Pictures of stars hacked icloud accounts. Victims of hackers: which stars suffered due to the leak of candid photos. Be careful when connecting to public Wi-Fi

Unknown hackers put on public display personal photos of actresses Emma Watson and Amanda Seyfried. The girls themselves have not yet commented on the plums, but this is far from the first such case. Medialeaks tells how other celebrities have previously commented on plums, blaming photoshop for everything and even finding something funny in what is happening.

“People, these so-called naked pictures of me are FAKE. Let me stop (rumors of this) in the bud.

Ariana Grande also stated that it was photoshop, and joked that the authors of the pictures could find someone prettier. And at the same time advertised her tour.

“To everyone who has seen my “naked pictures” - none of them are real! My tiny ass is way prettier than the one over there. I’m laughing to tears, I’ll publish information about the tour soon.”

“What a beautiful day it was when my husband and I frolic on the beaches in Mexico City! Seems like we forgot something?

In August 2017, hackers hacked Selena Gomez page- one of the most popular Instagram accounts - and posted a naked photo of Justin Bieber, the singer's ex-boyfriend. Pictures of naked Bieber from the rest of Bora Bora by that time had already made a lot of noise - these shots were spread by the paparazzi. The photo was quickly removed from the feed and Selena was given back access to her page.

Hacking the page of Dmitry Medvedev


On August 14, 2014, former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev posted a resignation on Twitter. False Dmitry admitted that he was ashamed of the actions of the government, so he was forced to leave. In separate tweets, the hacker talked about access to wi-fi with a passport and shared his dream of becoming a freelance photographer. In addition, on behalf of Medvedev, hackers subscribed to the pages of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, journalist Roman Dobrokhotov, and the Humpty Dumpty blog blocked in Russia.

Secret correspondence with insults to Angelina Jolie

In December 2014, hackers hacked into the servers of the Sony Pictures Entertainment film company and leaked the correspondence of Sony co-chairman Amy Pascal and producer Scott Rudin to the Network.

The messages are about the film "Cleopatra" with Angelina Jolie, and the producer predicts the collapse of the project through the fault of the actress.

“I have absolutely no interest in doing a 180 million project to amuse Jolie, because such a film will destroy our careers. I'm not going to suffer because of a minimally gifted and spoiled child, says Rudin. “I will not work with her or anyone she chooses. She is just a star, nothing more, and because of such a project, you should not become a universal laughing stock. Better ask Jolie to shut up.

Also, various documents of poor Jolie were leaked to the Network: passport data, accounts, passwords and other secret information stored in Sony Pictures Entertainment computers.

Later, at The Hollywood Reporter breakfast, Amy Pascal tried to hug Angelina Jolie, but she glared at the producer.

Compromising material on the mercantile David Beckham

In February 2017, hackers demanded a million euros from football player David Beckham for not disclosing information. He refused to pay, and cyber scammers leaked his correspondence. From the athlete's personal letters it followed that Beckham was doing charity work to get a knighthood! Since 2005, David has been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, but the title seemed to tire him. “To be honest, this is a humiliation. If I were an American, I would have been knighted 10 years ago,” David wrote to one of his friends. Beckham also spoke rudely to the lords who did not assist him, and refused to transfer a million dollars to organize a UNICEF dinner in Shanghai.

Beckham confirmed the authenticity of the correspondence, but assured reporters that these messages were written in the heat of the moment. The football player admitted that he does not care about the title of knight and he will continue to work with UNICEF.

Threats to Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa Chekhova was not at a loss when, in October 2015, criminals gained access to her Instagram. The hackers threatened to post personal photos on the Web if the star did not pay 300 thousand rubles. The criminals posted a message on the TV presenter's page: “In 6 hours we will publish your personal photos here. Decide yourself. The countdown has begun." As it turned out later, the hackers managed to take over the TV presenter's account when she connected to an unverified Wi-Fi. During the connection, a window appeared on the screen asking you to enter your Instagram login password, which Anfisa did. This turned out to be a mistake - the hacker program immediately wrote them down. But the hackers did not have time to carry out their plans: and Anfisa quickly returned access to the social network.

Aleksey Fedorov, head of the representative office of the antivirus company Avast in Russia and the CIS, argues that in no case should you pay extortionists. Firstly, there is no guarantee that the ransom will stop attackers, and secondly, the reward will encourage hackers to continue to act.

