Is it possible to get pregnant while having thrush? Does thrush interfere with the ability to get pregnant? Does thrush interfere with conception?

If you consult a doctor with the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush, there will not be a clear answer. To assess a woman's fertility, it is necessary to take into account associated factors and individual characteristics. This question can be answered either positively or negatively, but only after examination.

What is thrush and why does it occur?

Thrush is a fungal infection of the mucous membranes, skin and scalp. The disease in most cases manifests itself on the genitals, called vaginal candidiasis. The causative agents of the disease are opportunistic microorganisms – yeast-like fungi Candida. They inhabit the body of every person, but are in a latent state. The proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms is prevented by persistent immunity.

The vaginal microflora of a healthy woman consists of more than 90% beneficial bacteria - lactobacilli. They maintain an acidic environment and prevent the growth of “bad” flora. Under the influence of negative factors that contribute to a decrease in immune defense, the number of lactobacilli decreases. Fungal microflora begins to increase unhindered, causing symptoms of candidiasis:

  • copious discharge with a sour, unpleasant odor;
  • cheesy inclusions in vaginal mucus;
  • pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse;
  • discomfort in the perineum;
  • burning and itching of the mucous membranes of the external and internal genital organs.

Predisposing factors to decreased immunity and the formation of an acidic vaginal environment are:

  • neglect of intimate hygiene or excessive enthusiasm for it (for example, douching can lead to such a problem);
  • exposure to aggressive climatic conditions;
  • long course of antibiotics, self-medication with antimicrobial drugs;
  • wearing tight trousers, synthetic underwear (especially thongs);
  • indiscriminate unprotected sex;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Thrush can manifest itself with a clear clinical picture or have no signs, being detected only during a laboratory study of the vaginal environment. Often this factor is decisive in the likelihood of pregnancy with a pathology such as Candida multiplication.

The risk group for the incidence of thrush includes girls until natural hormonal levels are established, pregnant women, as well as representatives of the fairer sex at menopausal age.

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy with thrush?

Thrush and conception are not mutually exclusive. Pregnancy can occur with candidiasis. And in the same way, a fungal disease can occur after conception. Whether it is possible to plan a child with thrush, each woman decides due to her education and responsibility. Doctors recommend paying special attention to this process, because the condition of the baby directly depends on the health of the expectant mother.

It is possible to get pregnant with thrush, and it is not forbidden to plan conception in advance, knowing about your disease. Perhaps the pathology will not affect the speed of the onset of the desired moment and the course of gestation. However, future parents should understand that fungal disease tends to become more complicated. Thus, thrush opens unhindered access to secondary sexually transmitted infections and causes the growth of other opportunistic flora.

In this case, we will no longer be talking about candidiasis, but about vaginosis or even vaginitis. In addition, the infection can be transmitted to a child. If it does not harm the fetus during pregnancy, then it may well pass to the baby at the time of natural birth. It is even possible that the woman will have a caesarean section to protect the newborn from infection.

Whether to plan a pregnancy with thrush or not - you need to decide, sensibly assessing the future prospects.

Does thrush prevent you from getting pregnant?

Mushrooms of the genus Candida

If a woman does not have concomitant health problems, then getting pregnant with thrush is quite possible. Fungal infection, especially in the acute stage, does not affect the functioning of the reproductive organs. Candida affects exclusively the vagina and external genitalia, which means that the process of the release of the egg from the ovary and the growth of the endometrium is not disrupted. You can get pregnant with acute and chronic forms of thrush. However, the likelihood of successful conception will be significantly lower than for a healthy woman.

When conceiving a child, thrush can interfere with fertilization. As you know, for a successful process, male sperm must penetrate through the vagina into the cervix and then meet with the female gamete. Safe transportation and preservation of genetic material is ensured by vaginal secretion. In the days closest to ovulation, it begins to liquefy, becoming a nutrient medium. The alkaline microflora that predominates during vaginal candidiasis does not allow this process to occur as nature intended. As a result, male reproductive cells die in the vagina, never reaching their goal.

Thrush affects conception - that's a fact. How serious this effect will be and whether it will interfere with pregnancy cannot be said with certainty. A woman may assume that she will not be able to get pregnant with candidiasis and will have an unprotected sex life, and as a result will find herself in an interesting situation.

The effect of thrush on the child and fetus

Since it is possible to become pregnant during thrush, you need to be aware of the consequences of this condition. The first danger of thrush in early pregnancy is intrauterine infection. In the period after fertilization, candidiasis can provoke termination of pregnancy even before the delay of menstruation.

