How pancreatic cancer manifests itself. Pancreatic cancer - treatment and prognosis for life expectancy. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography

The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system. In a normally developed organism, it weighs no more than 85 g and is anatomically located behind the stomach. The pancreas performs two functions in the body: endocrine and exocrine. When a disruption occurs in the functioning of an organ, the body’s immune system will malfunction and cease to cope with the development of pathogenic cells that progress in their development, and this is how cancer of the gland begins to arise.

Often, pancreatic cancer has invisible symptoms and manifestations of its development. In other cases, it manifests itself only in the last stages, when an enlarged focus of cancer begins to spread and create disruptions in the functioning of the body.

How the tumor grows depends on the stage of development of pancreatic cancer. To understand this, let’s look at some of the main types of cancer that arise in the affected pancreas:

  1. The first stage of cancer development. At the time of formation, the tumor is located in small areas within the pancreas, without developing in other areas adjacent to the pancreas.
  2. The second stage of oncology development. This pathology of the second stage is divided into two groups: 2A and 2B. Group 2A. The tumor spreads to neighboring organs of the pancreas: duodenum, choleretic ducts. In this case, spread to the lymph nodes does not occur. As for group 2B, the distribution includes, in addition to what is listed under 2A, also the lymphatic system of the body - lymph nodes. This development allows for different forms and volumes of neoplasms.
  3. The third stage of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer and its third stage of development have significant differences from the previous stages. Increased growth in the human body is supplemented by the stomach, spleen, and large intestine in addition to the above. Also, the tumor gradually takes over large nerve endings and blood vessels of the body. Starting to spread from the lymph nodes, the body metastasizes, and the tumor spreads to the liver, kidneys, and respiratory system.
  4. There is also a final stage, the fourth, in which the pathology of the disease spreads to the entire body and cannot be treated.

Identification of this fatal disease occurs only after the development of oncology outside the gland organ, and therefore the prognosis for recovery is too low. Statistics show that with the pathology of cancer development, only 25% of people exceed the life expectancy of 5 years, and only after surgery and treatment. According to general indicators, if cancer treatment for pancreatic cancer is impossible without surgery, then this is a very small percentage of survival. Approximately 2% of all sick patients.

All stages of developing pancreatic cancer have and have negative consequences for humans. Therefore, it is necessary, even if you feel normal, to visit a medical facility and undergo the necessary diagnostic measures. These actions will allow us to identify at an early stage any health problems, pancreatic cancer, which will give a chance for a timely response to problems and recovery.

What are the causes of cancer and pancreatic cancer? The main influence on the development of cancer is the environment and a person’s lifestyle. Factors for the possible appearance of a malignant tumor:

  • in many cases, the development of cancer of the pancreas is caused by chronic pancreatitis, cysts, and heredity of pancreatic diseases;
  • the patient is over 40 years old, but recently the pathology has become younger, which causes concern among scientists and researchers;
  • smoking abuse;
  • developing diabetes mellitus;
  • excess body weight (obesity);
  • genetic history (heredity);
  • entry of carcinogens into the human body (benzidine, asbestos, B-naphthylamine).

Also on the list of the main causes of development are the lack of vitamin D3 in the body, alcohol abuse, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Symptoms of cancer

Pancreatic cancer sometimes occurs without obvious signs and symptoms, which creates conditions for its detection when it is too late to apply certain types of treatment. After all, there are certain positive methods, but their use is allowed only at the beginning of the development of oncology.

Therefore, many are interested in what signs and symptoms indicate an impending fatal problem? In total, the following first signs of cancer are identified, indicating the danger of developing this pathology of the pancreas:

  1. Painful symptoms in the solar plexus, in the back. It usually occurs abruptly, creates a strong pain effect, and when the legs are pressed at the knees towards the thoracic region of the person’s body, it softens and goes away.
  2. Dramatic weight loss. Significant weight loss for no apparent reason.
  3. Constant thirst. Removing it by drinking plenty of fluids will result in copious urination, which will also be a harbinger of the development of diabetes mellitus. A disease of insulin dependence, often accompanying cancer.
  4. Vomiting. These symptoms are characterized by compression by the tumor, a kind of transition from the stomach to the duodenum.
  5. Hepatitis A, B, C. With this pathology, yellowing of the eyeballs and skin occurs. Often occurs with oncology of the head of the pancreas. During this period, compression of the bile ducts occurs, which provokes developing hepatitis, accompanied by itching, due to the accumulation of bile molecules in the skin.
  6. Dull pain in the right hypochondrium. With the development of cancer, the tumor presses on the splenic vein, causing an enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly).
  7. Loose stools (diarrhea). Fecal formations have a liquid substance and a strong odor, mostly foul. The reason for this smell is an insufficient amount of enzymes that break down the fatty component of food.
  8. Insulinoma. Emerging tumor with insulin production. The main symptoms of this pathology: the manifestation of trembling hands, severe weakness, fainting, hungry state, increased heart rate. It is possible to create conditions for coma. All this indicates a low level of glucose in a person’s bloodstream.
  9. Gastrinoma (increased production of gastrin). This type of disease is accompanied by severe heartburn, increased acidity in the stomach, and ulcers, which do not go away even with complex treatment of symptoms. Gastrin provokes additional symptoms, which leads to treatment to zero results.
  10. Glucagonoma. The neoplasm produces a large amount of glucagon. With this development comes sudden weight loss, increased thirst and increased urination. Red-brown formations appear on the human body, the person’s tongue becomes bright orange. All this shows an increased amount of sugar in the blood of a sick person.

Pancreatic cancer and symptoms often appear in people suffering from diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis.

There are also the first symptoms of pancreatic cancer, thanks to which you can respond to this problem in a timely manner. The truth still depends on the location of the tumor and its aggressive manifestation. Pancreatic cancer and the first symptoms of a fatal disease that appear:

  1. Cancer of the head of the pancreas - the appearance of hepatitis, weight loss, pain in the abdomen, fatty discharge in the stool.
  2. Cancer of the tail and general body of the pancreas - weight loss, pain symptoms in the abdomen.

What you need to pay attention to is the order in which the first signs of the disease appear. Cancer of the head of the gland appears first, and then the body and tail. In this case, the symptoms are called “pancreatic intestinal”, which is created by the development of a tumor near the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms at more distant stages

There is no cure for pancreatic cancer at the last stage, but there is palliative treatment that can significantly prolong life and significantly improve health conditions. Symptoms of the extreme stage of development of cancer largely depend on the speed of spread of the pathology and the location of the tumor. When development occurs towards the lymphatic and nerve nodes, serious problems with the swallowing reflex and the pronunciation of sentences are observed. Vena cava syndrome also appears.

A developing tumor in the sternum puts pressure on organs adjacent to the pathology, which worsens the patient’s condition.

The symptoms and spread of the pathology of the last stage of pancreatic cancer depend on the speed of spread and the volume of the tumor. The difficulty of the disease is that it does not lend itself to signs of detection at an early stage of development, and, as usually happens, is detected only by chance or with a random diagnosis:

  • a constant feeling of fatigue, and with little work, severe fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • severe weight loss;
  • a change in human skin color to a more yellowish color is associated with poisoning of the body with bile;
  • constant vomiting, attacks of nausea.

The emerging cancer of the head of the pancreas also has its own symptoms and is the most aggressive neoplasm. With pathology, in 98%, patients die within 3-5 years. The reason for this is the late diagnosis of the disease. What causes a cancerous tumor in the head of the pancreas?

The main factors for the development of oncological tumors:

  • (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • unhealthy diet with synthetic additives;
  • diseases of the choleretic tract and gall bladder;
  • advanced form of diabetes mellitus.

