Moderate fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands. Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland: etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. Treatment of breast tumors

Local fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands, what is it? In a broad sense, local fibroadenomatosis is a process that results in the formation of many nodules with clear boundaries in the mammary glands. The disease is a benign tumor, but it must be treated in a timely manner. Otherwise, complications can lead to serious consequences and the need for surgical intervention.

In the article we will talk about the treatment of localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, we will tell you what it is, what are the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Localized fibroadenomatosis or localized mastopathy is a disease that is accompanied by a complex of processes that promote the proliferation of immature cells of breast tissue.

The result of the development of the disease is the formation of an atypical ratio of epithelial and connective tissue components. Changes in the mammary glands manifest themselves in the form of swelling, swelling and the formation of compactions that cause discomfort. The nodes can reach 6 cm in diameter.

There are several names for the disease:

  • adenofibrosis;
  • fibrocystic disease;
  • Reclus disease;
  • mastopathy;
  • cystic mastopathy;
  • fibromatosis.

Localized mastopathy: what is it? Localized mastopathy is a disease whose risk group includes patients with hormonal abnormalities and liver diseases.

These factors are among the most common causes of nodules in the mammary glands. In some cases, fibromatosis develops against the background of a hereditary predisposition.

The causes of the disease also include the following factors:

During breastfeeding, the risk of local fibroadenomatosis increases. Premature interruption of lactation leads to stagnation in the mammary glands. It is strictly not recommended to stop breastfeeding before three months after birth.

Local fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland never develops asymptomatically. The presence of nodules can be detected by palpation. When palpated, compactions with clear boundaries are clearly felt, and discomfort of varying degrees occurs.

Associated symptoms include menstrual irregularities, deterioration of the condition of nails, hair and skin, and emotional instability.

Localized mastopathy can cause difficulty in conceiving and bearing a child. If the disease occurs during pregnancy, then the course of treatment must be carried out at an accelerated pace and always under the supervision of a specialist.

Painful sensations

Pain with local fibroadenomatosis can occur with varying degrees of intensity. During exacerbation of the disease, burning pain is present even in the absence of mechanical impact on the mammary gland.

Such sensations intensify before the start of the menstrual cycle or after any stressful situation.

Pain may manifest itself in the following forms::

  • the symptom is accompanied by swelling of the mammary gland and its significant thickening;
  • stabbing pains that recur with varying degrees of intensity;
  • feeling of pressure in the mammary glands;
  • the pain symptom is accompanied by enlargement of the lymph nodes located in the axillary region.

Discharge and its connection with the cycle

With adenofibrosis, nipple discharge is considered a characteristic sign of the disease. The liquid may be clear, pink, greenish, brown or white. The consistency of the discharge may also vary.

In the early stages of development of formations in the mammary gland, fluid appears only when pressure is applied to the nipple, in later stages it appears spontaneously.

The connection between secretions and the cycle:

  • in most cases, discharge appears a few days before the start of menstruation and ends simultaneously with it;
  • in advanced forms of the disease, the discharge does not depend on the cycle.

Any discharge from the nipples is a deviation. Their bloody variety is considered a particularly alarming sign. If this symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.


There are several options for diagnosing fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland. The choice of a particular option is influenced by the patient’s general health, the clinical picture of the disease and its first signs, as well as individual factors.

The examination may be:

  1. Standard examination methods:
    • (examination is aimed at the mammary gland);
    • mammography (mandatory stage of diagnosis).
  2. Special methods:
    • ductography (study of the condition of the mammary ducts of the glands);
    • aspiration biopsy (cellular examination);
    • stereotactic biopsy (examination of material taken from non-palpable formations);
    • trucat biopsy (tissue examination).
  3. Additional diagnostics:
    • laboratory tests for hormone levels;
    • X-ray;
    • thermography;
    • examination of the condition of the lymph nodes.

Connection with oncology

Fibrocystic disease is not a precancerous disease, but can become a background to the development of cancer. The disease is not life-threatening for patients, but significantly disrupts its quality.

Advanced forms of mastopathy lead to the need for a serious operation - removal of the mammary glands. A similar procedure is performed if there is a suspicion of cancer development during the treatment of fibroadenomatosis.

The main stage of treatment for fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is to establish the cause of the disease and its subsequent exclusion. A special role in this case is played by the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases and general health.

The course of treatment is prescribed in accordance with the results of a preliminary examination and directly depends on the stage of the disease.

