Why is trichomoniasis not treated? Trichomoniasis: main symptoms and course of treatment Main sexually transmitted diseases in men

Trichomonas is the simplest unicellular microorganism from the class of flagellates, which is widespread. Trichomonas causes a disease called trichomoniasis in women and men. Its main symptoms are similar to those of genitourinary infections such as cystitis, colpitis, urethritis, proctitis, etc. In general, three types of trichomonas can exist in the human body: oral, intestinal and vaginal. The last of the listed species is the largest, active and pathogenic. Oral and intestinal Trichomonas do not pose a threat to human health.

Trichomonas have flagella, which are their means of movement. It is thanks to flagella that microorganisms have the ability to actively move. Trichomonas are not sexual and reproduce by longitudinal division. They are able to exist not only in the human body, but also outside it. Although the structure of Trichomonas is very simple, in general, this single-celled organism is a separate microorganism.

The size of Trichomonas varies in length from 13 to 18 microns. The small size and high plasticity of the body allows Trichomonas to penetrate even into the intercellular space.

Trichomonas are anaerobic organisms that do not require oxygen. An oxygen-free, humid environment with a temperature of 35-37 °C is considered optimal for these microorganisms. They attach to the mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract and provoke the development of the inflammatory process. A person suffers from general intoxication, and the patient’s immunity deteriorates.

Trichomonas can exist not only in the human genitals, but also in blood vessels. They penetrate there through the lymphatic tract. Trichomonas are perfectly adapted to life inside the human body. They are able to disguise themselves as platelets and lymphocytes and can carry other microbes on themselves, thereby preventing the immune system from destroying their own cells.

Another danger of Trichomonas is their ability to “hide” other pathogenic microorganisms inside themselves, including: gonococci, herpes virus, ureaplasma, etc. With the help of active and mobile Trichomonas, other bacteria have the opportunity to penetrate the blood vessels and spread faster through the genitourinary system. In addition, Trichomonas violate the integrity of the epithelial covers, thereby accelerating the process of infection with other sexually transmitted infections, including.

Although modern venereology has effective drugs to combat Trichomonas, the disease is widespread. Trichomoniasis is in first place among all diagnosed diseases of the genitourinary system, and also holds a leading position among all sexually transmitted infections. WHO indicates that about 10% of the world's population are carriers of Trichomonas. Every year alone, the official increase in infected people is 170 million people.

The disease mainly affects women aged 16 to 35 years. It is possible to transmit the infection to the child during childbirth; this occurs in 5% of cases. However, children tolerate the infection more easily, and in some cases self-healing is possible.

In men, the urethra, testicles, prostate and seminal vesicles are primarily affected. In women, the most vulnerable organs are the vagina, urethra, and cervical canal (its vaginal part).

One of the leading dangers of trichomonas in women and men is the development and various pathologies of pregnancy.

Microorganisms die under the following conditions: drying, heating above 45 °C, exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is not possible to detect them, for example, in public baths, in open bodies of water or in crowded places.

Symptoms of Trichomonas

Symptoms of trichomonas in men and women will differ, however, the incubation period for all infected people can range from 2 days to 2 months. If the disease occurs in a latent form, the first signs of trichomoniasis may appear even after several months. This will happen when it fails. Long-term latent carriage of Trichomonas is possible, but acute, subacute and chronic course of the infection is also possible.

In women, the disease often manifests itself more clearly than in men. Therefore, the first symptoms of Trichomonas in women can occur as early as 4 days after infection. The microorganism can infect the cervix, vagina and urethra

The symptoms will be the following:

    Copious vaginal discharge. They foam, have an unpleasant odor, and have a yellow or green tint.

    If gardnerellosis is associated with trichomoniasis, the smell of the discharge becomes sharper and resembles a fishy smell.

    During sexual intercourse, a woman may experience pain.

    During the process of emptying the bladder, pain and a burning sensation occur. A woman experiences a frequent urge to urinate. Cramps and pain indicate the development of urethritis.

    The vulva becomes swollen and hyperemic. In 100% of cases, burning and itching is observed in the vaginal area.

    Painful sensations in the lower abdomen are not typical for trichomoniasis, although such complaints are sometimes received from patients.

    The skin of the perineum may be covered with small ulcers and abrasions. This occurs due to the irritating effect of leucorrhoea on the dermis. The development of dermatitis on the inner thighs is possible.

    During a gynecological examination on the speculum, the doctor visualizes reddened and swollen vaginal mucosa. It is all covered with abundant foam, the cervix is ​​soft, and with slight contact with the speculum, blood may bleed. If you look closer at the mucous membrane of the cervix, you can find multiple small capillary hemorrhages (petechiae) on it.

Before the next menstruation, the symptoms of trichomonas in women intensify. If a girl becomes infected and is infected through the household from a sick mother, then in childhood trichomoniasis occurs as vulvovaginitis with periodic exacerbations. During the acute stage, the symptoms of trichomoniasis in girls are similar to the symptoms of trichomoniasis in adult women.

