Nervous allergy symptoms. Psychosomatics: based on nervousness. Nervous diseases - symptoms. The most common diseases

Can an allergic reaction to stress occur? There is no consensus. But more and more often in medical research you can come across the concept of “nervous allergy.” Its attacks occur in people exposed to everyday stress, experiencing fear and overexertion. Research shows that women are at risk because they are more emotionally unstable.

Runny nose, hives and other symptoms

Against the background of strong experiences, manifestations may arise that are similar to the reaction of an allergic person’s body to a real external irritant. How does a nervous allergy manifest itself? The first signs are rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, redness and itching of the skin. Another unpleasant symptom is the appearance of painful blisters on the skin.

In addition, patients may experience a runny nose and watery eyes. A nervous cough is also quite common. The scary thing is that a patient may even experience swelling of the larynx and an attack of suffocation due to stress.

Other reactions of the body of a “nervous” allergy sufferer have been described - nausea, pallor, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, trembling. The patient may even lose consciousness.

The reasons lie within ourselves

In order for a nervous allergic attack to occur, a coincidence of two factors is sufficient: a strong emotional shock plus a weakened immune system of the body.

Also prone to this type of allergy are those who constantly experience high levels of anxiety, irritability and fatigue. And also emotionally unstable people. But even those who have iron patience may be at risk under severe objective stress, such as the loss of a loved one.

Another reason is self-hypnosis. An interesting phenomenon has been described in medicine: when an allergy patient sees his allergen-irritant, the body triggers the allergy mechanism, even if its source is out of reach. Simply put, if the patient knows that cat hair will make him suffocate, when he sees a cat, he will begin to choke, even if the animal is still far from him.

Is there still an allergen?

Many experts argue: does allergies arise from nerves in the literal sense? A number of studies show that stressful situations aggravate the reaction of an allergic person to a specific irritant, even in small concentrations.

So if you react to stress with rashes and sneezing, get an allergy test. Perhaps you simply do not know that you are allergic to very real pollen or household chemicals.

Calm, just calm

In order for nervous allergies to go away from your life, you need to learn to control yourself and deal with stress. Try to stick to at least a rough daily routine, structure your work process so that things don’t pile up. Constantly being under time pressure takes a toll on the nervous system.

Eat right and healthy. Be sure to include foods rich in vitamin B1 in your diet. It’s called the “vitamin of good spirits.” It nourishes nerve cells and soothes irritated nerves. Cereals, legumes, rose hips, cabbage, wheat sprouts - these foods are rich in the vitamin of pep.

Animal products high in vitamin B1 include milk, eggs, veal and pork. There is vitamin B1 in the pharmacy version - pure or as part of vitamin complexes.

Massage or yoga sessions will also help those who suffer from nervous allergies. However, playing any kind of sport has a healing effect on the nervous system.

Herbal teas will help calm your nerves. Just make sure that you are not allergic to their components. Otherwise, instead of preventing the disease, you will only achieve a worsening of your condition.

We provide comprehensive treatment

During the activation of the disease, in addition to antihistamines, experts advise taking a course of sedatives. A vitamin complex will also be useful - good support for the immune system. There is an opinion in the scientific world that such allergies can also be cured with acupuncture.

Doctors still do not agree on whether to consider “nervous” manifestations a disease or a pseudo-allergy. In any case, if you notice the appearance of allergic reactions to stress, get examined by several specialists: a neurologist, a chiropractor, an allergist and a psychotherapist.

Allergies due to nerves are mainly characteristic of women. This is not surprising, because representatives of the fairer sex are particularly emotionally sensitive. Nervous allergies are also quite common in young children, since they are not yet able to react steadfastly to psychological influences. But what causes symptoms of this disease in other people?

Causes and symptoms

Allergies from nerves have various causes, but the main ones are:

  • bad heredity;
  • disruptions in the immune system;
  • stress;
  • prolonged depression;
  • reduced emotional background.

All of the above factors lead to suppression of the immune system, that is, they make the body insufficiently resistant to exposure to allergens.

Symptoms of nervous allergies are varied. Most often these are skin manifestations: eczema, itching and rashes. But there are cases when symptoms of nerve-related allergies appear in the upper respiratory tract. This could be, for example, a seasonal runny nose, shortness of breath or asthmatic bronchitis. Nausea and vomiting are also possible, which can cause loss of consciousness.

One of the manifestations of this disease is urticaria. At first, such an allergy appears on the face from nerves in the form of blisters, which after some time merge into large red spots. Nervous urticaria is always accompanied by severe itching, in some cases it can even occur on the mucous membranes.

Treatment of nerve allergies

Nerve-related allergies require immediate treatment, but they are not easy to diagnose. In the process of identifying the disease, skin tests are used to study the body's response to the most common allergens, but in almost 50% of people with positive allergy tests, such reactions are observed only during times of severe stress. That's why A blood test is performed to help determine the level of histamine in the blood, since high levels can cause an allergic reaction.

Treatment of nervous allergies is based on eliminating the unfavorable psychological background. During therapy, one consults not only an allergist, but also a psychotherapist in order to:

  • eliminate the possibility of stressful situations that may provoke a new round of disease development;
  • find out the causes of anxiety and eliminate them.

Do not treat this disease with indifference: if you do not hurry, you can aggravate your condition and recovery will take a longer time. The attending physician may prescribe soothing teas, medications or herbs (hawthorn, black thyme, St. John's wort).

The trouble is nerves...

This type of allergic reaction has many names - nervous allergy, nervous urticaria, nervous rash. They all mean one illness that often affects impressionable people who are subject to frequent stress. Nervous urticaria occurs more often in women than in men. This is because the weaker sex is more emotional and more often exposed to stress. However, men can also develop this type of allergy after severe stress or prolonged experiences.

With a nervous allergy, one symptom or several may appear at once. The very manifestation of symptoms indicates that the person has a serious unresolved conflict.

This could be self-hypnosis or suspiciousness

Many experts argue that there is no such thing as a nervous allergy. They believe that the body is simply reacting to a serious stressful situation, and this reaction occurs in the form of these familiar symptoms. Such pseudo-allergy can occur in especially suspicious people with a weakened psyche. In some cases, such a person only needs to look at a dog or cat from afar to get a choking attack or a rash.

