Pointed ears character. Practical physiognomy: what do the human ears say? Uneven small ears, no lobe

Ear shape

Tree type ears

These are protruding ears, widened at the top, with a protruding outer circle. Ears of this type indicate wealth, intelligence and long life. As a rule, people with ears of this type are born into wealthy families, are artistic, and have high aesthetic taste. Throughout their lives, they do not burden themselves with worries about their daily bread, since they have not had material problems since childhood. In the scientific field or in art, in most cases they achieve brilliant success.

Water type ears

Ears are plump, long and flat, with large and fleshy lobes falling below the line of the tip of the nose, indicating power, pride, health, honor and glory. The owners of such ears, especially if their faces are of the “water” or “earth” type, often reach the heights of a military or political career, although quite late - after fifty years.

Metal type ears

These are thick white ears, pressed to the head, their upper part is located high above the eyebrow line, the inner and outer circles are clearly defined. Such ears speak of great intelligence, national fame, high social status, a happy childhood, and a good family. Whatever people with metal ears do - art, politics, literature or business - they will achieve significant heights. Success will come to them at an early age.

Ground type ears

Long and plump ears with large lobes curved forward, as if guarding the face. They foretell health, wealth, fame, a good career and a long life. Owners of such ears can occupy high government positions. Such people are lucky! Wherever they appear, a warm welcome awaits them, and their ability to attract the attention of women can only be envied.

Fire ears

This is the exact opposite of water type ears. They are wider at the bottom and have a more pointed top. Ears of this type indicate intelligence, wealth, propriety in behavior, law-abidingness and great success in adulthood or old age. A man with fire ears usually has a faithful wife, a friendly family and a happy old age. But people with such ears also have negative qualities - they are too cautious, sensitive and easily vulnerable, often suspicious of others, so they have many enemies. They are picky and demanding bosses.

Ears with large lobes

These ears have fleshy, long lobes, as if hanging from the ears. They portend a person good luck in material affairs and a fulfilling sex life. In other words, large lobes are an indicator of happiness. The owners of such ears are either happy in their family life and satisfied with their spouse, or lead a wild sex life, often changing partners.

They often get married many times. They do not have to work hard, because thanks to their sexual merits they achieve everything they need. Those with large earlobes tend to have excellent relationships with their parents.

Ears with small lobes

Lobes are considered small if they are thin and short. Their owner is unhappy in life and marriage, his sex life will definitely not work out. People with such ears usually have strained relationships with their parents. They often quarrel with their spouses or sexual partners. Such people have to work twice as hard as other, more fortunate ones.

High set ears

The upper part of such ears is located above the eyebrow line. They speak of a subtle mind, predicting for their owner a long life, an early and successful career, which will begin before the age of thirty, and a comfortable existence throughout his life.

Low set ears

The earlobes are located much lower than the tip of the nose. This speaks of perseverance, determination and long life. For those with low-set ears, happiness comes quite late, in old age. Often they have to marry a second time.

"Mouse" ears

“Mouse” ears are small, slightly protruding and pointed at the top. It is obvious to an experienced physiognomist that their owner or owner had a difficult childhood; they either experienced dislike from their parents or had health problems. People with such ears are thrifty, often to the point of stinginess, prudent and unprincipled. The founders of Chinese physiognomy believe that to achieve success, owners of “mouse” ears have to work hard and take care of their health.

"Pig" ears

These are large, but thin and soft ears, protruding, with a vaguely defined inner circle. “Pig’s ears” are considered “bad”, as they indicate a hard life spent in work, but without special achievements, frequent moving (which is not very pleasant from the traditional point of view of the Chinese, who value a stable life and family), financial problems, or even bankruptcy, lack of authority and respect from others, a turbulent life full of ups and downs. Compared to happier people, to achieve the same result, those with “pig ears” have to spin around like a squirrel in a wheel.

Rectangular ears

The ears are shaped like a rectangle; the corners are clearly visible in the upper and lower parts. Such ears indicate intelligence, health, power, high social status and a large family.

Ears with convex edges

Each ear consists of two circles: inner and outer. In physiognomy, the inner circle symbolizes perseverance, determination and ambition (in the political field and especially in the financial sphere), while the outer circle symbolizes intelligence and health.

It is better if both circles stand out and are clearly defined. The owner of such ears is ambitious and intelligent, assertive, energetic and trustworthy.

Ears with a convex outer circle

If the outer circle is prominent and convex, and the inner one does not stand out, the person will be talented, but not ambitious. Those with such ears can achieve a lot in art and science.

