Regular dill: amazing medicinal properties and contraindications for use. Dill: health benefits and harms Frozen dill benefits

Almost everyone recognizes the pleasant aroma of dill. There is hardly a person unfamiliar with this fragrant greenery. We use it in salads, sauces, and soups. Its taste is refreshing and adds piquancy to the dish. But not everyone knows that this plant is a “green doctor”. People have noticed it since ancient times, and to this day it is widely used in the fight against various ailments. A huge amount of vitamins makes this cultivated plant useful, and its pleasant aroma makes it popular. We will tell you about the benefits and harms of dill for the body, so that you can make the most of it for your benefit.

Even in winter there will be no hassle. Or you can buy greens at the market. Sold fresh and dry.


The list is very long, here are just a few of them:

  • vitamins C, B1 and B2;
  • carotene;
  • nicotinic, folic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • pectin substances;
  • mineral salts (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron).

Eating it raw saturates the body with these beneficial components, making you healthy and beautiful. Improves resistance to disease and stress. This inconspicuous green plant has enormous benefits for the body.

Dill and female beauty

For a woman’s body, this little helper is simply necessary. Let's look at common products for women's beauty and health. In what cases and how to take it? Let's try to figure it out.

Menstrual irregularities

Many women suffer from menstruation disorders. This is caused by various reasons: stress, hormones, bad habits, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, environment. Dill contains flavonoid compounds and essential oil that can normalize hormonal imbalances. Dill decoction should be taken according to a certain system.


Consuming a decoction even from such a harmless herb can lead to undesirable consequences. Be sure to consult your doctor.


A common illness. Every woman gets sick at least once in her life. Stress, taking antibiotics, synthetic, tight underwear can lead to this unpleasant illness. In this case, the decoction is used internally and for washing.

Another unpleasant phenomenon is . Occurs as a result of hypothermia, infection in the urethra. The decoction helps relieve inflammation and relieves pain.

  1. Normalization of digestion and metabolism. This is an important factor in female beauty and youth.
  2. Treatment of flatulence. Scientists have proven that the fiber in dill cleanses the intestines and eliminates bloating.
  3. Antibacterial abilities minimize putrefactive processes in the body.

Expectant mothers often suffer from metabolic disorders, bloating, swelling, intestinal cramps and other “delights” of pregnancy. Thanks to its magical abilities, dill improves digestion, reduces flatulence, improves metabolism, and is a mild diuretic. Some experts believe that eating fresh greens promotes good fetal development and excellent health for the mother. Folic acid in the composition of inconspicuous greens is simply indispensable for the healthy formation of the fetal neural tube, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Dangerous! Excessive consumption of dill may contribute to premature birth. Be extremely careful. Consult your doctor.

How to brew a decoction correctly? It's simple. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of dill seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil the mixture over low heat for another 10-15 minutes. Strain and let sit. The decoction is ready.

Carefully! Despite this, the decoction should be taken with caution by people suffering from low blood pressure, as it dilates blood vessels and, therefore, lowers blood pressure.

Where else is dill used?

Benefits for vision

For inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, use freshly squeezed dill juice. Soak cotton pads in juice and place on closed eyes for 10-15 minutes. This procedure perfectly relieves inflammation and disinfects. It is believed that regular lotions can even improve vision. Washing with a decoction helps relieve fatigue, and even bruises under the eyes. Plus, fresh greens improve vision due to the presence of beta-carotene.

Properties of dill to help the liver

If you need to use a decoction of dill, 2-3 times a day before or after meals. This remedy is combined with drug treatment to achieve a better effect.

Important! If you are allergic to dill, you should not undergo treatment under any circumstances.

Despite the presence of so many advantages, this product should not be consumed in unlimited quantities. Allergies may develop. A large amount of this medicine may cause weakness, drowsiness, and general malaise. After all, dill reduces blood pressure and is extremely dangerous for hypotensive people, people with low blood pressure.

Essential vitamins for children

You should definitely add dill to your children's diet. Adding it in small quantities will provide great health benefits to your baby. Vitamins and amino acids are simply indispensable for the full development of a growing organism. Infants can be given dill water. It will relieve flatulence and colic and help digestion.

Dietary supplement for diabetics

For people suffering, dill is useful for the following properties:

  • improves digestion;
  • eliminates flatulence;
  • enhances the protective functions of the liver and kidneys;
  • helps avoid obesity.

