Dissolve acetylsalicylic acid in water. Unusual uses of aspirin. Aspirin face mask - recipes

With the help of acetylsalicylic acid, you can easily get rid of sweat stains on clothes. Aspirin also works well on clothes stained with blood or urine.

In order to get rid of such stains, dissolve two or three tablets of regular (not effervescent) aspirin in ½ glass of water, soak the contaminated areas with the resulting solution and leave for 2-3 hours. After which the contaminated items are washed as usual.

If the stain is old and ingrained, you can use a more severe method by using aspirin in “concentrated” form. To do this, crush several tablets into powder, add a spoon or two of water and apply the resulting slurry to the dirt, leaving it to act for 15-20 minutes. However, on colored items this method must be used with caution - the color of the fabric may be damaged.

How to whiten laundry with aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid can also be used as a mild bleach: this proven folk remedy will help restore freshness to gray or yellowed linen without spoiling the fabric.

For these purposes, you should also not use effervescent aspirin: the vitamin supplements it contains will not help clothes restore their original color; they will only increase the cost of the bleaching process.

To whiten laundry with aspirin, dissolve 4 standard tablets in five liters of warm water. To simplify the process, you can first dissolve aspirin in a small amount of hot water, and then pour the resulting product into a basin. Soak the items for 2-3 hours, you can leave them overnight, and then wash them.

You can also use aspirin in the washing machine - crush a few tablets and place them in the pre-wash compartment. You can add a small amount of washing powder.

"Conservative" for a bouquet

The ability of aspirin to prolong the life of cut flowers is widely known. Half a tablet dissolved in a liter of water will soften and disinfect the water and prevent the decomposition of the stems - as a result, the bouquet will last longer, in addition, the smell of rotting greenery will not be mixed with the smell of flowers. You need to add aspirin every time you change the water.

How to clean a narrow vase or decanter with aspirin

A grayish coating often forms on the inside walls of flower vases, jugs, decanters and other water vessels, which is very difficult to get rid of. Especially if it is very narrow and does not allow you to properly wash the vase either manually or using a dishwasher.

Aspirin will also help get rid of impurities. But this time it is better to use effervescent tablets. When you fill a vase with warm water and throw a tablet there, the resulting air bubbles will “massage” the surface, acting as a kind of brush, and the acetylsalicylic and citric acids contained in the tablet will help dissolve plaque. After 10-15 minutes, rinse the vase thoroughly under running water and evaluate the effect.

Aspirin for routine toilet cleaning

In the same way, using effervescent aspirin, you can “refresh” the toilet - throw an aspirin tablet into it, and after 10 minutes, flush the water. This will help remove plaque that has formed on the walls and restore the whiteness of the toilet - and at the same time carry out antibacterial treatment.

However, this remedy should rather be classified as a preventive one, allowing you to maintain the cleanliness of plumbing: aspirin will not cope with strong deposits of yellow and brown color, you will have to resort to more concentrated, potent agents.

How to clean dishes from tea stains using aspirin

When an aspirin tablet is dissolved in water, a weak acidic solution is formed - and it is able to fight not only lime deposits, but also the dark tea coating that forms on the walls of the cups.

In order to clean dishes from plaque with acetylsalicylic acid, pour hot water into a cup and dissolve one or two aspirin tablets in it (both effervescent and regular ones are suitable). Leave to stand for 2-3 hours, then thoroughly rinse the cup with a sponge and detergent.

Most people know aspirin as a medicine used in case of fever or headache. And only a few know that this drug is an excellent assistant for housewives in the fight against stains.

Aspirin for spots

If you or your loved ones have a tendency to sweat excessively, this is a rather unpleasant problem. In addition to the smell, additional difficulties arise in caring for clothes. After all, the yellow stains that remain from sweat are not so easy to wash off. And if they are old, strongly ingrained, then it is doubly difficult. The appearance of such spots often haunts those who play sports. You also often see them on white men's shirts. And ordinary washing, as a rule, does not cope here. Yellow stains in the armpits can quickly ruin brand new clothes. But, fortunately, almost every home medicine cabinet has a solution for this problem: ordinary aspirin will help save a yellowed item.