The following groups of drugs are used in the treatment of formations in the mammary glands:

Surgical intervention is carried out only in the absence of results of conservative treatment. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia and represents a sectoral resection of the mammary gland.

During the operation, materials are collected for additional research. The rehabilitation course will vary in duration and pain for the patient.

During the treatment of breast fibroadenomatosis, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of a special diet. Adjustments to the diet are made by the attending physician based on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

You can accompany your medication treatment with some alternative medicine recipes, for example:

Prescriptions can only be used as an addition to the main course of medication. There is no point in conducting questionable experiments.

In most cases, local fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland has a favorable prognosis. If the disease is detected in the early stages of development, it can be completely cured.

Experts recommend taking measures to prevent the formation of nodes in the mammary glands, which include regular examinations with doctors, proper nutrition, careful selection of underwear and taking care of your own health.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Precancerous breast conditions can be cured without surgery, but only with early detection and the use of effective therapies. Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is a nodular mastopathy: the disease, identified in older women, is an obligate precancer. In young women, the risk of cancer is much lower, but tumor growth can be excluded only after examination.

Nodular mastopathy can develop into cancer

Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

Finding any tumor in the breast is a horror for a woman, which not everyone can cope with. Fibroadenomatosis of the breast may require surgery, but most often it is a benign condition that does not require complete removal of the breast. If you choose the ostrich position (I go to the doctor and my breasts will be cut off, so I won’t go anywhere, maybe it will go away on its own), then it will only get worse - for nodular mastopathy, it is quite enough to perform a sectoral resection, removing a small part of the breast, and for breast cancer, a total mastectomy will be required . Early diagnosis of a precancerous condition is a real chance to preserve beauty and life.

Causes of nodules in the chest

The mammary gland is subject to the influence of female hormones, so any type of endocrine imbalance can provoke mastopathy (diffuse or nodular). Risk factors for the formation of breast nodes are:

  • hereditary predisposition (if the mother has it, then the daughter needs to monitor the condition of her breasts);
  • menstruation irregularities without correction;
  • infertility with long-term and unsuccessful treatment;
  • refusal of childbearing and lactation, when the body does not fulfill the program laid down by nature;
  • long-term hormonal contraception;
  • general endocrine pathology (thyroid disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome, pituitary tumors);
  • the presence of gynecological diseases (uterine leiomyoma, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplastic processes, cystic ovarian tumors);
  • inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands (lactostasis, mastitis).

Young women are more likely to develop an adenoma (benign hyperplasia of the lobules due to the action of sex hormones); over the age of 35, the risk of cancer increases, so you should carefully monitor the condition of your breasts.

Pathology options

There are several types of benign nodular neoplasms that require a full examination and treatment. The following variants of nodular mastopathy are distinguished:

  1. Adenoma (increase in the number and size of milk lobules);
  2. Cyst (formation of a cavity with fluid);
  3. Fibrosis (proliferation of connective tissue - interlobular structures);
  4. Ductal mastopathy (proliferation of excretory lobular ducts);
  5. Proliferative fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands (obligate precancer, in which precancerous processes begin in the tissues).

Any option must be treated, especially in the presence of typical manifestations of the disease and a high risk of oncopathology (the presence of a genetic predisposition).

Symptoms of the disease

A typical way to detect problems with the breast is to accidentally identify a painless “lump” in the mammary gland. In addition to this there may be:

  • nagging pain in the chest on one or both sides;
  • nipple discharge;
  • changes in the skin (color, structure).

Regardless of the size of the node and the severity of symptoms, women choose 3 options:

  1. Visit a doctor as soon as possible after the onset of the disease;
  2. A wait-and-see ostrich position (head in the sand - maybe tomorrow it will disappear on its own);
  3. Self-medication using folk remedies.

The first way is optimal - the earlier the examination and treatment is started, the greater the chances of recovery. The remaining options are absolutely pointless and dangerous - there is no need to wait for the weather by the sea or try to use ineffective types of therapy: nothing will happen except wasting time and creating conditions for the progression of the pre-tumor condition.

Having discovered a node, one cannot refuse diagnostic and treatment measures.

Basic diagnostic methods

The most important and mandatory methods for detecting nodular mastopathy include:

  • ultrasound scanning (in young women);
  • blood test for tumor marker Ca 15-3;
  • aspiration biopsy followed by cytological examination of the obtained material.

