Treatment of psoriasis the natural way fb2. Treatment of psoriasis using the John Pegano method. The main cause of psoriasis according to Pegano

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Title: Treatment of psoriasis. Natural way

About the book “Treatment of psoriasis. The Natural Way" John Pegano

The book “Treating Psoriasis - The Natural Way” is a real miracle. In this work, Dr. John Pegano outlined the results of his thirty years of work to combat this disease. While many doctors insist that psoriasis is an incurable disease, the author claims that you can completely get rid of it in a few months.

Starting to read the book “Treatment of Psoriasis - the Natural Way”, you will learn about the causes of this skin disease, because the author starts from this, offering his treatment method. Psoriasis is a consequence of intestinal slagging. Toxins that enter the human body enter the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Once these substances accumulate, the kidneys and liver are no longer able to remove them, and they appear on the skin. Thus, John Pegano proposes a treatment regimen consisting of two components: cleansing the body of waste and toxins and stopping its slagging.

The book “Treating Psoriasis - The Natural Way” describes a comprehensive path to getting rid of this problem. Among the cleansing treatments offered by Pegano are deep breathing techniques and steam baths. They help remove toxins and waste from the surface of the skin and from the lungs. In addition, it is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle. First of all, this concerns diet. John Pegano has developed his own diet, which not only helps get rid of psoriasis, but is also useful for all people who want to lose excess weight and cleanse their body, because this is the main condition for getting rid of any skin diseases. According to the author, during treatment it is strictly forbidden to consume sweets, alcohol, coffee, tomatoes, spicy, fried, smoked foods, flour products, whipped cream in different variations. The most useful foods for psoriasis include fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat and fish, dairy and fermented milk products, and bran. The main condition of this diet is to balance the diet 70 to 30 - 70% of the diet should consist of alkali-forming foods, 30% of acid-forming foods. In the book “Cure Psoriasis - The Natural Way,” Dr. Pegano not only names the right foods, but also offers some recipes on how to prepare them in the best way.

The effectiveness of treatment is influenced by an active lifestyle - you need to constantly exercise, run, and move frequently. Another important condition for successfully combating psoriasis is not to succumb to stress during treatment. The self-hypnosis formulas proposed in the work should become part of the patient’s daily life. Reading this work is useful not only for those who want to be cured of psoriasis forever, but also for all fans of a healthy lifestyle.

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Psoriasis is a disease that, according to some doctors, can never be completely cured. It is recommended to carry out courses of maintenance therapy throughout your life. But John Pegano, author of the book “Treating Psoriasis. The Natural Way” proved the opposite. He is a doctor himself. For 30 years he has been searching for methods of treating this complex disease. In the book, he described his own practical methods of treating psoriasis.

John Pegano is a doctor who wrote a book about non-drug treatments for psoriasis.

John Pegano Method

John Pegano is a qualified specialist based at Lincoln College of Osteopathy. He encountered the problem of psoriasis in 1958 while undergoing an internship in Denver. Since that time, he has tried to find ways and methods to cure patients with psoriasis. He studied the works of E. Cayce, who dealt with this problem throughout his life. Following Cayce's principles has yielded positive results in the treatment of psoriasis.

John Pegano's method of treating psoriasis naturally is based on the use of the body's natural forces. He proved that a person is capable of healing on his own. But this is only possible if the patient himself contributes to this. He needs:

  • spiritual mood;
  • a certain diet;
  • internal cleansing;
  • spine therapy;
  • removing toxins that are the main cause of the disease.

It is known that all skin diseases are the result of metabolic disorders of the body. They occur due to constant stress and diet violations.

Doctors, when treating psoriasis, only suppress the body's immune system by prescribing prescriptions for various drugs. This treatment method brings only temporary relief, causing harm to human health. Only inflammatory processes are removed.

The author in his book proved that the patient can be completely cured of psoriasis, and the rashes disappear completely. After treatment, the patient is able to control the condition of the skin throughout his life. This is the main idea of ​​the book.

