Boxing combinations. Combinations of punches in boxing. Basic boxing punch combinations


If these combinations are too easy for you, mix them up with low kicks in between.

The links are very short but effective, connect them and attack.

You can also build your combinations on a counterattack, which will be more productive, since during the attack the enemy opens up in any case. Move your attacking hand to the side and throw your practiced double and low kick into the open space.

But if you don’t understand anything at all about boxing, then I advise you to spend some time learning the basics on which you will already build your technique. There you are auxiliary course for this.

By clicking on the link, you will find a successfully transferred training method from the gym to home conditions. It contains step-by-step video instructions on the principles of delivering traumatic punches and the technique of practicing them, as well as a large number of varieties of movements, protection, and their application in practice, which will allow you to learn the material as quickly as possible.

But if you are an experienced fighter, then we can immediately move on to more complex combinations and their developments. Knowing the basic punches in boxing, you can move on to more complex combinations and combine them with legs.

For experienced fighters

Here is a small list of connections that you can develop.

You lower your opponent's attention to his feet with a left low kick, then insert a quick two into the body and add an uppercut. Trying to protect the body and head, the opponent will already forget about his legs and this is the most opportune moment to throw a powerful blow with his right foot.

By pulling a couple of these ligaments, you can seriously knock off the femoral muscle and cause distracting pain. By carrying out three identical combinations, you thereby accustom the enemy to it. When you start for the fourth time in the same way with a low kick with the front leg and a two, your opponent will be ready for the fact that now you will again punch his already broken leg. And this is the most opportune moment to change the ligament, instead of the accustomed powerful blow from the right leg to the thigh, finish the ligament with a powerful direct blow to the solar plexus. Your opponent will not be ready for this, since his leg was previously broken off, and he is keeping all his attention on it and making sure that it is not hit again. Having pierced the solar plexus with a powerful straight leg kick, it’s time to finish off the open head with your hands, for example with two hooks, and then beautifully end the fight with a knee to the chin.

If you have good flexibility, add higher kicks, but on the street you should not kick above the ribs. Kicks to the ribs go well at the moment of a counterattack; at the moment of throwing a punch, your opponent is open and least of all thinks about his ribs, you should take a closer look at his attacks, and just seize the moment in order to throw a powerful kick in the oncoming direction. Having received a strong blow to the ribs, a person’s reaction is triggered, and he presses his hands to them, quite a good moment to strike with an elbow to the jaw! And then you can finish him in the solar plexus with your knee.

Link for left-handed people

I also have a good combination for lefties.

In general, a left-hander has a great advantage in battle. Firstly, most people have already developed all the combinations of counterattack and defense for a right-handed person, and they will be very unfamiliar with confronting you if you are left-handed. The second advantage is that the liver is on your left side, and a left-handed person is more comfortable working with it than anyone else.

Your signature blow can be either a left or an uppercut, and in the striking technique of the legs, an internal low kick will suit you, so the opponent’s left leg will always be in front of you. Therefore, ligaments will be built on them.

Having punched the inner thigh well, do not move your legs far away, immediately punch the center of the body with a direct blow, thereby bringing the enemy’s hands closer to the solar plexus. While he brings his hands to the center to close the solar plexus, begin to hit a furious series of three powerful blows to the liver until the opponent collapses or shrinks into such a position that it is convenient for you to finish him in the head from the side with your right knee.

Work on paws and pear

I think you have convinced yourself that by working in series you will take out your opponents more effectively and spectacularly. All this sounds beautiful, but in reality, without much practice, your connection will be torn off on the first blow and hit with a counterattack. Therefore, pay more time and attention to working on the paws and the pear. Your connection should be like a hurricane, unstoppable, fast and powerful, like a shot from a sniper rifle!

Use your paws to develop accuracy and direct hits. Work both in place and while moving, in order for your combinations to go through you must be able to do them in any position, in any stance and at high speed. Choose literally five or six ligaments and work them thoroughly. In order to add more power to them, hit them more on the bag . You only need a few perfectly worked combinations to win, of course, if they are applied and combined correctly.

