Leg cramps at night. Cramps in the legs (calves) at night - cause and treatment, what to do with cramps. Leg cramps - what are they?

Leg cramps in the evening and at night are a common phenomenon. The legs may cramp at night after a long, hard day, during which a person walked in beautiful, but not very comfortable shoes. If you do not pay attention to this symptom, then seizures will appear more and more often.

Why do my legs cramp at night?

Many people believe that cramps occur due to fatigue and overwork, but this is not true. The reason why your legs cramp at night is poor blood circulation, a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body, some diseases and other factors. If you experience cramps at night, especially if they recur several times, you should visit a doctor for consultation.

One of the reasons why your legs cramp at night may be the beginning of varicose veins. Other symptoms of this pathology are swelling, heaviness in the legs, and fatigue. It happens that your legs cramp at night simply because of an unsuccessful posture, which leads to the fact that the muscles begin to become numb. Provoking factors include caffeine abuse, smoking, diabetes, and eating large amounts of sweets.

The most severe causes of seizures are considered to be diseases such as eclampsia, brain tumor, epilepsy, trauma and others. If you suspect them, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Cramping legs at night: reasons

Leg cramps can occur when the nervous system is disrupted. Increased physical activity, the general condition of a person, insufficient rest, unhealthy diet with a deficiency of important microelements, and other factors also play a big role in this. The most common reasons for cramps in the legs at night include the following:

  1. Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Diseases affecting the veins, such as thrombosis, varicose veins and others.
  4. The presence of inflammatory processes or untreated injuries.
  5. Neurological pathologies.
  6. Flat feet.
  7. Lack of vitamin D or certain microelements, especially magnesium and calcium.

Why do my calves cramp at night?

The calves cramp much more often than other muscles. Spasm in this area is very painful. It is accompanied by sharp pain, the inability to step on the foot, severe tension and hardening of the calf muscles.

The following factors can cause calf muscle cramps:

  • micronutrient deficiency;
  • constant fatigue and excessive physical activity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • using large amounts of diuretics;
  • spine pathologies;
  • problems with veins.

Why do my toes cramp at night?

The toes cramp less often than the calves. This type of cramp begins suddenly and can spread to one, several or all fingers at once.

Possible reasons for cramping your toes at night could be:

  • poor circulation in the feet;
  • hypothermia of the legs;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • wearing tight shoes for a long time.

Pregnancy: Leg cramps at night

While expecting a baby, muscle spasms in the legs become common. Many expectant mothers complain about this. Usually, seizures disappear without a trace after the baby is born. The causes of leg cramps at night during pregnancy may be the following:

  1. Compression of the nerve endings and blood vessels of the legs by the enlarging uterus, which leads to poor circulation.
  2. Increased need for minerals and vitamins.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body.
  4. An increase in the volume of circulating blood, which leads to tissue swelling.
  5. Overweight.
  6. Predisposition to varicose veins.

The child's legs cramp at night

In childhood, legs may cramp at night due to the rapid and active development and growth of the baby’s body. Another common cause of seizures in childhood is a lack of microelements and vitamins. Often, spasm of the leg muscles occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position. In addition, there are other possible reasons for cramping your legs at night, such as hypothermia, wearing shoes that are the wrong size, etc.

My legs cramp at night, what should I do?

If your leg cramps at night, you need to take several measures to help eliminate the cramp. First you need to stand with the affected leg on something cold. In this case, you should try to pull the toe forward as much as possible. Then you can try to squat slightly, leaning mainly on the leg that was cramped. The spasm is relieved by lightly massaging the affected area.

With severe cramps, such methods may not help, then you should smear the affected muscle with a product made from olive oil and mustard, and then massage it well.

Regular seizures are a reason to visit a specialist. In addition, in this case it is worth giving up smoking and drinking alcohol, and also reviewing your diet.

To prevent cramps during pregnancy, it is necessary to take additional vitamin D or fish oil, magnesium, calcium and other required microelements. But first it is better to consult a specialist about this.

Cramping legs at night: treatment

One-time seizures can be treated at home on your own, however, you need to take into account that this eliminates only the phenomenon itself, but not its cause.

To determine the factors that caused leg muscle spasms, you should consult a specialist. Treatment for leg cramps begins with diagnosis. To do this, you may need to take tests to determine whether your body is getting enough of certain minerals. If a deficiency of any of them is established, then you should take a course of medications with this trace element or vitamin. In parallel with this, you can take relaxing foot baths with the addition of sea salt every day. Massage is considered a good remedy for leg muscle spasms.

