Riddles about cartoon and fairy tale characters. Guessing the heroes of foreign fairy tales Riddles about cartoon characters

Today, on this page we have posted for you the answers for all levels of the game Riddles about cartoons. The game on the Android platform has gained quite good popularity and now a lot of people play it. Since the theme of the game is related to cartoons, this game is mainly played by an audience of children. Children enjoy solving riddles in the game levels and progressing further. Despite the fact that the game does not have as many levels as we would like, it is still quite difficult to play it without knowing cartoons well enough. At some levels, each player may encounter problems in passing. If you don’t know the answer to a particular level of the game Cartoon Riddles, then you have come to the right place and on this page you will get the answer to the level that is difficult for you. As we have already said, Cartoon Riddles is distributed on Android devices, and if the game appears in the AppStore on iPhone and iPad, then the answers should also be suitable.

If you are looking for answers for another game and the answers on this page do not suit you, then go to .

And now we will tell you about the answers themselves for the game Riddles about cartoons. Game levels are questions that the player needs to answer. This is a kind of cartoon quiz. In order not to be attached only to the level number, we decided to make a table in which, in addition to the answer and level number, there will also be the original question. We think this will help you find the answer to the Cartoon Riddle level faster.

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Riddles about cartoons ANSWERS

Level Mystery Answers
1 Fat boy. One of the main characters in the cartoon "South Park". →Show words
2 What skin color is the cartoon character Shrek? →Show words
3 The main characters of which full-length cartoon are clown fish - father and son? →Show words
4 Wall-E's Beloved →Show words
5 Toy cowboy from the cartoon "Toy Story". →Show words
6 What did Carlson call “the best anti-fever remedy in the world”? →Show words
7 A cartoon about the long journey of a bakery product to the consumer. →Show words
8 What is the name of the most famous polar bear? →Show words
9 What was the name of the beloved of the main character of the cartoon “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”? →Show words
10 In the cartoon, this epic hero is looking for gold stolen from Rostov by Tugarin the Serpent. Name the hero. →Show words
11 Thumbelina's blind groom. →Show words
12 Wild pig from the cartoon "The Lion King". →Show words
13 A cat who wears boots and a hat. Shrek's friend. →Show words
14 This giraffe was in love with Gloria, a character from the cartoon Madagascar. →Show words
15 Lizard is a cowboy. →Show words
16 What was the name of the earthlings' spaceship in the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet". →Show words
17 Favorite village of Matroskin the cat. →Show words
18 A cartoon in which the main characters are a hare and a wolf. →Show words
19 A cartoon in which the characters moved around in a house on balloons. →Show words
20 The storyline of this cartoon depicts the rivalry between a cat and a mouse. →Show words
21 A boy who grew up in a wolf pack. →Show words
22 Sweet tooth who lives on the roof. →Show words
23 Cartoon character, one of the symbols of the Walt Disney company. →Show words
24 Cartoon character, elephant with big ears. →Show words
25 Chipmunks rushing to the rescue. →Show words
26 I found myself in a strange forest, the Wonderland of Wonderland. I'm here with the rabbit. Do you know what my name is? →Show words
27 Their teacher is the rat Splinter, their enemy is Shredder. →

Came from a tulip flower,
Spent the winter in a mouse hole,
The swallow saved her
She took me to the land of the elves.

I didn't learn the poems
I loved one jam,
He could fly above the rooftops,
And the baby loved him.

A good girl is walking through the forest,
But the girl doesn’t know that danger awaits.
Behind the bushes glows a pair of feisty eyes -
The girl will meet someone scary now.
Who will ask the girl about her path?
Who will deceive grandma to enter the house?

I landed in the Looking Glass,
I wandered through Wonderland,
And now the Cheshire cat
Waiting for that girl in a fairy tale.

Where is your ball gown?
Where is the glass slipper?
- Sorry, I was in a hurry,
My name is...
(Not the Scarecrow, but Cinderella)

Had a conversation with the mirror
Queen before lunch
And it was true
She was praised for her beauty.
But the princess became more beautiful
Even better than all the beauties...
And then this princess
The stepmother died from the light.
Everyone knows what happened.
He can guess the story right away.
(Fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs")

He was born in Italy
He was proud of his family.
He's not just a bow boy,
He is a reliable, loyal friend.