As for the symptoms of oncology of the head of the pancreas, it has the following symptoms of its development at the last stage:

  1. Pain in the solar plexus area, aggravated by pain in the upper back. This is caused by the pressure of the tumor on the nerve endings, blocking the bile ducts.
  2. Severe weight loss, up to cachexia.
  3. Also in later stages, the tumor grows into the tissues of other human organs and completely grows in the pancreas.
  4. Darkening of urine.
  5. The stool turns white.
  6. Hepatitis is similar in symptoms to category C.
  7. Skin itching, until blood bleeds.
  8. Failure of human internal organs.

And also the symptoms that appear with pancreatic cancer in women largely serve as an indicator of an abnormal life:

  • smoking in large quantities;
  • heavy drinking of alcohol;
  • drug addict;
  • obesity;
  • excessive consumption of fried foods.

Even with physiological differences, the symptoms of the disease are largely the same for men, but there will only be a difference in pain syndromes, since in some cases, the tumor puts less pressure on a woman’s internal organs.

Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer, when diagnosed early, poses difficulties due to its uncertain clinical course. Rarely, about 20% of patients received a chance of diagnosis at an early stage of development, which provided the opportunity for healing. Therefore, at the initial stage of diagnosing the body for cancer, laboratory examination is used.

Laboratory diagnosis of oncology. In this case, a general blood test is taken, which, when examined, shows signs of developing anemia, which corresponds to an increase in platelets and ESR in the blood. During a biochemical examination of the blood, pathology reveals bilirubinemia, increased activation of phosphatase, an abundance of liver enzymes, indicating a destructive effect on the ducts of the choleretic canals or decomposition of the liver tissue by a tumor. Signs of malabsorption are also found in the blood.

The pancreas is a vital human organ, and cancer brings strong changes in its functioning, which ultimately, in the case of pathology, can be fatal.

Instrumental methods for cancer detection

Pancreatic cancer is also determined using an instrumental detection method:

  1. Endoscopic ultrasonography. , first of all, they examine and exclude diseases of the gallbladder and liver pathology, which makes it possible to determine a pancreatic tumor. The study selects a biopsy sample for further study of the human body.
  2. and, makes it possible to visually view the condition of the tissues of the pancreas and identify neoplasms and the size of the tumor and lymph nodes.
  3. PET scan reveals the location of tumors (metastasis) and helps detect pathogenic cancer cells.
  4. Laparoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that reveals metastases in the liver, intestines or peritoneum.

At the first signs or suspicions of pancreatic cancer, urgently undergo a comprehensive examination by your treating doctor.

Localization location

Pancreatic cancer in the bulk of its manifestations, according to diagnostic data, occurs in the head of the pancreas. This type of pathology develops in 70-80% of requests from victims. With metastases of the gland body, 10-15%. In other cases, the tail of the pancreas takes over.

The appearance of a tumor in pancreatic cancer:

  • lymphogenous;
  • hematogenous;
  • implantation

Lymphogenic tumor progresses in stages.

  1. stage. Pancreaticoduodenal lymph nodes (appearing in the area of ​​the head of the human pancreas).
  2. stage. Retropyloric lymph nodes.
  3. stage. Celiac and superior mesenteric nodes.
  4. stage. Retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

At the time of hematogenous development of cancer pathology, they are found in the patient’s liver, kidneys, and bones.

Implantation cancer is the transfer of cancer and pathogenic cells throughout the human peritoneum (web).

Cancer, a disease of the pancreas, ranks second in mortality after AIDS and HIV. Pathology requires a response to the symptoms of the disease, which can prolong and save a person’s life.

Pancreas cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from glandular tissue or ducts. It destroys the organ and quickly grows into neighboring tissues. The tumor has the appearance of a lumpy dense node, white or light yellow in section.

The cause of a cancerous tumor is considered to be a malfunction in the genetic apparatus of cells. They cannot perform the functions characteristic of this organ. Cancer cells can only multiply intensively, which leads to the growth of the tumor.

Pancreatic cancer is the tenth most common adult cancer, but it also has the fourth highest mortality rate. Every year the number of people diagnosed with this disease increases. This form of tumor occurs more often in older patients. Men over 50 years of age are slightly more susceptible to this disease than women.

Pancreatic cancer can occur in people over 30 years of age, but the peak incidence occurs after the age of 70. The disease most often affects the head of the pancreas, 75% of cases. On the body and tail of the organ, tumors occur less frequently, in 15% and 10% of cases, respectively.

Because pancreatic cancer is often asymptomatic, it can only be detected in late stages. Therefore, it is difficult to treat. The disease is dangerous because it quickly metastasizes to nearby and distant organs: liver, lungs, bones, brain, lymph nodes, and spreads throughout the peritoneum. However, modern medications can significantly improve the patient’s condition, increase life expectancy, and in some cases lead to a reduction in malignant tumors.

Anatomy and physiology of the pancreas

The pancreas belongs to the digestive system. It is responsible for the production of pancreatic juice, which takes part in the digestion of food. Its other important function is the production of hormones. The latter are necessary for carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

The pancreas is located in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach, at the level of 1-2 lumbar vertebrae, partially extending into the left hypochondrium. It lies horizontally and extends from the duodenum to the hilum of the spleen. The length of the organ is 13-25 cm, width 3-9 cm, thickness 2-3 cm. Weight of the gland is 70-90 g.

The structure of the pancreas is divided into head, body and tail. The head is hammer-shaped and is located in the horseshoe of the duodenum. The body of the gland is adjacent to the posterior wall of the stomach. On the posterior side it is in contact with the vena cava, aorta and solar plexus. Below the gland is the horizontal part of the duodenum. And the tail of the pancreas enters the gate of the spleen.

The pancreas consists of many lobules. They are separated by thin layers of connective tissue. The outside of the organ is covered with an elastic capsule of connective tissue.

The pancreas plays an important role in digestion and metabolism. It is the only organ that produces both digestive enzymes and hormones.

Exocrine function of the pancreas. Each lobule consists of special epithelial cells. They are collected in alveoli, to which excretory ducts approach. The function of the lobules is the formation of pancreatic juice. A person secretes 0.7-1.5 liters of this liquid per day, which has a sharply alkaline reaction. It is excreted through the ducts into the duodenum. Pancreatic secretions contain many enzymes: trypsin, lipase, kallikrein, lactase, maltase, invertase. They are responsible for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the intestines. With the help of enzymes, food is broken down into its components. Thanks to this, the body can absorb it.

Endocrine function of the pancreas. The gland contains small oval formations - pancreatic islets, consisting of hormone-producing cells. Their task is to produce hormones: insulin, glucagon, lipocaine, somatostatin. The islets do not have ducts, but are densely intertwined with capillaries and hormones enter directly into the blood. They perform the function of regulating metabolism and are responsible for a stable level of glucose in the blood, the creation of carbohydrate reserves in the body and the absorption of fats.

There is a close connection between the pancreas and duodenum. Both of these organs were formed from one part of the primitive intestine. The excretory duct of the pancreas, which runs from the tail to the head, collects pancreatic juice from all lobules. It merges with the bile duct and together they form the ampulla of Vater's papilla of the duodenum. The ampoule opens into the intestinal cavity by the sphincter of Oddi. This is a formation of smooth muscles that can open and close the ducts, and thus dose the flow of pancreatic juice and bile into the intestines. This joint work causes a close connection between the pancreas, duodenum and gall bladder.

What causes pancreatic cancer

There are a number of factors that can lead to the development of a malignant tumor:
  • Diseases of the pancreas - chronic pancreatitis, cysts and benign neoplasms
  • Smoking (up to 30% of cases)
  • Alcoholism (up to 20% of cases)
  • Occupational Hazard – Asbestos Exposure
  • Previous stomach surgeries
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions
A person whose parents had pancreatic cancer has an increased risk of developing the disease. The condition is also worsened by a diet with insufficient amounts of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Types of pancreatic cancer and their symptoms

There are several classifications of pancreatic cancer.

