Probiotics for small breed dogs name. Preparations and supplements for intestinal flora probiotics. Best Probiotics for Dogs

The only ones probiotics for dogs(Bacillus Lichemformis DSM 5749 and Bacillus Subtilis DSM5750), which received permanent registration from a special commission at the Council of European Countries. These probiotic strains were isolated from the natural environment (not subjected to genetic modification) and deposited in the German State Repository of Cell Cultures and Strains (Dresden).

Two strains of bacteria Bacillus Lichemformis (strain DSM 5749) and Bacillus Subtilis (strain DSM 5750), which are the active ingredients of WOLMAR WINSOME preparations (concentration in 1 tablet 25 mg x 10 to the 9th power in a 1:1 ratio), are in a synergistic symbiosis.

After the spores of the drug’s probiotics enter the dog’s gastrointestinal tract, they are activated (opened) and temporarily fixed on the walls of the intestinal mucosa with the formation of a so-called “biofilm”, which prevents the attachment and penetration of pathogenic pathogens into the intestinal mucosa.

Pathogenic bacteria located in the gastrointestinal tract cannot not only attach to the intestinal mucosa, but also do not receive sufficient nutrients for their vital functions due to competition with spores (strains of probiotics) of the drug. The development cycle of pathogenic bacteria is quickly interrupted, and the body eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, while it is important that the normal microflora does not suffer and performs its functions.

The probiotic strains Bacillus Lichemformis (DSM 5749) and Bacillus Subtilis (DSM5750) enter the spore state after 36 hours and are completely eliminated from the dog’s body.

The bacterial strains Bacillus Lichemformis (strain DSM5749), Bacillus Subtilis (strain DSM 5750), which are the active ingredients of WOLMAR WINSOME preparations, after their activation (opening) and temporary fixation on the walls of the intestinal mucosa, produce (synthesize) enzymes and three main enzymes within 36 hours dog's body: amylase, lipase And proteases.

Amylase is an enzyme of the hydrolase class that breaks down carbohydrates, various sugars, are found in saliva, pancreatic secretions and intestinal contents.

Lipase is a water-soluble enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of insoluble ester-lipid substrates, helping to digest, dissolve and fractionate fats. Lipase, together with bile, digests fats and fatty acids, as well as fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, converting them into heat and energy. Lipoprotein lipase breaks down lipids (triglycerides) in the composition of blood lipoproteins and thus ensures the delivery of fatty acids to the tissues of the dog’s body.
Proteases found in gastric juice, pancreatic secretions and intestinal contents help digest squirrels.

Enzymes are protein substances that play a very important role in various biochemical processes in the body. They are necessary for the digestion of food, stimulation of brain activity, processes of energy supply to cells, restoration of organs and tissues. The most important function of enzymes is to channel biochemical reactions in the body, many, if not most of which, occur only in the presence of the corresponding enzymes. The function of each enzyme is unique, i.e. each enzyme activates only one biochemical process.

In this regard, there are a huge number of enzymes in the body. Depending on what types of body reactions enzymes catalyze, they perform different functions. Most often they are divided into two main groups: digestive and metabolic. Digestive enzymes are secreted in the gastrointestinal tract and break down nutrients, facilitating their absorption into the systemic bloodstream. Metabolic enzymes catalyze biochemical processes inside cells.

In the world, industrially, the probiotic strains Bacillus Lichemformis (strain DSM 5749) and Bacillus Subtilis (strain DSM5750) are produced by two companies (production facilities are certified according to the GMP standard), including one company in Europe. Research on these strains of probiotics lasted 20 years and was completed in 1998, and are widely used throughout the world in veterinary practice.

Prebiotics in WOLMAR WINSOME ® complexes

Lactulose and biomass of acidophilic lactobacilli.


Polyfunctional combinations of lactulose, acidophilus bacteria and a significant amount of essential water- and fat-soluble vitamins without the use of yeast substances of any origin. This composition allows you to protect the dog’s body from unwanted microorganisms and yeast fungi. Designed to supplement the daily requirement for water- and fat-soluble vitamins (in pure bioavailable form), maintain calcium balance and maintain a healthy balance of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract in dogs of all ages.
Analysis of data on the age-related dynamics of the formation of intestinal microbiocenosis in dogs and the physiological significance when prescribing WOLMAR WINSOME® “Ca&BF” and WOLMAR WINSOME® “Acidovit”.