Unfortunately, nervous allergies also occur in children. Most often this happens when the child is just getting used to school or can no longer cope with school workloads. Quarrels with peers, conflicts with teachers - all this can lead to a nervous allergy to kindergarten or school. In this case, contacting a child psychologist can help, and in the most unpleasant cases, changing educational institutions.

A visit to a psychotherapist can alleviate the manifestations of nervous allergies. Usually, if you get to the bottom of the causes of stress, such unpleasant reactions go away on their own. However, it is very important to choose a good specialist.

Other manifestations of nervous allergies

This type of allergy can manifest itself in completely different ways. Most often, this is a rash in the form of small spots on the skin, which over time merge into one large spot. Similar rashes can appear on the inside of the arms, on the face, on the stomach, in the throat and armpits. These rashes can be very itchy, which is a sign of classic urticaria.

Nervous allergies can manifest themselves not only in the form of a rash. Attacks of suffocation, nausea, lacrimation, sweating, indigestion, tremors in the limbs, loss of consciousness and rapid heartbeat can develop as an allergic reaction due to nerves.

The difference between a nervous allergy and a true one

The true form of the disease is characterized by the presence of a reaction only upon direct contact with the irritant. Nervous allergies (symptoms, the treatment of which are described below in the relevant sections) are pseudo-allergies, that is, they arise solely as a result of emotional shocks.

This disease affects anxious, overly sensitive and unbalanced people. For some patients, for example, it is enough to look in the direction of flowering plants and they will feel the entire list of symptoms that characterize a disease such as a nervous allergy (treatment, by the way, also involves normalizing the psychological state). Other people experience anxiety symptoms after a stressful situation, when alone, or when scared.

Physical manifestations of allergies

Nervous allergies manifest themselves with the same general symptoms as any other type of individual reaction to foods or other irritants. Thus, patients primarily complain about dermatological manifestations, which include:

  • rashes that are accompanied by itching (the symptom most often appears on the face, hands and scalp);
  • a rash that may appear in the mouth; this condition is often confused with incipient stomatitis;
  • urticaria - red blisters appear, slightly rising above the surface of the skin;
  • runny nose, which appears even in warm weather and is characterized by mucous discharge, lacrimation;
  • dry cough - a symptom that accompanies allergies and persists even after taking antitussive medications;
  • a feeling of lack of air, in some cases posing a serious threat to life and health;
  • excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath even with minor physical activity;
  • trembling in the body, chills or fever, nausea - signs of pseudo-allergy, which do not appear as often as other symptoms;
  • paleness of the skin, especially on the limbs and face;
  • unpleasant sensations, discomfort in the chest, solar plexus;
  • Digestive problems - a symptom that occurs somewhat less frequently than typical skin manifestations of allergies.

The set of signs characterizing this type of reaction may vary depending on the individual characteristics and degree of sensitivity of the body. A particular danger arises when swelling of the respiratory organs develops, because in this case suffocation is possible. Sometimes a nervous allergy (the symptoms are more serious) is accompanied by fainting.

Nervous system symptoms

If the manifestations listed above can also occur with true allergies, then the nervous form of the disease is also characterized by exceptional symptoms. Nervous allergies are distinguished by certain mental manifestations, among which are:

  • increased irritability;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • depression;
  • confusion of thoughts;
  • weakness, loss of strength, drowsiness;
  • decreased performance and concentration;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • decreased visual acuity, “fogging,” although no physiological problems are diagnosed.

Allergic vegetative storm or panic attack

Nervous allergies (photos of physiological manifestations that may characterize the condition, below) do not make themselves felt all the time. That is why scientists introduced the concepts of “allergic vegetative storm” or “panic attack,” which better describes the patient’s condition. Such concepts mean an attack of anxiety, panic or excitement, which is accompanied by four or more physiological symptoms.

Diagnosis of allergies due to nerves

When diagnosing a nervous allergy, the doctor must pay special attention to the emotional state of the patient. As a rule, people suffering from this form of allergic reaction are characterized by increased excitability, anxiety, and an unstable psycho-emotional state.

Tests for suspected nerve allergies

In addition, the following studies allow us to diagnose the body’s non-standard reaction to stress at the physiological level:

  1. Skin tests. In the nervous form of the disease, tests carried out in a calm state show negative results, except during the period of the vegetative storm itself.
  2. Assessment of the level of immunoglobulin E. Nervous allergies are not accompanied by an increase in the level of immunoglobulin E, as is the case with the true form of the disease.

Drug treatment of nerve-related allergies

To effectively treat nerve allergies, you should definitely visit an allergist. The doctor will conduct the necessary studies and tests, and make a qualified conclusion on how the patient can get rid of such a disease as an allergy due to nerves (photo).

Treatment must be comprehensive. As a rule, medications help fight the manifestations of an allergic vegetative storm, but only normalization of the nervous system will allow you to forget about attacks forever. In some cases, however, it is enough to eliminate the stress factor: for example, change jobs or stop communicating with “difficult” relatives.

Drug therapy includes taking special antihistamines, as well as sedatives and, possibly, hormonal drugs and herbal preparations. Antihistamines help alleviate the patient’s condition during attacks, while other medications affect the causes of the development of pathology.

Normalization of the nervous system

Nervous allergies cannot be eliminated by medications alone. Symptoms (photos of physiological manifestations, of course, do not reflect the depressed psycho-emotional state of the patient), manifested by the nervous system, require relief by other methods.

So, a person suffering from a nervous form of allergy first of all needs to establish a positive emotional background. A visit to a psychologist, neurologist or psychiatrist, art therapy and other activities that have a calming effect will help with this. Some patients stop feeling the manifestations of allergies due to nerves after a course of massage of certain points, acupuncture, hypnosis or neurolinguistic programming, reflexive-manual therapy.

In addition, you should, if possible, avoid stress, excessive stress (both emotional and physical), not worry about trifles, and change your perspective on problems. It is important to try to identify the main source of stress and eliminate it. For example, changing jobs, reconsidering life values, positive communication with loved ones, and minimizing stress will help.