According to histological structure (from which cells the tumor was formed):

  • ductal adenocarcinoma – from duct cells
  • cystadenocarcinoma - as a result of cyst degeneration
  • mucinous adenocarcinoma
  • squamous cell carcinoma
Based on the location of the tumor, the following types are divided:
  • head cancer
  • body cancer
  • tail cancer
At the initial stages, the symptoms of the disease are mild and similar to the manifestations of other diseases of the digestive tract. These include loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, minor abdominal discomfort, and occasional nausea and vomiting.

Over time, symptoms become more specific.

Signs of different types of pancreatic cancer

Stomach ache
As the tumor grows, the pain becomes more intense. It can radiate to the back. Unpleasant sensations intensify when the torso is tilted forward. The pain increases at night. Almost 90% of patients with a tail tumor and 70% with head cancer experience such symptoms.

Jaundice, itchy skin, dark urine and light-colored stool
These signs occur in 90% of cases of head cancer. This is due to the fact that the tumor compresses the bile duct. Jaundice is growing rapidly. The skin takes on a greenish tint and itching may occur. The temperature remains normal.

Weight loss
This phenomenon is observed in 90% of patients with a tumor in the head of the gland and in 100% of cases when the tumor is in the body or tail. The reason is that not enough pancreatic juice is produced. This disrupts the breakdown and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A lack of enzymes results in a lot of fat remaining in the stool. It becomes greasy in appearance and is poorly washed off the walls of the toilet.

Loss of appetite (anorexia)
Anorexia is observed in 65% of patients with head cancer. In other forms, it can develop in 30% of cases.

Nausea and vomiting
These digestive disorders develop as a result of compression of the duodenum and stomach by the tumor. Diarrhea is also common. This happens in 45% of cancers of the head and in 35% of tumors on the body and tail of the gland.

Development of secondary diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus develops in 30-50% of pancreatic cancer cases. This occurs due to the fact that the production of hormones responsible for the absorption of carbohydrates is disrupted. At the same time, patients experience a sharp increase in the amount of urine and severe thirst.

Enlarged spleen
This symptom occurs in patients with a tumor in the tail and body of the gland. Internal bleeding from the dilated veins of the stomach is also possible.

Acute cholecystitis and acute pancreatitis
These phenomena are accompanied by the appearance of severe acute pain in the upper abdomen, decreased pressure, severe vomiting, and a sharp deterioration in general condition. This manifestation of the disease is more often observed in patients with head cancer.

Consultation with an oncologist for the treatment of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer grades

Determining the stage (degree) of cancer is necessary in order to choose the right treatment method. These forms are classified according to severity.

Stage I – the malignant formation is small in size. It does not extend beyond the boundaries of the pancreas.
Stage II – has two degrees.

  • 2A – the cancer has spread to the bile duct or duodenum. There was no spread to the lymph nodes.
  • 2B – the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes. Its sizes may vary.
Stage III – tumor growth to the stomach, spleen and large intestine. It can spread to large nerves and vessels.
IV stage – the tumor spreads through the lymph nodes, metastases appear in other organs.

Pancreatic cancer metastases
Metastasis is a secondary focus of a cancer tumor. It occurs due to the fact that cancer cells spread throughout the body through the blood or lymph. In the case of pancreatic cancer, they may also spread within the abdominal cavity. Once in other tissues and organs, tumor cells attach and begin to rapidly divide, causing the appearance of neoplasms. The process of metastases appearing is called metastasis.

With pancreatic cancer, metastases can occur in the abdominal cavity, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, bones, nearby and distant lymph nodes, and brain.

Pancreatic tumors are dangerous due to early metastasis. Often the neoplasm itself may be small in size, but metastases have already appeared far beyond its boundaries.

arise signs of cancer intoxication:

  • sudden weight loss and loss of strength
  • obstructive jaundice caused by blockage of the bile duct
  • severe pain
  • ascites or dropsy – accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, lungs when they are damaged.
If metastases have formed in the bones, the person feels severe persistent pain, similar to radiculitis. When a new tumor appears in the lymph node, its enlargement, thickening and pain are noted. If the lungs are damaged, a cough, shortness of breath, and streaks of blood in the sputum may appear. Kidney metastases cause lower back pain, swelling of the legs, increased blood pressure, and the appearance of red blood cells in the urine.

Prevention of pancreatic cancer

Quitting smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation and eating right. These are the basic principles of prevention, accessible to everyone. Timely treatment of diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, and benign pancreatic tumors is also important.

Be attentive to your health and undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner.

Is there a cure for stage 4 pancreatic cancer?

Stage 4 cancer – This is the last, most severe and advanced stage of pancreatic cancer. It is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of tumor cells. The neoplasm reaches significant sizes, and metastases are found in many organs: bones, brain, liver.

Symptoms of stage 4 pancreatic cancer

  1. Severe cancer intoxication caused by poisoning of the body with waste products of tumor cells.
  2. Severe pain syndrome. Neoplasm cells act on sensitive nerve endings that permeate tissues and organs. The pain decreases somewhat when the patient assumes the fetal position.
  3. Severe exhaustion. This is due to the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Digestive juices are not secreted in the required quantities, and this complicates the digestion and absorption of food. Often due to metastases, intestinal obstruction occurs and the function of other digestive organs is disrupted.
  4. Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, up to 20 liters. Associated with an abundant release of liquid blood due to metastases in the peritoneum.
  5. An increase in the size of the spleen more than 12 cm is splenomegaly. This organ is responsible for maintaining immunity and filtering blood. Therefore, in case of cancer, it activates the work, cleanses the blood and toxins accumulate in it.
  6. Significant increase in liver size – hepatomegaly. It can be caused by the appearance of metastases or increased work of the liver, which is trying to fight cancer intoxication.
  7. Enlarged supraclavicular and other groups of lymph nodes. These formations filter lymph, which often carries cancer cells. Therefore, secondary tumors can form in them.
  8. Soft subcutaneous nodules associated with fat necrosis (tissue death) caused by metastases.
  9. Migrating thrombophlebitis is the occurrence of blood clots (thrombi) in different parts of the veins. Associated with blood clotting disorders.
Basic cancer treatments pancreas 4th degree

Treatment is aimed at improving the patient’s well-being, as well as at slowing tumor growth and stopping the process of metastases.

  • The Whipple procedure is the complete or partial removal of the pancreas and parts of surrounding organs.
  • Palliative operations aimed at eliminating complications. They restore the patency of the bile duct and intestines, eliminating the risk of bleeding.
  • Chemotherapy is carried out with 5-fluorouracil, Carboplatin, Gemzar, Campto. This allows you to extend the lifespan by several months.
  • Radiation therapy is treatment with ionizing radiation. Radiation destroys protein molecules in cancer cells, which are more sensitive to it than healthy tissue. As a result, there is a decrease in the tumor.
  • Radiotherapy using the CyberKnife device.
  • Symptomatic treatment is aimed at relieving pain (analgesics, narcotic painkillers) and improving quality of life

Life expectancy for stage 4 pancreatic cancer depends on the number of metastases and how severe the cancer intoxication is, which undermines the body’s strength. And also on how successful the treatment will be, and how the body will respond to chemotherapy. An important factor is the patient’s state of mind and proper care for him.

The prognosis for life expectancy for stage 4 cancer is unfavorable. Survival rate over a year is 4-5% with intensive treatment. The average lifespan is from several months to six months. The duration will depend on the intensity of the pain syndrome and the degree of poisoning of the body with toxins.

How long do pancreatic cancer patients live?

The lifespan of such patients depends on the stage of development of the disease, the size of the tumor, and the presence of metastases in distant areas (brain, bones). The decisive role is played by whether the tumor can be removed. About 10% of patients see a doctor on time, before the tumor extends beyond the pancreas and affects neighboring veins and nerves. They have the best chance of a favorable outcome.

2-5% of patients with this diagnosis live longer than five years. These are those who were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the early stages, had surgery on time and a course of chemotherapy.