Who accidentally froze
Little sister?
Who dressed the houses and the castle
In a snow coat?
(Elsa, Princess of Arendelle)

Whom did Anna and Elsa make?
When did they play late at night?
And who came to life after a year,
So as not to ever melt?
(Snowman Olaf)

Quickly remember the fairy tale:
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Queen of the Snow
My heart froze
But the girl is tender
She didn’t leave the boy.
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food and bed.
She was going to help a friend.
What is his girlfriend's name?

A riddle for you about the princess:
She needed a crib
With hundreds of brand new mattresses.
I tell you without embellishment.
kind, good
Princess on...

He went up to the honey
And he managed to sing:
“I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud,
I'm not a bear at all."
(Winnie the Pooh)

wandering artists,
They are agile and fast.
Their talents are known:
Singers and musicians.
Cat, rooster, donkey, dog

    I wanted to refresh myself with honey -
    And I decided to pretend to be a cloud,
    I flew up to the bees on a balloon,
    But I couldn’t eat the honey.

Winnie the Pooh

    I'm from the royal ball
    Once I ran away
    And the glass slipper
    Accidentally lost it.

    Taking for reinforcements
    A jar of jam
    Takes flight
    Helicopter man.

    All the girls and boys
    We managed to fall in love with him.
    He is the hero of a funny book,
    Behind him is a propeller.
    He flies over Stockholm
    High, but not to Mars.
    And the baby recognizes him.
    Who is this? Cunning

    The older sister persuaded the brother
    "Don't drink dirty water from a puddle!"
    But the boy did not listen,
    And he turned into...

Baby goat

    I rode around the world for a long time:
    I looked everywhere for a bride.
    Helped me find a beauty
    I get a wild wind-breeze

Prince Elisha

    I met a gray wolf in the forest
    And she showed him my grandmother’s house.
    Trouble happened;
    The wolf was a deceiver
    And he swallowed the poor grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood

    The boy grew up in a wolf pack,
    He considers himself a wolf
    He is friends with the bear and the panther,
    He is reputed to be dexterous and brave.

    What kind of mouse is this?
    Not afraid of cats at all?
    And come to your aid
    Ready at any moment!

Mickey Mouse

    I dress very fashionably
    I'll beat anyone up
    I answer all questions:
    ""Leave me alone, brothers, I don't know!""


    Although he was steadfast and brave,
    But he did not survive the fire.
    The youngest son of a tablespoon,
    He stood on a strong leg.
    Not iron, not glass,
    There was a little soldier


    Well why, oh why
    Such bad luck?
    My tail is missing
    lovely tail
    On my birthday!

    He scared the jackdaws and the crows,
    Now he sits on the throne.
    The ruler is wise, kind, sweet,
    Well, what's his name?


    She lives in a palace
    And tears are shed all the time.
    Oh, how the Tsar Father wants
    Crying to end!

Princess Nesmeyana

    Beware of any disease:
    Flu, sore throat and bronchitis.
    He challenges you all to fight
    Nice doctor...

    And the little hare and the she-wolf -
    Everyone runs to him for treatment.

    Treats small children
    Heals birds and animals
    He looks through his glasses
    Good doctor...

    He treats mice and rats,
    Crocodiles, hares, foxes,
    Bandages wounds
    African monkey.
    And anyone will confirm to us:
    Is this the doctor?

    Not a young man
    With a mustache and beard.
    Loves guys
    Loves animals.
    Cute to look at
    And it's called...

    She was a friend of the dwarves
    And, of course, you are familiar with it.

Snow White

    Wooden mischief maker
    From a fairy tale he entered our lives.
    A favorite of adults and children,
    A daredevil and an inventor of ideas,
    A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.
    Tell me, what is his name?


    For breakfast he only ate an onion,
    But he was never a crybaby.
    Learned to write with the nose of a letter
    And he put a blot in the notebook.
    Didn’t listen to Malvina at all
    Dad's son Carlo...


    My father has a strange boy
    Unusual, wooden,
    On land and under water
    Looking for a golden key
    He pokes his long nose everywhere...
    Who is this?..


    Your ponytail
    I held it in my hand
    You flew -
    I ran.


    Say the magic words
    Just barely wave the object:
    The flowers will bloom instantly
    Between the snowdrifts here and there.
    Can you conjure rain?
    There are five cakes at once.
    And lemonade, and sweets...
    You name that item!


