Class hour on the topic "learn to learn." Class hour "learning to love" is a person's opinion about

Target: learn to analyze your learning activities, draw conclusions, and reason.

Equipment: printouts of the text: “Real education is precisely self-education... You need to learn (teach yourself) at school, but you need to learn much more after leaving school, and this is the second teaching (self-education), in its consequences, in its influence on a person and on society, immeasurably more important than the first” (N.I. Pirogov).

Class plan

I. Opening remarks.

II. Conversation “Why do you need to study?”

III. Mini-lecture “How to study well?”

IV. Final word.

Class progress

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. The main reason why school exists is learning. This is what teachers do. How do they do it?

They present educational material, explain various wisdom, and show something.

They interest you and “tempt” you with knowledge.

Convinced of the benefits of teaching.

They force you to study.

They will organize you.

They ask, control, evaluate you.

And you learn yourself. And ultimately, it depends on you whether you master the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

You can study well or poorly, be interested in knowledge or not.

You may or may not listen to the teacher.

You can force yourself to overcome difficulties, or you can refuse.

You may remember something you learned in class, or you may not pay attention to it.

You can engage in self-study, self-education, or you can go for a walk.

It would seem that the choice is simple. All you have to do is decide. Let's say you are determined to study with excellent marks. But new questions arise: do you know how to manage time correctly? plan your day? create a comfortable work environment? Do you know how to effectively memorize information? Do you know how to apply the acquired knowledge? Can you control yourself?

If you learn to do this, you will be able to engage in self-education - the highest level of self-improvement. The ability to acquire knowledge from various sources and apply it in practical activities will be useful to you in a variety of life situations.

II. Conversation “Why do you need to study?”

Classroom teacher. Read the statement of the famous doctor and teacher of the 19th century. N.I. Pirogov. This idea, expressed a century ago, has not lost its relevance today. Prove it.

(Students deliberate in a group, then speak out.)

In high school, you will study Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which brought him worldwide fame. But the story of this simple man, whom the whole world knows, is interesting.

Einstein himself recalled: “My weak point was poor memory, especially for words and texts.” A Greek teacher once told him: “Nothing good will ever come of you.” At the same time, the scientist noted that thanks to independent studies in physics and mathematics, he was far ahead of the school curriculum. As a child, Einstein read popular scientific publications, in his own words, “with bated breath.”

Independent studies helped him not only enrich himself with new knowledge, but also make great scientific discoveries. There are many such examples in history when self-education and hard work changed people’s lives. You can verify this by reading the biographies of M.V. Lomonosova, I.I. Polzunova, I.P. Kulibina, T.G. Shevchenko, T.G. Maltsev and other outstanding scientists, inventors, historical figures.

Humanity is developing due to the fact that new generations, replacing the old ones, master everything that has been achieved and done by previous generations, and on this basis they create new knowledge, technologies, and enrich the cultural heritage. Thus, each of you faces two tasks:

1. Master the knowledge and experience of previous generations.

2. Contribute to the development of society through your work and creativity.

III. Mini-lecture “How to study well?”

Classroom teacher. Remember how many times in your life you had the desire to study better, but it remained a fruitless dream.

Guys, what do you think is needed to study well? Why doesn't everyone succeed?

(Children speak out.)

First, of course, you need to be able to force yourself to learn a rule, understand a new topic or the conditions of a task. For this

willpower is required. Will is not only the ability to desire and achieve something, but also the ability to force oneself to give up something.

Secondly, we must remember that learning is not a one-time effort, but systematic work. Day after day you need to show diligence and patience.

Thirdly, you must have the ability to study, but they are acquired (as, indeed, are hard work and will).

So, the basic personality qualities that form the basis of the ability to learn are will, hard work, and abilities. (Writes on the board.)

1. How to develop willpower?

Classroom teacher. Here are some simple tips that will allow you to train your will.

Learn to command yourself. The ability to command oneself is the most important quality of a strong-willed person. The will develops and is tempered in the constant struggle between “I want” and “I must.”