If the patient has a widespread tumor that is considered inoperable, then in this case the life expectancy is reduced to three years after diagnosis. This group includes tumors that have grown into neighboring tissues and organs. This is 30-40% of cases.

When doctors determine that there are distant metastases and there is no point in having surgery, the life expectancy is approximately 6-12 months. The share of such patients is 50%. They are prescribed supportive therapy to alleviate the condition and relieve pain. If the patient does not receive appropriate treatment, then death occurs within 2-3 months.

But 90% of patients with severe cancer live less than 10 weeks. This is associated with high postoperative mortality and complications.

The following helps to prolong the life of patients and improve their well-being:

  • use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • prescribing appropriate pain medications
  • stenosis of the bile ducts - ensuring the drainage of bile
  • use of antidepressants and psychological counseling
  • skilled nursing

What are the signs of pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer is considered a difficult disease to diagnose. In the early stages, there are no characteristic symptoms that would help the doctor make a correct diagnosis. Therefore, it is so important to be attentive to your health and pay attention to minor ailments that arise from the digestive system. This is heaviness in the upper abdomen and lower back, nausea, yellowness of the whites of the eyes. Seeing a doctor at this stage increases the chances of successful treatment.

When collecting anamnesis, the doctor may suspect that the patient has pancreatic cancer. Anamnesis is information about the patient’s well-being and the course of the disease that the doctor receives during a survey. Therefore, it is very important to answer the doctor’s questions clearly and completely.

Signs of pancreatic cancer

  1. Pain in the upper abdomen.
    • Usually the pain is aching or pulling.
    • If the tumor is in the head of the pancreas, then pain is felt in the right hypochondrium or in the navel area.
    • A tumor in the body or tail extends to the lower back or the area between the shoulder blades.
    • Unpleasant sensations are not associated with food intake.
    • Increased pain at night.
    • Often the pain intensifies when bending over, which is reminiscent of sciatica.

  2. Paraneoplastic symptoms are specific signs associated with the occurrence of a tumor.
    • Aversion to a certain type of food: fatty or meat dishes, coffee, alcohol
    • Sleep disorders
    • Sudden weight loss
    • Migrating peripheral venous thrombosis

  3. Mechanical jaundice. Yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes is associated with compression of the bile duct. Bile does not pass into the intestines, but is absorbed into the blood, causing a number of changes.
    • Yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, whites of the eyes
    • Darkening of urine
    • Stool clarification
    • Itchy skin
    • Gallbladder enlargement

  4. Digestive disorders, which are caused by insufficient flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the intestines.
    • Diarrhea occurs
    • Steatorrhea is an increased content of undigested fats in the feces.
    • A feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach caused by compression by a tumor
    • Belching rotten

  5. Tumor growth into the wall of the stomach or duodenum causes bleeding.
    • Vomiting that looks like coffee grounds due to the presence of blood in the gastric juice
    • Jet black stool

  6. Tumor damage to the splenic vein causes disturbances in the composition of the blood.
    • Anemia – decreased concentration of red blood cells
    • Leukopenia – decrease in the number of white blood cells
    • Thrombocytopenia – drop in platelet count

  7. Manifestations of diabetes mellitus occur when the insulin-producing islets of the pancreas are destroyed. This leads to hormone deficiency.
    • Extreme thirst
    • Dry mouth
    • Increased urine volume
    • Itching of the skin and mucous membranes

  8. Dropsy (ascites) is caused by the appearance of metastases in the peritoneum and portal vein. They cause copious effusion of fluid into the abdominal cavity.
    • Bloating and weight gain with general weight loss
    • Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity

What are the traditional methods of treating pancreatic cancer?

The fight against pancreatic cancer is a long process. The choice of treatment methods depends on the individual characteristics of the disease. Therefore, when choosing traditional medicine recipes, you need to contact a professional in this matter.

Unconventional treatment methods can help reduce the symptoms of the disease and stop the growth of the cancerous tumor. This is possible if the patient firmly believes in the success of treatment, strictly adheres to the specialist’s recommendations and completes the full course of therapy. The results of such treatment should also be monitored by an oncologist.

Here is an overview of methods that are considered effective.

Shevchenko method: vodka and vegetable oil

Measure out 30 ml of fresh unrefined vegetable oil and vodka. Shake the mixture in a tightly closed jar for 5 minutes to avoid separation. The medicine must be taken at one time. In the future, the dose can be increased to 40+40.

Use the product 15 minutes before meals on an empty stomach. Do this 3 times a day every 6 hours. Eat only 3 times a day 25-30 minutes after treatment.

Treat in courses of 10 days. After the first course, a break of 5 days and again 10 days of treatment. After the second course there are also 5 days of rest and a third course of treatment. After that there is a break of 14 days. The treatment regimen looks like this: 10/5/10/5/10/14. Then it all starts from the first year. And so on for several years. During breaks, you need to weigh yourself, do a blood test and see an oncologist.

Note: People suffering from chronic pancreatitis should not start treatment.

Herbal treatment using the Alefirov method

It is based on the use of tincture of Aconite Djungarian 2.5%. It is necessary to start treatment with 1 drop per dose. Adding a drop daily, bring the dose to 30 drops. Then gradually reduce the dose from 30 to 1 drop. Dilute the tincture in a glass of clean water. Drink 3 times a day 40-50 minutes before meals.

30 minutes after the medicine, you need to drink a herbal decoction:

  • Iris lactiflora root 2 parts;
  • Herb agrimony pharmaceutical 3 parts;
  • Common hops (cones) 2 parts;
  • Calendula officinalis flowers 1 part;
  • Fragrant dill seeds 1 part;
  • Calamus root 1 part;
  • Potentilla erecta root 2 parts.
One full (with a slide) tbsp. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoon and keep in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool and strain. Add 1.5 ml of 10% tincture of Polygonum uniflorum to the decoction. Consistency: Take 100 ml 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Duration of the course is 2 months.

It must be remembered that treatment with traditional methods cannot replace surgery to remove the tumor. Therefore, you should not waste time trying to get rid of the disease on your own. The moment may be lost and the cancer will metastasize to other organs. Therefore, use traditional medicine recipes to improve the condition and prevent the recurrence of the tumor, and not as an alternative to surgery.

Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer - what is it?

Chemotherapy– This is the treatment of a cancer tumor using drugs containing poisons or toxins. The goal of chemotherapy is to destroy cancer cells or reduce the rate of tumor growth.

The action of chemotherapy drugs is aimed at reducing the activity of cancer cells. These drugs also have a toxic effect on the human body, but to a lesser extent. This is due to the fact that immature cells that actively grow and divide, that is, cancer cells, are more sensitive to the effects of toxins. The dose of the drug is selected in such a way that the substance has minimal effect on the human body and maximum effect on the tumor.

When treated with these drugs, life is extended by an average of 6-9 months. There is also a general improvement in condition, weight gain, and a decrease in pain, which leads to a reduction in the consumption of drugs and painkillers by 50%. Currently, chemotherapy in the treatment of pancreatic cancer is used mainly in conjunction with other methods.

Mechanism of action of chemotherapy drugs based on changes in the DNA of tumor cells. This structure contains the genetic information necessary for the division process. If the DNA is destroyed, the cancer cell cannot multiply and reproduce. As a result, the modified cells die. Thus, the growth of the tumor stops and its shrinkage begins.

Chemotherapy is given in cycles. This route was chosen because the cell is most susceptible to chemotherapy during the division period. Therefore, chemotherapy is prescribed when cancer cells have reached the division phase.

This method is considered gentle, as it causes relatively little harm to the human body. There are two types of chemotherapy:

  • Monochemotherapy – one drug is used for treatment
  • Polychemotherapy – two or more drugs are used for therapy. They are used in parallel or alternately.
Due to the fact that toxins also have an effect on the human body, a number of side effects occur during treatment:
  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • hair loss (alopecia)
  • hematopoietic disorders (myelosuppression);
  • toxic effects on the central nervous system

In some cases, complications may occur during chemotherapy treatment. They are due to the fact that the substances included in their composition have an effect on healthy tissues and organs.