The main thing for a doctor is to rule out cancer. Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland can be treated without fear for the patient’s life.

Treatment Options

A pretumor condition is the presence of proliferation in tissues, identified by the results, is the basis for surgery. The scope of intervention can be limited to sectoral resection (removal of only the node), but in the presence of risk factors (heredity, high tumor marker numbers, hormonal imbalance, presence

Almost all women know about the existence of a benign breast tumor. According to statistics, almost all benign diseases of the mammary glands can be effectively treated. But many women, having discovered a lump in their breast, think that it is a type of cancer. If you are bothered by periodic chest pains and tingling is noted, then you should not delay a visit to the doctor. It is necessary to understand what fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is, what are the signs of the onset and stage of the disease.

Pathological changes in the mammary glands due to the proliferation of connective tissues are one of the varieties of a disease such as diffuse mastopathy. Multiple benign cysts appear in the breast - this is breast fibroadenomatosis.

Classification of adenomatosis

Let's consider the classification and characteristics of various types of adenomatosis of the mammary glands:

  • cystic adenomatosis is a disease with a large number of bilateral cavities of various shapes and sizes in the form of a cyst
  • lobular adenomatosis - enlargement and mixing of lobules occurs due to tissue proliferation
  • fibrous adenomatosis - the proliferation of connective tissues turns into muscle tissue (fibrosis) with disruption of the fiber structure
  • nonproliferative adenomatosis - the epithelium expands, affecting the milk ducts and the resulting cysts
  • ductal adenomatosis is a disease characterized by dilation and enlargement of the ductal canal

ICD code

ICD - International Classification of Diseases. The ICD 10 code for fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is D24, it is classified as benign formations.

Risk factors for developing the disease

Hormones play a huge role in our body, and hormonal imbalances lead to many diseases. Thus, adenofibrosis of the mammary glands appears against the background of an adrenaline imbalance in the body.

Changes in hormones are affected by:

  • Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland - excess or insufficient quantity negatively affects the balance of the gonads.
  • Ovarian dysfunction, abortion and gynecological diseases.
  • Insufficient secretion of progesterone and estradiol leads to menstrual irregularities and inflammation associated with moderate cycle reproduction.
  • Disruption of the activity of the endocrine system associated with prolonged stress, emotional breakdowns, mental and psychological trauma. All these situations inevitably lead to the appearance of various disorders, including mastopathy.
  • Difficulties of a sexual nature, such as dissatisfaction, interrupted sexual intercourse, lack of a regular partner or infrequent sex.
  • Premature cessation or refusal of breastfeeding. In this case, disruption of the mammary gland ducts may occur. If there is enough milk, then breastfeeding should be continued for a year and a half after the baby is born.
  • Liver disorders can also cause disruption in the hormonal system. The liver breaks down and removes harmful decay substances from the body, but if this process is disrupted, it inevitably leads to diseases of various types.


In the first days of the monthly cycle, the mammary glands become engorged and, if voids and growths in the form of cysts appear in the breast tissue, cutting pain occurs. There is a periodic burning sensation, and the breasts seem to be bursting; such symptoms are explained by the pressure of growths on the nerve endings, as a result of which compactions and swelling appear in the connective fibers of the mammary glands.

The lymph nodes in the armpit visually increase in volume. The liquid that appears with slight pressure on the chest often has a transparent color, but with malignant changes, the color tends to change from pink to black.

Nervous stress or physical overload especially complicates the clinical picture of breast fibroadenomatosis. The category of compaction is not always palpable even during palpation, due to its soft consistency

During the disease, sleep is disturbed, depression, obsessive thoughts about death, anxiety and nervous breakdowns appear. During pregnancy, there is a high probability of miscarriage.


For timely detection of the disease, you should undergo an invasive diagnostic examination of the mammary glands.

  1. You can start with a simple examination by a gynecologist, who, upon palpation, will definitely detect a breast tumor, if any. Women themselves do not pay attention to discomfort in the mammary glands for a long period of time, since fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland does not show itself in any way: there is no pain or discomfort.
  2. After the consultation, you need to undergo a mammogram to finally confirm the presence of the disease and find out how to treat it. The image shows seemingly imperceptible changes in the fibers of the tissues and channels of the mammary gland. This method is also good for monitoring the progressive dynamics of growth of damaged breast tissue. The critical age group is adult women over 50 years of age. You should have a mammogram every year at this age.
  3. Ultrasound of the mammary glands will tell more accurately about the nature, density, presence of voids or fibroadenomatous neoplasms. Ultrasound will help localize the exact size, contour and location of the tumor.
  4. Next you need to take a biochemistry test to identify gallbladder diseases, thyroid hormones and the level of estrogen in the adrenal glands. A blood test can always determine whether there are focal diseases, even if other studies do not detect changes.
  5. Using MRI of the mammary glands, the size and location of clots in the breast can also be easily determined.