. “I gave my word - keep it!” The habit of treating one’s word responsibly is the most important condition for developing the will.

Follow a daily routine. It requires daily effort and strengthens the will.

Believe in yourself.

2. How to concentrate in class?

Classroom teacher. Imagine: you are standing at the board and cannot solve a problem. The teacher says: “Well, think, think!” What does it mean? What exactly should you do? The teacher cannot show this, he only repeats: “Think, think!”

We stand and think, but no one in the whole world will say whether we are thinking at this moment or dreaming about ice cream, and if we are thinking, then it’s right or wrong, and if it’s wrong, then what exactly are we doing wrong. No one can get into our heads and observe what is happening in it.

Learning to think is the most difficult task of a student. Trouble at school, reluctance to study, bad grades - all this happens mostly because we either don’t know how to think, or, more often, we don’t want to think, because thinking is hard. Mental work is harder than physical work, a person gets tired faster, and the results are not always obvious.

Something is constantly happening around us: a neighbor is writing a note to someone, a fly is crawling on the window glass, a sunbeam is flickering, etc. And in our heads we have a great many interesting thoughts: about yesterday’s film, a quarrel with a friend, plans for weekend. How to focus on the teacher's words?

In the army, when the commander gives an order, subordinates stand at attention. Why is this? Why can’t you listen to the order while lounging, with your hands in your pockets? Why do you have to stretch your arms out at your sides? It turns out that posture and muscle condition are very related to attention. The person is collected, does not move, is tense - and his attention is concentrated by itself. We move our eyebrows, tilt our body forward towards the interlocutor because we want to be attentive, and we become attentive if we take a certain position. This means that if we want to be attentive in class, first of all we need to change our posture. This is what you were taught back in first grade: let's sit up straight, get ready, get ready to listen...

IV. Summarizing

Classroom teacher. What new did you learn today? How will you use this knowledge?

Teacher. At the last class hour we talked about the reasons for not loving ourselves. Today we will try to answer the question: “How to love yourself?”

Each of you wants to say the following words: “Believe in yourself, love yourself, and if you love yourself a lot, you will give yourself so much love that you will no longer need to pull from others, and you yourself will be able to give it generously.”

Allow me to myself fall in love myself. Love for people begins with love for yourself.

Try to wake up every morning with the words: “I am good, nice, loved and wonderful.”

It is very nice. Anyone who doesn't believe can try and see for themselves.

Let me give you some more tips.

1 student. Tip 1. Realize that you are not alone.

2 student.

Observe those around you and you will see that many people experience a hidden feeling of insecurity.

1 student.

This feeling can be masked and manifests itself in the form of shyness or anger and rudeness; in the form of stupid behavior or refusal to participate in a game or social activity; in the form of pride and arrogance or the ability to blush for any reason. 2 student.

Understand - you are not alone. Everyone is afraid of embarrassment and ridicule, everyone experiences the same problems as you.

3 student.

Tip 2. Find the “root of evil” and pull it out.

4 student.

Choose a time and place for yourself so that no one bothers you to think. Focus on the problems that depress you, poison your life, and give you no peace day or night.

3 student.

6 student.

Discuss your problems with this senior comrade, discuss the list you have compiled.

5 student.

Perhaps you are too picky with yourself, and much of your list will turn out to be a soap bubble.

6 student.

1 student. But try to figure out those problems that turn out to really exist.

5 student.

Ask them to tell you how to deal with them.

6 student.

If you don’t have such a friend, it’s okay - solve the problem yourself. It's not easy, but it's possible.

Tip 4. Accept yourself for who you are. 2 student. There are always things that we cannot change. This applies both to external circumstances and partly to our appearance.

1 student.

Partly because we can still hide some flaws and make them less noticeable. Perhaps some items from the first list will migrate to the second.

2 student.

This feeling can be masked and manifests itself in the form of shyness or anger and rudeness; in the form of stupid behavior or refusal to participate in a game or social activity; in the form of pride and arrogance or the ability to blush for any reason. But what about those problems that we cannot change?