If your legs cramp at night quite often, then you should visit a phlebologist to rule out varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other vein pathologies. Products containing thyme and linden blossom help relieve excess muscle tension. The last of them also relieves inflammation. You can make a tincture from linden blossom. To do this, flowers are poured into a jar, and vodka is poured on top. The product must be infused for about three weeks, and then taken every day, morning and evening, a small spoon. If your legs cramp at night, then treatment with linden blossom should be transferred to the evening, taking 1-2 large spoons of tincture.

Often people in their sleep experience a condition where their calves cramp. When sleeping, the body is relaxed, muscle tissue reduces activity, and lactic acid accumulates in the calves of the muscles, which contributes to the appearance of cramps.

An unpleasant phenomenon that occurs more often than other convulsions is called cramps. They are usually accompanied by pain and numbness in the calf muscle, which interferes with restful sleep. For proper treatment of night cramps, it is necessary to analyze the provoking factors and establish their cause. If attacks recur frequently, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of night cramps

The reasons are very different.

  • Lack of mobility. Due to lack of physical activity, the muscles gradually atrophy, resulting in pain in the legs. Office workers and drivers are especially susceptible to this problem.
  • Failure to comply with training techniques. A serious mistake is placing all the weight on one part of the foot. People involved in athletics and strength sports should analyze their activities.
  • Lack of nutrients.
  • Diseases liver, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, anemia, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, heart failure, flat feet.

Cramps during pregnancy

During pregnancy, various types of disruptions in the body's functioning are possible. Some of them provoke the occurrence of cramping in the calf muscles. They come suddenly and often at night. Let's look at the reasons for the violations.

  • Deficiency of vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, calcium. In the early stages of pregnancy, toxicosis occurs, which removes microelements from the body.
  • Reduced percentage of glucose in the blood. To maintain glucose levels, pregnant women are advised to split their meals into small portions.
  • Phlebeurysm. In the last period of pregnancy, the increased load does not allow the veins to cope with their work. Blood stagnates, circulatory problems occur, which makes it difficult for the required amount of essential substances to enter the muscles. Metabolic products are not excreted, creating a favorable background for the appearance of seizures.
  • Inferior vena cava syndrome. In a horizontal position, the pregnant woman’s uterus presses on the lower vein, which reduces the outflow of blood and leads to calf cramps.
  • Use of diuretics in excess quantities may cause leaching of minerals.

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Among women

New-fangled diets advise limiting the consumption of certain foods, which threatens a deficiency of important substances. A lack of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium promotes the formation of ionic compounds in the intercellular spaces, which have a stimulating effect on nerve endings, thereby causing painful muscle contractions at night. Mono-diets are considered especially dangerous in this regard.

The use of diuretic and choleretic foods and drinks contributes to disruption of the water balance in the metabolic process of muscle tissue. Important microelements are excreted along with the liquid.

If your calves cramp at night, your shoes may be to blame. Women often wear high-heeled shoes, so during the day their legs become tired from long-term incorrect positioning of the foot, and at night fatigue and relaxed muscles manifest themselves in the form of reflex contractions.

A woman’s body experiences serious stress during the menstrual period due to impaired peripheral circulation.

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Women are prone to cramps due to stress. Minor disturbances often result in nighttime calf cramps.

Cramps in men

The peculiarity of spasms in men is that they are more painful, since the muscles are denser than women’s. The causes of seizures are considered to be:

  • Forced inactivity, increased loads. Men engaged in professional activities suffer from this: truck drivers, tractor drivers, bulldozer drivers, athletes.
  • Muscle hypothermia. Many men allow themselves to be in the cold water of reservoirs and neglect warm underwear, which leads to hypothermia of the muscles.
  • Overweight. Body parameters and a huge belly lead to the fact that the inferior vena cava is compressed, as in pregnant women.
  • Smoking and alcohol. They negatively affect peripheral blood supply: they spasm blood vessels, stimulate nerve endings, which provokes convulsions.
  • Dehydration. Heavy sweating removes a significant portion of microelements from the body.

Treatment is acceptable both with folk remedies at home and with medications.

Treatment of seizures with folk remedies

In rare cases, you can avoid medical attention by using home remedies. Traditional medicine offers many recipes to help with cramps in the calves.

