Spermogram analysis laboratory. All about the preparation and rules for taking a spermogram. Mechanical impact on the genitals

The average man has two questions about the possibility of undergoing an analysis such as a spermogram - why and how. Despite the fact that medicine has already officially proven that in approximately 40% of cases of family infertility it is the representatives of the stronger half of humanity who are to blame, most men still continue to underestimate their own capabilities and even the lack thereof.

The decision to go to the clinic and take a spermogram is often assessed by them as a real feat when the family needs saving. In order for the analysis results to be reliable and error-free, a man must know the rules for preparing and donating sperm. We will talk about this in more detail.

Indications for analysis

A spermogram, which is a thorough laboratory study of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm, is recommended for a man to take if the family decides to plan a pregnancy. It is at the planning stage, and not when the couple goes to the doctor with complaints about the inability to conceive a child.

Early detection of deviations in the quality and functionality of sperm will help the family save a lot of time, nerves and money, which the couple will spend on unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant by other means, if the cause of infertility lies precisely in the man.

If a spermogram was not done in advance, it’s time to think about the likelihood of such an examination if, within a year, a couple with unprotected sex and regular sexual relations fails to conceive a baby.

A couple in which the woman is over 35 years old or the man is over 45 years old is advised to start ringing the bell if sex without contraception does not lead to pregnancy within six months.

A spermogram is also performed on a man if infertility is detected in a woman.

In the event that the treatment does not provide the desired result, the couple will be offered modern assisted reproductive methods, such as IVF, ICSI, intrauterine insemination. For all these methods, it is important to have healthy sperm that can quickly and efficiently fertilize the egg through the mediation of doctors.

A spermogram may be recommended to a man as a control diagnosis after suffering injuries to the genital organs, infections, including those ailments that are sexually transmitted. After treatment, the doctor will definitely give recommendations to check the quality of the semen in the laboratory.

Men whose wives have suffered miscarriages several times in a row or have had frozen pregnancies, especially in the early stages, are urged to undergo a spermogram. This may indirectly indicate that the sperm that fertilized the egg was subject to mutation, and therefore a normal healthy pregnancy did not happen.

Men must have their semen tested before becoming a sperm donor. Those who decide to cryopreserve their genetic material, in particular sperm, are also sent for analysis. Freezing “for the future” is a good option for becoming dads someday later. Cryopreservation is often chosen by professional military personnel who work in combat conditions, as well as men whose work activities are associated with dangerous and harmful production, where there is a high probability of exposure to toxins and radiation.

About the essence of spermogram

A sample of a man's seminal fluid is subject to careful examination under high-precision modern microscopes, using special devices - sperm analyzers. During the study, the doctor evaluates the number of different parameters:

  • liquids;
  • live and motile spermatozoa;
  • healthy and ideal germ cells for fertilization.

Every parameter is important - from counting living and active cells to assessing the morphological qualities of sperm according to Kruger. These criteria make it possible to “sort out” normal reference cells from spermatozoa that are susceptible to mutations, have deformities and pathologies in their own structure. Nature does not provide healthy offspring from such cells.

The analysis not only gives a complete picture of how capable a man is of fertilization, but also reveals some pathologies of the male reproductive system, detecting signs of inflammation or infection in the seminal fluid. Thus, impurities of blood and pus may be present in the seminal fluid, pathogenic microorganisms, a large number of leukocytes, macrophage cells, and antibodies to sperm in immunological infertility may be detected.

Based on the results of a spermogram, hidden infections that a man did not even suspect about, for example, mycoplasma, chlamydia, ureaplasma and others can be revealed.

Accurate diagnoses will be helped by other tests, in particular blood tests and urethral smears, but suspicions of these ailments, which are asymptomatic, may arise precisely after a spermogram. Today, a spermogram is considered the most accurate and informative method for judging the state of a man’s fertility.


To ensure the most accurate results, a man should prepare as thoroughly as possible for the upcoming examination. To do this, you need to understand what factors can affect the condition of the ejaculate:

  • external factors - air temperature, cleanliness of the dishes in which material is collected for laboratory research;
  • internal factors - they are much more numerous. The condition of sperm is influenced by the man’s health, his well-being, what he eats and drinks, and even the environmental features of the area in which he lives.