1 student.

We just need to learn to accept what does not depend on our will.

2 student.


reading a poster

) The truly happy ones are not those who have no problems, but those who have learned to live with what does not completely suit them.

1 student.

Read your list of unresolved problems for the last time and forget about them forever.

4 student.

Go clearly point by point. Don't grab everything at once. Having gotten rid of one shortcoming, consolidate the result, and only then start working on the next one.

Teacher. You will see how with each successive victory you will feel more confident and confident, you will see how the attitude of others towards you will change. Gradually you will feel better about yourself. If you like yourself, others will begin to like you.

Be prepared for minor mistakes and temporary defeats, but under no circumstances give up or give up. Success awaits you!

At the same time, develop the abilities and positive qualities that you already have. And they definitely exist. 5 student.

Tip 6: Make real friends. “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.”

6 student.

You don't have to be super handsome, smart, or rich to be liked by other people.

5 student.

In order to make good friends, you must learn to be a good friend yourself.

Teacher. We will talk about how to find real friends, how to distinguish real friendship from a party, in the next series of our conversations.

Allow me to myself fall in love myself Sometimes your inner voice will whisper to you: “You are a loser, you are worthless, everyone laughs at you, nothing always works out for you, you are not beautiful, you are not like everyone else, you will be a loser all your life...” Don’t believe it. this!

Teacher. At the last class hour we talked about the reasons for not loving ourselves. Today we will try to answer the question: “How to love yourself?”

Each of you wants to say the following words: “Believe in yourself, love yourself, and if you love yourself a lot, you will give yourself so much love that you will no longer need to pull from others, and you yourself will be able to give it generously.”

. Love for people begins with love for yourself.

1 student. Tip 1. Realize that you are not alone.

Try to wake up every morning with the words: “I am good, nice, loved and wonderful.”

It is very nice. Anyone who doesn't believe can try and see for themselves.

Let me give you some more tips.

This feeling can be masked and manifests itself in the form of shyness or anger and rudeness; in the form of stupid behavior or refusal to participate in a game or social activity; in the form of pride and arrogance or the ability to blush for any reason. 2 student.

4 student.

Choose a time and place for yourself so that no one bothers you to think. Focus on the problems that depress you, poison your life, and give you no peace day or night.

3 student.

Write down all these problems on two sheets of paper. On one sheet - problems that cannot be corrected, that do not depend on your will (short height, long nose, low voice, too high forehead, sparse hair, small apartment, low parents’ salary, etc.)

At the same time, develop the abilities and positive qualities that you already have. And they definitely exist. 4 student.

On the other sheet are problems that can be corrected - these are, first of all, shortcomings of your character, behavior and habits. (I'm too hot-tempered, I can't express myself clearly and concisely, I'm too shy, I'm too slow, I'm unfriendly to people, etc.)

3 student.

First, write down the problems that concern you most. Do not hide anything in this written confession.

Tip 3. Share your experiences.

6 student.

If you have a trusted adult friend that you feel confident in, trust, and can be honest with, share with them.

5 student.

1 student. But try to figure out those problems that turn out to really exist.

This must be an adult: one of the parents, mother's sister, father's friend, teacher.

6 student.

Discuss your problems with this senior comrade, discuss the list you have compiled.

5 student.

Tip 4. Accept yourself for who you are. 2 student. Perhaps you are too picky with yourself, and much of your list will turn out to be a soap bubble.

6 student.

But try to figure out those problems that turn out to really exist.

5 student.

This feeling can be masked and manifests itself in the form of shyness or anger and rudeness; in the form of stupid behavior or refusal to participate in a game or social activity; in the form of pride and arrogance or the ability to blush for any reason. But what about those problems that we cannot change?

4 student.

Now we are left with a list of problems that can be fixed. This list is worth working with.

3 student.

Of course, it is impossible to completely correct a person’s character by bringing him closer to a certain standard.

4 student.

And it's not necessary. Otherwise, we will all look alike, like robots, and life will be very boring for us.

3 student.