Thrush can be considered one of the causes of biochemical pregnancy, which occurs throughout life in almost every woman who has unprotected sexual intercourse. If infection of the embryo does not provoke its death, the formation of organs and systems, which occurs up to the 14th week of pregnancy, may be disrupted.

A woman suffering from thrush may experience an increase in clinical signs early in gestation, prompting treatment. However, the use of medications for candidiasis in the first trimester is prohibited, as they can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. The patient will be faced with a choice: take the prohibited medicine or refuse treatment, experiencing painful manifestations of the disease.

If complications during pregnancy were prevented, then infection can occur at the time of birth. With vaginal candidiasis, the infection affects a healthy child, subsequently manifesting itself in the eye area, mouth, genitals and skin. The pathology helps to reduce the already weak immunity and harms the baby’s health.

Thrush as a cause of infertility

The direct effect of thrush on conception is minimal. Fungal flora can adversely affect sperm motility and viability, making conception difficult. However, fertilization is still possible. The possibility of pregnancy with candidiasis can be completely excluded for the following reasons:

  • vaginal discharge with an unpleasant sour odor and itching force a woman to refuse regular sexual intercourse, which significantly reduces the possibility of natural fertilization;
  • in the treatment of pathology, vaginal products are used, most of which call abstinence a prerequisite;
  • the acute form of the disease is accompanied by pronounced clinical manifestations, causing the absence of pregnancy.

Thrush prevents a woman from becoming pregnant because it causes additional inflammation. By suppressing the body's resistance, yeast-like fungi provoke the growth of opportunistic flora. As a result, a woman develops gardnerellosis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis and other diseases invisible to the naked eye.

It takes time to identify pathologies: the appearance of symptoms, a visit to a doctor, an examination. During this time, the disease can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing endometritis and the formation of adhesions. The culmination of this pathological process is female infertility, initially caused by vaginal candidiasis.

Thrush is not usually considered by doctors as a cause of infertility. However, over a long period of time, candidiasis affects the deep layers of epithelial tissue, causing serious changes in the vaginal mucosa.

Can thrush start immediately after conception?

Thrush in early pregnancy is not a surprising condition. It happens that the disease develops immediately after conception. Factors contributing to this are:

  • changes in hormonal levels, in particular, an increase in progesterone levels;
  • decreased immune defense for successful embryo attachment;
  • changes in vaginal microflora under the influence of a new position.

Statistics show that vaginal candidiasis is detected in 30 patients out of 100 who contact a gynecologist for pregnancy registration. However, a significant part of them do not have clinical manifestations of pathology. Reviews from women who have given birth repeatedly say that for them thrush is a sign of pregnancy. First, they developed symptoms of vaginal candidiasis in the form of cheesy discharge, and then a delay occurred, and conception was confirmed. It turns out that sometimes thrush is the first sign of pregnancy, occurring even before the expected day of the next menstrual cycle.

Doctors say that the occurrence of candidiasis at the beginning of pregnancy is usually an exacerbation of a chronic process. This is much safer for the fetus than primary infection. This means that, most likely, no serious problems will arise. Especially if, starting from the second trimester, the woman takes medications prescribed by the obstetrician-gynecologist so that by the time of childbirth the vagina is “clean”.

However, the chronic course of the pathology does not justify the sick patients, but gives reason to think about taking preventive measures. It is not normal to perceive thrush as a sign of pregnancy. When planning conception, doctors strongly recommend preventing relapse of candidiasis.

Candidiasis and IVF

In the chronic form of candidiasis, relapse may occur during the IVF protocol. The main cause of exacerbation is hormonal therapy. If thrush occurs before the embryo transfer, and the woman has time, then it is necessary to immediately begin therapy, which will be prescribed by the doctor. Modern medications for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis have different periods of use. For a number of medications, it is enough to take just once to say goodbye to unpleasant cheesy discharge.

When IVF has already been performed, and thrush has manifested itself due to the use of progesterone, you should wait a while. After confirmation of implantation of the transferred cells, the decision to carry out antifungal therapy is made by the doctor. The doctor weighs the pros and cons, selecting medications that are safe for a pregnant woman.

The fungus can also recur in late pregnancy after IVF. It is necessary to carry out prevention throughout the entire gestational period, and if symptoms of thrush appear, contact a gynecologist.