As for the chronic form of the disease, it occurs in the absence of adequate treatment. This happens two months after infection. Trichomonas carriage is also possible. The chronic disease does not show itself for years; if symptoms of infection appear, they are very scanty. Approximately 4% of patients complain of recurrent symptoms of dysuria, and 5% of patients experience certain sexual disorders. However, it is the erased forms of the disease that are especially dangerous not only because of their complications, but also are of great importance in terms of the spread of infection.

Symptoms of trichomonas in men can be identified as follows:

    The occurrence of a burning sensation and pain during urination.

    Slight pain may occur when emptying the bladder.

    The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, especially noticeable in the morning. Sometimes these urges are false.

    In some cases, scant discharge from the urethra is observed. The discharge is mucus in nature.

    Immediately after sexual intercourse, severe itching and burning may occur.

    Rare symptoms include inflammation of the middle suture and the appearance of erosions on the mucous membrane of the glans penis.

    Another rare symptom of trichomonas in men is the discharge of blood from the urethra.

Severe symptoms of trichomonas, which would force a man to urgently seek medical help, are extremely rare. As the disease progresses, the urethra narrows and urination becomes increasingly impaired. Possible damage to the bladder and kidneys. In 40% of cases, prostatitis is observed, and it is possible that the prostate gland and epididymis are involved in the inflammatory process. It is men who most often turn out to be hidden carriers of Trichomonas.

Trichomonas are transmitted sexually. This includes any type of contact: anal, oral-vaginal sexual intercourse, etc. Transmission of the microorganism through household means is possible, but this is extremely rare. The fact is that Trichomonas can remain active for several hours, being, for example, in lumps of mucus or pus on washcloths, sponges, and towels. Little girls are infected in this way, but this also occurs very rarely.

Causes of Trichomonas infection in women

It should be understood that a necessary condition for the development of the disease is the acidity of the environment in the range from 5.5 to 6.6. This pH level in a woman’s vaginal fluid is observed during and after menstruation.

In addition, a decrease in natural immune forces can be observed for the following reasons:

    Performing abortions, childbirth.

    Alcohol abuse, smoking.

    Frequent sexual intercourse with different partners without using a condom.

    General diseases and chronic diseases that affect the state of the immune system.

    Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

It has been established that, as a monoinfection, trichomoniasis is diagnosed in only 10.5% of cases. In all other situations, patients are diagnosed with concomitant latent infections (, etc.).

Causes of trichomonas in men

In both women and men, the main method of transmission of infection is sexual contact. At the same time, the susceptibility of the male sex to the pathogenic microorganism is very high, but the symptoms of the disease are very scarce.

Diagnosis of Trichomonas begins with examination of the patient. However, it is impossible to make a diagnosis solely on the clinical signs of the disease for the following reasons:

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis can be symptoms of other urogenital diseases, both in women and men.

    Pinpoint hemorrhages on the mucous membrane of the cervix are a symptom pathognomonic of trichomoniasis in women. However, it can be detected only in 2% of patients.

    Foamy discharge is also not always observed, but only in 12% of women.

However, the patient’s complaints and clinical signs of trichomoniasis allow one to suspect the presence of an infection.

The basis for diagnosing the disease is laboratory methods, including:

    Microscopic examination of a smear from the urethra and vagina in women and a smear from the urethra in men. The examination of smears must be carried out no later than 30 minutes from the moment of their collection. The reliability of the method ranges from 40 to 60%.

    Immunological method.

    Microbiological method or tank culture for Trichomonas.

    PCR diagnostics. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to diagnose the disease in 100% of cases. Any biological fluid of the patient can be suitable for the study: blood, saliva, scraping from the urethra or vagina. In addition, you can get the result the very next day.

It should be noted that the disease is more difficult to identify in men than in women, which is associated not only with scanty symptoms. Often with Trichomonas carriage, microorganisms are in an atypical amoeboid form.

Treatment of trichomonas is most often a process that does not take too long.

However, it requires compliance with certain conditions on the part of both the patient and the patient, among them:

    Regardless of whether the second sexual partner has symptoms of the disease, he must undergo full treatment.

    Intimate life in any of its manifestations should be absolutely prohibited. Sexual activity should be absent until both partners receive negative tests for trichomoniasis. This is the only way to guarantee reinfection.

    Taking specific antiprotozoal drugs is a prerequisite to guarantee complete recovery.

    If there are other genitourinary infections, they should also be treated.

    During therapy, alcohol consumption is prohibited, and a gentle diet is indicated, avoiding spicy foods.

Self-medication of trichomoniasis is unacceptable; all medications are prescribed only by a doctor, based on laboratory diagnostics.

Treatment of trichomonas is carried out by taking the following drugs:

    Metronidazole and Metronidazole derivatives: Flagyl, Trichopolum, Tinidazole, etc.

    Systemic therapy must be supplemented with local treatment. Only in this case can the desired effect be achieved. Therefore, patients are prescribed vaginal suppositories (Klion-D, Betadine, Terzhinan) and gels, for example, Metrogyl vaginal gel. Men are indicated for local treatment with Rosamet or Rozex creams.

    If it is not possible to take drugs orally, then Osartsid suppositories are prescribed, which have a detrimental effect on the enzyme system of pathogenic organisms. At the same time, streptocide is used, which relieves inflammation.