Ears with a convex inner circle

If the inner circle stands out more than the outer circle, this means that the person is very ambitious, but not smart and not in good health. Most likely, the owner of such ears will take a high position in a government agency or in the field of finance and will achieve great success, but mainly due to the fact that he neglects other, no less significant aspects of life, for example, a kind attitude towards oneself, friendship and calmness.

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European physiognomy pays very little attention to the shape of the ears. “A well-designed ear speaks of a happy childhood. Shapelessness and pallor indicate the opposite. Ears that are too big are a personality flaw; ears that are too small are a sign of trouble. Position of the ear on the head: above the level of the eyebrows - high intelligence; at the level from eyebrows to eyes - above average intelligence; below eye level - below average intelligence. An ear without a well-shaped lobe is an imbalance of personality. Long lobe - carelessness. A weak lobe means scrupulousness. People with very large lobes are wise men. If the lobe moves forward slightly - soulfulness. If the inner rim of the ear is retracted - restraint, if it protrudes - incontinence. Pink ear color - health. Moles inside the ear are a sign of trouble.” If the auricle is pale in color and also rather shapeless, then this shows that the body is affected by negative factors. If all parts of the outer ear are developed evenly, then this indicates good mental abilities. If the ears are deeply “hollowed out,” this means that the person is gifted and has some talents.

Lethargy or laxity of the ear can even indicate extreme pain in the body. A hard ear, on the contrary, is evidence of good health.

There are a number of genetic diseases that are accompanied by macrotia - giant ears. This is a characteristic sign of such congenital mental disorders as mental retardation, Down's disease, etc.

Kim Kardashian is looking for men with small ears

Socialite Kim Kardashian decided that her potential husband should have small ears.

The 29-year-old socialite Kim Kardashian strange requirements for potential candidates for her hand and heart: her chosen one must have small ears.

Now I try to be single and not go on dates, because if I want to go on, say, five dates, I will immediately be photographed with five different men, and the next day they will call me a whore. I'm in no hurry to get married. I have a lot to get done with this, but if a man has the right size ears, then. , - Kim intrigues.

And recently, Kim starred in a new sexy photo shoot for Allure magazine. The star graced the cover of the September issue of the publication, appearing in the photo in a white corset bra, emphasizing her ample breasts.

In an interview with the magazine, Kim once again answered a question about her homemade porn, saying that she has moved on and is trying to forget about what happened.

Ears and character of a man

Men find it difficult to hide their ears under their hair. And they are the ones who will reveal many of their owner’s secrets.

Small, neat ears.

About the character: They say that a man is on his own mind. Such people, as a rule, adore pleasure, and communication with the fair sex is not the last thing for them! However, you shouldn’t expect intense feelings from him: he knows how to look after you beautifully and give compliments.

But you shouldn’t count on a love marriage with him: he will propose only if he considers you a profitable match.

About the character: This is a born conqueror, a real master of life. And if you like the role of a “besieged fortress”, then such a fan is a real find!

If you are married to him, you will not have any financial problems. But you will have to forget that you are an independent person.

Elongated graceful ears.

About the character: As a rule, they belong to refined, romantic natures. There will be a million red roses and passionate confessions. But the owners of such ears are men with a complex and fickle character.

11.5. Small ears

2012-04-06T21:43:00 21:43

According to Siang Ming, small ears are a sign of great performance. Such a person achieves everything alone and...

According to Siang Ming, small ears are a sign of great performance. Such a person achieves everything alone and is unable to rely on the help of others. Possessing vanity, he cannot resolve the conflict between the desired and the actual, since the level of his intelligence does not allow him to rise above a certain level. People with small ears are constantly trying to prove to everyone their superior abilities. Such people can be found quite often in journalism and the media. Extremely proactive, he loves movement and bustle. He has a secret passion for tension and worry.

if a man has small, neat ears, what does that mean?