Work in series, increase the number of strikes, but do not forget about defense, and then you will dominate the battle.

I hope the information was useful and accessible. Write your favorite combinations of blows in the comments, and subscribe to my blog to keep up to date with all my new articles. With this I say goodbye to you, like and be sure to click tell your friends. Good luck to all.

Boxing strikes and techniques, the training of which is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, are few in number. But this makes it possible to achieve high efficiency in their use in a duel. Anyone can learn to box, regardless of their level of physical fitness. However, it is absolutely not necessary to become a professional athlete to know how to hit correctly. Boxing is not only an excellent workout for all muscle groups, striking, learning defense techniques, but also creating a qualitatively new level of psychological preparedness.

Basic boxing technique

Learning to box begins with learning the correct stance. The body is relaxed, while the boxer must be as concentrated as possible. A beginner should be comfortable defending and attacking easily with both hands. For balance, the toe of the front foot and the heel of the back foot should be in line with the center. It is necessary to distribute the weight evenly between your legs, bending your knees slightly. The chin is lowered on one side and pressed to the shoulder, the hand covers the jaw, and the elbow covers the side. Be sure to remember to breathe. Do not hold, but do not breathe rapidly.

The basis of boxing technique is rationality and consistency. Each subsequent action follows from the previous one. In this case, the boxer must perform attacking elements as quickly as possible, spending a minimum amount of energy.

The technique itself implies the balance of the boxer’s actions. Hitting is the means to achieve victory, but coordination of movements makes it possible to carry out an effective attack. The training is aimed at ensuring that the boxer can move in a fighting stance for a long time. He develops skills that allow him to carry out attacks while in intermediate positions.

Basic punches in boxing

For a beginner, it is not enough to simply deliver offensive elements. You need to know how to place a blow so that with the slightest effort it gives a crushing result and is safe for the boxer himself. There are only three main blows in boxing - straight, low, side. They are applied with both left and right hands:

  1. Left straight - jab. The longest punch in boxing, in which the boxer remains as protected as possible and creates space for himself to attack further. A good series of attacking actions always begins with a jab.
  2. Right straight - cross. A properly placed working hand is a formidable weapon. Inflicted less often than a jab. But it is so powerful that it is used to knock out an opponent with one blow.
  3. Left side hook. A serious power move, dangerous when executed at close range. The boxing hook is often thrown across the body to hit the opponent's liver.
  4. Low blow - uppercut. If you place it correctly, it comes out stronger and faster than straight. Well suited at the moment when the opponent is approaching.

All blows can be carried out both to the head and to the body. The classic left-handed stance is suitable for right-handed people. People with a left working hand take a right-handed stance.

Each blow is useful for a specific situation. For maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to use combinations of blows. Deal several blows at once, without waiting for the enemy to start attacking. When throwing direct blows, you must try to force the enemy to open up in order to deliver a quick decisive blow.

The most vulnerable and unprotected places suitable for strikes:

  • blows to the jaw;
  • side blows to the body, to the liver;
  • piercing the chest in the solar plexus area;
  • dangerous blows to the heart area.

Setting up the shot

Correctly placing a punch in boxing is a primary task for any coach. What may be more important is the development of defensive skills in order to avoid possible injuries and damage during sparring and training. The striking technique has been developed for decades. There are several basic techniques for how to strike correctly, which are suitable for all techniques performed.

Any workout should begin with a warm-up. Work all muscle groups. Often boxing training is done from the top down. Starting from the hands and ending with the feet. Before practicing strikes, your hands must be wrapped in bandages to secure the joints.