  • Fast method. Hold a pinch of salt in your mouth for up to 2 minutes and the cramp will go away.
  • Lemon juice. Take a spoonful of salted lemon juice under your tongue. The disease can be eliminated by lubricating the area of ​​spasm with juice.
  • Kvass mixture. Add a teaspoon of yeast to a glass of bread kvass, leave for 6 hours, divide into equal parts according to the number of meals. Take before meals for a month. Improves the taste of the honey mixture.
  • Wormwood tincture. Pour vodka into a container filled with wormwood herb and leave for 2-3 weeks. Rub your feet every evening until the cramps disappear completely.
  • Chamomile mixture. Brew two tablespoons of chamomile like tea with a liter of boiling water. Drink after meals, last time before bed.
  • Celandine ointment. Mix freshly squeezed celandine juice with medical Vaseline 1:2. Rub problem areas for 2 weeks.

To ease pain and spasms, it is recommended to pull your toes towards you. Then restore blood circulation by doing a massage. You can pinch or prick the muscle. After relief, you need to lie down with your legs elevated. This method will speed up blood circulation and relax spasms.

If effectiveness cannot be achieved with folk remedies, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe additional tests.

Store-bought anti-seizure medications

In accordance with the identified cause and correct diagnosis, drugs of different effects are prescribed. In this case, therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause itself. The treatment complex includes vitamins and microelements.



For local treatment, heparin ointment, troxevasin gel, ointments based on horse chestnut, and finalgon are used. With anti-inflammatory and warming properties, they relieve seizures and symptoms of pathologies. Ointments are used before bedtime, applied to the problem area.


There are no pills that will completely eliminate cramps without identifying the underlying cause. But these anticonvulsants are recommended more often than others:

"Difenin"Relieves spasms, relaxes muscles.As prescribed by a doctor.
"Mydocalm"Local anesthetic and muscle relaxant effects.As prescribed by a doctor.
"Panangin", "Asparkam"Replenishes magnesium and potassium deficiency.1-2 tablets per day.
"Magnerot"Contains magnesium.2 tablets 3 times a day are used for a long time.
"Analgin", acetylsalicylic acid, "Paracetamol"Analgesic, anti-inflammatory.1 tablet up to 4 times a day.

For convulsions provoked by varicose veins, popular drugs that relieve inflammation, improve the walls of blood vessels, and accelerate blood circulation are: “Venoturon 300”, “Antistax”, “Venarus”, “Anavenol”.

IMPORTANT! Most drugs used in the treatment of seizures have many contraindications, so self-medication is unsafe for health.

Preventing seizures

Compliance with the following preventive rules will help prevent a condition where your calves cramp at night.

  • The diet must fully meet the body's needs for vitamins and microelements.
  • Minimize heavy and prolonged stress on the legs.
  • Wear comfortable shoes if possible.
  • Before going to bed, massage your feet to normalize blood circulation and relieve tension.
  • Reduce your consumption of junk food and drinks to a minimum.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Protect yourself from unnecessary worries.

In order not to remove water from muscle tissue, after a cup of strong coffee or tea, it is good to replenish the body with 200 milligrams of liquid.

In most cases, calf muscle cramps are not life-threatening. However, frequent repetitions create significant discomfort, so it is necessary to immediately identify the causes of calf spasms and get rid of them using traditional medicine recipes or drug treatment. Don't forget about prevention to eliminate this problem forever.

Text: Olga Kim

Each of us has at least once encountered such a problem as leg cramps. This phenomenon is unpleasant, but, alas, quite common. The causes of cramps can be both fatigue and lack of nutrients. What to do when your legs cramp at night?

What causes your legs to cramp at night?

If you observe regular leg cramps at night (cramps in calves, feet, toes) and this is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as constant heaviness, fatigue, then this phenomenon may be a symptom of incipient varicose veins. In this case, it is necessary to consult an experienced phlebologist before starting treatment.

Also, leg cramps can be a sign of a lack of nutrients such as calcium and potassium, and can also be caused by flat feet. In order to get rid of cramps with flat feet, special shoes and insoles are needed, as well as regular massage of the entire surface of the legs and, in particular, the foot.

If there is a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, it is necessary to reconsider your diet and include in it foods such as cottage cheese, hard cheeses, bananas, legumes, apples, dried apricots and others. Taking vitamin courses in addition to a proper diet may also help.

If your legs cramp at night due to incorrect posture, and your muscles become numb, then you need to immediately take a comfortable position and perform a kneading massage on the site of the spasm.