To take a spermogram correctly, you need to complete several points, which we will discuss in more detail.


The food a man eats necessarily affects the composition of the ejaculate. Therefore, before donating seminal fluid, you should stop eating spicy food - pepper, mustard and other spices - for about 7-8 days.

An abundance of salted and smoked foods is also considered undesirable. You should temporarily stop drinking strong coffee and tea, even if a man does not see the start of his working day without a cup of coffee.

You can replace your usual coffee with a drink made from chicory - the taste is almost the same, but it does not contain caffeine, which affects the motility and viability of sperm germ cells. The ban is imposed on everything fatty, on pickled foods and canned food.

To ensure that the amount of ejaculate at the time of delivery is sufficient, and the motility of germ cells is at its peak of activity, a man should eat a balanced diet for a week or even a little more.

His diet must include foods rich in proteins. Lean red meat, steamed or oven-cooked fish, milk porridge, vegetable purees - this is an example of proper nutrition before a spermogram.

It will be good if your diet includes baked or stewed pumpkin, fresh herbs, raw vegetables and fruits. You should definitely eat cottage cheese, milk, and fermented milk products.

Bad habits

Alcohol makes sperm more liquid, reduces the number of mobile and healthy germ cells, and systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages causes mutation processes in the structure of sperm, which increases the likelihood of both infertility and the conception of a child with severe genetic pathologies, since sperm is the carrier of genetic information.

Drugs are even more destructive. A Nicotine reduces the number of motile sperm, and this is also a medically proven fact.

If a man has bad habits, it is advisable to say goodbye to them at the pregnancy planning stage at least 3 months in advance. This is exactly the time required for the process of spermatogenesis to be completed and the germ cells to be completely renewed. If this has not been done, then before taking a spermogram you should abstain from beer and stronger drinks for at least 7-9 days.

In most cases, men cannot give up smoking, but they should at least halve the amount of tobacco consumed, and on the day of the test, refrain from smoking altogether.

Sexual activity

Approximately three days before the appointed day, a man should limit his sexual activity - not perform sexual intercourse and not masturbate. Otherwise, the amount of sperm will be insufficient for research, and its consistency will be liquid (the number of sperm will be reduced).

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovulation

Abstinence exceeding 4-5 days is also undesirable, since it leads to thickening of the seminal fluid, aggregation, the formation of clots, as well as a decrease in the number of living and healthy sperm.

Medicines, treatment

If a man has taken antibiotics, then at least 3 weeks must pass between the last day of treatment and the spermogram. If hormonal treatment has been prescribed, then the pause should be longer - at least a month.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs that a man may have taken recently, as well as painkillers, affect the composition of sperm for about 10 days.

Psychotropic drugs and anticonvulsants are eliminated from the body in about 7 days. This should be taken into account when preparing for a spermogram.

If treatment continues, and there is no way to temporarily stop taking the drugs, then the spermogram should be postponed until a later time, when therapy for the underlying disease is completed.

If a man plays sports and takes certain hormonal drugs, such as steroids, they should be stopped about 2 months before the test.

General health

A man should be more attentive to his well-being and body signals for 5-6 days before the test. Any acute illness or exacerbation of chronic illnesses will distort the picture of reproductive health. So, with influenza or acute respiratory viral infection, a large number of sperm die against the background of high temperature.

A spermogram taken at the onset of the disease, at its height, or immediately after recovery will show deviations in the number of viable germ cells, and the man may be mistakenly diagnosed with infertility.

If it was not possible to protect yourself from infection, and signs of a viral disease appear or old “sores” worsen, you should inform your doctor about this and postpone the spermogram to a later time.


Before taking a spermogram, you should avoid visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or solarium for about 10 days. In these places, the male genitals are heated, which leads to an increase in the number of dead germ cells in the ejaculate.

Even if a man really loves going to the bathhouse and does it every week, the next trip should be postponed until better times. It is also not recommended to sunbathe on the beach in the summer and use heated car seats in the cold season.