In addition to other methods for diagnosing fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland of a malignant nature, the following categories are often used:

  • Breast ductography - examination of the mammary gland canals
  • true biopsy - a part of the epithelium is taken for tissue examination (the same histology)
  • stereotactic tests - material is taken from non-palpable areas
  • aspiration biopsy - cytological studies of affected cells are carried out here

In addition you need to go through:

  • chest x-ray
  • computed tomography (CT)
  • thermography - tissue temperature is taken (if the cells are healthy, the temperature will drop)
  • laboratory and biochemical tests

A complete examination and diagnosis will help create a general mood for recovery and proper effective treatment.


The condition of breast fibroadenomatosis largely depends on its types and shape. Folk remedies for the treatment of this disease are undesirable.

Further treatment of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is carried out by surgically scraping out small focal growths. If there is a suspicion of a cancerous tumor, then surgical treatment is used in sectors or in categorical cases that threaten the patient’s life - mastectomy.

A softer approach to treatment is used through therapeutic observation of the dynamics of tumor growth.

The following drugs are welcome:

  • androgens - Danazol
  • oral contraceptives
  • gestagens - Utrozhestan taken orally or as vaginal suppositories, gel. Rub progestogel into the skin of the mammary gland (it is a plant progesterone).
  • hormones of thyroid cells, if local hypothyroidism is detected
  • releasing hormones - Diferelin, Buserelin and Zoladex
  • drops inside - Mastodinon
  • externally - herbal infusions that affect the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (Mammoclam, alcoholic extract of sea kelp)
  • mild sedatives and adaptogens containing mixed substances


List of vitamins that have a positive effect on the body during treatment and as a preventive measure:

  • E - produces progesterone
  • B6 - concentrated prolactin decreases
  • A - significantly reduces the effect of estrogens and significantly reduces the expansion of the epithelium and cells in connective tissues
  • S, P, PP - swelling is relieved and blood circulation in the vessels improves

The course and treatment of the disease is influenced by complete correction of all diseases of the internal and endocrine systems. It is also advisable to exclude psychogenic factors: no need to worry. On the contrary, more positive emotions and faith will help in curing the disease.

Combined treatment, including gentle therapy and diagnostic measures for benign formations in the mammary gland, will help to understand the cause and mechanism of pathological changes. Accordingly, the quality of life of a young girl will improve and the risk of malignant neoplasms will decrease.

Additional measures

Homemade food should be dietary, teas, caffeine and sweets should be excluded. It is recommended that the food be light and simple, so as not to impede the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help speed up metabolism. The diet must be filled with a large selection of vegetables and fruits. Porridge will also be useful.

You need to be very careful when it comes to homeopathy in the treatment of diseases of the mammary glands. The herb wormwood, for example, or yarrow in the form of infusions have a healing effect. Juniper fruits can be brewed as tea and drunk on an empty stomach. But it is strictly forbidden to get involved in herbal medicine, apply cabbage compresses and do rubbing. All this will only harm and give impetus to the growth of the tumor. Only drug treatment of the mammary glands can remove the painful focus. Knowing how to treat fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands, you can quickly get rid of the disease.


Therapeutic measures are aimed at the general development of immunity, implying a proper, balanced diet based on foods rich in microelements and vitamin complexes. It is especially good to eat seafood with a pronounced content of iodine and selenium. The thyroid gland will not be disturbed, and cancer cells will stop growing.

A healthy lifestyle has a beneficial effect on all aspects. Necessary:

  • quit smoking
  • stop drinking alcohol
  • wear comfortable underwear
  • don't get upset over trifles
  • avoid chest trauma
  • take long sunbathings and often visit the solarium

You need to practice scheduling visits to see a doctor at least once a year and make this a mandatory requirement for yourself.

