Italy in the second half of the 20th century presentation. Italy in the second half of the twentieth century. Evolution of the Italian Communist Party

PROCLAMATION OF THE REPUBLIC 1946 – referendum on the form of government, election of the Constituent Assembly, abolition of the monarchy 1947 – adoption of the Constitution Italy – democratic parliamentary republic Basic democratic freedoms Universal suffrage, direct and secret elections, proportional representation

POLITICAL SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC The President is the head of state, approving the head of government. The highest body of executive power is the Council of Ministers (Chairman of the Council of Ministers). The highest body of legislative power is a bicameral parliament, elected for 5 years. Parliament (two chambers - equal functions in the legislative sphere and the right to control the government) House of Representatives Senate

Victory of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) in the elections (centrism). Government led by Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi (until 1953) Strengthening democracy Development of European integration. Orientation towards the United States (joining NATO), placement of American military bases on Italian territory Centrism Centrism Centrism is a political position intermediate between right-wing and left-wing movements or groups, rejection of left-wing and right-wing extremism. Alcide De Gasperi

ITALIAN “ECONOMIC MIRACLE” - a period of rapid economic growth in Italy (2nd place in Europe after Germany in terms of economic growth rates) Rapid growth in exports Stabilization of the national currency - the lira. Increase in the standard of living of the population, the establishment of a “welfare state” Gap in the economic development of the agrarian undeveloped South and the industrial North of Italy

ITALIAN “ECONOMIC MIRACLE” Reasons: External: liberalization of world trade; stabilization of the global financial system; assistance under the Marshall Plan Domestic: Availability of cheap labor reserves; The entrepreneurial spirit of the Italians; Liberation from totalitarian control Active role of the public sector and government regulation Developed market relations

EVOLUTION OF THE ITALIAN COMMUNIST PARTY 50s. - leader Palmiro Togliatti revised the party's policy. The PCI recognized the values ​​of a democratic system, replaced the revolutionary struggle with a policy of reforming society in the interests of the poor, and attempted to renew Marxism (Eurocommunism) in the 90s. – abandonment of the name and symbols of the “Democratic Party of the Left” by Palmiro Togliatti

THE DECLINE OF THE CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY Since 1967, in order to gain a majority in parliament, the Christian Democratic Party has been forced to include other parties in its government, but not the communists - agreement of six parties, including the PCI - kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro by the “red brigades” 80- e years - five-party coalition government. Constant change of governments (52 governments changed over the years) Aldo Moro

POLITICAL CRISIS of 1993 – transition from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one. Restructuring of the political system (split of the Christian Democratic Party, decline in the influence of the socialists) 1996 – victory of the left forces, united around the Democratic Party of the Left Forces, in the parliamentary elections. Failure to implement an anti-inflationary policy (budget deficit, public debt) Government scandal related to bribery in Milan in 1992 (ministers, senators, major entrepreneurs)

GOVERNMENT OF S. BERLUSCONI (GG) January 26, 1994 - “Berlusconi Day”. Berlusconi created a coalition of right-wing parties (neo-fascists and the Northern League) in April 2008, Berlusconi won early elections to the Italian parliament. Romano Prodi held this post for only 18 months. On May 8, 2008, Berlusconi was officially appointed Chairman of the Italian Council of Ministers. On November 12, 2011, he resigned. Silvio Berlusconi

POLITICS OF S. BERLUSCONI The policy was built on the basis of neoconservatism: encouraging the private initiative of the market Reducing taxes Abolishing the inheritance tax Reducing taxes for entrepreneurs (but growth remained at zero, unemployment increased) Carrying out political reform (proportional election system) developing a reform of the country's government system But lack of economic success and high unemployment have undermined voters' trust in the right.