When practicing strikes, the hand itself should be relaxed, while the fist should be compressed as much as possible at the moment of contact with the opponent’s body. For direct and side blows, the fist must be tucked so that at the moment of the attack the palm is turned down. For each blow, a step is taken and the body is tucked to give inertia. A direct punch in boxing is carried out constantly. It helps to keep the right distance and pull the opponent apart. You need to hit a side kick in boxing when the opponent lowers his hand or, conversely, raises it, opening the body. Lower blows are carried out in counterattacks when approaching.

Proper punching technique in boxing increases the power and speed of the attack. Long practice of punches allows the body to train muscle memory. This has a positive effect on the boxer’s performance in sparring or a real fight. A trained body subconsciously reacts to the opponent's actions. Boxing training must take place under the guidance of an experienced trainer using protective equipment. When performing techniques, the body itself will tell you how to deliver a punch in boxing.

Exercises to develop speed

Punch speed in boxing can be critical to winning.

Sharp, biting blows can both demoralize the enemy and knock him out if successfully hit in weakly protected areas.

Every boxer needs to know how to increase punch speed. Let's look at a few fundamental exercises:

  1. Work with weights - stand in a rack and throw your arms with additional weight. Regular dumbbells or small kettlebells will do. Conduct a shadow fight or several approaches with practicing punch combinations.
  2. To work with an expander, tie one end to the mount, the other to your hand, and shadowbox or fight with a partner. An elastic expander or elastic band will add additional load when practicing strikes.
  3. Exercises for general physical activity. Push-ups, pull-ups, and parallel bars are suitable. A trained body is generally more suitable for boxing.

Contraindications to boxing

Boxing is far from the easiest sport, which means it has a number of contraindications for practice. Boxing is prohibited for people with the following diseases:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • respiratory problems;
  • blood diseases;
  • disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Boxing equipment

What should you take with you to your first lesson? There are just a few things every boxer should have to minimize the risk of injury during training and competition.

Bandages are the first and most commonly used equipment. Serve to protect the boxer's hands. They get wound up even outside of sparring. The trainer will teach you the correct technique for wrapping your fingers in the first lesson.

Mouth guard. A must if you are going to do sparring. Even in a mock battle during training, there is a possibility of getting your teeth chipped or even losing, or even biting off your tongue.

It is advisable for beginners to have a helmet. Perhaps not in the first lesson, but it will definitely come in handy in the future. Boxing is a fairly tough sport in which serious injuries can occur. It is better to play it safe and avoid such consequences.

We, at the club, practice the following approach - first, each beginner practices his technique, throws a punch, learns all the basics of boxing, and only then, when ready, can he start sparring. No one forces you to participate in them; everything happens only at the personal request of the club members. All necessary equipment (except for bandages) is provided on site. We provide the entire training process - from start to finish.

Good luck in your boxing and sports activities, friends!

Within the walls of the “YourRevolution1905” club, we are ready to professionally help you learn to box or improve your level as a boxer. Entire sets of exercises developed by certified specialists, nutritional recommendations, “smart” weighing, classes conducted by a Master of Sports in boxing and much more, all this will help you achieve your goal as effectively as possible. For the most effective and quick results, you can train individually (one-on-one with a trainer) or in mini-groups of up to ten people. Come to our classes and we will help you become the best version of yourself!

Basic combinations of boxing punches.

First combination.

You should start learning boxing combinations with the jab. Throw it easily, quickly and often. Next, you should master the accompanying defense when throwing a jab - the support of the right palm.

A short movement towards the opponent's blow - imagine that you have a baseball glove on your hand and you are catching the opponent's fist like a ball.


Now it's time to add an accentuated right kick - a cross.

The blow is delivered using the energy of turning the body around its axis and pushing with the back leg.

After striking, you should quickly return your right hand, in a movement similar to how you would pull a rope with your hand, shifting your weight to your back leg. At the end of the movement, you should dodge a possible counter-strike from the opponent’s right hand - to the right, moving your head out of the line of attack.


Jab-jab - stand - jab-cross - going back with a slope

The guard position against the right cross is ideal for the new right hand.


Jab - jab - stand - jab - cross - dodge defense - cross again.