There are several treatment regimens for Trichomonas, including:

    A seven- or ten-day course of taking Trichopolum, 1 tablet of 0.5 g 2 times a day.

    A single dose of four Tinidazole tablets at a dosage of 0.5 g.

    A seven-day course of taking Fazizhin 150 mg 2 times a day.

The chronic form of trichomonas is treated in almost the same way as the acute form. However, with a prolonged course of infection, the human immune system suffers, so standard regimens can be supplemented by taking immunostimulants, adaptogens and vitamin complexes.

During treatment, certain rules of personal hygiene should be observed. Firstly, you need to wash yourself using antiseptic preparations (potassium permanganate solution or Furacilin). Secondly, underwear must be replaced daily. Thirdly, you are allowed to use only individual washcloths, sponges and towels. This will prevent infection of family members, and in particular children.

After completing the full course of treatment for Trichomonas, three samples of tests are required, which is carried out once a month. Only in this way will it be possible to ensure that Trichomonas have been completely eliminated from the body.

It is important to remember that drugs that have a detrimental effect on Trichomonas are incompatible with alcohol, since they all provoke the development of Antabuse-like syndrome. Therefore, to avoid serious poisoning, it is necessary to avoid drinking any alcohol-containing drinks. An exception to this rule is the drug Ornidazole.

Trichomonas are treated by gynecologists, urologists and venereologists. After undergoing treatment, the human body is not able to develop stable immunity, so re-infection is quite possible.

As for pregnant women, the possibility of therapy is determined by the supervising physician. Treatment can be carried out no earlier than the 2nd trimester.

Sometimes trichomonas are resistant to drugs from the 5-nitroimidazoles group. As a rule, such resistance is partial and adjustment of the dose or frequency of administration allows the existing problem to be resolved. To prevent microorganisms from developing drug resistance, you must follow your doctor's instructions exactly.

Prevention of the disease comes down to a reasonable approach in terms of organizing sexual life. This will make it possible to protect yourself not only from trichomoniasis, but also from other sexually transmitted infections.

    Is it possible to have sex while treating trichomonas? Having sex while treating trichomonas is strictly prohibited. Moreover, you should abstain from intimate life until the results of the therapy are known.

    Is it possible to become infected with Trichomonas through oral sex? You can become infected with Trichomonas through oral sex.

    Is Trichomonas transmitted through kissing? No, trichomonas is not transmitted through a kiss.

    Can there be bleeding with Trichomonas? Infection with Trichomonas does not provoke the development of bleeding. Multiple pinpoint hemorrhages of the mucous membrane of the cervix are possible, however, it is impossible to attribute the appearance of the so-called “strawberry cervix” symptom to bleeding. Very rarely, a small amount of blood appears in women after sexual intercourse.

Education: in 2008, he received a diploma in the specialty “General Medicine (Therapeutic and Preventive Care)” at the Russian Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. I immediately completed an internship and received a diploma as a therapist.

Which affects the genitourinary system.

If the stage of the disease is acute, then in men urination becomes painful, in women there is burning and itching in the vagina, and a large amount of discharge appears.

Possible complications

Without timely and effective therapy, the transition of trichomoniasis to a chronic form cannot be ruled out. This may lead to the following complications in the future:

  • to congenital pathologies;
  • prostatitis;
  • complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • infertility;
  • of death.

Most often, the infection settles in the urethra, vagina, cervical canal, ovaries and appendages of a woman. And in a man, in the seminal vesicles, urethra, prostate. Women suffer from this sexually transmitted disease more often than men. But this is simply due to the fact that the infection is detected more often. In women, symptoms are more pronounced, and they also regularly undergo preventive examinations by doctors. The most common age at which trichomoniasis is detected is 17-36 years. How it is transmitted, we will consider further.

Trichomonas do not manifest themselves in any way in the male half. Since there are no symptoms, a male carrier often infects his partner. After all, he has no discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

Non-gonococcal urethritis, epidymitis and chronic prostatitis may occur against the background of trichomoniasis. All this affects a man’s ability to conceive a child. Spermatozoa under the influence of Trichomonas become less mobile and viable.

Allergies, diabetes mellitus, cancer and mastopathy are also possible due to infection of the body with trichomoniasis.

To minimize infection, you need to know how trichomoniasis is transmitted.

What features does Trichomonas have?

Trichomonas is a unicellular anaerobic microorganism from the flagellate family.

Three types of Trichomonas can be found in the human body:

  • intestinal;
  • oral;
  • vaginal - this is the most pathogenic, active and largest.

The bloodstream is filled with pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to the intercellular space and lymphatic pathways, they penetrate there. This is how trichomoniasis progresses. Whether it is transmitted is of interest to many.

What does the fitness of Trichomonas depend on?

So it can be extremely difficult to fight Trichomonas, even though medications and treatment methods are constantly being improved.

This is why knowing how trichomoniasis is transmitted is of great importance.

How is Trichomonas transmitted?

The most basic is sexual transmission. Moreover, sex should be unprotected (that is, without a condom, which can also be of poor quality and break).

Through the blood

The blood of an infected person is contagious, so any contact with it leads to the transmission of trichomoniasis. This happens quite rarely, most often randomly. Kissing if there are microcracks in the oral mucosa can be dangerous.