GOVERNMENT OF MARIO MONTI November 16, 2011 Mario Monti was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers In early December 2011, the new government adopted an anti-crisis package that included an “austerity” regime: cutting government spending, increasing the retirement age to 66 years. Many Italians were unhappy with the reforms; the country experienced a nationwide week of strikes. On December 21, 2012, Monti submitted his resignation to Mario Monti

HOMEWORK § 25, questions and assignment p.228, § 25, questions and assignment p.228, Ind. assignment: compare the policies of S. Berlusconi and M. Thatcher in Great Britain. Highlight the general and the special. Ind. assignment: compare the policies of S. Berlusconi and M. Thatcher in Great Britain. Highlight the general and the special.

SOURCES Soroko-Tsyupa O.S. General history. Recent history. 9th grade: textbook for general education. institutions - M.: Education, 2012 Alieva S.K. General history in tables and diagrams. “Checkered school” series. – M.: “List New”, %D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%B0% D1%80% D0%B8%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8 %D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0% B2%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%B0% D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8

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Compare the economic development of England and Germany in the 19th century. Describe the political system of France and England Why in the late 19th century. A process of reforms is underway to improve the situation of the population. Name the parties that operated in England and France. Describe the foreign policy of France.

Italy in chapter 19 – n. 20 at 11/19/2010

Economic development Political system, reforms Parties, labor movement Foreign policy

Economic development Italy is a poor country. It did not have heavy industry. The villages were dominated by feudal relations. North of Italy - capitalist relations in the countryside, South - latifundia. Landlessness and ruin of the peasants were taking place. The main sectors of the economy were the production of grain, olives, grapes, etc. , cattle breeding. A peculiarity of Italy is the active intervention of the state in economic life. 20th century - monopolies appear

Political system, reforms Italy - constitutional monarchy Legislative power - King Emmanuel II and Suffrage - men over 25 years old, able to read and write, + property qualification. Executive power - the king parliament SENATE (appointed by the king) HOUSE OF DEPUTIES (elected by 2% of the population)

Political system, reforms 1903 – 1914 - Giolitti era Development of trade and private entrepreneurship Strengthened the state budget, reduced the external debt Trade unions and strikes were allowed Night work of women and teenagers was prohibited Property and educational qualifications were abolished

Parties, labor movement As a result of poverty in Italy, peasant uprisings often arose. 1892 - ISP - Italian Socialist Party (Filippe Turati) was created

Foreign policy GOAL: colonial conquests, the transformation of Italy into an empire in the 80s. - conquests in northeast Africa (Eritrea, Somalia) 1895 - war with Ethiopia - Italy was defeated. A course was set for peaceful penetration into the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Italy joined the Triple Alliance in 1882. At the same time, Italy entered into agreements with the Entente countries. 1911 – capture of Tripoli and Cyrenaica

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Recent history 9th grade Italy in the second half of the twentieth century History teacher Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 Zvenigorod Bortnikova T.I.

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Lesson plan Proclamation of the Republic Centrism Italian “economic miracle” Left-centrism and its crisis Failure of the “third phase” idea Collapse of the previous political system. Government of Silvio Berlusconi Government of Mario Monti

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Proclamation of the Republic 1946 – referendum on the form of government, election of the Constituent Assembly, abolition of the monarchy 1947 – adoption of the Constitution Italy – democratic parliamentary republic Basic democratic freedoms Universal suffrage, direct and secret elections, proportional representation

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POLITICAL SYSTEM of the Republic The President is the head of state, approving the head of government. The highest body of executive power is the Council of Ministers (Chairman of the Council of Ministers). The highest body of legislative power is a bicameral parliament, elected for 5 years. Parliament (two chambers - equal functions in the legislative sphere and the right to control the government) House of Representatives Senate

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Victory of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) in the elections (centrism). Government led by Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi (until 1953) Strengthening democracy Development of European integration. Orientation towards the United States (joining NATO), placement of American military bases on Italian territory Centrism Centrism is a political position intermediate between right-wing and left-wing movements or groups, rejection of left-wing and right-wing extremism. Alcide De Gasperi