Get used to using your right palm when performing a jab, and after the cross, moving back and to the side. (For this purpose, Mayweather often uses a dive to the right - under the opponent’s left counter hook).

Let's look at the most common and effective boxing combinations using the following conventions:

1 = jab

2 = right cross

3 = left hook

4 = top right side

5 = left uppercut

6 = right uppercut

B = body

Basic boxing combinations.

  • 1-1(jab - jab)
  • 1-1b (jab - jab to the body)
  • 1-2 (jab - cross)
  • 1-2b (jab - cross to the body)
  • 1b-2 (jab to the body - cross to the head)
  • 1-1-2 (jab-jab-cross)
  • 1-2-1-1
  • 1-2-3
  • 1-2-1-2
  • 1-2-3-2
  • 1-2-3b-2
  • 1-2-5-2
  • 1-6-3-2
  • 1-2-3-2-1
  • 3-2-3-4 Popenchenko's four-punch series (hook-cross-hook-right hook)

Combinations for starting an attack and counterattack


Melee Combos






The 1-1-2 series is a universal boxing combination. Its secret is variety and variability.

Change of rhythm (power and speed)


This is probably the first and most natural series for any boxer. The typical beginner doesn't know how to make a series more effective and invests in every shot. Sometimes it works.

The problem with this HARD-HARD-HARD rhythm is that the combination becomes too slow and too predictable. At higher levels, it is necessary to combine fast and hard strikes. Quick strikes are needed to create conditions for hard ones. Once you're done throwing boring JAB-JAB-CROSS over and over again, we can move on to more interesting options.

fast fast-HARD

This is the perfect series. You can throw endless punches with your left hand while waiting for an opportunity to strike with your right hand. You can throw them everywhere - at the head, elbows, gloves, shoulders, etc. You will naturally want to distract your opponent from your right hand.

The best demonstrator of this combination was Gene Tenney (Absolute World Champion). First, from a long distance, he delivered several jerky jabs with his left to the head, gradually approaching the enemy and refraining from delivering a direct blow to the head with his right until he was completely sure of achieving the goal.

The problem is that the enemy can counter your light attacks. One day he will catch you. While you're throwing 2 quick punches, he might throw a hard jab to derail your plan and then a hard right to hurt you. We must mix hard and fast strikes to make it more difficult for the enemy!


This is a great rhythm to catch your opponent off guard. Throw a hard jab, followed by a quick jab, and a hard right cross. The first strong strike distracts his attention, the quick second strike is used so that the right hand can effectively reach the target.

Stopping. A stop in American boxing terminology is a blow that stops an opponent's attack.

Stopping refers to the category of counter strikes, delivered simultaneously with the first moment of the enemy's attack (leading strike) or ahead of him. Direct blows to the head serve as stopping blows. The most common stopping blow is a straight left to the head, applicable to all types of enemy attacks.

A stopping blow aimed at destroying an enemy attack must be delivered decisively and energetically. With successful stopping, the enemy's moment of confusion can be successfully used to launch a counterattack. This technique was observed by Gene Tenney in his 1926 match with Jack Dempsey. When Dempsey tried to attack him, Tenney struck him with a sharp straight left blow to the head, which he immediately duplicated with a “one-two” attack. With this frequently used technique, Tenney, who avoided infighting, successfully maintained a long distance, in which he had an advantage over Dempsey.


It's a challenging rhythm, but it will open up a lot of strategic opportunities for you later. This time you start with a quick jab, followed by a hard 1-2. The first distracts, the second strike penetrates the defense, and the cross finishes.

Later you will use the first quick jab as a feint to throw it in a random place, forcing the opponent to block it, opening himself up to your 1-2.


The faster the first hit, the easier it is to land 1-2. Naturally, you will understand that the first blow does not even have to be a real blow - it can be a diversionary maneuver. You throw a feint instead of a real strike, like the first strike. A quick jab doesn't do much damage, so why not use a feint instead, which is much faster and doesn't leave you vulnerable.