Alice Artificial Intelligence 4 years ago

hysterical mama's boy

Abstract@ktsiya V.I. Supreme Intelligence 4 years ago

Feng Shui ears

The ears determine your well-being from birth to 14 years of age: the left ear from birth to 7 years and the right ear from 8 to 14 years. Large and well developed ears represent good luck during your childhood. Large and thick earlobes are a sign of intelligence and are often associated with wealth and long life. In addition, large, long earlobes indicate the kindness of a person’s character. If the auricle is thin, then the person is from a poor family. The cartilage covered by the shell is an indicator of your security in childhood. Otherwise, the child is too independent - there is a lot of element of self-expression in the card. An earlobe pointing forward means good luck after the age of 60. Protruding ears indicate a person's independent character; in childhood - a naughty child; such children are most often restless and wayward. If the auricle is pressed tightly, this symbolizes caution and cunning. Ears pointed upward indicate good intellectual inclinations. Ears of different shapes are an indicator that life in the period from birth to 7 years of age and from 7 to 14 years of age was very different. A hard ear indicates a stubborn character. If the element of water is not enough in the pillars, but it is needed, then the person’s ears are small. People with small ears are not recommended to eat a lot of sweets: are they at risk of heart disease? vascular system, hypertension and stroke. An ear shaped like a chicken's beak. speaks of grumpiness, quarrelsome character - a person likes to argue and swear. If a child under 14 years of age has a mole on his ear, this indicates the danger of an accident on the water.

Sources: www.astromeridian.ru, ru.tsn.ua, www.superbrunetka.ru, bodysays.ru, otvet.mail.ru

The lobe is located in the lower part of the auricle and consists of a leathery membrane filled with fatty tissue; the lobe contains small capillaries and nerve endings. Any functions related to receiving sounds the lobe is not, but its importance in aesthetic terms is difficult to overestimate, since this part of the ear is actively used for wearing jewelry. It’s good when the auricle looks harmonious and the sizes of its individual parts correspond to each other, but this is not always the case: they may have small or attached lobes, and small ones may have very developed and disproportionately large lobes.

There are several shapes of earlobes, and they are attached to the cheek in different ways. It is considered ideal if the lobe makes up a fifth of the auricle, and its lower edge is at the level of the tip of the nose. An ear without a lobe or with an attached lobe is not a pathology, this is rather an individual feature of a person, which most often does not spoil his appearance at all.

Fused earlobes: causes

  • inherited feature of the structure of the auricle;
  • racial or national feature - it is believed that fusion of the lobe with the cheek is more typical for Asians and Jews;
  • dysplasia (underdevelopment) of connective tissue;
  • abnormalities of the nervous system;
  • ruptures, injuries, burns and other damage to the ear.

There is an opinion that the number of people with an accreted lobe is growing every year and now this feature is characteristic of almost half of the inhabitants of the Earth. At the same time, a few hundred years ago there were practically no people without a lobe, at least there were no images of them left. Interestingly, according to statistics, for every 18,000 newborns, there is one with an attached earlobe.

Diagnosis of fused earlobes

The “correct” lobe (dominant trait) lags somewhat behind the cheek and partially “sags,” forming a “pouch.” In the case of an adherent lobe (a recessive sign), there is no such “bag”, that is, an area devoid of cartilage, and the curl sometimes “rests” directly on the cheek.

Plastic surgery of earlobes

Since fused earlobes do not negatively affect a person’s appearance, they are not often corrected. Modern techniques in some cases make it possible to solve the problem without surgery, for example, to increase the volume of tissue in the lower part of the ear, lipolifting (injection of the patient’s own fat) and filler injections can be used.

The diagram presented below will help you understand how plastic surgery of a fused earlobe is done.

There are two correction options:

  1. The lobe does not require enlargement - the only task is to separate it from the cheek. In this case, an excision (wedge-shaped) of the tissue in the abutment area is made, and then the edges of the wound surface are sutured separately for the cheek and separately for the lobe.
  2. The lobe is almost undeveloped and requires enlargement. With this correction option, the lobe is separated with some reserve of skin: it is grabbed into the fold and pulled back, and then cut along the grip line. The resulting curved flap is sutured from the back, forming a lobe.

Attention! This operation is performed on patients at least seven years old; local anesthesia is sufficient; The stitches are removed on the seventh day.

Video: how otoplasty is done

Prices for correction of ingrown earlobes

  1. A fused lobe is a sign of active, energetic and self-confident people. In addition, owners of fused lobes are decisive and capable of rash actions.
  2. The lobe is actively involved in acupuncture; there are points on the lobe through which you can influence the eyes, inner ear, tonsils and other areas.
  3. Many famous people have fused earlobes, for example: Maxim Galkin, Ekaterina Andreeva and Leonid Yakubovich.
  4. Bulky earrings do not suit those with miniature lobes- you should give preference to elegant, preferably openwork products. But you can choose clips of any size - large ones are even preferable, as they will visually enlarge the lower part of the ear.
  5. With age, women with fused lobes are less likely to experience sagging and deformation., and besides, almost no wrinkles form on a weakly defined lobe.

