What foods induce good sleep. Comments. Products with melatonin

With the onset of night, each person analyzes the past day, and smiling, shakes his head, as a sign of self-satisfaction, saying: “I am so good, I managed to do so many things in one day!” But, closing his eyes in anticipation of a pleasant sleep, he has a question to which he does not receive an answer: “Where is the dream, why can’t I fall asleep?”

The answer turns out to be very simple:

  1. Firstly, the foods we eat during the day greatly affect our body.
  2. Secondly, the person himself creates stressful situations for himself when he is not sure of himself, is afraid of something or worries that he will not have time to do something, and this, in turn, sadly, affects healthy sleep.

How to fix the situation? To do this, consider 2 ways:

What is sleep and what promotes good sleep?

From a scientific point of view, sleep (somnus lat.) is a natural physiological process where a person is in a state with a minimum level brain activity and decreased response to the environment. Proteins contain a large amount of melatonin, a substance that is simply necessary for sleep. Therefore, it is important to eat foods containing protein during the day, namely:

  • quail egg - 13 gr.
  • chicken meat - 21.5 gr.
  • walnut - 654 gr.
  • cauliflower - 0.3 gr.
  • milk products - 3.2 gr.

The combination of proteins and carbohydrates brings the greatest benefit, that is, if you eat, say, 100 gr. honey - this will add 82.4 gr. carbohydrates into our body, which, in turn, will energize it for almost the whole day.

And if you drink a glass of warm milk at night and add a spoonful of honey there, this will help to relax the whole body and calm the nervous system, and, as the doctors say: “Your sleep will be with you until the morning.”

Another very interesting fact- grain bread contains 8.6 gr. proteins and 43.9 gr. carbohydrates, and baked potatoes - 2.68g. proteins and 20.57 gr. carbohydrates. They are able to cope with the feeling of hunger during the day, and if eaten for dinner, then sleep will become stronger.

How to calm the nervous system?

Proper nutrition has always supported our vital activity and promoted good sleep. In particular, the following foods should be included in the daily diet:

  • Oatmeal is the most suitable and best option, because it contains a large amount of fiber and melatonin. And in combination with milk and honey, the body will remain in a calm state for a long time.
  • Bananas - also promote restful sleep, contain a lot of serotonin, but are not particularly suitable for those who are on a diet, because. they have a lot of calories. But in order to sleep well, it is enough to eat half a banana, which does not affect the figure in any way.
  • Chamomile with honey - perfect folk remedy which acts on the body as a sleeping pill. Just one glass with one spoon of honey guarantees stress relief, as well as a calm and long sleep.
  • Almonds - amazing in their composition - contain magnesium and tryptophan, elements that promote healthy sleep.

Herbal teas as homemade sleeping pills

Today, there are a huge number of herbal tinctures and teas on the Internet that guarantee stress and tension relief, have a calming effect on the condition of both adults and children, and promote healthy sleep.

Here are some of them:

  1. Hawthorn is an affordable remedy that is recommended by doctors for hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, neuroses and insomnia. You can buy it at any pharmacy, or collect it yourself and dry it. Berries can be added to tea or make an infusion of 20g. hawthorn in 1 glass of water. Taking such a potion is not advised from the same berries twice, it is best to brew fresh fruits each time to enhance the effect. It is necessary to take 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

  2. Oregano flowers, containing tannins and essential oils, have a calming effect on women's diseases and also on insomnia. It is easy to find it at any pharmaceutical point or collect it yourself during its flowering. In the infusion, only flowers and leaves are used, the stems are removed. It is necessary to brew and drink warm 20 minutes before bedtime.

  3. Peppermint and lemon balm - act as a sedative, improve well-being, relieve spasms, dilating blood vessels. Like the above herbs, they must be taken at night.
    We brew the infusion at the rate of 1 tablespoon of herbs per 1 glass of water and insist for 20 minutes. For a weaker effect, you can add a couple of mint or lemon balm leaves to the tea.

  4. Celery is not a particularly tasty tincture, but it is effective. If you are overly active at work, excited throughout the day and because of this you cannot relax and fall asleep, then this tincture will relieve stress and calm the nervous system. Pour chopped celery leaves (20g) with one glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take half a glass of strained infusion 3 times a day for at least 10 days. It is also suitable for hyper active children who are difficult to put to sleep.

  5. Hop cones - we buy cones in a pharmacy and pour 1 tablespoon with 1 glass of boiled water, leave for 20 minutes and drink like regular tea. This drink has a beneficial calming effect on the nervous system.

  6. Pumpkin juice - tasteless, but very healthy! It is used for edema, hypertension, or those who follow a diet for weight loss. One glass of such a potion with honey at night will drive away insomnia and give you a deep restful sleep.