How to remove a stain with aspirin

You will need: 2-3 aspirin tablets (these should be the most ordinary tablets, instant tablets will not work), a glass of water and laundry detergent. Aspirin must be crushed into powder and dissolved in a glass of warm water. Then straighten the clothes so that all the stains that need to be removed are clearly visible. Moisten the contaminated areas with the resulting liquid and leave it for one to two hours (the exposure time depends on how ingrained the stains are).

After the required time has passed, rinse the aspirin solution from your clothes and see if you managed to clean all the problem areas.
If your attempt to remove stains is unsuccessful, you can try using a more concentrated solution: to do this, you need to take two tablets, crush them and dilute them with a very small amount of water (literally a few drops) so that the resulting product has a paste-like consistency. It should be applied to yellowed areas for five to ten minutes.

After this, rinse off and check again to see if all the stains have disappeared. If there are no more stains, you can proceed to the next step. Well, if the stains still remain, try applying the aspirin paste for about another hour or two. Final stage: wash the item as usual, by hand or in a machine, using a detergent (powder, soap or special gel).

Fresh stains from sweat are removed from clothes much easier, so don’t put off fighting stains for too long.
If you have a lot of items with yellow sweat stains, you can collect them and soak them in one container for several hours before washing.

Aspirin added to water is known to significantly extend the life of cut flowers. However, he is also a good gardening assistant. It is enough to dissolve one tablet in a liter of water and water the fungus-infected soil with this solution. The disease will go away, and the plants will feel much better.

2. Get rid of stains

Sweat stains can be easily dealt with by soaking dirty clothes in 100 milliliters of water with two aspirin tablets added. Leave the clothes in this solution for three hours and then wash the stains with the powder.

3. Remove the blockage

Cleaning the pipes is simple: pour some vinegar inside and add an effervescent aspirin tablet. After a few minutes, turn on the water and remove debris using a plunger.

4. Repair drywall

A paste of crushed aspirin moistened with water will help to seal cracks and get rid of other minor damage in drywall.

5. Remove salt deposits

You can clean a vase from plaque without damaging the glass by dissolving an effervescent aspirin tablet in it. A similar trick works with the toilet: just throw aspirin inside, wait a few minutes, and then flush the water.

6. Maintain hair color

Public regulars know how chlorine and other reagents damage hair. This problem especially concerns owners of colored light hair - their hair may acquire a greenish tint.

6-8 aspirin tablets dissolved in a glass of warm water will help cope with the negative impact. You need to apply the mixture to your hair, wait 15 minutes, then wash it off with shampoo.

7. Get rid of dandruff

A shampoo to which a crushed aspirin tablet has been added will help cope with. It is enough to hold this mixture on your hair for a couple of minutes, rinse and wash your hair again with shampoo only.

8. Deal with acne

Aspirin is good for skin inflammation, so it can make a suddenly popped pimple almost invisible. You just need to mix the crushed tablet with a small amount of water and leave the resulting paste on the inflamed area for a few minutes. By the way, this technique also helps with inflammation from ingrown hairs.

9. Improve oily skin condition

Those with dry skin are not recommended to use aspirin for cosmetic purposes, but for those with oily skin, it can be a real salvation.

Aspirin-based face peeling masks help treat acne, tighten pores, whiten skin and even smooth out fine wrinkles.

What to do:

  • Mix 1-2 softened aspirin tablets with a tablespoon of sour cream or a teaspoon of honey.
  • Apply the mask to cleansed, slightly damp facial skin and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  • Gently massage the skin for 1-2 minutes, rinse off the mask and apply moisturizer to your face.

To achieve maximum effect, the aspirin mask should be done twice a week.

10. Get rid of calluses and corns

Dead skin cells on the skin of the feet can be easily removed after they are exposed to an aspirin-based mask. To prepare it, you need to crush six tablets, mix them with half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a small amount of water. The resulting slurry must be applied to problem areas, wrap the feet in a towel, cover with polyethylene on top and wait for 5 to 10 minutes.

11. Soothe the skin after a bite

If you are stung by a wasp or other insect, rub an aspirin tablet soaked in water into the affected area. The itching will go away and the inflammation will be less noticeable.


Remember that aspirin is a drug, so use it with caution. For example, those with asthma or allergies to aspirin may want to avoid most of the tips listed in this article.

