Useful berries for colds and flu. Lingonberries for colds: benefits and use of Lingonberries for coughs for children

1272 10/03/2019 5 min.

When in the fall or spring, during periods of frequent colds, you have to take extra care of your immunity level, it is impossible to immediately remember products that have the desired properties. Onions, garlic, lemon, honey, ginger, medicinal herbs, fruits and vegetables come to mind. And forest berries are completely undeservedly forgotten: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries. Today we will talk about the benefits of lingonberries for colds.

Definition of disease

Colds mean a number of diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory system caused by hypothermia of a local or general nature. If it is infectious in nature (or influenza), the disease can be caused by a pathogen or through household objects.

Characteristic symptoms of colds are:

  • Fever;
  • Headaches and joint pains:
  • and mucus discharge;
  • Fever, weakness, lack of appetite.

But here’s the question: why do some people get colds all the time, while others, under the same conditions, almost never catch a cold? Of course, you can say that one has bad heredity, while the other received enviable health from his ancestors. And you'll be right. But there are also many cases where a person with good health, while living a wild life, turned into a wreck, and vice versa.

Health, in particular, is given to everyone from birth as a tool to combat an aggressive environment. When properly handled, it performs reliably, but to function well it requires building material, which it can obtain from certain products.

Medicinal properties of lingonberries

Lingonberry is an evergreen shrub, up to 30 cm in height. On low stems there are small, rounded, hard leaves, bright green and shiny on the outside, lighter on the inside, with dark dots. The berries are medium (1 - 1.5 cm), collected in clusters at the ends of the branches, rich red in color.

Grows in forests, wetlands, loves acidic and poor soils. Distributed throughout Russia and the CIS countries, but the largest plantations are located in Altai. There is even a beautiful legend about the origin of lingonberries from living water.

The beneficial properties of lingonberries are due to the substances they contain:

  • Organic acids (citric, salicylic, malic);
  • Pectin, carotene, tannins;
  • Vitamins A, C, E;
  • Microelements (calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, potassium);
  • Sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose).

However, lingonberries owe their main medicinal properties (antiseptic) to the content of benzoic acid in the berries, which accumulates in them as they ripen. Well-ripened berries contain three times more benzoic acid than those starting to turn red, while green ones do not have it at all.

Benzoic acid is found both in a free state and in a bound state (vaccinin). Thanks to these two substances, lingonberries last a long time and can be present in the diet during the long winter, when vitamins are so lacking. When the berries are damaged or crushed, benzoic acid turns into vaccinin, and its antiseptic properties are lost. This process can be slowed down by short-term heating (water bath for 15 minutes).

In addition, lingonberries have the following properties:

  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Lowers temperature and blood sugar levels;
  • Acts as a diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • Makes blood vessels elastic and improves vision;
  • Lowers blood pressure and strengthens the nervous system.

The main medicinal property of lingonberries, a natural antiseptic, makes it an indispensable product in the treatment of colds, as well as an excellent means of increasing the level of immunity.

Useful recipes - how to prepare medicine yourself

For almost every illness caused by a cold, the doctor recommends drinking plenty of warm, fortified drinks. And although it is most beneficial to consume lingonberries fresh, drinks made from fresh and frozen berries are also very useful for colds. They are quite easy to prepare:

  • Lingonberry decoction. 100 g of lingonberries, collected during flowering, are boiled in 800 ml of water for 20 minutes, left for 5-6 hours and taken 50 ml three times a day after meals;
  • Decoction for gargling. 4 tbsp. l lingonberries are poured with 0.5 liters of water and kept in a water bath for half an hour. Then infuse and filter. The decoction is used throughout the day;
  • Infusion of twigs and leaves. A tablespoon of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. l. several times a day;
  • Berry juice. For 1 liter of water, take 1 glass of berries, bring to a boil over low heat and leave for 2 hours, having previously wrapped them. Sugar is added to taste;
  • Lingonberry juice. Add honey or sugar syrup to freshly squeezed lingonberry juice and take 1 tbsp. l. up to 8 times a day as an antitussive;
  • Lingonberry tea. The mashed berries (a glass) are poured with a liter of water and boiled for 5 minutes, left for 30 minutes. and drink after straining with the addition of 150 g of honey;
  • Leaf tea. 2-3 tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, infused and drunk with added sugar or honey;
  • Decoctions of leaves mixed with rose hips, nettles, raspberries, currants. All dried herbs are mixed in equal parts. Then 2 tbsp. l. The mixture is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and kept on low heat for 10 minutes. and insist. Drink this decoction 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

All products using lingonberries are not only an anti-cold remedy, but also an excellent source of vitamins. However, it should be remembered that it is recommended to use them fresh.

