That the child is 1 month old from diathesis. Diathesis in children: causes and treatment. Traditional methods of treating diathesis

Parents often ask how to treat diathesis in children on the face. Let's find out in this article. It is traditionally believed that diathesis is a childhood disease. But this disease also occurs in adults, and also in newborn babies. Doctors describe diathesis as an abnormal condition of the human body that responds to metabolic disorders along with poor nutrition or infectious diseases and respiratory viruses.

Medicine does not consider diathesis as a disease. Most likely, this is a certain predisposition, which may also be hereditary. Or it may be a tendency for symptoms to occur in response to a particular exposure. environment, be it nutrition, ecology and the like.

How to treat diathesis in a child?

Diathesis and its types

The most common is allergic diathesis, which occurs in infants. It can manifest itself between the ages of two and six months in the form of an allergic reaction, and in addition, reduced resistance to infections. Sick children are characterized by vulnerability and sensitivity of barrier tissues along with protracted inflammatory processes of the digestive system and respiratory organs. Such children, as a rule, are very irritable and impressionable; doctors observe increased excitability and restless sleep in them. Despite the fact that they are predisposed to excess weight, if the slightest illness occurs, they lose weight very quickly. This disease can last up to two years, after which it will disappear on its own. But despite it is still required cure in order to prevent the occurrence of such serious diseases as psoriasis, neurodermatitis or eczema.

The causes and symptoms of diathesis in children will be discussed in detail below.

Doctors characterize lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis by the body’s tendency to enlarge the lymph nodes. Allergic and infectious diseases, hypofunction of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, hypoplasia of the kidneys and heart, immunological dysfunctions and metabolic disorders of carbohydrates, and also lipids, are also observed.

Neuro-arthritic diathesis is a genetic metabolic disorder leading to obesity. Hypertension, increased nervous excitability, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus may also occur. Doctors often associate the development of neuro-arthritic diathesis with defects in the metabolism of uric acid and purines. In children, this form of the disease may be a consequence of the mother's abuse of protein products during pregnancy. Family history reveals gout, neurasthenia and cholelithiasis in such patients. It is extremely difficult for doctors to diagnose this type of diathesis in newborns. As for the clinical picture of the disease, it is formed immediately by school age.

Before we understand how to treat diathesis in a child, we will understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Reasons for appearance

The pathogenesis and etiology of diathesis have not yet been fully studied. It is only known that an important role in the manifestations of this disease is played by the adverse effects of the external environment, and in addition, genetic predisposition. True, half of the children who fell ill with diathesis have a strong family history; in addition, this disease in infants occurs with an increase in immunoglobulin in the blood, and there is also excessive secretion and release of histamine.

Diathesis in newborns can be provoked, among other things, by toxicosis along with taking certain medications during pregnancy. In addition, infectious diseases of a pregnant woman, a monotonous and improper diet of a nursing mother, for example, abuse of foods such as milk, honey, eggs, sweets or citrus fruits, are also provocateurs. If allergens are present in a pregnant woman’s body, they may well be transmitted to the child, which in the future will most likely lead to congenital allergies and increased sensitivity of the body. How to treat diathesis on the cheeks of an infant, mothers often ask.

Another reason for its appearance may be trophoallergens that enter the baby’s digestive tract through breast milk and food. Penetration occurs through the intestines that are not yet strong. High permeability of the intestinal wall in a child can occur due to exhaustion, weight loss, diseases of the digestive system, or due to the recovery period after illness. Without identifying the causes of diathesis, treatment of children is ineffective.


The diagnosis of allergic diathesis is established based on medical history and basic clinical symptoms. In order to exclude diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, differential diagnosis is carried out, and if necessary, they also visit an allergist. To establish a diagnosis of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis, hereditary diseases along with intrauterine infections are additionally studied. In the neuro-arthritic form of the disease, diagnosis is carried out simultaneously with genetic analysis, performing a study of the amount of urate in urine.

Result of overfeeding

Allergies usually occur as a result of overfeeding against the background of a monotonous diet. This may also be due to the consumption of seasonal foods, for example, fruits, berries or vegetables. Allergic diathesis in a child can increase sensitivity not only to certain types of foods, but also to environmental pathogens, such as dust and fur, which can subsequently lead to the development of respiratory syndrome.

The cause of diathesis in an adult can be a nervous shock, and the severity of the disease directly depends on the stressful situation itself. For example, as a result of a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state, the likelihood of a rash only increases, and immediately when the nervous system is normalized, the diathesis may completely recede without any drug intervention. Nutrition in childhood can determine the development of the disease in an adult, the symptoms of which will most likely appear as a result of improper food consumption in the future.

Therefore, it is extremely important to know the causes of the disease and how to treat diathesis.

How does it manifest in an infant?

Children prone to diathesis usually appear overweight. Even despite normal care, the child may develop diaper rash, and the surface of the tongue will be uneven, while tissue turgor is often reduced. Such children are more likely than others to develop allergic diathesis. The symptoms of the disease can be very varied. Scales may appear on the scalp, which will be brown or grayish in color. Damage to the mucous membranes is also possible, which will manifest itself in the form of conjunctivitis, laryngitis or nasopharyngitis. No less common is the formation of a crust on the cheeks, which turns red, flakes and is accompanied by itching. Such diathesis is dangerous because it can provoke neurodermatitis or eczema.

Against the background of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis, symptoms in newborns can be established due to their large weight and disproportionate physique. Such children subsequently turn out to be inactive, and their speech development slows down. This type of diathesis in adults, the symptom of which is a violation of vascular permeability and blood circulation, can subsequently provoke excess weight along with the distribution of adipose tissue according to the female type, when this occurs on the hips or abdomen. Frequent symptoms include tonsil hyperplasia along with enlarged lymph nodes. As part of ultrasound diagnostics, an enlarged thymus gland is almost always observed.

The symptoms of neuro-arthritic diathesis directly depend on the patient’s age and are accompanied by neurasthenic and, in addition, skin syndromes. A rare manifestation of this disease may be odor intolerance along with elevated temperature, as well as sensitivity to nonspecific irritants.

It is important not only to find out how to treat diathesis in a child, but also to prevent it.

Disease prevention

An important factor in the prevention and remedy for diathesis is proper and rational nutrition of the expectant mother. She shouldn't overeat. At the same time, you should not limit yourself to healthy foods. As for allergenic foods (citrus fruits and chocolate), they should be reduced. Eating lean boiled meat along with vegetable salads and fermented milk products serves as the basis for the expectant mother’s diet. When a child appears, you should approach the issue of his nutrition no less carefully. First of all, you will need to follow the recommendations of pediatricians regarding the choice of infant formula. It is equally important to limit the child’s consumption of foods that have not been cooked, as well as food that is not designed for his age.

If the child does get sick with diathesis, the symptoms of the disease will not return, provided that the parents carefully monitor and properly handle the food, and do not give the baby new foods that can trigger the return of the disease. The children's menu for diathesis should predominantly consist of vegetable casseroles, along with buckwheat porridge and salads. Strictly exclude fish, eggs, pork and jelly. It is equally important to do hardening, massage, and also daily walks.