It is easy to maintain hormonal balance; for this you need:

  • have sex regularly
  • breastfeed longer
  • use contraceptives to avoid abortions
  • independently palpate the mammary glands once a month to detect lumps, and if they appear, be sure to consult a mammologist

In most cases, treatment of nodular fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland gives a positive result and complete healing. Therefore, early diagnosis is very important. As soon as the hormonal levels return to normal, the disease immediately disappears. The opinions of many doctors agree that this illness is associated with a psychosomatic state of mind. All diseases are caused by nerves, and this is actually true. What we think about, what we inspire ourselves with, is what we get out of it. We need to take care of ourselves and not destroy the main gift that is given to us from above - life.

Not everyone knows what fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is, although this form of diffuse mastopathy is the most common among other tumors of breastfeeding women. Today, there are many diseases of the mammary glands, while the lion's share falls on benign formations, one of which is diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands. Fibroadenomatosis mastopathy occurs when a pathological growth of fibrous tissue occurs in a woman’s mammary gland, causing cysts to appear in the breast.

Before treating these lumps, it is necessary to understand what diffuse fibroadenomatosis is, why it occurs in the female mammary gland, what symptoms may occur during the development of the disease, and how this pathology is diagnosed in the breast. There may be one or several formations in the breast, they can be of different sizes. Treatment of the disease depends on the number of nodules, their size and the risk of malignancy.

What is fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands?

Various disorders often occur in a woman’s body that contribute to the growth of fibrous and glandular tissue. Such disturbances may be due to hormonal conditions or other reasons. Most often, disorders occur in women aged thirty-five to forty years.

After menopause, fibroadenomatosis almost never begins, which is due to impaired production of estrogen and progesterone. The impaired level of these hormones stimulates tissue growth in the mammary gland. Neoplasms mainly occur in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, although in some cases they can appear throughout the breast in the form of elastic nodules.


Adenofibrosis comes in nodular and leaf (diffuse) forms. Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is more common and is divided into:

  • adenosis – a tumor with a predominance of the glandular component;
  • fibroadenosis (fibrous fibroadenomatosis) – a neoplasm with most of the fibrous tissue;
  • fibrocystic – cystic fibroadenoma of the breast.

There is also a mixed form of pathology, in which all the above-mentioned tissues are present in equal parts, or two of them, for example, when a fibrocystic neoplasm occurs. Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland can be insignificant, moderate or severe. Depending on the location, number of tumors and nature of the disease, there may be:

  1. Focal fibroadenomatosis - a large number of nodules form throughout the breast. Neoplasms do not have clear boundaries and are accompanied by constant painful sensations.
  2. Localized fibroadenomatosis – one or several tumors appear in the breast, but in one quadrant or segment. The size of the formation varies from one to six centimeters. This is a compaction that has clear boundaries and a heterogeneous bumpy or granular surface.

Women encounter localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland much more often, and tumors can affect both breasts at the same time. The superior outer quadrant is affected more often because this VNK contains more fibrous and adipose tissue.


The main cause of mammary adenomatosis is a hormonal imbalance. An increase in estrogen levels against the background of decreased progesterone can occur due to the following factors:

  • late first pregnancy;
  • refusal of breastfeeding after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • early or late puberty in girls;
  • delayed menopause;
  • more than two abortions in history;
  • frequent stress;
  • long-term treatment with hormonal drugs or uncontrolled use of hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • using an intrauterine device containing hormones longer than its service life;
  • irregular or absent sex life after puberty.

In women who gave birth to their first child between the ages of eighteen and twenty years, the risk of fibroadenomatosis is reduced by half, and in those who breastfeed the baby for two or more years after childbirth - by five times. It has been proven that the pathology is associated with certain diseases of the reproductive system and organs responsible for the production of hormones. Fibroadenomatosis can result from:

  • liver function disorders;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, thyroid pathologies);
  • inflammatory processes in the ovaries that have a chronic course;
  • other gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis);
  • disturbances of water and electrolyte balance in the body.

Doctors often note that close relatives of patients also had fibroadenomatosis, which indicates a genetic factor for this disease. Prolonged direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the exposed mammary gland can also provoke pathological cell division and tissue proliferation.


With mild fibroadenomatosis, women may have no symptoms. With a moderate form of pathology, signs of diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands appear only before the onset of menstruation. At the beginning of the cycle, a woman may feel tingling pain in her breasts, as the nerve endings are pinched by the cysts. In addition to the fact that the chest hurts, it often swells. Women report symptoms such as a burning sensation inside the mammary glands and a feeling of fullness. Swelling with fibroadenosis leads to the fact that the breast becomes dense to the touch. Sometimes the vascular network is clearly visible through the skin.