Kolesnichenko Yulia



Design and research work

"Research on the properties of aspirin

and the study of its effect on the human body"

Kolesnichenko Yulia, 11th grade student


Balatskaya Tatyana Alekseevna

chemistry teacher

MKOU secondary school No. 14 in the village of Pyatigorsky

Predgorny district of the Stavropol Territory

OS address:

357355 Stavropol region

Predgorny district

Pyatigorsky village

Novaya street 1a

year 2014

I. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………..…..3

II. Main part

  1. The history of the discovery of aspirin and the creation of the corresponding drug………………..……..5
  2. Characteristics of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) …………………………………….5
  3. Physical properties of acetylsalicylic acid………..…………..………………………...6
  4. Chemical properties of acetylsalicylic acid………………..………………………….6

III. Practical part…………………………………………………………………………….7

1. Determination of the solubility of aspirin in water……………………………………………………………...7

2. Determination of the acidity of the medium………………………………………………………………7

3. Determination of the solubility of aspirin in ethanol…………………………………………………………….…8

4. Determination of phenol derivatives in solution...................................................... ...........................8

IV. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………..……..9

V. Bibliography …………………………………………………..………………………...............9


Relevance of the problem:

There are medicines in every home. Currently, many drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and often people buy drugs on the advice of friends, acquaintances and relatives. If you have a headache, take a pill. Stomach hurts - medicine again. How does this or that drug work? Are pills really that harmless?

In 1891, Russian scientist D.L. Romanovsky formulated the general chemotherapeutic principle: “The ideal medicine can be considered a substance that, when introduced into a diseased body, will cause the least harm to the latter and cause the greatest destructive changes in the damaging agent.” Do the medications we commonly use meet this definition? To answer these questions, let's take a look at your home medicine cabinet. Which drugs do we use most often? These are primarily painkillers, antipyretics, and antibiotics. And one of the most common medicines all over the world is medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid, better known to everyone as aspirin. Unfortunately, people often take aspirin without a doctor’s prescription, not to mention the fact that many simply do not read the instructions for the drug, and, therefore, endanger their body.

Humanity has been taking aspirin for more than a century, but its use is still controversial. Acetylsalicylic acid, created in the laboratory in 1869, is used as an antipyretic and analgesic. It prevents the development of heart attack and stroke, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Aspirin is taken as a preventive measure by people with coronary heart disease. Undoubtedly, acetylsalicylic acid plays a big role in human life. But at the same time, it is dangerous; there is an impressive list of side effects on the human body that occur when taking acetylsalicylic acid.

To take or not to take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid? The problem with the use of medications lies in the rationality and literacy of their use.

Target: consider medications containing acetylsalicylic acid from different manufacturers (ASPIRIN S - Germany, UPSARINA UPSA - France, ASPIRIN - Russia), identify the characteristic physical and chemical properties, mechanism of action and methods for the safe use of drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:


  • Read the literature containing information about acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Conduct a survey to identify the most used medications containing acetylsalicylic acid to identify the object of study;
  • Conduct chemical experiments proving the properties of acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Find out the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the human body;
  • Give recommendations on the use of acetylsalicylic acid.


  • If you find out the qualitative composition and chemical properties of acetylsalicylic acid, then you can assume the effect of aspirin on the human body.

The goals and objectives set and the hypothesis put forward determined:

Subject of study: medications.

Object of study: aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) from different manufacturers: Germany, France and Russia.

Research methods used:

Experimental method - chemical reactions;

Empirical methods: observation, comparison;

Experimental - theoretical: analysis and synthesis;

Metatheoretical: generalization;

This work is both theoretical and applied in nature, as scientific data on the properties and physiological effects of acetylsalicylic acid on the human body were studied; Experiments were conducted to confirm the chemical properties of this substance, and conclusions and recommendations were made based on the data obtained.

The work was carried out according to the following plan:

  1. Studying literary sources containing information about acetylsalicylic acid;
  2. Conducting a survey to select a research object;
  3. Conducting chemical experiments to prove the properties of aspirin;
  4. Generalization of results, conclusions and recommendations.

Based on the results of the study, it is expected to create product, which is a reminder booklet"Rules for the use of drugs."