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Italian “economic miracle” of 50-60. - a period of rapid economic growth in Italy (2nd place in Europe after Germany in terms of economic growth rates) Rapid growth in exports Stabilization of the national currency - the lira. Increase in the standard of living of the population, the establishment of a “welfare state” Gap in the economic development of the agrarian undeveloped South and the industrial North of Italy

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Italian “economic miracle” Reasons: External: liberalization of world trade; stabilization of the global financial system; assistance under the Marshall Plan Domestic: Availability of cheap labor reserves; The entrepreneurial spirit of the Italians; Liberation from totalitarian control Active role of the public sector and government regulation Developed market relations

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Evolution of the Italian Communist Party 50s. - leader Palmiro Togliatti revised the party's policy. The PCI recognized the values ​​of a democratic system, replaced the revolutionary struggle with a policy of reforming society in the interests of the poor, and attempted to renew Marxism (Eurocommunism) in the 90s. – abandonment of the name and symbols of the “Democratic Party of the Left” by Palmiro Togliatti

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The Decline of the Christian Democratic Party Since 1967, in order to gain a majority in parliament, the Christian Democratic Party has been forced to include other parties in its government, but not the communists. 1977 – agreement of six parties, including the PCI. 1978 – kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro by the “red brigades” 80s. - five-party coalition government. Constant change of governments (52 governments changed between 1947 and 1993) Aldo Moro

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Decline of the Christian Democratic Party Political instability Rising terrorism Rising corruption Rising influence of the mafia Maturing political reforms

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The political crisis of 1993 – the transition from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one. Restructuring of the political system (split of the Christian Democratic Party, decline in the influence of the socialists) 1996 – victory of the left forces, united around the Democratic Party of the Left Forces, in the parliamentary elections. Failure to implement an anti-inflationary policy (budget deficit, public debt) Government scandal related to bribery in Milan in 1992 (ministers, senators, major entrepreneurs)

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Government of S. Berlusconi (2001-2006) January 26, 1994 - “Berlusconi Day”. Berlusconi created a coalition of right-wing parties (neo-fascists and the Northern League) On April 14-15, 2008, Berlusconi won early elections to the Italian parliament. Romano Prodi held this post for only 18 months. On May 8, 2008, Berlusconi was officially appointed Chairman of the Italian Council of Ministers. On November 12, 2011, he resigned. Silvio Berlusconi

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Politics of S. Berlusconi The policy was built on the basis of neoconservatism: encouraging the private initiative of the market Reducing taxes Abolishing the inheritance tax Reducing taxes for entrepreneurs (but growth remained at zero, unemployment increased) Carrying out political reform (proportional election system) developing a reform of the country's government system But lack of economic success and high unemployment have undermined voters' trust in the right. Homework § 25, questions and assignment p. 228, Ind. assignment: compare the policies of S. Berlusconi and M. Thatcher in Great Britain. Highlight the general and the special.

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Sources Soroko-Tsyupa O.S. General history. Recent history. 9th grade: textbook for general education. institutions - M.: Education, 2012 Alieva S.K. General history in tables and diagrams. “Checkered school” series. – M.: “List New”, 2005 /0-14 index.shtml?30 http://xn--90aijhengnkt.xn--p1ai/ B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8% D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8

PROCLAMATION OF THE REPUBLIC 1946 – referendum on the form of government, election of the Constituent Assembly, abolition of the monarchy 1947 – adoption of the Constitution Italy – democratic parliamentary republic Basic democratic freedoms Universal suffrage, direct and secret elections, proportional representation

POLITICAL SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC The President is the head of state, approving the head of government. The highest body of executive power is the Council of Ministers (Chairman of the Council of Ministers). The highest body of legislative power is a bicameral parliament, elected for 5 years. Parliament (two chambers - equal functions in the legislative sphere and the right to control the government) House of Representatives Senate