    He came to us from a fairy tale,
    I knocked softly on the house,
    In a bright red cap -
    well, of course it is...

    My question is not at all difficult,
    It is about the city of Emerald.
    Who was the glorious ruler there?
    Who was the main wizard there?

    Gobbling up rolls,
    A guy was riding on a stove.
    Rode around the village
    And he married the princess.

    Sweet apple flavor
    I lured that bird into the garden.
    Feathers glow with fire
    And it’s light all around, like during the day.


    Do you know this girl?
    She is sung in an old fairy tale.
    She worked, lived modestly,
    I didn’t see the clear sun,
    There is only dirt and ash around.
    And the name of the beauty

    She's beautiful and sweet
    Her name comes from the word "ash".

    Evening would soon come,
    And the long-awaited hour has come,
    May I be in a gilded carriage
    Go to a fabulous ball!
    No one in the palace will know
    Where am I from, what is my name,
    But as soon as midnight comes,
    I'll go back to my attic.

    The girl ran so quickly from the prince,
    That she even lost her shoe.

    The duck knows, the bird knows,
    Where Koshchei death lurks.
    What is this item?
    Give me a quick answer, my friend.

    Not a young man
    With a beard like this.
    Offends Pinocchio,
    Artemon and Malvina,
    And in general for all people
    He is a notorious villain.
    Do any of you know
    Who is this?

    The fat man lives on the roof
    He flies higher than everyone else.

    The swamp is her home.
    Vodyanoy comes to visit her.


    Mixed with sour cream,
    It's cold at the window,
    Round side, ruddy side.

    The grandmother loved the girl very much,
    I gave her a red cap.
    The girl forgot her name.
    Well, tell me her name!

Little Red Riding Hood

    I went to visit my grandmother,
    I brought the pies to her.
    The Gray Wolf was watching her,
    Deceived and swallowed.

Riddles about cartoon characters

      There is a hut in the forest,
      An old woman lives in a hut.
      Do not enter the hut:
      The old lady will eat you!

      (Answer: Baba Yaga)

      I wanted to refresh myself with honey -
      And I decided to pretend to be a cloud,
      I flew up to the bees on a balloon,
      But I couldn’t eat the honey.

      (Answer: Winnie the Pooh)

      I'm from the royal ball
      Once I ran away
      And the glass slipper
      Accidentally lost it.

      (Answer: Cinderella)

      Taking for reinforcements
      A jar of jam
      Takes flight
      Helicopter man.

      (Answer: Carlson)

      All the girls and boys
      We managed to fall in love with him.
      He is the hero of a funny book,
      Behind him is a propeller.
      He flies over Stockholm
      High, but not to Mars.
      And the baby recognizes him.
      Who is this? Cunning

      (Answer: Carlson)

      The older sister persuaded the brother
      “Don’t drink dirty water from a puddle!”
      But the boy did not listen,
      And he turned into...

      (Answer: Kid)

      I rode around the world for a long time:
      I looked everywhere for a bride.
      Helped me find a beauty
      I get a wild wind-breeze

      (Answer: Korolevich Elisha)

      I met a gray wolf in the forest
      And she showed him my grandmother’s house.
      Trouble happened;
      The wolf was a deceiver
      And he swallowed the poor grandmother.

      (Answer: Little Red Riding Hood)

      The boy grew up in a wolf pack,
      He considers himself a wolf
      He is friends with the bear and the panther,
      He is reputed to be dexterous and brave.

      (Answer: Mowgli)

      What kind of mouse is this?
      Not afraid of cats at all?
      And come to your aid
      Ready at any moment!

      (Answer: Mickey Mouse)

      I dress very fashionably
      I'll beat anyone up
      I answer all questions:
      “Leave me alone, brothers, I don’t know!”

      (Answer: Dunno)

      Although he was steadfast and brave,
      But he did not survive the fire.
      The youngest son of a tablespoon,
      He stood on a strong leg.
      Not iron, not glass,
      There was a little soldier

      (Answer: Tin)

      Well why, oh why
      Such bad luck?
      My tail is missing
      lovely tail
      On my birthday!

      (Answer: Eeyore)

      He scared the jackdaws and the crows,
      Now he sits on the throne.
      The ruler is wise, kind, sweet,
      Well, what's his name?