The following literature was used during the work:

In the course of the work, some publications of domestic and foreign authors about aspirin were studied. In these works, our attention was drawn to materials about the history of appearance, methods of use, forms of drugs, and their side effects on the body. In chemical reference books they found material about the structure of the substances that form the basis of this medicine, on the basis of which they tried to predict their properties, methods and areas of their application.

II. Main part.

  1. The history of the discovery of aspirin and the creation of the corresponding drug.

The story of the discovery of aspirin is a prime example of how a medicinal compound was found as a result of man's observations of nature. By the middle of the 18th century. Willow bark was already a well-known folk remedy for treating colds. More than half a century later, intensive research began on the active principle of willow bark. In 1829, the French pharmacist I. Lehr managed to obtain a crystalline substance from willow bark, which he called salicin (this name comes from the Latin name for willow - “salix”). In 1838–1839 Italian scientist R. Piria split salicin, showing that this compound is a glycoside, and, by oxidizing the aromatic fragment, he obtained a substance that he called salicylic acid. At first, salicin was obtained industrially from peeled willow bark, which was a waste product from basket industries in Belgium. In 1874, the first large factory for the production of synthetic salicylates based on phenol, carbon dioxide and sodium was founded in Dresden. Despite the fact that the low cost of salicylic acid allowed it to be widely used in medical practice, treatment with this drug was fraught with many dangers associated with its toxic properties. The toxicity of salicylic acid was the reason that led to the discovery of aspirin at the very end of the last century. One of the Bayer employees named Felix Hoffman, who worked on aniline dyes, had a father who suffered from arthritis (inflammation of the joints), but could not tolerate sodium salicylates due to chronic acute stomach irritation (which is not surprising, since a dose of 6– 8 g of salicylate per day is undoubtedly a strong irritant to the digestive tract). Hoffman searched the chemical literature for information about sodium salicylate derivatives with less acidity and came across data on acetylsalicylic acid (it was synthesized 30 years earlier). Acetylsalicylic acid turned out to be more pleasant to the taste and, as Hoffman emphasized, it helped his father more effectively. The new drug was given the name “aspirin”, taking the letter “a” from the word “acetyl” (acetyl) and the part “spirin” from the German word “Spirsaure”, which, in turn, came from the Latin name for meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria) - plant containing large amounts of salicylic acid. In 1899, Bayer began production of a drug called as-pirin as an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. At that time, the drug was produced in powder form, packaged in glass bottles.

  1. Characteristics of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).

First, we studied the physical and chemical properties of this class of substances. Acetylsalicylic acid is an acetic ester of salicylic acid and belongs to the organic compounds of the ester class. The full chemical name of acetylsalicylic acid according to the international nomenclature is 2-acetoxy-benzoic acid, short chemical formula: C 9H8O4 , molecular weight: 180.2,

Acetylsalicylic acid is a white crystalline substance, slightly soluble in water at room temperature, soluble in hot water, highly soluble in alcohol, in alkali solutions, melting point: 143 - 144 0C.

  1. Chemical properties of acetylsalicylic acid.
  1. The most typical reaction is hydrolysis. When heated with water, a hydrolysis reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of two acids - salicylic and acetic: Salicylic acid contains two functional groups - OH and COOH. Hydrolysis is carried out by boiling a solution of acetylsalicylic acid in water for 30 s. After cooling, salicylic acid, which is poorly soluble in water, precipitates in the form of fluffy needle-shaped crystals.
  2. The purple color of the solution is due to the OH group joining FeCl 3 into a reaction characteristic of phenols.

Then, we went to the pharmacy to pick up the research object. We asked the pharmacist to show medications containing acetylsalicylic acid. We decided on the choice of a medicinal product containing acetylsalicylic acid. To our surprise, they sold us a domestically produced product without instructions. And only after our request the instructions for the drug were issued. The choice of medications as the object of study is based not only on the recommendation of the pharmacist, but on a questionnaire we previously conducted, as well as a study of the home medicine cabinet, which made it possible to determine the object of study. It turned out that the majority prefer Upsarin Upsa (manufactured in France), Aspirin C (manufactured in Germany) and Acetylsalicylic acid produced in Russia.

Before starting the practical part of our work, we studied the instructions for these medications (appendix). As a result of studying the instructions, we saw: different dosages of the active substance, composition of excipients, differences in recommendations for the use of drugs.

