation of the cervix. Now there is a more gentle research method - Pipel endometrial biopsy.
Paypel is a thin plastic tube with a piston; it has a small hole at the end through which endometrial tissue is absorbed.

The pipel is a disposable instrument; it is opened immediately before the procedure, which eliminates the possibility of infection. Due to the small diameter of the tube, additional dilation of the cervix is ​​not required, and therefore does not cause pain. Pipelle biopsy does not require much time, so the woman can leave the medical facility immediately after the procedure. This research method is universal, as it allows you to take material for research from any part of the uterus. This method can be carried out frequently, as it does not have harmful consequences on the body.Indications for research:

1. Female infertility - to identify the causes
2. Bleeding that occurs during hormonal therapy
3. Heavy uterine bleeding during menopause
4. suspicion of malignant neoplasms in the uterine cavity

Carrying out a Pipelle biopsy significantly increases the chances of successful implantation of the embryo during the IVF procedure.
- Pregnancy
- Inflammatory processes in the body
- Poor blood clotting
- Infectious diseases of the genital organs
Preparation for the procedure:
This procedure does not require special preparation. During the day before the procedure, the use of vaginal tampons and ointments is not recommended. If you have an increased pain threshold and to reduce discomfort during the procedure, an hour or two before the examination, take a painkiller tablet, for example “ ibuprofen ».
On what day of the cycle is this procedure performed?

To exclude chronic endometritis, an endometrial biopsy is necessary on days 9-13 of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle) - on these days, there are normally no inflammatory cells in the endometrium. To assess the secret transformation of the endometrium (its readiness for embryo implantation) - 21-23 days of the cycle; also on these days, endometrial hyperplasia can be excluded.

The procedure begins with an examination by a gynecologist. Then the external genitalia, vagina and cervix are treated with an antiseptic. Next, the doctor inserts a pipel tube into the uterine cavity and makes several movements with the piston; material is collected for research. The prepared material is placed in a special container with a liquid medium and sent to the laboratory.
Complications after the procedure:
Pipelle biopsy gives a very small percentage of complications (0.5%) compared to traditional material sampling. But there is still a risk of complications.
1. Damage to the walls of the uterus. The doctor must take into account the data from previous manipulations and also avoid rough manipulation of the instrument.
2. Minor damage to the affected areas of the uterus can cause bleeding.
3. Infection into the uterine cavity. To prevent this from happening, a vaginal smear is examined for microflora.

Pipelle endometrial biopsy is an informative and fairly safe procedure. You will receive the result in the shortest possible time. Such a study allows us to identify pathologies such as endometritis, metritis, fibroids, polyps, various hormonal diseases, and so on. If deviations are identified and corrected in a timely manner, a woman gets rid of her problems quite quickly. In some cases, a pipell biopsy of the endometrium can reveal the cause of female infertility. After just a few correction cycles, such patients become pregnant on their own and safely give birth to children.

Good health and well-being!

Medical terminology often plunges patients into a state of stupor. Indeed, some names sound frightening and menacing, although in fact they mean a completely simple procedure. Pipel biopsy belongs precisely to this category: a modern procedure whose essence is familiar to many women. But still, when voicing pipe biopsy: what is it, everyone wants to know.

What it is?

The concept of a biopsy is clear to almost everyone - it is the removal of a small amount of tissue from the uterus for detailed analysis. A simple biopsy is painful due to the need to dilate the cervix. Therefore, the procedure always requires local anesthesia. But the pipell endometrial biopsy analysis is distinguished by the introduction of an innovative tube diameter. To collect tissue, a tube with a total diameter of 3 mm is used, inside of which there is a small piston. Reviews of pipel endometrial biopsy indicate painlessness due to such a tube.

The minimum diameter of the pipel (as the instrument is called) allows it to penetrate the uterus unnoticed by the patient. There is no need to use anesthesia, dilate the cervix, or cause discomfort. The tube penetrates the uterus and uses a piston to release the desired amount of tissue or fluid. This is the answer to the girls’ constant question before the process: how to do an endometrial biopsy. The procedure is comfortable and short.