But there are character traits that interfere with our lives, bring inconvenience, discomfort and even grief to us and the people around us (hot temper, stubbornness, rudeness, selfishness, laziness, etc.).

4 student.

You need to get rid of such personal qualities altogether, or at least learn to keep them under control.

3 student.

Unlike the first, you need to save the second list. And it’s even better if you print it on good colored paper under the heading “I’m working on myself.”

4 student.If you seriously decide to engage in self-education, ask your family and close friends to name the traits of your character that they especially dislike about you, and add to your list.

3 student.

    Now you have a clear action plan. Go for it. Work. Improve yourself.

    4 student.

    Go clearly point by point. Don't grab everything at once. Having gotten rid of one shortcoming, consolidate the result, and only then start working on the next one.

    Teacher. You will see how with each successive victory you will feel more confident and confident, you will see how the attitude of others towards you will change. Gradually you will feel better about yourself. If you like yourself, others will begin to like you.

Be prepared for minor mistakes and temporary defeats, but under no circumstances give up or give up. Success awaits you!

  • Sometimes your inner voice will whisper to you: “You are a loser, you are worthless, everyone laughs at you, nothing always works out for you, you are not beautiful, you are not like everyone else, you will be a loser all your life...” Don’t believe it. this!LearnstudyGoals and objectives:draw children's attention to the fact that studying is work;develop respect for any work;develop an algorithm for successful study;develop children's desire for self-improvement and self-development.

  • Video karaoke from


    "Our school country"Y. Cheech Don't spin the colorful globe ».

Don't spin the colorful globe -
You won't find it there
That country, a special country,
Which we sing about.
Our old planet
Everything has been studied for a long time,
But this country is big -
Like a white spot.

Let this country
The trains don't go, the trains don't go,
Us moms for the first time
They bring you here by the hand.

This country is always in my heart!

To a new class, like to a new city,
We come every year -
A tribe of young dreamers,
Restless people.
So we have to fly and sail again
Across that endless country,
To unexpected discoveries,
For graduation in the spring.

Let this country
The trains don't go, the trains don't go,
Us moms for the first time
They bring you here by the hand.
In this ringing, cheerful country
They greet us like new residents.
This country is always in my heart!

Here we sometimes hear
In the quiet rustle of pages
The noise of distant new buildings,
Voices of flowers and birds.
The wind of wanderings turns the globe,
Waving its wing to us
In that country, a special country,
Which we sing about.

Let this country
The trains don't go, the trains don't go,
Us moms for the first time
They bring you here by the hand.
In this ringing, cheerful country
They greet us like new residents.
This country is always in my heart!

Teacher: Have you guessed what we will talk about in class today?

Dear Guys! Today our entire country celebrates Knowledge Day.Today we have a joyful holiday - the first day of school after the holidays. We gathered as a whole class for this wonderful holiday - Knowledge Day. Congratulations to you guys on the start of the new school year. Let our class be light from the desire to increase our knowledge and skills, let it be warm from a kind attitude towards each other.

Tell me, why do we need knowledge if it is sometimes so difficult to obtain it?
Where can you get knowledge after school?

The knowledge gained at school will help you choose a profession, become respected people, and benefit our country.
All famous, great people received an excellent education, studying at institutes, universities or even academies.

Discussion of the parable “Everything is in your hands”

A long time ago, in an ancient city there lived a Master, surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: “Is there a question that our Master could not answer?” He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. The butterfly clung to his hands with its paws, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:

- Tell me what kind of butterfly I have in my hands: alive or dead?

He held the butterfly tightly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth.

Without looking at the student’s hands, the Master answered:

- All in your hands.

Teacher’s question: What does the meaning of the Master’s saying “Everything is in your hands” mean to you? (Discussion of the Master’s statement).

Teacher: Guys, what does it mean to study?

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: Right GMany of you will say that studying is, first of all, work. Students need the ability to listen and remember, to do everything accurately and accurately, to be interested in those around them, they must have the habit of planning their time in order to do everything.

