what each zodiac does when it kicks. Comic horoscope. what does each zodiac do when the kick comes If the kick happened to the virgin

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Comic horoscope. What does each Zodiac do when Kick-Ass is coming. Sometimes each of us, in life, has different troubles, but sometimes it seems that there is no way out at all. Full skiff. How do they act different signs zodiac in an unusual situation? We offer you to get acquainted with the actions of typical representatives of various signs of the Zodiac in a comic form.

If a pipets happened to ...


Aries will solve it. Any piper. And right away. Himself, proudly, silently.


Taurus will solve it. Then he will tell everyone. Everyone. To make sure - write to the newspaper. To exactly everyone.


They will share. They will try to give everything to Aries, but if Aries does not agree to everything, they will give it to Sagittarius.


He will start sobbing in advance, and to shut him up, someone will take the whole pipets on himself + cancer grief. If no one does this, cancer will perfectly do everything itself. What the hell was whining, I don’t understand at all.


Leo will call everyone. Deal with the piper yourself. Bow, take flowers, give an autograph and leave.


The scorpion will look. He will cheerfully say “that pipets is some!” and will score.


Capricorn will try to immediately refuse pipets, saying that he does not want to. In 90% of cases, for some reason, this channel. If it doesn’t work at all, Capricorn will decide everything in at its best. But definitely at someone else's expense.


Aquarius will begin to study it joyfully. Then he will write a book. If he already had such a pipets, he will get bored and start looking for twins. Kick-ass from this still will not go anywhere (the twins will hang right away), but it will become more fun.


Unlike Cancer, Pisces cry quietly. Therefore, they have an eternal pipets, they decide it themselves, no one helps them a damn thing, and they don’t even wait.


Proud comrade Aries, if the enemy overtakes him, in this case Fuck, he can handle it. And it doesn't matter which pipets. And no outside help is needed. Without screaming, he will proudly raise his head, calmly walk and calmly decide.


This one will do. And then he will tell. Everyone and everything. By radio. No, write to the newspaper. No, better on TV. No, let me know on the Internet. For everyone to know for sure.


These do not rush into the fight alone. Share the Gemini. But not with everyone. Choose Aries. It will not work with Aries, they will shift Kick-Ass to Sagittarius.


Kick-ass will only start to approach, this one will start whining. The apogee of whining will come at the climax of the meeting of Cancer with Kick-Ass, as they say face to face. To just shut up this whining, a comrade will be found who will take Kick-Ass entirely on himself. Moreover, having defeated Kick-Ass, he will wipe Cancer's tears, and at the same time blow his nose. If the hero is not quickly found, then in a miraculous way, Cancer himself will do an excellent job on his own. The question remains: “What was there to whine about?”.

a lion

As soon as Kick-Ass enters the life of Leo, he will call everyone, young and old. Having collected a full house, Leo will defiantly defeat Kick-Ass without ceremony. Then - a bow, collecting flowers, signing autographs and proudly leaving the meeting.


This one will be sad. Particularly acute feelings will come flooding over if the arrival of Kick-Ass was not originally planned by her. But having thought a little, Virgo will definitely find a worthy solution. And not only will he find it - he will certainly draw conclusions!


This one will definitely weigh Kick-Ass. Then Kick-Ass weighs again. After the "control" weighing, most likely, he will understand that Kick-Ass is a bit too much for one and will weigh it in full to the closest of the environment - Leo or Aries. He will also try to weigh the Virgin, but this will end in failure. Virgo has a strict schedule for the arrival of Kicks.


Throw a closer look at Kick-Ass. He will say thoughtfully with a smooth transition to fun: “Well, this is just some kind of Kick-Ass!” And that's it! Already forgot.


Will be upset. Get into the fun. He will laugh at himself (find a reason), at the existing Kick-Ass (also find a reason), remember all the Kick-Ass that happened in his biography, which he will certainly tell the world about and put out of his head. The Kick-Ass, which has not passed by itself, will get the same solution: Leo or Aries.


He will immediately look for excuses from Kick-Ass by any means, motivating his actions by his unwillingness to strain. Oddly enough, for the most part, this tactic works. If it does not work, then Capricorn will cope on its own, as well as possible.


Will show curiosity when meeting Kick-Ass, will start studying with enthusiasm. Makes many discoveries. What, perhaps, will publish a book. Upon discovering the fact of the arrival of a similar Kick-Ass, he will become sad and go in search of Scorpio. From which Kick-Ass will not disappear (Scorpio's excuse will be instant and serious), but Aquarius's sadness will begin to leave.


Similar in some ways to Cancer, but quieter. And therefore Kick-Ass in Pisces cannot be resolved - it is for life. Pisces are struggling with this opportunity on their own without outside help, but they no longer rely on it ...

In the life of each of us, sooner or later, some intractable, insurmountable problem necessarily happens. In the people, this is now called the strange word PIPETS.

ARIES. If Kick-Ass overtakes a proud Aries, Aries will deal with him. Any piper. Without outside help. Silently. Proudly raising his head, he will go and decide.

TAURUS. Taurus will do it. Then he will tell about everything. And tell everyone. It's better to talk on the radio. Or write to the newspaper. Even better on TV. To make sure everyone knows about it.

TWINS. They will not fight alone. The twins will share. But not with just anyone. They will try to shift Kick-Ass to Aries. If it fails on Aries, they will shift to Sagittarius.

CANCER. This one will start whining in advance, only when approaching Kick-Ass. The whining will come to a head when RAC comes face to face with Kick-Ass. Just to shut up this whining, there will be someone and take all Kick-Ass on themselves. And he will also wipe the tears of RAC, and at the same time blow his nose. If the hero is not quickly found, CANCER will miraculously cope on their own. In general, it is not clear what whined something ...

A LION. At the onset of Kick-Ass in the life of a lion, everyone from young to old will be called. With a full house, LEV will demonstratively win Kick-Ass. He bows, collects bouquets, signs autographs and proudly leaves the meeting.

VIRGO. Fall into sadness. It will be especially acute if Kick-Ass was not planned by her initially. But with a little thought, he will definitely find a worthy solution. Moreover, conclusions will certainly be drawn.

SCALES. The kicker will definitely be weighed. Then weighed again. After the second weighing, it will most likely become clear that there are too many Kick-Ass per one and the Kick-Ass will be completely weighed by the Lion or Aries in the environment. An attempt to weigh the Virgin will end in failure. Virgo has all the pipets strictly on schedule.

SCORPION. Look carefully. Thoughtfully, with a transition to cheerfully, he will say: “Yes, it’s just some kind of Kick-Ass!” And forget about him.

SAGITTARIUS. Get upset. Will cheer up. He will find a reason to laugh at himself, at the established Kick-Ass, remember all the Kick-Ass that happened in his life, he will certainly tell the world about it and put it out of his head. If the Kick-Ass does not pass by itself, the same Leo, or Aries, will have to cope with it.

CAPRICORN. He will try to immediately get rid of Kick-Ass by any means, motivating him with unwillingness to strain. Most of the time it works for some reason. If it still doesn’t work, Capricorn will cope in the best possible way.

AQUARIUS. Will meet Kick-Ass with curiosity, will study enthusiastically. Makes a lot of discoveries. Maybe publish a book about it. If he discovers that a similar Kick-Ass has already happened, he will become sad and begin to look for Scorpio. The pipets will not disappear from this (Scorpio will immediately get rid of it), but sadness will begin to pass.

FISH. In some ways it is similar to Cancer, but quieter. Therefore, Pipets in Pisces is unsolvable, lifelong. They cope with Kick-Ass on their own, no one helps them, and they no longer hope ...

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