Pronouns SOME, ANY presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard in English on the topic. Presentation "Indefinite pronouns. SOME, ANY, NO" Exercises for a an some any presentation

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Pronouns some, any, much, many, a lot of, little, few. English teacher, NOU "Private school "DIPLOMAT" St. Petersburg Karaeva A.V.

The pronouns SOME and ANY are translated into Russian as – several, a certain number. But: SOME is used in affirmative sentences, and ANY in negative and interrogative sentences.

ANY I don`t want any Have you any s? There are no any s in the zoo. Are there any s in the street?

SOME I have some s Give me some s We see some s They have some s There are some s on the tree.

Fill in the blanks with some or any 1. We haven`t got______milk. 2. Bob likes ______sugar in his tea. 3. She has_____money. 4. Are there ______pictures in his book? 5. I cannot see ______children in the yard. 6. I need_____carrots, onions and cabbage. 7. There is no______tea in my cup. 8. He has _____modern hats at home

MANY, MUCH, A LOT OF are translated as A LOT. But: MANY is used with countable nouns, MUCH with uncountable nouns, A LOT OF with both

MANY We don`t need many s in the room. I don`t eat many s. There are many s in the kitchen-garden. I see many s in the yard.

MUCH Do you have much? There is no much in the tap. You must not eat much I don`t drink much

Fill in the blanks with much or many 1.She ate __ice-cream and has got a sore throat. 2. Have you _____work to do? 3. There are_____ apples on the plate. 4. I spend _____time for reading. 5. Children have brought_____mushrooms. 6. Pupils have ______questions. 7. He made _____ mistakes in reading. 8. Do you have_____money?

The pronouns LITTLE and FEW are translated into Russian as - little. But: FEW is used with countable nouns, and LITTLE with uncountable nouns

FEW There are few s in the zoo. There are few s in the vase. I can see a few s on the farm. There are few s in my schoolbag.

LITTLE There is little in the sauce-pan. We can see little in the darkness. I have little in my pocket. There is little in the river.

Fill in the blanks with LITTLE and FEW There is ______milk in the bottle. He has ______English books at home. Give me ______money, I haven`t got any. We have very _____time, hurry up! She received _____letters from her granny. I have _____work for today. There is _____salt in the soup. Put _____lemons in your basket.

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We often use the words some/any when we talk about the amount of something. We use some / any and no with uncountable nouns and with plural countable nouns. We use some / any and no with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. some milk / some yogurt uncountable noun (uncountable nouns) some strawberry es countable nouns. (plural countable noun) 2Smirnova M.V. (Some-any-no)

We use the word - some - (several, a little) only in Some means a little or a few. We use – some – in positive statements. affirmative sentences. (+) some There is some tea in the cup. There are some pencils on the table. BUT: (?) some Offer / request (we offer / ask for something) Would you like some juice? (offer) Can I have some tea, please? (request) 3Smirnova M.V. (Some-any-no)

We use the word - any - in negative sentences in the sense of “not at all” and in interrogative sentences in the sense of “several”, “a little”. We use any in questions and in negotiations. (-) any I havent got any cakes. I haven't got any juice. (?) any Have you got any cakes? Have you got any juice? 4Smirnova M.V. (Some-any-no)

Fill in the spaces with words: some, any, no. There is ………….. Juice in the glass. Would you like ………………… tea? - No, thank you. I dont want ………….. Are there ……….. people on the farm ? – Yes, there are ………………. They have got…………. bread at home. Can I have …………….. coffee ? some any some some/no some 7Smirnova M.V. (Some-any-no)


  • Yummy! ...
  • The food is called...
  • For a balloon, for a friend, I saved sugar
  • All guys need oil. Butter in English...
  • You always have a sweet surprise waiting for you. Sweets in English -
  • very good!
  • Food
  • sugar.
  • butter.
  • sweets.

  • SALT
  • cheese.
  • milk.
  • meat.
  • fish.
  • Without salt, borscht will not fit into your mouth. Salt in English is simply...
  • This is not a whim at all. We call cheese -...
  • I'm used to drinking milk

Milk is different -...

