Everything you need to know about hormonal contraception. Hormonal contraceptives: truth and myths The real causes of oncology in animals

Opponents of the use of contraceptive drugs for animals assure
owners of cats and dogs that even a single use of a hormonal agent
lead to inevitable health problems. Pets that the owners give
hormonal agents, prophesy oncological diseases and inflammatory
reproductive processes.
Let's see who can actually be guilty of animal diseases and what
to do so as not to harm your pet.
Think about it: cancer cases are one in a thousand, and contraceptives for cats and dogs
used by millions.

The real causes of cancer in animals

  1. Poor quality food;
  2. Unfavorable ecological situation.
  3. Chronic stress in the animal (due to constant empty estrus, prolonged
    being at home alone)
  4. Incorrect use of hormonal contraceptives.

However, “droplets from estrus” is the simplest answer from a veterinarian about the reasons
similar diseases. The essence of the problem is hidden much deeper.

What are CONTRACEPTIVES, really?

On the Internet, a fictitious division of contraceptive drugs into
natural and chemical. This division is not typical for veterinary medicine.
"NATURAL" DRUGS or, as opponents of the use call them
contraceptives, "herbal teas", are not contraceptives. They are not intended for
regulation of sexual hunting in animals and are not able to prevent unwanted
ABOUT "CHEMICAL" PREPARATIONS. There are two "chemical" drugs
varieties: monohormonal and bihormonal agents. Among the first - one
hormone, in the composition of the second - two hormones. And this is of fundamental importance, here
Monohormonal drugs appeared at the dawn of contraception for pets,
in the 90s. These drugs use only one type of hormone (megestrol
acetate). To achieve the desired effect of calming, the composition of the drug is introduced
its high concentration. This increases the risks of affecting the animal's body. Bihormonal preparations were developed 15 years ago. Unlike
monohormonal as part of bihormonal preparations, two hormones are used -
analogues of natural animal sex hormones. Presence of two hormones
allows you to significantly reduce their concentration and delicately adjust
the hormonal background of the animal, taking into account its type and gender. To calm the animal
quite enough.

Choose the right path

Decide if your cat really needs to preserve her reproductive
function? Your cat is not of pedigree value and is not intended for
breeding? You don't have the time or inclination to keep an eye on your pet's heat, and you don't
Can you give him contraceptives on time? Possibly problem solving
unwanted pet behavior during sexual hunting is sterilization or
If the operation for your animal is unacceptable for one reason or another, and
it is still necessary to calm the "spree" pet, adhere to the following
1. Consult your veterinarian before taking the drug,
check the health of the animal;
3. Read the instructions carefully;
2. Choose the drug strictly according to the type and gender of your animal (cat, cat, bitch or
4. Correctly calculate the dosage - according to the weight of the pet and depending on the problem,
which needs to be resolved;
5. If your cat is already on a walk, it is important to start using the drug NOT
LATER than 2 DAYS from the start of estrus. The scheme "interruption of estrus" is not
suitable for permanent use, resort to it NO MORE THAN 2 TIMES A YEAR;
6. If you want your cat to stay CALM ALL YEAR ROUND,
the drug should be used during the period of sexual rest, regularly, once every 7-14 days
depending on the drug chosen. To prevent the cat from asking for a cat, use this
scheme throughout the year, take a break after 18 months. The described application schemes are in the instructions for any contraceptive
drug. The owner can only carefully read them.

Today, talk about the dangers of hormonal drugs for the health of cats is relevant: discussions are constantly being held on specialized forums, more and more articles on this topic appear. The information on them varies, but the conclusion boils down to one thing - hormones are harmful and very dangerous for pets. Let's try to figure out how things really are and whether all the drugs in this series pose a threat to the life of animals.

Hormonal agents are obtained by extraction from living organs and tissues or produced synthetically. In veterinary practice, hormones are important:

  • affecting the reproductive system: responsible for the reproduction and sexual activity of a cat (estrogens, gestagens, androgens);
  • pituitary influence (oxytocin, prolactin, gonadotropins, etc.);
  • corticosteroids;
  • anabolic steroids;
  • affecting the work of the pancreas, thyroid and parathyroid glands.

When are hormone pills indicated?

There are strict indications for prescribing hormones to a cat.