III. Practical part.

“Analysis of drugs – aspirin from different manufacturers.”

  1. Determination of aspirin solubility in water.

Grind the tablets of each medicine in a mortar. The tubes were designated by numbers (No. 1 – ASPIRIN S (made in Germany), No. 2 UPSARINN UPSA (made in France), No. 3 – ASPIRIN (made in Russia))

0.1 g of each drug was transferred into test tubes. We added 10-15 ml of water to each test tube and noted the solubility of the drugs in water. Test tubes with substances were heated on an alcohol lamp (about 30 s) until the temperature increased in order to bring them as close as possible to the conditions inside the body.

Results and conclusions:

No. 1 – ASPIRIN C (made in Germany) - very good solubility

No. 2 - UPSARIN UPSA (made in France) - very good solubility

No. 3 – ASPIRIN (made in Russia) – poor solubility.

Acetylsalicylic acid, according to its physical properties, is slightly soluble in cold water. But Aspirin C and Upsarin UPSA dissolved well already in cold water. Russian-made aspirin practically did not dissolve in cold water and also dissolved poorly after heating. Having carefully studied the instructions for the composition of the drugs, we came to the conclusion that starch, which is present as an excipient in Russian-made aspirin, is a poorly soluble substance, which also affected the dissolution of Russian-made aspirin.

According to the instructions, these medications should be taken with water (recommendations from all manufacturers), juice (recommendation for Upsarin UPSA) and additionally milk for Russian-made Aspirin.

The result of this experiment shows that among the drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid selected for the study, Russian-made aspirin is poorly soluble in water, therefore, once in the stomach, there is a risk that it will attach to the walls of the stomach, which can cause erosive and ulcerative lesions and gastrointestinal bleeding .

  1. Determination of medium acidity.

The indicator methyl orange was used to determine the acidity of the medium. The products of hydrolysis are a phenol derivative (salicylic acid) and acetic acid, therefore, it is necessary to use an indicator to identify acidic properties.

Results and conclusions:

When the methyl orange indicator was added, a bright red color appeared in sample No. 3, where the test sample with Russian-made ASPIRIN was located; the appearance of a red methyl orange color indicates the severity of the acidic environment. In test tube No. 1 and in test tube No. 2, where there were samples of ASPIRIN C (Germany) and UPSARINA UPSA (France), the indicator did not change its color, therefore, it should be concluded that these samples do not have a pronounced acidity of the medium.

The danger of aspirin lies in the fact that in the human stomach, under the influence of water, as we have already found out, it undergoes hydrolysis. The products of hydrolysis are a phenol derivative (salicylic acid) and acetic acid. The stomach contains a certain concentration of its hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the disinfection and digestion of food, and an increase in the concentration of acid contributes to disruption of the acid balance of the stomach, which can lead to the appearance of erosive and ulcerative lesions and gastrointestinal bleeding.

  1. Determination of aspirin solubility in ethanol.

0.1 g of drugs were added to test tubes and 10 ml of ethanol was added. At the same time, partial solubility of aspirin was observed. Test tubes with substances were heated on an alcohol lamp. The solubility of drugs in water and ethanol was compared.

Results and conclusions:

The results of the experiment showed that ASPIRIN (made in Russia) dissolves better in ethanol than in water, but precipitates in the form of needle-shaped crystals, ASPIRIN (made in Germany) partially dissolved, and part of the drug formed a clearly visible white precipitate, also a white precipitate , we observed in test tube No. 2, where UPSARIN UPSA (manufactured in France) was located.

In the instructions, the manufacturers of ASPIRIN C (Germany) and UPSARINA UPSA (France) indicate that the use of aspirin together with ethanol is unacceptable, this was also proven by our study, which showed a change in the properties of the drug. It should be concluded that the use of alcohol-containing medications together with aspirin, and even more so with alcohol, is inadmissible.

  1. Determination of phenol derivatives in solution.

For the qualitative determination of a phenol derivative (salicylic acid) in solution, it is necessary to take FeCl 3 . When it is added to a solution, a violet color appears (reference book).

Shake 0.1 g of each drug with 10-15 ml of water and add a few drops of iron (III) chloride. In this case, a dark brownish-violet color was observed. The most pronounced staining was observed in tubes No. 1 and No. 2 (ASPIRIN S (Germany) and UPSARINA UPSA (France).