  • The meat is fried and crunchy

Meat in English -...

  • If you catch fish, don’t make any noise, Fish in English is...

Home work p128 ex 1 How many/how much

  • How many
  • How much
  • How much
  • How many
  • How many
  • How much
  • How many
  • How many
  • How much
  • How many

eggs do you eat at breakfast?

bread does he eat at dinner?

meat do they eat at supper?

apples does she eat at lunch?

cups of tea do you drink every day?

salad does he eat at breakfast?

sweets do they eat at dinner?

hamburgers does she eat at supper?

jam do you eat at lunch?

glasses of juice does she drink every day?

Let's choose countable and uncountable nouns



Porridge -







Cakes -







Ice cream -

There is/There are

  • There is – singular
  • There is meat on the table.
  • There are – plural
  • There are apples on the table.

  • Some- affirmative sentences
  • Any– interrogative and negative sentences
  • No = not any- negative sentences

I have some apples

Do you have any apricots ?

I have no friends.

I have not any friends.

I don't have any friends.


With countable nouns

A little

With Not countable


A little

There are some pears on the tree.

There is some jam in the jug.

There are some eggs on the table.

There is some meat on the plate.

Interrogative sentences

with countable

Any several

Are there any lemons on the table?

Yes, there are some.

Are there any biscuits at home?

Yes , there are some .

With uncountable Any a little

Is there any soup in the plate?

Yes, there is some .

Is there any salad in the plate?

Yes , there is some .

Negative sentences

Not any = no at all

There isn't any soup in the plate.

I have not any soup.

There is no soup in the plate.

I have no soup.

There are not any apples in the basket.

I have not any apples in my basket.

There are no apples in the basket.

I have no apples in my basket.

Insert some or any n exactly

  • They have…..milk.
  • My brother doesn’t read……. books.
  • Do you have……. questions?
  • We need……. eggs and……. milk.
  • I don’t have……. water.
  • I have……tea in my cup.
  • We don’t have……. bread.
  • Kate doesn’t have……. sweets.
  • Pete and Ann have……. bars of chocolate.
  • Mary hasn’t……mistakes in her test.

  • They have some milk.
  • My brother doesn't read any books.
  • Do you have any questions?
  • We need some eggs and som e milk.
  • I don't have any water.
  • I have some tea in my cup.
  • We don't have any bread.
  • Kate doesn't have any sweets.
  • Pete and Ann have some bars of chocolate.
  • Mary hasn't any mistakes in her test.

Insert is or are

  • There……. some butter in the basket.
  • There……. no apples in the shop.
  • There……. ten pears on the table.
  • There……. two oranges in my bag.
  • There……. some porridge in the plate.
  • There……. some books on the desk.
  • There……. some bread in a bin.
  • There……. no water in the jug.
  • sweets in the vase.
  • There……some fish in the fridge.

  • There is some butter in the basket.
  • There are no apples in the shop.
  • There are ten pears on the table.
  • There are two oranges in my bag.
  • There is some porridge in the plate.
  • There are some books on the desk.
  • There is some bread in a bin.
  • There is no water in the jug.
  • There are no sweets in the vase.
  • There is some fish in the fridge.

Insert no or any

  • There is……. honey in my tea.
  • There aren’t……. apples in the fridge.
  • There isn’t……. soup in the plate.
  • There are……. sweets in my pocket.
  • There aren’t……. cakes in the shop.
  • There is……. bad students in our class.
  • There are……. any TVs in my room.
  • There is………. any pepper in the soup.
  • There are ……… lemonade in the bottle.
  • There are……….any bars of chocolate in the cupboard.

  • There is no honey in my tea.
  • There aren't any apples in the fridge.
  • There isn't any soup in the plate.
  • There are no sweets in my pocket.
  • There aren't any cakes in the shop.
  • There are no bad students in our class.
  • There aren't any TVs in my room.
  • There is not any pepper in the soup.
  • There is no lemonade in the bottle.
  • There are not any bars of chocolate in the cupboard.

Translate into English

  • I have several apples.

I have some apples.

2. I don't have water.

2. I have no (not any) water.

3.Do you have any books?