The following drugs are prescribed to treat pancreatic cancer.

  1. Gemcitabine (Gemzar) – causes a reduction in the tumor and its metastases by 10% and relief of symptoms of the disease by 30% and a general improvement in condition.

  2. Docetaxel (Taxotere) – slows tumor growth by 20% and improves overall health by 15%. Used for monotherapy.

  3. Combination FP Fluorouracil and Cisplatin. This polychemotherapy does not help everyone. But for those patients who have a positive response to treatment, life expectancy increases to 11-12 months.

  4. Combination GF – Gemcitabine (Gemzar) and Fluorouracil. It works on 60% of patients and prolongs life by up to a year or more. A 20% slowdown in tumor growth is noted.
Recommendations for alleviating the condition and reducing side effects from chemotherapy
  • Do not take any medications or nutritional supplements during chemotherapy without your doctor's approval. This may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Drink more fluids. The minimum daily intake is 2 liters (water, compotes, teas, juices). Drugs and toxins are eliminated through the kidneys. Therefore, by increasing the amount of urine, you will reduce the concentration of poison in the body.
  • Nutrition should be balanced and easy to digest. It must include large quantities of vegetables, fruits, seafood, fish, lean meat, and eggs. Fermented milk products will be an excellent source of calcium. Carbohydrate foods: cereals, potatoes, flour products will provide the body with energy. Alcohol is completely excluded!
  • To reduce nausea and vomiting, the doctor may prescribe special medications - Cerucal. You can also suck on pieces of ice and frozen fruit juice. Avoid feeling hungry. Eat small meals.
    Dishes should be at medium temperature.
  • The antidepressant Duloxetine will help reduce pain caused by the effect of drugs on the nervous system.
  • Hair loss is one of the common side effects. Therefore, before starting the course, it is recommended to have a short haircut. After treatment, the hair will definitely grow back.
  • During treatment, patients often suffer from depression and apathy caused by an imbalance of the stress hormone cortisol. Using ginseng tincture will help defeat it.
  • Psychological consultation can increase motivation for recovery and vitality. Relatives who are responsible for caring for the patient will also need the help of a psychologist.
  • If possible, try to be outdoors and interact with people. Learn different relaxation techniques. These are effective means of combating insomnia.
Relatives caring for a cancer patient need to be patient. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, monitor the timely intake of medications and support the patient in every possible way. When caring for bedridden patients, compliance with hygiene rules is of great importance.

When is surgery needed for pancreatic cancer?

At this stage, pancreatic cancer is curable only in its early stages.

When should surgery be done?

This issue is decided by the oncologist depending on the degree of development of the process. If the patient has been scheduled for surgery to remove the pancreas, this indicates that the moment has not yet been missed and the tumor has not had time to spread to other organs. In this case, there is no time to waste to prevent cancer cells from spreading throughout the body. Since this leads to the appearance of metastases. The doctor chooses the type of operation together with the patient after the size of the tumor and its features are determined. At later stages, operations can alleviate a person’s condition, but do not rid him of the disease.

What types of surgery are there?

There are three types of operations

  1. Diagnostic (explorative) operation. Often, the true size of the tumor, its spread and the presence of metastases can only be determined during surgery. The procedure is carried out quite quickly and allows you to choose the right direction of treatment.

  2. Radical (complete) tumor removal. It is used in the early stages of the disease and provides a significant chance of recovery.

  3. Palliative operations aimed at prolonging life and improving its quality. They have two directions:
    • Removing part of a tumor when it is impossible to get rid of it entirely. This increases the chances of success of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

    • Removal of metastases in other organs or elimination of complications: intestinal or bile duct obstruction, prevention of gastric rupture.
Radical tumor removal. Kinds:

Complete removal of the pancreas. Allows you to get rid of a tumor that has spread to all parts of the pancreas. The advantage of this operation is that it causes a minimum of postoperative complications. However, after the operation, the patient will be forced to take enzyme preparations to normalize digestion.

Operation Whipple. This is a standard technology for tumors of the head of the pancreas. During this procedure, the head of the gland, duodenum, part of the bile duct and pylorus of the stomach, gallbladder and nearby lymph nodes are removed. This operation reduces the risk of recurrence of the tumor and its metastases. And also preserve part of the pancreas, which is important for normal digestion in the future. The disadvantages include that during the operation, tissue that is not yet affected by cancer cells may be removed.

Distal pancreatectomy. It is performed when the tumor affects the tail and body of the gland. These parts are removed, leaving only the head. Often the spleen and gallbladder are also removed during surgery. The operation allows you to completely remove small tumors that are located in the tail and body, but it is considered highly traumatic.

Segmental resection of the pancreas. This is an operation to remove the central part of the gland. It is carried out in order to preserve the healthy parts of the organ as much as possible. To restore the outflow of gastric juice, an intestinal loop is sewn to the tail and head. This type of surgery is often performed to remove metastases.

Minimally invasive surgery. The surgery is performed through a small hole using a robotic surgical system such as the daVinci. It allows you to carry out complex operations that cannot be performed under normal conditions. In addition, it is possible to avoid an extensive incision in the abdominal area.

Cryogenic treatment method is based on “freezing” tumor cells at low temperatures, which leads to their destruction. It is recognized as one of the safest, does not cause complications and has a good analgesic effect. Significantly increases the patient's chances of survival. Its disadvantage is that few specialists practice it.

Palliative operations aimed at eliminating complications caused by the tumor.

  • with obstructive jaundice - provide an internal pathway for the removal of bile into the intestine or removal of bile outwards
  • in case of intestinal obstruction, part of the intestine affected by the tumor is removed.
  • in case of internal bleeding, the affected vessels are sutured
  • if there is a danger of organ rupture due to metastasis, remove the affected part.
Life expectancy after such interventions is up to 8 months.

To consolidate the results of the operation and to prevent re-growth of the tumor, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are performed. In the future, the patient will need to take a course of medications/

Pain relief for pancreatic cancer

Pain management for pancreatic cancer is one of the main areas of treatment. There is a generally accepted scheme for prescribing analgesic (painkillers) drugs.
  1. At the initial stage, the first stage of chronic pain is prescribed non-narcotic analgesics.
    • Analgin 2-3 times every 6-7 hours. In this case, 2 ml of a 50% solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Excessive dosage and long-term use may cause kidney damage.

    • Paracetamol tablets. Single dose 500 mg. Take at intervals of 5-6 hours. If the daily dose is increased, it may be dangerous for the liver.

    • Naproxen tablets. Drink 250-400 mg 2-3 times a day with meals.

  2. The second stage of treatment for chronic pain. Non-narcotic analgesics do not have an analgesic effect. Narcotic analgesics are prescribed - opioids (weak opiates).
    • Tramadol - Dose of 50-100 mg every 4-6 hours. Available in tablets and solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration or in the form of injections and droppers.

    • Dihydrocodeine is a long-acting drug up to 12 hours. Available in tablets. Dose 60-120 mg every 12 hours.

    • Promedol is taken 25-50 mg every 6 hours. The maximum daily dose is 200 mg. Possibly addictive.

  3. The third stage of treatment for chronic pain. If weak opiates no longer have an effect, move on to strong opiates.
    • Prosidol tablets for lozenges under the tongue or in the form of injections. The daily dose should not exceed 200 mg. Weaker than morphine, may be addictive.

    • Fentanyl in the form of injections or droppers. Stronger than morphine, but has a short-term effect. Also available in the form of a patch with a long-lasting effect of up to 72 hours.
When is a patient eligible for narcotic pain medications? ?