Results and conclusions:

As a result, it was found that during the hydrolysis of Russian aspirin, more acetic acid is formed than phenol derivatives, due to the fact that a purple color did not appear. And during the hydrolysis of ASPIRIN C (Germany) and UPSARINA UPSA (France), on the contrary, more phenol derivatives are formed than acetic acid.

Then we found out that the phenol derivative is a very dangerous substance for human health, and suggested that it is possible that the phenolic compound affects the appearance of side effects on the human body when taking acetylsalicylic acid (this fact was mentioned back in the 19th century).

IV. Conclusion.

Based on the experiments carried out, the following can be done: conclusions :

  1. The survey results showed that among adolescents and adults there is a problem with the correct use of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct educational work on this issue, and our work can help with this.
  2. Russian-made ASPIRIN is poorly soluble in water and has the most pronounced acidity, therefore, we do not recommend using it, but rather, it is better to use ASPIRIN S (Germany) or UPSARINA UPSA (France), manufacturers who ensure complete solubility of acetylsalicylic acid in water. Consequently, the risk of gastrointestinal diseases is reduced. If you still use Russian-made ASPIRIN, then you must remember that it is better to drink it with milk, which will protect the stomach from increased acidity. ASPIRIN C (Germany) and UPSARINA UPSA (France) should be taken with water, which ensures complete solubility of these medications, but it is not recommended to be taken with juice or fruit drink, which can lead to an increase in the acidity of the stomach.
  3. When aspirin is hydrolyzed, a phenol derivative compound is formed, which is a toxic substance for the human body, and after carefully studying the instructions, we saw the presence of many side effects that may be caused by the action of this compound. Therefore, think carefully before using this medicine unless absolutely necessary. In this case, stop taking this pill.
  4. If storage times and rules are not followed, acetylsalicylic acid decomposes, which leads to the formation of other substances, namely phenolic acids, and the use of such a drug can have a detrimental effect on human health. When opening the packaging paper of ASPIRIN C, we felt a strong smell of acetic acid, therefore, most likely, the storage rules for this drug were violated, and acetylsalicylic acid underwent hydrolysis (the drug was stored in conditions of high humidity), as a result of which not only phenolic acid is formed ( salicylic acid), but also acetic acid. Recommendation: before using aspirin, you need to check for the smell of acetic acid; there should be no such smell; according to its physical properties, acetylsalicylic acid has no odor; if there is an odor, then acetylsalicylic acid has undergone hydrolysis).
  5. You need to know that all medications are effective only under certain conditions, which are always indicated in the attached instructions. Before using any drug, you must carefully read the instructions, since inappropriate use or storage may pose a potential health hazard. Medicines also need to be used as directed. Summarizing the above, it is impossible not to emphasize once again the danger of abuse of certain organic chemicals. However, this circumstance cannot detract from those achievements in the field of organic chemistry, which have placed it among the most useful sciences for mankind.

Obviously, it is impossible to consider the whole variety of drugs, their effect on the body, features of use and dosage forms of these drugs, which are common chemical substances. A more detailed acquaintance with the world of drugs awaits those who will later engage in pharmacology and medicine. However, it is now clear that getting to know this world is impossible without knowledge and understanding of chemistry.


1) Alikberova L.Yu. Entertaining chemistry: A book for students, teachers and parents. –M.:AST-PRESS, 2002.

2) Artemenko A.I. Application of organic compounds. – M.: Bustard, 2005.

3) Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines. M.: Medicine, 2001.

4) Pichugina G.V. Chemistry and everyday human life. M.: Bustard, 2004.

5) Vidal Directory: Medicines in Russia: Directory. - M.: Astra-PharmServis. - 2001. - 1536 p.

6) Tutelyan V.A. Vitamins: 99 questions and answers. - M. - 2000. - 47 p.

7) Encyclopedia for children, volume 17. Chemistry. - M. Avanta+, 200.-640s.

8) Register of Medicines of Russia "Encyclopedia of Medicines". - 9th issue - LLC M; 2001.

9) Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines of the twentieth century. M.: New Wave, 1998, 320 pp.;

10) Dyson G., May P. Chemistry of synthetic medicinal substances. M.: Mir, 1964, 660 p.