Skin rashes with psoriasis are the result of everything that happens inside the body. If you treat only external manifestations, then the main cause of the disease remains internal.

Therefore, the disease constantly returns over the years. This is like the tip of the iceberg. If you cut off its top, then the main and most of it is inside the body.

Treatment using the Pegano method brings a positive effect only if:

  • the patient was aimed at recovery;
  • was persistent;
  • devoted a lot of effort and time to treatment;
  • carefully followed all the recommendations of the attending physician and followed the dietary regimen.

Spinal therapy is an integral part of treatment using the Pegano method

Treatment of psoriasis

The author proved that the main cause of psoriasis is intestinal slagging. This leads to toxins entering the human lymph system. The circulatory system is also affected. As a result, the kidneys and liver suffer. When the body's protective functions lose the ability to resist, the skin takes the full blow. One of the main conditions for effective treatment is cleansing the human body of toxins:

  • The author suggests doing colon cleansing. It is recommended to use special cooking recipes that will help rid the body of accumulated toxins. This is achieved through the use of laxatives and drinks.
  • Steam baths and deep breathing techniques help remove toxins from the skin and lungs.
  • Colon therapy helps cleanse the body completely of toxins.
  • An apple diet carried out for 3 days is effective. It regulates intestinal function. Beneficial bacteria are preserved in it, and the microflora is stabilized. If apples are not available, they can be replaced with citrus fruits or grapes.

The apple diet stabilizes intestinal function


Compliance with a number of restrictions helps to achieve a positive result in the treatment of psoriasis according to Pegano. You should not use:

  • foods high in caffeine;
  • alcoholic products;
  • tomato juice;
  • smoked meats, fried foods, hot and spicy dishes;
  • products containing sugar are excluded;
  • all flour products, especially white bread;
  • creams, ice cream, milk-based cocktails;
  • chips, pizza, candy and soda.

Regular exercise helps to achieve good results in the treatment of psoriasis.

You need to move a lot, jogging or regular walking. Fitness and exercise recommended. During the treatment period, you should not expose yourself to stress.

You will have to give up flour products and white bread


The greatest effect of treatment can be achieved by following a special diet. Pegano managed to develop a unique and effective nutrition system. It is still relevant and very popular. In his opinion, the disease can be completely cured by following a special diet. The John Pegano diet for psoriasis ensures the proper functioning of all organs. Cleansing the body from the inside helps cleanse the skin. Nutrition for psoriasis according to Pegano suggests:

  • use of herbal infusions;
  • it is necessary to observe the drinking regime;
  • it is necessary to constantly cleanse the intestines;
  • fresh juices should be included in the diet;
  • Lecithin recommended.

Pegano advises eating certain foods. There is a special table for this. This is the Pegano diet for psoriasis. According to it, 30% of all food consists of: eggs, meat products, vegetable oils, dairy products, fish, cereals.

In John Pegano's book “Treating Psoriasis. The natural way" consultations with your doctor are welcome. He should inform the patient about the benefits of certain vitamins. Otherwise, an imbalance in the body may occur.

Nutrition according to Pegano involves constant consumption of fresh juices


A patient with psoriasis must follow a special diet. Recipes must comply with the table of recommended products. Here is one of the menus compiled:

  • For breakfast there should be a salad dressed with lemon juice. Yogurt is allowed. Cucumber soups are healthy. Oatmeal porridge is also recommended. Using the table, you need to select only the vegetables you need and choose a more suitable recipe.
  • Lunch includes soups (purees). They can be vegetable. Mushroom soups are allowed. Porridges cooked with vegetables are effective. Fruits must be present on the table.
  • Dinner consists of cooked chicken or fish. Lamb is allowed.

The positive results in the treatment of psoriasis using the Pegano method have been repeatedly confirmed. Many patients got rid of this unpleasant disease. Even older people can recover.

