Wilmont read the hormone of happiness. Foods High in Tryptophan

I'm sick and tired of everything!

A prestigious job, your own attractive appearance, a beloved groom...

Fate gives her a chance to change everything: get into an adventure, change her image, lose her head in love and, finally, feel happy!

Ekaterina VILMONT


* * *

One fine day I suddenly realized that I was mortally tired of myself. I'm tired of dark hair, a strict hairstyle, blue eyes, I'm tired of a mole on my cheek and a dimple on my chin, I'm tired of dragging myself to work every morning and seeing everyone there, I'm tired of keeping my mobile phone always on, I'm tired of dressing like a “business woman” and in general I'm tired of everything except Polka . Polka is my daughter. And I’m already tired of the upcoming wedding in two months... My own. I'm tired of the apartment, tired of the car - I'm tired of everything. At all! And what to do with it? Well, in principle, you can renovate your apartment, change your hairstyle, buy contact lenses of a different color, a new car, cancel the hell out of your wedding... But you can’t run away from yourself... You’ll just waste your money, time, energy and lose a good job. And the groom. At my age, such suitors do not lie on the road, especially since even Polina approves of this groom, and this in itself is already worthy of respect. So what should we do? Hanging himself?

But nevertheless, I put my hair in the usual bun, put on one of the business suits and high-heeled shoes. It’s good that it’s not summer when it’s hot when you have to wear tights. You can't appear in our department with bare legs, and you can't wear trousers either. One day I decided to cheat and wore stockings with elastic bands instead of tights. The stockings were miraculously good, but it ended badly. During important negotiations, when there were only three of us - the boss, the foreign partner and me as a translator - I suddenly felt that the damned stocking was slipping off my leg. I immediately became confused and stumbled, much to the surprise of the boss - this usually doesn’t happen to me... I, of course, pulled myself together, but after the negotiations we still had lunch at the restaurant, and time to change clothes - there are always spare tights lying around in my desk - it was not expected. I broke out in a cold sweat.

Are you feeling unwell, Bronislava? - the boss asked with such obvious displeasure that I preferred to say:

Sorry, Vladimir Nikitich, the tights are gone.

He blushed with anger, but I was not taken aback:

When you waved your hand with a cigarette...

What? - he was already turning purple.

The spark hit my leg! Can I go change?

Of course, and livelier! - he chuckled, apparently he liked my courage.

Holding the damned stocking through my skirt, I limped to my department.

Broochka, what's wrong with you? - exclaimed my colleague and friend Vasya.

Don't you dare call me Broochka! - I snapped as usual, snatched the tights, having first torn off the damned stockings, which incredibly surprised Vasya and Svetlana. But I had no time for decency.

I don't wear stockings anymore. I've had enough. It's better to steam in tights! It's a shame though, it's beautiful and sexy. My colleagues claim that this has never happened to them. Lilka, for example, always wears stockings with elastic bands, even in the most severe frosts, no matter what. But I wasn't lucky the first time. What am I talking about? Oh yes, I'm tired of myself. This disgusting sensation followed me all day like underwires in a bra, although I haven’t worn bras with underwires for a long time. That's why I don't wear them, because they irritate me. By evening it became so strong that I decided to change something. The simplest and least ruinous way, perhaps, would be to buy a new lipstick. I've been wanting to buy myself a bright red one for a long time. Maybe it will get easier? But it didn't.

Mom, are you crazy? - Polka met me.

What color? It's kind of creepy. It's like you just ate a Christian baby.

Polina, what are you talking about?

I’m just reacting appropriately to this bloody nightmare! A crisis?

What other crisis?

Middle aged.

I’m not yet middle-aged, I’m still young—maybe not my first, of course, but still.

When does middle age begin?

Well, I’m probably thirty-six years old, but I’m only thirty-two, but I look like I’m twenty-seven.

This is when I’m not around,” Polina remarked rather sarcastically.

Everyone mistakes you for my little sister.

Will you have dinner?

Will. What's for dinner?

An idle question. Of course, soup.