This issue must be addressed by the attending physician. At the same time, he takes into account the strength of the patient’s pain. A stepwise scheme has been developed in which mild pain is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Moderate pain (second stage) with a combination of non-narcotic analgesics and weak opiates. For severe pain (the next steps), the prescription of strong opiates is required.

The doctor determines the drug and its dosage. Writes out a prescription. Cancer patients with a confirmed diagnosis have the right to receive free medications or a 50% discount.

Rules for purchasing narcotic analgesics.

Narcotic painkillers are sold at pharmacies with a prescription. This is a special form of a standard form with the seal of a doctor and a medical institution. The prescription written by the doctor must be certified by the head of the clinic.

The patient is prescribed only a specific drug. For this prescription, you cannot buy substitutes at the pharmacy. If a prescription is not used within 15 days, it becomes invalid.

The prescription may contain medications for a course of treatment of up to a month. This should be specifically stated on the recipe. There is a maximum amount of the drug that can be purchased at a pharmacy.

The patient is assigned to the pharmacy at his place of residence. For this purpose, an order is issued from the head of the medical institution, which is updated monthly.

Pancreatic cancer is a pathology characterized by the formation of carcinogenic cells in the organ. This is one of the most severe and difficult types of oncology to diagnose and treat. This is due to the very poor detection of the anomaly. Signs of pancreatic cancer are more often reported among residents of urban areas than among rural residents. Mature patients are more susceptible.


Until now, scientists have not been able to figure out the exact etiology of pancreatic cancer. Medicine has described provoking factors that contribute to the manifestation of symptoms of pancreatic cancer. During the development of pathology, the genetic material of cells is affected. As a result, cells acquire atypical properties and lose the ability to perform their biological functions.

It is important to know! Risk factors are not direct causes of the formation of a malignant tumor in the pancreas. Some people have all the risk factors but do not get cancer. At the same time, this pathology can affect other people, even if they have no prerequisites for developing the disease.

Risk factors for developing pancreatic cancer include:

  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • overweight;
  • constant stress;
  • hyperactivity of the protein kinase P1 gene (PKD1);
  • drinking excessive amounts of carbonated drinks;
  • poor nutrition (consumption of large quantities of fats and proteins of animal origin);
  • congenital mutation of the p53 and K-ras genes;
  • oncogenic viruses;
  • decreased immune resistance of the body;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • physicochemical carcinogens;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • oncological diseases of other organs;
  • age factor;
  • atopic dermatitis, eczema;
  • hereditary anomalies;
  • belonging to the African race;
  • physical inactivity;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatic adenoma;
  • oral diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Lynch syndrome;
  • belonging to the stronger sex;
  • cholelithiasis.

Note. American scientists have established a connection between pancreatic cancer and the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium in the stomach. It has only been established that this bacterium causes duodenal ulcers, but many scientists suggest that Helicobacter Pilori is capable of changing the structure of nucleic acids of pancreatic cells.


The symptoms of the disease depend on the location and type of tumor. The initial stage of this pathology can manifest itself in different ways. As a rule, the first symptoms and signs of pancreatic cancer are vague and not specific, so a patient with this disease often does not even pay attention to them.

The first symptoms of pancreatic cancer appear as follows:

  • rapid weight loss without dieting;
  • digestive dysfunction;
  • lack of appetite;
  • flatulence of the intestines and stomach;
  • deep pain in the lower back;
  • ascites;
  • increased fatigue;
  • cholangitis;
  • cachexia;
  • drowsiness;
  • hyperthermia (37-39.5 °C);
  • Courvoisier's sign;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • hepatomegaly (increase in liver size);
  • apathy.

Yellowness of the sclera is a characteristic symptom of pancreatic cancer in the early stages of development of the pathology.

This is how the first signs of pancreatic cancer appear at an early stage of its development. As the malignancy grows larger, other symptoms of pancreatic cancer appear:

  • jaundice;
  • itching all over the body;
  • thirst;
  • dark urine;
  • steatorrhea (presence of lipids in stool);
  • light stool;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • intolerance to meat and fats;
  • hypertrophy of the liver and gallbladder;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • hypertrophy of regional lymph nodes;
  • anxiety;
  • polyuria, hyperglycemia, polydipsia (symptoms of diabetes mellitus);
  • problems with menstruation;
  • decreased libido;
  • facial redness;
  • formation of trophic ulcers on the lower extremities.

Note. In fact, 85-90% of patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have metastases in various vital organs. The clinical picture of the disease during the formation of metastases depends on their location. Cancerous tumors in the abdominal organs can cause internal bleeding.

Advice! If you have discomfort in the pancreatic gland, you should contact a clinic for qualified help from a doctor. Early diagnosis of cancer increases the survival rate of patients.

Stages of pancreatic cancer

There are four stages of cancer development:

  • Stage I. The malignancy is limited to the pancreatic gland.
  • Stage II. Carcinogenic cells affect nearby organs and possibly lymph nodes.
  • Stage III. The oncological process spreads beyond the pancreatic gland, metastases are detected in the lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV. Metastases affect the brain, spinal cord, bone marrow, lungs, intestines, ovaries and liver.


Many cancer patients are interested in the question: how long do they live with pancreatic cancer? Analysis of statistical data showed that the average survival rate of patients for five years without appropriate therapy is 2-3%. Active wellness procedures in modern cancer centers increase the survival rate by up to 20%. The psycho-emotional state of a person is of no small importance in the treatment of the disease.

Diagnostic methods

Before treating pancreatic cancer, it is necessary to diagnose the disease. The examination of the patient begins with the collection of anamnestic data and a physical examination. It is worth noting that these methods are practically useless in the early stages of pathogenesis, since they are not very informative.

Palpation of the abdomen reveals hypertrophy of the liver, gall bladder and spleen. If pancreatic cancer is suspected, the blood is tested:

  • for the presence of specific tumor markers and antigens;
  • determine the activity of pancreatic enzymes (α-amylase, elastase, lipase);
  • determine the activity of liver transaminases (aspartate and alanine aminotransferases);
  • establish the content of bilirubin in blood plasma;
  • determine the level of pancreatic hormones in the blood (glucagon, insulin, C-peptide, gastrin).

For hardware diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, the following is used:

  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • positron emission tomography;
  • transabdominal ultrasonography;
  • laparoscopy;
  • angiography;
  • sonography;
  • biopsy;
  • endoscopic retrograde cholangiography;
  • contrast radiography;
  • cytological examination of biomaterial.

The above diagnostic techniques allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and find out the type of cancer.

Therapy methods

Treatment of pancreatic cancer is always a complex and lengthy undertaking. The treatment regimen depends on the stage of cancer, the size of the tumor, the location of the pathological process, as well as the age, psycho-emotional mood and general health of the patient.

Radical therapy

Stage I-II cancer is considered operable, and in some cases stage III, when tumor removal is technically feasible and the general condition and age of the patient allow such an operation.

There are several types of operations:

  • Distal resection. If the malignant tumor is located in the body and tail of the gland, then these areas are removed, leaving only the head of the organ.
  • Segmental resection. The operation involves resection of the gland body along with the neoplasm.
  • Total pancreatectomy (removal of the entire pancreas). This operation is performed when a tumor grows inside the gland.

Note. If pancreatic cancer cannot be treated, then palliative operations are prescribed to make life easier for the patient. After surgery, you need to undergo a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Surgical treatment is one of the most effective methods of combating cancer pathologies.

Radiotherapy (radiation therapy)

The presented method of treatment in the treatment of pancreatic cancer is used very rarely. High doses of ionizing radiation are used during treatment. The procedure is painless and is carried out within a few minutes. Most often, this method is combined with surgery or chemotherapy.


Involves the prescription of chemotherapy drugs that inhibit the development of atypical cells. The most well-known drug in this area is Erlotinib. This agent blocks the uncontrolled division of carcinogenic cells. This drug is often used for inoperable forms of cancer.