Bifidobacteria have a number of distinctive features in energy metabolism and requirements for growth factors. Since they obtain energy from the fermentation of carbohydrates and their derivatives, the supply of substrate is especially important for them. Easily fermentable carbohydrates (glucose, etc.), as a rule, do not reach the large intestine, since they are used by the dog’s body or the microflora of the overlying sections of the digestive tract.

Lactose is more difficult to assimilate in the digestive tract, therefore it reaches the large intestine to a greater extent and serves as a substrate for bifid flora. The main bifidogenic factor and substrate for bifid flora is lactulose (β-galactosidofructose), contained in the WOLMAR WINSOME® “Ca&BF” preparation. It is obtained from lactose in milk or synthetically. It is used to stimulate the reproduction of bifid flora in the large intestine.
Analysis of intestinal microbiocenosis.

In dogs aged 1 to 6 months, bifidobacteria predominate in the feces (9.04 ± 0.638 lg/g), lactobacilli are the second most abundant (8.38 ± 0.539 lg/g), and Escherichia are the third (7.89 ± 0.451 lg/g). d), fourth - enterococci (7.59±0.451 lg/g). Aerobic bacilli (4.18±0.613 lg/g), yeasts and molds (3.69±0.817 lg/g) are found in all animals of this age group. 42.9% had lactose-negative enterobacteria (4.7±15.32% of their total number), 14.3% had fungi of the genus Candida (1.85 lg/g), and 28.6% had staphylococci (3 .18±0.572 lg/g). In dogs 7-12 months of age, there are no significant differences in the qualitative and quantitative composition of fecal microflora compared to animals 1-6 months old. At the age of 1 to 5 years in dogs, indicators for bifido-lactobacteria, Escherichia, (opportunistic bacteria), enterococci, aerobic bacilli, yeast, and mold fungi remain close to the previous age groups.

However, by 5 years, 27.3% of animals have Escherichia with weak lactase activity (5.7 lg/g ±10.61% of the total number of Escherichia), and 9.1% of animals have hemolytic Escherichia in the amount of 5% of their total number. Also, p. bacteria were isolated from 27.3% of dogs. Proteus (1.05±0.031 lg/g). The frequency of detection of Candida fungi increased to 54.5% (3.61±0.443 lg/g feces). In groups of animals aged 6-10 years and over 10 years, there was a tendency towards a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli from 8.04±0.481 lg/g to 7.11±0.617 lg/g and from 7.45±0.615 lg/g up to 6.67±0.744 lg/g, respectively.

At the same time, the specific content of Escherichia increased to 8.08±0.805 lg/g and 8.54±0.649 lg/g, respectively. Thus, in 6-10 year old dogs, the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli was approximately equal to the number of Escherichia. After the dogs reached the age of 10 years, Escherichia in feces (feces) again prevailed, as in the first weeks of life. At the same time, rods with weak lactase activity were found in 60% of dogs aged 6-10 years (9.4 lg/g ± 17.15%) and in 100% of dogs over 10 years of age (12.6 lg/g ± 24.38% of the total number of Escherichia).

Thus, in dogs with age there is a tendency to reduce the quantitative indicator of lacto- and bifidobacteria. This is clearly visible at the age of 5 to 6 years, which coincides with the beginning of changes in many physiological systems of the body, in particular hormonal. Accordingly, the growth of microorganisms belonging to opportunistic groups can be traced. Their spectrum is expanding with possible translocation from the intestine to internal organs and various tissues, which often becomes the cause of the development of focal purulent-inflammatory processes.

The possibility of colonizing the skin and mucous membranes of the dog’s body increases. There is a change (most often an expansion) in the area of ​​existence of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, their appearance outside their natural habitats. Long-term carriage of pathogenic antibiotic-resistant microorganisms increases sensitivity to infectious agents.

