SNILS number by last name online. How to find out your SNILS number. When you might need it

Pension savings of Russian citizens are stored in special accounts opened individually for each contribution payer. To take into account such a huge amount of data, it was decided to introduce the concept of SNILS - the insurance number of an individual personal account. This identifier is assigned to each citizen registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (making payments, officially employed, etc.) It consists of 11 digits, grouped as follows: ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХ, where the last two digits are the control a number that allows you to check the validity (correctness) of a 9-digit identifier.

SNILS is formed automatically, according to algorithms developed by Pension Fund specialists. The regulatory act regulating the use of the insurance number of an individual personal account is Federal Law No. 27 “On individual personalized accounting.”

What is SNILS? When do you need a SNILS number?

Such a number is individual, i.e. unique and belonging to only one citizen. Thanks to SNILS, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to organize individual information about contribution payers and clearly organize the work of transferring funds from their employers. Why might an ordinary person need this identifier? When does it become necessary to find out your SNILS number?

First of all, you will need to remember or find out SNILS when filling out certain documents, questionnaires or resumes. The number will also be needed when registering on the Internet portal of State Services or when applying for a universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Finally, you will have to find out SNILS if you send a written or electronic request to the Pension Fund with a request to issue a certificate of the status of your personal account (checking the amount of pension savings). Where can I find out the SNILS number? What institutions or online services are ready to quickly provide information on the required number?

How to find out SNILS if you have an INN number?

The taxpayer identification number can in no way help in determining one’s own or someone else’s insurance number for an individual personal account. It will not be possible to find out SNILS only by TIN, even if you decide to visit the Pension Fund branch: its employees are prohibited from giving information to persons who do not have a passport and are making inquiries regarding other persons. At the same time, if you have a document confirming the identity of the applicant, you will be able to find out SNILS without information about the taxpayer identification number.

How to find out SNILS from your passport: step-by-step instructions

If you have a passport, the procedure for obtaining the required number comes down to a visit to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Remember that such information is not disclosed over the phone, and the applicant will only be able to find out the SNILS number in relation to himself, as the payer of pension contributions. Thus, if you have a passport, your actions may be as follows:

  1. Find out the address and opening hours of the nearest PFR branch.
  2. Appear at the department with your personal passport.
  3. Present it to the responsible employee with a request to provide your personal account number.
  4. Get the necessary information (if necessary, a fund specialist will help you find out about the account status).

Please note that this procedure is free and does not require the preparation of any applications.

Important: every employee of the Pension Fund signs a document on non-disclosure of information outside of regulated procedures. This means that when you ask a friend or relative who works at the Pension Fund to help you find out your SNILS, you are required to provide him with a passport. Remember that by taking advantage of a close relationship and receiving such information without following established rules, you expose him to the danger of being punished for not following internal instructions.

How to find out a number via the Internet: State Services website

Being an active user of the global network, any Russian citizen can find out SNILS using one of the many Internet services offering similar services. The most reliable and proven option is the State Services website. On the state portal you are guaranteed to be able to obtain accurate information, moreover, it is not limited to information exclusively from the Pension Fund. However, only a registered user will be able to fully use the capabilities of this site. However, in order to register on the State Services website you will have to provide many personal details, including your SNILS number. Thus, having registered on this portal, you can always quickly find out your SNILS if you go to the user’s personal account.

Another quick way to find a number is to make a request to receive an “Extended notification about the status of an individual personal account.” To do this:

1.Go to the main page of the portal.

3. Find the item “Notice on the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia.”

5.Get the number you are looking for, as well as information about your own pension savings.

Don’t forget that the State Services website is ready to offer a number of other opportunities, for example, changing the insurance number of an individual personal account when changing your last name.

About other Internet services

Not only registered users of the State Services website can use the Internet to find out SNILS. There are a number of other services that are ready to provide the necessary information for free. Unfortunately, choosing in their favor can often be wrong. Those wishing to find out the SNILS number must remember that this information is, in principle, confidential, because even on the State Services website such data can be obtained by the user who entered it himself during registration. This means that any attempts to find out SNILS from sources not directly related to the Pension Fund will be illegal. Likewise, the activities of any Internet services that help you find out SNILS will be illegal.