3. Do you have any books?

4. There is no milk in the refrigerator.

4. There is no (not any) milk in the fridge.

5. There are several glasses on the table.

5. There are some glasses on the table.

6. There are no sweets in your pocket.

6. There aren't any (are no) sweets in my pocket.

7. My brother has several friends.

7. My brother has some friends.

8. Anna doesn’t have a computer.

8. Ann doesn't have any computer.

9. There are no notebooks in the bag.

9. There are no (not any) copybooks in the bag.

10. There are several books on the table.

11. There are some books on the table.

  • P 121 ex 7 learn by heart.

Some, any, a lot of We often use the words some, any and a lot of when we talk about the amount of something. We often use the words some, any and a lot of when we talk about the amount of something. We use the words some, any and a lot of with plural countable nouns, as well as with uncountable nouns. We use the words some, any and a lot of with plural countable nouns, as well as with uncountable nouns.

Some We use the word some (several, a little) only in affirmative sentences and never use it in negative ones. We use the word some (several, a little) only in affirmative sentences and never in negative ones. There are some flowers on the table. There are some flowers on the table. Several flowers on the table. Several flowers on the table. There is some milk in the refrigerator. There is some milk in the refrigerator. Some milk in the refrigerator. Some milk in the refrigerator.

Any We use the word any in negative sentences in the sense of “not at all” and in interrogative sentences in the sense of “several”, “a little”, but we do not use it in affirmative sentences. We use the word any in negative sentences in the sense of “not at all” and in interrogative sentences in the sense of “several”, “a little”, but we do not use it in affirmative sentences. There aren't any flowers on the table. There aren't any flowers on the table. Are there any flowers on the table? Are there any flowers on the table? There isnt any milk in the refrigerator. There isnt any milk in the refrigerator. Is there any milk in the refrigerator? Is there any milk in the refrigerator?

Choose the correct option a/an/any 1. Are there a/an/any clouds in the sky? a/an/any 2. Is there a/an/any juice on the table? a/an/any 3. Are there a/an/any trees in the park? a/an/any 4. Is there a/an/any orange in the refrigerator? a/an/any 5. Is there a/an/any apple in your bag? a/an/any 6. Is there a/an/any grass in the garden? a/an/any 7. Is there a/an/any glass on the table? a/an/any 8. Are there a/an/any sweets in the box?

Test yourself 1. Are there any clouds in the sky? 2. Is there any juice on the table? 3. Are there any trees in the park? 4. Is there an orange in the refrigerator? 5. Is there an apple in your bag? 6. Is there any grass in the garden? 7. Is there a glass on the table? 8. Are there any sweets in the box?

A lot of We usually use the expression a lot of (a lot) in affirmative sentences. There are a lot of flowers on the table. There are a lot of flowers on the table. Remember that we never use the words some, any and a lot of with singular nouns! Remember that we never use the words some, any and a lot of with singular nouns! In this case, with nouns we use the indefinite article a|an. For example: In this case with nouns we use the indefinite article a|an. For example: There is an elephant in the zoo. There is an elephant in the zoo. There isn't a pen in the pencil case. There isn't a pen in the pencil case. Is there an apple on the table? Is there an apple on the table?

Some, any, a lot of Mike and I are really happy that you can come camping this weekend! Weve got any/a very big tent, and weve got any/- sleeping bags, too. Have you got any/a sleeping bag? Weve got any/- knives and forks, but we havent got any/a plastic plates. Have you got any/a plastic plates and cups? Can you bring them? We also got any/some sandwiches and biscuits but we havent got any/- crisps. Can you bring those? Oh! Have you got any/a good shoes and a coat for the rain? Well have a great time. See you on Saturday morning at the train station. Don't worry! Ive got any/- tickets!

Test yourself Mike and I are really happy that you can come camping this weekend! Weve got a very big tent, and weve got any sleeping bags, too. Have you got a sleeping bag? Weve got any knives and forks, but we havent got any plastic plates. Have you got any plastic plates and cups? Can you bring them? Weve also got some sandwiches and biscuits but we havent got any crisps. Can you bring those? Oh! Have you got any good shoes and a coat for the rain? Well have a great time. See you on Saturday morning at the train station. Don't worry! Ive got any tickets!