The most critical periods in relation to normobiosis in dogs are the first month of life and old age (over 8 years of age). However, as already noted, the process of reducing the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria begins as early as 5 years in dogs without signs of clinically significant pathology. It is during this period that it is advisable to begin preventive measures with the prescription of the drugs WOLMAR WINSOME® “Ca&BF” and WOLMAR WINSOME® “Acidovit”, which normalize the intestinal flora and help prevent colonization of the skin and mucous membranes by foreign microorganisms. The latter is especially important in case of multimorbidity. Multifunctionality of application

WOLMAR WINSOME® “Ca&BF” and WOLMAR WINSOME® “Acidovit” allow dogs’ bodies to compensate for the consumption of water- and fat-soluble vitamins, maintain calcium-phosphorus balance and healthy intestinal microflora. Based on the analysis of data on the age-related dynamics of the formation of intestinal microbiocenosis and the physiological significance of indigenous flora, it becomes obvious that in the early postnatal period of life of puppies, as well as during the aging period of dogs, it is necessary to correct the species composition of the intestinal microflora in order to preserve and increase the growth of the main physiologically significant groups of bacteria : primarily bifidobacteria (WOLMAR WINSOME® “Ca&BF”) and lactobacilli (WOLMAR WINSOME® “Acidovit”).

In addition to age, normobiosis is influenced by the physiological state of the body, feeding, stress, aggressive effects of a constantly deteriorating environment, diseases and frequent use of medications.

Probiotics are preparations containing live microcultures (bifidobacteria lactobacilli, propinate bacteria). They are isolated from the intestines of young animals, sorted, and dried. Once they enter the dog’s body, they inhabit it, displace pathogenic flora, and restore balance.

Effect of the drug

Probiotics for dogs often come in powdered capsule form. Their gelatin shell withstands the effects of gastric juice and dissolves only in the intestines.

Probiotics help break down carbohydrates and fatty acids. As a result, the dog’s weight is regulated and the risk of allergic reactions is reduced.

Bacteria are involved in the synthesis of vitamins, nicotinic and folic acid. They improve the pet’s well-being when there is an excess of cellulose and calcium (from cheap industrial feed).

Microorganisms from probiotics displace harmful flora, as they are better adapted to living in the intestines. During their life processes, products are released that are harmful to pathogens and safe for humans. To enhance the effect, the bacteria in the capsule are placed in a medium called a prebiotic.

Who should take probiotics?

Bacteria from probiotics are absolutely safe for the dog’s body. Therefore, they can be given to your pet throughout his life.

For preventive purposes, they are indicated for dogs with a weak digestive system or those who like to pick up food from the ground on walks. The instructions for use indicate the dosage of the drug taking into account the size of the animal.

Puppies are born with sterile intestines. Mother's milk creates microflora and maintains its balance. If a bitch has problems with lactation, the baby is fed formulas enriched with living microorganisms.

Probiotics are also useful when a teenager transitions to an adult diet, or when changing industrial food.

Preparations with live bacteria are used to treat digestive tract disorders, namely:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • flatulence;
  • weak peristalsis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • intestinal infections.

Veterinarians prescribe probiotics after treatment with antibacterial agents. Such medications effectively fight infection, but at the same time destroy beneficial intestinal bacteria. Capsules with live microorganisms must be given simultaneously with the antibiotic and for another week after the end of the course.

Taking bifidobacteria is useful not only after treatment with anthelmintic drugs, but also before annual vaccination. After all, only completely healthy dogs need to be vaccinated.

Selection rules

Large and small breed dogs require the same strains of beneficial bacteria. You can calculate the dosage according to the diagram in the instructions or during a consultation with a veterinarian. Many drugs are packaged in bags of different sizes for ease of measuring doses.

When purchasing a drug, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. The more strains of bacteria are indicated in it, the faster the result of their work will appear. The number of microorganisms in one dose can be easily calculated using the diagram in the instructions.

Remember, for preventive purposes it is enough to give 3-4 million bacteria. And for treatment, a dog needs to take 20-30 million beneficial agents at a time.

In addition, when choosing probiotics, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The shelf life of the drug should not expire before the date of the last dose.
  2. The product must be certified.
  3. There should be no grammatical errors on the label and instructions.
  4. Probiotics should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
  5. Microorganisms must be encapsulated to protect them from gastric acid.

Despite the fact that probiotics are not a medicine, but a dietary supplement, they should only be purchased from specialized veterinary clinics.

Top 5 popular drugs

In veterinary clinics, doctors will help you choose probiotics for any breed of dog, and draw up a list and treatment regimen. The most effective drugs include the following medications.