Every woman knows firsthand what thrush is. This disease is unpleasant and it is not always customary to talk about it out loud. However, most women have encountered this problem at least once in their lives, but most often thrush can occur several times. Thrush or candidiasis is accompanied by not entirely pleasant sensations; one might even say that the disease greatly interferes with a woman’s ability to lead her usual lifestyle, literally “forcing” her to pay attention to herself. Itching, discomfort and light, abundant, dense discharge from the genital tract, which looks like cottage cheese - these are the main symptoms of thrush. Those women who often encounter a similar gynecological disease are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant during thrush.

Thrush appears due to the pathological proliferation of the Candida fungus. In the body of a healthy person, this fungus is present in many organs, but in small quantities. Under certain circumstances, fungi can begin to multiply rapidly. The reasons may be different, in short - this is the creation of favorable conditions for reproduction.

It is rare to meet a middle-aged woman who has not encountered this disease. In women's circles, the topic of thrush is actively discussed; many ladies for years could not get rid of the unpleasant disease and, having tried various treatment methods (medicines, folk remedies), left the disease untreated. According to doctors, this is very bad, since each time it becomes more and more difficult for the body to fight the enemy.

Currently, in many countries, the problem of thrush has become so urgent that the average age of the “victim” has decreased significantly. Thrush can be found even in young girls, children and men. Let's look at the main causes of thrush to find out the answer to the question that worries many women - is it possible to get pregnant with thrush.

Causes of thrush

For women's health, a normal acid-base balance in the vagina means a lot. The number of lactic acid bacteria normally (in a healthy woman) occupies approximately 90% of the vaginal environment. They are responsible for the production of substances that prevent the development of infectious bacteria. If there are not enough such beneficial bacteria, then the rapid growth of harmful bacteria begins. Due to disruption of the normal acid-base balance in the vagina, thrush develops. It can occur in different ways - with itching and discharge of an unpleasant odor or without any symptoms. In the second case, a woman may not suspect anything and learn about thrush from the words of a gynecologist during a routine examination.

What are the symptoms of thrush:

  • white, copious vaginal discharge with an unpleasant sour odor. Sometimes there can be so many of them that a woman does not have time to carry out genital tract hygiene on time;
  • the feeling of severe itching causes discomfort;
  • the walls inside the vagina become inflamed and irritated;
  • there is a feeling of swelling throughout the body.

What can cause this unpleasant disease? Women often blame themselves for many things, ranging from poor hygiene, visiting public baths and swimming pools, and swimming in ponds. The list goes on.

There can be many causes of thrush, although medical professionals say it is a misconception that you can get thrush. This is a non-infectious disease; due to certain circumstances, immunity is simply reduced and the chances of fungal growth increase.

Under what circumstances can the disease develop:

  1. If you don't follow basic hygiene rules. This is especially true for those periods when hormonal changes occur in the female body.
  2. Poor and unbalanced diet. Eating large amounts of fatty foods, as well as salty, spicy and fried foods.
  3. Unsuitable climate.
  4. Weakened immunity.
  5. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics, as well as unauthorized prescription of medications without observing the correct dosage. For example, if, according to the instructions, the antibiotic must be taken for 5 days, but the woman herself decided that 3 days would be enough for her and stopped taking the medicine.
  6. Harmful working conditions.
  7. Diseases of the genital organs.
  8. Excessive love for synthetic underwear and wearing thongs.
  9. Anal sex.
  10. Sex without a condom.
  11. Contact with objects contaminated with Candida fungus.
  12. Frequent change of sexual partners or when a regular partner is infected with these microorganisms.

Interestingly, men, just like women, can suffer from this unpleasant disease. Even if the carrier of the fungus has good immunity, he can transmit a large “portion” of thrush to his partner, unaware of its presence.

Also, every woman needs to know that even if everything is fine with you, during unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner, an exchange of bacteria occurs and a “fresh portion” of the fungus can pass into the vagina. If a woman has a strong immune system and does not have any health problems, then she may not get thrush, but if her immunity is weak, then it is quite possible that the Candida fungus microorganisms will actively multiply. So no one has yet canceled sex with a condom, and you need to remember this during casual sexual contacts.

Continuing the conversation about the causes of thrush, it would be useful to remind readers that thrush can be contracted even through medical instruments for a gynecological examination. If they have not undergone proper processing, then this is quite possible. In our modern times, this is extremely rare, especially in medical institutions with a good reputation and certificates. But you need to remember this. If you are going to an appointment with a gynecologist at a prestigious clinic or district clinic, do not be lazy to buy a disposable examination kit; it is sold in every pharmacy.