However, the main problem here is not so much the ability to find out the identifier you are looking for, but rather the need to get a truly real number. In most cases, Internet assistants represented by online services are created for the purpose of unauthorized data collection. By filling out the search form, you will enter your passport details and possibly other personal information, which can subsequently be used without your knowledge. And in response to such a request, you will receive a number that is a random set of numbers. Of course, there are other services on the Internet that have some access to the Pension Fund database, but none of them can guarantee the provision of accurate data. All this suggests that you need to choose more reliable ways to find out SNILS.

Where else can you find out your SNILS number?

For an officially employed citizen, the easiest and most effective way to find out the insurance number of an individual personal account with the Pension Fund is to contact the employer’s accounting department. Let us recall that the latter’s responsibilities include the transfer of insurance contributions from all employees, while the main “instrument” of the transfer is SNILS: thanks to this number, the accountant determines which accounts in the Pension Fund must be transferred to. By contacting an accountant, you can always ask him to bring up the necessary documents to find out SNILS.

Another way is to study the available documents: look at the papers that were ever issued by the employer, employees of the insurance company, the Pension Fund, or that you filled out yourself - with a high degree of probability you will find the coveted 11 digits in them.

What can your SNILS number tell you?

Many people mistakenly believe that if this identifier is classified as confidential information, then, knowing someone else’s SNILS, you can gain access to the personal data of its owner. This is wrong. Pension Fund specialists protect the personal data of citizens much more strongly than their ID numbers. That is why if you contact any branch of the Pension Fund of Russia and demand information on any number, while claiming that it belongs to you, you will receive a refusal. Do not forget that to obtain data you will need a document confirming your identity. Thus, knowing someone else’s SNILS, you are guaranteed not to gain access to information such as the full name of its owner, residential address, telephone number or the amount of pension savings.

All that can be done with such a number is to check its validity. There are several ways to find out whether such a SNILS is registered in the Pension Fund database without obtaining any other data. One of them is the site

SNILS is a mandatory document for all citizens of the Russian Federation. Even newborn children receive an eleven-digit number written on a card with the owner’s last name. When faced with the need to provide this document for the first time, many people ask the question: how to find out SNILS? The answer is simple - you need to visit the nearest pension fund. Is it possible to get your number online through the website of the State Services or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as what is the sequence of actions for obtaining this document? This will be discussed in our article.

SNILS is the individual personal account number of a citizen of the Russian Federation insured in the pension insurance system. Inside the account, personal information of its owner is collected regarding payroll, tax transfers and other payments.

SNILS is required for:

  • employment;
  • providing a place in kindergarten and school;
  • receiving child benefits;
  • registration on the State Services portal;
  • tracking the state of pension savings;
  • formation of an electronic card.

In terms of its use, SNILS is a kind of universal card with an individual number assigned to a person once for the rest of his life. Thus, one person cannot have two SNILS, unless there is an error or failure in the PF system.

In what cases may you need to obtain SNILS?

  • birth of a child;
  • loss of the original document.

Read also! Where to apply for alimony after divorce - detailed instructions

Small tricks that will help you find out your SNILS number online via the Internet

In the event that the SNILS number is extremely necessary and it does not matter that it will not be a copy of it, but there is no opportunity to visit the Pension Fund of Russia, you can resort to small tricks. They will definitely come in handy for those who went on a business trip or vacation and forgot to take an important document with them, or simply lost it and for some reason cannot apply for a duplicate.

A small life hack that can help you find out your SNILS number:

  • go to the State Services website, when registering, confidential data was indicated on it, including SNILS. You can view its number in the user’s personal account;
  • Call the HR department, if you are sure that “their” people work there, ask to dictate the number over the phone, explaining the objective reason for its provision.

These little tricks will help you find out your SNILS without visiting the PF.

How to find out your SNILS number by TIN

Let’s not delay, it is impossible to find out the number of the insurance certificate using the TIN, the databases of the Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund are different and department employees do not have access to both databases at the same time! In some cases, the TIN may be requested from the Pension Fund of Russia when registering SNILS, but this requirement is not necessary! An individual taxpayer number may be more useful when registering on the State Services portal or on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

What to do if you need to get SNILS data for another person?