To understand a little character of a person based on the shape of his ears, take your ear between your thumb and index finger and bend it forward. Strong ear cartilage indicates strong kidney energy and a healthy constitution. At least they shouldn't be too hard. It's best if you can bend it with a little resistance like spaghetti prepared by AL DENTE. With ears that are too elastic, hard, there is a tendency to have high pressure, while ears that look thin and almost transparent indicate a weak constitution. Initially, ear cartilage served as a criterion for longevity.

Ear size

The size of the ears can indicate courage and a willingness to take risks. Surely in Las Vegas, according to Lilian Bridges, you can see players with big ears who place large bets when playing poker. People with such ears love to be stuntmen or do risky work and often put their lives on the line. Surely they intuitively feel that they will quickly recover from an accident or injury and, without expressing fear, they believe in their capabilities.

People with small ears usually cautious and indecisive. The Chinese considered children with small ears to be well-mannered because they did not dare to do anything without their parents' consent. Small ears are considered a sign of a weak constitution and therefore weakness in a water sign includes fear. Such people do not take risks, but try to adhere to the rules and instructions. What risks a person can take can be read in three sections. When the ear is wider at the top, this indicates that the person is capable of taking risks in thoughts or finances. Such people can become independent in their work without much fear, because financial security is not so scary for them.

They do not need to have a regular income. People who have ears point up, on the contrary, they have a need for security and it is important for them to have a regular income and a permanent job. When the ears widen in the middle part, then usually such people are happy to take physical risks, such as skydiving, racers, and mountain bikers. They enjoy testing their limits and this stimulates them rather than frightens them. People whose ears taper in the middle will not take risks without certain safety precautions.


I would also like to note that big lobes are, as it were, a guarantor of the future, that is, a predisposition to the fact that it will exist at all. Such people think about their future without fearing it. They often have a “light hand” and thus turn everything they deal with into growth - animals, plants, people or investments. They patiently postpone their pleasures until later in the hope that rewards will come. With long-term investments like real estate, they often do amazingly well. Large lobes also mean that in old age such people will be provided with care or, thanks to good planning, will be happy.

People with small earlobes They live more in the present tense, that is, they do not bother themselves too much with thoughts about the future and prefer the quick satisfaction of their needs to long-term planning. They want to have today and now, and not later. And yet, at retirement age, they are overtaken by something that they did not take into account. Fixed earlobes are typical for those who have a close relationship with their family from which they come. At the same time, negative feelings are also possible; their connection remains even if they do not like their family at all or even hate it. Such people find it difficult to move away from their family (by leaving home) or to be purely mentally separated from the family from which they came.

People with free drooping earlobes They are usually more closely connected only with some members of their family from which they come. They are more likely to distance themselves from their family or experience simple indifference. Instead, friends replace or serve as a substitute for family, whom even children call “aunts” or “uncles.” The healthy middle is considered to be the lobes of most people, which are only partially attached to the face. This indicates their ability to connect, which extends both to some members of their family from where they come, as well as to friends who are related to them by kindred spirits. The height at which the ears are located can also tell a lot. To calculate it, a tentative line is drawn from the side to the face from the upper edge of the ear. Often it ends on the forehead, eyebrows, eyes or somewhere on the nose.

It is believed that people know what they want earlier, the higher their ears are located.

High-set ears mean that their owner began working very young. This placement traditionally portends success and fame. After all, those who are already familiar with their work early have a greater chance of becoming famous. Many world famous personalities have such high-set ears. If the line of the ears ends at the level of the forehead, then such people probably already find their way at the age of 20. When the line from the top of the ears ends at the level of the eyebrows, then at the beginning of 30 years, and at the level of the eyes - at the end of 30 years and at the level of the nose - only at 40 years.

Take for example Ronald Reagan, who had ears set low. He later became famous, and almost all of his roles as a young artist were inconspicuous. And he came to real fame through politics and became president. A classic example of a late start. Ears pressed close to the head indicate people who can listen well and have good hearing. If their ears stick out, then such people do not really listen to advice and are stubborn in their beliefs. It is usually said about such people that they hear only what they want to hear.

You probably think that ears are just an organ of hearing? However, ear shape and character closely related! He will talk about this in more detail. Therefore, pick up a mirror to carefully examine your own ears and learn something new about your character, or if necessary, take a closer look at the ears of your loved one, they can tell you a lot.

And so, the various types of human ears can be divided into the following groups.

First group. The lobe is fused - you won’t be bored with such people

The owners of such ears are well-known artists and TV presenters: Maxim Galkin, Sergei Germash, Leonid Yakubovich, Ekaterina Andreeva.