11) Encyclopedia of Medicines, 9th edition, 2002. Medicines M.D. Mashkovsky 14th edition.

Aspirin can be found in any home medicine cabinet. Acetylsalicylic acid in white tablets has been familiar to us since childhood, but not everyone knows that there are many more ways to use this medicine.

In addition to purely medical purposes, aspirin can be excellently used for hygiene and cosmetology purposes; in everyday life it can be used as a cleaning and detergent. We'll tell you about the most interesting ways to use it - you probably haven't heard of them yet.

Acne and inflammation of the facial skin

In a situation where a stubborn and painful pimple with a huge red spot suddenly appears on your face, aspirin can be a very successful remedy to quickly cope with the scourge. All you need is to simply grind one tablet as finely as possible and mix with freshly squeezed lemon juice to a paste; It only takes a few drops.

The resulting composition should be carefully applied with a cotton swab to the inflamed area. Very soon the redness and swelling at the site of the pimple will subside. The paste should be washed off half an hour after it has completely dried. There is no need to wipe anything else on top - vitamin C will act in the upper and middle layers of the epidermis for some time after the aspirin is washed off, restoring and soothing the skin. Similarly, aspirin helps treat any inflammation on the skin of the face or body.

Daily facial cleansing

An aqueous solution of the medicine will help cleanse the pores and give the face a healthy, natural color. You need to dissolve one tablet in a glass of water; the effervescent version is perfect. This simple method will allow you to save on buying an expensive tonic, and the effect will be no worse. This solution shows excellent results for oily skin prone to inflammation, with enlarged pores and increased sebum secretion. It is especially recommended for adolescents during a period of rapid hormonal maturation.

The good thing about this method is that it does not cause allergies in most people, but in some fairly rare cases, aspirin may be too aggressive for those with very sensitive skin. Then you should take a solution that is weaker in concentration or look for another way to cleanse your facial skin.

Deep pore cleansing

For deep and quick cleaning of pores, you should use a paste - aspirin and water; You can mix it with coffee grounds for full effect. The mixture should be thoroughly and carefully massaged onto the face or body, then rinsed with enough water.

Insect bites

After a soulful evening in nature on the shore of a pond or spending the night under the mysterious stars, you can find yourself bitten by insects, of which there are more than enough in the summer. Bites from mosquitoes, midges or horse flies cause an unpleasant and irritating itch; the blisters can become inflamed and cause untold suffering to a person. Children with thin and delicate skin are especially affected.

Aspirin, unfortunately, will not help in any way to prevent this nuisance - it is much wiser to stock up on repellents in advance - but it will cope with the consequences perfectly.

You need to dissolve aspirin in 3-4 tablespoons of drinking water and wipe the areas bitten by insects. Instead of regular aspirin, you can take effervescent one.

Calluses and corns on the feet

The effective and proven recipe is based on the same aspirin mixed with lemon juice. This composition should be applied to the feet in the right places, wrapped on top with cling film or polyethylene, and tied with cloth for a better effect.

In just half an hour, rough, keratinized skin will be easy to treat with regular pumice. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated several days in a row - and your heels will be clean and smooth.

Shine and beauty of hair

After washing your hair with regular shampoo, apply a warm aqueous solution of aspirin to towel-dried hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes - during this time you can, for example, do a pedicure - and rinse with plain water. Your hair will have a beautiful shine.

There is no secret here: any shampoo is alkaline in nature, and this causes the hair cells to soften and bristle during washing.

Aspirin, like any other acid, neutralizes this effect, smoothing each hair along its entire length and giving a magnificent shine. An obvious advantage of using aspirin compared to the well-known vinegar, for example, is that there will be no foreign odor left on the hair.

Dandruff and oily scalp

Owners of all hair types can face the problem of dandruff if it is caused by fungi or bacteria.

After washing your hair, you need to rub the same solution of aspirin in water into the skin and rinse after half an hour with a regular shower. After this, you can dry and style your hair as usual. After just a few procedures, you can forget about dandruff for a long time: your scalp will be clean.

Mask for the face

This mask was the beauty secret of the incomparable Marlene Dietrich. You need to mix 7 tablets of ground aspirin, 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt or sour cream and 1 spoon of honey. The mask can be applied every other day - the skin after it looks wonderfully rested, toned, smooth and radiant. Keep on your face for up to half an hour, rinse with clean water.