Lingonberries retain their properties even when frozen or dried. However, my grandmother’s recipe for soaked lingonberries allows the berries to be used almost fresh throughout the winter. In addition, lingonberry water is an excellent laxative.

To do this, pour 1/3 of fresh berries into glass jars and top up with cold water, preferably from a well or spring. The top is tied with gauze or covered with a lid with slits. Then put it in a cool place or in the refrigerator. When the water turns red, this means that the berry has released nutrients into the drink, and the lingonberry water is ready.

If you want to have more berries, then reduce the proportion of water. There are also recipes with added sugar (2 tbsp per 1 liter of water) and salt (0.5 tsp). Boiled and cooled syrup with the addition of cinnamon and cloves is poured into jars and covered with parchment paper.


Despite all the wonderful properties, this berry has a number of contraindications for people with the following diseases:

  • Low pressure;
  • Stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • Gastritis, cholecystitis;
  • Kidney and bladder stones;
  • After surgery or with internal bleeding;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

The healing properties of lingonberry water appear only when consumed on an empty stomach or before meals, and this presupposes the absence of certain pathologies in the digestive organs.

It is prohibited to use lingonberry-based products in the treatment of small children under 7 years of age. Lingonberry leaves have the unpleasant property of accumulating radioactive elements. Therefore, if you purchased them on the market or collected them yourself, do not be lazy to conduct their research in the appropriate laboratory.



Preferred due to their safety and lack of side effects. But, as you can see from the article, everything is good in moderation. And if you decide to have lingonberries in your diet all the time, first make sure that your actions are beneficial. The same applies if you decide to take. If the drug (dietary supplement) was purchased at a pharmacy, do not forget that all contraindications apply to it. This also applies to those medicines where lingonberries are one of the ingredients. In any case, try to get advice from a specialist with a medical education who can take into account your health condition.

The evergreen lingonberry shrub is an excellent natural medicine that helps heal many ailments, including wet and dry coughs. It has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. Recipes with lingonberries for coughs have been tested for effectiveness by more than one generation of people. They are quite simple and do not require large material or time costs.

What are the benefits of lingonberries?

The plant has many healing properties that have a positive effect on the body weakened by various ailments and strengthen its immunity. Its berries have a huge concentration of various microelements. They contain:

  • Vitamins: A, E, PP, B, C.
  • Organic acids. Rich in oxalic, lemon, apple, benzoin.
  • A large amount of minerals. Especially: potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, manganese, phosphorus.

In recipes used for the symptomatic treatment of cough, not only lingonberry fruits, but also its leaves are widely used. They help reduce the intensity of reflex spastic exhalations and fight many diseases that cause such a symptom. This happens due to the presence of substances in the leaves that have antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Thanks to such a composition rich in vitamins and beneficial elements, lingonberry fruits and leaves are effective in the symptomatic treatment of cough and are widely used in various recipes. Regular use of medicinal compositions from them helps to get rid of the obsessive symptom in a fairly short period of time.

Cough recipes made from lingonberries

The fruits of the plant have a somewhat bitter taste, but quite pleasant. They are liked not only by adults, but also by children. They make compositions that help get rid of cough quite effectively.

Lingonberries are stored well if you simply fill them with water and put them in the refrigerator. According to this recipe, the fruits can be used to make juices, syrups, and the remaining water perfectly helps get rid of a cough.

For reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, it is recommended to take the following formulations:

Cough recipes from lingonberry leaves

For symptomatic treatment aimed at getting rid of reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, not only the fruits of the plant are used. Lingonberry leaves are also very popular. They are sold in any pharmacy, are easy to store and are characterized by low cost.