Changing the goal.

The easiest way to make your combos more difficult is to change the target during the attack. There are more targets on the body than you think. Most boxers only punch to the head or body.

Your target may be high on your forehead. Or low on the chin. Directly in the face (nose) or to the side - cheek. The target on the side of the head is the ear. Often your opponent may leave the top of the head or the side (temple) open. Other opponents will cover their heads, raising their gloves too high and putting their body in danger.

There are a lot of targets on the body - in front and on the sides. Tactically, you can target different parts of your opponent's body to pull his gloves down and expose his head.

The hands are a good tactical place to attack. Hitting the gloves can create a distraction or throw the opponent off balance.

Hitting the air around your opponent can sometimes cause him to react. Even just raising his right glove.

Replacing blows.

Changing punches with the right hand is easy and natural. Instead of throwing a right cross, throw an overhand right, or a right uppercut, or a rising straight right. It's a matter of bending the elbow more or less, which allows you to hit higher or lower, wider, narrower (straighter).

Once you learn how to easily substitute your left hand, it will change your 1-1-2 forever! All you have to do is replace one of your straight punches with a left hook or left uppercut.

Replacing the first punch with a hook or uppercut

Now your combination becomes 3-1-2 or 5-1-2. You replace the first strike with a left hook or a left uppercut. This small change can destroy your opponent! The reason is that a hook or uppercut can distract the enemy well and allow him to land the next 1-2.

The trick is to throw the left hook/uppercut like a jab, easily and quickly.

Don't try to hit hard. Apply the hook like a slap and then hit 1-2 hard right down the middle. Same thing if you use an uppercut. Make it like a very long straight punch, slightly from below, but with the palm up. When using 5-1-2, you can lift your opponent's chin up (quick surprise) and then reach him with a straight left and then a right.

3-1-2 and 5-1-2 are good combinations. Quick strike and then 1-2! Easy, fast and so damn difficult to defend because the directions of the attacks are so unexpected.

Switching the second punch to a hook or uppercut

Now throw 1-3-2 or 1-5-2. Again, the hook or uppercut should be both quick and light. Don't worry about the power of the hook/uppercut, just extend your arm as if you were throwing a jab, but point your fist to the side (hook) or underneath (uppercut).

Using a hook/uppercut as a second strike can quickly distract your opponent because no one wants to get caught by a hook or uppercut. By using these quick hooks and uppercuts, you will confuse your opponent enough to throw a right hand punch.

Changing the angle

Now all that's left is to change the angle of your attack. You can do the same deception (changing rhythm, aim, strikes), but you also change the angle of your body in space.

Neutral angle

Straight classic stance. This is good for beginners.

Attacking corner

Throw 1-1-2 while leaning your body forward and to the sides. Or throw the first two punches from a neutral angle, and then throw with your right hand, leaning forward or forward and to the side. This should be a slight lean forward or a slight lean forward and to the side. This can create a new angle for your right attack and/or help you avoid your opponent's punches.

Protective angle

Throw the first two punches while retreating and then come back with a right hand punch.

Side kick to the head with a step and a straight kick to the head with the right

Execution technique

From an offensive long range, step forward with your left foot, strike with your left side to the head. Then deliver a straight right punch to the opponent's head, while simultaneously shifting your body weight to your left leg.

Photo 159

Left side kick to the head with a step and a straight right punch to the torso

Execution technique

From an offensive long range, step forward with your left foot, deliver a left side kick to the head. Then deliver a straight right punch to the opponent's torso.

Photo 160

Straight right to the head with a step and side left to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long range, step forward with your left foot and strike straight to the head with your right foot. Then shift your body weight to your right leg with a side kick to the opponent's head with your left.

Photo 161

Low left strike to the body and side right strike to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long distance, step forward with your left foot, strike from below with your left to the torso, transferring your body weight to your left leg. Then deliver a right side kick to the opponent's head, shifting your body weight to your right leg.