Physical activity

In general, a man should lead a normal lifestyle during preparation. However, if his activity is associated with heavy physical labor or professional sports, the stress on the body should be limited for a week.

It is advisable to give up night shift work this week and be sure to get enough sleep at night. Excessive physical activity can negatively affect the composition of seminal fluid. Therefore, it makes sense to temporarily refuse to visit the gym.

Psychological attitude

A good mood and calmness largely ensure the normal functioning of the human reproductive system. Before taking the test, it is not recommended to be nervous, depressed or emotionally overexcited.

All showdowns with your superiors, as well as parachute jumping and other activities that can affect your mental state, should be postponed until later.

Mechanical impact on the genitals

Before a spermogram, you should not massage the prostate gland and scrotum. Usually these procedures are quite useful, but not before assessing the condition of the seminal fluid.

The prostate may begin to produce more juice, causing the sperm to become thinner. You should also not wear tight, tight underwear or tight swimming trunks.

How is research material submitted?

The process of donating sperm itself looks quite traditional, the man will not experience any unpleasant sensations. There are two ways to collect material for analysis - in the clinic and at home. The Ministry of Health gives certain recommendations on this matter, calling delivery in a medical institution more preferable.

The man is given a sterile container for biomaterials and left alone in an office with adult magazines. Through masturbation, he obtains a sample of seminal fluid, which should be collected in a container. The material is immediately sent to the laboratory.

The big advantage of such a test is its efficiency, because the sperm reaches the laboratory technicians just a few minutes after ejaculation, and the accuracy of the study increases. The downside is the psychological discomfort that a man may experience if he is forced to masturbate in unfamiliar conditions.

At home, collecting seminal fluid completely eliminates psychological discomfort, because the man is familiar with the environment.

If this option is agreed upon in advance at the clinic, the man will be given a sterile container and a special medical condom that does not contain lubricant that destroys sperm. In it, a man can have full sexual intercourse with his partner, after which he needs to collect the material in a container and deliver it to the laboratory.

At home, a man can also obtain material for research through masturbation, including with the participation of his wife. There are plenty of options for obtaining sperm.

It is important to remember that the jar must be sterile, your hands must be clean, and the container must be delivered to the laboratory no later than an hour later, or better yet, earlier.

During transportation, the ambient temperature should be close to human body temperature. You can use special medical thermal containers for transporting biomaterials, or you can, and this has been tested by generations of men, place a tightly closed container with sperm in the wife’s bust, between the mammary glands, and so, together with the wife, deliver it to the laboratory.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistake made by men who take a spermogram, especially if they are tested for the first time, is that they collect sperm in a plastic or glass non-sterile container.

Plastic jars not intended for biological fluids may contain toxic impurities that kill germ cells even before the seminal fluid reaches the laboratory. Sometimes men bring sperm for analysis in a condom. An ordinary condom, even the best one, is not suitable for storing sperm, much less for transporting it.

If the collection is carried out in a medical condom, then sperm cannot be transported in it either.

Ignoring the recommendations of doctors, men sometimes believe that material can be collected through interrupted sexual intercourse. Being confident that they will “make it”, many in fact do not remove the penis in time and collect the material, as a result of which the sperm is not obtained in full, it contains admixtures of vaginal secretion, blood cells (for example, from the genital tract or cervix women with erosion).

Having received one negative test, many men are in no hurry to retake it and immediately begin treatment.

Refusal to undergo a spermogram is also a common mistake. This is the “sin” of men who already have children in this or a previous marriage, but are faced with the impossibility of conceiving another child.

If a man already has children, this does not mean that nothing has happened to his sperm in the time since the previous fertilization that could affect its properties. Toxins, radiation, nervous stress, poor environmental conditions, and bad habits take their toll over time, and a man’s fertility may decrease.


All men who are undergoing this analysis need to prepare for a spermogram. Without preparation, you can get incorrect, false results, and often these results are false negatives.