How to treat diathesis in a child?

Traditional medicine knows how to properly treat diathesis. Her natural strength, along with her wealth of experience, has effectively dealt with this disease for many centuries. What to apply and how to treat diathesis on a child’s cheeks? Let's look at the most popular recipes:

  • Treatment with herbal decoction. To prepare, you need to take 10 grams of walnut leaf, 20 grams of string, black currant leaves, yarrow herb and white damselfish. Also take 30 grams of birch leaves, strawberries and burdock root. The remaining two ingredients are 40 grams of violet and 60 grams of bearberry. Next, the herbs must be mixed and poured with 500 milligrams of hot water. It will take about eight hours to infuse the mixture, after which it needs to be strained. You need to take the finished product two tablespoons three times a day. This medicine for diathesis is absolutely safe for children, which is why it is widespread in folk medicine. In case of diathesis in newborns, therapy can begin with herbal compresses with the addition of a healing decoction.
  • Treatment in succession. To prepare such a compress, you need to take 20 grams of dry string, pour it with one glass of water, then bring the product to a boil and filter. The infusion is taken orally, a tablespoon three times a day. As for infants, it is better for them to use warm compresses. Sequential daily baths are also suitable. Another way to treat diathesis in a child?
  • Therapeutic baths with chicory root. To prepare such a bath, you need to take 50 grams of chicory root and grind it, then pour in a liter of hot water and leave to infuse for an hour. The mixture is then boiled for several minutes and then cooled. You need to add the strained broth to the bath during your child’s daily bathing. Chicory can be replaced with oak bark. Celandine with the addition of potassium permanganate is also suitable. Another way to treat diathesis?
  • You can apply viburnum lotions to the child’s cheeks, as well as use the decoction internally. To do this, you will need 15 grams of crushed bark, which will need to be poured with two glasses of boiling water. Next, the product is left to infuse for thirty minutes, after which it is filtered. The resulting infusion is brought to a volume of 200 milliliters and consumed a teaspoon three times a day after meals.

In the case of using certain herbal decoctions, therapy is best carried out under the supervision and control of a pediatrician, but at home. If a child has diathesis, every mother can treat this disease.

Treatment of diathesis with eggshells

Treatment of diathesis involves not only the use of decoctions. An excellent remedy that will give good results can be eggshells. This recipe is absolutely harmless for the child.

So, in order to prepare a remedy based on the shell, take a fresh egg and boil it for five minutes. Next, the egg needs to be cleaned and the film removed from the inner surface of the shell. It is important to boil the shell itself again for a few minutes and then dry it, avoiding exposure to sunlight. After it dries, it is ground into a fine powder until it becomes powdery.

Using this recipe requires careful dosing. For example, from 6 months to a year they give it on the tip of a knife. From the age of one year, the dose can be doubled, and from five years old, half the shell can be given daily. Be sure to add a few drops of lemon before use. Wash down the lemon-egg powder with dill water, take it for one month, then take a break. If symptoms occur again, therapy will have to be repeated.

How else to treat diathesis in a child with folk remedies?

Preparation of medicinal ointment

If you have childhood diathesis, treatment of the external integument can be performed using ointments prepared at home yourself. So, take zinc paste in equal parts along with fresh sour cream, medical tar and fresh egg white. Next, mix all this and gently lubricate the child’s damaged skin. How to treat diathesis on the butt? A homemade ointment is an excellent remedy. This preparation must be prepared daily to ensure all ingredients are always fresh.

How to treat diathesis in a child at home is not an idle question.

Treatment with root vegetables

Treatment of adults whose symptoms are expressed in the form of allergic skin rashes will be effective only if they follow a diet and, in addition, exclude foods that are allergens.

  • For example, in this case, you can use herbal tea. To prepare it you need to take elecampane, yarrow and gentian. Next, you need to pour boiling water over it all and leave for half an hour. Take the product three times a day before meals, 100 grams.
  • Another effective remedy for treating this disease in adults is radish. It is especially effective in the fight against diathesis. Adults can take it one tablespoon up to three times a day. As for children, they need to increase the dose gradually. As a rule, they start with one drop, adding one more every day and bringing the dosage to a tablespoon.
  • Treatment through baths with potato mass helps perfectly with diathesis. To do this, you need to peel five medium potatoes. Next, they are rubbed and the whole mass is dipped into boiling water. Immediately after immersion, turn off the stove, mix the product and leave for fifteen minutes under a closed lid. The resulting product is filtered and added to a bath of water.

We looked at the symptoms, treatment and prevention of diathesis in children and adults.

Update: October 2018

Diathesis translated from Greek means “inclination”. Currently, diathesis is not classified as a specific disease, but is considered a special condition of the child’s body with:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • undulating course, with periods of remission and exacerbation;
  • a tendency to certain diseases: allergies, respiratory infections, seizures, metabolic disorders, immunological abnormalities.

Diathesis can most often be observed on the baby’s cheeks.

Thus, diathesis is an anomaly of the child’s constitution, which determines the characteristics of his adaptive reactions and predisposition to certain diseases, not least of which are allergic manifestations on the skin and in the respiratory system. What, in the classical understanding of most parents, appears under the guise of diathesis is nothing more than skin manifestations of an allergic variant of diathesis.

Causes of allergic diathesis

It is difficult to single out one cause of diathesis - as a rule, it develops under the combined influence of several causes, the most important of which is hereditary predisposition, as well as:

  • poor nutrition of a woman during pregnancy (abuse of products containing a lot of harmful chemical additives);
  • abuse of allergenic foods by a pregnant woman (chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, milk, eggs, honey);
  • chronic diseases of the mother, infections affecting the course of pregnancy;
  • taking antibiotics and other drugs during pregnancy;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • complete absence of breastfeeding or its early termination;
  • transfer to artificial formulas, when either cow's milk protein becomes an allergen for the child's body (see), or the vitamin complexes included in the mixtures cause allergies in the baby (see).

An allergic reaction in a baby can be caused by a food allergy, a contact reaction, or inhalation of toxic substances or allergens:

Respiratory diathesis

  • an abundance of dust collectors in the room, rare wet cleaning of the room
  • recently renovated or new furniture in the apartment
  • presence of pets, birds, etc.
  • use by family members of various deodorants, perfumes, air flavors, household chemicals (chlorine-containing cleaners and detergents, washing powders, etc.)
  • Most Chinese-made toys and baby care items emit foul odors, causing household poisoning.

Food allergies

Today, absolutely any product (substances, additives in the product) in a child or adult can cause an inadequate immune response - in an infant it depends on the mother’s diet or the introduction of complementary foods.