A few recipes for insulin-dependent people:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tbsp. spoons of dill seeds, boil for 10 minutes. Strain and let it brew. Take half a glass before meals.
  2. Dill infusion. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of dill with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 24 hours. Take three times a day before meals.
  3. A decoction based on dill and red wine. Add a spoonful of seeds to 200 grams of wine. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes, cool, then let sit. Take 2 tablespoons before bedtime.


For such a serious illness as diabetes, all procedures should be carried out exclusively in consultation with a doctor.

Useful spice for face and hair

  1. There are many face masks based on this product. Let's look at a few of them:
  2. Mix fresh, finely chopped herbs with aloe juice and milk in equal quantities. Apply the mask onto your face using massaging movements for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Chop dill and parsley in equal quantities and apply to the face. The procedure should last 15 minutes. 2-3 times a week.

Boil chopped dill in a small amount of water. Cool. Mix with 100 grams of cottage cheese. Apply the mask several times a week for 10-15 minutes.

For hair growth and beauty, you should eat fresh dill. You can rinse your hair with the decoction.

For weight loss

  1. To reduce appetite, use a decoction of dill and licorice root. Pour boiling water over the ingredients in a ratio of 1:4 and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink about half a glass half an hour before meals.
  2. Mix finely chopped dill with a glass of low-fat kefir. Use as a dietary supplement in your diet.
  3. Take a bath with dill against cellulite. The presence of essential oils in it has a beneficial effect on the skin and metabolic processes in it.

Eat dill, stock up on vitamins, be beautiful, healthy and happy!

Greens, as you know, should be present in the diet of each of us. It is a source of many vitamins and minerals, as well as other substances necessary for the normal functioning of our body. It can be eaten on its own, or added to salads and other various dishes. It is quite possible to grow tasty and healthy greens on a windowsill or on a small piece of land near a summer house or private house. The most popular, useful and unpretentious types of greens include, of course, dill, the benefits and harm to the health of the body which we will further consider.

What are the health benefits of dill?

Dill is a source of a lot of vitamins, among which ascorbic acid comes first. It also contains a lot of beta-carotene and tocopherol. In addition, dill contains quite a lot of provitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin PP. Such greens are a source of a number of minerals, including potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese. It is also rich in essential oils. So systematically eating dill is excellent.

Dill can benefit all categories of the population. It remarkably improves the functioning of the digestive tract, adds vigor and efficiency to a person. Eating such greens helps to cope with the digestion of heavy dishes: meat, fatty, fried, etc. Decoctions and infusions based on dill have long been used to treat a variety of disorders in the digestive tract. Such greens help to cope with cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, painful sensations in the gastrointestinal tract (including colic, and even in infants). Dill perfectly soothes the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines and accelerates the evacuation of waste products from the body.

Consumption of dill and juice from this herb has a positive effect on the condition of the visual system, preventing various visual impairments. An infusion based on it will help cope with inflammatory eye lesions, including conjunctivitis, and will also eliminate excessive fatigue, for example, when working with a computer.

Traditional medicine specialists often use dill in the form of seeds. Such raw materials help to cope with stomach diseases; they also effectively stop fermentation and neutralize pain. Dill seeds have a good diuretic effect, normalize blood pressure and help get rid of wet cough. Medicines based on them perfectly cleanse both the bronchi and lungs, stimulate the dilution of sputum and its successful evacuation.

Dill seeds are a wonderful and safe sedative. They will help you cope with stress, fall asleep faster and relax. And traditional medicine specialists advise using a decoction based on them to normalize the menstrual cycle. In addition, dill seeds are a good softener, which greatly bothers many representatives of the fair sex. They effectively eliminate temper and smooth out mood swings.

Dill seeds remarkably improve the activity of the heart muscle, and they can also bring great benefits to young mothers. Medicines based on such raw materials alleviate the problem of colic in infants and also stimulate the production of breast milk.

They allow you to use it to improve metabolic processes and cleanse the body. Also, healing remedies with this plant help to lose excess weight and prevent the appearance of fat deposits.

Garden dill is an excellent cure for oral ailments. Even simply chewing such greens will help cope with inflammation of the gums, stomatitis and throat diseases. In addition, this plant can be used to prepare infusions and decoctions for rinsing.