Photo 162. Low left blow to the body and side right blow to the head

Side left kick to the head and low right kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive mid-range, throw a left side kick to the head, shifting your body weight to your left leg. Then, turning your torso from right to left, strike from below with your right hand to the opponent’s head.

Photo 163. Side left strike to the head and bottom right strike to the head

Direct right punch to the body and side left punch to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive mid-range, deliver a straight right punch to the torso, slightly tilting the torso forward to the left. Then, straightening up sharply, deliver a left side blow to the opponent’s head.

Photo 164. Direct right blow to the body and side left blow to the head

Low blow with a right hand to the body and a side kick with a left hand to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive mid-range, strike from below with your right hand to the torso, shifting your body weight to your left leg. Then deliver a left side kick to the opponent's head, shifting your body weight to your right leg.

Photo 165. Low blow with a right hand to the body and a side blow with a left hand to the head

Low blow with a right hand to the head and a side kick with a left hand to the body

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, with your body weight transferred to your left leg, strike from below with your right hand to the head. Then, shifting your body weight to your right leg, throw a side kick with your left into the opponent's torso.

Photo 166. Low blow with a right hand to the head and a side blow with a left hand to the body

Side right punch to the head and low left punch to the torso

Execution technique

From an offensive close range with a step back, deliver a side right punch to the head. Then, turning your torso from left to right, strike from below with your left hand to the opponent’s torso.

Photo 167. Side blow with the right to the head and a blow from below with the left to the torso

Left side kick to the head and right bottom kick to the torso

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, shifting your body weight to your right leg, deliver a left side kick to the head. Then, turning your torso from right to left, strike from below with your right hand to the opponent’s torso.

Photo 168

Three-hit series of different types of punches

Direct left strike to the head with a step, straight right strike to the head with a step, side left strike to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long range, step forward with your left foot, deliver a straight left kick to the head. Stepping with the right foot, strike the right straight to the head. Then, turning your torso from left to right, deliver a left side blow to the opponent’s head.

Photo 169. Direct left strike to the head with a step, straight right strike to the head with a step, side left strike to the head

Side left strike to the head with a step, straight right strike to the head with a step and side left strike to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long range, step forward with your left foot, deliver a left side kick to the head. Stepping with your right foot, deliver a right straight blow to the head. Then, turning your torso from left to right, deliver a left side blow to the opponent’s head.

Photo 170. Side left strike to the head with a step, straight right strike to the head with a step and side left strike to the head

A straight right punch to the head with a step, a side left punch to the head and a straight right punch to the head.

Execution technique

From an offensive long distance, step forward with your left foot, deliver a straight kick to the head with your right foot. Shift your body weight onto your right foot and land a side kick with your left to the head. Then, turning your body from right to left, deliver a straight right blow to the head.

Photo 171. Direct right punch to the head with a step, side left punch to the head and straight right punch to the head

A straight right punch to the head with a step, a low left punch to the torso and a side left punch to the head.

Execution technique

From an offensive long range, step forward with your left foot and strike straight to the head with your right foot. Shift your body weight to your right leg and strike from below with your left to the torso. Then, turning your torso from left to right, deliver a left side blow to the head.

Photo 172. Direct right punch to the head with a step, low left punch to the body and side left punch to the head

Low left strike to the body, right side strike to the head and left side strike to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive mid-range, with your body weight transferred to your right leg, strike from below with your left to the torso. Shift your body weight to your left leg and throw a side kick to the head with your right. Then, turning your torso from left to right, deliver a left side blow to the head.

Photo 173. Low left strike to the body, right side strike to the head and left side strike to the head.

Straight right punch to the torso, side left punch to the head and side right punch to the head.

Execution technique

From an offensive mid-range, with your body weight shifted to your left leg, deliver a straight right punch to the torso. Shift your body weight to your right leg and at the same time throw a side kick to the head with your left. Then, turning your torso from right to left, deliver a side blow with your right to the opponent’s head.