Prevention of allergies due to nerves

The nervous form of allergies is a common problem today. This is due to the fast pace of life, constant stress, lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, bad habits and social problems. To prevent the development of a non-standard reaction of the body to stress, you need to try to avoid overexertion, learn to relax and create a positive atmosphere around yourself.

Taking soothing mixtures of medicinal herbs also helps. Such teas are sold in any pharmacy. Teas with thyme, mint, and lemon balm are suitable for occasional use. In addition, it is important to adhere to an optimal work and rest schedule, allocate sufficient time for sleep, eat right, take vitamins if necessary, and engage in feasible sports or exercise at least some physical activity.

You can improve your condition after a hard day at work, for example, through meditation, yoga or massage sessions. It is important to avoid constant physical fatigue. Swimming and dolphin therapy help develop the physical body and at the same time improve the psychological state. Communication with animals is also useful.

The essence of the disease

An allergy is a specific reaction of the human body to certain substances. Allergens can be food, medications, pollen, etc.

With the development of an allergy to the nervous system at a time of stress in the human body, the number of inflammatory mediators increases. At the same time, histamine levels increase significantly.

All of these factors cause the triggering of a pseudo-allergic reaction. In this case, the allergen is absent, but symptoms of the disease appear.

The main difference between nervous allergies are skin symptoms, which are quite pronounced. They can appear in the form of a small rash, redness, blisters, and peeling.

At the same time, people often do not notice the connection between stress and the cause of allergic reactions, since they appear upon contact with various substances. In any case, such symptoms should be a reason to visit a doctor, who will determine the reasons for their occurrence.

Causes and risk factors

This type of allergy is a kind of reaction to stress. Women are more susceptible to this disease, since their psyche is highly susceptible to problems. Quite often, nervous allergies are diagnosed in children. It is especially often observed during changes in their lives.

The main factors that can provoke the development of nervous allergies include the following:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. As a rule, we are talking about a tendency to stress or psychological problems.
  2. Immune system dysfunction. Often, allergy symptoms appear when the immune system is weakened.
  3. Stress. If a person experiences negative emotions for a long time, he experiences sleep disturbances and aggression. This sooner or later leads to disruptions in the body, one of the symptoms of which is nervous allergies.
  4. Depression. Prolonged depression can lead to similar problems. During this period, the body experiences a lack of nutrients, and the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. This provokes various ailments.
  5. Decreased emotional background. All of these reasons provoke a weakening of the immune system, which makes a person more susceptible to negative factors.

What does it look like in life

Symptoms of this type of allergy can vary. In most cases, skin damage occurs. In more rare situations, the respiratory and digestive organs are affected.

So, nervous allergies are accompanied by the following symptoms:

Assessment of the patient's condition and treatment

If a doctor suspects the development of a nervous allergy, he must assess the patient’s neuropsychic status. People who suffer from this disease are characterized by sudden mood swings, increased excitability and suggestibility.

To identify nerve allergies, doctors conduct the following studies:

  • skin tests– allow you to determine reactions to suspected allergens;
  • assessment of immunoglobulin E content– with nervous allergies, this indicator usually remains within the normal range.

The main goal of treating this type of allergy is to eliminate the triggering factor from the nervous system. To do this, you need to cope with a negative emotional background.

It is also very important for people with this diagnosis to avoid stressful situations or overexertion, which can cause a relapse.

To eliminate nerve allergies, doctors prescribe complex treatment, which includes the following:

Keep yourself in control and everything will be OK!

To prevent the development of nervous allergies, you need to:

  • take herbal teas and soothing infusions;
  • keep emotions under control;
  • be in a good mood;
  • learn to relax in stressful situations;
  • walk in the fresh air, go to nature;
  • systematically engage in sports;
  • create a positive atmosphere at work and at home.

Correction of lifestyle is of no small importance. To prevent your allergies from getting worse, it is very important to eat right. The diet must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. You should also maintain a normal immune system and learn how to properly build a work and rest schedule.

Nervous allergies are a fairly serious disease, which can be quite difficult to identify. That’s why it’s so important to consult an allergist in a timely manner.

The specialist must be told about the shocks suffered, prolonged stress, and dissatisfaction with life. If you suspect a nervous allergy, you will definitely need to consult a psychiatrist and neurologist.

Frequent stress and depression lead to dysfunction of the nervous system. This causes weakened immunity; a person is more susceptible to attack by viruses and pathogenic bacteria. There are malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, food is perceived as foreign bodies. Allergy is the body's response to a psycho-emotional shock.

Women with a high sensitivity threshold, older people and children are more susceptible. The pathology occurs in patients 10–30 years old; hereditary predisposition plays an important role.

Provoking factors:

  • chronic fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • severe nervous disorders;
  • constant stress;
  • depression;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs.

Sensitive people, in moments of anxiety and excitement, notice the appearance of red spots on the skin. Due to excessive sensitivity and self-hypnosis, even the appearance of a flowering plant causes allergy symptoms. Additionally, blood pressure increases, heart rhythm is disturbed, and intestinal upset occurs. Therefore, the causes of the development of the disease directly depend on the state of the human nervous system. Excessive physical activity, hot baths, profuse sweating, and long-term treatment with antidepressants are also provoking factors.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

The respiratory, central nervous system, and digestive tract are involved, and skin lesions occur. The degree of clinical manifestations depends on the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Symptoms may appear only at the moment of exposure to the provoking factor and go away on their own after the tension is relieved within 30–50 minutes. But in some cases, the pathology progresses and treatment is required.

Signs in adults and children:

  • skin rash;
  • conjunctivitis, lacrimation;
  • the appearance of dark red spots;
  • rhinitis, sneezing;
  • tachycardia;
  • itching of the skin;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • difficulty breathing, feeling of suffocation;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • atopic dermatitis, psoriasis.

Skin rashes begin with the appearance of small blisters that cause severe itching. Afterwards, the papules merge into large formations. The surrounding dermis turns red and becomes hot to the touch. The rash can cause insomnia and discomfort when in contact with clothing.

The symptoms gradually disappear, but the disease periodically reappears. An exacerbation can be triggered by stress, fatigue or medication. Workers in the intellectual sphere are especially susceptible to relapse.