  • The recipe helps fight chest cough attacks. Lingonberry leaves in the amount of 2 tablespoons are poured with 1 glass of boiling water. The container is covered with a lid, the liquid is simmered over low heat for half an hour. After this, the composition must be cooled, poured out, and squeezed out. 200 grams of boiled water is added to the resulting decoction. Take the solution prepared according to this recipe in the morning and before bed, 5 tablespoons. This composition does not need to be made in large volumes, since it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
  • An infusion of lingonberry leaves is recommended for warming compresses. Honey is added to the composition made according to the previous recipe in a 2:1 ratio. Gauze treated with this composition is placed on the chest of a patient suffering from a wet cough, and wrapped on top with a warm scarf or towel. Keep the warm compress for several hours.
  • Tea brewed from lingonberry leaves is good for relieving coughing attacks caused by colds.


Lingonberry is a fairly safe medicine. Cough recipes containing it can be used even by pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, there is a small list of contraindications that you need to pay attention to before using this plant for the symptomatic treatment of an unpleasant phenomenon:

  • Urolithiasis in the acute stage.
  • Past abdominal surgery.
  • Stomach ulcer.

In all other cases, lingonberries are recommended as a remedy that perfectly helps to overcome a cough. However, do not forget that getting rid of a symptom occurs effectively only when treatment for the underlying disease is carried out in parallel. Therefore, lingonberry should be considered as an effective, but additional means, used in combination with other methods and techniques of control.


What is fruit drink?

What is lingonberry juice, the benefits and harms of lingonberry juice for human health, what medicinal properties does it have? All this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment, including fruits and berries. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Morse is usually called a refreshing drink made from pure water with the addition of berry or fruit juice. Also, honey, sugar, and lemon juice are often added to this composition. In summer, this drink is served chilled with pieces of ice. It quenches thirst perfectly.

In the cold winter, fruit drinks are also prepared. But in this case it is served slightly warmed. At any time of the year, the drink will replenish the supply of nutrients, improve the condition of the body, eliminate fatigue, and lift your spirits.

In addition, healthy homemade fruit juice will help improve digestion and make it easier to lose weight, so it is often prepared for fasting days and drunk up to 2 liters per day.

Among experts, there is even such a thing as sea therapy. In this case, drinking the drink is intended for the overall health of the body and increasing immunity.

As for the beneficial properties of fruit juice, they are determined by the ingredients that you use during its preparation.

It is advisable to prepare fruit juice from those fruits and berries that grow in your area. This is due to the fact that the nutrients and biologically active substances they contain are better absorbed. Traditionally in Russia, garden and forest berries are used to make fruit drinks, which make these soft drinks not only very tasty and aromatic, but also saturate them with vitamins.

All types of berry fruit drinks contain a large amount of useful acids, mineral salts and pectin, which help increase immunity, normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and remove toxic substances from the human body. In their preparation, you can safely use a combination of various fruits and berries, which allows you to give the drink a new range of flavors and make it even more healthy.

What are the benefits of lingonberry juice?

Lingonberry juice is a refreshing drink. It is prepared from natural lingonberry juice, which is diluted with water and added sugar. You can also prepare fruit juice by brewing lingonberry berries in water, as you usually prepare compote - the difference from the latter is only in the degree. It can be used as an ingredient for cocktails made from alcoholic drinks.

  • Lingonberry juice perfectly quenches thirst. Traditional medicine uses it as a means to improve the condition of colds. Fruit drinks have a tonic effect and contain a large amount of vitamins.
  • This drink contains a large number of useful substances, such as: sugars (glucose, fructose), organic acids (citric acid, malic acid, etc.), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), manganese, tannins.
  • Lingonberry juice is also rich in the minerals we need. It contains a lot of manganese. Manganese has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic functions, is needed for the normal course of carbohydrate metabolism (without it, the production of insulin, this extremely important hormone of the pancreas, is impossible), for lipid metabolism (prevents fats from being deposited in the liver), and for normal cholesterol synthesis.

You can drink this vitamin drink either cold or warm. Depending on this, the effect of lingonberry juice will be different. Cold - will perfectly quench thirst and improve physical and mental activity. Warm – perfectly warms and calms.