During childbirth

The process of delivery can lead to infection of the baby from the mother. This is a very common method. Therefore, all infections must be treated before delivery.

The infection is also transmitted in utero, because the fetus is connected to the mother, which leads to invasion.

Trichomonas in saliva

Trichomoniasis is transmitted through saliva.

Other people's dishes are a source of infection. It must be washed well so that no saliva remains. In this way, Trichomonas can also enter the human body precisely while eating from such dishes. Catering establishments can serve as a potential source of trichomoniasis.

Trichomoniasis is transmitted through household means - you need to remember this.

Other methods of infection

You can also get the disease in the following ways:

  • When using someone else's towel.
  • When swimming in pools, visitors in commercial establishments are not always asked for a certificate of health.
  • When visiting a public bath or sauna.
  • When going to a public toilet. Cleaning here is not always timely, high-quality and frequent.

Infection often lives in damp and dark places. The temperature is usually low. If the heat outside is about 30-40 degrees, this leads to the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

Prevention of infection

It is important to understand that a person does not yet have the ability to produce antibodies to this serious disease. Even if there was trichomoniasis and complete recovery occurred, it cannot be guaranteed that there will be no re-infection.

Basically, of course, trichomoniasis is transmitted sexually. One sexual partner and protection guarantee a reduced risk of getting sick. You also need to follow the rules of personal and household hygiene. Dishes must be separate, and this also applies to washcloths, linen and other personal items and items. The use of antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine) after sexual intercourse can be effective. But, of course, this does not guarantee that infection will not occur.

When the first suspicious symptoms appear, you must warn your sexual partner. Then immediately contact a specialist. Fear of telling the truth, some kind of embarrassment makes people hope for self-recovery, just to avoid going to the doctor. This is wrong, since trichomoniasis will not go away from the body on its own, it will progress, and this can lead to disastrous consequences, even death. There is no need to be afraid or embarrassed.


What is the treatment for this disease? First of all, when trichomoniasis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a course and Nystatin is prescribed very often. But antibacterial drugs may not be enough, so antiprotozoal drugs are used. "Metronidazole", "Tinidazole" are classified as such medications. Supportive therapy is also needed - physiotherapy, immunotherapy, urethral instillation, prostate massage in men.

In addition, the use of local medications - vaginal suppositories, tablets, douching - will be effective. This will help relieve acute symptoms and make you feel better, but will not cure trichomoniasis completely.

Trichomoniasis is the most common disease on the planet among sexually transmitted infections, as well as the absolute leader among diseases of the urinary system. As of 1999, the World Health Organization provided data according to which every tenth person on the planet suffers from trichomoniasis. Already such figures force us to take a closer look at the disease, studying the causes of trichomoniasis, types, treatment methods and methods of prevention.

What is trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. This single-celled microorganism has on its body a wavy membrane and special flagella, which allow Trichomonas to actively move, penetrating into intercellular spaces.
It should also be noted that Trichomonas is an anaerobic creature, which significantly expands its distribution area.
Available disease statistics show that in the vast majority of cases the disease develops in combination with other diseases, the most common of which are chlamydia and. As a monoinfection, trichomoniasis is diagnosed only in every tenth case.
Modern research shows that the spread of this infection is possible only through sexual contact. And only in exceptional cases is transmission of the disease possible through the use of hygiene products or underwear of a carrier of the disease. At the same time, the risk of transmission of infection through sexual contact exceeds 80 percent. No other sexually transmitted infection has such a high transmission rate.

Prevention of trichomoniasis

These factors indicate that to prevent this disease it is necessary to strictly follow a number of recommendations, which, however, do not contain anything supernatural:

  • culture of sexual relations;
  • if you have non-regular sexual partners, use exclusively barrier contraceptives;
  • a high culture of intimate hygiene, excluding the use of underwear and hygiene products of other people;
  • regular medical examinations, which must be completed at least six months.

In addition, there is a fairly effective method of one-time prevention of trichomoniasis after casual sexual contact without the use of a barrier contraceptive. It consists of introducing five milliliters of solution into the vagina and externally treating the genitals with antiseptics. Such actions will reduce the risk of Trichomonas transmission by 70 percent. But at the same time, doctors strongly recommend avoiding situations where such emergency therapy is necessary.

Photo: Twinsterphoto/Shutterstock.com

Prerequisites for the development of trichomoniasis

However, for the development of trichomoniasis there are a number of other prerequisites in a woman’s body:

  • the postpartum period, when the expansion of the cervical muscles leads to a natural disruption of mechanical protection;
  • menstrual and postmenstrual periods, accompanied by fluctuations in the acidity of the vaginal contents (for Trichomonas, the optimal acidity of the vaginal contents is the range of 5.5-6.6 pH);
  • abortion, which provokes changes in the body that contribute to the occurrence of trichomoniasis;
  • orgasm, during which the uterine cavity is prone to “absorption” of the causative agent of the disease.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

After entering the body, the first visible manifestations of the presence of infection begin to appear 4-5 days after infection. Depending on the place of penetration of Trichomonas, the symptoms of the disease may differ slightly, but in the vast majority of cases, women experience the following symptoms:

  • copious foamy discharge, predominantly yellowish or greenish in color;
  • profuse leucorrhoea from the vagina, which is a pathognomonic (unambiguous) sign of the presence of Trichomonas in the body;
  • discomfort, often developing into pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse;
  • redness and swelling (so-called hyperemia) of the vaginal mucosa, which may be accompanied by purulent discharge.