Ears with fused lobes characterize their owner as an active, self-confident person with a lively character. Such people are distinguished by their determination: if they need to “cut off”, they are unlikely to “measure” seven times. As a rule, they have excellent health, high resistance to stress and strong energy. But, nevertheless, these people are characterized by impulsiveness, rash actions, they are easily wound up, which quite often becomes the cause of quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. They need not only to be more restrained, but also to learn to listen to the opinions of others. Usually, these are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything. As children, many of them cause a lot of problems for their parents and teachers. Due to the pronounced childish nature, such people have a unique charm. As for women who like to wear clip-on earrings or earrings, they should be more attentive to the design - they should not be large, elegant and openwork.

Second group. A sign of leadership is a protruding roller

Another distinguishing feature that helps determine character by ear- protruding roller. You can see this shape of ears on Sergei Bezrukov, Yulia Bordovskikh, Aurora, Lada Dance, Elena Khanga.

Ears of this shape may indicate that their owners are purposeful, strong-willed and persistent people. They do not doubt their desires and know exactly what they want from life and those around them. Usually, those who have such ears are nonconformists, and it is almost impossible to manipulate them. People say about such people: “where you sit on them, there you will get off.” If the ear is also quite large, then the combination of these signs indicates the makings of a leader. In the same case, when the inner ridge (or, as it is also called, “anti-helix”) is too pronounced, this may indicate a person’s extreme persistence, which, quite often, turns into stubbornness and perseverance. This antihelix usually divides into two “legs” on the top of the ear. Moreover, the more harmonious and smooth these “legs” are, the more harmonious a person is a person, and vice versa. Those with a slightly pronounced inner ridge also have all of the above qualities, but to a lesser extent.

Third group. Large lobe - wisdom

Excellent owners of such ears are: Ekaterina Strizhenova, Lev Leshchenko, Alexander Malinin.

A prominent, rounded lobe in combination with small ears may be a sign that their owner is able to control himself in any circumstances. People with such lobes are characterized by an occupation that allows them to communicate with others. They are quite susceptible to even the smallest details in personal relationships, and they also know how to understand people. For such people, when solving cases, it is not emotions that are of great importance, but careful planning and analysis. In this case, reason wins over feelings. And this is quite understandable, since the lobe, from a physiological point of view, is a kind of projection zone of the head. If the lobe is not only clearly defined, but also large, the owners of such ears have natural wisdom, and the best occupation for them is philosophy. At the same time, a very long lobe indicates excessive scrupulousness and delicacy.

Fourth group. Prominent ears - a sign of musicians

Such famous actors and TV presenters as Dmitry Dibrov, Yulia Nachalova, Dmitry Pevtsov are endowed with musical abilities.

Too protruding, thin and large ears, as a rule, occur in those who have enormous talent and musical abilities. The attentiveness of parents is important here; they should pay attention to this sign and send their child to a music school. Fortune loves such people - they are lucky in life, therefore, if they want to become singers or musicians, they will definitely achieve success and, one day, become famous! But about people with thick and small ears that fit tightly to their heads, as a rule, they say that “a bear trampled on their ears.”

Ear trifles

  • A large, fleshy lobe is a sign of a strong-willed character and powerful physical strength.
  • If there is a transverse wrinkle or even two on the lobe, this may indicate excessive fatigue. Such a wrinkle is a kind of health detector: the greater its depth, the more stress a person experiences. He needs a good rest and sleep. As soon as a person rests as much as his psyche and body need, the wrinkle will disappear.
  • A rather interesting sign is hair on the ears. In ancient times, this was considered evidence of the increased sexuality of their owners.
  • If the left and right ears differ slightly from each other, then we can talk about inconsistency in character.
  • Highly placed large ears (the upper edge of which significantly exceeds the line of the eyes) with a large lobe are evidence that their owner has outstanding intellectual abilities. But, as a rule, such people are quite rare - Nobel Prize laureates, etc.

Food for thought

The ears are a specific part of our body, where all the nerve endings of the organs converge. For example, on the lobe alone there are more than ten different points that are associated with the eyes, tongue, head, genitals and muscles. That's why those who love earrings need to be careful. In eastern countries this was known several centuries ago; they knew how to treat various ailments using acupuncture or cauterization of specific points on the human ear.

You can tell about a person’s health by the appearance of his ears:

  • healthy people have a hard ear, usually pink;
  • pallor, yellowness or blueness is a sign of malaise.
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