It is advisable to drink 1 glass of fruit juice before meals. Please note here: if you suffer from stomach diseases, in particular gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to drink fruit juice at least 1.5-2 hours before meals, and if you suffer from low acidity, it is recommended to drink fruit juice at least in 30 min. before meals).


Let's not forget about the potential harm of lingonberry juice, which:

  • contraindicated for hypotensive patients;
  • should be drunk with caution in case of increased stomach acidity;
  • enhances the diuretic effect of drugs;
  • when consumed in large quantities, it causes dehydration and headaches;
  • has laxative properties;
  • It is recommended to use no more than 3 weeks so as not to cause severe stress on the kidneys;
  • Children under one year of age are not allowed to drink.

Recipes for lingonberry fruit drinks:

Here is the simplest recipe for lingonberry juice. Lingonberries are mashed and the juice is squeezed out of it. The pomace is poured with water, brought to a boil and drained. The resulting broth is poured into a carafe or jug, sugar is added to it and combined with juice. The resulting drink is infused for 2 days.

With apples:

  • lingonberries - 1 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • cloves - 0.3 g
  • sugar - 100 g

The lingonberries are washed, poured into barrels, adding Antonov apples (whole and cut in half) and cloves, and poured with boiled water. After 2-3 weeks, the water is drained, filtered, bottled and sealed. Store in the cold. Add sugar before serving. The remaining lingonberries can be used to cook jelly or serve with game.

With honey:

Place the washed lingonberries on a sieve to drain the water. Then the lingonberries are placed in water and placed over medium heat. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. The drink is removed from the heat and left to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Then they pour it through a strainer into a glass jug, and rub the boiled lingonberries there to make the fruit drink with pulp. They put honey.

From frozen lingonberries:

It is very likely that you will not be able to get fresh lingonberries. In this case, to make lingonberry juice, you can purchase assorted frozen berries. As a rule, such mixtures include lingonberries, cranberries, currants, and cherries. Fruit juice made from these frozen berries will be very tasty and just as healthy as fresh ones.

Required ingredients:

  • Frozen lingonberries (or assorted) – 500 grams
  • Purified fruit drink water - 3 liters
  • Sugar to taste

Cooking method:

  • Defrost the berries naturally. Pass them through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender, turning them into berry puree. Add sugar to the berries and stir.
  • Place the berry mixture into the saucepan in which you will cook the drink. Pour purified water into it and put it on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for about five minutes.
    Remove the fruit drink from the stove, strain it through cheesecloth, and cool.

In the industrial production of fruit drinks, fruit and berry extracts, natural aromatic substances, food acids and dyes can be used.

In order to improve the taste of fruit drink, various spices and citrus zest can be added to it.

Medicinal properties of lingonberry juice:

For colds:

How is fruit juice useful for colds? Let's figure it out. If you have a cold, your body becomes dehydrated. The first and simplest advice to a patient is to drink plenty of fluids. And it would be better to replace regular tea for colds with a fruit drink made from natural berries, which contains all their beneficial properties, according to this recipe, for example:

Lingonberry juice with ginger:

A very tasty and vitamin-packed drink, and ginger gives it an interesting taste. Very good for colds:

  • Lingonberries – 200 g
  • cranberries – 200 g
  • small piece of ginger root
  • sugar

How to cook:

Defrost the berries (if you don’t have fresh ones), pass them through a juicer (or squeeze the juice by hand), set aside the juice, and save the cake. Pour the berry cake with hot water (about 2.5-3 liters), add a peeled piece of ginger root and boil for 5 minutes. Next, let cool, strain through a sieve and add berry juice.

Store the prepared “anti-cold” fruit drink in the refrigerator. However, it would be better not to let this product sit for a very long time, but to consume it on the day it was prepared - fresh berries, unfortunately, do not last long.

For swelling:

Lingonberry juice will perfectly help get rid of thirst, which is especially noticeable in hot summer weather. This fruit drink will be especially useful for those who have puffy bags under their eyes after sleep. Such people are advised to drink this drink once a month for a week (1 glass 30 minutes before lunch and dinner).