Allergic vegetative storms

This concept is used in medicine to describe a reaction involving parts of the autonomic system in the pathological process. This chronic disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • depression;
  • drowsiness, apathy;
  • fatigue, decreased performance;
  • headache;
  • myalgia;
  • blurred vision;
  • decreased intellectual abilities;
  • symptoms of nervous allergies.

Vegetative storms disappear after taking antidepressants or sedatives and restoring the emotional background. Often skin manifestations and intestinal disorders are caused by a certain food product; during treatment it is excluded from the diet.


Determining the correct diagnosis is difficult, since with pronounced symptoms of a histamine reaction in the blood there are no pathological IgE antibodies, which are formed during normal allergies. Conducting tests on a patient in an excited state gives false positive results.

Before prescribing treatment, an allergist or dermatologist conducts a survey. This allows you to assess the psycho-emotional state of the patient, to find out whether the cause of the illness could be a nervous disorder or severe shock. Exercise testing is necessary to identify the relationship between allergic manifestations and fatigue. Differential diagnosis is performed with skin diseases and ailments of the digestive tract that have similar symptoms.

Impaired functioning of the thyroid gland causes increased irritability, accompanied by skin rash, pigmentation, general weakness and malaise, nausea, and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. People with diabetes may also have similar symptoms. In such cases, you may need to consult an endocrinologist and take tests for blood sugar levels, glucose tolerance, and thyroid hormones.

Treatment of allergies due to nerves

Treatment of the disease is carried out comprehensively, antidepressants and sedatives help. It is recommended to eliminate the causes that caused psycho-emotional disorders. You need to try to eliminate unpleasant, stressful situations and reduce the intensity of physical activity.

Antihistamines (Diazolin, Suprastin) relieve skin itching, but they cannot cure, but only reduce clinical signs. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and take vitamins. During treatment, the load on the digestive tract is reduced. The diet should be light, include fermented milk products, lean meats, and whole grain cereals. You should refrain from drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages, sweets, fresh fruits and vegetables (possible after heat treatment). If a food allergen is detected, it is completely excluded from the diet.

Another method of treating allergies due to a central nervous system disorder is reflexology. This includes massage, acupuncture, yoga, meditation. For a person with hypersensitivity, therapy with a psychiatrist is recommended. This will help restore self-confidence and strengthen the nervous system.

There are non-traditional treatment methods for adults and children. Homeopathic medicines and folk remedies based on medicinal herbs are used with great success. It is useful to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.


The main measure to prevent relapse is to eliminate the causes of stress. Adults have to limit communication with certain people, change their place of work or residence. It can be useful for children to attend another kindergarten or school. Much depends on the situation within the family; frequent quarrels between parents can negatively affect the child’s nervous system.

The basis of prevention is:

  • timely treatment of exacerbations and concomitant diseases;
  • proper nutrition, principles of a healthy lifestyle;
  • healing the body, strengthening the immune system;
  • regular physical activity;
  • good sleep;
  • walks in the open air;
  • taking soothing teas with chamomile, lemon balm or valerian.

Massage, the ability to set oneself in a positive mood, and switching attention to something extraneous help to relax and relieve a nervous state. It is useful to have preventive conversations with a psychotherapist. It is recommended to visit resorts in the summer; relaxing by the sea heals the body of adults and children and prevents the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

An allergy caused by a disruption of the nervous system has characteristic manifestations of a histamine reaction, but the body does not produce immune antibodies. Pathology occurs against the background of stress, depression or severe overwork. The disease must be treated by an allergist, dermatologist, and you may also need to consult an endocrinologist, nutritionist and psychotherapist. Preventive measures help avoid relapses of the disease, strengthen the immune system and improve the psycho-emotional state.

This type of allergic reaction has many names - nervous allergy, nervous urticaria, nervous rash. They all mean one illness that often affects impressionable people who are subject to frequent stress. Nervous urticaria appears more often than. This is because the weaker sex is more emotional and more often exposed to stress. However, men can also develop this type of allergy after severe stress or prolonged experiences.
With a nervous allergy, one symptom or several may appear at once. The very manifestation of symptoms indicates that the person has a serious unresolved conflict.

This could be self-hypnosis or suspiciousness

Many experts argue that there is no such thing as a nervous allergy. They believe that the body is simply reacting to a serious stressful situation, and this reaction occurs in the form of these familiar symptoms. A similar pseudo-allergy can occur in especially suspicious people with. In some cases, such a person only needs to look at a cat from afar to get a suffocation attack or a rash.

Unfortunately, nervous allergies also occur in children. Most often this happens when the child is just getting used to school or can no longer cope with school workloads. Quarrels with peers, conflicts with teachers - all this can lead to a nervous allergy to kindergarten or school. In this case, contacting a child psychologist can help, and in the most unpleasant cases, changing educational institutions.

A visit to a psychotherapist can alleviate the manifestations of nervous allergies. Usually, if you get to the bottom of the causes of stress, such unpleasant reactions go away on their own. However, it is very important to choose a good specialist.

Other manifestations of nervous allergies

This type of allergy can manifest itself in completely different ways. Most often, this is a rash in the form of small spots on the skin, which over time merge into one large spot. Similar rashes can appear on the inside of the arms, on the face, on the stomach, in the throat and armpits. These rashes can be very itchy, which is a sign of classic urticaria.

Nervous allergies can manifest themselves not only in the form of a rash. Attacks of suffocation, nausea, lacrimation, sweating, indigestion, tremors in the limbs, loss of consciousness and rapid heartbeat can develop as an allergic reaction due to nerves.

An increase in body temperature due to stress is a fairly common and common phenomenon. This usually happens in cases where negative emotions are suppressed, and there is no possibility of their splashing out, which should manifest itself in crying, crying or screaming.

Urticaria is one of the types of allergies that is considered the most difficult to diagnose and treat among other autoimmune diseases. Urticaria of any origin is classified as a skin reaction.

In this case, abundant rashes, blisters, redness of the skin and mucous membranes are observed. But the psychogenic type of disease is caused not by allergens, but by a disturbed state of the body’s psyche. This type is called urticaria.

It is urticaria of nervous origin that is distinguished by the appearance of accompanying phenomena in humans:

  • tightness in the heart area;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • feeling of anxiety and excitement.