In order not to spoil our figure, we usually eat vegetable lean soup for dinner, someone taught us. It is quite edible, satisfies hunger, and you can eat it as much as you want. True, you can no longer drink tea, but beauty requires sacrifice. However, today I will not survive this.

Update: October 2018

When a pregnant woman walks and glows with happiness, everyone sighs knowingly: “Hormones, whatever you want!” Did you know that these substances “manage” all emotions even in a “non-pregnant” state?

And to feel a little (or a lot) more peaceful or harmonious, you just need to know how to increase the level of the desired hormone. What is it, the hormone of happiness? How to make it stand out?

In fact, there are several such chemicals - five. Each of them has its own effect on different parts of the brain, resulting in different positive emotions. Not all of them can be described as pure and uncomplicated happiness, but associations with it arise.

Most of these substances are not hormones in their essence, but neurotransmitters. What distinguishes them from hormones is that they are not produced by endocrine glands, but are converted by the body from various amino acids. Their main effect is on the brain, where they help transmit impulses from one neuron to another.

There are 5 neurotransmitters in total, which are called hormones of joy and happiness:

  • serotonin;
  • dopamine;
  • endorphins;
  • oxytocin;
  • a group of other hormones.

Serotonin - the hormone of pleasure

This substance is called the hormone of pleasure and the hormone of happiness. In its structure, the hormone of pleasure and happiness is very similar to the drug LSD.

It is formed from an amino acid, the main amount of which comes from food - tryptophan. Produces serotonin, the hormone of happiness, the intestines, as well as the brain - its special neurons. The formation of this neurotransmitter requires iron and the substance pteridine.

  • Serotonin is also a natural pain reliever: when there is too little of it, the slightest tactile stimulation results in severe pain.
  • This substance is released during allergies - along with histamine and prostaglandins.
  • Serotonin is released during chemotherapy and causes vomiting and diarrhea.
  • It also helps a woman give birth and participates in ovulation. If you increase the concentration of serotonin during sex, a man will delay ejaculation.

Melatonin is formed from serotonin itself in the pineal gland - a substance that, by regulating the circadian rhythm, makes us wake up when the sun's rays hit the skin. And the neurotransmitter itself needs ultraviolet light, as well as glucose, to form.

There are at least 14 types of receptors in the brain that interact with serotonin. The main part of them is located in the brain stem - a structure that is transitional from the brain to the spinal cord.

In most cases, because of this, a state arises in the brain that can be described as calm joy, a feeling of harmony, and pleasure. But some receptors communicate with the mediator through “intermediaries”. One of them is itself responsible for stress and anxiety.

Receptors for serotonin have molecular similarities with receptors for norepinephrine, one of the stress hormones. The transport molecules that carry each of these neurotransmitters are also similar. Therefore, they are competitors, and the more norepinephrine hormone is produced, the less chance serotonin has of finding a free receptor.

With its help, endorphins are formed - other neurotransmitters, which we will look at a little later.

Serotonin is also related to dopamine: both of these substances transmit signals from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland, both improve mood, but only one hormone can act at a time.

The formation of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is influenced by:

  • tryptophan content in food;
  • glucose content in food;
  • level of ultraviolet illumination;
  • change in the depth and rhythm of breathing. Therefore, if you are concerned about the question of how to increase the hormone of happiness, engage in breathing practices - yogic, Taoist, Buddhist, which involve deep breathing and relaxation;
  • iron level in the body;
  • taking medications - antidepressants from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Foods that contain large amounts of tryptophan:

These products are strictly prohibited when taking antidepressants - both serotonin reuptake inhibitors and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. This can lead to the development of a deadly condition called serotonin syndrome. It is characterized by fever, hallucinations, speech disorders, insomnia, and headaches.

Overeating these foods in itself can lead to serotonin syndrome if consumed in very large quantities.

Dopamine - reward hormone

Unlike serotonin, dopamine is not called a happiness hormone, but a reward hormone: it is produced after some pleasant events or positive experiences.

This is a hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands and in individual nuclei of the brain. It is a precursor to the adrenal hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. And the joy from its release in a person is not calm and quiet, as when serotonin works, but stormy, with the desire to jump and scream.