For a child:

Due to the fact that in fruit drinks the active effect of nutrients is neutralized by contact with hot water, this drink is well suited for baby food. Already from the first year of life, as complementary feeding, the baby can be given low-allergenic fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries and apples. It is worth remembering that they have a pronounced diuretic effect - it is better to drink them in the morning and at lunchtime, but not before bedtime. Fruit drinks also improve the baby’s appetite and normalize digestion processes, helping to cope with the still complex foods introduced along with complementary foods.

How is lingonberry juice beneficial for children? Children over 7 months can consume lingonberry juice only if the doctor gives the go-ahead. Lingonberries are not a strong allergen, so there will be no harm from them to the child’s body, but they can bring benefits. It is recommended to start diversifying children's diet with fruit drinks gradually - 1 teaspoon is enough for a start. If the child’s body accepts this drink well, the child is advised to drink fruit drink no more than once a day.

For weight loss:

It is impossible not to mention such a feature of fruit drink as assistance in losing weight. Everything is very simple, at least 2 times a week, arrange fasting days for yourself, drink up to 1.5-2 liters of a vitamin drink - alternating berries, fruits and vegetables. And after some time, the results will be visible to the naked eye; in addition, you will qualitatively improve your body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Lingonberries help with colds along with medications. Any drink or decoction containing lingonberry berries is already an antiviral agent, but the most useful is considered to be lingonberry fruit drink for colds or juice.

Lingonberry juice - a glass of washed, cleared berries is poured with half a liter of water, brought to a boil and left on the fire for twenty minutes. Take 200 ml several times a day.

Lingonberry juice for colds - squeeze the juice from the fruits, add honey. For each glass of healthy drink you will need one or two tablespoons of linden honey. Drink in the absence of contraindications three times a day.

Lingonberry syrup for colds - freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey. Take two spoons per spoon of juice. Use at the first signs of illness, sore throat and cough.

Lingonberry leaves for colds - branches and leaves of the plant are finely chopped. Add 250 ml of boiled water to a spoonful of medicinal raw materials and leave under the lid for half an hour. At the first sign of discomfort, take a tablespoon every two hours.

Temperature with a cold - this mixture helps relieve heat: 20g of lingonberry leaves and berries, the same amount of linden flowers, raspberry berries, crushed anise seeds. Add one and a half cups of boiling water to a tablespoon of the mixture and keep it on low heat or in a boiling water bath for 40 minutes. Drink a hot infusion (200ml) in the evening, shortly before bedtime.

Cold tincture - leaves and fruits (500g) are poured into two glasses of alcohol or vodka, kept for a month on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in another cool place. Take 15-20 drops with water.

Lingonberry leaves for colds - make the tincture in the same way as described above, but take only crushed leaves.

For the flu- a mixture of twigs, leaves and berries is crushed to powder and combined with dried strawberry leaves. For half a liter of boiled water you will need two spoons of the mixture. Leave in a thermos for an hour and strain.

Vitamin collection - Lingonberries help support the body during a cold and speed up recovery. The berries are eaten or mixed with rose hips. They take it equally. 50g is brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water, left under the lid for two hours. Drink half a glass several times a day. Lingonberries with raspberries, currants and rose hips are great for coping with colds. Brew two tablespoons with half a liter of boiling water and let it stand for a couple of hours in a warm room. Drink as a vitamin tea after meals.

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Useful Instagram for pregnant women about food and their effect on the body - go ahead and subscribe!

Young mothers have many questions regarding the nutrition of babies under one year old. If their beloved child is breastfed, then for the time being these issues fade into the background. If a woman does not have her own milk, and she has to feed the baby with formula, an enhanced drinking regime is required (read about the correct start of complementary feeding). Of course, the only drink for children in the first few months of life is clean water. The only exception is dill water, which helps the still unformed children's intestines cope with gases.

Every mother strives to feed and drink tastier food for her baby. But the quality of baby juices sold in stores is questionable. Therefore, it is more advisable to prepare them yourself. In addition, Russia is famous for its huge thickets of berries, from which you can prepare all kinds of compotes and fruit drinks. One of the most beloved and healthy berries is lingonberry. Its distinctive feature is its bitter-tart taste and abundance of vitamins.

Morse is a non-carbonated drink made from berries by brewing them in hot water. In addition to water and berries, sugar or honey can be added to the drink, and, if necessary, lemon juice. Its main feature is the ability to perform two functions: to cool in summer, and, on the contrary, to warm in winter. That is, in the hot season, such berry drinks are taken chilled, and in winter, on the contrary, heated.