Diabetes. It is hard to argue that the refusal to use hormone therapy in an insulin-dependent animal will bring great benefits to the animal. Rather, on the contrary, the cat will have to die in great agony as a result of intoxication with decay products that are not utilized by insulin due to its absence in the pancreas.

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland in pets is associated with excessive production of thyroid-stimulating hormone. The disease manifests itself in different ways: most often, the cat rapidly loses weight against the background of an excellent appetite, bordering on gluttony, becomes shy, withdrawn, or, conversely, hyperactive. In addition to the external manifestations of the disease, deep internal functional changes are added, constantly worsening the general condition of the body. It is not difficult to guess that without hormonal correction, a cat will not be able to get out of this abyss on its own, by the forces of the body. Again, a bold plus looms from the use of hormone therapy!

It is possible to single out other diseases or pathological conditions in which the use of drugs of the group we are considering is vital. An example is the introduction of the hormone oxytocin with weak attempts, non-disclosure of the cervix, or in case of retained placenta. Agree that one injection in the correct dosage will allow the cat to safely get rid of the burden and avoid a caesarean section. True, one must be extremely careful with oxytocin: too large doses of it, on the contrary, lead to spasm of the uterine muscles and rupture of the organ.

Hormones are also used for some other obstetric and gynecological diseases:

  • mastitis;
  • inflammation or cysts of the ovaries;
  • endometritis;
  • some types of infertility.

Negative effects from the use of hormones

Now the time has come to talk about the negative aspects that arise with intensive, incorrect prescription of hormonal drugs with violation of dosages and intervals of administration.

There are negative cases, there are really catastrophically many of them, and they are mainly associated with chemo-correction of the reproductive function of females:

  • artificial induction of estrus to obtain offspring at the desired time;
  • ovulation synchronization;
  • stimulation of multiple pregnancy;
  • suppression or complete elimination of sexual activity.

The solution of these problems is facilitated by the appointment of gestagens (ovarid, megit, contrasex, covinan, neonidan, etc.) and antiestrogen (clomiphene).

As a rule, after using some (but not all) of the drugs in this group, owners have to deal with horrifying consequences:

  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs that are not amenable to conventional conservative methods of treatment (endometritis, ovarian cysts, etc.);
  • the inability to get pregnant normally, which is especially important for a pedigree breeding female;
  • abortions;
  • pathological pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • lack of labor activity and, as a result, caesarean section;
  • receipt in the future of inferior or non-viable offspring;
  • in rare cases, it is possible to develop benign or malignant tumors in the uterus or mammary glands.

Usually, manufacturers warn about side effects in the instructions, but there are also dishonest firms who do not bother to indicate the active ingredient, passing off their preparations as ordinary soothing homeopathic pills.

To date, Perlutex (Denmark) and Kovinan (Netherlands) are considered the most harmless drugs that can regulate sexuality without leaving a harmful mark. Of course, there are cases of complications, but their number does not exceed 1%.

In any case, interference in a healthy body with hormones from the outside, no matter how safe they are, can provoke the development of certain complications. Therefore, animals that do not represent a special breed value, do not take an active part in maintaining the gene pool, it is better to immediately castrate, and not rely on a lucky break, again and again injecting them with sex feet.

On the other hand, sexual abstinence in cats while refusing castration or hormone therapy also does not entail anything good. In this case, the body is sensitized by natural hormones, which at one fine moment "explode", leading to the same consequences as hormonal drugs: tumors, inflammation, etc. That is, there are two options left: knit or operate, what to choose - It's up to the owner to decide.

The conclusions from the above suggest themselves: hormones can be used, and in some cases it is vital. Only therapy is carried out after confirming the diagnosis for a particular disease, so that the drugs come to the point, and are not administered just like that, for the sake of prevention. In the case of hormonal contraception, the choice remains only with the owner himself, and there is enough information for reflection.


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Like all living beings, cats strive to reproduce offspring. When an animal is deprived of such an opportunity, this is manifested by behavioral features: the pet leaves marks in the wrong places, worries and often meows.

The age of puberty in cats comes to 8 months, and the owners have to think about how to solve the problem of sexual activity of pets. Modern pharmaceuticals provide a wide range of different means to cope with the situation, and it is not difficult to choose contraceptives for cats.

Contraceptives for cats: description and classification by type of exposure

The effect of contraceptives on the animal's body is manifested in the fact that the active components of the drug affect the production of hormones, and this allows you to suppress the cat's desire to mate.