Is it possible to get pregnant while having thrush?

Many women who often suffer from thrush and cannot get rid of this problem for years are interested in one single question: is it possible to get pregnant with thrush? Gynecologists say that Candida fungus is not an obstacle to pregnancy. Everything can go as usual, depending on the severity of the disease.

If we are talking about the chronic form, then a woman can conceive a child, but it is unlikely that in such a condition, when a large amount of white cheesy discharge is released from the vagina, accompanied by severe itching, a woman will want intimacy. Even if you perform careful genital hygiene, all symptoms will return very soon. By the way, thrush does not affect the functioning of the reproductive organs and the menstrual cycle in any way and pregnancy can occur. But, a certain environment is created in the vagina that prevents the passage of sperm through the genital tract. It turns out that thrush prevents a woman from getting pregnant. And is it necessary to do this in this state? After all, if a couple dreams of a child, then they will probably plan their pregnancy in advance and prepare for the most important day in their life - the birth of a healthy and long-awaited baby. So first you need to prepare for conception and get rid of thrush, and then plan your pregnancy.

How to cure fungus

Understand right away that self-medication for thrush is not advisable. Even if a friend shared her treatment regimen, which was developed by her attending physician, and got rid of the fungus, this can only harm you. It is necessary to undergo a full examination so that the doctor can develop an individual treatment regimen. After all, it is much easier to get rid of the symptoms of thrush than to get rid of the fungus itself. It can hide and mutate, and such a virus will be more difficult to fight.

Approximate treatment plan:

  • taking certain antifungal drugs. Capsules or tablets are taken strictly according to plan: from 5 days to 2 weeks. The dosage should be prescribed by a gynecologist. The following drugs have an antifungal effect: Nystatin, Ketoconazole, Flucostat. The doctor approaches the choice of drug with full responsibility, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the amount of fungus;
  • local treatment - the use of vaginal medications: suppositories, tablets, solutions (“Nystatin”, “Candide”);
  • You can do douching with solutions yourself at home. Only in some cases will the doctor recommend treatment under observation in a hospital.

Along with taking medications and local treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and take appropriate medications. It is important that not only the woman, but also her sexual partner undergo treatment, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. You can find out whether thrush will interfere with pregnancy only after a course of treatment - you need to be tested for the Candida fungus.

Can you get pregnant with thrush?

Many spouses do not want intimacy during thrush, not only because the discharge interferes and the woman may feel unpleasant and even painful. Thrush can also prevent you from getting pregnant because, due to a disruption of the environment in the vagina, most of the sperm die, and it will be very difficult for the remaining ones to reach and fertilize the egg. So it is unlikely that you will be able to conceive a child if you have thrush. If you still succeed, then do not delay your visit to the gynecologist - as soon as you find out about your pregnancy, go to the antenatal clinic. The doctor will select a treatment strategy that is appropriate for your situation so as not to harm the child.

How to conceive a child with thrush

If your doctor has given you permission to become pregnant, then he knows exactly what needs to be done and how to help a woman cope with this disease. Since such a woman is at risk, control should be strengthened when pregnancy occurs. It is very important to know that thrush can cross the placenta and infect the fetus. A large amount of Candida fungus can cause damage to internal organs and even lead to fetal death.

Fungi pose a danger to the normal course of pregnancy in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Thrush can cause miscarriage or premature birth in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. If everything goes well, the child is often born weak and underweight. Therefore, it is so important for a woman to know that pregnancy and thrush may be incompatible.

What is the danger of thrush during pregnancy:

  1. Candidiasis affects the vaginal mucosa and the body's protective functions are reduced. It is easy to “pick up” bacterial infections, which are very difficult to treat during pregnancy.
  2. Loose mucous membrane can affect the normal course of labor. This is fraught with ruptures and long-term non-healing sutures.
  3. If the first child was born by caesarean section, then during subsequent pregnancies the walls of the uterus become thinner and thrush can even cause uterine rupture at the seam.
  4. During childbirth, the baby is at risk of contracting thrush. The presence of the disease is indicated by the appearance of a white coating in the mouth. If the baby was born weak, the fungus will also be found in the stool, which means that thrush has “settled” in the urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Particularly severe cases are infection with candidal sepsis, which can even lead to death.