As already written above, you can only obtain a certificate and information on it from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the personnel service of the organization in person. Information is not provided to third parties. But there is an exception here, you have the right to issue a notarized power of attorney for another person to receive SNILS, and if it is necessary to obtain a certificate for a serviceman, it is enough for him to issue a power of attorney and have it certified by the unit commander.

SNILS is a document (account number) assigned to each citizen of the country, opened in the Pension Fund. This account accumulates insurance contributions that are included in your total retirement benefits. We receive a rectangular laminated green card - an insurance certificate. It contains your PF account number, as well as the SNILS number itself (11 digits). This certificate also contains personal information about the citizen: full name, date of birth, gender.

SNILS is an auxiliary document. You cannot use it as an identification document, but it is required when applying to almost any area of ​​a person’s life: when seeking medical care, finding a job, checking pension account replenishments, providing social services, etc. To summarize, this is an extremely necessary and important document, without which you can’t go anywhere.

You can check SNIL yourself in several ways:

1. Contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence with an identification document.
2. Contact the HR department of the company where you are officially employed.
3. Go to the State Services website and check the necessary data.
4. Check your insurance certificate by looking at your pension certificate.

But there are situations when it is necessary to check the SNILS of another person, for example an employee or a counterparty. What to do in such cases, because this cannot be done using the above methods.

You can check SNILS online using the number on our website. We are a duly registered company and a personal data operator. With our help, you can not only check SNILS from the database, but any other information about a citizen. Use any of our services: basic request or advanced request and soon you will all receive a complete package of data about the requested person. Since our company successfully resolves personnel issues for organizations, you can be sure that the candidates we propose are professionals in their field with a clean reputation in life and work.

We work with the most non-standard and specific requests. Therefore, if your situation goes beyond the scope of a routine check, you can safely contact us in any convenient way. We will provide you with the necessary information within the agreed time frame.

A small laminated plastic card is a document that every Russian citizen should have. It is called SNILS and indicates that the person is registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. This document contains personal data and a unique eleven-digit code, which together allow you to identify any of the participants in the system. How the insurance number is formed and how to find out the number of the pension insurance certificate will be discussed in our article.

Secret code

The SNILS number is a personal personal account number that is assigned to a participant in the pension system once and for life. It is to this account that employers transfer insurance contributions to the future pensioner for the entire duration of his working life. These are the same contributions to the pension fund. And they do not depend on the place of work, field of activity or position held.

The personal number is indicated on the front side of SNILS, at the top. The personal data of its owner is also indicated here.

The number itself consists of 11 digits, divided into 4 categories, which are indicated in the sequence 000-000-000 00. Of this set, the first 9 digits are the account number itself, the last two are the control verification number.

Code generation

The algorithm for generating SNILS is well thought out and allows you to accurately identify a participant in the system. The first nine digits can be anything. The last two numbers in this chain attract the most interest. Verification with their help is not intended for all accounts, but only for those that are larger than the following design 001-001-998.

The control code is generated in a rather complex way. If you are not an expert, you won’t be able to understand everything right away. But let's try anyway.

  1. All digits of the certificate are multiplied in turn by the serial number belonging to their position, which is counted from the end.
  2. The results are summed up.
  3. If the final figure is less than one hundred, then the control number is equal to this amount.
  4. If the final digit is one hundred or 101, then the check digits are 00.
  5. If the final number is greater than 101, then the next step is to divide it by the whole number.

The formation algorithm allows you to check the SNILS number with digit accuracy.

How to find out your SNILS personal account?

The surest way to find out the number of the pension insurance certificate from your passport is to personally visit the local branch of the pension fund. The second, less time-consuming way is to contact the personnel officer at your place of work. A copy of SNILS is kept in your personal file. The HR employee will be able to give you a copy of this document.

There is another way to see the SNILS number - registration on the Internet portal for the provision of public services But there is a problem: to enter this site, you need to enter your SNILS number. Therefore, this option is only for those who have SNILS on hand.

There are no other ways to find out your SNILS personal account via the Internet, even if you have passport data. After all, the database of registered participants is stored directly in the pension fund, and not on the Internet. And this data is confidential.

Now you see that it is impossible to find out the pension insurance certificate number via the Internet. Therefore, you should not waste time surfing the Internet on this issue. It is much easier to take documents and contact the authorities.

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