Dill has pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Infusions based on it perfectly eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin, including the face. You can simply wash your face systematically with them in the morning, and applying lotions also has an excellent effect. Dill can also be used to prepare steam baths for the face; they perfectly cleanse pores, eliminating blackheads and pustular diseases.

Dill infusion is considered one of the best remedies for eliminating freckles in young people. Also, this medicine does a good job of brightening the skin, including in pregnant women.

Is dill dangerous and can it cause harm to the health of the body?

Dill is a fairly safe plant, which, however, can harm the body if consumed in excess. Excessive intake of such greens is fraught with the development of loss of energy, drowsiness, blurred vision and decreased intestinal activity. occasionally causes allergies and can lead to a decrease in blood pressure with a tendency to hypotension, which is manifested by fainting, weakness, dizziness and nausea.

Folk recipes

For flatulence, traditional medicine experts advise taking an infusion of dill seeds. To prepare it, you need to grind the plant material and brew it with boiling water. For a couple of tablespoons of crushed seeds you will need half a liter of water. Infuse this medicine in a thermos for forty minutes, then strain. Take the finished product half a glass three to five times a day.

It can be carried out using an infusion based on dill seeds. To do this, you need to brew a tablespoon of crushed raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse this medicine for two hours, then strain. Take the prepared infusion one tablespoon four times a day.


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Greetings, my dear readers!
How often do we hear: we should eat greens because they are healthy! But for some reason no one knows exactly what beneficial properties cilantro, parsley, dill have... I’ll tell you everything about the latter today! How often these green sprigs are used to decorate holiday dishes, and at the end of the feast they are simply thrown away... For some reason, it seems to me that after reading this article, you will no longer do this, and start enjoying healthy greens along with salads and appetizers!

Green twigs under a microscope

  1. There are many microelements (phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium).
  2. Dill also contains organic acids (petrozelinic, oleic, linoleic, folic, palmitic).
  3. We can’t help but mention vitamins. The most “popular set” was found in dill: vitamins A, B, C, E, PP. There is also beta-carotene here.
  4. And finally, the beneficial properties of dill are caused by the presence of many nutrients in it: riboflavin, pectin, carbohydrates (easily digestible), carotene, flavonoids and others.
  5. Both the branches and the seeds contain essential oil (it is thanks to it that we recognize this plant by its characteristic aroma).

Calorie content of this product - total 40 kcal per 100 g of product... Although, of course, you are unlikely to eat this plant in such bunches!

The benefits of dill for everyone

Doctors and scientists say: this plant, firmly “registered” in every grandmother’s garden, is very necessary for people. But how is dill beneficial for the body?

  • It improves the functioning of the immune and digestive systems, gives appetite, and helps with colic (gastric and intestinal).
  • Helps wounds heal faster.
  • Relieves headaches and helps you fall asleep faster.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Good for vision.
  • It has expectorant properties, which is why it is sometimes remembered when coughing.
  • Also among the advantages of dill are bile and diuretic properties.
  • Finally, it is an effective antioxidant that cleanses the body of toxins, facilitating the functioning of the liver.

It's worth remembering: this is a plant lowers blood pressure. This is good for hypertensive patients, but for hypotensive patients it is better to be careful with treatment with dill.

That's why women need it!

I will write about the benefits of this product for pregnant women below, but now I will tell you how dill is useful for women, from young girls to mature ladies. You already know that the plant contains vitamin B and flavonoids. They normalize the female monthly cycle and relieve pain during menstrual periods. Well, calcium and phosphorus, also contained in dill, improve the condition of nails and hair.

But you should know that during menstruation, accompanied by heavy discharge (including endometriosis), it is better to avoid this plant - it can cause increased bleeding.

Benefits for men

Yes, some of the properties of dill may also be of interest to representatives of the stronger half of humanity. People believe that dill is good for male strength, and some older men even try to eat bunches of it... Is this true?

Modern doctors have thoroughly studied the benefits of dill for men and have come to the conclusion: this is really a good remedy for enhancing potency and even arousing desire for the object of one’s love. In addition, doctors sometimes recommend dishes with dill to people trying to get rid of prostatitis.

There is another useful use of dill. It calms the nerves, so it is necessary in the diet of people suffering from stress. By the way, for many men, potency is “lame” precisely because of daytime overload and “nerves,” so it is highly recommended that they include this plant in their dinner menu.