Photo 174. Direct right punch to the torso, left side punch to the head and right side punch to the head.

Left side kick to the head, right side kick to the torso and left kick to the torso.

Execution technique

From an offensive mid-range, strike with your left side to the head, distributing your body weight on both legs. Turning your torso from right to left, deliver a side kick with your right hand to the torso. Then take a small step with your left foot forward and to the right and strike from below with your left to the opponent’s torso.

Photo 175. Left side strike to the head, right side strike to the torso and left bottom strike to the torso.

A straight left punch to the body, a straight right punch to the head and a side left punch to the head.

Execution technique

From an offensive mid-range, throw a straight left punch to the torso, shift your body weight to your left leg, and throw a straight right punch to the head. Then, turning your torso from left to right, deliver a left side blow to the opponent’s head, transferring your body weight to your right leg.

Photo 176. Direct left strike to the body, direct right strike to the head and side left strike to the head

Low left strike to the torso, low right strike to the torso and left side strike to the head with a step back

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, strike with your left hand to the body. Turning your torso from right to left, strike from below with your right hand to the torso. Then step back and throw a left side kick to the head.

Photo 177. Low left strike to the torso, low right strike to the torso and left side strike to the head with a step back

Low blow with a right hand to the body, low blow with a left hand to the body and a side blow with a right hand to the head with a step back

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, strike from below with your right hand to the torso, shifting your body weight to your left leg. Shift your body weight to your right leg and strike from below with your left to the torso. Then, step back, throw a side right punch to the head.

Photo 178. Low blow with the right hand to the body, low blow with the left hand to the body and side blow with the right hand to the head with a step back

Side right kick to the head, side left kick to the head and low right kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, deliver a side right punch to the head. Turning your torso from left to right, deliver a left side blow to the head. Then shift your body weight to your left leg and strike from below with your right to the head.

Photo 179. Side right kick to the head, left side kick to the head and bottom right punch to the head