Purina produces Fortiflora, a probiotic for all dog breeds. The drug is granules filled with colonies of beneficial microorganisms.

Their shell has a dense thermal protective layer that protects against friction and moisture. As a result, the bacteria are not exposed to gastric juice and begin life only in the intestines. In addition to symbionts, the food supplement contains vitamins, proteins, and amino acids.


Probiotic for weakened dogs Vetom contains the bacteria Bassilus subtilis and Bassilus amyloliquefaciens.

Microorganisms are in a state of spores, so they cross the stomach and germinate into a vegetative form in the intestines.

The additive is packaged in bags of different weights (from 2 grams to half a kilogram). It can be added to food or diluted in water to the consistency of a suspension.


Viyo Reinforces is a healthy drink for daily consumption. In addition to probiotics, it contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and trace elements. To make it easier to calculate the dosage, the drug is available in three versions: for puppies, adults and elderly dogs.

The liquid is mixed with food, added to water, or forcefully poured into the mouth with a syringe without a needle.


The probiotic is available in the form of powder, tablets and suppositories. The drug is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It can be given even to newborn puppies, after diluting it with mother's milk.

Bifidumbacterin helps in the treatment of dysbiosis, constipation, intestinal infections, and allergic diseases. It has a pleasant taste and a faint aroma of vanilla.


The Russian-made probiotic Akti-Dog contains bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, whey, and brewer's yeast. It comes in powder form, from which healthy yogurt is fermented. To do this, the drug is added to warm milk and left overnight in a dark place. The mixture can also be added to food or dissolved in water.

Side effects

There are no contraindications for probiotics, but an overdose or therapeutic dose of the drug sometimes causes side effects in dogs.

The most common reactions include constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose to a minimum, and then gradually increase it, monitoring the pet’s health.

Many dietary supplements contain other beneficial substances in addition to probiotics. The preparations are enriched with yeast, lactose, and prebiotic fibers. Some dogs have an allergic reaction to such components. If itching, redness, or hair loss occurs, you must stop taking it and change the medication.

Probiotics are dietary supplements that contain potentially beneficial bacteria and yeast. Probiotics are used to recolonize the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial microorganisms when it is suspected that the normal balance of microflora has been disrupted.

Probiotics are recommended for animals with obvious symptoms of intestinal disorders. They are recommended for maintaining and restoring the normal balance of bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for treating and reducing the activity of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria.

The normal bacterial balance in the gastrointestinal tract can be disrupted by medications, changes in diet, exposure to pathogenic viruses or bacteria, or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The overall goal of probiotics is to displace pathogenic or disease-causing bacteria with ones that have beneficial effects. For example, bacteria that can synthesize organic compounds and support the normal growth and maturation of cells lining the intestines. An increase in the number of beneficial bacteria leads to a decrease in space for unwanted and pathogenic bacteria. By-products of the metabolism of beneficial flora in the gastrointestinal tract can also change the environment of the gastrointestinal tract, which will promote the development of beneficial bacteria and suppress undesirable ones.

Hello friends, today we’ll talk about probiotics for dogs, how they work and in what cases they are used. Most likely, many will not agree with my opinion, but as they say, truth is born in a dispute.

Therefore, if you have anything to add to my article, or want to discuss the topic “Probiotics for dogs”, then I will be glad to communicate - leave your comments below.

What are live bacteria used for?

Of course, bacteria do not play an important role in the life of animals; without bacteria, not a single animal on the planet, including humans, can live normally. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of microorganisms. The idea of ​​using “good” bacteria to fight “bad” bacteria arose a long time ago. Most likely, you have heard about the works of I. Mechnikov, who recommended consuming more fermented milk products to improve health and, accordingly, prolong life.

The fashion for using bacteria in medicine received a new life in the early 90s, and a little later they began to use probiotics for dogs, that is, to use them in veterinary medicine.

The most famous drug containing live bacteria, which you can buy in a human pharmacy is “Linex”, and in a veterinary pharmacy – “Vetom”.

The principle of their operation, as manufacturers say, is based on restoring normal intestinal flora by populating “good” microbes and suppressing “bad” ones. This is in a nutshell, but in more detail, a dozen articles are not enough to describe this issue; people write entire monographs about probiotics and prebiotics.