But remember! No matter how tempting the beneficial properties of dill for men may be, you cannot eat it in bunches. When consumed in bulk, it causes drowsiness, as well as too fast bowel movements. So, if you want to create the image of a hero-lover, consume this product in moderation!

Benefits for weight loss

Another important property for the human body is the dietary content of this product. Moreover, this property lies not only in the low calorie content of weed and increased work of the stomach and intestines. The fact is that one of the most famous properties of dill (help with flatulence) will be very important for people switching to a vegetable diet - they very often suffer from this very problem. High gas formation can also be accompanied by a cereal, fruit diet - in general, a plant-based diet.

By the way, weight loss also goes hand in hand with contamination of the body with toxins. And dill helps remove them!

If you're looking for new, non-boring snack ideas, dill seeds may be helpful. By throwing a pinch into your mouth, you will stop your hunger for a long time.

Garden weed and traditional medicine

Doctors (and not only herbalists) like dill in any form: fresh, dried, in seeds, and also as infusions and decoctions. And if you do not have the opportunity to collect the seeds of the plant in your own garden bed, dill seeds, whose beneficial properties are not limited to relieving bloating, can be found in any pharmacy.

By the way, this plant is included in commercial tea for gastrointestinal problems, as well as in a large number of pharmaceutical drugs that help with diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gallstones, as well as depression and sleep problems.

Most popular recipes

  1. Diuretic tincture. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 50 seeds and let steep for at least 20 minutes. Course: 3 times a day, 30 ml (2 tablespoons).
  2. Decoction against flatulence, indigestion. Everyone knows how useful the seeds are - and meanwhile, dry “leaves” of dill also drive “clouds” out of our stomach. The product is prepared as follows: add 1 tablespoon of dried dill to 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for at least an hour, strain. Course: 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.

If your goal is increase in potency, try the Egyptian method: eat a little of the seeds of this plant mixed with honey every day. It is believed that this is a men's recipe, but it can also be used by ladies, for the latter it acts as an aphrodisiac.

Special use

  • Pregnancy. There are no strict contraindications for normal pregnancy. On the contrary, dill can bring you many benefits, because it contains folic acid, which is very important for the fetus, as well as calcium (helps reduce painful cramps in the limbs). But remember that for pregnant women suffering from dizziness and fainting due to decreased blood pressure, it is better not to “make friends” with either the seeds or fresh twigs of this plant! And besides, the product falls into the category of “taboo” even during the threat of miscarriage - it thins the blood, so it can aggravate this threat.
  • Lactation. The beneficial properties of dill do not end with those listed above. It turns out that this plant can help nursing mothers, as it stimulates active milk production during the feeding period.
  • Newborns. Our grandmothers also know that for colic in small tummies, you can buy dill water at the pharmacy. However, these days this remedy is prepared with fennel oil. But some herbalists and pediatricians advise preparing a homemade decoction with dill seeds - it also perfectly relieves bloating. It is prepared simply: 1 tablespoon of seeds per 250 ml of boiling water. The newborn is given a couple of drops of this product (you can directly, or you can mix it with the mixture). Important: you need to brew a fresh decoction every day!

Does this popular product have any contraindications?

Both fresh (or frozen, dried) dill sprigs and its seeds have not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. Which ones exactly?

  • Hypotension (that is, low blood pressure).
  • Diabetes mellitus (the plant contains carbohydrates that are completely unnecessary for diabetics).
  • Aggravated ulcer (stomach, intestines).
  • Bleeding of any kind (including heavy menstrual bleeding).
  • Allergy to this product. Yes, the plant contains essential oils, so it may cause an allergic reaction in some people. But since almost all of us have already tried this product several times, we know well who it is suitable for and who it is not.

What a natural healer! In the end, I will tell you how to use this plant correctly to get more benefits of dill for the body. So! The fresher the leaves, the more valuable they are from a medical point of view. The best branches are those that left their native bed just 20 minutes ago. That is why people who do not have their own garden often grow these greens on the balcony or windowsill.
And of course, remember: if you decide to try one of the folk recipes for treatment with dill seeds or sprigs, consult a therapist.
Good luck and good health!

One of the most popular ingredients in salads and main dishes is dill. Is it possible to imagine crispy canned cucumbers not tangled in umbrellas of herbs? And, nevertheless, the harm to health of dill can significantly exceed its taste and benefits. In what situations does a spice beloved by many become a poison?