Pregnancy and thrush. What to do

Even if the gynecologist has approved a great desire to become a mother, the woman must take care of the child’s health in advance. During pregnancy, you can and should fight the fungus. The attending physician will tell you how.

  • pass the necessary tests;
  • stop smoking;
  • eat right - more fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • keep drinking regime;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • give up synthetic underwear. Forget thongs;
  • anal sex during pregnancy is possible, but only with a condom;
  • take medications prescribed by your doctor. Not all medications can be taken during pregnancy.

Let's talk about prevention

In order to never encounter such an unpleasant disease as thrush, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. If you are not sure about the health of your sexual partner, you should not have sex with him.
  2. Avoid casual sex.
  3. Use a condom for anal sex too.
  4. Maintain hygiene of the genital organs - keep the washcloth and towel clean, change them with new ones in a timely manner. Each family member should have their own personal towel.
  5. If you are prescribed antibiotics, talk to your doctor to help prevent thrush.
  6. If you experience itching and discomfort in the vagina, consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination.
  7. Lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and eating junk food.

Rest, a balanced diet and moderate physical activity will help strengthen the body's protective functions and never encounter thrush.

The birth of a baby is the most joyful and long-awaited moment for any couple. But women often have pathologies, infectious and fungal diseases. Some problems become chronic or recurrent - due to reduced immunity or indifference to one’s health. When personal problems arise, young women begin to wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant during thrush or how fungal diseases will affect the child? There are many myths and misconceptions, but this topic needs to be understood in order to competently deal with the disease itself, and not with its consequences.

Features of the female body and the danger of candidiasis for those wishing to become pregnant

Fungi and bacteria are two opposing environments that, in fact, have dominated our planet since the origin of life on land. These 2 forms of life are ubiquitous, but if you do not fight them, cultures multiply exponentially. Under favorable conditions, they double exponentially. Therefore, you cannot rely only on immunity, wasting time searching for answers on forums - “is it possible to give birth with thrush?”

With any deviation from the norm, it is advisable to consult a doctor and get tested, rather than self-medicate. Based on the color of the discharge, symptoms and test results, specialists will determine the disease, prescribing:

  1. Antibiotics (for bacterial forms);
  2. Antiviral drugs;
  3. Fungicides (for fungi).
Antibiotics are useless against viruses and fungi, but they are often treated with complex drugs. The reason is that the infection settles in organs and systems weakened by viruses and fungi. Each fungal, viral or infectious disease forms a specific environment in the places where it is localized, which can sharply deviate from the normal pH (“pH”) in both directions:
  • acidic;
  • alkaline.
The environment formed by fungi, viruses and infections is detrimental to other forms of life, including sperm. With vaginal candidiasis or thrush, this is noticeable by cheesy discharge and a feeling of itching in the perineum.
Attention: Erosion, cystitis, fungus or some unusual symptoms - all this must be treated immediately at the first manifestations, and then engage in family planning!

It is unpleasant if thrush or a sexually transmitted disease prevents you from getting pregnant. It is much worse when, while carrying the “fruit of love,” a man transmits the disease to a woman.

A fungus of the genus Candida is the cause of a disease called candidiasis, colloquially referred to as “thrush”. Their culture is easily transmitted through a circle on the toilet or through soap and wet towels in the bathroom. Normally, the human body is able to suppress foreign fungal environments, including those affecting the female genital organs.

When answering questions from patients regarding how to become pregnant with thrush, if this moment does not occur for a long time, they are recommended:

  • comprehensive examination;
  • intensive treatment.

Symptoms of candidiasis in women

When vaginal fungus is detected, women are not bothered by pain, but if there are other unpleasant manifestations of this disease:
  1. inflammation of the vaginal walls;
  2. “curdled” discharge;
  3. specific sour smell;
  4. burning and itching at the entrance to the vagina;
  5. swelling of the genitals;
  6. slight increase in temperature.
For these reasons, women avoid sexual intercourse, fearing to “transmit” the cause of the disease to their partner. Indeed, it is worth abstaining until complete recovery, although candidiasis in men is much less common and manifests itself differently.
Attention: According to WHO statistics, about 80% of women have noticed symptoms of thrush at least once in their lives, and this does not depend on age. But fungal diseases often come as concomitants when the immune system is weakened by long-term treatment - after fighting viruses and severe organic lesions.

How does thrush affect conception?

Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush and erosion if others have succeeded? Yes, some women have very strong reproductive systems. They get pregnant without contraceptives, in spite of everything, and not because of anything!