The effect of clear skin remains stable for the rest of your life. There are times when, with full dedication, the disease cannot be defeated. But following the author’s method, the chances of recovery for patients repeatedly increases. Having studied Pegano’s book “Treatment of Psoriasis. The natural way,” treatment of the disease will become more effective and efficient.

Under the influence of various factors, skin damage occurs, which is called psoriasis. This disease appears as "scaly" skin, which is why it is also called lichen planus. Psoriasis is chronic and is not contagious to others. For its treatment, it is important to use the John Pegano diet, which not only improves the patient’s condition and mitigates the course of the disease, but is also aimed at preventing the development of pathology.

What is the essence of the Pegano therapy program?

Dr. Pegano has developed a treatment program for psoriasis patients that does not contain a single drug. According to this method, in order to maintain human health, it is necessary to balance three components:

  • balanced diet;
  • spiritual mood;
  • internal cleansing of toxins.

John's research is based on the assertion that it is this triad that is the initial source of treatment for any disease and that it is skin pathologies that most clearly report the appearance of an imbalance.

Pegano technique

Pegano proposed a special diet that includes a minimum amount of calories and maximum benefits of foods for the patient. Improvement of the body, which will result in cleansing of the skin, is achieved by including certain foods in the diet and strict adherence to the diet.

The technique consists of a number of components:

  1. 1. Fruit diet to unload and cleanse the body. A person can choose one of two options for this stage. He either chooses a monofruit diet and sticks to it for 5 days, or an apple or citrus diet, its duration is 3 days.
  2. 2. After this, adherence to a specific diet begins, including only foods allowed by a special table. This stage is important to form a kind of protection for the body from harmful substances after it has been cleansed of them.
  3. 3. Throughout the entire treatment, physical activity is necessary to prevent spinal diseases. It was pathological processes affecting the spine, according to Pegano, that provoked the appearance of the rash. The reason is poor circulation due to incorrect position of the spinal discs.
  4. 4. Regular cosmetic procedures that will cleanse and restore the condition of the skin. Visiting the sauna, steam baths, and steam baths are recommended.
  5. 5. Positive attitude. The patient is required not only to believe in his recovery, but also to avoid stressful situations, conflicts, arrange periods of rest during the working day, occupying himself with books, music or complete inactivity.

Pegano diet - natural treatment for psoriasis


To treat psoriasis, Pegano recommends eating foods that promote the formation of alkalis. In this group, water comes first, followed by fruits and vegetables. They are the basis for a therapeutic diet. After these products, the next place is occupied by cereals, fish, meat and dairy products, but their share in the diet is minimal.

For therapy according to John’s method, the patient must adhere to a number of principles in nutrition:

  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of still water.
  • Regular consumption of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Cleansing the body with herbal infusions and teas.
  • Consume granulated lecithin, one tablespoon per day, for five days.
  • Take a tablespoon of olive oil daily on an empty stomach.
  • Refusal to mix citrus fruits with dairy products, meat and starchy products in the diet.
  • Avoid eating a combination of fruits, flour and grains during one meal.
  • Eating fiber-rich foods such as fruits, breads and cereals.
  • Refusal of fried, pickled, smoked and canned foods.
  • Complete avoidance of foods that contain large amounts of sugar, fats, dyes and food additives.

The duration of this regimen is not limited, but in most cases doctors advise sticking to it strictly for a month, and then at the request of the patient.

But there is a problem with this diet, because there may be an allergy to any product from the list of permitted ones. If allergic reactions occur, the patient should contact their doctor to change the menu together and eliminate the product that provokes hypersensitivity.

“John Pegano's merit is that he offers a coherent, grounded and safe
regimen leading to long-term clinical effect, proven
more than 20 years of practice. This is a generalized experience of treating patients with psoriasis
“from the inside”, not “from the outside” using natural means.”