How to protect yourself from hacking and leakage of personal data: rules from Avast specialists

Create strong passwords

Give up one password for all accounts. Do not use configurations that can be picked up by examining your social networks. For example, the name and date of birth of the child, the name of the dog, and so on. Choose complex and long passwords with numbers, symbols and uppercase letters. There are applications for generating and storing passwords securely. The program itself will create strong passwords for each account and will allow you to easily change them. All that the user will need to remember is the password to enter this program.

Use two-factor authentication

For security reasons, many companies have introduced a two-factor authentication function - when you enter your login and password, a one-time password comes to your mobile or mail, which you must enter to enter your account.

Often, users themselves provide access to their devices by following untrusted links and opening suspicious files. When this happens, malware is installed on the device, and it is far from always possible to track it down. For example, cybercriminals often hide program icons or mask them on the device in order to make it difficult to remove malware. These programs have different goals: they can wait until you enter a banking application. In addition, hackers have access to almost any information on a smartphone.

Download apps from trusted sources

Installing software from untrusted sources can lead to trouble. With the help of malicious software, you can steal personal data, as well as cause serious damage to the device. Choose trusted app stores like App Store and Google Play.

Change your router username and password

Often, users leave the default login and password - from the router manufacturer, and this is a big mistake, since standard passwords can be easily found on the Internet. After receiving data from your home router, a hacker can connect to the devices that the router is connected to. One step - and the attacker has your entire media library. One more step - and you have a keylogger installed that records all actions, including entering logins and passwords. If you suspect your router has been hacked, restart your device and update your credentials.

Be careful when connecting to public Wi-Fi

One of the most common hacking schemes is the installation of free Wi-Fi hotspots. The generosity of attackers is explained very simply: when a user connects to Wi-Fi, a hacker gains access to his device. To avoid being hacked, use reliable VPN services that will hide you from the cyber eyes of intruders.

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When: 1988

What happened: Of course, the leaks did not begin with the advent of iPhones and MacBooks, the countdown of “successes” can be counted from the warm, as they say now, “tube” period of photographs and videos on huge VHS cassettes. We give the championship to the American actor Rob Lowe, whose fun in the company of a friend and two models became public in 1988. Rob supported one of the candidates in the political race and, apparently, went a little too far with private lessons with young voters.

What turned out: Lowe, whose career began with the onset of the 80s, had every chance of becoming a superstar at the level of his peers Charlie Sheen, Brad Pitt, Robert Downey and Sean Penn, but the addiction to drugs and alcohol, coupled with the film that surfaced on TV, turned Rob into a renegade for a long time. By and large, Lowe only occasionally appeared on the screens until the mid-2000s, when the actor finally got over the vices and returned to the real game. True, he is now allowed into politics only in the framework of the series "The West Wing" and "Parks and Recreation".

Degree of candor: 4/5

When: 2004

What happened:“Trust no one” - this rule is simply a must-know for an actress (yes, we consider Hilton an actress) who starred in the horror House of Wax. Alas, five years before disappearing in a wax bath, Paris knew nothing about male perfidy. With childish spontaneity, she filmed her own somersaults in bed with her boyfriend Rick Salomon, and after parting, she suddenly found a DVD called “A Night with Paris” on the shelves of stores, on which Rick posted memorable shots.

What turned out: Fortunately, Paris is not the kind of person who would withdraw into himself after such a shame. Hilton has an amazing ability to turn any dirt to his advantage. So at that time, Hilton drove Salomon through the courts and at the same time won several awards from porn critics. Moreover, Paris introduced the fashion for sex tapes, from now on, no star could be considered a real celebrity if her green face, filmed in night mode, did not appear on dubious Internet sites.

Degree of candor: 4/5

When: 2007

What happened: If you're looking for an example that leaked celebrity photos don't teach you anything, check out Vanessa Hudgens' photo album. The girl managed to miss her candid selfies taken on the phone three times - in 2007, 2009 and 2011. If the first case (even if there was only one frame with full nudity) somehow embarrassed the actress, and she even apologized to the fans, then after the second “drain”, Vanessa already began to laugh it off that it became more difficult for her to refuse nude scenes in the cinema , there is nothing to hide.

What turned out: Despite numerous annoying messages and fan provocations, Hudgens remained the star of High School Musical, and then moved to the top film league, where directors began to use her sexuality without any hesitation in " Forbidden Reception", " Spring Breakers "and" Machete Kills".