Contact diathesis

  • bathing a child should use only hypoallergenic products; in the first 3 months, it is not advisable to use hot tap water for bathing; cold water should be heated or boiled
  • Children’s clothes should not be washed with ordinary washing powders with a high content of surfactants and phosphates (these include the popular supposedly “children’s” powder Ushasty Nyan) see.
  • The baby’s skin should come into contact only with cotton fabric, that is, avoid contact of synthetic and woolen fabric with the skin (wear a cotton cap under a synthetic hat, cotton clothes under a woolen sweater, etc.)
  • Antibacterial wet wipes may cause an allergic reaction in children (see,).

Autoimmune diathesis

For example, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, high levels of immunoholobulins of class E and M, activation of lymphocytes, identification of antinuclear factors, that is, a tendency to systemic diseases.

Infectious-allergic diathesis

In which the trigger is a bacterial or viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, provoking the onset of inflammatory changes in the skin and mucous membranes.

Exudative-catarrhal diathesis

This is a tendency to pseudo-allergic reactions, infiltrates and exfoliation of the skin and mucous membranes, and disturbances in water-salt metabolism. This type of diathesis is typical for large infants with loose and abundant subcutaneous tissue. They are prone to diaper rash, pasty skin, decreased skin tone, seborrhea of ​​the head, and digestive disorders. Often in such children there is an increase in several groups of lymph nodes and a tendency to secondary bacterial skin lesions.

Symptoms of diathesis

Manifestations of diathesis are varied and can be observed already in the first weeks of a baby’s life. They concern not only the skin reaction, but also the general condition of the child. Every mother should know what diathesis looks like, because... no one is immune from its development, but early correction of this condition helps stop the progression. It is necessary to differentiate diathesis from various etiologies, etc.

Skin symptoms

Lesions of the mucous membranes

  • “Geographic tongue” is a characteristic lesion of the mucous membrane of the tongue in the form of a geographical map. The symptom occurs due to uneven desquamation of the cellular layer of the mucous membrane
  • Damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, manifested by unstable stool, dysbacteriosis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract: persistent,
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes: allergic conjunctivitis
  • Damage to the bladder mucosa: cystitis

General symptoms

  • Unreasonable screaming and crying of a child
  • Bad dream
  • Loss of appetite

Other types of diathesis

Lymphatic diathesis

This is a failure of the lymphatic system due to low activity of the thymus gland. Along with an increase in lymph nodes, there is a decrease in the activity of the adrenal glands, a tendency to allergies and dermatitis. Including. infectious, caused by an insufficient immune response from the skin and mucous membranes in conditions of suppression of the production of immunoglobulins. Children with this constitutional anomaly are characterized by longer limbs and a relatively short body, enlarged lymph nodes, tonsils, and thymus. When the gland is excessively large, it can interfere with breathing. Children often suffer from anemia.

Neuro-arthritic diathesis

It provokes high nervous excitability and exhaustion. Children with this type of diathesis develop faster mentally, but are more exhausted and restless than their peers. A striking manifestation of this type of diathesis is acetone crises, which often frighten parents and force them to look for severe pathologies in the baby. A typical crisis caused by the accumulation of ketone bodies (acetone) in the blood is several episodes of vomiting, during which the child suddenly turns pale and falls into a sleepy, lethargic state, even to the point of loss of consciousness.

The trigger point is almost always stress or an error in the diet (a long period of hunger, a load of protein or fat). The release of anti-insulin hormones or a deficiency of sugars lead to a system of metabolic reactions, as a result of which an excess of ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic and beta-hydroxybutyric acids) floats in the blood. These substances have a depressing effect on the central nervous system (even to the point of coma), increase the tissue need for oxygen (provoke oxygen starvation of tissues, ischemia), spasm blood vessels, irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa (vomiting).

Children are prone to obesity, diabetes, and kidney pathologies. Impaired uric acid metabolism is a precursor to gout in adulthood.


Treatment of diathesis is a serious problem; it does not always bring results, which largely depend on the actions of the parents. When diathesis appears, a nursing mother should first:

  • go on a strict diet (water porridge, crackers) and watch the child’s reaction.
  • bathe the child 2 times a day in an infusion of string, sage, or make starch baths, furatsilin or soda lotions.

Nutrition for a nursing mother

Diathesis in a baby is the mother’s addiction to sweets and smoked and sausage products; even dairy products, fruits, chicken meat consumed by a nursing mother can provoke diathesis in the baby (see). Modern production - antibiotics and feed for poultry and livestock, food additives in finished products, chemicals when growing vegetables and fruits, processing of meat, fruits and vegetables for further storage saturate products with harmful substances that accumulate in the body and can cause an inadequate reaction in children.

Techniques to help reduce food allergenicity

  • Cooking methods: boiling, steaming, baking.
  • Soak cereals and vegetables in cold water for at least 10-12 hours before cooking.
  • Boil the meat for 20 minutes in water, which should then be drained. The semi-finished product can be stewed or further cooked until cooked.
  • When purchasing ready-made products, you should carefully read the ingredients: the fewer components there are, especially unknown ones, the better.

Proper feeding and care of a newborn

  • breastfeeding as early as possible;
  • exclusive breastfeeding for at least six months (WHO recommendation);
  • compliance with a hypoallergenic diet by a nursing mother;
  • when artificial feeding, careful selection of a mixture that does not give an allergic reaction (special medicinal mixtures based on hydrolysates, soy protein, fermented milk mixtures)
  • properly organized complementary feeding (see). For the first introduction to vegetables (and this is at 5-6 months), zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes and turnips are suitable. Vegetables should be soaked for 12 hours in cold water, and only then puree them;
  • gradual introduction of complementary foods, excluding the introduction of 2 different foods on the same day;
  • tracking individual reactions to a product and excluding it from the diet - keeping a food diary;
  • exclusion of previously known allergenic products and components from the diet.

Subsequently, during the transition of the baby to the adult table, you need to be very careful with typical allergenic foods, such as eggs, honey, nuts, red fruits and vegetables, and canned food. New foods are introduced into the diet in minute quantities, and the later the better.


  • frequent change of linen (bed and underwear);
  • the use of neutral detergents for washing children's linen and clothes (see);
  • regular toileting of the skin after urination and defecation;
  • daily baths;
  • excluding mother and child from taking a bath together;
  • Using neutral skin care and wash products specifically designed for sensitive skin;
  • regular nail cutting;
  • minimizing household allergens in the child’s environment: animal hair, dust, soft toys...

General drug treatment


  • 1st generation allergy medications, in addition to their main effect, have a mild sedative effect, so they can be prescribed for severe anxiety in a child, insomnia, and constant crying. Prescribed for 10-14 days with a change of drug every 5 days. Drugs of choice: suprastin, tavegil, pipolfen.
  • Antihistamines of the 2nd generation have a pronounced anti-allergenic effect, do not have hypnotic activity, and therefore can be prescribed for long-term use for 3-5 weeks. Drugs of choice: Claritin, Zyrtec, elastin (see).


For severe crying and anxiety, it may be prescribed


With concomitant, laboratory-confirmed dysbacteriosis, a course of one of the drugs is prescribed: Bifidumbacterin, Normobact, etc. (see).