  • English teacher
  • Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 46, Krasnodar
  • Varlakhova E.V.
Indefinite pronouns some, any, no are used before nouns.
  • Pronouns some/ any are used to denote an "indefinite/small" amount of objects or substance.
  • Usually some used in affirmative sentences. Performing the function of a determiner to a plural countable noun, some has the meaning "several/a certain amount":
  • I have got some interesting English books to read. = I have several interesting books to read.
  • Some children don"t like washing. = Some children do not like to wash themselves. Performing the function of a definition for an uncountable noun, some has the meaning " a little/a certain amount":
  • He took some money and went to the cinema = He took some money and went to the cinema.
Any - usually used in interrogatives and negatives
  • Any - usually used in interrogatives and negatives
  • proposals. When using the negative particle "not", it means
  • "none". Do not take any books from here, please = Do not take any books from here, please. I do not have any time = I don’t have time (at all). They have not got any mistakes in this sentence = They have no mistakes in this sentence. IN interrogative form, serving as a modifier to the countable noun any , has the meaning "any/any": Have you got any interesting books to read? = Do you have any interesting books? Serving as a modifier to the uncountable noun any, has the meaning "somewhat":
  • Have you got any chalk here? = Do you have chalk? (even a bit).
Any can be used with the conjunction "if" to express doubt: If I find any of your books, I "ll send them to you. = If I find any (any) of your books, I will send them to you.
  • Any can be used with the conjunction "if" to express doubt: If I find any of your books, I "ll send them to you. = If I find any (any) of your books, I will send them to you.
  • In declarative affirmative sentences, any matters "any":
  • Please, take any book you like. = Please take any book you want.
IN negative sentences any and its derivatives:
  • IN negative sentences either a pronoun is used any and its derivatives:
  • I cannot see him anywhere .
  • or the negative pronoun no:
  • There is nobody in that room (= There isn’t anybody in that room.)
  • Differences between pronouns some and any
  • in a degree of uncertainty, so sometimes the pronoun any can also be found in affirmative sentences:
  • You can find this book anywhere . – You can find this book anywhere.
Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps (some, any).
  • 1. There’s...milk in that jug. 2. I’m afraid there isn’t … coffee left. 3. Is there … one here who speaks Italian? 4. I’d like to buy … new clothes but I haven’t … money. 5. Are there... letters for me? 6. I can’t see my glasses... where. 7. She put her handbag down … where and now she can’t find it. 8. … thing tells me you’ve got … bad news for me.
Ex. 2. Make these sentences negative and interrogative.
  • - I have some books.
  • - Kate has some friends.
  • - My brother has some computer games.
  • - I have some milk in my mug.
  • - She has some vegetables in the refrigerator.
Ex. 3. Translate into English.
  • You won't find this plant anywhere else.
  • Masha couldn't find her hat anywhere.
  • Please sit anywhere.
  • Do you have sugar?
  • Do you have any interesting films?
Ex. 4. What do you need (don’t need) to make pizza. Use these words and pronouns some/any:
  • cheese, sausages, mushroom, apple, youghurt, flower, bananas, tomato, chocolate, juice, carrot, pepper, ice cream, salt, ham, nectarines, onions.
  • Example:
  • We need some flower to make pizza.
  • We don’t need any juice to make pizza.
Ex.5. Match the picture and the sentence.
  • Give me some orange.
  • Give me some oranges.
  • There is some cake for you in the kitchen.
  • There are some cakes in the bakery.
  • Give me some yoghurt.
  • Give me some yoghurts.
  • There is some cucumber on the plate.
  • There are some cucumbers in the trailer.
  • There is some chicken on my plate.
  • There are some chickens in the refrigerator
Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with some or any and translate into Russian.
  • They have...ham.
  • My sister doesn’t eat…meat.
  • Do you have…questions?
  • I need… time to answer this question.
  • She doesn’t have…tomato.
  • The lesson is over.
  • Goodbye
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