Aquagenic urticaria

" is a term that often refers to a skin reaction in response to contact with water and other liquids (tears, sweat, etc.).

Water cannot act as an allergen due to the peculiarities of its chemical structure and the fact that a person himself is 70% water. With aquagenic allergies, substances dissolved in water act as irritants.

When a skin reaction occurs during


Most often we are talking about idiopathic urticaria.

Possible reasons

  • allergic reactions to tampons and pads that a woman uses during menstruation;
  • allergic reactions to douching;
  • allergic reactions to various products that a woman uses to relieve menstruation symptoms, for example, to various dietary supplements, herbal tampons, etc.;
  • allergic reactions to various foods that a woman begins to consume during menstruation due to changes in taste preferences (for example chocolate).

In each individual case, the causes of urticaria must be dealt with individually.

There is also a condition called autoimmune progesterone dermatitis. This is a rare autoimmune disease in which a woman develops an allergic reaction to the hormone progesterone.

Typically, the trigger for the development of progesterone dermatitis is the use of drugs containing progesterone, such as oral contraceptives.

The mechanism of occurrence of urticaria

It is serotonin and histamine that cause blisters on the skin. Therefore, at the slightest presence of rashes, it is necessary to consult a specialist to find out the causes of hives and prescribe medications that can cope with the disease.

The skin is connected to the central and autonomic nervous systems and responds quickly to stimuli. There is a violation of skin microcirculation and, as a result, inflammation.

The vessels dilate, the permeability of the walls increases. Swelling of endothelial cells occurs. That is why nervous urticaria is practically no different from other types. Its manifestations are promoted by high excitability and fatigue of the body, irritability.

Urticaria can develop due to

immune and non-immune mechanisms.

In turn, the immune mechanism can proceed through one of 4 types of allergic reactions (type I-IV).

Immune mechanism for the development of urticaria:

  • Type I reaction. Most cases of urticaria occur along this route. Essence: When an allergen first enters the body, the immune system produces specific defense proteins (antibodies, often IgE). They accumulate and attach to special cells of the immune system (mast cells and basophils). These cells store biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin, heparin, etc.). Thus, when the allergen re-enters the body, it combines with IgE antibodies, which subsequently combine with mast cells. This in turn leads to the release of biologically active substances (histamine, etc.) from these cells. Which causes a number of effects: vasodilation, swelling, itching, redness, and in the case of urticaria, the appearance of characteristic rashes (pink or red blisters that rise above the surface of the skin). The appearance of blisters is associated with the dilation of skin vessels and an increase in their permeability to blood elements.


There are a large number of different dermatological ailments, for the treatment of which modern and proven methods are used. These are all kinds of dermatitis and dermatoses, allergic reactions, urticaria, fungal skin infections, etc. But a rash on the body does not always indicate the presence of a serious dermatological disease.

With nervous exhaustion, a significant number of diseases of internal organs develop, many of which occur in a latent form and may not make themselves felt for a long time.

This cannot be said about rashes and spots that appear for the same reason, since it is impossible not to notice them. The treatment of spots that appear as a result of nervous shock requires a special approach.

The slightest changes in the life of any person lead to a positive or negative reaction of the body to them. Either way, he is stressed.

We often forget that, in addition to physical health, we also have mental health. We don’t have time to think much about it; in our country it is not customary to visit a psychoanalyst to relieve stress.

Much of life is devoted to work that feeds us, but which can slowly destroy us. Any normal person has a limit that comes at the most unexpected moment.

It may indicate that you need to take a break and rest.

However, some people, not paying attention to their mental exhaustion, continue to work. And one fine day they notice inexplicable spots, rashes, and blisters on their body. They don't realize it's nervous urticaria.

Thus, the causes of this pathology are:

  • excessive irritability;
  • psychological stress;
  • chronic stress and depression;
  • fatigue.

So you should think about your lifestyle and get plenty of rest to avoid diseases such as urticaria from nerves.

Symptoms of nervous urticaria

The signs of this disease are very similar to the manifestations of other types of urticaria:

  • rashes;
  • skin redness;
  • the appearance of blisters;
  • unbearable itching;
  • burning.

A person may also experience increased body temperature, headache, general weakness, possible increased heart rate, and joint pain.

This psychogenic urticaria can be localized on the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. Very rarely, this disease affects the larynx and bronchi. Therefore, even Quincke's edema, which is dangerous due to asphyxia, is possible.

Can urticaria be caused by nervousness? Doctors like to repeat that all diseases are caused by nerves. Some people are just asking for an inadequate reaction of their own cells. These are excitable, vulnerable people who take any problem to heart.

At risk are women and children, as the most vulnerable part of earthlings. If “pushing” factors are added to stress, the result is an explosive cocktail:

  • urticaria from nerves: excitability, sensitivity, impressionability;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • some medications (for example, hormonal).

Children who are seriously ill with hives find themselves in a vicious circle: they get nervous, and therefore a rash appears. The rashes itch, prevent you from sleeping and feeling comfortable - the child becomes even more nervous.

Some children are covered with dry, itchy crusts from head to toe. Just imagine the torment of such a baby.

The strict diet that the cub is on does not add enthusiasm. The constant feeling of inadequate nutrition makes the child even more excitable.

Nervous urticaria worsens the baby’s quality of life and makes his family worry.

Types of urticaria

Types of urticaria depending on the duration of the disease:

  • Acute urticaria. When urticaria lasts up to 6 weeks, it is considered acute. The duration of the disease is determined from the appearance of the first rash until the disappearance of the last.
  • Chronic urticaria. If urticaria lasts more than 6 weeks, it is considered chronic.
  • Episodic urticaria is also isolated. This is urticaria, which has an acute onset and a short course.

Types of urticaria depending on its cause:

  • Physical
    • Dermographic
    • Cholinergic
    • Slowed down by pressure
    • Cold
    • Caused by physical effort
    • Aquagenic
    • Solar
    • Vibrating
  • Allergic or contact
  • Medicinal
  • Urticarial vasculitis
  • Urticaria of unknown cause (idiopathic)

Dermographic urticaria


Frequent symptoms of urticaria

  • Low-grade fever;
  • Round skin rashes;
  • The blisters are pink in color, sometimes with a white tint in the center;
  • Itching, pain, burning at the site of the blisters;
  • Head and joint pain;
  • Sometimes tachycardia and nausea may appear;
  • Dizziness, chills;
  • Lethargy, weakness.