Currently, the need to prescribe drugs that correct and enhance immunity is controversial and can be criticized by many doctors (see). The immune system in children is immature, regardless of whether he suffers from diathesis or not. The additional drug load on the already imperfect, weakened immunity in such children can lead to pathological reactions and the launch of autoimmune processes.

Local drug treatment

During periods of exacerbation of common diathesis, daily ten-minute baths are indicated:

  • for weeping eczema with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • for diaper rash with infusion of string, sage, starch. An herbal infusion is prepared by pouring 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. vegetable raw materials, infusion for 20 minutes and then adding the strained solution to a bath of water.
  • To prepare a starch bath, 2 tbsp. starch is dissolved in 50 grams of cold water, added with two glasses of boiling water and the resulting starch jelly is poured into a bath of water.

After the bath, you should carefully lubricate the folds of the skin with pre-boiled and cooled vegetable oil.

  • Furacillin lotions- for the treatment of allergic rashes, lotions in a concentration of 1/2 or 1/4 tablets of furatsilin per glass of water. The lotions are kept on the elements until they turn pale, periodically wetting the cotton wool in the solution.
  • Soda lotions to relieve itching: 1 tsp. baking soda dissolves in a glass of chilled boiled water. Rubbing movements are not allowed - just gently apply the lotion to the inflamed skin.
  • For dryness and flaking, it is enough to lubricate the skin with neutral emollient creams or baby oil.
  • Ointment for diathesis - not understanding the etiology of the problem, many parents buy ointments on their own, relying on the fact that they will eliminate diathesis. This is fundamentally wrong. Ointment is only a symptomatic treatment of one of the manifestations of diathesis.

Non-hormonal ointments

  • Guzhienko paste (zinc + diphenhydramine) - ordered at the pharmacy, made from an alcohol solution of diphenhydramine and zinc paste.
  • Elidel

(pimecrolimus) from 3 months, gently rubbed into the skin 2-3 times a day

  • Fenistil gel

(dimetindene maleate) from 1 month, in a thin layer 2-3 times a day

  • Bepanten

Dexpanthenol, 1-2 times a day

  • La-cree

walnut extracts - licorice, string, bisabolol and panthenol.

  • Tsindol

(zinc oxide)

  • Desitin

(zinc oxide)

When a bacterial infection occurs

  • Vishnevsky (xeroform, tar, castor oil)
  • (methyluracil, chloramphenicol)
  • Powder Xeroform

Scheduled vaccinations

Scheduled vaccinations can be carried out only 1 month after the fact of exacerbation of diathesis. During the pre-vaccination period (3 days before) and after vaccination, antihistamines are prescribed for 7-10 days.

Prevention of diathesis

A newborn with a history of allergies is immediately exposed to an allergic attack from the environment, so prevention of diathesis should be carried out in the prenatal period.

If a pregnant woman or her mother has a history of diathesis or has allergic pathologies, the most allergenic foods (chocolate, strawberries, honey, nuts, smoked meats, etc.) should be excluded from the diet. Under no circumstances should you smoke - not only is it a direct risk of intrauterine pathologies, smoking aggravates the allergic mood of the body.


Diathesis that can be brought under control gradually fades away by 2-4 years. The child becomes resistant to previously dangerous allergens and tolerates cow protein, eggs, fruits, etc. well. Children whose diathesis proceeds without visible improvement, with constant periods of exacerbation, risk becoming allergy sufferers with severe immunodeficiency in the future.

In infants, diathesis usually manifests itself as symptoms on the skin - on the cheeks and scalp.
In children 3-6 years old, lymph nodes may become enlarged.
From 7 to 12 years, joint pain and gastrointestinal disorders are possible.
The disease occurs due to the structural features of the immune system and gastrointestinal tract. The development of diathesis is due to the presence of a hereditary predisposition in combination with errors in diet.
Treatment includes antihistamines, local therapy and a hypoallergenic diet.

Diathesis is not a specific disease, it is a whole complex of symptoms and changes associated with constitutional anomalies - a genetically determined feature of the body. These characteristics are expressed in a tendency to certain diseases. At its core, diathesis is a “pre-disease”, which is characterized by a predisposition to negative reactions to irritants (food components, household chemicals, etc.) and the ability to transform into a disease under the influence of such negative reactions.

There are 3 forms of diathesis:

  • Up to 3 years: exudative-catarrhal: manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • 3-6 years: lymphatic-hypoplastic: lymph nodes enlarge;
  • 7-12 years: neuro-arthritic: gastrointestinal disorders, enuresis, joint pain.


The consumption of the following products by a child or nursing mother can provoke the appearance of diathesis:

  • cow's milk, or more precisely, cow's milk protein or milk sugar (lactose);
  • egg white;
  • purees and juices from orange or red fruits (especially strawberries, citrus fruits, wild strawberries, bananas);
  • chocolate;
  • products with preservatives and food colorings;
  • seafood;
  • pickles, marinades, sauces with spices.

The cause of diathesis in breastfed babies is errors in the mother's diet.

When hyperemia (redness) of the skin or rash appears, parents should remember what’s new in the diet in the coming days and exclude these foods.

Also, a provoking factor in the development of diathesis is non-compliance with hygiene, improper care of the child’s skin, and the use of inappropriate care products. It is necessary to use hypoallergenic creams and bathing products approved for use from birth.

Who is at risk:

Among children at risk, there is a group with abnormalities in the mother's pregnancy - toxicosis, infections, smoking, alcohol consumption. Also included here are disturbances in the course of labor – asphyxia, hypoxia.

Children most often suffer from diathesis:

  • with a hereditary predisposition,
  • with congenital disorders of the nervous system,
  • low birth weight or, conversely, high birth weight,
  • with dysbacteriosis,
  • feeding on infant formula.

The manifestation of the disease can be caused by ARVI, vaccinations, especially at an early age. An increased risk of development is often combined with improper care, poor nutrition, poor living conditions, and a tense emotional environment in the family.

Almost any sudden change - climate change, vitamin deficiencies, household chemicals and even poor environmental conditions can give impetus to the development of atopy. The children's body is more sensitive to histamine (the main regulator of allergic reactions), so its release can be associated not only with foreign agents (for example, from food or washing powder), but also with natural conditions.

Symptoms by age

Signs of diathesis vary depending on the form of its manifestation. It may appear as:

  • negative reaction from the mucous membrane and skin (dermatitis, geographic tongue, milk scab),
  • hypoplastic changes in lymph nodes (their increase throughout the body) and endocrine glands.
  • Metabolic processes often suffer, usually increased secretion of uric acid, oxalates and phosphates.

Photo: geographic language

Photo: milk scab. Taken from the website of the Department of Dermatovenereology of the Tomsk Military Medical Institute

Diathesis in infants: exudative-catarrhal form

Synonyms: allergic, atopic diathesis

No additional diagnostic methods are used to make a diagnosis. The presence of diathesis can be determined by skin manifestations and data on the products that the child consumed.