N.G. Short, Head Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Russian State Medical University

We are what we eat... This wise saying can be appreciated to an even greater extent by such wonderful “people” as psoriasis sufferers, or people suffering from psoriasis. This disease is as old as the world and mysterious, but ancient healers already noticed the influence of food and drinks taken on the condition of the skin of patients affected by this “beautiful” scourge. One of the first who paid serious attention to this and developed his own system, based on extensive practical experience and the works of E. Case, was John O.A. Pegano.

J.O.A. Pagano is a doctor, a graduate of the Lincoln College of Osteopathy, in addition, a well-rounded person - a member of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. He devoted the last 25 years of his life to researching and developing a method for treating psoriasis. Since then, this method has become widespread throughout the world and, above all, thanks to the published book “Treatment of psoriasis. Natural way" (1991, translation into Russian - 2001).

What is the essence of this system? In short, Dr. J. Pegano sees the cause of the origin of psoriasis in such a polluted state of the intestines, when toxins seep into the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which he is not able to cope with. He calls this condition “leaky gut syndrome.” As a result, the liver and kidneys also cannot cleanse themselves completely, and the skin begins to perform this function. A number of studies have shown that intestinal permeability in patients with psoriasis is 1.5–2 times higher than normal. Intercellular distances increase and allow undigested proteins and fats, as well as fragments of intestinal microflora and their metabolic products, to easily enter the bloodstream and lymph flow.
Let’s try to briefly understand the causes of intestinal dysfunction and what the regime itself is.

Why does our intestine begin to cope poorly with one of its main functions - excretory? There are many reasons: poor bowel movement, inappropriate diet, insufficient water consumption, disorders in the spine, stress, heredity, negative emotions, etc. Some of these factors overlap each other, contributing to increased toxicosis and increasing the acidity of the blood, which should have an alkaline reaction.

To this you can add: chronic constipation, poor bowel movements, foods with saturated fats, nightshades (especially tomatoes), smoking, vertebral displacement, negative emotions: anger, fear, anxiety, depression, etc.

Hence, To effectively treat psoriasis, Dr. Pegano advises:
1. Cleanse yourself of accumulated toxins in the body.
2. Stop the entry of toxins into the body.

To achieve these two goals, the following is required:
1. Internal cleansing
2. Cleansing but nourishing diet
3. Certain herbal teas
4. Spine therapy
5. External means

The effectiveness of diets, teas, procedures, ointments, says Dr. Pegano, increases a hundredfold if the body is cleansed internally. The initial cleanse is the turning point in the treatment of psoriasis, after which the disease begins to go away.
Toxins and deposits are removed through laxative foods and drinks and colon cleansing. Sweating from steam baths and deep breathing exercises are essential to remove toxins from the skin and lungs. To better cleanse the intestines, Pegano advises using colon therapy.

This is where opinions differ among Pegano’s followers and forum participants.

...I did colon therapy several years ago, this torture is not for me, and it will also completely wash away all the beneficial intestinal flora. Like this. I continue to follow the regime. And if you follow this for life, then everything suits me. Well, you never know that I loved caviar and seafood...

Max Stirlitz
I completed a full course of colon therapy - a crystalline black mass came out in pieces - somewhere up to a kilogram. The plaques have suddenly turned pale, I feel amazing, I’m strictly sitting on Pegano - there’s nothing complicated about it...

As for colon therapy, after it I developed food allergies (everything became plump and red) due to the fact that the necessary bacteria were simply washed away!!! And what they are supposedly launching there is complete bullshit. The restoration of intestinal flora occurred only after a year and a half.
For the colon therapy procedure to be successful, Dr. Pegano recommends a 3-day apple diet in parallel. If apples are not acceptable for you for some reason, then this diet is replaced with grape, citrus or fruit.

The diet for patients with psoriasis should ensure the maintenance of the correct acid-base balance in the body. The body must be more alkaline than acidic. It depends on the food consumed and emotional state.

Psoriasis patients should remember that the daily diet should consist of 70-80% alkali-forming foods and 20-30% acid-forming foods, i.e. eat them 2-4 times more.