The only peculiarity is the frequency of the procedure. In most cases, two or three tissue samples are required to see how the uterus responds to the treatment. Such endometrium is usually required when it comes to the presence of tumors or other pathological processes. Ultrasound and x-rays may be powerless against some diseases. Women's diseases are special, often latent for the time being. The results of a pipel endometrial biopsy allow us to establish an accurate diagnosis and exclude/confirm assumptions.

Indications for endometrial biopsy

The biopsy cannot be performed spontaneously, suddenly on the day of visiting the doctor. The female body depends on the phases of the menstrual cycle. A biopsy is taken on the day of the cycle that is most suitable for identifying a specific pathology. Only if carcinoma is suspected can the analysis be carried out at any time. In other cases, precision is needed for what a pipel endometrial biopsy shows:

  • for bleeding: analysis on the first day of bleeding;
  • for global bleeding: analysis on the 5-10th day of the period itself;
  • infertility: analysis at the beginning of menstruation or the day before;
  • no pregnancy without menstruation: biopsy once a week;
  • establishing the exact day of the cycle itself: between 18 and 24 days.

Pipel endometrial biopsy in the video reflects the process itself in more detail and accurately. It is useful to watch the video before analysis, which helps you calm down and not worry. Biopsy is often performed in women due to anatomical features. The female body is sensitive to many factors. For example, to seriously disrupt the cycle, it is enough to experience nervous stress once. Therefore, gynecologists and obstetricians, when symptoms are vague and the picture is unclear, always use an analysis such as a pipel biopsy of the uterus.

Read about other women's examinations. When examining a woman’s body, the doctor often prescribes general tests, such as blood tests. Read more in this article.

The study is indicated more often in such cases as:

  • the appearance of bleeding during menopause;
  • the presence of bleeding every menstruation;
  • persistent infertility against the background of healthy tests;
  • fibroids, tumors to determine malignancy;
  • presence of inflammation;
  • bleeding after abortion or childbirth;
  • clear assessment after hormonal treatment;
  • bleeding or excessive discharge during such treatment.

Pipel endometrial biopsy in the photo clearly shows the stages and even what is happening inside. This is a delicate work that has become familiar to specialists. Sometimes the fence is so invisible that the patient continues to wait for something when everything is already finished.

Microcurette - a fast way to perform an incomplete biopsy

In words, taking uterine tissue with a microcurette is painless; specialists themselves rarely use anesthetics. A core biopsy of the endometrium involves a partial, minor sampling of uterine tissue for examination. In some cases, this type of analysis can replace complete curettage.

This makes this type of analysis, such as a strip biopsy, gentle for patients and less traumatic. The tape method is in demand and is carried out quickly, sometimes within five minutes. But the price of a pipe biopsy of this kind will be significantly higher than usual.

In Moscow, the minimum cost starts from 4,000 rubles. Although here the cost depends more on the rank of the clinic and the specialists themselves.

There are clinics where the cost of a pipell endometrial biopsy is much cheaper simply because the doctors there do not have eminent titles. For comparison, let’s say how much an endometrial biopsy costs: from 1,700 rubles.

Preparation for the procedure and its consequences

Preparation for pipell endometrial biopsy is minimal. The day before the procedure, no intimate relations, suppositories, tampons. The uterine cavity should remain natural, so do not use any excesses.

Consequences of pipell endometrial biopsy are rare. In rare cases, we are talking about infections or minor bleeding.

The discharge quickly stops as this is a reaction to the intervention, especially if a scraping was taken. More often during the process and after it, spasms begin. The uterus contracts, causing mild discomfort. Spasms after a pipel endometrial biopsy will go away within a day and can be stopped with an antispasmodic.

Many women have to become familiar with a biopsy. There is no real reason to be afraid of endometrial aspiration biopsy. And against the background of frequent problems in women with pregnancy, such a procedure is simply necessary. Only the endometrium can reveal all the hidden features of the female uterus.

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