Most often, probiotics for dogs are used in the treatment of dysbiosis caused by the use of antibiotics. This is explained by the fact that antibiotics lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora, while useful ones die, and dangerous ones, on the contrary, develop. Therefore, it is necessary to populate the intestines with beneficial microorganisms and prescribe drugs containing bacteria.

Everything seems logical, but now let’s figure out what the manufacturers aren’t telling us.

What questions do live bacteria producers not answer?

I have repeatedly asked questions on sites that sell probiotics for dogs, people, no matter for whom, their mechanism of action is similar. What did I ask about:

  1. How do living bacteria overcome the acidic environment of the stomach?
  2. How do bacteria survive in the initial part of the intestine, where pancreatic enzymes and bile enter?
  3. How “non-native” microorganisms defeat “bad” ones, because in order to work effectively, bacteria must “wake up”, and the enemies have already occupied the territory and will not simply give up their positions. This is the comparison I came up with.
  4. The instructions for Linex say that it can be taken from the first days of taking antibiotics. Where is the logic why antibiotics kill microbes in the intestines and at the same time do not affect the bacteria in the drug, how does this happen?
  5. How did they find out that the bacteria from the drugs actually multiplied in the intestines and suppressed dangerous microbes? Not according to the symptoms - the diarrhea went away, and others felt better. How did they reliably determine how much bacteria the patient drank and how much took root in the intestines? Relatively speaking, we drank 10 bacteria, as a result, 5 took root and then they multiplied to 100, how was this determined?

In the end, I received only one answer - thanks to a special capsule, bacteria can overcome the acidic environment in the stomach, they are not affected by enzymes. And once in the large intestine, they come out of the membrane and multiply. Then I wondered how the bacteria remained viable after lyophilization (drying) and placing them in a capsule. Also, I asked how they determined that they actually came out and took root in the right place, namely in the intestines, and not in the stomach? As a result, silence.

The questions listed above remain open and most likely no one will give you answers to them. And all because modern probiotics for dogs or for people are a big fiction that people have been led to believe.

You can object to me: we used it many times, drank it ourselves, gave it to a child, our doctor prescribed it to us, what’s wrong!?

Why probiotics “work”

In most cases, when such bacterial drugs are prescribed, a coincidence occurs. For example, a dog fell ill, its temperature rose, its appetite disappeared - antibiotics were used. As a result, it became easier, an appetite appeared - we fed the animal, and bloating and diarrhea appeared. The doctor diagnosed dysbacteriosis caused by antibiotics.

Now let's look at what really happened. After the illness, the body had not yet recovered, had not returned to its usual digestive mode, and we fed as usual - not enough enzymes were released; roughly speaking, there was nothing to digest the food with, which led to fermentation, bloating and diarrhea. At this time, we are intensively using probiotics for dogs and healing occurs, the stool is restored.

But in fact, within a few days the digestive system returned to normal and began to work correctly. This is not necessarily the only way it happens; I gave it as an example.

The period after antibiotic use and treatment of dysbacteriosis are the most common cases when probiotics are prescribed for dogs.

There are other circumstances when a doctor prescribes live bacteria: rash, itching, baldness, dermatitis, plaque on teeth... the list is very long. But in fact, miracle cures in most cases are dummies, that is, drugs with unproven effectiveness.

If you are interested, read the data from studies on the effectiveness of probiotics using placebos. Why did I write in most cases a pacifier, yet some similar products have a positive effect when used externally, in protecting animals and plants and in other areas, but they do not work in the intestines. That is, there is no scientifically proven data.

Also, ask what kind of disease this is - dysbiosis, which is treated only here, in the CIS.


We can talk about probiotics for dogs for a long time, perhaps this will not be the only post on a similar topic, if you are interested, we will continue.

Probiotics need to be studied and effective drugs invented; bacteria are the future, but so far only marketers who sell pills have achieved positive results.

Friends, I am surprised that many doctors and my veterinarian colleagues prescribe such drugs for therapy or prevention. It is especially strange when probiotics for dogs are used to treat dysbiosis. That is, they treat symptoms, a non-existent disease, but you need to find the cause, eliminate it, and the microflora will recover on its own.

Also, as a complement to the topic of probiotics for dogs, watch this video about Vetom, a fairly popular product that is used more often for people than for animals.