Combinations of punches in boxing: simple but effective Several simple combinations In our article we will discuss the most simple and effective combinations of punches in boxing, discussing their advantages and disadvantages. We will not delve into some complex elements and combinations that are supposedly miraculous and strike the opponent like lightning. Everything ingenious is simple, and the opponent is hit by simple blows delivered quickly, sharply and hitting the target. Strikes and combinations in boxing Combination of strikes in boxing from a champion A few types of strikes in boxing can be connected into a considerable number of series. The point is that you can be a good fighter without using any complex elements. Because the most important thing is the quality of their use. An ordinary side or straight punch in boxing, honed to perfection, is clearly superior to an entire striking arsenal that has some errors and inaccuracies. For clarity, we can give a parallel example, where a good boxer often hits with his hands better than a good kickboxer: he does not focus on his legs, his training program is entirely concentrated on the work of his hands. Moreover, this advantage can completely compensate for the lack of skills in footwork. Let's look at the basic combinations of punches in boxing: the simplest and most used. Please note that all series will be viewed from the perspective of right-handed use. And in order to avoid unnecessary tautology, in the future we will use the following simple notations: left to the head - LG; right to the head – PG; left to the body - LK; right into the case - PC. Now let's go. Left and right straight One of the simplest, but most effective series, called the “two”. A direct blow in boxing is the basis without which no continuation is possible. The classic “two” for a right-hander is a left-right straight line, where the second blow is accentuated, and the first can even play the role of a feint. Variations of execution Strikes can also be delivered to the body area. So, the left can be applied to the head (but in this case it is more often just a feint), and the emphasis goes to the body. It also happens the other way around: after the bottom left one, the right one goes to the head. However, from a distance it is most often difficult to break through such a “deuce”, and here it is desirable to have previous feints, strikes or other preparatory actions. Thus, a two may look like this: LH-PG - a classic of the genre; LK-PG - where it becomes possible to apply a strong right straight, due to the additional effort of the legs and body (as in the case of a spring); LG-PK - here your goal is solely to hit the body, otherwise you shouldn’t even waste time and effort on landing. What to look for Training a combination of punches in boxing The pause between the first and second punch is minimal. The right hand seems to catch up with the left. The longer the pause, the less chance of hitting the target with the main blow. The longer you "think" with this basic strike, the longer you will remain in a vulnerable position for your opponent. You don’t want to get met without completing your task? When throwing a left straight, the right shoulder should be down and relaxed, the elbow should be covering the liver, and the fist should be covering the chin. In fact, the final phase of the backhand should become a kind of swing for the right, due to a slight turn in the shoulders. That is why a single right straight punch in boxing is objectively weaker and often technically more difficult than as part of this combination. At the moment of the second blow, the left fist returns to the chin. At the same time, you do not fall anywhere, transferring your body weight to the front leg, which provides the opportunity for subsequent development. This development can be either a rebound (and other forms of avoiding a possible counterattack), or a continuation of the attack with the left hand (there are several options here). You can read more about the two in this article. More publications on this topic Direct punch in boxing: faster, harder, stronger Postman's punch This combination is present not only in boxing, but in other contact martial arts. In essence, it is a more “extended” two, allowing you to shorten the distance to the target at the time of the attack. The first two punches are quick left jabs, and the emphasis is again on the straight right: LG-LG-PG. What to look for The Postman Punch can be considered an effective and most frequently used combination of punches in boxing. But here, as elsewhere, synchronized footwork is very important. Each blow, although it may be short and fast, must be accompanied by an appropriate step. After throwing the first jab, you do not return the fist back, bending your arm at the elbow again: the second blow should overlap the first. Ideally, these two jabs should hit the target, and the right straight becomes the finishing chord. Yes, not everything turns out perfectly, but your main task in any case is an accentuated third strike. Three, but not horses One of the types of punches in boxing Most often, a “three” is called the same “postman’s blow”, only here two full jabs are applied, while there is one short one. Since these combinations are similar, you will consider another three. And then we will analyze the variations of execution. In the classic case, it looks like this: left-right-left, and everything flies to the head. However, when using only direct blows, the last left often turns out to be not very relevant, due to being too close to the target. In this case, the direct blow is simply replaced with a side one. And the emphasis, it should be noted, should be placed on him. Variations of execution So, how many variants of execution of such a trio can we have: LG-PG-LG - all straight, but the last one is possible lateral. We discussed this. LK-PG-LG - also all direct, with the possible exception of the last one. Here the first blow can also play the role of a feint, forcing the opponent to lower his hands and open up to continue the combination. LG-PK-LG – here it is preferable to end most often with a side one. The main focus is a game of contrasts: we started at the top, continued at the bottom, and ended again on top. The opponent is disoriented, and if the distance is chosen correctly, he will definitely miss. LG-PG-LK - here is an accentuating blow to the liver, but the right one should also be strong and not play the role of a feint. Below in the video you can see work on a bag, where this particular version of the series is practiced. What to look for We will not talk about the work of the legs every time - this is an indispensable condition. In terms of protection, everything was said in the description of the “two”: the elements are used the same, the hands work exactly the same, so nothing has changed. Not the number of punches, but their accuracy. Hit to the liver. Note that using the same types of punches in boxing, we create completely different combinations. At the same time, as you can see, we are not at all creative, inventing something non-existent and half-absurd. Such combinations “for every day”. This article deliberately does not mention uppercuts, or even crosses, although this is an integral part of one large martial arts culture. But this only emphasizes even more clearly how simple, but at the same time effective, combinations of punches in boxing are, consisting of no more than three elements. And even here it was possible to mention many more possible combinations that would start with the right hand, and the same blows would be used. But this would turn out to be too long an article, and the reader is mostly so lazy that he may even be afraid of the amount of text. That is why the continuation of this topic will be considered in subsequent articles.

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