So which foods are alkaline and which are acidic?

Alkali-forming products:

1. Fruits (exception: cranberries, currants, prunes, plums, blueberries) -
* apples, melons and bananas cannot be eaten with other foods, only as a separate meal,
* citrus fruits and their juices should not be consumed together with whole grains and dairy products.
2. Vegetables (exception: legumes, rhubarb, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts (you can eat them in small quantities)).
/Completely exclude from the diet all vegetables of the nightshade family: tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, tobacco!/

Also increases alkalinity:

* Adding lecithin to food and drinks.
* Freshly squeezed lemon juice in a glass of hot or cold water.
* Juices of grapes, pears, apricots, papaya, mango, pineapple, grapefruit and orange.
* Fresh and stewed fruits.
* Fresh vegetable juices (carrots, celery, beets, parsley, spinach, onions).
* 3-5 drops of glycothymoline in a glass of clean water before bed 5 days a week (alkaline mineral waters are recommended as an alternative: Borjomi, Essentuki-4, Smirnovskaya, etc.).
* Bowel movements 2-1 times a day.
* Exercise and mobility.
* Positive emotions.

Acid-forming products:

These are products containing proteins, starches, sugars, fats and oils, i.e. - meat, grains, cheese, sugar, potatoes, dried peas, beans, oils, cream, meat products. Their combinations in large quantities create an acid reaction in the blood, thereby worsening the condition of patients with psoriasis.

Exclude if possible:

* combining several acid-forming foods during one meal: starches and sweets, protein and meat products, meat or fatty products with sugars or a lot of starches,
* sugar and products containing it,
* most types of vinegar,
* products with preservatives, artificial additives, dyes, etc.,
* alcohol,
* drug overdose,
* irregular bowel movements, constipation,
* inactivity (mental and physical),
* negative emotions.

Below is a table illustrating which foods are “alkaline” and which are “acidic”:

A list of alkali- and acid-forming products can be found here: .

So, let's take a closer look at the foods and drinks that Dr. Pegano recommends for people suffering from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

He believes that 70-80% of the daily diet should consist of foods such as:

Water/6-8 glasses of clean water daily in addition to other liquids you drink/
Lecithin(granulated) /1 table. spoon 3 rubles per day, 5 days a week/

Recommended fruits: apples (baked), apricots, most berries, cherries, dates, figs, grapes, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, peaches, pineapples, prunes (small), raisins, kiwi.
Avocado, cranberries, currants, plums and prunes (large) can be eaten in small quantities.
Raw apples, bananas and melons are allowed if eaten separately from other foods and in small quantities.

Vegetables/preferably fresh, fresh frozen, steamed, rarely canned/

Recommended vegetables: asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery (stem), cucumber, garlic, lettuce, romaine, onions, olives, parsnips, pumpkin, shallots, spinach, sprouts, capsicum beans, zucchini, sweet potatoes, yams, watercress.
Possible in small quantities: corn, dried beans, peas, lentils. Rhubarb, mushrooms.
Nuts: almonds, rarely hazelnuts.

20-30% of the daily diet should consist of foods such as:


Oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, rye (porridges made from them), bran,
wheat - whole, crushed, flakes, bread, sprouts, corn and maize. flour,
rice (brown and wild),
whole seeds – pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax,
pasta (without using white flour).


Eat at least 4 times a week, never fry!
Tuna, bluefish, cod, mackerel, coryphaena, flounder, grouper.
Haddock, halibut, perch, snapper, salmon, sardines, sole, sturgeon, swordfish. Frel, tile fish, whitefish, sushi.


Chicken, turkey, partridge, lean game (all without skin, white meat is preferable), 2-3 times a week.


Only lamb, separated from fat, well cooked (1-2 times a week), never fry, eat 110-170g at a time.