When the baby is breastfed, symptoms of diathesis may occur after the mother consumes these products.

Manifestations can begin as early as the first month of life in the form of persistent diaper rash (not going away even with careful care), profuse prickly heat (even with mild overheating) and, finally, in the form of gray-yellow greasy crusts on the scalp and eyebrows. The child's skin is pale and dry.

Starting at 3 months of age, limited bright red spots may appear on the baby's cheeks, which subsequently become covered with a thin crust. Itching and pain are felt in these places. These are the so-called milk crusts or milk scabs - one of the characteristic manifestations of abnormal metabolism - exudative diathesis. It is also called allergic or atopic.

Manifestations in infants:

  • frequent and loose stools with foam or a greenish tint,
  • stomach pain,
  • rash,
  • redness on the cheeks (milk scab).

A child with diathesis is capricious, restless, may refuse to eat and sleep poorly. The appearance of the rash is accompanied by constant severe itching, so children older than one year can scratch the affected areas, which leads to a secondary infection and the appearance of purulent wounds. Infants react to itching by crying and increased physical activity.

If left untreated, the entire body is affected. At the initial stage of the acute form of the disease, redness of the skin is noted, then small blisters filled with transparent contents appear. Over time, the bubbles burst and crusts form in their place.

Diathesis is manifested not only by rashes, but also by indigestion (diarrhea) against the background of skin manifestations, a protracted course of inflammatory eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), and obstructive bronchitis. Subsequently, this form of diathesis may be complicated by bronchial asthma.

With diathesis, the child develops increased sensitivity to certain foods and medications. Therefore, ordinary care and feeding are not sufficient for such a child; appropriate adjustments must be made to them.

By the end of two years, usually active signs are significantly reduced, and only a small percentage of children (about 10%) may manifest themselves at an older age in the form of bronchial asthma, eczema, and allergic reactions.

Diathesis at 3-6 years: lymphatic-hypoplastic

The lymphatic form is characterized by rapid fatigue of the child, usually he is pale, lethargic, overweight (or prone to obesity).

A distinctive feature of children with such a constitutional anomaly is an enlargement of the thymus gland (the main gland for the preparation of T-lymphocytes, which undergoes atrophy with age) and lymph nodes. The main symptoms of this form include:

  • frequent respiratory infections,
  • hoarseness, noisy breathing, shortness of breath due to an enlarged thymus (thymus gland)

The height of the process occurs between the ages of 3 and 6 years, then the negative manifestations almost completely disappear. There may be a slight delay in sexual development in adolescents.

Diathesis at 7-12 years old: neuro-arthritic form

For the arthritic form, the peak is school age (7-12 years). Children are often thin in appearance, but sudden weight gain in adolescents is possible. This type of constitution is noticeable even from infancy - the baby sleeps poorly, is excitable, restless, and eats poorly. Then, as you grow older, tics, nightmares, enuresis (urinary incontinence), and vomiting due to nervousness may increase.
Children often complain of indigestion - vomiting, diarrhea, the smell of acetone on the breath, as well as intermittent pain in the joints.

This form is also characterized by the manifestation of spastic syndrome (increased muscle tone):

  • bronchospasms,
  • colic, constipation,
  • increased likelihood of developing hypertension and heart disease.

In the book Children's diseases: a textbook, ed. A.A. Baranov provides the following comparative table:

Sign Lymphatic-hypoplastic form Neuro-arthritic form
Frequency in population up to 60-70% 10-12% 2-3%
Timing of manifestation first 3 months of life second year from 6-7 years and later
Timeframe for disappearance of manifestations by the age of 3-4 years, 20-25% of children transform into allergic diseases at puberty (in most children) lasts for life

transient or genetically determined hyperproduction of IgE, adrenal insufficiency, allergies

dysfunction of the pituitary-adrenal axis, thymic hyperplasia, adrenal insufficiency

genetic defect in the metabolism of uric acid and purine bases, dysfunction of liver enzymes

Nervous system response

excitability, irritability

apathy, lethargy, stress intolerance, low blood pressure accelerated development and excitability, neuropathic reactions
Body weight and length age appropriate more than the age norm (paratrophy) loss of body weight with normal length, dystrophy
Body type proportional, often asthenic disproportionate, often hypersthenic without features
Nature of skin changes seborrhea, infiltration, redness, crusting, erythematous nodules, exudative-erythematous rashes

in 70% of children they are absent, in 30% of cases they are identical to those with exudative-catarrhal diathesis; characterized by weeping in skin folds, marbling of the skin

urticaria, angioedema, neurodermatitis, dry skin
Location of skin changes mainly on exposed parts of the body on the lower half of the body, in skin folds, behind the ears no favorite localization
Mucous membranes tongue in the form of a “geographical map”, increased exudation tendency to swelling, increased exudation no clear changes
Subcutaneous tissue moderately developed: both excess and deficiency are possible overdeveloped, unevenly distributed usually underdeveloped; obesity is possible in adolescents
Trugor fabrics reduced reduced reduced
Muscle tone normal reduced normal
Lymphoid tissue reaction enlargement of regional lymph nodes generalized hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue, in 70% of children with enlarged thymus gland moderate inflammation of a significant number of lymph nodes
Immunity reduced reduced satisfactory
Metabolic disorders unstable water-salt metabolism, metabolic acidosis the same as with the exudative-catarrhal form, as well as an increase in the concentration of cholesterol and phospholipids, a decrease in glucose, thymus factors increased concentration of uric acid in the blood and urine, acidosis
Peripheral blood reaction eosinophilia absolute and relative lymphocytosis, neutropenia and monocytopenia sometimes eosinophilia
Characteristic clinical syndromes that subsequently develop in adults bronchial asthma from the second year of life, cholecystitis, duodenitis severe bronchial asthma from the first year of life, cardio- and nephropathy arterial hypertension, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, gout, peptic ulcer, spastic colitis, bronchial asthma
Condition of internal organs frequent acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis with obstructive syndrome, urinary and intestinal infections, dysfunction of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract multiple stigmas of dysembryogenesis (small malformations, for example, protruding ears), birth defects, hypoplasia (reduced size) of the endocrine glands, heart, kidneys colic: renal, hepatic, intestinal; Neurasthenia, arthralgia, urinary disorders, saluria (presence of salts in urine), acetonemic vomiting

Treatment of diathesis

Treatment includes antihistamines, local therapy and a hypoallergenic diet.

The basis for the treatment of constitutional anomalies should be the establishment of a regimen and menu. It is very important to correctly compose a diet, not only excluding potential allergens, but also regulating the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories. The treatment of skin rashes should be approached comprehensively, not limited to local treatment.

To relieve symptoms of the disease, 1st-2nd generation antihistamines are used in age-appropriate dosages (loratadine, cetirizine, clemastine, dimethidene). They eliminate itching, reduce swelling of the skin, relieve redness, have a sedative effect, and prevent the further spread of dermatitis. It is better to choose drugs that come in the form of drops. Syrups may contain dyes and flavors that provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

For severe skin manifestations, ointments with antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids are used topically. If there are signs of inflammation, local use of antiseptics is indicated: a solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid, methylene blue.