      (Answer: Scarecrow)

      She lives in a palace
      And tears are shed all the time.
      Oh, how the Tsar Father wants
      Crying to end!

      (Answer: Princess Nesmeyana)

Cartoon riddles- This is a great opportunity to spend time with your inquisitive child. You can make riddles about his favorite characters in poetic form or use drawings as riddles. To do this, of course, you must have at least average artistic abilities. However, you can do it another way - find a special video on the Internet that shows cartoon and fairy-tale characters to kids. They just have to look and guess them. You can also print out cards with the characters your child loves and show them one at a time. You don’t have to show it in full - show only some part, so that it is more difficult, but more interesting for the child to guess.

Riddles with answers about cartoons

Helicopter man
Takes flight
Taking for reinforcements
Just a jar of jam.

Answer: Carlson

On my birthday
Such bad luck!
My tail is gone
lovely tail
What an obsession!

Answer: Eeyore

From the royal ball
She ran away so quickly
Like a glass slipper
Accidentally lost

Answer: Cinderella

A girl lives in a palace,
But he constantly cries on the porch.
And the Tsar Father really wants
Put an end to this.

Answer: Princess Nesmeyana

This old lady lives
In your forest hut.
Don't go into that hut -
The old lady will quickly eat you

Answer: Baba Yaga

The boy grew up in a wolf pack,
And everyone considers him a wolf cub.
He is friends with a bear and a panther.
He considers himself very brave.

Answer: Mowgli

He decided to pretend to be a cloud,
After all, I wanted to eat honey.
On a balloon he flew up to the bees,
But I couldn’t eat the honey.

Answer: Winnie the Pooh.

She met a gray wolf in the forest,
She showed him my grandmother’s house.
But the wolf turned out to be a deceiver,
I sneaked into the house by trickery,
And a big disaster happened -
He swallowed the grandmother without difficulty.

Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

He treats birds and animals.
He treats small children.
He looks at us through his glasses
Good doctor...

Answer: Aibolit

Has a name from the word "ash"
And she herself is beautiful and very sweet

Answer: Cinderella

Offer the kids other rhyming riddles for children and adults.

Mixed with sour cream,
It's cold at the window.
Ruddy side
Yes round side

Answer: Kolobok

Vodyanoy comes to visit her
The swamp is her home.

Answer: Kikimora

Not a young man
With such a huge beard.
He offends Malvina,
Artemona, Buratino.

Answer: Karabas Barabas

Unusual, wooden
Dad has a strange boy.
Looking for a golden key
He is on land, under water.

Answer: Pinocchio

She is certainly familiar to you.
She was a friend of the gnomes.

Answer: Snow White

In addition to riddles about cartoon characters and fairy tale heroes, you can also offer your kids cartoons with riddles. In each episode, the heroes of such animated series go on an exciting journey and reveal some secrets. Your child will certainly love the world of all things mysterious, so you can show them to him without the slightest doubt.

Cartoon mystery of the pirate island cartoon

In mid-February of this year, the Disney studio released a new fairy tale about small beautiful creatures - Fairies. This is a new part of the cartoon about fairies. In the first part, the kids had the opportunity to meet the charming fairy Tinker Bell and her faithful friends, and in the following parts they had the opportunity to go on an exciting journey with her.

If you want to have fun with your child, ask your children funny riddles with answers.

The main character of the cartoon was born thanks to the laughter of a child and flew away to the fairyland of fairies, which is located on the fabulous island - Neverland. Here she did a lot of things, tested her abilities, until she realized that she was a craftswoman. Different adventures always happened to Tinker Bell, because she never sat still. Her faithful friends help her get out of difficult situations - the fairy of light Iridessa, the garden fairy - Rosetta, the fairy of all birds and animals - Fauna and the fairy of water - Serebryanka.

Cartoons fairy riddles

In the last part, Tinkerbell finds herself on a large, unfamiliar island, where no fairy has ever been before. Children will have the opportunity to watch all the trials that will fall on the way of their fairy friends. Believe me, it will be very interesting and exciting! Here fairies will meet real pirates. We all know that pirates are evil and treacherous creatures. They constantly rob ships and take the stolen goods to their islands. However, in addition to treasures and riches, there are also mysterious creatures on the island that hide from prying eyes in the jungle thickets and caves. And these creatures are fairies!