If your legs cramp at night quite often, this may be due to an excess of caffeine and nicotine in the body. Therefore, it is worth thinking about reducing your consumption of coffee and cigarettes. An excess of sugar in the body can also have a negative effect.

The most serious causes of leg cramps are diseases such as epilepsy, brain tumors, eclampsia, spasmophilia, as well as hidden injuries, inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as hidden neurological diseases. In any case, if you often have cramps in your legs at night, you should seek advice from doctors such as an endocrinologist, phlebologist and neurologist.

How can I help if my legs cramp at night?

  • Pinch the sore spot or prick yourself with a needle in that place, but not until it bleeds;

  • rub your foot with warming ointment;

  • massage the area where the cramp occurred;

  • you can rub your foot with mustard oil;

  • for 2 weeks, rub the soles of your feet with lemon juice, let it dry and only then put on your shoes;

  • High heels can also cause leg cramps, so try to wear them rarely or switch to lower heels.

You can also do a number of exercises right in bed:

  • stretch your leg and pull the toe towards you - not away from you, like a ballerina - but towards yourself, you can help yourself with your hands;

  • stand on the floor and transfer all your weight to the leg that has cramped (if you can’t stand, then it’s better to avoid this exercise);

  • you can also apply something cold to the sore leg, for example, metal or ice;

  • place a cushion under your feet before going to bed, this also prevents varicose veins;

  • Before going to bed, rinse your feet with cool water.

If your legs cramp at night quite often, then it is best to consult a doctor, since the cause of this development of events can be really serious diseases, and even if it is a fairly common varicose veins, then you need to start fighting it as early as possible, at the first stage of the disease. Sleep well!

The appearance of sudden, “unplanned” muscle contractions occurs due to a malfunction of calcium channels. For muscle contraction, sodium, potassium and magnesium cations are needed. Each of them plays a role.

  • Sodium – provides resting potential;
  • Potassium – stimulates cell excitation;
  • Magnesium – changes the period of contraction to the resting stage.

Calcium ions are directly involved in the process, without which not only muscle contraction, but also the vital activity of the body is impossible. During wakefulness, calcium cations are used for muscle function; during sleep, they are normally deposited in bone tissue depots.

With increased tension in the muscular system, cramps occur at night, mainly in the legs. First in the shins, then throughout the leg. If a person works more with his hands, the fingers become numb, the palms feel tingling, and then spastic contractions occur. This is how contractures are formed - persistent muscle contractions that impair functions: writer's cramp, obstetrician's hand.

Cramps at night, causes

If there are disturbances in electrolyte metabolism, cramps occur at night for a number of reasons:

  • Muscle fatigue;
  • Violation of water balance - swelling or dehydration of the body;
  • Flat feet;
  • Sedentary work or other work activity that requires standing for long periods of time (salespeople, teachers, surgeons).

As a rule, cramps at night occur in older people. This is due to age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics.

Certain diseases also cause cramps at night, the causes of which lie in disturbances in electrolyte metabolism:

  • Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus;
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • Hypoglycemia, regardless of the cause: illness or simple starvation.

In diabetes, electrolytes are lost in the urine, which help relax muscles.

Thyroid dysfunction leads to a decrease in calcium concentration, or, conversely, to increased sensitivity of muscle cells. That is, cramps at night occur both with decreased and increased activity of the thyroid gland.

Medicines that cause cramps at night

Diseases that have nothing to do with the mechanisms of muscle contraction indirectly influence the appearance of cramps at night. This occurs due to the use of medications prescribed to lower blood pressure and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Many tablets for lowering blood pressure contain diuretic components, the mechanism of action of which involves the loss of potassium in the urine. With a lack of potassium, the resting potential phase is unsecured, even with a normal content of magnesium cations. It turns out this way: magnesium “sends” calcium to the cellular storage, and the channel for sodium ions does not close. Muscle spasm continues, cramps occur at night, mainly in the morning when all adaptation mechanisms are exhausted.

The only diuretic that preserves potassium is veroshpiron, an analogue of vasopressin, a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland. All other drugs act at the level of the renal tubules, blocking the receptors responsible for the absorption of potassium from primary urine.

In addition, some drugs have a selective effect on certain receptors that are located in blood vessels, as well as in nervous and muscle tissue. Some patients taking alpha-blockers experience cramps at night, similar to restless legs syndrome. This is a manifestation of convulsive activity of the calf muscles.