Innovative therapies

American researchers have proposed using special vaccines based on a culture of the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes and radioactive isotopes to combat oncology. The bacterium affects only atypical (cancerous) cells, that is, it disrupts their biological cycle. Scientists around the world are also developing drugs whose action is aimed at activating the body's immune system.

Alternative therapy

Treatment of pancreatic cancer with folk remedies can only be considered as additional therapy. For the treatment of malignant tumors, people have used herbal preparations since ancient times. Most herbal remedies used in the treatment of cancer can be prepared independently. Raw materials can be purchased in pharmacies.

Important! Before using alternative methods of treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Callisia fragrant (golden mustache)

To prepare a medicinal potion, the stem of the plant should be crushed, the resulting raw material is poured with 70% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Infuse in a dark and cool place for several days. Then filter and take a teaspoon before meals.

Sandy goldenflower

Two large spoons of dried flowers are poured into two glasses of boiling water, infused, then filtered. Take 100 ml half an hour before meals.


The presented plant is an excellent anti-cancer agent. A teaspoon of raw material is placed in a half-liter container, filled with water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. The resulting solution is used instead of tea.


In order to avoid the development of cancer pathology, doctors recommend adhering to several rules:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • reduce the amount of animal proteins and fats in the diet;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • treat other diseases in a timely manner;
  • undergo regular preventive medical examinations.

The absence of bad habits and diet therapy is the basis for the prevention of cancer pathologies


Pancreatic cancer poses a serious threat to human life. It is not easy to identify the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, since this anomaly practically does not manifest itself in any way in the early stages of development. As a rule, pancreatic cancer is diagnosed already at stage 4 with the presence of metastases, which significantly complicates its treatment. In most cases, the prognosis is disappointing.

– a tumor lesion arising from the pancreatic ducts or pancreatic parenchyma. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer include nausea, loss of appetite, upper abdominal pain, bowel dysfunction, weight loss, and icteric discoloration of the sclera and visible mucous membranes. To detect pancreatic cancer, laboratory (determination of biochemical parameters and blood tumor markers) and instrumental diagnostics (ultrasound, CT, MRI, ERCP) are used. Radical treatment involves resection of the pancreas to varying extents; Radiation and chemotherapy treatment may be used.

General information

The concept of “pancreatic cancer” includes a group of malignant neoplasms that develop in the parenchyma of the pancreas: the head, body and tail. The main clinical manifestations of these diseases are abdominal pain, anorexia, weight loss, general weakness, and jaundice. Every year, 8-10 people out of every hundred thousand people in the world develop pancreatic cancer. In more than half of cases, it occurs in elderly people (63% of patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are over 70 years of age). Men are more prone to this type of malignancy; they develop pancreatic cancer one and a half times more often.

A malignant tumor of the pancreas is prone to metastasis to regional lymph nodes, lungs and liver. Direct tumor growth can lead to its penetration into the duodenum, stomach, and adjacent parts of the large intestine.

Causes of pancreatic cancer

The exact etiology of pancreatic cancer is not clear, but factors contributing to its occurrence are noted. However, in 40% of cases, pancreatic cancer occurs for no apparent reason. The risk of developing cancer increases markedly in individuals who smoke a pack or more of cigarettes daily, who consume large amounts of carbohydrate-containing foods, and who have undergone gastric surgery.

Diseases that contribute to the development of pancreatic cancer include:

  • diabetes mellitus (both type 1 and type 2)
  • chronic pancreatitis (including genetically determined)
  • hereditary pathologies (hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma, familial adenomatous polyposis, Gardner syndrome, Hippel-Lindau disease, ataxia-telangiectasia)

The likelihood of developing cancer increases with age.

Classification of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is classified according to the international TNM classification system for malignant neoplasms, where T is the size of the tumor, N is the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, and M is metastases in other organs.

However, in this case, the classification is not sufficiently informative regarding the operability of cancer and the prognosis of the effectiveness of therapy, since the general condition of the body plays a significant role in the prospect of cure.

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is accompanied by the following clinical manifestations: abdominal pain in the area of ​​the pancreas (upper half, radiating to the back, sometimes encircling). As the tumor grows, the pain symptom intensifies. Pancreatic pain is characterized by intensification when bending over.

When a tumor of glandular tissue is localized in the area of ​​the head of the pancreas, the vast majority of cases experience jaundice, which may be accompanied by skin itching, darkening of urine and discoloration of feces.

Another common symptom of a malignant pancreatic tumor is weight loss. When the tumor is localized in the body and tail of the pancreas, weight loss is noted in all patients; with cancer of the head of the pancreas, body weight decreases in 92% of patients. This symptom is associated with impaired absorption of fats in the intestines as a result of insufficiency of the sectoral function of the pancreas.

In 64% of cases of pancreatic head cancer, anorexia is observed (in other tumor locations, this symptom is observed in only 30% of patients). When a large tumor compresses the duodenum or the lumen of the stomach, vomiting may occur. Secondary diabetes mellitus develops in 25-50% of cases and is usually accompanied by polyuria and polydipsia.

When the tumor is localized in the body or tail of the pancreas, splenomegaly and varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach (with episodes of bleeding) may be observed. Sometimes the clinical picture follows the type of acute cholecystitis or pancreatitis. If the peritoneum is affected by metastases, intestinal obstruction is possible due to narrowing of the intestinal lumen.

The course of pancreatic cancer is characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms, ranging from a mild, mild pain syndrome to a pronounced, varied clinical picture. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and detect a tumor early, the prognosis for treatment and subsequent survival is significantly improved.


Malignant tumors of the pancreas are complicated by:

  • diabetes mellitus
  • malabsorption syndrome
  • disorders of the bile circulation system
  • trophic disorders due to impaired secretory function of the pancreas.

The tumor can grow into nearby organs - stomach, small intestine, colon. Large tumors can contribute to intestinal compression and obstruction.

Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

Diagnosing cancer at an early stage presents certain difficulties due to the lack of specific clinical manifestations. Only in 30% of cases the detected cancer is not older than two months.

Laboratory diagnosis

  • A complete blood count shows signs of anemia; an increase in platelet count and acceleration of ESR may be noted. A biochemical blood test shows bilirubinemia, increased activity of alkaline phosphatase, liver enzymes with destruction of the bile ducts or metastasis to the liver. There may also be signs of developed malabsorption syndrome in the blood.
  • Determination of tumor markers. The CA-19-9 marker is determined to resolve the issue of tumor operability. In the early stages, this marker is not detected in pancreatic cancer. Cancer embryonal antigen is detected in half of patients with pancreatic cancer. However, it is worth noting that a test for this marker can also be positive in chronic pancreatitis (5% of cases) and ulcerative colitis. CA-125 is also noted in half of the patients. In the later stages of the disease, tumor antigens can be detected: CF-50, CA-242, CA-494, etc.

Instrumental diagnostics

  1. Endoscopic or transabdominal ultrasonography. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs excludes diseases of the gallbladder and liver and can detect a tumor of the pancreas. Endoscopic examination makes it possible to take a biopsy sample for research.
  2. Computed tomography and MRI make it possible to visualize pancreatic tissue and detect tumor formations from 1 cm (CT) and 2 cm (MRI), as well as assess the condition of the abdominal organs, the presence of metastases, and enlarged lymph nodes.
  3. Positron emission tomography (PET) can identify malignant cells, detect tumors and metastases.
  4. ERCP detects tumors of any part of the pancreas measuring 2 cm or more. However, this procedure is invasive and contributes to the development of complications.

To identify small metastases in the liver, on the intestinal mesentery or peritoneum, diagnostic laparoscopy is performed.

Pancreatic cancer treatment

Since most patients suffering from a malignant tumor of the pancreas have signs of malabsorption and anorexia, they are shown a diet high in fat and protein. The drug treatment for pancreatic cancer is chemotherapy. Treatment is carried out with drugs that suppress the growth of cancer cells (fluorouracil, streptozocin, semustine, etc.). Either one drug or several in combination can be prescribed. Non-surgical treatment methods also include radiation therapy. Dosages and course duration are chosen depending on the size of the tumor, stage of the disease, and general condition of the patient.