The main symptom of urticaria is the appearance of blisters on the skin, which, unlike the blisters that form during pemphigus or burns, are not filled with liquid inside, but are more like marks from insect bites.

Blisters with nervous urticaria are located in large groups, as after nettle burns, hence the name of the disease - urticaria.

Blisters can appear on any part of the body and migrate from day to day (for example, appearing on the back one day, on the stomach or legs the next). If urticaria appears due to nervousness, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • pressing pain in the heart;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • trembling in the limbs;
  • anxiety.

All this confirms that stress is the cause of urticaria.

One of the most painful types of rash is angioedema. Can urticaria with Quincke's edema be caused by nerves? Perhaps this manifestation occurs quite often.

Quincke's edema is also called giant or angioedema. It manifests itself as the development of swelling of the skin of the subcutaneous fatty tissue (lips, cheeks, eyelids), less often - on the mucous membranes.


The skin is dense to the touch, light in color. Complaints of severe burning and itching.

After a few hours, severe swelling subsides. However, relapse is possible due to new stress.

A rash, including angioedema, appears after severe stress. Maybe not immediately after the stress, but after several days.

If the immune system is weakened, the manifestations of the disease are more aggressive, the rashes occupy a large amount of the skin surface.


What does hives look like?

  • Individual rashes usually disappear within 24 hours.
  • Sometimes with hives from pressure or hives from insect bites, the rash can last up to 48 hours.
  • With allergic urticaria, the rashes disappear without a trace, leaving no vascular pattern, peeling or pigmentation.
  • In the case of urticarial vasculitis, blisters can persist for up to several days or more, after which pigmentation remains on the skin, which also disappears over time.
  • After eating a certain food, urticaria symptoms usually appear within 15-20 minutes (no later than 1 hour).

Symptoms of danger

It is often one of the manifestations of anaphylactic shock, and is also often combined with Quincke's edema. In this regard, if the following symptoms appear, immediate medical attention should be provided:

  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Breathing disorders (the appearance of hoarseness, hoarseness, lack of air);
  • Swelling of the tongue, neck;
  • Acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • Loss of consciousness.

How to assess the severity of urticaria?

The main manifestations of the disease are:

  • blisters on the skin;
  • increased temperature, rapid heartbeat;
  • itching, burning;
  • disappear over time;
  • increased skin sensitivity, swelling. Sometimes rashes appear in places of contact with fabric (scratches appear when combing);
  • in the most severe cases shock, Quincke's edema.

Allergic syndrome manifests itself with various symptoms, from skin disorders to disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Usually, an allergy due to nervousness does not differ from the true one in its manifestation.


Diagnosis of the disease consists of several stages.

  1. Inspection by a specialist.
  2. Determination of the duration and nature of the course of urticaria.
  3. Identification of the provoking agent.

At the same time, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed, especially if symptoms appear in a child, because children suffer from the disease more severely.

Since the nature of urticaria is psychological, you should contact a psychotherapist for treatment. In the process of communication, he will determine the nervous disorders that led to the rash.

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor first interviews the patient.

His task is to find out the time of onset of the disease, periods of rest and exacerbation of the disease.

The specialist finds out what pathologies preceded or accompanied the urticaria, as well as what medications the patient took. It is advisable to determine whether the patient is in contact with harmful substances that can cause disease.

The doctor clarifies whether the patient has taken unconventional or unusual food, or whether he has recently been in unusual places or exotic countries.

Specific types of urticaria are diagnosed through laboratory tests.

Usually, with such a reaction of the body, the patient turns to an allergist. If immunoglobulin tests are negative, this is not a reason to refuse treatment to a person.

If you suspect an allergy of an emotional nature, consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. People with increased excitability are most often susceptible to false allergies.

Such personalities are easily identified by an experienced doctor by a sharp change in mood, emotional speech accompanied by pronounced facial expressions. Suspiciousness is not an unimportant factor in making a diagnosis.

A peculiarity of conducting skin tests with a substance to which an allergic reaction is suspected will be the dependence of the results on the emotional state of the patient.

For example, a patient assumes the development of an allergy to coffee, a test in a calm environment will be negative, but with psycho-emotional stress it will be positive.

If the disease is of a nervous nature, the determination of immunoglobulin E is not effective and does not go beyond the norm. This will increase histamine levels.

Once the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed.

What tests and studies can a doctor prescribe for urticaria?

Most often, doctors prescribe the following tests and studies to patients with urticaria (usually in the chronic form of the disease, in order to identify its causes):


Since the disease is complex, treatment will also be prescribed by several doctors. This is an allergist, dermatologist, neurologist and even a psychotherapist.

First of all, antihistamines are used. They relieve swelling and itching, improve the general condition of the patient.

For example: Claritin, Suprastin. There are also more modern means: Zyrtec and Xyzal.

The doctor chooses which medications to prescribe.

In addition to using antihistamines, it is imperative to provide skin care. First of all, you should exclude itchy clothing and synthetics.

It is also necessary to regulate sleep, stool and spend more time in the fresh air. The appearance of urticaria can be caused by an exacerbation of somatic diseases that cause itching of the skin.

Principles of treatment based on dermatological and neurological factors.

If urticaria is caused by neurological causes, then treatment will be directed in two main directions:

  • elimination of symptoms;
  • eliminating the cause (nervous disorder).

To eliminate the causes of urticaria, you should take sedatives and antipsychotics, apply psychological practices aimed at eliminating irritability, defeating fears and anger, etc., to learn these practices, it is better to contact a psychologist (a simple training can be learned in one session) .

In severe cases, full-fledged psychotherapy may be necessary.

Spa treatment also helps well, since it combines the use of various exercises and medications with a change of environment, which has a beneficial effect on the psychological state.

Peppermint tea has a beneficial effect on the nervous system for urticaria, but before using herbal remedies, you should consult your doctor.