The analysis is not carried out in the following cases:

  • A man has inflammatory processes in the body, regardless of their location, against a background of high temperature.
  • The man has acute inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
  • The patient fell ill with the flu, ARVI or other infections.
  • The man is being treated with antibiotics, hormonal drugs, and drugs for the treatment of cancer.
  • The patient's chronic diseases have worsened.

In all these cases, the examination is postponed to a later time.

The analysis is done from several hours to several days, on average it takes about a day. You will be given a form with the results entered into it without decoding. Interpretation



A spermogram is an analysis of a man's seminal fluid. A semen analysis is carried out to assess a man's reproductive capabilities.

Based on the results of the spermogram, the andrologist develops treatment tactics, if necessary, or selects a method of fertilization in ART programs (artificial insemination, IVF, ICSI, PIXI).

During the study, macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of sperm is performed.

The role of spermogram in the diagnosis of infertility

If a man turns to a reproductive center about infertility, the first test that will be assigned to him is a spermogram. A doctor can use this test to give an overall assessment of a man's fertility.

A spermogram costs little, but the information content of the analysis is very high. The study reflects the functional state of the patient’s genital organs and sets the direction for subsequent diagnostic measures aimed at identifying the cause of infertility.

How to prepare for sperm donation?

  1. Before donating ejaculate, sexual abstinence is required for 2-4 days. No more is needed - this can lead to a decrease in sperm motility and the appearance of a large number of abnormal forms. If semen analysis is performed the day after sexual intercourse, the volume of ejaculate will be reduced.
  2. A week before the test, it is not recommended to visit the sauna and be exposed to hypothermia. You can't take a hot bath for a long time. This negatively affects spermatogenesis.
  3. For 4-5 days before taking a spermogram, you should not drink alcohol, take medications (except for vital ones), be exposed to physical fatigue, or experience severe stress. If this happens, the test may be postponed for several days at the discretion of the doctor.

How to donate sperm?

Where and how is a spermogram taken? Reviews and questions from patients on various forums tell us that this analysis is not always performed correctly. To avoid getting false results, you must:

  1. The optimal place to get tested is a specialized clinic. The spermogram is not taken at home. Firstly, this is required to maintain sterility conditions. Secondly, to quickly transport the ejaculate to the laboratory, because in addition to the main indicators of the spermogram, doctors must determine the time of sperm liquefaction. Thirdly, when taking the test at home, the patient does not always have time to deliver the biological material to the clinic on time, which affects the results.
  2. The transportation of sperm to the laboratory itself can negatively affect the results of the spermogram. Vibration of the container with ejaculate, its hypothermia - all this will lead to partial death of the biomaterial and the result will be completely different.
  3. Donation is made only by masturbation into a special plastic container. This cannot be done through interrupted sexual intercourse - cells from the vagina enter the sperm. You cannot collect sperm in a condom - these barrier contraceptives often contain lubricants that negatively affect male reproductive cells.
  4. For a reliable result, semen analysis is prescribed 2-3 times over 1-2 months, because spermatogenesis in the testicles occurs “according to a relay race” system. First, one area works, after a while another is connected, and so on, so a man always has sperm in his ejaculate, and if the patient takes a spermogram test at the time the problem area is working, then the sperm quality analysis will show poor results.

What will a semen analysis show?

Macroscopic parameters include:

  • The volume of ejaculate (normally more than 1.5 ml) is the result of the work of several glands. The ejaculate consists of 2 parts: seminal plasma (released as a result of secretion of the prostate gland and the participation of secretions of the testicles, ducts of the seminal gland and epididymis) and the formed elements of spermatozoa. If the volume is less than normal, then some gland is not working.
  • Sperm pH (normal 7.2-8.0). An increased pH level indicates an acute infection, a decreased pH level indicates a chronic infection and impaired sperm passage.
  • Color (normally milky grey). A pinkish color indicates the presence of red blood cells in the preparation, a gray-transparent color indicates the absence of sperm in the ejaculate or their small quantity.
  • Viscosity. The ejaculate is a thick “lump”, and for a full analysis it is necessary to wait until the sperm has liquefied. Normally this occurs within an hour at room temperature. Increased viscosity makes evolutionary sense. In ancient times, our ancestors did all this “on the run”, and it was very important not to “spill” the valuable liquid. With certain pathologies, viscosity may increase or decrease.