Subsequently, even the very memory of the reward activates the production of dopamine. Thus, this hormone-neurotransmitter reinforces positive experiences and stimulates a person to repeat actions that are pleasant to him.

Dopamine is also needed so that a person can switch from one type of activity to another. If there is little dopamine, then thinking abilities slow down, a person repeats the same thought in the same words several times. This is especially noticeable in Parkinson's disease.

Dopamine is so important for a good mood that people turn to drugs to stimulate its release. For example, amphetamines speed up the delivery of the hormone to its destination. Psychostimulants, alcohol and cocaine do not allow dopamine to be utilized, as a result of which its concentration increases.

But if you are looking for a way to train your brain to produce more of this hormone, you will be disappointed: if you overstimulate its production, this system will soon become depleted, and not only will less dopamine be synthesized, but also the number of receptors for it will decrease. Moreover, overstimulation of the reward hormone can cause serious damage to the brain.

Dopamine is synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine, which, in turn, comes from the amino acid phenylalanine. In people suffering from phenylketonuria, the conversion of “phenylalanine - tyrosine” is impaired, therefore, “pure” tyrosine is needed for the synthesis of dopamine and its “daughters” norepinephrine and adrenaline.

In terms of creating mood, dopamine “competes” with serotonin. In addition, the hormone suppresses the production of prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormones, aldosterone and growth hormone. It improves blood flow in the kidneys and intestines, but in large doses it does the opposite.

Tyrosine-rich foods:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • legumes;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • almond;
  • sesame;
  • avocado.

Please note: these foods should not be eaten if you have phenylketonuria. You should not drink black tea, coffee or alcohol with them.

Endorphins - pain reliever

This is the name for natural neurotransmitters that simultaneously reduce pain, affect the functioning of the entire endocrine system, reduce intestinal motility and improve mood.

Brain neurons must produce endorphin, the hormone of happiness. They take beta-lipotrophin, which is secreted by the pituitary gland, and, using biochemical reactions, convert it first into one of the precursors, and then into the polypeptide molecules themselves.

In their chemical structure, endorphins are very similar to morphine.

And, if naloxone, a drug that is used to neutralize the effects of opiate drugs, is introduced into the body of a happy person, then endorphins will also be destroyed and stop working.

Endorphins are produced in response to stress or exercise. The hormone adrenaline triggers their release: in this way it tries to “numb” the muscles working at the limit of their capabilities. And when muscle pain is not felt so acutely, a person, according to nature, runs better and escapes faster.

In addition, endorphins themselves trigger the production of serotonin, and adrenaline triggers the production of dopamine and prolactin, and such a complex “cocktail” causes a feeling of happiness or euphoria. It is this pleasant feeling that forces the athlete to constantly continue training, while his body’s production of endorphins is not depleted. Disruption of the system is caused by conditions that result in a person experiencing chronic pain.

You can increase the production of endorphins naturally by:

  • listening to music you like;
  • playing sports;
  • modeling situations that bring pleasant sensations;
  • having sex.

These methods can only work if the neurons that produce endorphins are not depleted by chronic pain. If a person is constantly in pain, he will have to resort to the administration of painkillers - there is no other way to increase the level of endorphins.

Oxytocin - the hormone of trust

This is a hormone that is produced in the hypothalamus. Its maximum concentration is observed in women during childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding. Released when the nipples are stimulated, the hormone promotes uterine contractions and the release of breast milk.

  • In non-pregnant women, as well as in men, oxytocin levels increase with sexual arousal, but peak at orgasm.
  • The hormone is also important for relationships: it increases trust, reduces anxiety and fear, and gives a feeling of calm next to the person you like. Therefore, oxytocin is also called the trust hormone.

Thanks to oxytocin, the mother in labor feels anxious feelings for the newborn: this is also why it is recommended to start breastfeeding as early as possible. The hormone affects the formation of love and increases the level of trust in the words of the person you like.

To increase oxytocin levels, you need:

  • communicate more often with pleasant people,
  • hugging your loved one,
  • stroke each other (about 40 strokes per minute increases oxytocin levels in both people),
  • have sex.