In men, infection with trichomoniasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations when urinating;
  • in some cases, when the prostate gland is affected by infection, symptoms of prostatitis;
  • involuntary discharge from the urethra, in some cases bloody.

Although in most cases, trichomoniasis in men is practically asymptomatic, any of these symptoms signals the need for detailed laboratory testing, which can verify the presence of Trichomonas in the body and confirm infection.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis

Modern medicine suggests four options for diagnosing this disease:

  • cultural examination, which is recommended in the absence of pronounced symptoms of trichomoniasis;
  • molecular biological research, which is designated as the most reliable diagnostic method that does not require additional confirmation;
  • microscopic examination of a preparation stained with a one percent solution of methylene blue. This method is the simplest, but its sensitivity does not exceed 60 percent;
  • microscopic examination of an unstained specimen, which demonstrates the highest sensitivity in cases of clearly defined infection.

At the same time, progressive medicine in diagnosing sexually transmitted infections, including trichomoniasis, is guided by the principles of the least time and money costs, without compromising the reliability of the research results.
According to this, the algorithm for diagnosing infection in modern clinics is as follows:

  • 1. Gynecological examination with the collection of a native smear, which, although it does not demonstrate high sensitivity, has the qualities of being cheap and quick to determine the result. A positive result for the presence of Trichomonas in this case is sufficient to determine the diagnosis.
  • 2. The presence of signs of trichomoniasis infection and a negative result of the native smear are a signal for more complex testing for antigen detection. As in the first case, if the test is positive, treatment is prescribed, and if it is negative, additional research is prescribed.
  • 3. The final test in this diagnostic protocol is culture. Modern medicine considers this set of procedures absolutely sufficient to diagnose the presence of Trichomonas and does not recommend further action, guided by the above-mentioned principle of rationality.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

In case of laboratory confirmation of trichomoniasis, complex treatment is prescribed, developed according to an individual scheme for each patient.
It mainly consists of the internal use of anti-trichomonas drugs - metronidazole and its derivatives flagyl, ternidazole and others. In combination with these drugs, local treatment may be prescribed in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories, which on their own do not demonstrate adequate effectiveness, as well as a number of procedures: physiotherapy, immunotherapy, prostate massage, urethral instillation and restorative therapy.

Now two methods of using metronidazole are used: a 3-7-day course of treatment, one tablet (250 mg) twice a day, or a one-time use of a loading dose of the drug - no more than two grams. At the same time, the results of many studies show that the second option is not inferior in effectiveness to the first and it is this option that now prevails in medical prescriptions.

The maximum range of drugs and procedures is prescribed to patients with acute or chronic forms of trichomoniasis, while at the initial stage of development of the infection it is often possible to manage only with anti-trichomoniasis drugs.

Side effects of using metronidazole include a feeling of dry mouth, change in urine color, and in rare cases, malaise, vomiting and rapid heartbeat. In addition, after taking this medication, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for two days.

There are also cases of partial resistance of the infectious agent to anti-Trichomonas drugs, which is observed in approximately every twentieth patient. In such circumstances, the attending physician changes the dose and duration of use of medications, which mainly has a positive effect.

Upon completion of treatment of the disease, the attending physician prescribes a set of three control laboratory tests, which are carried out after the end of the menstrual cycle for three months. And only three “clean” tests indicate complete recovery.

It should also be noted that trichomoniasis is a self-healing infection. Asymptomatic and without diagnosis, the disease lasts from four months to five years, ending with recovery. But for such a development of events, several conditions must coincide:

  • the course of trichomoniasis in the form of a monoinfection, which, as we remember, is observed in only 10 percent of patients;
  • a sufficient level of defenses of the body of an infected person;
  • the patient has no sexual intercourse for a long period.

Consequences and complications of trichomoniasis

Delayed diagnosis and treatment of trichomoniasis can lead to very serious consequences. The progression of the disease into chronic trichomoniasis and further lack of medical intervention often leads to the following problems:

  • frigidity and lack of orgasms;
  • impairment of reproductive functions (inflammation of the uterine appendages and obstruction of the fallopian tubes);
  • the occurrence of malignant processes in the cervix;
  • complications during pregnancy, causing premature birth or miscarriage.

In addition, a number of scientists argue that trichomoniasis may be an indirect cause of the development of diabetes mellitus, mastopathy, cancer of the female genital organs and allergic manifestations, but there is no reliable laboratory evidence of these assumptions at this time and they require additional research.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

It is worth mentioning separately about trichomoniasis during pregnancy. Diagnosis of infection during pregnancy is not a prerequisite for its termination. Although the disease can cause complications during the prenatal period, patients are prescribed a standard course of treatment. The only change from the standard protocol is the need to eliminate the use of metronidazole in the first trimester of pregnancy. That is, the course of treatment for trichomoniasis should be carried out no earlier than the second trimester.