Cramps at night, risk factors

People who have the following predisposing factors are most susceptible to seizures at night:

  • Heredity;
  • Occupation associated with muscle strain;
  • Congenital deformities of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Addiction;
  • Pregnancy.

Hereditary predisposition is detected in most cases, as it is associated with individual characteristics of electrolyte metabolism and excitability of the central nervous system.

Professional activities that lead to overstrain of certain muscle groups often provoke cramps at night due to fatigue at the cellular level. There is not enough energy for the operation of potassium-sodium channels, since almost all energy resources have been expended during the day (days).

Congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system lead to an increase in energy expenditure during the day, so cramps at night for such people are a fairly common manifestation of fatigue.

Alcoholism has a direct toxic effect on liver cells, damage to which leads to electrolyte imbalance. The leaching of phosphorus from neurons leads to increased excitability. Therefore, cramps occur at night in people suffering from alcoholism.

Drug addiction also leads to liver destruction, but tens of times faster than alcoholism. Nerve fibers are destroyed at the same rate, resulting in neurons being “naked.” They react to any external influence. This is how cramps appear at night, and not only in a state of withdrawal.

During pregnancy, calcium cations necessary for fetal development are washed out of the venous walls. Therefore, cramps at night and even during the day appear only in a state of vitamin deficiency and insufficient intake of calcium from food.

Body cramps at night

Convulsive contractions of certain muscle groups can occur in completely healthy people, but most often body cramps at night are a sign of a disease of the nervous system. If signs such as violent grimaces, twitching of eyelids, legs, or raising an arm in sleep appear, you should contact a neurologist. First of all, it is important to exclude epilepsy, which can lead not only to single muscle movements, but also to somnambulism.

Leg cramps at night bother many people. This symptom should be taken seriously, because it can be a harbinger of serious health problems. To eliminate this unpleasant pathology, it is imperative to take measures. At night, involuntary or excessive muscle tension and short-term spasms, which in medicine are called cramps, may occur. They significantly reduce leg mobility and also cause severe pain. There is a cramp of one or more muscles at the same time. They can be in the lower and upper extremities, as well as in the muscles of the neck and abdomen.


Most often, the calf muscles and toes are involved in the process of cramps. If such phenomena do not occur during the day, but only happen at night, this is a sign of certain pathologies. In order to correctly establish a diagnosis, you should study in detail what leg cramps happen at night.

All types are classified depending on the type and location of the spasm:

  • Tonic convulsions. These types of cramps occur when a person is in an uncomfortable position and does not change the position of his legs for more than five minutes. In this case, the ability to control the limb is significantly reduced and acute pain appears.
  • Clonic convulsions. They appear as a result of accidental or forced stretching of muscle structures. Usually the pain syndrome goes away quickly; this type of cramp lasts only a short time.
  • Localized seizures. They have a single focus of pathology, that is, only one muscle is affected by a cramp.
  • Generalized seizures. They are a consequence of a dangerous pathology of the entire muscular system of the hind limb. The unpleasant pain syndrome with this type of seizure can last quite a long time.

Regardless of what type of seizures bothers a person, this pathology requires examination and correct diagnosis in order to prescribe effective treatment. A large number of laboratory tests of blood and urine are required, which will help determine which disease triggered the occurrence of night cramps. These can be diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, many infectious and other diseases.


There are many reasons that can cause leg cramps. The main reasons are considered:

  • Intoxication of the body, which occurs as a result of drinking alcohol;
  • Dehydration, in which the body loses essential electrolytes and ions;
  • Lack of oxygen;
  • Slagging of the body;
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Prolonged exposure to cold or extreme heat;
  • Constant stress;
  • Lack of magnesium;
  • Polyneuritis;
  • Anemia;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Professional sports;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Too long and excessive daytime physical activity;
  • Neuralgia. The reason may lie in myositis, sclerosis, radiculitis and many other diseases;
  • Hypokalemia, which can occur due to the use of various drugs.

Among women

In women, the risk of seizures is several times higher. They can often occur during pregnancy, since congestion often occurs during this period. The body experiences increased stress on the legs. The occurrence of cramps only in the first trimester of pregnancy is considered the norm, as this is the body’s reaction to the development of the fetus. If such a pathology causes inconvenience at a later date, this may be a signal of disorder in the body and indicate the following problems:

  • Lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the body;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Intrauterine pathologies;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Excessive cholesterol levels;
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • Toxicosis due to acute deficiency of minerals.