Food does not affect oxytocin.

Other hormones

Each person calls his own “cocktail” of emotions happiness: for some it is the joy of victory, for others it is precisely hugs with a lover. Some people feel happy when they are admired, while others feel happy when they are doing something interesting alone. Therefore, not only the described four hormones take part in the formation of “happiness”, but also:

  • prolactin;
  • adrenalin;
  • phenylethylamine;
  • norepinephrine;
  • gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • vasopressin.

In women, estradiol and luteinizing hormones are added here: their peaks occur during ovulation - when a woman blossoms and catches admiring glances. Testosterone and its derivatives are very important for men: they give him a feeling of strength, masculinity, brutality.

To summarize what has been said, we can say: live a full life, love and hug, treat yourself to goodies and play sports, read books and meditate - and happiness will not keep you waiting! There is no need to watch bad news or do work that is unpleasant for you: no bananas or chocolate can “neutralize” this!

One fine day I suddenly realized that I was mortally tired of myself. I'm tired of dark hair, a strict hairstyle, blue eyes, I'm tired of a mole on my cheek and a dimple on my chin, I'm tired of dragging myself to work every morning and seeing everyone there, I'm tired of keeping my mobile phone always on, I'm tired of dressing like a “business woman” and in general I'm tired of everything except Polka . Polka is my daughter. And I’m already tired of the upcoming wedding in two months... My own. I'm tired of the apartment, tired of the car - I'm tired of everything. At all! And what to do with it? Well, in principle, you can renovate your apartment, change your hairstyle, buy contact lenses of a different color, a new car, cancel the hell out of your wedding... But you can’t run away from yourself... You’ll just waste your money, time, energy and lose a good job. And the groom. At my age, such suitors do not lie on the road, especially since even Polina approves of this groom, and this in itself is already worthy of respect. So what should we do? Hanging himself?

But nevertheless, I put my hair in the usual bun, put on one of the business suits and high-heeled shoes. It’s good that it’s not summer when it’s hot when you have to wear tights. You can't appear in our department with bare legs, and you can't wear trousers either. One day I decided to cheat and wore stockings with elastic bands instead of tights. The stockings were miraculously good, but it ended badly. During important negotiations, when there were only three of us - the boss, the foreign partner and me as a translator - I suddenly felt that the damned stocking was slipping off my leg. I immediately became confused and stumbled, much to the surprise of the boss - this usually doesn’t happen to me... I, of course, pulled myself together, but after the negotiations we still had lunch at the restaurant, and time to change clothes - there are always spare tights lying around in my desk - it was not expected. I broke out in a cold sweat.

Are you feeling unwell, Bronislava? - the boss asked with such obvious displeasure that I preferred to say:

Sorry, Vladimir Nikitich, the tights are gone.

He blushed with anger, but I was not taken aback:

When you waved your hand with a cigarette...

What? - he was already turning purple.

The spark hit my leg! Can I go change?

Of course, and livelier! - he chuckled, apparently he liked my courage.

Holding the damned stocking through my skirt, I limped to my department.

Broochka, what's wrong with you? - exclaimed my colleague and friend Vasya.

Don't you dare call me Broochka! - I snapped as usual, snatched the tights, having first torn off the damned stockings, which incredibly surprised Vasya and Svetlana. But I had no time for decency.

I don't wear stockings anymore. I've had enough. It's better to steam in tights! It's a shame though, it's beautiful and sexy. My colleagues claim that this has never happened to them. Lilka, for example, always wears stockings with elastic bands, even in the most severe frosts, no matter what. But I wasn't lucky the first time. What am I talking about? Oh yes, I'm tired of myself. This disgusting sensation followed me all day like underwires in a bra, although I haven’t worn bras with underwires for a long time. That's why I don't wear them, because they irritate me. By evening it became so strong that I decided to change something. The simplest and least ruinous way, perhaps, would be to buy a new lipstick. I've been wanting to buy myself a bright red one for a long time. Maybe it will get easier? But it didn't.

Mom, are you crazy? - Polka met me.