Drug treatment of diathesis

Strictly! as prescribed by a doctor

Exudative-catarrhal diathesis Neuro-arthritic diathesis
All drugs are selected strictly individually!

Enzymes (rennet, pancreatin).

Antihistamines should be changed every 7-10 days.

Vitamins: A, B6, B15, rutin with ascorbic acid.

Calcium preparations.

For persistent dermatitis - ketotifen at an age dosage of 3-6 months.

Regular (2-3 times a year) use of adaptogens: bendazole, licorice root extract, pentoxyl, potassium ororate, etc. for 10 days.

A mandatory course of adaptogens when changing lifestyle (enrolling in school, kindergarten, moving to another climate zone).

With severe allergic damage to the skin and mucous membranes - the same as with exudative-catarrhal diathesis.

If you follow the regimen and diet, virtually no treatment is required.

For acetonemic vomiting: fast for 12 hours, in small portions (1-2 teaspoons) 5% glucose solution, saline solutions. If it is impossible to drink, intravenous administration of glucose-saline solutions. If the condition improves - mashed potatoes, banana.

In severe cases, intravenous drip administration of glucose solution, saline solutions.

Locally: baths with chamomile, bran, string.

Indifferent ointments without hormones, for example, naftalan.

Local treatment according to indications.
If there is no effect, consult a dermatologist and review treatment tactics.

Local treatment

Before removing crusts that occur in children with diathesis, it is necessary to soak them with petroleum jelly, naphthalan ointment, and Unna cream (zinc-based). A thick layer of preheated oil or cream is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, covered with soft, clean gauze, and on top with paper (in no case with plastic wrap!). A scarf is tied over it or a thin cap is put on. After a few hours, the crusts are easily removed when bathing, without damaging the skin. In case of new, abundant crusts, the procedure is repeated - this is the so-called occlusive dressing, recommended by official medicine.

The skin in areas of diaper rash is treated with a 1% aqueous solution of brilliant green or fucorcin. To prevent diaper rash, skin folds must be treated after each wash with diaper cream or special oil. For inflammation, you can use baby cream with panthenol. Children suffering from diathesis should be bathed without soap and potassium permanganate; you can add a decoction of string, a decoction of oak bark, and bran.

The rapid spread of the rash and the appearance of purulent discharge is a reason to immediately seek medical help. In the presence of infectious complications, antibiotics are added to therapy.


As a rule, the first signs of an allergy appear in a child 4-6 hours after eating. Therefore, to accurately identify the allergen, do not mix products!

If you are sensitive to any product, it is excluded from the child’s diet for some time. Then you can try again. Scientists have proven that allergies can only be cured with the help of an allergen. After all, even to poison in small doses the body gets used to it.

Important: If a reaction to complementary foods occurs in the form of rashes, it is necessary to prescribe antihistamines and sorbents that help remove the allergen faster.

If a woman is breastfeeding, then she needs to carefully monitor her diet and give up some “tasty” things. Highly allergenic foods such as chocolate, coffee, marinades, and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet.

Children suffering from allergies are especially careful when introducing their first complementary foods. As a rule, it is recommended to start with vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower). Doctors recommend using industrially produced ready-made food, as it is made from proven quality products and contains the required amount of vitamins.

Cow's milk intolerance is one of the causes of diathesis. In infants it usually appears when the child is transferred to artificial feeding. In this case, doctors recommend abandoning formula milk and switching to formulas based on soy protein (also called lactose-free), hypoallergenic, or using goat milk. If a child has been experiencing allergic symptoms for a long time in the form of frequent, loose and foaming stools, it is recommended to introduce fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria into his diet.

In any case, you cannot independently choose baby food for children with diathesis. This should be done by a doctor, based on the child’s characteristics.

The body of a one-year-old child is still very weak and susceptible to influence. Diathesis in such children can also be caused by familiar foods. Even an extra spoonful of your favorite porridge, eaten “for dad,” can cause anxiety. Try not to overfeed your baby. It is advisable to feed him more often, but in small portions.

When a child reaches the age of three, parents often stop paying due attention to his nutrition and seat the child at a common table. This is a huge burden even for a completely healthy baby, not to mention one with allergies. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of salt and sugar, as well as hot seasonings and spices.


Exudative-catarrhal diathesis Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis Neuro-arthritic diathesis
Diet, including for mothers breastfeeding

Hypoallergenic, with the exception of obligate allergens, red and yellow-colored vegetables and fruits.

Limiting broths and whole cow's milk.

Boiled meat and fish.

Fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits.

In severe cases - an elimination diet, identification and exclusion of the causative agent

Age table with limitation of flour products and cereals.

The predominance of vegetables, fruits, and lactic acid products in the diet. For allergic manifestations - the same as for exudative-catarrhal diathesis.

Age table with the limitation or exclusion of broths, fried, stewed and canned meat, sausages, smoked meats, spicy dishes, coffee, cocoa, citrus fruits and a number of vegetables (sorrel, spinach, radishes, radishes, cauliflower, green peas).

Dairy-vegetable table, boiled meat and fish.


Keeping a food diary, individual vaccination schedule. Monitoring the regularity and quality of stool. If necessary, treatment of dysbiosis.
Careful care Constantly Constantly Constantly
Home education Up to 3 years Up to 5-6 years Up to 3 years

Be sure to maintain a hypoallergenic environment in the house - regularly ventilate, carry out wet cleaning at least 2 times a day. It is recommended to remove all carpets and interior items that accumulate dust. Books and toys should be stored in closed cabinets. The presence of animals in the house is undesirable (an allergic reaction is caused not by the fur itself, but by the scales of the animal’s skin). Even harmless fish can cause an exacerbation of diathesis; it is also better to remove indoor flowers.

For children suffering from diathesis, vaccinations are administered after a preliminary course of antihistamines.


An important point in preventing the occurrence of diathesis is compliance with the regime even before the birth of the child. A pregnant woman should carefully monitor her diet and eliminate bad habits. Children at risk of developing diathesis are advised to breastfeed, which is recommended to be maintained for as long as possible.

Diathesis, essentially, is not a disease, but a borderline state, a predisposition to illness. As is known, the vast majority of chronic human diseases occur against the background of one or another predisposition. All these individual inclinations are determined by the genetic code of each person.

Kinds diathesis in children

Neuro-arthritic diathesis

Neuro-arthritic diathesis is characterized by a predisposition to obesity, diabetes, gout and arthritis, which is mainly due to disturbances in the metabolism of uric acid and the accumulation of purines (its breakdown products) in the body and, to a lesser extent, disturbances in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. It has been proven that this form of diathesis can be inherited. Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis is characterized by persistent enlargement of almost all lymph nodes and the thymus gland, dysfunction of the endocrine system (decreased adrenal function), a tendency to frequent infectious diseases and allergic reactions. In the formation of this diathesis, infectious diseases suffered by the expectant mother and other pregnancy complications leading to intrauterine hypoxia are of decisive importance. Exudative-catarrhal (ECD), or, more often, allergic diathesis, is a disease characteristic of young children. Sick children experience increased sensitivity and vulnerability of barrier tissues (skin, mucous membranes), decreased resistance to infections, prolonged inflammatory processes and the development of allergic reactions. It is this type of diathesis that is so common that the term “diathesis” itself is often considered a complete synonym.