Today there is one trend - women on forums are more interested in how to get pregnant, and not in how to protect themselves. Literally 20 years ago it was the other way around. Perhaps candidiasis is not the main problem in infertility, but it undoubtedly contributes to such statistics.

Nowadays, unhealthy eating, the craze for fasting and fasting days and mono-diets that impoverish the body lead to problems with conception.

Candidiasis is not officially recognized as a cause that interferes with the reproductive functions of the female body. You can get pregnant with cystitis and thrush, as well as with more severe diseases, for example, sexually transmitted diseases.

Lack of pregnancy may be due to other reasons:

  • a woman with symptoms of candidiasis shirks “marital responsibilities”;
  • fear of infecting your partner or spouse with a fungus or secondary infection;
  • the need to avoid intimate relationships during the period of intensive treatment for Candida fungus in the acute phase on the recommendation of the attending physician;
  • a sharp shift to the acidic side in the vagina is detrimental to active sperm if this is a chronic disease of thrush with “habitual” symptoms.
There have been cases when, in acute or chronic forms of candidiasis, full fertilization occurred. But this does not mean that vaginal fungus does not need to be fought, especially when there are problems conceiving your first child.

Some consequences of the disease for the man and the unborn baby

If during the days of ovulation the sperm has safely passed the path from the vagina to the fallopian tubes, conception is quite possible. But it is precisely in this segment, affected by Candida fungi, that a “time bomb” is laid.

Subsequently, problems with the embryo and stomatitis in the newborn are possible; children are often born with weakened immunity. This gives rise to additional problems with morbidity in the first years of the baby’s life. Some experts deny a direct connection between these phenomena. However, you don’t need to be an expert to understand that the healthier the mothers, the better for the unborn child. It’s unpleasant when a pregnant woman gets candidiasis before giving birth - the fungus “clings” to the child at birth, as happens in 70% of cases.

Attention: Candida fungi are dangerous for the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy, since their hyphae and spores can penetrate the uterine cavity. This can cause fetal freezing in the first weeks of pregnancy; this does not happen often, but it is always a possibility.

Vaginal candidiasis affects the acidity of the vagina, and a man who has not previously had children may think that there is something wrong with him if he does not conceive. In an acidic environment, few “living creatures” capable of prolonging the genus survive. A genitourinary disease of one of the partners reduces the quality of life, forcing one to shy away from pleasant moments of sexual life.

Various inflammatory processes in the body of men and women are detrimental to the microflora of the genitourinary system. In case of infertility, it is recommended that both spouses be examined, and not search for an answer to the question - is it possible to get pregnant with chronic thrush and infectious diseases.

Prevention and treatment of fungal diseases

To reduce the risk of vaginal damage from infectious and fungal diseases, you must follow the basic rules of personal hygiene:
  1. Do not use general soap to wash in public places; it is better to use plain warm water or wet wipes.
  2. Everyone should have their own towel; it is advisable for ladies to have a separate one for intimate areas.
  3. You should not wear corsifying and compressive synthetic underwear every day, which chafes; skin microtraumas can “transport” dangerous carriers.
  4. Change underwear more often, which should preferably be washed in hot water, which is harmful to viruses, fungi and infections.
  5. Replace general solid soap with a liquid concentrate for intimate hygiene with a dispenser to eliminate the possibility of catching the fungus from other patients.
  6. Iron the gusset of underwear with an iron to destroy possible pathological microflora.
These tips are relevant for any girl or woman. But if a young family is planning to become pregnant, it is important to exclude all diseases, especially in advanced forms. During the examination, it is advisable to take a smear for microflora in order to know whether a fungus is present in the vagina, especially if there were similar problems before.

There are many simple and effective drugs to treat the disease, such as Pimafucin, Fluconazole or Clotrimazole. However, they must be prescribed by a doctor, against the background of complex treatment and increased immunity. In case of relapses and after treatment, preventive examinations will be useful if symptoms that were present with thrush appear.

Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush?

After listening to the opinions of doctors, we came to the conclusion that if expectant mothers adhere to certain recommendations, their reproductive functions will not lose their ability to conceive. The girl will be able to give birth to a healthy, strong baby.