And what do you think? Is there any benefit to living bacteria, is it worth using probiotics for dogs, or are they ineffective dietary supplements?

Release form "MONO" - for treatment and intensive prevention

Price: 250 rub.

1 bottle contains from 1 to 3 single therapeutic doses or from 3 to 10 preventive doses of probiotic (depending on the size of the dogs).

One bottle contains:

  • for large breed dogs - 1 therapeutic dose or 2 prophylactic doses;
  • for dogs of medium breeds - 3 therapeutic doses or 6 prophylactic doses;
  • for small breed dogs and puppies - 5 therapeutic doses or 10 preventive doses.

COURSE 1- Prevention. To prevent gastrointestinal infections and digestive problems. It is recommended to apply monthly.

COURSE 2- Intensive prevention. After illnesses, or when the animal is lethargic, sick, with poor appetite, as well as initially if probiotics have not been used before. The course will improve immunity, cleanse the body of toxins, pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria, improve appetite, and prevent the animal from getting sick again, consolidating recovery.

COURSE 3- Health improvement. Used directly during illness. The course will improve immunity and significantly reduce recovery time, cleanse the intestines of pathogenic bacteria, eliminate diarrhea and normalize the intestinal microflora after using antibiotics and other drugs.

OLIN is drunk or fed to animals 1 dose daily:

  • For prophylactic purposes, 1 prophylactic dose for 3-5 days;
  • For intensive prophylaxis and after illness, 1 prophylactic dose for at least 5 days;
  • For therapeutic purposes, 1 therapeutic dose - from 7 days until complete recovery.

OLIN can be used with any type of feed, mineral and vitamin supplements and other feed mixtures, as well as after treatment with antibiotics, sulfonamides, helmintics, before vaccination, before and in the postoperative period.

There are no adverse reactions or contraindications to the use of OLIN.

Fill the bottle with clean water and shake well. The solution is ready for use. The syringe serves for dosage depending on need. The resulting solution is moistened with food or added to drinking water, or directly injected into the animal’s mouth. (If necessary, the contents of the bottle are diluted in any required amount of water and given according to the recommended dosage.)

Release form "BI" - for prevention and health improvement

Price: 50 rub.

Before use, OLIN is dissolved in water and the food is moistened with the resulting solution, or the dry preparation is added to the food or drinking water. OLIN is fed or fed to animals daily, for preventive purposes - once a day for 3 days, for therapeutic purposes - 2 times a day for 5 days. Large breed dogs are given 1 g each, small breed dogs, as well as puppies, 0.5 g each,

OLIN can be used with any type of feed, as well as simultaneously with antibiotics, sulfonamides, mineral and vitamin supplements and other feed mixtures.

In case of a severe form of the disease and/or poor-quality food, the dosage is doubled and the course of feeding is increased by 2 times. The greatest effect is observed when using a probiotic from the first days of an animal’s life. The use of a probiotic is allowed with symptomatic treatment. It combines well and enhances the effect of immunomodulators, antibiotics, and vitamin supplements.

OLIN-PLUS lozenges for every day

Price: 280 rub.

The new, highly effective OLIN-PLUS Probiotic in lozenges is not only healthy and tasty, but also convenient!

The OLIN-PLUS probiotic is a soft dosage form in the form of a light brown lozenge, 1.0 x 1.0 cm in size, weighing 1.0 g, packaged in 10 lozenges (doses) in blister packs made of polymeric waterproof materials.

10 lozenges (doses) of probiotic with beef flavor are now always at your fingertips. There is no need to pre-prepare for use, does not require special storage conditions, just squeeze the lozenge out of the blister and give it to the dog. Very convenient and economical, the package contains as many as 10 doses for a full course.

The OLIN-PLUS probiotic is used daily with food or given to animals as a treat.

For preventive purposes, OLIN-PLUS is prescribed once a day for 5-10 days, monthly.

Large breed dogs - 3 lozenges;

For dogs of medium breeds - 2 lozenges;

Small breed dogs and puppies - 1 lozenge each.

For therapeutic purposes, OLIN-PLUS is prescribed 2 times a day for 10 days in the same doses.

OLIN-PLUS is prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics and sulfa drugs, as well as during treatment and after an illness, surgery, for gastrointestinal disorders, to maintain immunity.

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