Do your kids like to have fun? Then tell them a funny riddle: “How to stop theft.”

Cartoon fairy mystery of pirate island

As soon as the fairies got to the island, wonderful miracles began to happen to them... Everything became the other way around... Their nature was completely different and completely different animals, which for some reason decided to switch places... Complete confusion... people found themselves next to the fairies. But we remember that fairies cannot reveal their secrets. In this part of the cartoon, the fairy decided to break her law and come to the man’s aid. On the shore they saw a destroyed ship and decided to help the people who were on it. Without the help of fairies, people would simply die. However, people betrayed them... The fairies' whole life ended up in the hands of cruel and bloodthirsty people - only they are able to show them the way home.

Cartoon mystery of the winter forest

Jess's mystery cartoon

The main character of this animated series is the mischievous, friendly, inquisitive and cheerful cat Jess, who accompanies the postman Pat everywhere. While delivering mail, the heroes encounter new mysteries and incomprehensible situations every day. They find answers to them thanks to their faithful friends - little animals. The creators of the cartoon are sure that the guys have never seen more interesting and fascinating stories. Little viewers will not be left indifferent to the furry hero’s thirst for knowledge. He not only knows how to speak, but is also very smart and quick-witted.

Cartoon puzzles of Jess all episodes

In each episode, children will watch an inquisitive cat who, in fact, reflects their own behavior. All kids love to learn something new, explore the world around them, and make new discoveries. Each of such knowledge turns into a new discovery. A new world opens up before the cartoon characters, full of mysteries that they definitely want to solve. Each episode lasts ten minutes and is structured in the form of communication between the characters and the audience. Each episode contains one question, the answer to which the heroes will look for.

Cartoons jess riddles photo:

Cartoon fi brain the mystery of god

Agree, studying in high school is not entirely easy. And especially when you have only riddles in your head. To solve them you have to use your whole brain. It is precisely such complex, but very interesting riddles that interest the main character of the cartoon, Kaito Daimon. If it were possible, he would never attend boring lectures, but his faithful friend Nonoha Ito carefully monitors his schedule and does not allow him to miss classes. She literally forces him into the classroom.

However, even at school the boy is able to find a lot of secrets and riddles. The president of the school club of riddles and secrets will offer him a task that he cannot refuse. He doesn't want to make himself look like a weakling. True, solving the proposed problem is also not so simple. Kayoto can't do it alone. His faithful friend Nonoha is always ready to help him. For completing the maze, Kayoto receives the title of Solver. This allows him to encroach on the most impossible and complex tasks that are created by a special secret organization.

Cartoons scooby doo corporation mystery.

From the first part about a young team of detectives consisting of Daphne, Velma, Fred, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo, the guys never learned what kind of unusual phenomena were happening on the island of Crystal Cove. For this reason, viewers will again go to this seaside town along with the main characters. The friendly team will try to unravel the mysteries, riddles and secrets that spirits and monsters left here. This small town holds a lot of work for young detectives. Despite the fact that danger awaits them at every corner, the main characters will never give up on their goal.

In the second part there will be a large number of mysterious disappearances and reincarnations in which ghosts and monsters will be involved. Many adults don’t really like that children so easily expose fairy-tale creatures that bring income to the city budget. However, young detectives will prove over and over again that monsters are the descendants of villains who want to enslave the whole world. In addition to the dark and mysterious events that are being investigated by a team of detectives, the cartoon contains many curious and funny scenes that your kids will certainly enjoy.

Heading out of town? Then tell the children riddles about the dacha and vegetable garden.

Cartoon riddles about animals.

Do you want your child to watch cartoons only for benefit? Then show him a cartoon about animals, the main characters of which are two restless animals - Jump and Jump. They constantly cannot sit still, so they came up with an exciting and wonderful activity for themselves: they found a spyglass in the attic. With its help, the main characters decided to explore the world around them. A spyglass has magnifying properties, so it allows you to study the animal world in detail.

In each individual episode, they peer into an inhabitant of the animal world and try to guess who is in front of them. The main characters invite young viewers to join the process. They give them little clues by which the children can guess the animal. Jump and Jump reveal new details to the children about the behavioral characteristics of various animals. The entire animated series is a real educational program, the purpose of which is to educate children in a fun way.

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