Remedies for itching

  1. Menthol, diphenhydramine and salicylic acid are used as anti-itch medications. Alcohol solutions of these substances are used for rubbing or compresses, and within 30 minutes to an hour the itching goes away.
  2. Non-hormonal ointments Nezulin, Skin-up, Fenistil, Gistan, etc., which should be applied to the affected area and rubbed in a thin layer, will also help with nervous urticaria. Then the ointment is absorbed into the skin and begins to act.
  3. Fexofenadine, Astemizole and Loratadine can be used internally.
  4. A good folk remedy for hives is ordinary table vinegar. You can soak a cotton swab with it and lubricate bothersome areas of skin with rashes.

What should you do first and what should you avoid?

First of all, you need to see a doctor. This unshakable rule applies to any disease, since only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Since hives are caused by strong nervous feelings, you need to focus on solving this problem: change the environment, take sedatives (after consulting with a doctor), consult a psychologist.

It is also advisable to change your lifestyle. All this will reduce the load on the nervous system and help overcome stress.

There is no need to start self-medication, especially before an accurate diagnosis has been established. This can cause significant harm to health. Also, there is no need to worry and be afraid, because the disease is already caused by nervous disorders, there is no need to add.

Any excesses are also harmful, especially in food, alcohol and smoking. It is better to refrain from bad habits.

Heat and cold, ultraviolet radiation will complicate the problem, so you need to, if possible, rid yourself of these natural factors. And of course, contact with organic allergens should be avoided.

Also avoid washcloths and woolen clothing, which can irritate the skin.

Tablets and ointments

Adult medications for nervous urticaria provide only temporary results. The main treatment should be aimed at unloading the nervous system, sedatives and local ointments for an immediate effect of eliminating itching and burning.

  • Diazolin. Has a mild sedative effect. Minimal effect on the central nervous system. Able to slow down human reactions, gastrointestinal disorders, bladder function;
  • Cetrin, Clarisens. They act like anti-allergenic drugs. Self-medication may provoke acute clinical indications;
  • Fenkarol. Blocks H1 receptors and is prohibited for use by people with gastrointestinal diseases and chronic cardiovascular diseases.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important to understand the main danger of such itching and rash - the consequences for the nervous system, complications associated with secondary diseases against the background of weakening autoimmune functions of the body. It is strictly forbidden to take any medications without consulting a doctor.

For children

Nervous urticaria, treatment of a child is also possible if you follow the doctor’s recommendations. Treatment is based on following the child’s diet, taking antihistamines, anti-allergy medications and topical ointments.

The described type of urticaria has a psychological background. Therefore, for your own sake, it is worth reconsidering your usual way of life and, finally, finding a hobby that would make you forget about the gray everyday life.

It's better to feel dizzy and itchy from the good things in life than to be itchy from constant stress. Be healthy and psychologically stable.

Which mask is better?

Sea buckthorn face mask

Honey-lemon face mask

As noted earlier, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the disease should be carried out and prescribed by a doctor in order to avoid complications due to improper treatment, self-medication, or an incorrect diagnosis.

Therefore, to effectively combat the disease, the cause of stress should be identified and eliminated, and then the manifestation of urticaria should be treated. This requires a professional medical approach and complex therapy, which, along with drug treatment, may include work with a psychologist, physiotherapy, and diet therapy.

Its goal is to create adaptive mechanisms of nervous response that successfully resist stress.

As for chronic urticaria itself, it is recommended to treat it with the use of antihistamines and pyrogenic drugs. Along with drug treatment, a dairy-vegetable diet is indicated.

For local treatment, you can use the following ointments:

  • "Fenistil gel";
  • "Soventol";
  • "Psilo-balm";
  • "Sinaflan";
  • "Flucinar";
  • "Hydrocortisone";
  • "Laticort";
  • "Triamcinolone";
  • "Afloderm";
  • "Fluorocort";
  • "Advantan";
  • "Lokoid";
  • "Celestoderm - B";
  • "Elokom";
  • "Klovate";
  • "Dermovate."

Which ointment to use should be decided by the attending physician.

Do I need to call an ambulance?

An ambulance must be called in the following circumstances:

  • Severe form of urticaria and Quincke's edema in the larynx
  • Absolutely all cases of anaphylactic reaction, which is accompanied by urticaria. See article Anaphylactic shock
  • Severe exacerbations of chronic urticaria and angioedema that cannot be treated at home.

However, first cases of urticaria, especially cases of urticaria in children, require special attention, and calling an ambulance is recommended. This will help to avoid unforeseen consequences and correctly formulate further treatment tactics.

First aid for hives

What can you do at the first symptoms of urticaria?

  • First, you need to be able to recognize the symptoms of anaphylaxis, since hives are often part of anaphylactic shock. In this case, urgent medical assistance is needed. (cm. First aid for anaphylaxis)
  • Secondly, urticaria is often combined with angioedema, in which case appropriate treatment should be provided. (cm. First aid for Quincke's edema)

After making sure that this is not anaphylactic shock or angioedema, you can begin treatment according to the scenario below.

First you need to eliminate the effect of the allergen on the body:

Urticaria and other skin changes in pregnant women in facts and figures:

Treatment of nervous urticaria consists of the following procedures and recommendations:

  1. Medicines (antihistamines, bifidobacteria, multivitamins, external).
  2. Phytotherapy.
  3. Diet.
  4. Rest, trip to a resort, change of scenery.
  5. Psychotherapy.

Photos of nervous urticaria prove that the external symptoms are similar to other types of allergies. The main prevention is a calm central nervous system. Psychotherapists advise seeking consolation in the family and learning to enjoy simple things. Everything is so simple and complex at the same time. But it’s possible!

What can be the complications of urticaria?

Complications of acute urticaria.

The most dangerous complications of urticaria are severe allergic reactions, such as swelling of the throat and tongue, which impairs breathing, and anaphylactic shock. In this case, emergency medical care is required, otherwise the patient may die.

Quincke's edema usually goes away on its own within three days. In approximately 30% of patients, the disease becomes chronic.