Regardless of what the weather is like outside, such a drink will help replenish the supply of vitamins, relieve fatigue and improve the general condition of a weakened body. Therefore, it is recommended to start giving this drink to a child before he reaches one year.

Fruit drinks are prepared from fresh or freshly frozen berries. 100 g of the finished product contains the following nutrients:

    • proteins – 0.06 g;
    • carbohydrates – 10.9 g;
    • fats – 0.04 g;
    • dietary fiber – 0.2 g;
    • organic acids – 0.2 g
    • vitamins (A, PP, B2, B9, C, E);
    • micro - macroelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese).

The nutritional value of 100 g of the finished product is 41.4 Kcal.

There is no pediatrician who would not recommend that young mothers give lingonberry juice to children with fever, even if they are not yet one year old. Many people know about the antipyretic properties of lingonberries. However, this positive quality is not the only one.

Due to the disinfectant and diuretic properties of the berry, a drink made from it is recommended for kidney diseases, joint diseases and cystitis.

Lingonberries are called a natural antibiotic, so fruit juice from this berry is very effective for feverish conditions. Once in the body, it actively destroys microbes and cleanses the blood of toxins. Therefore, lingonberry juice is recommended to be used as an auxiliary treatment for cancer.

Lingonberry juice improves the functioning of the digestive organs, promoting the secretion of saliva and gastric juice. For this reason, it is prescribed for pancreatitis, as well as gastritis, accompanied by reduced gastric secretion.

Lingonberry juice contains natural acetylsalicylic acid, so it reduces blood clotting, helping to fight heart and vascular diseases. And due to its specific taste, a drink made from lingonberries effectively quenches thirst.

Lingonberry, medicinal properties

Contraindications for use

Although the benefits of lingonberry drink are invaluable, it is strictly forbidden to take it for the following diseases:

    • gastritis with increased gastric secretion;
    • peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, but only in the acute stage.

In this case, it would be more correct to switch to compotes, for example, from or

When and how to give fruit juice to a child

Although lingonberries are bright red in color, they are hypoallergenic, so you can start giving this drink to your child from an early age. But since its constant companion is sugar, which improves the taste, doctors do not recommend introducing this drink into the diet until the child reaches 5 months.

It should be remembered that lingonberry juice contains fiber, which activates intestinal function. This drink will be useful for children suffering from constipation. If, on the contrary, the baby’s intestines are too active, lingonberry juice should be introduced into the diet only after the doctor’s permission.

To ensure that the body does not react, the maximum amount of drink in the child’s diet for the first time should not exceed one teaspoon. Its amount should be increased gradually, bringing it to the maximum possible 50 ml per day. And given the diuretic effect of lingonberries, children should not be given this fruit drink at night.

How to make lingonberry juice

To prepare the drink you will need the following ingredients:

    • lingonberries – 3 tablespoons;
    • sugar or fructose – 5 teaspoons;
    • water – 1 liter.

If frozen berries are used to prepare lingonberry juice, they must initially be thawed at room temperature. Next, the berries are crushed using a blender or simply mashed with a fork. Sugar and the resulting berry puree are added to boiling water. As soon as the mixture boils, it must be immediately removed from the heat. This will allow the drink to retain as many beneficial qualities as possible.

For children, the drink must be carefully strained using gauze, pre-folded in several layers.

It should be remembered that lingonberry drink can only be stored in the refrigerator and for no more than 24 hours, so you should not prepare it with a reserve.

Adding mint leaves or will help improve the taste and beneficial properties of the drink. You can also add cranberries to the drink along with lingonberries, which, due to their natural sweet and sour taste, will improve the taste of lingonberry juice.

For children over one year old, you can prepare lingonberry juice with the addition of other berries and fruits. This will diversify your baby’s diet and reduce the amount of sugar in the drink.

You can improve the taste and enhance the beneficial properties of lingonberry juice by replacing sugar with honey. However, in this case, you need to remember that boiling honey leads to the loss of all its beneficial properties. Therefore, you need to add it to an already cooled drink.

Video: Lingonberry juice

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