How to make apple chips? Step-by-step recipe on how to make delicious apple chips in the oven How to make apple chips in the oven

Fruits and berries


Apple chips, prepared at home, are considered healthy snacks that consist exclusively of natural products. Their preparation can occur in several ways: in the oven, microwave and electric dryer. The last method is the most optimal, because this electrical appliance has several modes for drying fruits, which allow you to obtain the desired structure of homemade chips.

At home, sweet crisps should only be made from fruits that are ripe enough for the apples to be very sweet. Then the apple snack will be perfect. In the future, a ready-made homemade product will replace any instant snack. In addition, fruit chips are not only consumed as an independent snack, but they are also used in the preparation of some dishes and drinks. For example, they are added to various salads, cereals, juices, and so on.

To make fruit chips with your own hands, we have prepared a step-by-step photo recipe with technological instructions, which outlines in detail how to make them correctly at home. So, let's start preparing homemade snacks.

Nutritionists argue that the nutrition of a modern person should be fractional. That is why the diet includes, in addition to main meals, so-called snacks - snacks, nuts and fruits. One of the most popular products that are used specifically as a low-calorie and at the same time satisfying snack is an apple. But despite all its benefits for the body, eating apples every day gets boring. And apple chips come to the rescue, the recipe for which even novice cooks can prepare.

Apple chips are a popular tasty and crunchy product. Due to the rich content of beneficial microelements and the amount of vitamin C, they can easily compete with various candied citrus fruits, such as orange ones. In addition, apple chips can be an excellent replacement for snacks that involve the use of meat products - sausages, smoked meats, etc. The popularity of this delicacy is growing every day. At the same time, thinking that apple chips can only be made in industrial conditions is a mistake. It is quite possible to make them yourself.

The main advantage of this product is that you don’t need many ingredients to prepare it. All you need is:- 2 pcs. apples (weighing about 200 g); - 80 g sugar; - 250 ml sparkling water.

If you have a medical condition that requires you to limit your sugar intake, such as diabetes, or are making your chips for someone who is, replace the sugar with safe fructose or stevia

First, wash the apples thoroughly, because you will be drying them together with the skin. Then cut out the core. Next, cut the fruits into thin circles. Remember, the thinner the better. If you think the apples are too big, cut them into slices.

Dissolve sugar and water and put on fire. Let the mixture boil, then pour the resulting infusion over the prepared apples and leave for 15 minutes so that they are thoroughly soaked. Place the fruit slices on a wire rack to drain off any excess liquid. At this time, turn on the oven and set it to 110 degrees. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and place the apples on it. Then place the pan in the oven.

Don't skip using baking paper, otherwise your apple slices will stick to the baking sheet and you'll just have to scrape them off and throw them away

You need to dry the apples in the oven carefully and depending on how thick you made the slices. So, for example, if they are thin, then an hour will be enough (half an hour on each side). If the slices are thicker, you may have to dry them for about 2 hours. Your guide to turning the apples over to the other side should be their color. Once they have browned a little, you can turn them over.

Remove the finished chips from the oven, carefully remove from the baking sheet and let cool. That's it, you can safely eat them both as a snack and dessert.

Chips, snacks, crackers... How quickly they burst into our diet, becoming a favorite snack item, an indispensable addition to a foamy drink, and one of the ingredients for some salads. What attracts you to these crispy slices? Everyone has their own answer: some people like the taste, others prefer to just crunch. Let’s not give a lecture now about the dangers of store-bought chips filled with preservatives and “chemicals.” Our task is to suggest you a new healthy recipe. Is it possible to make them yourself at home, and besides, they are absolutely harmless to health? Certainly!

How to make apple chips at home

We start with the indispensable water procedure for most products. Wash the fruits thoroughly, and then dry them using a regular woven towel.

Using a slicer or knife, “turn” the apples into thin slices. Be sure to remove the seeds.

The microwave has a glass “baking tray”. Place the prepared apple slices on it.

Sprinkle each circle with ground cinnamon to taste and, if desired, granulated sugar.

Now place the plate with future flavored apple chips in the microwave. Set the oven parameters as follows: set the “Microwave” mode, set the power to 700 W. You need to hold it for about 3 minutes. After the time has passed, carefully remove it. They will be soft at first, but as they cool they will develop that signature crunch.

Prepare the next portion in the same way.

Advice: It is better to use sweet varieties of apples.

Apple chips are a fragrant, crispy and incredibly tasty dietary product. This healthy and light snack is much healthier than the popular high-calorie potato chips.

What are the benefits of apple chips?

Everyone's favorite chips are made using a variety of recipes and technologies, but there is always a controversial question about their harm. Alternative apple chips are a dietary and healthy product. This is achieved due to the fact that apples retain all their beneficial substances during the cooking process. They contain:

  • pectin;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • fiber;
  • vitamin C;
  • malic acid, etc.

Benefits of apple chips

At the same time, apple chips have the following properties:

  • normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • increase immunity;
  • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • help in removing heavy metals and toxins;
  • promote proper growth and development;
  • improve intestinal function.

Apple chips can be purchased in stores, but it is best to make them yourself. We'll tell you how to make apple chips at home.

How to make apple chips

To prepare chips, you can use an oven or a special apparatus for drying fruits and vegetables. Well, if you have the opportunity to use an oven for this, you will get simply amazing apple chips. The recipe we present will allow you to quickly prepare a delicious delicacy.


  • medium-sized apples – 5 pcs;
  • granulated sugar – 80 g;
  • citric acid – 1/4 teaspoon;
  • water – 1 glass.

Preparation of syrup

  1. Pour sugar, citric acid into a saucepan or bowl and pour a glass of water into it. Citric acid will protect the fruit from darkening and give it a natural tint with sourness.
  2. Put it on the fire and let it boil. Keep it until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove from heat and cool.


Apple chips are becoming more popular and in demand every day. However, it is a misconception to think that making apple chips can only be done under production conditions. You can make a delicious snack with your own hands at home. Although this recipe is designed for cooking in an electric dryer, in the absence of one, any household appliance that can dry apple chips will do. Convection oven, microwave oven, electric dryer, convection oven, dehydrator - all this will quickly and easily help you prepare a delicious treat at home.

Apple chips can also be prepared with extra for the winter. During the cold season, the healthy fruit will be relevant in compotes, teas, salads, porridges and when baking meat. A significant advantage of this ingredient is that it does not require a large number of auxiliary products during preparation. Any variety of apples can be used. In addition, preparing homemade chips turns into an almost waste-free production, all because the apples are cut with the peel, and the core with the pit will serve as an additional source of iodine.

Apple chips, unlike fresh apples, are much higher in calories. Although fruit chips are healthy, they are not very suitable as a dietary staple. For example: the caloric value of dried fruit is 253 kcal per 100 g, and the energy value of fresh fruit is 52 kcal.

To make apple chips at home crispy, natural and tasty, we recommend you a step-by-step recipe with the addition of photo tips.

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