The health benefits of dill are truly unique, because this herb contains vitamins A, E, C, folic acid, mineral salts and vegetable fats. These substances are capable of:

  • improve digestion;
  • relieve symptoms of high blood pressure;
  • have a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • stabilize liver function;
  • enhance potency.

And, nevertheless, dill can also be harmful to health. The essential oils contained in greens have a depressant effect on the nervous system, so it is even recommended to eat dill if you are overexcited. But if you are in a bad mood, dishes with seemingly harmless herbs can worsen your condition even further.

What is the harm from excessive consumption of dill?

Systematic and abundant consumption of this garden product can affect the functioning of many body systems. In particular, greens negatively affect:

  • visual function (an excess of carotene leads to the fact that the body begins to require more and more of it, and if this need is not satisfied, visual acuity decreases);
  • intestinal function (dill perfectly stimulates peristalsis, but at the same time it is addictive, and without spicy herb the intestines stop working fully);
  • body activity (the combination of vitamins and essential oils relaxes the body).

The harm of dill to the human body can also manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction (for example, itching, urticaria), if you use the greens as folk cosmetics - masks, lotions. In addition, caution should be exercised when introducing it into the diet of young children, since greens can cause gastrointestinal disorders in the baby due to the fiber and fat content in the grass.

Separately, we should dwell on the negative properties of dill seeds. This product is quite often added to various dishes, so its effect on human health cannot be underestimated. The main negative property of the plant’s seeds is their ability to cause flatulence.

Essential oils, which give the spicy taste and delicious aroma of dill, are in very high concentrations in the seeds. Therefore, it is better for people suffering from allergies to refrain from consuming the spice in this form. To be fair, it is worth noting that in greens this concentration is slightly lower, so even allergy sufferers can eat it in moderation.

Dill during pregnancy: harm

Women in position have a special relationship with dill. The fact is that this herb is rich in vitamins necessary for the growth and development of the unborn child. However, in the later stages, an excess of dill can lead to premature labor. It is no coincidence that our ancestors used dill water to speed up the process of childbirth. But this danger is not the only one during pregnancy. Greens can also cause:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • fainting;
  • severe visual impairment.

Many expectant mothers drink dill tea to relieve the symptoms of toxicosis, but doctors recommend abstaining from the drink in the second and third trimesters. The fact is that during this period the formation of the fetal digestive organs occurs, and dill can negatively affect an important process.

A plant like dill often found in the diet of any person. It is widely used not only in the process of cooking, but also for carrying out cosmetological procedures and medicinal purposes.

This is due to the fact that in addition to the pleasant taste, spicy aroma and huge content of microelements, this plant has a large amount healing properties for the body.

Dill greens

Beneficial properties and harm to health

Chemical composition dill quite wide and enriched with many vitamins and microelements.

Dill has a huge list of useful properties, especially with regular use. Basic important for the human body substances contained in dill:

  1. Ascorbic acid;
  2. Carotene;
  3. Thiamine bromide;
  4. Cibanocobalamin;
  5. Peridoxin chloride;
  6. Nicotinic and folic acids;
  7. Essential oils;
  8. Cellulose;
  9. Calcium;
  10. Potassium;
  11. Phospholipids;
  12. Iron;
  13. Manganese;
  14. Zinc;
  15. Magnesium.

Daily inclusion in the diet 50 grams greens provide the blood with a daily dose of vitamins, helping to maintain immunity at a high level.

Thanks to its composition rich in vitamins and microelements, dill has a number of medicinal properties:

  1. Helps improve organ function digestive system;
  2. Normalizes metabolic processes in organism;
  3. Eliminates flatulence;
  4. Normalizes bowel function and contributes to its gentle release;
  5. Improves appetite;
  6. Reduces arterial pressure;
  7. Facilitates leakage colds diseases;
  8. Possesses fastening property;
  9. Excludes insomnia and sleep disturbance;
  10. Normalizes the menstrual cycle and relieves pain its course;
  11. Increases lactation;
  12. Helps improve functioning prostate;
  13. Extends duration sexual intercourse;
  14. Reduces symptoms allergies: cough, itching;
  15. Promotes separation sputum in the bronchi;
  16. Relieves symptoms periodontitis;
  17. Strengthens nervous system;
  18. Eliminates neurosis and psychoneurosis;
  19. Used as diuretic.