  7. Peony root tincture - no, not from flowers, but from the root! We grind the root of the evading plant and pour 10 grams of alcohol 100 ml in a dark glass bottle, close it tightly and store it in a dark and dark place for a month. We drink 20 drops of this tincture with 100 ml of cooled boiled water 3 times a day. The last dose should be just before going to bed.

What foods should you include in your diet for good sleep?

Our today's life is full of stresses and problems that lead to nervous breakdowns, and malnutrition adds to depression. To avoid this, we need to independently take care of the state of our body and maintain its viability.

It must be remembered that overexertion of the nervous system and malnutrition leads to the failure of other interconnected systems in the body, namely: loss of vigor, activity, the immune system is attacked by anxiety, panic, stress, thereby depleting useful resources. Our immunity weakens as a result of which various diseases appear that can develop into chronic ones.

To avoid such unfortunate consequences, we suggest considering 7 foods that you can include in your diet, as they enrich the body with essential vitamins and calm the nervous system:

  • sweet potato
  • Herb tea
  • serum
  • bananas
  • cocoa or dark chocolate
  • brazil nuts
  • spinach.

Vitamins and their effect on sleep

There is also a certain group of vitamins that the body needs to calm and protect nerve cells: absolutely all B vitamins, vitamins C, E, A, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and carbohydrates. They tone up the nervous system, improve blood circulation, promote concentration, tone up the muscles, strengthen memory and vision.

TOP-11 products for the health of the body

At the end of the article, I can’t leave out the top 11 foods that are best for calming nerves:

  • Cereals and cereals
  • Berries
  • Nuts any
  • Apples
  • Spinach
  • Black chocolate
  • Bananas
  • Chamomile tea
  • Citrus
  • Yoghurts and hard cheese

As you can see, proper nutrition plays a big role in our body, it is it that contributes to good sleep and calmness. After all, no one can do without sleep, at least once a day.

That's actually what I wanted to talk about how to improve sleep and calm the nervous system.

I wish you a good mood, cheerfulness, activity and sound sleep at night.

Walnuts are a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin and melatonin levels necessary for healthy sleep (these hormones are responsible for our biological clock and sense of time). It is these two substances that help normalize circadian rhythms, fall asleep quickly and sound sleep.


Almonds - and, according to research, low levels of this substance make it difficult to fall asleep quickly. A handful of nuts before bed helps to quickly solve this problem!


We have known since childhood that a glass of warm milk at night (preferably with cookies - but we will talk about this in more detail below) guarantees a sound and healthy sleep throughout the night. In fact, all dairy products have this magical property: the calcium they contain helps absorb the amino acid tryptophan and produce melatonin. In addition, calcium also helps to normalize muscle activity and relieves night cramps.


Good news for those who are on a diet - one of the most popular ingredients in light salads, lettuce, is an indispensable tool in the fight against insomnia. It's all about the rich content of lactucarium - a substance that resembles a sedative in action. Lettuce, by the way, can not only be eaten, but also brewed: to prepare “salad” tea, four large leaves must be poured with hot water and infused for 15 minutes. And in order to make the drink more palatable, you can add a little mint to it.


Salted pretzels and crackers have a high glycemic index - that is, they cause a quick burst of energy, which is replaced by drowsiness just as quickly. So if you are struggling with insomnia, you have a good reason to crunch on something forbidden at night looking. The main thing is not to turn it into a habit!

Tuna and salmon

Fish, and especially tuna and salmon, are extremely rich in vitamin B6, which takes an active part in the production of melatonin and serotonin. By the way, among other products, where you can get this vitamin - garlic (exceptionally fresh) and pistachios.

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As with crackers, rice is notable for its glycemic index. But the jasmine variety is more effective than others in helping you fall asleep quickly and soundly - this is what the results of studies published by the specialized edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition say.

Cherry juice

According to recent research from the Universities of Pennsylvania and Rochester, drinking a glass of cherry juice before bed can help you get into the dream world faster. The thing is that cherries increase the level of melatonin in the body.

cereal flakes

Flakes are considered to be an excellent breakfast dish, but it turns out that they contain two components at once that help to quickly and soundly fall asleep: carbohydrates (in the flakes themselves) and calcium (in the milk with which they are usually eaten).

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is the first remedy recommended for insomnia. And for good reason: one cup of fragrant broth raises the level of glycine, which, in turn, gently calms the nerves and relieves muscle tension.

Photo: Galina Barskaya/Rusmediabank.ru

Insomnia is a fairly common problem in modern world. Constant stress, worries, sometimes chronic diseases prevent us from sleeping. Sleep is essential, any doctor will tell you. With chronic insomnia, you should definitely visit a doctor, a psychotherapist. If you do not have serious sleep disorders, but you began to fall asleep badly, often waking up at night, you can improve your sleep by properly organizing your diet.