Palliative treatment for pancreatic cancer is aimed at relieving the main clinical symptoms: pain relief, correction of bile duct patency to treat jaundice. If it is impossible to restore bile circulation, cholestyramine and phenobarbital are prescribed. Insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function is corrected with the help of enzyme preparations (lipase, amylase, protease, pancreatin).

Surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer is carried out by resection of the altered tissue of the gland and surrounding organs. If it is possible to surgically remove the tumor, they often resort to radical surgery (the entire pancreas, gallbladder with bile duct, duodenum, adjacent area of ​​the large intestine and stomach are removed). The survival rate after such an operation is 25% of patients within five years.

Prevention of pancreatic cancer

Prevention of pancreatic cancer includes the following measures: cessation of smoking and alcohol abuse, timely and complete treatment of diseases of the pancreas and biliary tract, proper correction of metabolism in diabetes mellitus, adherence to a diet, a balanced diet without overeating and a tendency to fatty and spicy foods. Patients who have undergone gastric surgery need to be attentive to the symptoms of pancreatitis.

Prognosis for pancreatic cancer

Persons suffering from pancreatic cancer are under the supervision of specialists in gastroenterology, oncology, a surgeon and a radiologist.

When pancreatic cancer is detected, in most cases the prognosis is extremely unfavorable, about 4-6 months of life. Only 3% of patients achieve five-year survival. This prognosis is due to the fact that in most cases pancreatic cancer is detected at late stages and in elderly patients, which does not allow radical removal of the tumor.

Pancreatic cancer is a malignant disease. It is characterized by the degeneration of organ cells into a tumor under the influence of certain factors. Pathology is diagnosed much more often in men. Moreover, the risk of development occurs after 30 years of age; the largest number of patients with this disease are 70 years of age and older.

About 75% of all cases of pancreatic cancer occur in the head of the pancreas, the rest spreads to the tail and body. The most aggressive course is characterized by a disease caused by damage to the ducts. Often such oncology is diagnosed with significant damage to the pancreas, because in the early stages the symptoms are insignificant or completely absent. The nature of the manifestations depends on the location of the tumor and the stage of the disease.


The causes of the pathology have not been definitively established, but doctors attribute it to a number of factors.

  1. Heredity. It has been established that the disease is detected more often among those with a family history.
  2. Bad habits. Toxic substances negatively affect the condition of the pancreas, so people who smoke double their chances of getting sick.
  3. Nutritional factor. When eating food rich in carbohydrates and animal fats, the organ is subjected to significant stress, which ultimately leads to the formation of a tumor. To prevent such cases, you should give preference to healthy foods and eat more vegetables and fruits.
  4. Gender. According to statistics, cancer of this organ is diagnosed in women less often than in the stronger sex.
  5. Age.
  6. Concomitant diseases of the pancreas. The chances of a malignant process occurring increase if a person suffers from diabetes mellitus, a chronic form of pancreatitis.
  7. Obesity. Extra pounds also negatively affect the functioning of the organ and can provoke tissue degeneration into a malignant tumor.


Depending on the prevalence of the pathological process, the disease is divided into 4 stages:

1 – characterized by the formation of atypical cells only within the gland. There are no metastases.

2A - the tumor can spread to the bile ducts and duodenum, the lymph nodes are not affected.

2B – manifestations characteristic of the previous degree are accompanied by metastases to the nearest lymph nodes. If the pathology appears at the second stage, with proper treatment the prognosis is favorable.

3 – the tumor affects other digestive organs and increases significantly in size. With the third stage of cancer, the prognosis is unfavorable. With adequate therapy, the patient's life can be extended only by a few years.

4 – distant metastases can be detected. This degree cannot be treated and is usually fatal.

Clinical picture

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that for a long time it remains undetected due to the absence of symptoms. As it progresses, signs such as weight loss, weakness, decreased performance begin to appear, and over time pain and jaundice occur. Signs of pancreatic cancer are caused by the following factors:

  1. Compression of tissue by a tumor. Causes symptoms such as pain. Associated with the germination of pathological cells into nerve plexuses and other structures.
  2. Intoxication of the body. Caused by insufficient digestion of food, as well as tumor decay products. Such factors cause weakness, decreased activity, and lack of appetite, which over time is accompanied by emaciation and signs of cancer cachexia.
  3. Blockage of the ducts. When a tumor grows into the biliary tract, the supply of bile stops. This leads to the development of yellowing of the skin, an increase in the size of the liver, itching of the skin, darkening of the urine and lightening of the stool.

When it grows into the nerve plexuses, irritability, sleep disturbance, and headaches are noted. When the tumor spreads significantly, liver and kidney failure develops.

The first symptoms of the cancer process occur when the tumor reaches a significant size. At first, patients begin to experience pain. Its character may be different. Localization depends on the affected area. With cancer of the head, the symptom extends to the right hypochondrium and epigastrium. If there is swelling of the body or tail, discomfort appears on the left under the ribs.

Some patients note that the pain spreads to the shoulder blades and spine. In cases where pancreatitis has developed against the background of a malignant neoplasm, the disease is accompanied by girdle pain. The intensity of this symptom increases at night. A diet disorder can also trigger pain. After several weeks after the onset of this symptom, obstructive jaundice occurs, which develops due to blockage of the bile ducts.

Yellowness of the skin appears after other symptoms and increases gradually. At the beginning they have a bright yellow tint, gradually the bile oxidizes as a result of stagnation, and the skin acquires an earthy color. In most cases, jaundice develops due to cancer of the head of the gland. If the body or tail is affected, this symptom is extremely rare. Along with external manifestations, an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood occurs. Jaundice is also preceded by itchy skin, which develops due to the penetration of bile salts into the blood. Upon examination, scratching can be detected, sleep is disturbed, irritability and apathy appear.

In addition to the above symptoms, pancreatic cancer is accompanied by digestive disorders. Patients are worried about nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, reluctance to eat fatty foods and meat. There is also a violation of the stool, both diarrhea and constipation may occur. Feces have a shiny gray color and a foul odor. Often you are worried about bloating, heartburn attacks, and heaviness in the stomach.

This disease is also characterized by hyperthermia, which occurs as a result of activation of the body's autoimmune system. As a rule, body temperature stays within 38 degrees for a long time. Such a symptom always indicates the development of a pathological process, and therefore should not go unnoticed.

Changes on ultrasound

Diagnosis of cancer of this organ requires a mandatory ultrasound examination. During this procedure, the specialist may notice the following changes:

  1. Increase in the lumen of the main duct of the organ.
  2. Presence of nodular structures.
  3. Enlargement of an organ or its affected part.
  4. Reducing the echogenicity of tissues.
  5. Uneven boundaries in the area of ​​spread of the malignant process.

In addition to the pancreatic gland, it is worth paying attention to the condition of nearby organs and lymph nodes for blockage or the spread of metastases.


To cope with the disease, the following treatment methods are used.

  1. Surgical intervention. It involves removing the affected part of the pancreas, and regional lymph nodes are also excised. If the malignant process spreads to the tail or body of the organ, resection of the spleen is performed.
  2. Radiation therapy. The site of tumor projection is irradiated. It is not used only when the patient’s condition is serious or the pathology has spread to the blood vessels and intestines. Can be used after or without surgery. Side effects may include nausea and vomiting.
  3. Chemotherapy. It consists of taking the drug 5-fluorouracil with methotrexate, mitomycin, epirubicin or interferon. It is difficult for patients to tolerate and is accompanied by side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and allergic manifestations.

The most lasting results can be achieved in cases of combined use of the above methods.

Detecting pancreatic cancer is very difficult, especially in the early stages of development. Therefore, you should promptly seek help from a doctor and undergo regular scheduled examinations.

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