Microscopic indicators:

Spermogram analysis involves determining the concentration of sperm per milliliter. The percentage of actively motile, weakly motile and immobile sperm is calculated. The percentage of morphologically normal sperm is determined.

It is believed that for conception it is necessary that the ejaculate contain an average of 5-10 million/ml actively motile and morphologically normal sperm. Therefore, as a rule, one indicator compensates for the other. For example, at a low concentration there is a large volume of ejaculate, and vice versa, the percentage of actively motile sperm is reduced, but the percentage of morphologically normal sperm is high.

Why is such a huge number of sperm needed if only one penetrates? Because there are very big losses. Half die in the woman’s genital tract, some get stuck in the uterus, and some distract the immune system. Only a hundred thousand reach the egg.

Everything is like in war: there is a cover group, a capture group, a diversionary group and an elite squad, so such a large number of sperm are needed in order for fertilization to occur for sure. In addition, sperm have unique vitality, and women can live in the genital tract for up to 5 days.

Decoding of embryologists' conclusions based on spermogram results:

  • Normozoospermia - all indicators are normal.
  • Oligospermia – ejaculate volume is below normal.
  • Oligozoospermia – sperm concentration is below normal.
  • Asthenozoospermia – the percentage of actively motile sperm is reduced.
  • Teratozoospermia – reduced percentage of morphologically normal sperm.
  • Leukocytospermia is the presence of leukocytes in sperm.
  • Hematosmermia is the presence of red blood cells in semen.
  • Akinozoospermia - all sperm are immobile.
  • Necrozoosperia - all sperm are dead.
  • Azoospermia is the complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate.
  • Aspermia is the complete absence of ejaculate.

In general, a spermogram is an entire art, and many clinics ask you to retake the test in their laboratory, not believing other people’s indicators, as they say, to look with your own eyes. And there is some truth in this! When the ejaculate is assessed by those embryologists who themselves carry out the fertilization of the egg, this really increases the chance of success!

The spermogram is submitted for analysis in a special laboratory under sterile conditions. Sperm is collected in a tube after masturbation. Be sure to wash the genitals and hands before manipulation. It is better to donate sperm in a clinic so that it can be examined immediately. For this purpose, special rooms or offices are organized, although such conditions are not available everywhere.

Sometimes it is allowed to collect the analysis at home, following the rules of asepsis, but since the result is often unreliable, since it takes time for delivery or there is no way to ensure temperature conditions, it is better to take a spermogram in the laboratory.

How to prepare for the test

In order for the result to be accurate, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Sexual abstinence is required for 3–5 days.
  • During this period, you should not overheat, visit baths and saunas.
  • You should not drink alcohol, even beer and some medications; if you are taking any medications, tell your doctor.

Where can I get tested?

Patients are often concerned: “Where can I get a spermogram?” In Moscow, many medical institutions offer this service, but, of course, you need to choose a clinic that has a well-equipped laboratory and highly qualified specialists. Since an incorrectly performed analysis may give an inaccurate result, and then you will need to take a spermogram again. Often the reason for the need for repeat analysis is improper patient preparation.

Semen analysis should be carried out by a qualified and trained specialist, since some indicators may not be immediately noticeable and require some experience. The main indicators are the quantity, mobility and appearance of sperm; it is these indicators that determine its quality.

A spermogram analysis in Moscow can be done at the AltraVita clinic. We have created all the conditions to ensure comfort: a separate room and auxiliary materials. Our specialists have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating male infertility. Every day we donate sperm for various types of examinations, including extended ones. You can find out how much a spermogram analysis costs on our website or by calling the reception desk.

Spermogram indicators

Sperm count

The number of sperm in the ejaculate is normally more than 15 million/ml. When fewer of them are found, it is oligozoospermia, and it can cause difficulties with conception. When there are no sperm in the ejaculate, this is azoospermia, and, therefore, conception with this indicator is impossible.