Melatonin guarantees good sleep

Our body needs the hormone melatonin:
it guarantees good sleep;
if it is not enough, immunity decreases;
with a deficiency of melatonin, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, cancer and other diseases develop;
lack of melatonin contributes to rapid aging;
it has an antioxidant effect, i.e. prolongs life.

It is produced in the human body at night, in the pituitary gland and the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of melatonin occurs at 2 am. Therefore, it is so useful to go to bed early, before 12 o'clock. If you sleep after 2 nights, it will negatively affect your sleep. Girls who take care of their appearance should remember that such a schedule will negatively affect their appearance, it contributes to rapid aging. With age, the body begins to produce less melatonin, so older people sleep less, while children sleep long and sound.

Where does melatonin come from

In order for the body to synthesize melatonin, it is necessary. And serotonin is produced from a special amino acid, tryptophan. But tryptophan has interesting feature. In the daytime, under the influence of sunlight, it is converted into serotonin, the hormone of joy. Therefore, on sunny days, our mood often rises, and on cloudy days, on the contrary, it decreases. At night, the same tryptophan is converted into melatonin. The sleep hormone begins to be produced at 8 pm, its synthesis stops at 4 am. If you follow the daily routine, go to bed early, the nervous system will work without failures.

Improving sleep with proper nutrition

If you want to sleep well, you need to choose foods high in melatonin and tryptophan. We will tell you what to include in your menu. But remember that proper nutrition is not enough. It is also important to go to bed on time.

Foods high in melatonin

There are a number of foods that are high in melatonin. Only you should not rely on them, because. there will be no pronounced hypnotic effect. But still it is worth including them in your menu.

If you want to relax and calm down, then eat eggs. They are sources that are necessary to start the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system.

Foods High in Tryptophan

In order for you to have a good sleep, you should eat right, i.e. eat foods rich in tryptophan:

1. most of this amino acid in cheese - from 482 to 1000 mg per 100 g of the product. There are other useful substances in hard cheese: calcium, B vitamins;
2. they are rich in red and black caviar;
3. One of the leaders in the content of tryptophan is meat, beef contains about 210 mg. There is it in beef liver, and in chicken, and in rabbit, and in turkey, which is especially rich in this amino acid;
4. vegetables and herbs. There is a lot of it in spinach, broccoli, cabbage, both white and cauliflower, in fresh leaves parsley. There is also red or white beans;
5. fruits. A good source of this amino acid is bananas. In addition to tryptophan, they supply the body with potassium and magnesium. There is it in oranges and melons;
6. porridge. Not all cereals are rich in it, but it is found in oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, barley and millet porridge;
7. dried fruits. Record holders among dried fruits are dried apricots and dates.

Tryptophan is not as well absorbed. To get the maximum benefit from the products listed above, it is desirable to use other accompanying substances, namely magnesium, B vitamins, iron and fast carbohydrates. Therefore, the most useful for those who suffer from poor sleep, the liver. It is desirable that you have liver dishes on your table at least 2 times a week.

Secrets of good sleep

To improve sleep, it is worth including the above products in your menu, but this is not enough. You also need to follow simple rules that will help you fall asleep faster:
1. The bedroom should be dark and quiet. The ideal temperature for good sleep is 18-23 degrees;
2. Do not eat foods high in caffeine in the afternoon, because. it is excreted rather slowly, from 8 to 10 hours. Try not to drink coffee after 2 p.m. and avoid other sources of caffeine: Coca-Cola, dark chocolate, etc.;
3. physical activity is important. Good sleep must be earned. Walk more, do exercises, engage in physical labor;
4. no emotional experiences before going to bed. Never sort things out if you need to sleep soon. Or vice versa, having quarreled, make peace in order to remain calm in the evening. Then it will be easier for you to fall asleep;
5. Remove bright light sources. Bright light excites the nervous system. If you want to sleep well, give up gadgets or at least adjust them so that they do not interfere with falling asleep.

If you have some sleep problems, these tips will help you deal with them. But, for those who suffer from this, it is advisable to talk with a doctor and take pills if necessary. Of course, sleep with pills can not be compared with healthy natural sleep. But sometimes they are necessary. Moreover, over time, they can be gradually abandoned. Take care of yourself, your health, because often it depends on us whether we feel good.

Walnuts are a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin and melatonin levels necessary for healthy sleep (these hormones are responsible for our biological clock and sense of time). It is these two substances that help normalize circadian rhythms, fall asleep quickly and sound sleep.


Almonds - and, according to research, low levels of this substance make it difficult to fall asleep quickly. A handful of nuts before bed helps to quickly solve this problem!