Vaginal candidiasis is the result of active reproduction of the yeast Candida. The vaginal mucosa becomes covered with a curd coating, after which profuse discharge appears, an unpleasant odor, pain, burning or even itching is felt. The cause of disruption of the vaginal environment may be a viral infection, refusal to treat the sexual partner, diseases of the genitourinary system, venereal diagnoses, changes in the pH of the secretion, antibacterial therapy, or decreased mucosal protection. Disruption of natural microflora leads to deterioration of local immunity.

Causes of the occurrence and development of the disease:

  • failure to comply with basic hygiene rules, especially during periods of hormonal imbalance;
  • changes in climatic living conditions;
  • unbalanced diet, abuse of fatty, salty, specific foods;
  • infections and other gynecological diseases;
  • sexual intercourse without condoms if the partner is a carrier of the Candida fungus;
  • weakened immune system;
  • contact with contaminated medical instruments in a gynecologist’s office;
  • when taking antibiotics without appropriate supervision.

Does thrush affect conception?

It is quite possible to become pregnant during this disease. But, as practice shows, the chronic course of the disease significantly reduces the chances of becoming a mother. And the girl’s excessive anxiety may be to blame for this, since reproductive functions do not suffer with such a diagnosis. The tubes continue to maintain good patency, the eggs mature as before, the menstrual cycle is not affected in any way, and the uterus does not intend to reject the future fetus.

Completely other factors can prevent you from getting pregnant:

  1. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse often force one to refuse sexual intercourse. The mucous membrane of the genital organs becomes more sensitive, which leads to severe discomfort and forces the girl to limit her intimate life.
  2. A disturbed environment in the vagina can have a negative effect on sperm, which often leads to their death. In conditions of high acidity, they simply do not have time to reach the egg and die.

Pregnancy planning: thrush and conception

If a woman who wants to become pregnant has chronic vaginal candidiasis, she must adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. Consult your gynecologist. He must prescribe an examination that will help identify the presence of other diseases and establish the stage of the disease.
  2. Stop drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, etc.
  3. Before pregnancy occurs, all existing diseases must be cured. Taking medications can also disrupt the vaginal microflora, and during the period of bearing a child, many of them are simply prohibited. If a woman has thrush from birth control, she should consult a gynecologist and use other means of contraception.
  4. During treatment, as well as in the first days after completion of the course, it is recommended to use contraceptives. This is necessary to create a healthy environment where the birth and formation of new life will take place.
  5. Once you become pregnant, continue treatment for thrush. In conditions of weakened immunity, the disease can progress.

Pregnancy with candidiasis

Most women do not use protection during thrush. They mistakenly think that fertilization in their case is simply not possible. It also happens that the disease occurs in a mild, unnoticeable form and is established after conception. In one case or another, it is necessary to urgently consult your doctor and paint a picture of what is happening.

If thrush was diagnosed before pregnancy, the woman will be informed about possible complications. In addition to the body of the expectant mother, the fetus is also at risk. If fungal growths have penetrated the uterus, the baby can become infected through amniotic fluid, the placenta, or during childbirth. Unfortunately, the consequences can be the most dire, ranging from damage to internal organs and ending with the death of the fetus.

Consequences of fetal infection with thrush

In the first trimester of pregnancy, infection of the embryo is considered the most dangerous. Infection can lead to miscarriage, respiratory system disorders, congenital pathologies, or weakened immunity of the born child. In a child, the disease manifests itself in the form of candidal stomatitis with damage to the oral mucosa, which leads to a chronic course of the diagnosis and becomes the cause of frequent viral diseases.

Before getting pregnant, you need to undergo a full examination, cure all gynecological diseases and endure a certain period during which the remaining drugs are removed from the female body and your own immunity is strengthened.

Now that you have found out whether thrush prevents you from getting pregnant, you need to understand that it only reduces the chances of getting pregnant. It is not dangerous for an adult body, but in a baby’s body it can cause serious consequences.

So is it possible to conceive with thrush?

Many women are lazy to visit medical institutions, ask friends for advice and prescribe treatment for themselves after studying reviews on the Internet. Most likely, you will only get rid of the symptoms, but not the disease itself. After some time, candidiasis will return and with renewed vigor will deal an even stronger blow to the fragile body of the fetus.

Unfortunately, today few people understand that each organism has its own strengths and weaknesses, each girl has her own gene background and a package of sores. Treatment must be individualized. This is the only way a woman will be able to get pregnant, carry her to term and give birth to a healthy baby.


In conclusion, we can say that we have given a comprehensive answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant with thrush.” In modern medicine, almost everything is possible. The main thing is not to self-medicate, consult a doctor in time and follow all his recommendations.