Exudative-catarrhal diathesis (ECD) (allergic diathesis): face to face

Allergic diathesis manifests itself in one form or another in approximately 30-60% of children in the first 2 years of life. For 75-90% of these babies it is only an episode, and only a few may subsequently develop allergic diseases.

In children of the first year of life, the protective function of the intestine is reduced. The fact is that at this age, insufficient digestive enzymes and protective antibodies are produced and the permeability of the intestinal wall is increased. The combination of these age-related features of the gastrointestinal tract of babies leads to the fact that under-digested food components, primarily proteins, are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. These large fragments of molecules have pronounced antigenic properties, that is, they trigger a chain of allergic reactions. Any allergic reaction begins with the production of special antibodies belonging to the class of immunoglobulin E (IgE). Contact of the allergen with these antibodies leads to the release of histamine, a substance that causes vasodilation, tissue swelling, itching, etc. In children of the first years of life, the release of histamine from blood cells can be caused not only by IgE antibodies, but also by many other substances and even by external factors (for example, cooling). In addition, the sensitivity of the tissues of infants to histamine is much higher than that of older adults, and its inactivation (neutralization) is noticeably reduced. From what has been said, it is clear why it is incorrect to equate allergic diathesis and a typical allergic reaction: if the basis of an allergy is precisely a perverted reaction of the immune system (the production of antibodies to substances that are actually safe and should not normally stimulate an immune response), then with an allergic diathesis The main role in the development of an allergic reaction is played by age-related characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract and histamine sensitivity.

Manifestations of typical allergies and allergic diathesis may be similar, but they have different development mechanisms. Accordingly, the approach to solving the problem should be different. Only 1/3 of children with allergic diathesis There is an increased level of IgE in the blood. That is why manifestations diathesis depend on the dose of allergens received: only a relatively large amount of food eaten leads to the development of skin reactions, among which manifestations of atopic dermatitis are most often observed. In some cases, tiny amounts of the allergen lead to severe allergic reactions.

The risk of developing atopic dermatitis (AD) increases with a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions, as well as if the expectant mother eats a large amount of allergens (for example, citrus fruits, strawberries, etc.), especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. The appearance of the first signs of AD is facilitated by the consumption of cow's milk proteins (usually when introducing formulas), as well as eggs, citrus fruits, strawberries, wild strawberries, oatmeal and other cereals. It should be emphasized that eggs, strawberries, strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas, and chocolate themselves cause the release of histamine, bypassing the stage of antibody production. If the baby is breastfed, then diathesis may appear as a result of the nursing mother consuming these products.

The most common manifestations of AD are redness, dryness and peeling of the cheeks (redness may decrease or disappear completely when going out into the cold, and then resume). From an early age, such babies may experience general dry skin and long-lasting diaper rash in the folds of the skin, especially in the perineum and buttocks. A “milk crust” or gneiss (scales that are glued together by the secretion of the sebaceous glands) is formed on the scalp in the parietal region. Various rashes, strophulus (itchy nodules filled with transparent contents), and areas of weeping may develop. Such children are also characterized by a “geographical” tongue (the tongue has a coating marked with various lines), persistent conjunctivitis, and rhinitis. ARVI usually occurs with obstructive syndrome or false croup; anemia and unstable stool are observed. Body weight often increases unevenly and may be excessive.

The course of blood pressure is wave-like, exacerbations are often associated with dietary errors, but can also be caused by meteorological factors, concomitant diseases, dysbacteriosis, and vaccinations. By the end of the second year of life, the manifestations of AD usually soften and gradually disappear, but 10-25% of children may develop allergic diseases: bronchial asthma, hay fever. That is why it is extremely important to help the small organism survive this period with minimal risk and get out of this state. Failure to comply with preventive measures leads to overstrain of all systems, can contribute to the final breakdown of defense mechanisms and result in a serious illness (for example, bronchial asthma or atopic dermatitis).

Is it possible treat diathesis?

Since the overwhelming majority of allergens are of food origin, then treatment of diathesis For children, they begin with establishing a balanced diet. Here it is appropriate to emphasize how important breastfeeding is for the baby. Firstly, human milk proteins are 100% devoid of allergic properties; they are easily broken down by the baby’s enzymes; secondly, breast milk contains a lot of secretory immunoglobulin A, which protects the intestinal mucosa from large molecules of allergens; thirdly, milk contains enzymes for digesting its own components and, finally, it is the best prevention of dysbacteriosis. Children on mixed and artificial feeding should reduce their intake of cow's milk protein as much as possible. It is necessary to ensure that the mixtures used are adapted; up to 1/3-1/2 of the daily diet can be fermented milk mixtures. If even such feeding causes allergic reactions, the child should be switched to formulas prepared on the basis of soy (unfortunately, an allergy to cow's milk protein in 20-30% of cases is accompanied by a reaction to soy protein), or based on protein hydrolysates. Further, when introducing porridges and vegetable purees, they should be prepared not with milk, but with a mixture or vegetable broth suitable for the baby, and for drinking, use kefir (from 7 months), yogurt (from 8 months), and other fermented milk products. Obligate allergens, as well as foods that individually cause allergic reactions, are excluded from the diet of the baby and the nursing mother (in addition, nursing mothers should not overload their diet with fresh milk products - it is better to replace them with fermented milk). It has been proven that the condition of children with allergic diathesis worsens with excess carbohydrate intake. Sugar in the diet should be replaced with fructose (in a ratio of 1 to 0.3, since fructose is sweeter).

For babies who are bottle-fed, complementary foods should be introduced a little earlier than usual (from about 4.5 months), and you need to start with vegetable puree. Porridges should be introduced no earlier than 6-6.5 months (in this case, it is necessary to exclude oatmeal and semolina). If the baby is breastfed, then complementary foods should be introduced later than usual, i.e. from about six months.

Sometimes children with food allergies are prescribed medications. This primarily concerns vitamin therapy. During periods of exacerbation of allergic reactions, short courses of various antihistamines are administered. I would like to remind you that treatment should be prescribed by a doctor who observes the child and knows the dynamics of his disease.

Vaccinations for children with Exudative-catarrhal diathesis are carried out only after medical preparation that reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction (antihistamines are used for this purpose), and only 1 month after the last exacerbation of the process.