Degree of candor: 3/5

When: January-February 2008

What happened: Hong Kong actor and singer Edison Chen took his broken laptop to be repaired. The master fixed everything, and at the same time leaked a huge porn archive of the owner of the computer, which he then posted on the Web. In addition to Edison Chen himself, in various poses with manhood at the ready, the photographs showed half a dozen Hong Kong actresses of varying degrees of fame. The most "star" porn catcher turned out to be Cecilia Cheung (wife of superstar Nicholas Tse, a talented young actress with a bunch of leading roles) and Jillian Cheung - the "half" of the mega-hit pop duo Twins, well known for film roles. Also, the "online robing hoods" promised photos of Edison with Maggie Q, well known in the West (at least for the role of Nikita in the series of the same name), but either they were not there, or the queue did not have time to reach them.

What turned out: Most of all went to the young singer and actress Bobo Chan, whose situation was aggravated by the fact that at the time of publication of the photo she was preparing to marry a wealthy businessman and leave show business. As a result, she had to leave show business, but she failed to get married. Cecilia and Gillian disappeared from the radar for a year, but then gradually returned to normal. As for the "hero of the occasion", Edison publicly repented several times and asked for forgiveness, traveled from country to country, but could not return to where he left off - now he can only be seen on the sidelines and in episodes, although he tries himself in business.

Degree of candor: 5/5

When: year 2009

What happened: Who is Ashley Greene? Everyone has the same answer - this is that sexy vampire who, with her baseball throw, justified for the male half a trip to the cinema to Twilight. Before the young people, who were not up to the Stewart-Pattinson-Lautner triangle, had time to pick up drool, Green caused a fatality - hackers leaked her very candid photos to the Web. What is baseball...

What turned out: Green's lawyers have threatened the sites that posted the three naughty photos with lawsuits, but nothing can be done, the photos have already spread across the Web, and their authenticity is beyond doubt. It cannot be said that the leak somehow affected Ashley's career, let's be honest, her acting talent is clearly inferior to sexuality. However, by and large, Green began to eschew foregrounds, and even more so at least somewhat explicit scenes. However, time heals, now the roles of Green are increasingly setting up that the girl will still light up!

Degree of candor: 3/5

When: 2010

What happened: Kat Dennings's passion for the Internet is known to anyone who has taken an interest in this American actress's off-screen life. Kat has been blogging since 2001, and therefore it is not at all surprising that several candid photos of Dennings, taken with the help of a webcam, have become public. The fans of the actress were convinced of the naturalness of the forms of their idol, the proof of authenticity was Kat's corporate face, expressing the usual universal sadness.

What turned out: The only tangible consequence of Kat Dennings' "size five" revelation was that jokes about her breasts became a trademark of 2 Girls Gone Broke, with Kat playing the role of a waitress in a tight uniform. The jokes are already boring, but what can you do - the volume really does not allow you to think about anything else.

Degree of candor: 2/5

When: May 2011

What happened: Why people keep nude selfies on their phones is beyond our understanding. Perhaps Blake Lively has an explanation, whose photo was leaked to the Web after her iPhone was hacked. The hacker's dialogue with the actress turned out to be funny. After publishing a couple of quite decent photos on the Internet, Agent Lively rejected all attacks and threatened to sue for forgery, to which the hacker immediately turned on and posted the rest of the photos, already much more frank, with the words: “How do you get away from this?”

What turned out: Blake still denies any connection to the posted photos, although fans have found many similarities. However, the actress has nothing to be ashamed of, she only inflamed the fantasies of her fans on the eve of the wedding with Ryan Reynolds. And the response to the attacks was Blake's frank scenes in "Particularly Dangerous". Everything is real there.

Degree of candor: 2/5

When: September 2011

What happened: Perhaps few of whose candid photos caused a greater explosion of interest on the Internet compared to bombs (literally and figuratively) SkyYo. The scoundrel hacker hacked into the actress's mobile phone and stole a couple of cards on which Scarlett frivolously poses nude in front of the mirror and on the bed. According to Johansson, the photos at one time were intended for Ryan Reynolds (yes, him again!), Whom she met three years ago.

What turned out: These smaller stars can be hacked with impunity, and the attacker grabbed the full program for Scarlett. The photo thief was identified and sent to prison, while obliging the actress to pay moral damages. As for Sky herself, she didn’t raise an eyebrow, she just tightened the Black Widow’s leather corset and continued to act. But women all over the world got the opportunity to compare their figure with the forms of the Hollywood sex symbol and shrug their shoulders with the words: “But I’m still nothing like that. No worse."

Degree of candor: 3/5

When: March 2012

What happened: American TV host and actress Olivia Munn has been hacked into her Twitter account. Actually, Olivia herself fanned the fire when she began to make excuses for quite harmless leaked photos in her underwear. The only frame where Mann allegedly appears completely naked is difficult to consider authentic, because the face is not visible on it. The agility with which Olivia denies this photo is suggestive, but the hackers were powerless to prove something.