What color? It's kind of creepy. It's like you just ate a Christian baby.

Polina, what are you talking about?

I’m just reacting appropriately to this bloody nightmare! A crisis?

What other crisis?

Middle aged.

I’m not yet middle-aged, I’m still young—maybe not my first, of course, but still.

When does middle age begin?

Well, I’m probably thirty-six years old, but I’m only thirty-two, but I look like I’m twenty-seven.

This is when I’m not around,” Polina remarked rather sarcastically.

Everyone mistakes you for my little sister.

Will you have dinner?

Will. What's for dinner?

An idle question. Of course, soup.

In order not to spoil our figure, we usually eat vegetable lean soup for dinner, someone taught us. It is quite edible, satisfies hunger, and you can eat it as much as you want. True, you can no longer drink tea, but beauty requires sacrifice. However, today I will not survive this.

No I can not. Get ready, let's go to the pub!

Well, definitely, you have a crisis! Although going to a tavern is not at all shabby. Zigzag in any diet is welcome.

We called a kabak a small cozy restaurant located in a neighboring house. When we entered there, I suddenly realized that this establishment was boring me to the point of nausea. But there was no one else nearby, and I no longer had the strength to go anywhere.

The Polish woman leafed through the menu with interest, but I didn’t bother opening it - I already knew it by heart.

When the sweet girl Zhanna took our order, Polka, resting her face in her hands, inquired:

Mom, what's wrong with you, huh?

You see, I suddenly got tired of everything. To the point of nausea.

You haven't yet.

I’m tired of Zhenya too, but the worst thing is that I’m tired of myself, you know?

To be honest, not really.

“Your happiness,” I sighed heavily.

Don't you want to get married already? - Polka asked in fear.

Yes, I don’t know... But I probably don’t want to!

Well, you know, mom, for once I got a decent guy...

Yes, we don’t know him much yet. Everything happened so quickly...

That's great! You will get married, and surprises will await you at every step - there will be no time for boredom.

Wow, how smart you are! And I want to hang myself.

Mom, don't you dare! It's too early for me to be an orphan.

You have a daddy.

Phew! Where am I and where is daddy? And he needs me for three hundred years... Mom, take a vacation, go to Turkey, get some air.

If only you knew how tired I am of Türkiye!

Wow! She's tired of Türkiye! We need to freeze this. Well, go to Egypt.

Don't want. Get rid of me altogether, eat your salad and don’t pester me!

She seemed offended, or at least she shrugged, pouted, and began to eat the shrimp salad with gusto. But she didn’t last long:

Mom, maybe you're in love, huh?


Are you not in love with Zhenya at all?

Until today I thought I was in love, but now... I'm tired of everything!

At that moment my cell phone rang. For some reason the number did not appear, but I recognized the voice immediately. It was my cousin Venka who called. We have not got in touch for a while. He is a popular artist and is always busy.

Busechka, hello!

Oh, hello, lost soul!

And don’t say, there’s no time for anything, it’s just too late. How are you? How is your descendant?

She’s quite big, she’s sitting opposite her. She and I are having dinner at a tavern. If you want, go ahead!

I can’t now, but tomorrow... Buska, we really need to see each other!


The hormone of happiness and other nonsense Ekaterina Vilmont

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Title: The hormone of happiness and other nonsense

About the book “The Happiness Hormone and Other Nonsense” by Ekaterina Vilmont

From the outside it may seem that the main character of the book “The Happiness Hormone and Other Nonsense” has everything. Bronislava has a prestigious job, an expensive car, bright appearance, and a wealthy fiancé. But then one day she was bored out of her mind by all this. Everything - blue eyes, formal suits, an always-on mobile phone, and your own wedding, which is less than a month away. Everything is enough, except for my beloved daughter, Polka.

And it is at this moment that the heroine receives an intriguing and promising offer from her brother: to give up everything, go abroad and become a participant in an unpredictable adventure.
What to choose: a well-established life or incredible adventures? Bronislava risks everything to be happy in the end.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free the book “The Happiness Hormone and Other Nonsense” by Ekaterina Vilmont in epub, fb2, txt, rtf formats. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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