There are also statistics according to which in five percent of cases, trichomoniasis in a pregnant woman is transmitted to her child. But the structural features of the epithelium of a newborn are such that the infection in his body occurs in a mild form and in most cases heals itself.

Trichomoniasis belongs to the category of those diseases that are accompanied by a huge amount of very...
  • There may be a delay between the moment of infection and the first signs of symptoms of trichomoniasis...
  • Accurate diagnosis... A more accurate determination of the presence of trichomoniasis in humans begins with the use of a special microscope...
  • Trichomoniasis is an infectious... Every year, about 200 million people become ill with trichomoniasis.
  • Trichomoniasis, as many doctors believe, is not a disease that can cause death...
  • Trichomoniasis - prevention... Trichomoniasis is an infection that is mostly transmitted through sexual contact. This parasitic infection was...
  • Trichomoniasis - symptoms... Trichomoniasis is one of the most common diseases in the world. The pathogen was identified in the distant...
  • Urogenital trichomoniasis... Urogenital trichomoniasis is an infectious disease that tends to...
  • Trichomoniasis is a bad disease, but quite treatable. The disease itself does not have irreversible consequences....
  • What is the difference between men's... In representatives of different sexes, trichomoniasis occurs differently and has different consequences.
    For men...
  • This is a single-celled microorganism that can exist both in the human body and in free...
  • Lack of treatment for trichomoniasis is a direct path to weakening the immune system of both men and women. As a result, the human body is no longer able to resist not only Trichomonas, but also other pathogens. This leads to the fact that patients begin to fall ill with other quite dangerous ailments, one of which is HIV infection. Remember, you can strengthen the immune system through special dietary supplements (dietary supplements).

    The presence of trichomonas in the human body also leads to the fact that these microorganisms begin to absorb leukocytes and red blood cells from it. An insufficient amount of these vital cells leads to both anemia and tissue destruction, exhaustion, and oxygen starvation. This disease is especially difficult for people who have any chronic diseases.

    Secondly, it has been proven that this disease significantly disrupts the functioning of the body’s immune system, and therefore deprives it of the ability to effectively fight other diseases. In particular, it is believed that a person with trichomoniasis is more susceptible to contracting HIV.
    In particularly advanced stages, this disease can cause severe exhaustion, anemia and oxygen starvation.

    In women, this disease can cause various inflammations of the vagina and uterus. This can lead to infertility or the inability to conceive a child, as well as the inability to carry a fetus to term normally, and therefore be at risk of miscarriage. The consequences that trichomoniasis can have in men are also quite significant: the disease can cause the development of prostatitis, inflammation of the seminal vesicles and testicles. All this, ultimately, can result in male infertility.

    A more accurate determination of the presence of trichomoniasis in humans begins with the use of special microscopic technology. During the examination, the specialist takes a special smear for further observation using a microscope. In women, discharge from the back of the vagina is used for the study; in men, a smear is taken from the urethra and prostate. Such research must take place very quickly, because the active existence of Trichomonas outside the human body can be noticeable under a microscope for a very short time. As a rule, the result of the study can be ready in fifteen to twenty minutes. Such a study helps to establish both the presence and the degree of development of the disease.

    If this method does not provide a complete answer, a more thorough examination is performed. Quite often the bacteriological method (seeding) is used. This method of research consists in the fact that the test material taken from the patient is sown in a certain environment that promotes the rapid development of certain bacteria. This method allows you to determine not only the presence of trichomoniasis itself, but also some of its associated diseases. This method helps to optimally select the necessary treatment options for trichomoniasis.

    The most accurate way to establish an accurate diagnosis today is DNA diagnostics. The accuracy of this method is almost one hundred percent. The result of such an examination is expected within one to two days. To carry out DNA diagnostics, a special DNA microbe is separated from material taken from the patient, and its examination is carried out in a special laboratory.

    Trichomonas, the causative agent of trichomoniasis, is not a bacterium, but a single-celled microorganism. It is for this reason that most antibacterial agents do not affect the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

    Let us highlight the main features of Trichomonas:

    Types of Trichomonas

    The intestinal form for the most part does not manifest itself aggressively, but if the immune system is weakened, it can cause serious intestinal diseases. In childhood, this pathology is very difficult.

    Its shape and structure are similar to intestinal Trichomonas. There have been no recorded cases of negative effects on the body. For diseases of the oral cavity, it detects trichomonas in patients, and for bronchopulmonary diseases it is found in sputum analysis.

    Routes of infection

    The sexual tract is the main mechanism of transmission of the causative agent of trichomoniasis. The source of the disease is either a sick person or a carrier. Women are most susceptible to trichomoniasis. The period from infection to the appearance of the first clinical signs ranges from two days to two months. On average, the incubation period lasts ten days.

    In general, trichomoniasis is a common disease and there are no places on earth where the causative agent of this disease does not exist. According to statistics, trichomoniasis occurs among young and mature people who are sexually active.

    Causes of trichomoniasis

    Trichomonas thrive in low acidity environments. Factors that contribute to a decrease in pH include the following:

    • promiscuous sex life, including frequent casual and unprotected sex;
    • ignoring the rules of intimate hygiene;
    • critical days;
    • pregnancy period.