Another sign of the disease is discharge from juices, which may be clear or pink in color. In some cases, discharge may flow out in a stream when pressed. If a secondary infection has occurred, the discharge becomes green. If the discharge becomes brown or bloody, then you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since this symptom indicates malignant degeneration.

The axillary lymph nodes are also enlarged. The tumors themselves are sometimes not palpable, especially if they have a soft consistency. Painful sensations intensify during physical activity and after the woman becomes very nervous. The regularity of the menstrual cycle may be disrupted, the patient may become depressed and anxious.

Diagnostic methods

When diagnosing fibroadenomatosis, it is necessary to differentiate it from other pathologies, such as breast cancer, premenstrual syndrome, hyperprolactinemia. First, the doctor collects anamnesis, listens to the patient’s complaints, and conducts an examination and palpation of the breast. A final diagnosis can only be made by resorting to other diagnostic methods:

  • Mammography. Breast X-ray taken a week after menstruation in two projections.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is performed after the onset of menstruation (first phase).
  • Thermography of the breast. The method helps to identify areas in which thermal activity is increased.
  • Needle biopsy. The doctor punctures the neoplasm with a thin needle and sends the biopath for histological examination, through which it is determined whether the process has become malignant.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. It is carried out on any day of the cycle and helps to study formations in detail.
  • Hormone research. A blood test shows the level of prolactin, estrogen, and progesterone in the body.
  • Blood chemistry. The study shows liver function, and can be used to determine diabetes mellitus and other pathologies that can lead to fibroadenomatosis.

Other methods for diagnosing pathology are not used. After agreeing on the diagnosis with a gynecologist, endocrinologist and other specialists, the mammologist prescribes therapeutic measures.


How to treat fibroadenomatosis depends on the number of tumors, their location, size, age of the patient, symptoms and concomitant diseases. For small formations, control over them is assigned. Knowing the causes, treatment is aimed at eliminating them with medications. The patient is also credited with dietary nutrition, which improves metabolic processes and accelerates the absorption of nutrients. It is necessary to exclude animal fats from the diet, consume dairy products and foods with sufficient fiber.

Surgical intervention

The operation is performed through sectoral resection, and only if the tumors are large and localized in one segment of the chest. During surgery, the doctor removes a certain section of the breast that is affected by tumors. If there are one or two cysts, they are desquamated without removing the surrounding tissue. If tumors are detected throughout the mammary gland, or atypical cells are found, the doctor performs a mastectomy (complete removal of the breast).

Drug treatment

For small or slow-growing formations, treatment is carried out with medication, it is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. For conservative therapy, the following are prescribed:

  • thyroid hormones;
  • gestagens;
  • combined oral contraceptives;
  • androgens;
  • agonists and gonadotropins;
  • anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunomodulatory agents;
  • vitamins A, B6, C, P, PP;
  • mild sedatives and herbal adaptogens.

It is also necessary to treat other diseases that occur together with fibroadenomatosis.

Folk remedies

For fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, treatment with folk remedies will not help get rid of tumors, but some methods will help relieve symptoms such as pain or swelling. To do this, you can apply a broken cabbage leaf to your chest or make herbal compresses and lotions. A cake made from honey, flour and a chicken egg, applied to the mammary gland at night, will help cope with swelling.

Before using any traditional medicine recipes, you must undergo an examination and find out the opinion of your doctor about this or that folk remedy. Without adequate treatment using folk recipes alone, a woman can bring the disease to a more severe stage.

Consequences and prognosis

Fibroadenomatosis has a benign course, but without proper therapy, a severe stage of mastopathy occurs, and the risk of malignancy increases. In addition, intraductal papillomas may begin to form in the mammary glands. Cysts in the chest can become inflamed and fester, and when they open, they lead to blood poisoning. If a woman, when a tumor is detected, immediately consults a doctor and undergoes treatment, then the prognosis is quite favorable. In some cases, a relapse of the disease is possible, but this can be avoided by avoiding hormonal imbalance and other provoking factors.

The most common are various benign formations. Such deviations in the structure of the breast are combined under the term fibroadenomatosis - dystrophic changes in the mammary gland. Despite the fact that these formations are benign, development in. That is why, if even minor lumps appear in the breast, it is necessary to undergo examination by a mammologist, as well as related studies and treatment.