Proper care of affected skin is very important. For dry skin, baths with wheat bran and children's medicinal cosmetics (milk, cream) with skin moisturizing ingredients have a good effect. Diaper rash is lubricated with special creams with a high content of zinc oxide (Desitin) or anti-inflammatory substances (Drapolen). In case of severe weeping, you can add a decoction of oak bark to the bath. Wet dressings with strong tea, a 1% solution of fucorcin or methylene blue are also used; talcum powder and zinc oxide are effective. Decoctions of chamomile and string have a universal anti-inflammatory and healing effect, but it should be remembered that long-term use of herbs can cause an allergic reaction and the formation of polynosis. When using any products, you must ensure that their components do not cause allergies in your baby.

In conclusion, I would like to add that with diathesis, which is not yet a disease, the main role belongs to prevention, which is already treatment.

An allergic reaction on the cheeks and other parts of the body in a child is easily treated. There are many ways, but they depend on the location and degree of neglect of the disease. How to treat diathesis so that it goes away quickly and does not return? You can get by with the traditional method or take serious measures by choosing complex therapy.

What is diathesis

Red spots on a child’s cheeks are not a sign of health, but of an allergic reaction. Diathesis is not a full-fledged disease, but only a tendency to more serious and dangerous diseases: eczema, atopic or seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. It is a “bell” that you need to pay attention to so that problems do not arise in the future. This is especially true for strengthening the immune system.

Diathesis most often affects children under 3 years of age. In the first couple of years, the condition of the body can please parents: the stool is in order, the skin is clear. This does not mean that by the age of three it will not change and such irritation will not appear. The disease is associated with age, histamine sensitivity, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to choose the right complementary foods, and when the child grows up, introduce a balanced diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers are advised to follow a strict diet: exclude allergens in the form of fermented milk products, red-colored vegetables and fruits, and some types of meat and fish. Don’t worry about your child’s malnutrition: after 3 years, the digestive system returns to normal, so he begins to eat normally, but without complications such as allergic diathesis.

What does diathesis look like?

After your baby turns 3 months old, redness may appear on the cheeks or body. They are covered with a thin film - a milky crust, which causes itching and irritation. The manifestation of the first signs is incurable diaper rash, prickly heat, greasy crusts on the eyebrows and hair of a yellow and gray hue. Lymph can be released through the crusts, then they are called a wet rash. Its danger lies in poor protection against infections.

Diathesis looks like a rash and appears all over the body: cheeks, ears, nasolabial triangle, chin, arms, abdomen, buttocks, legs. With dry diathesis, swelling and peeling occur. The child's face becomes puffy and excess weight increases. He lags behind his peers in physical and mental development. In advanced cases, the tonsils, larynx and nose with the organs of vision become inflamed. Characterized by painful defecation - emptying the rectum.

Causes of diathesis

There are many causes of diathesis, occurring both in the prenatal period and at birth. These include:

  • Use of medications during pregnancy.
  • An environment with harmful impurities from industrial production, gas pollution, and dust.
  • Hereditary factors and predisposition to skin and immune diseases.
  • Disturbance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Disruption of the digestive system.
  • Early introduction of complementary foods.
  • Infections. Expressed in bacterial and viral effects.
  • Lost sleep pattern.

Closely monitor your child's diet. If you need to create a menu, consult your doctor. Independent experiments with the child’s body will only worsen the baby’s condition. Improper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding are common causes of diathesis. Consumption of egg and milk proteins, citrus fruits, caviar, canned food, berries and honey cause an allergic reaction even in adults. Rarely, allergies due to natural breast milk occur, and treatment of diathesis in children under one year of age is more difficult than in older adults.

Treatment of diathesis in children

Antihistamines are often used in the treatment of diathesis in children: Tavegil, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine. They cope with the symptoms of the disease, improving appearance, removing swelling and itching, but do not act on the cause of the disease. The drugs have no therapeutic effect. Doctors advise changing the diet of the child (if age allows) or the mother (if breastfeeding). Medicinal substances are prescribed, which include vitamins and minerals. If the diagnosis is made correctly, then treatment of diathesis in children after a year or earlier will be successful, and your baby will recover.

During the treatment process, crusts on the scalp are constantly removed. For this:

  1. A thick layer of fatty hypoallergenic oil is applied to the skin, covered with gauze, paper, but not film. Afterwards, they put on a cap, and after a few hours when bathing, the crusts easily fall off.
  2. If the presence of crusts is abundant, repeat the procedure after a while.
  3. In the initial stages, there are long-term diaper rashes that do not disappear with daily care. Treat them with a 1% solution of brilliant green in water.
  4. For inflammation, the use of baby cream is recommended.

Treatment of diathesis on the cheeks of a child

During treatment of diathesis on the child’s cheeks, do not interrupt it. The disease may recede, but if you do not complete the course, it will return with renewed vigor. Do not wash your child's clothes or other clothes using powder. Instead, use baking soda or hypoallergenic soap. If you have identified a tendency to allergies after drinking juices, which are recommended for children from 1 month of age, give them to a complex diet in a small dose - a couple of drops.

How to smear diathesis on a child’s cheeks

Treatment for an allergic reaction depends on its cause. To reduce irritation and itching, it is necessary to smear diathesis on the child’s cheeks. If the ointments contain a small amount of hormonal agents, they are called glucocorticoids. Such drugs include Advantan, Celestoderm, Elokom. Due to the hormone content, the course of treatment should not exceed 1 week. Long-term use is possible only under the supervision of specialists. If the inflammation is purulent, use Vishnevsky ointment.

How to treat diathesis on a child’s bottom

To determine how to treat diathesis on a child’s bottom, you need to make sure that the disease is present. Diathesis inflammations on the child’s bottom are dense red spots with clear boundaries. Other irritations are the cause of improper wearing of diapers. They are also common due to the fact that the child’s skin comes into contact with low-quality creams. If you are breastfeeding, follow a strict diet, get rid of irritants, rough clothing, and carefully monitor hygiene. If there are no positive changes, consult a specialist: sometimes he may prescribe medications.

Treatment of diathesis in infants

An important factor in the treatment of diathesis in infants is the mother's nutrition. It should contain useful microelements, the daily amount of fats, carbohydrates, and salts. Consumption of fish, pork, and eggs is limited. Dairy-free cereals, fruits and vegetables are added to the diet, with the exception of red foods. Pay attention to the conditions of food production: it is better to choose homemade food without chemicals and food additives. Sweets greatly influence the state of diathesis: its consumption should be reduced.

Bepanten for diathesis in newborns

The skin of newborns is sensitive, irritation is caused by dry air, weather conditions and other factors. Bepanten is used as a medicinal product for external use for diathesis in newborns. It contains dexpanthenol, protegin, lanolin, cetyl alcohol, pantolactone. The product copes with wet ulcers due to diathesis, drying and disinfecting them. You can choose the form: cream, lotion, ointment. Apply them a couple of times a day to your baby’s washed, dry skin.

Treatment of diathesis with folk remedies

There are a large number of recipes used in the treatment of diathesis with folk remedies:

  • Water infusion with burdock root. Daily use of 3-4 tbsp. per day will give results within the first weeks.
  • What is diathesis and does it need to be treated? - Doctor Komarovsky Watch video
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