Contraceptive drugs calm the cat and suppress sexual desire.

Medications are conditionally divided into two types according to the nature of the effect on the animal's body:

  • Low-dose hormonal-based drugs that have a mild sedative effect and help to suppress the sexual activity of the animal.
  • High-dose hormonal drugs, the effect of which is manifested in the appearance of symptoms of a "false pregnancy". This allows the animal to calm down, as the cat gets the erroneous feeling that its function of procreation has been completed.

Contraceptives for cats are available in the form of tablets, drops and injections.

Contraceptive injections for cats: features of exposure and a list of popular drugs

Solutions for injections allow you to save a cat from estrus for a period of 6 to 12 months. They must be administered shortly before the start of this process, after consulting with a veterinarian.

The advantages of contraceptive injections include ease of use, as well as the fact that after discontinuation of the drug, the cat will be able to freely reproduce offspring. However, the disadvantages of this method of contraception cannot be ignored, since injection solutions can cause side effects from various organs and systems, and they cannot be used for animals that are 5 years old.

Depo Promon suppresses estrus in cats.

The most popular tools of this type are:

  • "Depo Promon". This veterinary drug was invented in the USA and is actively used to suppress estrus in animals. In addition, the active ingredients of the drug act on certain brain centers, as a result of which the production of hormones decreases and ovulation becomes impossible. For this reason, the animal cannot become pregnant during the period of action of the drug.
  • « ». The drug is able to eliminate for a period of up to six months. It must be administered in advance, since it is not a guaranteed way to prevent unnecessary pregnancy, but only allows you to reduce the sexual activity of the animal and prevents the onset of estrus.
  • Depo Provera. The action of the drug is similar to "Depo Promon", but its cost is higher. However, side effects as a result of the use of this medicinal composition are much less common than with other contraceptives.

Attention! In cases where the product is used for the first time, it will be better if the first injection is carried out by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the animal. Subsequently, you can enter the medicinal composition yourself.

Contraceptive pills: how the drugs work, and which drugs are used most often

Pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy in cats are of natural and chemical origin.

The composition of natural remedies includes plant components, which reduces the risk of side effects in the animal. However, the effect of these medicines is short-lived, and there is a high probability that pregnancy will still occur.

Chemical-based drugs are considered more effective, these are long-acting contraceptives for cats. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that they may adversely affect the health of the pet.

The drug for cats Antisex calms the pet and stops estrus.

The most commonly used types of birth control pills are:

  • "Libidomin". The drug prevents ovulation and reduces the aggressiveness and excitability of the animal.
  • « ». Minimizes sexual desire and helps prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • « ». Eliminates the manifestations of sexual activity in cats and helps to avoid pregnancy.
  • « ». It affects the brain centers and guarantees a sedative effect, which reduces the production of hormones and eliminates signs of sexual arousal.
  • Helps to block ovulation, stop estrus and reduce the excitability of the animal.

The disadvantage of contraceptives in this form is a certain difficulty in using. Not every animal is able to dutifully swallow the drug, and the owners have to make a lot of effort to give the cat a pill.

Contraceptive drops: mechanism of action and a list of effective remedies

Drops have the same effect on the body of cats as tablets, but their advantage lies in the ease of use. It is much easier to instill a drug than to force an animal to swallow a crushed tablet, let alone "shove" it whole.

Many medicines are produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of drops.

The most common are:

  • "Sex Barrier";
  • "Counter-sex";

The listed drugs can be found in veterinary pharmacies in any form of release and choose the most preferred option.

Sterilization as an alternative to contraceptives

Despite the high effectiveness of drugs to prevent unwanted pregnancy, many cat owners decide to resort to. This is advisable in cases where there is a need to completely deprive the animal of the ability to reproduce offspring, and not reduce its sexual activity for a certain period.

Spaying a cat is a very effective method to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The obvious advantages of this method of solving the problem are the following factors:

  • Constancy. The intervention allows you to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy once and for all, and medicines must be used regularly.
  • Elimination of behavioral manifestations. And after sterilization, the animal ceases to fall into aggression, which invariably arises due to unrealized sexuality, and becomes more calm and docile.
  • Reducing the risk of cancer. It has been proven that spayed cats are much less likely to suffer from and uterus.