Do not use the information posted on the site without first consulting your doctor!

The medical portal site reveals the secrets of the fight against candidiasis - a group of diseases that are caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. Thrush is popularly called one of the forms of the disease - damage to the visible mucous membranes (for example, oral thrush or the genital form of the disease). This name is based on its characteristic symptom - the formation of a white coating on the mucous membranes, similar to curdled milk.

The site contains materials on the clinical picture, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of candidal infection in adults and children. All articles were written by practicing doctors with extensive experience in treating various forms of this disease. It contains everything that doctors want, but do not have time to tell at the appointment, and also provides answers to many sensitive questions that patients are embarrassed to ask in person.

The materials are presented in simple, accessible language and are intended for readers without medical training.

To make it easier for you to find the information you are interested in, we have grouped the topics into categories:

General articles about thrush

Results of culture of bacterial materials containing Candida

Every person comes into contact with candidiasis pathogens every day. Let's say more - Candida fungi constantly live on the skin and mucous membranes of most of us. Only some people get sick for some reason, while others don’t. Of those people who get sick, some get rid of the infection relatively easily, while others cannot recover for years. Why this happens and what the course of the disease depends on - read in this section.

Here you will find answers to questions:

  • What organs does Candida fungus affect, except the mucous membranes of the genitals?

Thrush in women

Thrush in women

Both women and men suffer from sexual candidiasis, but 90% of those suffering from this disease with clear clinical manifestations are representatives of the fairer sex. Why Candida fungi more often attack the female body, how the fair half of humanity can resist them and how to save themselves if the symptoms of thrush have already made themselves felt - you will learn from this section.

You will also learn from it:

Thrush during pregnancy

While expecting a baby, any infections are dangerous, but no matter how much the expectant mother takes care of herself, she is not always able to avoid genital candidiasis. Why is this happening? What are the peculiarities of the course and treatment of thrush in pregnant women? Can the disease be passed on to a child? Answers to questions are collected in this section.

In it you will find information:

  • About the differences in the clinical picture and treatment tactics for candidiasis in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
  • About how sexual candidiasis affects the course of childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • Can chronic genital candidiasis cause infertility?
  • Is genital thrush in a pregnant woman an indication for cesarean section?

Candidiasis in children

Any infectious disease in children occurs differently than in adults. And candidiasis is no exception. Many babies get sick with it in the first weeks after birth, but some mothers take it calmly, while others panic and insist on immediate hospitalization of the child. Which of them is right and what is the peculiarity of candidiasis infection in childhood, read in this section.

  • Why candidiasis is dangerous for children under one year of age?
  • How to treat oral thrush in infants.
  • What organs can suffer from candidal infection in children, except the mucous membrane of the tongue and gums.
  • What drugs are used to treat thrush in childhood.
  • How to feed infants suffering from oral candidiasis.

Thrush in men

Men are not used to succumbing to diseases, but thrush can become a real test of character for them - its symptoms are so painful. Candidiasis does not often affect men, but for those whose body could not withstand the onslaught of infection, it can be said to “come off in full”... Read about the peculiarities of the clinical picture and course of candidiasis in the stronger half of humanity in this section.

Click on photo to enlarge

It also contains information:

  • Can a man suffering from genital candidiasis have sex?
  • Can thrush cause male infertility and cause problems with potency?
  • How do men become infected with genital candidiasis?
  • What are the differences in the use of anticandidal drugs in women and men?

Medicines for the treatment of thrush

The most important information about any disease is how to cure it. This section contains truthful information about medications against various forms of candidiasis. However, here you will not find ready-made recipes for self-medication, since for candidal infections it does more harm than good. By taking medicine without a specialist's prescription, you greatly increase the risk of the disease becoming chronic, which is very difficult to cure.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush. Click on photo to enlarge

Here you will find answers to questions:

Traditional medicine against thrush

Cases of curing candidiasis infection with folk remedies alone are unknown to official medicine, but this does not mean that you will have to give them up. The ancient herbalists that our great-grandmothers used to save themselves keep many useful recipes. Although folk remedies do not completely get rid of the disease, they help strengthen the immune system and eliminate the painful symptoms that cause so much trouble with thrush.

  • About common mistakes in using home remedies that lead to serious consequences.
  • About why douching with soda gives only a temporary effect and provokes relapses of thrush.
  • About which category of patients folk remedies are strictly contraindicated.

Let infections bypass you and your loved ones!

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