What it is

Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is called complex processes that are characterized by proliferation. This proliferation of cells forms an incorrect ratio of connective and epithelial tissue. In this case, changes of a fibrous, proliferative, cystic nature are formed.

Types of fibroadenomatosis:

  • fibrous: connective tissue grows into fibrous tissue, the structure of tissue fibers is disrupted;
  • lobular: an increase in the number of lobules in the mammary gland due to the proliferation of connective tissue;
  • proliferative: the epithelium grows in the area of ​​milk ducts and cysts that have managed to form;
  • ductal: expansion and branching of the existing network of ducts;
  • cystic: the appearance of cystic cavities of various sizes in a large number.

ICD-10 code

According to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, fibroadenomatosis is classified as benign neoplasms of the mammary gland D24.


The main cause of fibroadenomatosis is hormonal imbalance. It may occur in the following situations:

  • changes in the condition of the thyroid gland: excess or deficiency of hormones significantly affects the hormonal balance;
  • stressful situations: prolonged and constant stress, psycho-emotional breakdowns affect the functioning of the endocrine glands, which causes hormonal imbalance;
  • problems of a sexual nature: irregular sexual relations, lack of a permanent partner, dissatisfaction with sexual life;
  • gynecological diseases, mainly inflammation of the ovaries: against the background of diseases, there is a change in the production of progesterone and, ovarian dysfunction, menstrual irregularities;
  • late first pregnancy: after 35 years;
  • performing an abortion;
  • refusal: provokes congestion in the mammary gland;
  • liver diseases: untimely or incomplete removal of hormone breakdown products.

Women over 40 years of age are at risk. You should especially monitor your health during menopause or postmenopause. Therefore, upon reaching this age, more frequent visits to the mammologist for preventive examinations are required.


Common signs of fibroadenomatosis include:

  1. Pain in the chest of a stabbing nature: increases before the onset of menstruation.
  2. Feeling of pressure in the chest area.
  3. radiates to the shoulder, under the shoulder blade.
  4. : spontaneous or with pressure.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary region.
  6. Psycho-emotional state disorders: irritability, aggressiveness.
  7. Loss of sleep.

Intensification of symptoms occurs with physical or mental stress. Moreover, each sign can be detected either independently or in combination with others. If you observe at least one of them, you need to consult a mammologist.

Forms of fibroadenomatosis

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands

A form of fibroadenomatosis in which the presence of numerous dense neoplasms is observed. Typically, their character is small and nodular. Distributed throughout the tissue of both mammary glands. Less commonly concentrated in one breast. In some cases, they are localized in the upper-outer quadrants.

This form is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • : pain, increased sensitivity in the chest area;
  • discomfort when in contact with linen;
  • before and in the first days of menstruation;
  • neoplasms are easily palpated: mainly during menstruation;
  • nodules increase during menstruation and decrease after the end.

If left untreated, diffuse fibroadenomatosis develops into small nodular fibroadenomatosis. These small cysts are located in the thickness of soft flabby tissue. Their number is high, their size is no more than 5 mm, they are separated from each other. Before menstruation they tend to increase in quantity.

Discharge appears from the nipples. At the onset of the disease they are light, milky, translucent. With a long course of diffuse fibroadenomatosis, they acquire a brownish or dark green color.

Diffuse cystic fibroadenomatosis

The most common form of fibroadenomatosis. It has other names: Reclus disease, large nodular form, etc.


  • significant size of neoplasms (cysts);
  • located very close to each other;
  • localization predominantly in one mammary gland;
  • copious or streamy discharge from the nipples ranging from brown to green.

This form is a development of diffuse fibroadenomatosis or lobular fibroadenomatosis. Cysts arise on the basis of milk ducts, the walls of which are covered with epithelium, and small alveoli - interlobular slits.

The location of small cysts is initially grouped. After the disease spreads, the cysts merge, forming multilocular neoplasms. When growing on the walls with epithelial cells, papillary or single formations appear, which can differentiate from cancer.

Localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland: areas are located in a group

This form of fibroadenomatosis has the weakest definition by doctors. Most often, this term refers to the presence of dense areas of tissue in the mammary gland. Their diameter ranges from 1 to 6 cm. The surface of the seals is uneven, lumpy, and heterogeneous. The appearance of granular small neoplasms is possible, although extremely rare.