    All of the above cases contribute to the weakening of the body's defenses. This creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora.

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis

    As can be seen from patient reviews, the disease occurs with mild complaints or no complaints at all. The acute phase is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture.

    Patients complain of copious foamy discharge, as well as discomfort during intimacy and urination. After some time, these symptoms may disappear, but this does not mean that the disease has receded.

    Trichomoniasis in women

    • vaginal excretory ducts;
    • urethra;
    • bladder.

    Let us highlight the main manifestations of the disease:

    • vaginal discharge that is yellow, green, or gray. They have a foamy character. Copious discharge has an unpleasant odor;
    • itching and burning in the vulva area;
    • pain during sexual intercourse and after it;
    • discomfort during urination;
    • hyperemia and swelling of the genitals;
    • painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

    In women, the incubation period is usually three to five days. During this period of time, women feel healthy and do not experience any discomfort.

    With strong immunity, the disease can occur in a latent chronic form. In this case, the clinical picture may be mild or completely absent. Periodically, the chronic process may worsen. As a rule, this happens before the onset of critical days.

    Trichomoniasis during menopause is explained by a decrease in estrogen levels, which leads to atrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa. This entails a disruption of the microflora, a weakening of local immunity, and as a result, ideal conditions are created for the active growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, including Trichomonas.

    Trichomoniasis in men

    Thus, during clinical trials, in seventy percent of cases, trichomonas were detected in the urethra in men after sex with an infected woman. And after five days, the presence of protozoa in the urethra was detected in only thirty cases of those who initially had a positive result.

    Let us highlight the main signs of Trichomonas:

    • discharge from the urethra of a mucopurulent nature with an unpleasant odor;
    • pain, burning and itching when urinating;
    • urine flow is difficult;
    • there is a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied

    Trichomoniasis in pregnant women

    Trichomoniasis can negatively affect the course and course of pregnancy. The disease threatens spontaneous abortion and premature birth.

    The chronic form results in temporary infertility and is explained by the following reasons:

    • the local inflammatory process leads to the fact that protective cells begin to accumulate on the surface of the mucous membrane, which have a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic microflora, but also on sperm;
    • toxic metabolic products of Trichomonas lead to a decrease in the activity of sperm, making them unable to fertilize an egg.

    Trichomoniasis in children

    In small quantities, both bacilli and estrogen are transferred to the newborn girl, thereby creating ideal conditions for the development of trichomoniasis. Nevertheless, by about a month of life in the girl’s body, Dederlein’s rods disappear, and the level of estrogen drops, so even if the protozoa penetrates the vagina, it simply cannot continue to exist there.

    But with the onset of puberty, when estrogen levels rise and glycogen begins to be actively produced, favorable conditions are created for the activation of the pathological process.

    Consequences of trichomoniasis

    Trichomoniasis can cause the following complications in men:

    • the risks of contracting HIV infection increase;
    • vesiculitis;
    • chronic prostatitis.

    In women, the disease can also lead to unpleasant consequences:

    • risks of premature birth and low birth weight babies;
    • transmission of infection to a child;
    • risks of developing cervical cancer;
    • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
    • female infertility.


    Diagnosis of urogenital infections, including trichomoniasis, includes the following:

    • collection of anamnestic data;
    • examination of the vulva;
    • inspection in mirrors;
    • bimanual examination.

    The main diagnostic method is the assessment of clinical symptoms by a gynecologist after examination by a gynecologist and microscopic examination of a smear.

    Analysis for trichomoniasis

    Indications for testing for Trichomonas are:

    • signs of acute inflammation or chronic process;
    • infertility;
    • spontaneous abortion;
    • pathology of pregnancy;
    • detection of urogenital infection in a sexual partner.

    If a urogenital infection is suspected, a number of tests are performed:

    • general blood and urine examination;
    • bacteriological smear analysis;
    • PCR diagnostics. This is a genetic study that helps to accurately identify the causative agent of trichomoniasis. The analysis helps to identify even a single number of pathogenic microflora. Despite the high accuracy of the study, there are also false positive results and the reason for this may be: an incorrect smear was taken, the woman was taking antibacterial drugs, localization of the inflammatory process in deeper parts;
    • testing to detect STDs;
    • culture for sensitivity.

    How to treat trichomoniasis

    Protozoocidal drugs form the basis of the fight against trichomoniasis. Such drugs are prescribed both locally and systemically. In the presence of other sexually transmitted infections, it is advisable to use antimicrobial drugs. To eliminate symptoms, douching, sitz baths, and urethral lavage are prescribed. For the purpose of general strengthening of the body, multivitamins are used.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis is carried out in both sexual partners. During the treatment process, sexual contact is prohibited. At the end of the treatment course, control tests are done.

    General principles of treatment

    If you want to finally get rid of the disease, follow these recommendations:

    • use special anti-trichomonas drugs as prescribed by your doctor;
    • simultaneously treat other diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • wash your genitals daily with antiseptics;
    • in order to avoid infection in the urethra, women need to make all movements towards the anus, and not away from it, while washing;
    • make sure your underwear is changed daily.