In order to start treatment, you should not only visit a specialist and undergo an examination. It is also necessary to consult a gynecologist. It will help determine whether the prescribed medications are harmful to the baby and his mother.

In the elderly

In older people, spasms occur quite often. They can occur against the background of existing pathologies, as well as due to changes in the size of the tendons. In old age, they can appear both at night and during the day.

Seizures that occur in older people most often do not require drug treatment. However, doctors recommend in this case taking massage courses, as well as adhering to preventive recommendations. It is especially important in this case to get rid of all bad habits, lead an active lifestyle and eat as many vegetables, fruits, and dairy products as possible.

What to do if your legs cramp at night

To get rid of pain as soon as possible, you need to give an express massage to the cramped calf muscle or make rotational movements with your feet. This will help to slightly stretch the muscles that have been cramped and will speed up the disappearance of painful sensations.

Regular warm foot baths with sea salt have a positive effect on muscles. They soothe, have regenerating and antiseptic properties, and also have a general strengthening effect. Daily contrast foot baths before bed are also useful.


Treatment for seizures involves following recommendations, doing exercises, and taking medications.


Doctors prescribe drug treatment based on the overall picture of the patient’s health condition. In the absence of serious illnesses, medications containing magnesium, vitamin complexes, as well as medications that strengthen cartilage and tendons are most often prescribed.

Important! Until the cause of the pathology is determined, you should not self-medicate. Drug treatment of any kind should be prescribed only by a doctor and taken under his supervision.


To prevent cramps at night, experts recommend performing a series of simple physical exercises before going to bed. They are both prevention and treatment of pathology. Regular light exercise can significantly reduce the number of attacks:

  1. This exercise can be performed either lying down or sitting. You need to bend your feet and rotate them in different directions.
  2. In a lying position, you need to completely straighten and stretch your legs, while simultaneously pulling your feet back.
  3. While lying down, you can twist your legs forward and backward several times, as if riding a bicycle.
  4. When performing this exercise, you need to extend your arms along your body. Then you should begin to raise your legs one by one in a tense position. During the exercise, you need to hold your leg with your hands and pull it towards you.
  5. The following exercise is especially useful for pregnant women. To perform it, you need to rise and fall on your toes several times.

To stretch the calf muscles a little, it is recommended to raise your toes to some elevation. (for this you can use, for example, a stack of books), and, holding onto a chair or table, perform the following movements:

  • Press your heels to the floor for a few moments;
  • Bring your socks together, spread your heels to the sides and press them to the floor;
  • Then spread your toes, bring your heels together and repeat the movements.

Features of treatment for older people

The older a person gets, the more reasons he has for seizures. This is due to a general deterioration in health, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases.

At the same time, blood circulation in the limbs of older people, as a rule, is always impaired. Their metabolic processes in the body are also slowed down and the elasticity of the tendons is reduced. And the lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements significantly affects the conduction of nerve impulses, which contributes to increased muscle contraction.

Folk remedies

To treat pathology, you can combine ( after consultation with a specialist!) taking medications with folk remedies:

  • Take two teaspoons of honey daily in the morning;
  • Echinacea tincture;
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • Tea made from birch buds and chamomile;
  • Infusion of lemon balm, motherwort, mint;
  • Linden decoction;
  • Eating garlic with honey;
  • Alcohol tincture of lilac;
  • Mustard oil massage;
  • Lubricating areas of the legs that are prone to cramps with bay oil.


The first step that needs to be taken on the path to recovery and reducing the number of attacks is a timely visit to the doctor. He will help determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the correct necessary treatment. If you delay going to the doctor too much, this can lead to aggravation of the situation.

  • You need to watch your diet. Strict diets should be abandoned. Nutrition must be complete so that the body receives all the necessary microelements.
  • It is necessary to give up the unhealthy habit of sitting in a position where one leg is on top of the other. This position provokes congestion in the legs, which can lead to numbness and cramps.
  • If blood circulation in the legs is impaired, physical activity should be increased as much as possible. You need to walk more often and walk as much as possible.
  • It is important to wear only comfortable shoes. Uncomfortable and too narrow shoes place excessive stress on tendons and joints.

Adequate rest is also important. You need to try to sleep the required number of hours.

Convulsions are an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that is periodically observed in almost every person. However, regular nighttime cramps may indicate the presence of a disease. Therefore, their appearance requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

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