What turned out: Olivia is not a big movie star, even though she got small roles in Big Stan, Mad Date and Iron Man 2. Therefore, a slight scandal only refreshed the memory of this actress, and now she is already helping to undress Channing Tatum in Magic Mike, scares people in Deliver Us from the Evil One and is preparing to face Johnny Depp in Macabra.

Degree of candor: 1/5

A hacker hacked into the stars' iCloud accounts and took possession of their personal information, including explicit photos and videos. As it turned out, many celebrities keep them in their smartphones.

These footage began to appear on the network the night before: the hacker decided to make a business on the stolen pictures and, having shown some of them, offers to show the public more in exchange for bitcoins (digital currency).

The first "surfaced" photos of Jennifer Lawrence. The hacker says he has over 60 "naked selfies" of her.

Lawrence's spokesman said: "This is a gross violation of the right to personal life. We have already contacted the relevant authorities: anyone who publishes stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence will be punished,” notes

The hackers also posted candid photos of Kirsten Dunst, Teresa Palmer, fashion models Kate Upton, Bar Refaeli, two-time Olympic football champion Hope Solo and many other stars on the network.

Among the victims of a cyberattack on Hollywood celebrities was the future wife of Ukrainian boxer Wladimir Klitschko, actress Hayden Pannetier.

iCloud accounts are designed so that iPad, iPhone and Mac users can sync calendars, photos, settings and other data on their gadgets. The service has been repeatedly criticized for its unreliability.

Earlier this year, Jennifer Lawrence herself complained about the inconvenience of iCloud in an interview with MTV: “My iCloud keeps telling me to back up, and I’m like, I don’t know how to back up. Do it yourself,” notes Gazeta.Ru.

The first case of such an attack on the stars occurred in 2005, when hackers managed to gain access to the phone of Paris Hilton and download photos from there. Then the attackers managed to gain access to the phone by answering a secret question, as the answer to which the socialite chose the name of her dog.

The largest leak of star intimate photos, called The Fappening, did not go unnoticed by fans. Sympathizers of the victims of the leak publish in social networks own intimate photos tagged with #leakforjlaw.

There is a big scandal going on in Hollywood. More than twenty film actresses, including celebrities such as Kirsten Dunst and Jennifer Lawrence, have tried their hand at the porn industry. And against their will. from their smartphones. A story about what was among these pictures.

Today, none of the "stars" admits that they gave their candid photos and videos on purpose to the public, for everyone to see. Such juicy footage is purely the result of computer hacking - this version sounds extremely convincing. Say, well, who in their right mind would put their homemade porn on the net? Jennifer Lawrence - the star of the "Hunger Games" - they say about her that the actress did not even get naked for expensive glossy magazines. And not every magazine will be able to print these home pictures. For moral reasons, not because of poor quality. And the official representative of the actress is outraged.

“This is a flagrant violation of privacy. The authorities are already aware of what happened and will prosecute anyone who posts stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence in the public domain,” he is indignant.

The selfie genre, known as the selfie, has infected literally everyone like a virus. Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, Kirsten Dunst, Selena Gomez, Victoria Justice. Actresses, singers, world television stars. Why they did it is of little interest. For yourself, for a loved one or for something else? The main thing is that they talk about it. . The reaction of the stars is also an element of discussion. Victoria Justice, for example, immediately declared: "it's not me."

“This so-called nudity with me is fake people. I want to crush this rumor in a bud,” she said.

Actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead, on the contrary, admitted - of course, this is a photo from my personal archive. Which, by the way, was allegedly erased from the computer a long time ago.

"Knowing that these photos were deleted a very long time ago, I can only imagine what a terrible effort was put into this. I sympathize with everyone who was hacked. For those of you who look at the pictures that I took with my husband many years ago in intimate setting our house, I hope you are very pleased with yourself," says the actress.

But in all these stories, one small but important factor can be traced. None of the so-called did not occur at a time when this star was at the peak of fame. On the contrary, a scandal arises at a time when one or another star "faded". When her admirers "have not seen for a long time." Photos may be real. And they were in personal phones. But the big question is who brought God into the world? Computer experts believe that hacking is possible. For example, if the owner of the files started a virtual cloud on the Web. That is, remote file storage.

Hacking, if the criminal, of course, is caught, is punished severely in the West. A cyberbully who stole personal photos of actress Scarlett Johansson was found and imprisoned for 10 years. But any computer security specialist will say that the passion for "self-nudity" is probably not a vice. But to keep this "nudity" in devices that you barely understand - that's really, undisguised naivety.

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