Despite the obvious advantages, many breeders, not even wanting to get offspring from a cat later, avoid the operation for the following reasons:

  • The complexity of the surgical intervention. Sterilization can negatively affect the health of the animal, and special care will also be required during the rehabilitation period.
  • The irreversibility of the operation. Many breeders are not ready to finally give up on getting offspring from a pet at least once. The surgical method completely deprives this possibility.
  • Possible complications. The risk of developing urolithiasis after the operation increases significantly.
  • Difficulties in feeding. Castrated and, otherwise, there is a high probability of obesity.

After sterilization, the cat needs postoperative care.

On a note! Many mistakenly believe that before sterilization, a cat needs to give birth to offspring at least once. This is a misconception, as the risk of complications in parous cats is much higher than in nulliparous ones. For this reason, intervention should be carried out at the time of puberty, as well as before the appearance of the first estrus and behavioral signs of hunting. In other words, it is better to carry out the operation at the age of 7 to 12 months.

The same article about the dangers of the Sex Barrier, "contrasex" and other contraceptive drugs for animals is copied on many sites. The authors of the article assure the owners of cats and dogs that even a single use of a hormonal agent will lead to inevitable health problems. Arguments about the mortal danger of hormonal drugs are supported by photographs of animals on operating tables.

Let's figure out where these photos come from, what contraceptives are, who can actually be guilty of animal diseases and what to do so as not to harm your beloved pet.

Where are scary pictures on the internet?

Shocking photos of cats with tumors and ovarian cysts on operating tables are thoughtlessly published by opponents of contraceptives in order to amplify the effect of their message. When a specialist looks at these pictures, one can say that many of the photographs were not even taken in Russia (judging by the environment). Inaccurate photos are "supported" by inaccurate information. It is written and distributed by people who present the problem superficially and do not seek to understand it more deeply. The pictures really show cats with cancer, pyometra. However, think about it, cases of oncology are one in a thousand, and millions use contraceptives for cats and dogs.

The real causes of cancer in animals

  • Poor quality food;
  • Unfavorable ecological situation;
  • Chronic stress in the animal (due to constant empty estrus, prolonged stay at home alone);
  • Incorrect use of hormonal contraceptives.

However, “droplets from estrus” is the simplest answer from a veterinarian about the causes of such diseases. The essence of the problem is hidden much deeper.

What are CONTRACEPTIVES, really?

"NATURAL" PREPARATIONS or, as the authors of the article call them, "herbal teas", are not contraceptives. They are not intended to regulate estrus in animals and are not able to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Means "on a natural basis" only stabilize the psychological state of a pet, for example, during stress. To achieve the desired effect, a long course of application is required.

ABOUT "CHEMICAL" PREPARATIONS. There are two types of "chemical" drugs: monohormonal and bihormonal drugs. The former contains one hormone, while the latter contains two hormones. And this is of fundamental importance, that's why.

Monohormonal drugs appeared at the dawn of contraception for pets, in the 90s. These drugs use only one type of hormone (megestrol acetate). To achieve the desired effect of calming, its high concentration is introduced into the composition of the drug. This increases the risks of affecting the animal's body.

Bihormonal drugs were developed 15 years ago, the most famous of them is Sex Barrier. Unlike monohormonal drugs, two hormones are used in bihormonal preparations - analogues of natural animal sex hormones. The presence of two hormones in the composition can significantly reduce their concentration and delicately adjust the hormonal background of the animal, taking into account its type and gender. This is enough to calm the animal.

1 ml of a monohormonal drug contains 20 mg of the active substance, and in one course of use - 35 mg. Thus, the content of active ingredients in the drug Sex Barrier is reduced by almost 20 times compared to other drugs based on megestrol acetate.

For example, in 1 ml of drops Sex Barrier for cats, including 2 hormones, the total content of hormones is 1.01 mg, one course of the drug contains 0.7 mg of active ingredients.

Don't make these mistakes!

As mentioned above, in bihormonal preparations, the concentration of active substances is reduced tenfold, which indicates that the negative effect of hormones on the health of a pet has been reduced to nothing.

Why then and then we are faced with the negativity of the owners, whose "cat died from the sex barrier"? The reason is this: the most important condition when using any drug, and even more so hormonal, is strict adherence to the instructions. Here are the most common violations of the manufacturer's instructions, which can lead to negative consequences:

The use of the drug without consulting a veterinarian, without taking into account the initial state of the animal (it is possible that there are already disorders in the pet's body that the owner cannot know about).