Keeping Flowers Fresh

The gifted bouquet will last much longer, reminding you of a pleasant event or the giver, if you add an aspirin tablet completely dissolved in water to a vase of flowers. The composition in the vessel should be updated daily.

Traces of sweat on clothes

Traces of sweat can be very difficult to remove, especially if a similar problem occurs with light or white clothes made from natural cotton. Aspirin can work a real miracle without the risk of discoloring the paint on the fabric. In the evening, you need to wash the stain with water with aspirin dissolved in it - the proportion depends on the degree and duration of the contamination. The darker the stain, especially an old one, the more the solution should resemble a paste.

The composition should be left on the clothes until the morning, and then washed in the usual way with powder, in a washing machine. In most cases, the stains disappear without leaving a trace.

Cleaning the bathroom or sink

The bathtub can sometimes start to look dull, and overzealous use of overly harsh abrasives can sometimes damage the finish. Try spraying a solution of aspirin and water from a spray bottle, wait half an hour and thoroughly polish the bath with a soft cloth. The result will definitely amaze you: the bathtub will shine like new.

Removing grease from dishes

The method is suitable for use in cold water - for example, on a hike or in the country. Dish cleaning paste consists of several tablets of crushed aspirin and a small amount of water. It is enough to thoroughly rub the dishes with any napkin or cloth after the applied composition has been on it for some time. There will be no trace left of grease and dirt.

Did you ever realize that aspirin can be used for more than just pain relief? This medicine, which can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy, has several amazing properties that many are not aware of.

We have collected 10 ways to use acetylsalicylic acid that can be useful to everyone.

1. Helps fight acne

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, aspirin reduces acne and soothes the skin. You need to crush 2-3 tablets (it is important that they are uncoated) and mix with lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the pimple, hold for about a minute, then rinse. This paste should not be used before sun exposure.

2. Relieves itching from insect bites

Aspirin can also help reduce swelling and itching caused by mosquito bites. Moisten an uncoated tablet with water to form a paste, apply it to the bite and hold for several minutes.

3. Reduces pores on the face

Aspirin normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, due to which the size of pores is reduced, the skin becomes radiant and smooth. Here is a mask, the preparation of which will not take more than five minutes: 7 uncoated aspirin tablets 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt or sour cream 1 tablespoon of honey.

4. Gets rid of dandruff

Not only does dandruff look bad, it is also annoying and itchy. To get rid of it, you need to crush two aspirin tablets and mix with the amount of shampoo that is enough for you to wash your hair.

5. Acts as an exfoliant (deep skin cleanser)

Acetylsalicylic acid does an excellent job of removing dead epidermal cells. To make an exfoliant, simply mix a couple of aspirin tablets with water. Apply the mixture to the skin, leave for a few minutes, then massage and rinse with water. If you have sensitive skin, use this exfoliant more carefully as it may cause irritation.

6. Helps with foot calluses

These tablets can also make your feet softer, because the acid is great at removing dead skin. Grind seven tablets, mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice to form a paste. Apply the mixture to your feet and place in a warm place for 10 minutes. Then walk the pumice stone over the problem areas.

7. Repairs damaged hair

Even your hair can benefit from aspirin. It makes them smooth and shiny, helps maintain color after dyeing. Dissolve an aspirin blister in a cup of warm water. Apply this mask to your hair after washing your hair. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse off. We recommend that you consult a physician or dermatologist before applying the previous tips.

8. Removes sweat stains from clothes

Aspirin can extend the life of clothes you thought were damaged by sweat stains. Mix an aspirin tablet with warm water, apply to the stains and leave overnight. After this, wash your clothes as usual and enjoy the results.

9. Dissolves soap stains in the bathroom

For those who are tired of scrubbing away soap stains, there is one great way: grind five aspirin tablets and add a portion of cleaning product. Apply the mixture to the surface, leave for half an hour, after which you can easily remove it with a sponge.

10. Extends the life of cut flowers

The bouquet will last longer in the vase if you drop an aspirin tablet into the water. This occurs due to the fact that the drug changes the pH of the water and the growth of bacteria in it slows down. This trick works especially well with roses.

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