Despite the huge number of healing properties of dill, it is worth understanding that the good thing is that in moderation. That's why immoderate ingestion of dill can lead to a general loss of energy, drowsiness, blurred vision and decreased bowel activity, dizziness and nausea. You should use dill very carefully for allergy sufferers and hypotensive people.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the use of dill is sufficient common. It is used for:

  • fight more than weight;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • ARVI;
  • Anacidic gastritis;
  • Treatment hepatitis And cholecystitis;
  • For disorders digestive system;
  • Inflammation bronchopulmonary system;
  • The need to increase lactation;
  • Hypertension;
  • Inflammation of organs vision;
  • Minor inflammations epidermis.

In folk medicine, dill is used not only fresh, but also in cooked form. decoctions and tinctures, which have an excellent effect on outdoor used in the form of lotions, for example, for eye diseases or pustular skin lesions.

Preparing dill for the winter

Greens are on sale all year round, but in winter growing methods do not allow you to enrich it with all useful substances.

Alternatively, you can do it yourself on the windowsill. However, the chemical composition of dill grown in the ground during the season is significantly higher.

  • Freezing (a regular freezer is perfect for this);
  • Salting (in this method, greens are mixed with salt, which acts as a reliable natural preservative);
  • Drying (a simple and quick method; you can use a microwave or oven to speed up the process).

Before freezing It is necessary to wash the dill greens, dry them and finely chop them. Freezing is carried out in two ways:

  1. In pieces of ice;
  2. Dry freezing.

Pickling dill is carried out in sterilized jars. Dill, washed and chopped, mixed with salt in the ratio 500 grams of greens on 0.5 cups salt and placed in jars. But this method is only suitable for use in cooking. Decoctions, lotions and tinctures are not prepared using this preparation.

At drying dill, you need to spread clean greens in a thin layer in the shade, in a ventilated room or in an oven set to the minimum temperature. For uniform To dry the plant, it is necessary to stir it periodically.

The shelf life of dry dill is 2 years. After the shelf life expires, the herb loses its healing properties, and its use becomes ineffective.

Treatment with dill seeds

Dill seed is enriched with vitamins, microelements and an fragrant mixture of liquid volatile substances. Due to such pharmacological elements, the fruits of the plant are used for normalization of functioning many internal organs.

At cardiovascular In diseases, dill tincture is widely used, which lowers blood and intraocular pressure. Prevention occurs due to the natural dilation of blood vessels atherosclerosis brain vessels.

Recipe healing tincture: half a liter boiling water must be taken 50 grams dry seeds. Pour in and let sit for half an hour. Mode of application: in 45 minutes must be consumed before meals up to 400 ml decoction at room temperature.

Nervous system reacts positively to the effects of dill seeds, restoring sleep and relieving anxiety. To do this, you need to prepare the following tincture: half a liter take boiling water 20 grams crushed dill seeds, 15 grams valerian. Pour the seeds into a thermos and let it brew for 2 hours.

Before going to bed, add to a glass of infusion 1 tsp honey and drink everything. Phyto-pads with medicinal herbs, which are placed at the head of the bed, also have a sedative effect.

For diseases gastrointestinal tract dill seed neutralizes bacteria, relieves spasms, eliminates putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and helps restore the natural microflora of the digestive canal. The plant is consumed both fresh and as a prepared drink. The tincture is made in this way: in 250 ml boiled water is added 10 grams seed and leave alone for 2 hours in a warm room.

Diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic properties make it possible to use dill seeds for diseases genitourinary system. The infusion helps remove toxins and waste from the body, normalizes secretion, and removes bile. You should eat it at every meal half a teaspoon dill seed powder with warm water.

Dill seeds have bronchodilator properties, help thin mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract, therefore they are successfully used to treat the respiratory system. A decoction of the seeds is also used as an expectorant. You can make a healing decoction like this: for 250 ml add a teaspoon of seeds to water, all this must be boiled 5 minutes and let it brew for a while half an hour. At the end add 25 grams honey

The use of dill seeds during pregnancy and lactation should be done with caution. Of course, its effect on the body will help solve such typical problems of pregnant women as insomnia, constipation or swelling. But a prerequisite is consultation with a doctor who will adjust the dosage and frequency of taking the natural drug.

For increase lactation The following infusion is used. Recipe: 25 grams pour seeds 300 ml boiling water, brew and steep for a couple of hours. Consume according to 1st. spoon six times a day, warm.

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