For example, a cat used to behave quietly, but now it began to “bawl”, or earlier the estrus passed in 3 days, and now there is no end in sight. Most likely, the animal has a hormonal failure. This behavior may indicate the presence of cysts on the ovaries. The use of hormonal drugs in animals with a similar disease can only aggravate their condition. As a result, this becomes a key factor in the diagnosis and forms a negative attitude towards hormonal contraceptives. That is why it is very important to make sure that the animal is healthy before starting the use of drugs.

Too late to start using the drug (later than the second day after the onset of estrus). The result is the lack of effect and unnecessary impact on the endocrine system of the animal.

The calculation of the dosage, as well as the choice of a drug that does not correspond to the type and sex of the animal, at your own discretion or on the advice of friends who do not have a special education. Increase the dose in order to accelerate the effect of its action. Chronic use of the drug in such a non-physiological mode will sooner or later lead to pet health problems.

Such violations of the instructions are not uncommon for careless pet owners. Then think about who is actually harming the pet's health: owners who use the drug, regardless of any rules, or a contraceptive designed to make the life of the pet and its owner more relaxed?

Choose the right path

Decide: Does your cat really need to keep reproductive function? Is your cat not of pedigree value and not intended for breeding? You do not have the time and desire to monitor your pet's estrus, and you will not be able to give him a contraceptive drug on time? Perhaps the solution to the problems of unwanted pet behavior during sexual hunting is sterilization or castration.

If the operation for your animal is unacceptable for one reason or another, but it is still necessary to calm the "spree" pet, adhere to the following rules:

  • Consult with a veterinarian before taking the drug, check the health of the animal;
  • Read the instructions carefully;
  • Choose the drug strictly according to the type and gender of your animal (cat, cat, female or male);
  • Correctly calculate the dosage - according to the weight of the pet and depending on the problem that needs to be solved;
  • If your cat has already gone on a spree, it is important to start using the drug NO LATER than 2 DAYS from the start of estrus. The “break in heat” scheme is not suitable for permanent use, resort to it NO MORE THAN 2 TIMES A YEAR;
  • If you want your cat to remain CALMING ALL YEAR ROUND, use the CALMING EFFECT MAINTENANCE SCHEME. It is necessary to start using the drug during the period of sexual rest, regularly, every 7-14 days, depending on the drug chosen. To prevent the cat from asking for a cat, apply this scheme throughout the year.

The described schemes of application are in the instructions for any contraceptive drug. The owner can only carefully read them.

Fertilization in a woman's body is a complex biological process. Medical progress allows a woman today to avoid unwanted fertilization and subsequent development of the fetus with the help of contraceptives. In the article we will try to explain the principle of action of female contraceptives.

Main essence of contraceptive pills- interfere with the female cycle and change it with the help of artificial hormones and synthetic estrogens and progesterones. These compounds, depending on a particular agent, differ and differ from natural hormones.

Combined method

This method involves the use of synthesized estrogen and progesterone throughout the entire cycle (21 days).

Various combinations are used:

Monophasic drugs

All tablets in the package have an identical composition, this includes estrogen and progesterone in equal proportions. The standard tablet contains 50 milligrams of estrogen (ethinyl esradiol), while the mini-tablet contains 30 milligrams (the minimum dose needed to inhibit ovulation).

Biphasic drugs

In order to avoid fairly frequent bleeding during the period of taking one package of mini-pills, estrogen-progestin preparations have been developed in laboratories with two phases of action and increasing dosages of estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle, which provide two steps with increasing dosages or starting with the 8th tablet (7 of one color + 14 of another = 21 tablets), or starting from the 21st day (11 of one color + 10 of another color = 21 tablets).

Triphasic drugs

For several years now, a three-phase combined method has been used in France, combining separate, rather than parallel, administration of doses of estrogen and progesterone. In the first phase, there is more estrogen, and in the second, progesterone predominates. This table has been developed to reduce the likelihood of side effects such as venous bleeding or amenorrhea. The effectiveness of the drug is almost 100%.

Programmed tablet

It consists of absorbed estrogen, which is used for several days, and the rest - a mixture of estrogen-gestagens. It is used in special cases, not even for contraceptive purposes (for example, after cleaning). The efficiency is 99%.