Neoplasms do not have a clear distribution. Localization occurs in a certain limited area, such as a segment or quadrant. They have clear boundaries, rarely vague.

Focal fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

The process of the presence of benign neoplasms. In this case, the patient feels constant pain in the chest area. Seals that appear in the mammary gland in the form of foci do not have clearly defined boundaries. Seals are the result of replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue.


If there are signs of fibroadenomatosis, the doctor performs procedures to diagnose and identify the disease.

First of all, the doctor independently examines the patient’s breasts. This includes a visual examination in different body positions and palpation of the breast. Afterwards, a hardware examination of the breast is performed.

Typically, local clinics carry out:

  • : in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, effective in conjunction with mammography;
  • : Most often using x-rays.

When identifying compactions and neoplasms, it is necessary to understand their nature. They can be either benign or malignant. To do this, use methods such as:

  • : taking material (puncture) using a needle from the mammary gland for cytology, histology;
  • ductography: examination of the ducts of the mammary glands;
  • color Doppler sonography: diagnosis by the nature of blood flow.

In addition to standard examination methods, there are additional ones that allow you to more broadly assess the picture of the disease:

  • thermography;
  • examination of lymph nodes;
  • laboratory tests: blood and hormone levels.


Fibroadenomatosis offers several treatment options:

  1. Drug treatment: normalization of hormonal levels, relief from symptoms and tissue restoration.
  2. Surgical intervention.

Drug treatment

Stabilization of hormones is carried out on the basis of these diagnostic procedures. This takes into account the patient’s age, stage of the disease, features of hormonal development, metabolism, etc.

The following medications are prescribed:

  • antiestrogens;
  • vitamins A, E, B 6, C, P, PP: to improve metabolic processes;
  • drugs to facilitate liver function;
  • means for normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • antiprolactin medications:
  • neurohormone analogues;
  • hormonal drugs to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • homeopathic remedies.

During drug treatment, the patient must adhere to a diet. Avoid consumption of coffee, tea and chocolate. All nutrition should be based on helping the gastrointestinal tract and accelerating the metabolic process. That is why a varied diet with fresh vegetables and fruits is required. Drinking alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited.


If drug treatment is ineffective or impossible, surgery is prescribed.

The patient is prepared for surgery, tests are collected, ultrasound and mammography are performed. In cases where it is difficult to establish the benign quality of the formation, a puncture and biopsy of material from the neoplasm is performed. After this, the day of the operation is set.

Depending on the complexity of the operation, the size of the tumors, and the risk of identifying cancer cells, the operation is performed either by enucleation with a small incision or by resection. In the first case, local anesthesia is used; at the patient’s request, sedation or general anesthesia is performed. In the second case, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

During surgery, the surgeon takes part of the tumor tissue for cytological and histological studies.

A cosmetic suture is placed on the breast area, usually along the areola of the nipple. After healing it is almost invisible. The rehabilitation process itself is to ensure rest of the chest area. For severe pain, painkillers are prescribed.

After suturing, the area is covered with a protective bandage, which is changed according to the treatment plan. The patient should come for dressings, as well as pumping out lymph if such a phenomenon occurs. All this time, the doctor monitors the healing status of the sutures. In case of a minor operation, they are removed after 10 days. After removal of the sutures, it is recommended to avoid physical activity for 1 month.

Prognosis and prevention

Fibroadenomatosis is one of the pathologies that can be treated if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. Qualified therapy leads to the patient’s complete recovery. The sooner you contact a mammologist, the easier and faster it is to cure fibroadenomatosis.

In order to prevent fibroadenomatosis from occurring both initially and repeatedly, preventive measures should be observed:

  • preventive examination by a mammologist: at least once a year;
  • : once a month;
  • a full sex life: regular sex with a regular partner;
  • : the bra should not be too small, press, or rub;
  • healthy diet: avoiding spicy, fatty, overly salty, sweet foods;
  • breastfeeding (at birth): to prevent milk stagnation.

Fibroadenomatosis is a common process in the mammary gland in women. It is hormonal imbalances that lead to the appearance of various neoplasms such as cysts. To treat fibroadenomatosis, a comprehensive plan of measures, medicinal and restorative in nature, is required. A significant degree of the disease requires mandatory surgical intervention. Do not forget about preventive measures that significantly reduce the incidence of fibroadenomatosis.

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