Milk (reduced fat, skim), buttermilk, powdered milk, goat milk, soy milk, almond milk, butter, reduced fat margarine, cheese (reduced fat and salt), cottage cheese and processed cheese (reduced fat and salt), kefir, plain yogurt (low-fat, low-fat).


Only soft-boiled or hard-boiled, 2-4 times a week.


Olive, rapeseed, sunflower, corn, cottonseed, soybean, almond, sesame, safflower, and occasionally sesame. 1 teaspoon 3 times a day is acceptable.


Slippery elm bark (in the morning), from safflower (afternoon and evening) Tea from chamomile, mullein, watermelon seeds, as a substitute for safflower.

Berries and fruits: wild strawberries, strawberries (citrus fruits - for psoritis).
Vegetables: all nightshades - tomatoes, tobacco, eggplants, peppers, potatoes, paprika.
Cereals: White bread and all products made with white flour
Fish: anchovies, herring, salmon, caviar, crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, shrimp), shellfish (mussels, oysters, scallops, squid), crustacean sauces, fish baked in batter or breadcrumbs, fried, marinated or smoked.
Poultry: fatty poultry (duck, goose), poultry skin, fried, smoked, baked with lots of spices, in batter or breadcrumbs, not boiled.
Meat: beef, pork, veal and everything prepared from them: hamburgers, sausages, sausages, ham, sausages, etc., entrails (heart, kidneys, brains, liver, etc.), inclusion in one meal with lamb starchy foods.
Dairy products: all high fat dairy products
Yeast or yeast products.
Coffee: no more than 3 cups per day (in case of severe addiction), only black decaffeinated.
All fried foods, pizza, alcohol, sweet cereals, vinegar, marinades, smoked meats, hot spices, coconut, palm oil.

It must be remembered that some foods should not be combined in the same meal; it is advisable to eat them separately. Remember:

*Do not combine whole grains, e.g. porridge, bread, etc. with hearths, citrus juices or stewed and dried fruits.
*Do not combine citrus fruits and their juices with dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt.
*Do not combine any fruits with white flour products: bread, cereals, pasta, etc.
*Do not combine melons, raw apples, bananas with other foods.
*Do not add milk, cream or sugar to coffee or tea.
*Do not combine too many acid-forming foods (proteins, some starches, sugars, fats and oils) in the same meal.
*Red or white wine can be drunk occasionally (55-110 g)
*Overeating is never allowed, even of foods that are allowed.

*Daily consumption (as mentioned above) is 6-8 glasses of pure water daily in addition to other liquids drunk before and after meals. The cleaner the water, the better.
*Use of natural laxatives. The best natural laxatives are fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, foods rich in vitamin B help cleanse the intestines. The following foods are rich in vitamin B: wheat germ, brewer's yeast, whole grain barley, soy milk, buckwheat, raw peas, egg yolks, rye bread, almonds, fish, poultry, honey, turnips, beets, green leafy vegetables and broccoli.
*Olive oil taken alone is a very practical and effective laxative. Take half a teaspoon of olive oil 3-4 times a day until you have a good bowel movement.
*Include fiber-rich foods as much as possible in your daily diet. They cleanse the colon due to their inability to be completely digested. Fiber-rich foods include whole grain bread, whole grain cereals, fresh fruits, vegetables and almonds.
*Be sure to take steam baths to cleanse and stimulate the skin.
*Make time for exercise! Physical education, especially outdoors, brings significant benefits.
*Try never to overeat.
*A correct and positive attitude is very important, because negative, destructive thoughts contribute to the production of oxidizing toxins.

Many forum members, having become familiar with the Pegano method and diet, tried them on themselves. We offer you some thoughts and considerations on this matter:

In general, the diet helped me. Unfortunately, any treatment helps well the first 2-3 times. Then all this helps less. I think this is relevant for everyone. But baths with salt, iodine and soda, coupled with a diet, gave me a very good effect. In the heat I wear short sleeves, which I haven’t done for about 2 years.