There are three types of drugs:

  • Microtablet - contains long-acting progestins in small doses.
  • The macrotablet is a long-acting progestogen tablet containing a large dose of progestin, which is released from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle.
  • Injections. Instead of tablets, injections can be used. A single intramuscular injection of 150 mg of progestin is enough to provide effective protection against pregnancy for the next 3 months. The 400mg injection gives a 6 month guarantee. The principle of action of intramuscular injection is not yet fully understood.

It can be compared with oral contraceptives: the injection slows down, the mucus at the cervix acquires special properties, becomes a barrier to sperm and prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.

In terms of efficiency, this method is closer to the combined one.

These injections are indicated only in case of urgent need, they are often given to people who are not able to take care of contraception themselves (in particular, the mentally ill).

How hormonal contraception works

Using various doses of the proposed substances in combination or separately, it is possible to inhibit ovulation and / or act on the cervical mucus, fallopian tubes, uterine mucosa in order to prevent pregnancy.

Combined method

Used most frequently. Prevents pregnancy by blocking the ovulation process. During menstruation, the level of estrogen drops significantly, however, it is enough to indirectly transmit a signal to the pituitary gland, which produces follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

This hormone causes the maturation of the oocyte, which begins to grow under its action until the moment of ovulation and, leaving the phyllicum, moves along one of the tubes towards the spermatozoa.

If, however, the follicle manages to mature, which means that it is not blocked enough because the level of estrogen is too low, or because the pills were not used at all for one or several days. Ethinylestradiol is used as estrogen, the dose of which is from 30 to 100 mcg. This substance inhibits ovulation by suppressing FSH.

  • On the uterine mucosa - causes atrophy of the uterine mucosa and makes it unable to accept the egg.
  • On mucus - secretions of the cervix, which contribute to the passage of sperm from the vagina into the uterine cavity, under the influence of it becomes an impenetrable barrier to the path of sperm.
  • Finally, in addition to local action, progestin in combination with estrogen plays a central role in inhibiting the process of ovulation. This dual effect allows you to reduce the dose of estrogen injected into the drug.

Pure progestin preparations

These are progesterone-only pills. How does it work? It is not yet known exactly. Progesterone should affect the consistency of the uterine mucus (the plug from the secretions becomes denser and more tightly closes the entrance to the uterus, preventing the penetration of sperm into the uterine passage). It also slows down the movement of the egg through the tubes and reduces the chances of sperm entering the egg.

The mucous membrane of Maca is modified under its influence, and it becomes impossible to attach the egg to the walls of the uterus.

The local action of progestin dominates in the continuous microdosing method, while the general action plays a decisive role in the intermittent and macrodosing method.

The pill used the next day is not exactly a contraceptive. This is not a hormonal preparation that should be used in a certain, clearly limited period in case fertilization occurs during intercourse. In this case, a set of measures is applied.

A large dose of estrogen must be taken within 48 hours of intercourse (2x25mg distilbene or 5mg ethinylestradiol per day for 5 days). Due to poor tolerance, doctors recommend taking one classic combination tablet 2 times a day for 2 days with an interval of 12 hours. This changes the structure of the Maca's mucosa, making it impossible for the egg to attach to the wall and affecting tube mobility. The end result of using this drug is the onset of menstruation.