Victory of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) in the elections (centrism). Government led by Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi (until 1953) Strengthening democracy Development of European integration. Orientation towards the United States (joining NATO), placement of American military bases on Italian territory Centrism Centrism Centrism is a political position intermediate between right-wing and left-wing movements or groups, rejection of left-wing and right-wing extremism. Alcide De Gasperi

ITALIAN “ECONOMIC MIRACLE” - a period of rapid economic growth in Italy (2nd place in Europe after Germany in terms of economic growth rates) Rapid growth in exports Stabilization of the national currency - the lira. Increase in the standard of living of the population, the establishment of a “welfare state” Gap in the economic development of the agrarian undeveloped South and the industrial North of Italy

ITALIAN “ECONOMIC MIRACLE” Reasons: External: liberalization of world trade; stabilization of the global financial system; assistance under the Marshall Plan Domestic: Availability of cheap labor reserves; The entrepreneurial spirit of the Italians; Liberation from totalitarian control Active role of the public sector and government regulation Developed market relations

EVOLUTION OF THE ITALIAN COMMUNIST PARTY 50s. - leader Palmiro Togliatti revised the party's policy. The PCI recognized the values ​​of a democratic system, replaced the revolutionary struggle with a policy of reforming society in the interests of the poor, and attempted to renew Marxism (Eurocommunism) in the 90s. – abandonment of the name and symbols of the “Democratic Party of the Left” by Palmiro Togliatti

THE DECLINE OF THE CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY Since 1967, in order to gain a majority in parliament, the Christian Democratic Party has been forced to include other parties in its government, but not the communists - agreement of six parties, including the PCI - kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro by the “red brigades” 80- e years - five-party coalition government. Constant change of governments (52 governments changed over the years) Aldo Moro

POLITICAL CRISIS of 1993 – transition from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one. Restructuring of the political system (split of the Christian Democratic Party, decline in the influence of the socialists) 1996 – victory of the left forces, united around the Democratic Party of the Left Forces, in the parliamentary elections. Failure to implement an anti-inflationary policy (budget deficit, public debt) Government scandal related to bribery in Milan in 1992 (ministers, senators, major entrepreneurs)

GOVERNMENT OF S. BERLUSCONI (GG) January 26, 1994 - “Berlusconi Day”. Berlusconi created a coalition of right-wing parties (neo-fascists and the Northern League) in April 2008, Berlusconi won early elections to the Italian parliament. Romano Prodi held this post for only 18 months. On May 8, 2008, Berlusconi was officially appointed Chairman of the Italian Council of Ministers. On November 12, 2011, he resigned. Silvio Berlusconi

POLITICS OF S. BERLUSCONI The policy was built on the basis of neoconservatism: encouraging the private initiative of the market Reducing taxes Abolishing the inheritance tax Reducing taxes for entrepreneurs (but growth remained at zero, unemployment increased) Carrying out political reform (proportional election system) developing a reform of the country's government system But lack of economic success and high unemployment have undermined voters' trust in the right.

GOVERNMENT OF MARIO MONTI November 16, 2011 Mario Monti was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers In early December 2011, the new government adopted an anti-crisis package that included an “austerity” regime: cutting government spending, increasing the retirement age to 66 years. Many Italians were unhappy with the reforms; the country experienced a nationwide week of strikes. On December 21, 2012, Monti submitted his resignation to Mario Monti

HOMEWORK § 25, questions and assignment p.228, § 25, questions and assignment p.228, Ind. assignment: compare the policies of S. Berlusconi and M. Thatcher in Great Britain. Highlight the general and the special. Ind. assignment: compare the policies of S. Berlusconi and M. Thatcher in Great Britain. Highlight the general and the special.

SOURCES Soroko-Tsyupa O.S. General history. Recent history. 9th grade: textbook for general education. institutions - M.: Education, 2012 Alieva S.K. General history in tables and diagrams. “Checkered school” series. – M.: “List New”, %D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%B0% D1%80% D0%B8%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8 %D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0% B2%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%B0% D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BE_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8

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