My husband has had psoriasis for 15 years. To improve the condition of his skin, they tried almost everything, including blood transfusions, a pressure chamber, etc. (his hands, legs, head, face and elbows were affected). I accidentally came across Mikhail Peslyak’s website about the treatment of psoriasis using the Pegano method, and after attending a seminar, seeing the results of this treatment with Mikhail P., we bought Pegano’s book and decided to try it. My husband went on a diet (excluded all nightshades from his diet, instead of bread - whole grain bread, milk, beef, pork; all food was only boiled or steamed), quit smoking, and drinking beer. He regularly took baths with sea salt and herbs, drank herbal teas: slippery elm bark and safflower tea.
After 3 weeks, small islands of healthy skin began to appear on the elbows, and the skin on the face stopped being red. The process is slow, but it has begun. My joy knew no bounds. After all, it’s possible!!! And the main thing is that it’s not so difficult and there are no hormones! But I want to say that it is very difficult to stick to such a diet for a long time. Gradually bread returned to the diet, then milk, occasionally fried. Six months later, I lit a cigarette, the beer returned, and then the psoriasis returned to its original place. Now 2 years have passed, we no longer strictly follow the diet, but beef, pork, all nightshades, red berries and fruits are completely excluded from the diet, as little as possible - fried foods and psor does not progress, it is in the same stage. (Yes, there is a spot on the shin the size of
5x5cm is gone completely). I think that by using the Pegano diet it is possible to return normal skin, but this is only for those who have an iron will.

I can’t say that aligning the spine directly helps alleviate psoriasis, but the condition of the vertebrae definitely affects the functioning of the internal organs (for example, the intestines)…
I don’t know what comes first - either diseased organs cause displacement of the vertebrae, or displaced vertebrae cause disease of the organs... most likely, an interdependent process...
in any case, after the vertebrae are exposed, normal blood circulation through the vertebral arteries is restored, the brain, liver, and intestines work better, which means there are more chances in the fight against psoriasis.

...I’ve been strictly adhering to the Pegano diet for 3 months, at first it was hard, especially the 3-day apple diet (I hate apples), but the result was not long in coming - I have a severe form of psoriasis, my arms, legs, head, face, almost my entire back and chest are affected - and I’m only 23 years old. Every day I looked in the mirror and waited... waited... waited for new skin to appear. Literally a month later, and the healing began very abruptly - at the moment, the entire back, chest, some spots on the legs and arms have cleared up, there are practically no rashes on the head. But on the face it goes away slowly. Indeed, after such changes you completely begin to forget about forbidden foods and alcohol. I will definitely see the matter through to the end, no matter what it costs me. I advise everyone not to interrupt treatment, but to strictly adhere to the diet - it will definitely help.
But I never quit smoking...

I'm not saying that diet doesn't help. It helps, no one argues (I tried it myself more than once and saw the results). But it doesn't cure! Return to your previous food and sooner or later an exacerbation is guaranteed...
The point is that behind the terms popular among many “healers” such as “cleansing of toxins” lies something completely different - namely, depriving the body of the substances necessary for its life; in short, diet is stress for the body and it mobilizes its last resources to combat it. As for psora, the program for ultra-fast cell division is temporarily suspended (due to a lack of “building” material - protein).

I, too, have been eating it for a month now, well, I can call it Pegano. In the morning, cottage cheese 0-5% fat, black bread tanned in the microwave, chicory with milk and honey, sometimes an apple. At work during the day, buckwheat without anything, a piece of black bread, a piece of apple, sometimes green tea with honey or without anything. At home, in the late afternoon, cabbage salad with 2-4 tbsp. olive oil, dried black bread, oatmeal, almost every day a little boiled meat, usually beef, bananas. Late in the evening I often eat like in the morning, well, during the evening I can sip this chicory once or twice. I didn’t drink alcohol, I didn’t eat anything else for a month, once I had a large pork steak with potatoes, a couple of days ago, only out of respect for the owners. I took lecithin, drank a little of all sorts of choleretic herbs, smeared myself with cream from the Developer, everything I did not according to Pegano, did it consciously, because otherwise it would be difficult for me to comply with this. My skin has improved considerably, nothing itches, does not flake, it has become flat...