Comparative analysis of the cycle with and without the use of tablets

normal cycle Combination Pill Cycle
Day 1: Menstruation begins Day 1: Menstruation begins.
Day 5: In the ovary, the oocyte contained in the follicle begins to mature. It receives a hormonal (FSH) signal from the pituitary gland, "alarmed" by the low levels of estrogen at this point in the cycle. Day 5: Take 1 tablet containing synthetic female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. The tablet contains more estrogen than is normally present in the body on the 5th day (this amount is enough to prevent the signal from the pituitary gland, after which the oocyte begins to mature. Thus, taking a certain dose of estrogens for 21 days does not allow "sleeping" condition.
Days 12-13: There is a release of a small amount of progesterone, which causes ovulation. The level of estrogen reaches certain values, a huge number of values ​​are produced, a huge amount of luteinizing hormone (yellow body hormone) is produced, which precedes the breakthrough of a mature follicle and ovulation. Day 6 and beyond: Continued daily pill intake.
Day 14: The mature germ cell emerges from the ovary and begins its four-day journey towards the uterus. Fertilization by spermatozoa most often occurs during a break of 24 hours when the egg is in the tube. The ruptured follicle is now called the corpus luteum. Day 14: At the time of ovulation, the germ cell does not enter the tube, and the spermatozoa “look for” it in vain. A small dose of progesterone is enough to provide two important things:
- Maintain the mucus plug in a thick and dense state, which makes it irresistible to sperm.
- Interfere with the normal development of the mucous membrane lining the uterus in such a way that if the germ cell still manages to mature (in case the estrogen level is too low for a particular woman or if one day was accidentally missed in taking the pill) and is fertilized, the egg still not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus.
Days 15-16: The corpus luteum continues to produce estrogen and progesterone for another 12 days to ensure successful attachment of the egg to the uterine wall. The level of progesterone rises and reaches its maximum values ​​on the 22nd day, which contributes to the fact that:
- mucous plug becomes denser and drier
- maca mucosa - thicker and more nutritious (uterine glands produce a sweet substance)
Day 25: Taking the last pill.
Days 27-28: If fertilization does not take place, then the corpus luteum produces a very small amount of estrogen and progesterone. In need of stimulation in hormonal support, the mucous membrane of the uterus begins to exfoliate. Days 27-28: A sharp drop in the level of estrogen and progesterone contributes to the exfoliation of the uterine mucosa.
Day 29 (day 1): Menstruation begins. The level of estrogen drops again, like every month. This stimulates the pituitary gland to produce FGS, which is responsible for the development of the oocyte. A new cycle begins. Day 29 (day 1): Menstruation begins. It is less abundant than in a woman who does not take pills. This is because the progesterone contained in the contraceptive preparation is present.

Side effects of birth control pills

Effect on blood pressure

Synthetic estrogens used in contraception can increase blood pressure. In most cases, they do not increase it, but sharpen the sensitivity and allow you to notice changes. If such an effect is detected, it is necessary to immediately stop taking this drug.

Some combinations of progestins at high doses can, while others do not have any noticeable effect. So, synthetic estrogens have an effect on blood pressure, the effect of which is enhanced by large doses of progestins.

Effect on glucose metabolism (blood sugar)

The main influence is exerted by synthetic estrogens. Progestins help only when used in medium and high doses. Small doses are practically harmless (as, for example, microtablets).

Influence on lipid metabolism (increased levels of fats in the blood)

Increase the level of triglycerides and cholesterol mainly estrogen-gestagenic drugs. New drugs appear on the market that have little or no effect on lipid metabolism. Microprogestins have negligible effect: cholesterol levels do not increase, and triglycerides rather even slightly decrease.

Effect on blood clotting

The introduction of estrogens entails hypercoagulability (the appearance of blood clots). Progestins have little to no effect on clotting.

Cardiovascular Complications

With the advent of oral contraceptives, many publications appeared in the press, signaling an increase in the number of cases of cardiovascular diseases in women taking them. However, most likely the pills only allowed pre-existing health problems.

Women who were victims of thrombophlebitis were predisposed to vascular disease (symptoms preceding vascular embolism; high blood pressure; lesions that contribute to thrombosis; problems with lipid metabolism; obesity; diabetes; hereditary vascular disease; smoking; age).

The following diseases lead to death: thrombophlebitis, embolism of the vessels of the respiratory tract, the brain, especially the carotid artery, myocardial infarction.

The risk of blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus increases with the use of estrogen-gestogenic drugs. It is associated primarily with the presence of estrogen and decreases with the use of preparations containing small doses of it. The danger increases in the first month of taking the contraceptive, in the future the situation stabilizes.

The duration of the drug use does not matter. When you stop taking estrogen-progestin drugs within one month, the risk disappears completely.

The birth control pill and cancer

According to the World Health Organization, there is no evidence that estrogen-progestin drugs promote or reduce the risk of cancer in any part of the body.

If, before taking the contraceptive, the woman already had a malignant tumor or dysplasia (the presence of abnormally developing cells) in the uterine region, the pills can stimulate the development and growth of cancer cells that have been dormant until that moment. Naturally, in such a situation, birth control pills are contraindicated.

The connection between the words "cancer" - birth control pill" appeared after it was discovered that cancer of the uterine mucosa occurred with the consistent use of pills. After that, they were withdrawn from sale in the United States. An increase in cervical disease has not been reported. Epidemiological studies show that estrogen-progestin preparations may have a beneficial effect in the treatment of benign breast tumors.

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