But it probably often happens that, having received another D or C, you decide that now I’ll come home and “come to my senses”, start studying everything, reading additional literature. But when you come home from school, you want to lie down and watch TV, and then your friend or girlfriend called and you need to go for a walk. Come in the evening, tired again, you need to have dinner, rest again, and then there’s an interesting program and even a computer game. And there is very little time left for homework, well, just a little, but you need to do both mathematics and Russian, learn a poem, read a paragraph on the world around you and answer questions. And my eyes are already sticking together, I have no strength. And in the morning such a student again goes to school without desire: the lessons are done somehow, which means there will be a corresponding result. What to do?

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: Listen to how one student dealt with a similar situation.

I've been studying the table since the morning.

I'm completely exhausted:

Twice nine is 18,

Three times nine is 27.

I don't watch shows

Even cartoons - no, no!

I keep learning it, the table,

Even on weekends!

I didn't kick the ball with my friends,

Didn't watch TV.

But then - hurray! - table

Guys, I won.

(From materials for lessons by L. S. Serebrennikova)

How did the boy cope with his problem?

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: Why can one student “pull himself together” and accomplish what he has in mind, while another will prefer entertainment to business?

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: Indeed, one of the components of any success is the ability to deny yourself pleasures. And this requires volitional effort or willpower. What is will? This is a person’s ability to regulate his behavior and manage it. As soon as a person is faced with a choice - to lie down or do some work, the mechanism of volitional regulation is triggered. One goes to the goal, overcoming himself, and the other slows down on this path. Each overcoming of an obstacle strengthens the will, the person becomes stronger. And a person who follows his desires, forgetting about his sense of duty, usually stands still. They say about such people “he goes with the flow”, he is a “vegetable”.

But everything we do now, all our actions “make” our future.

Tell us how you see yourself in the future, in 20-25 years.

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: It is absolutely clear that everyone wants to be successful people - to have a job they love and a good salary. But why does this remain a dream for some, while others actually achieve what they want and even more?

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: Now we will travel through some continents of the Planet of Knowledge, the names of which are encrypted in riddles. Let's solve them.

Riddles about school subjects:

1. Necessary science, gymnastics for the mind,

We will be taught to think….(mathematics)

2. Any student will be literate

If he knows...(Russian language)

3. Do you want to travel to different countries?

Need to know the language...(foreign)

4. Let’s love books and improve culture

We are in class... (literature)

5. Strengthens the muscles of all children... (physical education)

6. To find vocal talents in children,

They need lessons...(musical)

7. Pictures, paints, high feelings -

This is taught by... (fine arts)

8. Craft, work with passion -

To do this you need... (labor training - technology)

9. Distant past, ancient territories -

Science studies this... (history)

10. To know and love nature will teach ... (natural history)

“Talent is work and more work.” Some of you are probably thinking: “Well, I’m still small, in grade 10...” In fact, we need to start now. The knowledge that primary school provides creates the foundation of intelligence. Imagine that someone who studies lessons regularly and diligently creates a strong foundation, one that can withstand any shock. In any class and at the institute he will be able to use this knowledge. After all, even the most difficult theorems in mathematics are based on the knowledge that you are acquiring now.

And those who don’t try and do their homework somehow will not be able to create a solid foundation. His house of knowledge could crack at any moment, or even completely collapse.

Think back and tell us if you ever had such moments when you overcame your desire to go for a walk, play on the computer, or do your homework.

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: Will, like any quality of character, can be developed. What qualities do you think are inherent in a strong-willed person?

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: That’s right, it’s perseverance, determination, independence, initiative, and determination.

Now remember and name the heroes of literary works who possess these qualities.

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: And now I suggest you fill out a test and determine how developed your will is. Try to answer the following questions honestly for yourself.

    Students answer the test questions by writing “yes” or “no” answers on a sheet of paper.

Teacher: Be careful.

    Are you able, if necessary, to get out of bed early in the morning, no matter how early it may be?

    Do you do exercises every morning?

    Do you strive to maintain a daily routine?