It's been since the beginning of the regime 2 months and 10 days. I state the fact that at the beginning of the regime approximately 50% of the body was covered and today 95% of all rashes are gone! I'm almost clean. I continue the regime and have no plans to end it. What is it for me personally?

The morning always starts with safflower tea 30 minutes before meals, I wash it down with a tablespoon of olive oil.
The dishes are simple in general. In the morning I have breakfast with fresh fruit, naturally following the compatibility rules described in the book. Sometimes, if I have time in the evening, I bake apples in the oven or cook them in a double boiler and eat them with honey in the morning, it’s very tasty. If I don’t have fruit, then I have breakfast with fresh vegetables, mainly cucumbers and carrots + greens. I also allow myself to drink fermented baked milk or low-fat kefir in the morning, but no more than 2 times a week, or even less often. If I have neither fruits nor vegetables (and this happens), then I cook millet porridge with low-fat milk (millet, according to the book, is the only alkaline cereal) and with honey. Sometimes I cook oatmeal (it tastes better). But I eat porridge no more than 2-3 times a week. If I ate porridge in the morning, then I don’t eat bread or cereals that day. I try to eat bread 3-5 times a week and only yeast-free bread, fortunately there is a lot of it in our stores.

For lunch, vegetables stewed in a double boiler + soup with vegetables, herbs and often a chicken egg that is “dissolved in the soup” + salad of various vegetables and herbs. Or steamed fish + stewed vegetables + fresh vegetables + salad + bread. In general, soups, vegetables, fish. I rarely eat baked fish. Almost everything is stewed or steamed. I eat soft-boiled eggs, 1-2 a week + those that float in the soup. In the middle of the day, if I’m not too busy, I have time to eat an apple or banana. Throughout the day I try to drink water often so that I always meet the “norm” of 6-8 glasses.

Before dinner 15-30 minutes. a glass of safflower tea + olive oil or fish oil granules instead of oil, as needed.
Dinner is usually about the same as lunch. I often eat steamed lamb with vegetables for dinner. There is steamed chicken fillet, steamed turkey with mushrooms. Often the side dish is stewed zucchini with garlic mmmmm…. Sometimes steamed rice is not always brown. It's a pity there is very little time to cook. Naturally, fresh vegetable salad in large quantities every day. I dress the salad exclusively with olive oil. In general, I completely switched to olive oil, I use it 2-3 times a day, a teaspoon or a tablespoon, whenever possible, and I cook food only with it. I noticed that eating a large amount of watercress leaves has a great effect on psor (maybe this is purely subjective, but it seems to me that it brightens everything up even more).

After dinner, I drink tea 1-2 hours later. I drink tea only from herbs that I personally collect on weekends when I go to the forest (luckily I know the place). I've already prepared it for the whole winter. I prepare a tea mixture from clover, whitecap, oregano, yarrow, fireweed, rose hips and flowers. Although, if I’m visiting, I don’t refuse loose green tea. I always drink tea with honey (in general, I eat a lot of honey, so sometimes I even have to stop myself in this exciting activity, since the pancreas reacts immediately to an excess of honey). I dry the yeast-free bread in the toaster and spread it with honey mmmm... this is perhaps the most delicious dish in my diet today. 1 time per day no more. And then if there is no porridge. After 21.00 I don’t eat anymore, well, sometimes if the glutton attacks, then fruit or a glass of kefir.
Before bed, a glass of slippery elm bark tea and fish oil.

Your health is in your hands, and of course, everyone decides and chooses for themselves whether to adhere to this method or not. Above, we simply tried to briefly outline the essence of Dr. Pegano’s system, without conducting a deep scientific analysis and without making any special, far-reaching conclusions...

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