We have known since childhood that a glass of warm milk at night (preferably with cookies - but we will talk about this in more detail below) guarantees a sound and healthy sleep throughout the night. In fact, all dairy products have this magical property: the calcium they contain helps absorb the amino acid tryptophan and produce melatonin. In addition, calcium also helps to normalize muscle activity and relieves night cramps.


Good news for those who are on a diet - one of the most popular ingredients in light salads, lettuce, is an indispensable tool in the fight against insomnia. It's all about the rich content of lactucarium - a substance that resembles a sedative in action. Lettuce, by the way, can not only be eaten, but also brewed: to prepare “salad” tea, four large leaves must be poured with hot water and infused for 15 minutes. And in order to make the drink more palatable, you can add a little mint to it.


Salted pretzels and crackers have a high glycemic index - that is, they cause a quick burst of energy, which is replaced by drowsiness just as quickly. So if you are struggling with insomnia, you have a good reason to crunch on something forbidden at night looking. The main thing is not to turn it into a habit!

Tuna and salmon

Fish, and especially tuna and salmon, are extremely rich in vitamin B6, which takes an active part in the production of melatonin and serotonin. By the way, among other products, where you can get this vitamin - garlic (exceptionally fresh) and pistachios.

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As with crackers, rice is notable for its glycemic index. But the jasmine variety is more effective than others in helping you fall asleep quickly and soundly - this is what the results of studies published by the specialized edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition say.

Cherry juice

According to recent research from the Universities of Pennsylvania and Rochester, drinking a glass of cherry juice before bed can help you get into the dream world faster. The thing is that cherries increase the level of melatonin in the body.

cereal flakes

Flakes are considered to be an excellent breakfast dish, but it turns out that they contain two components at once that help to quickly and soundly fall asleep: carbohydrates (in the flakes themselves) and calcium (in the milk with which they are usually eaten).

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is the first remedy recommended for insomnia. And for good reason: one cup of fragrant broth raises the level of glycine, which, in turn, gently calms the nerves and relieves muscle tension.

The benefit of sleep lies in the fact that during rest the balance of forces is effectively restored, the necessary reserves are drawn in order to spend the whole day in an active state.

For a person, the most pleasant and useful state of the body lies in healthy sleep.

A calm, measured sleep is able to restore the cells of the nervous system, which is why it is considered to be one of the most powerful preventions of any disease.

Sleep for man

While a person is sleeping, the process of healing wounds and burns is much faster. Thanks to a good sleep, you can restore the chemical, emotional supply of cells. It goes away most quickly during non-REM sleep.

With regular lack of sleep, a person surprisingly begins to undermine performance. Many countries are actively using sleep therapy, which helps to effectively restore and activate neurons. The benefits of sleep can also be considered in a psychoanalytical sense - in a dream a person can be completely healed and find the right and reasonable solution for himself.

In this process, the human brain is engaged in diagnosing each system in the body. It is at this time that the self-healing mechanisms are launched. Doctors have noticed that people who sleep poorly are twice as likely to suffer from chronic diseases. During rest, normalization of blood pressure begins, hormonal metabolism improves, blood sugar levels stabilize significantly.

Insomnia is the cause of many diseases. In the event that a person cannot fall asleep in half an hour, then the reason for this is emotional stress, or severe stress. Frequent waking up at night indicates problems with internal organs, the diseased part of the body gives a signal to the brain, and you immediately wake up.

Waking up early is a sign that you have hormonal problems. Mental disorder or brain problems are most often manifested in those who sleep enough, but do not get enough sleep.

The usefulness of sleep cannot be viewed in a negative light. However, somnologists are sure that it is also impossible to sleep for a long time. Sleep, which lasts ten hours for an adult, can be dangerous because biorhythms are disturbed, the energy tone of the body decreases.

This can cause anxiety, apathy or headache. You should adhere to the norm of sleep, which is equal to a minimum of six hours, and a maximum of eight hours.

In order for sleep to be strong and healthy, it is recommended to follow some rules. Suggestions for the night:

  • The place to sleep should be comfortable, the mattress is well chosen;
  • The temperature in the room should be low, then sleep will be better;
  • At night, you can not load the body with physical exercises, each exercise must be performed in slow motion;
  • Someone needs to eat something edible for sound sleep;
  • Do not think about problems before going to bed, do not look for solutions, otherwise you will only get insomnia.

Is sleep good in the daytime? Yes, as long as you follow the following rules:

  • Realize that sleep is not an attack of laziness, but a real necessity, which will bring with it an improvement not only in health, but also in working capacity;
  • Daytime sleep can easily develop into nighttime, as the body reacts to biorhythms;
  • A few hours before bedtime, it is better not to take caffeinated products. It is best to consume foods that are rich in calcium and protein;
  • The benefits of sleep will be maximized if you find a place where absolutely no one will disturb you.

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