Complications of chronic urticaria:

  • Approximately 50% of patients suffering from chronic urticaria will improve over the next 3-5 years.
  • In 25% of patients, symptoms will persist for 10 years.
  • In 15% of patients, prolonged course of urticaria leads to the development of depression. If you begin to notice symptoms of this condition, you need to report them to your doctor. Depression is treatable.

Urticaria can be a manifestation of various diseases, including severe ones, for example


In this case, the prognosis becomes much worse.


To avoid such a dermatological problem as nervous urticaria, an emotional person prone to allergic reactions must take preventive measures regularly.

Nervous allergies are becoming a topic at medical conferences. Along with this little-studied phenomenon, the term “pseudoallergy” appeared, when, out of fear of the possibility of the appearance of a disease or only at the sight of the source that causes it, the patient experiences allergic manifestations.

The nervous system plays an important role at each stage of the manifestation of an allergic reaction. The nervous tissues themselves can become a source allergen when exposed to destructive agents with an antigen plus antibody reaction.

It was found that the development of anaphylaxis occurs against the background of changes in the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. The mechanism of allergy development is also influenced by the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.

What is a nervous allergy?

World medicine considers allergies as part of an ongoing stressful condition. And this is an important circumstance that allows us to take a broader look at the existing problem and select a complex effect that shows lasting results after treatment.

Nervous allergies are enemy number one in modern society. Chronic fatigue, overwork, stress, life's troubles - all this can unsettle the calmest person. Loss of control, hysterics, attacks of rage, deep despondency, constant depression lead to skin rashes (usually on the arms, stomach, neck, décolleté) accompanied by itching. Diseases such as eczema and psoriasis can also be consequences of nervous allergies.

Nervous allergies manifest themselves in the form of nausea, vomiting, headache, loss of consciousness, and less commonly, bronchial asthma. Some experts claim that nervous allergies are inherited from parents to children. Therefore, it is important to show patience and calmness when raising a child, thereby helping to form a healthy psyche and establish the baby’s emotional balance.

Causes of nerve allergies

Allergic symptoms due to nervousness are a phenomenon that predominates among the fair sex. Excessive emotionality, sensitivity, and mental instability are also common in young children and the elderly. Strong experiences and constant stressful situations can trigger allergic processes in any weakened body.

Allergy doctors pay great attention to the emotional background of the patient, because the causes of nervous allergies lie precisely there. Emotionally excitable women, for example, in moments of strong emotions easily become covered with spots and begin to itch. A person who is allergic to pollen, seeing a potentially dangerous flowering tree from a distance, triggers the allergic mechanism through nervous emotions without the participation of the allergen itself. There are examples when an attack of suffocation began only because of the contemplation of a cat or dog. There are a lot of similar cases in medical practice.

Psychological tests of such patients reveal an inflated level of anxiety, severe anxiety, and a tendency to suggestibility. Along with this, there are attacks of irritability and fatigue, accompanied by physiological disorders (pressure surges, changes in heart rate, intestinal dysfunction, etc.).

So, the causes of nervous allergies directly depend on the mental and emotional balance of the patient.

Symptoms of nerve allergies

Allergic manifestations are quite diverse and affect various body systems, but the most common symptoms of nervous allergies are:

  • states of lack of air, feeling of suffocation;
  • red or burgundy spots on the skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • severe pallor, the appearance of blisters on the skin;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • uncontrolled lacrimation;
  • changes in sweating.

“Allergic vegetative storm” is a concept that appeared in the medical lexicon when describing allergic manifestations localized in the nervous system. The primary symptoms of nervous allergies arise, are present, fade and recur over many years in the form of:

  • periodic fatigue;
  • depressive states;
  • feeling drowsy;
  • apathy and lack of will;
  • “vagueness” of thinking, imagination;
  • muscular and neuralgic algia;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • vision problems (blurredness).

Periods of such disorders are replaced by excellent mood and stable physical balance. However, the symptoms recur and can occur along with food and drug intolerance, and external irritating factors.

Allergists have determined that people with mental work are more susceptible to such manifestations of neurovegetative, mental, and neurofunctional allergies.

Treatment of allergies due to nerves

The complexity of the processes occurring in nervous allergies determines the use of complex effects. Comprehensive treatment of nerve-related allergies includes:

  • acupuncture;
  • reflex-manual therapy;
  • massage of biologically active points;
  • work with a psychologist;
  • principles of homeopathy;
  • the use of hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming;
  • taking sedatives;
  • direct impact on the identified allergen.

Relaxing yoga and meditative practices have a healing effect on the patient. Sometimes you have to eliminate the very cause of constant stress - change your work, school team, etc.

In patients with a pronounced subconscious expectation of a painful reaction (pseudo-allergy) or psycho-reflex attitudes, improvements are observed only after exposure to psychotherapeutic techniques (hypnosis, suggestion, etc.).

Treatment of nerve-related allergies with homeopathy has no contraindications and is applicable even for newborns and pregnant women. When taking homeopathic medicines, you should avoid drinking coffee, chemicals, including shampoos and gels on an unnatural basis.

Prevention of nerve allergies

This is, first of all, the elimination of the most irritating factor. Often you have to change your job or part with loved ones. For example, a family quarrel can develop into hysteria and nervous allergies in a woman, and living in stressful conditions can be dangerous to health. Allergic symptoms are observed in some children when visiting kindergarten or school.

Prevention of nervous allergies includes:

  • taking herbal teas, soothing infusions;
  • controlling your emotions;
  • being in a good mood;
  • the ability to relax in a critical situation;
  • the opportunity to create a favorable atmosphere around you at home and at work;
  • regular exercise;
  • walks in the fresh air, trips to nature.

A harmonious lifestyle can relieve symptoms of nervous allergies. It is important to keep an eye on:

  1. completeness of the daily diet (sufficient vitamins and minerals);
  2. maintaining a healthy immune system;
  3. correct construction of the work and rest regime.

The ability to switch from a problem to positive thinking is not given to everyone, so you need to contact a specialist in time. It is necessary to give the nervous system complete rest, which is possible by following a daily routine and getting enough sleep.

Nervous allergies are a disease that is difficult to diagnose, so be sure to tell your allergist about a recent shock, prolonged stress, or dissatisfaction with life. Consultation with a neurologist and psychiatrist for such problems will also be necessary.

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