    No matter how much they interfere with you, can you not be distracted in class and do what is required?

    Do you condemn, at least to yourself, those who are late or miss classes or interfere with others?

    Do you always do your homework, even if not on your own?

    Do you read additional recommended literature?

    Are you carrying out an assignment that you are not entirely pleased with?

    In a conflict situation, being on the verge of quarreling with someone, can you not do this?

    Do you always complete your homework without being reminded?

    Are there days and times when you like to do the same thing?

    If you started doing something, but then realized that it was not interesting, will you finish what you started?

    Can you refuse the most interesting TV show or movie if you have urgent and important business?

    Do you always keep your promises?

    Do you think about your behavior, actions, do you draw conclusions from this?


Test interpretation. For each answer “yes” - give yourself 2 points, for the answer “no” - 0. Calculate your points. Their sum will indicate how developed your will is.

If you score from 22 to 33 points, you can be congratulated - everything is in order with willpower. You can be relied upon, you will not let us down. But sometimes your firm position is unpleasant to others. Learn to take them into account.

If the score is from 13 to 21 points, willpower is moderately developed. If you are entrusted with something, you do it, and on your own initiative you do not take on unnecessary responsibilities. You are not always firm and persistent in achieving your goals. And there are no clear goals yet.

If you score 12 or less points, then your willpower is not good. You take your responsibilities carelessly, doing only what is easier and more interesting.

You probably have a lot of troubles both at home and at school. Try to look at yourself from the outside, analyze your behavior, actions, try to change at least something. You will soon see that this is not difficult at all, and you will become a more strong-willed person.

(Based on the book by E.I. Rogov “Emotions and Will”)

Teacher: What other advice would you give to those who want to strengthen their will?

    Students' responses are heard.

Teacher: Any of your abilities can be developed. Of course, sport is our great friend in this. Try to develop a daily routine for yourself and strictly follow it. Analyze your actions more often, look at yourself as if from the outside. Think about how your loved ones and friends see you. Think about what will be useful to you in the future, what qualities you need.


The one who achieves success is not the one who believes that he did the best of what he could, but the one who strives for something more with every thought and every action.

Do more than you can: “If you're tired, walk another mile,” the Americans say. This applies to all areas of life.

Success comes to those who do not concentrate on failures, but move on. When you focus on failures, you attract them to you. When you focus on success, you attract success.

Man is capable of achieving anything he canbelieve. This is the key to the power of the mind that convertsideas into reality. The main thing is to believe in yourself, in your own strength.

And the main thing is to act, move forward, choose the main thing for yourself and focus on it.

Listening and discussing a song

Listen to a humorous song and prepare an answer to the question: “Is there any truth to this joke?”

If there were no schools

If there were no schools,

What lengths would a person go to!

A person would reach this point:

A person would reach this point:

I would turn into a savage again.

If it weren't for

If it weren't for

If only there were no schools!

If it weren't for

If it weren't for

If only there were no schools!

If there were no schools,

What would a person come to:

I would eat raw meat with my hands

Both for the first and for the second!

I would eat raw meat with my hands

Both for the first and for the second!

If it weren't for

If it weren't for

If only there were no schools!

If it weren't for

If it weren't for

If only there were no schools!

If there were no schools,

What would a person come to:

He would come to visit... with a club!

All shaggy and in animal skin,

He would come to visit... with a club!!

Teacher: Well, our journey through some continents of the Planet of Knowledge has ended. And to deeply explore each continent, we have a whole academic year ahead of us! At the end of our conversation, I will give you cards with amazing faces (Figure 1). Your task: determine which of them reflects your attitude towards learning.

Picture 1

I will save these cards, we will mark on them how your attitude towards learning changes every year.



What is knowledge needed for?

What would you like to become in the future? How to achieve this?

Write wishes to each other on hearts and exchange. Good luck!


Cool hours: extracurricular activities: grades 1-4 comp. M.A. Kozlova. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2012.

Soloveychik S. Hour of apprenticeship. M.: Children's literature, 1986

E.I. Rogov "Emotions and will"

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