    Treatment regimen for trichomoniasis

    The treatment is carried out by a doctor and he prescribes medications individually depending on the form of trichomoniasis. The treatment regimen includes the following:

    1. Etiotropic therapy, including the use of antibacterial agents, enzymes that improve digestion, and vitamins.
    2. Antioxidant therapy is carried out locally and systemically. It is combined with the use of hepatoprotective agents.

    Medicines for trichomoniasis

    Let's highlight popular remedies against trichomoniasis, which are prescribed by specialists:

    • Metronidazole. On the first day of treatment, take one tablet four times a day. Over the next six days, the daily dosage is three tablets. The product has antiprotozoal and antimicrobial properties. The active substance of the drug negatively affects the genetic apparatus of the pathogenic microorganism, leading to its death. In case of hypersensitivity, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking Metronidazole is contraindicated.
    • Klion-D. This is a combination drug that contains components that have antifungal, antiprotozoal and antimicrobial effects. The product is effective in the presence of mixed infections of the genitourinary system. Klion-D is prescribed in the form of vaginal suppositories. The course of treatment is usually ten days.
    • Meratin Combi. This is another combination drug, the active ingredients of which are ornidazole, neomycin, nystatin, prednisolone. Vaginal suppositories are prescribed, one injection at a time before bedtime for ten days.

    Treatment of chronic trichomoniasis

    The fight against a chronic process is carried out in several stages:

    1. Preparatory. Includes the use of means to strengthen local and general immunity.
    2. Basic therapy.
    3. Rehabilitation treatment.

    Traditional treatment

    Trichomoniasis is a severe infectious process, which is unlikely to be eliminated using folk methods alone. Still, non-traditional recipes can be a good addition to the standard treatment regimen. Folk advice will help reduce the clinical manifestations of trichomoniasis. You should not make independent attempts to be treated at home; it is better to discuss all your actions in treatment with a doctor.

    The following traditional medicine recipes may be a topic for consultation with a specialist:

    • prepare your own medicinal mixture from the following ingredients: tansy flowers, eucalyptus leaves, sophora fruits, yarrow herb. Pour one tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials into a glass of boiling water and let the product brew for half an hour. After the product is filtered, it is consumed in small quantities before meals three times a day;
    • combine chamomile, calendula and yarrow extract. Take the resulting mixture one teaspoon three times a day before meals;
    • take celandine, lilac, calendula, bird cherry in equal proportions. Pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of raw materials and simmer the product over low heat for another five minutes. The finished product is used for sitz baths and douching;
    • Pour two tablespoons of chamomile into a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours. After the product has been filtered, it can be taken orally in half a glass before meals.


    Preventive measures will include an integrated approach to protecting the body from the invasion of pathogenic microflora. Prevention includes simple but effective recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle and the use of contraception.

    • It is important to be careful when choosing a sexual partner. You can be confident in your chosen one, but you cannot be confident in all of his previous sexual partners.
    • Casual sexual intercourse should be avoided; if this happens, it is extremely important to use condoms. Ideally, you should have one sexual partner.
    • Do not ignore preventive examinations by a gynecologist. The doctor will take a smear from you, which will help rule out the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

    An important role in preventing the disease is played by timely treatment of other infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Otherwise, local immunity is weakened and thereby increases the risk of Trichomonas infection.

    You must have your own towel, washcloth, etc. It’s not for nothing that these things are called personal equipment.

    Common questions about trichomoniasis

    Despite the prevalence of trichomoniasis, many people do not have basic knowledge about the mechanism of development of this disease and methods of combating it. An incorrect understanding of the pathological process can lead to the development of serious complications.

    How long does it take to treat trichomoniasis?

    Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor after an examination and receipt of test results. In the absence of complications, the treatment process usually lasts two weeks. If concomitant pathologies have developed, then the course of treatment increases and becomes more comprehensive, using physiotherapeutic procedures.

    Is trichomoniasis transmitted through oral sex?

    This is purely theoretically possible. After oral sex, a sore throat of trichomoniasis nature may develop. However, in practice this is unlikely.

    Does a condom protect against trichomoniasis?

    It cannot be said that condoms protect one hundred percent from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. This barrier method of contraception guarantees protection only in ninety percent of cases. Moreover, during intimacy, the condom may break or slip off, which increases the risk of infection.

    Is it possible to have sex with trichomoniasis?

    Sexual intercourse during the treatment process is extremely contraindicated and there are at least two reasons for this:

    1. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. This means there is a risk of infecting your sexual partner.
    2. Intimacy reduces the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment.

    How to eat properly if you have trichomoniasis?

    Dietary features are more related not to trichomoniasis itself, but to the medications taken. To avoid the development of complications from the digestive system, you should eat a balanced and fortified diet. You should have a hearty breakfast. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, and cereals. In some cases, experts recommend taking probiotics, as well as pancreatic enzymes.


    Treatment of trichomoniasis is a labor-intensive process that requires a qualified and competent approach. You simply cannot do without a comprehensive study; laboratory tests will help you accurately determine the tactics of the treatment process.

    If you notice unusual symptoms in the form of foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching, burning of the vulva and pain during urination and sexual intercourse, do not delay contacting a doctor. Early diagnosis and compliance with all medical recommendations is the key to your successful recovery!

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