Sperm activity

Normally developed sperm moves actively and in a straight line. When examining sperm, the doctor counts the number of viable sperm and identifies those that move in a straight line. If the sperm is inactive, makes oscillatory movements or rotates in a small area, then such sperm will not be able to travel all the way from the vagina to the fallopian tube to participate in fertilization. A large number of such sperm prevents normal straight moving sperm from reaching their target. The diagnosis of this pathology is asthenozoospermia.

An effect such as agglutination can also interfere with normal movement. This is adhesion, gluing of sperm cells with the formation of conglomerates. Naturally, stuck spermatozoa also become limited in movement and cannot participate in fertilization.


The shape of the sperm is of no small importance. A normal sperm has an oval head with an acrosome, a neck and a long curled tail. If the external structure of the sperm does not correspond to the norm, then such sperm is most often inactive or immobile. Thus, nature makes sure that mature sperm, with a normal set of chromosomes and without defects, participate in fertilization.

Examining a sperm sample, the doctor counts irregularly shaped sperm and those that have no acrosome, no tail or 2-3 of them, and an irregularly shaped head. Such sperm can be found in the semen of any man, but if their number exceeds the norm, then a diagnosis of terratozoospermia is made.

An important role in determining the quality of sperm is played by the state of DNA. Sometimes, during examination, you can find that the DNA in the nucleus is unevenly colored and consists of small fragments. This type or fragmented DNA is a pathology that must be taken into account, because an egg fertilized by such a sperm may receive low-quality genetic material, which will lead to its death or developmental defects in the fetus.

If the above-described pathologies are absent in the spermogram, then the doctor’s report states normozoospermia, which indicates good sperm quality.

Sperm morphology

Determination of sperm quality is done in two ways:

  • The sperm is examined under high magnification in order to identify irregularities in the shape of the head and its size. This study is carried out during a regular spermogram; it does not accurately determine the pathology of the development and structure of sperm, therefore the norm for such a count of high-quality sperm is the presence of more than 50% of outwardly normal-looking sperm.
  • To more accurately determine structural pathologies, the Kruger method is used. According to Kruger, the ejaculate of a healthy man should contain at least 13% morphologically normal sperm. That is, many more men can be considered healthy.

The Kruger method requires a more thorough study of the morphology of sperm; for this, a smear is made on glass and it is stained using a special technology. This allows, under high magnification, to examine finer cell details, the uniformity of the nucleus, and the correct size and location of the acrosome.

This is a deep and complex study that requires additional smear preparation. Therefore, if patients ask: “How much does it cost to take a Kruger spermogram test?” - it should be noted that such a study is somewhat more expensive, because it is performed only in specialized infertility treatment centers that have high-quality, expensive equipment and specialists specially trained in this matter.

With this method, sperm is examined more reliably, and the cost of spermogram analysis is higher. The AltraVita clinic is one of the few in Moscow where this technique is used.

Feedback from patients who underwent a spermogram with Kruger morphology is mostly positive, since this analysis made it possible to revise the treatment plan and achieve good results.

Additional indicators

When studying a spermogram, the doctor always pays attention to cells that should practically not be found, these are leukocytes and erythrocytes. They can be seen only after special staining, since without staining the preparation it is difficult to distinguish them from immature sperm. The presence of leukocytes in sperm is an important diagnostic sign that can indicate the cause of infertility. Its norm is 1 million/ml. An increased content indicates inflammation and requires additional research, especially since the inflammatory process usually has a negative effect on spermatogenesis.

Other spermogram indicators that are determined during the analysis are as follows:

  • Volume. The required volume for fertilization is considered to be 3-4 ml, although when taking a spermogram it can be 1-6 ml. This indicator may depend on the time of abstinence, quality of nutrition and some other factors. But oligospermia also occurs in some diseases, for example, retrograde ejaculation.
  • Color. Healthy sperm may be grayish-white and slightly opalescent. The acquisition of various other shades by it is associated with the use of certain medications, bleeding of various parts of the genital organs and infections.
  • Smell. Normally, semen has a slightly alkaline odor; a change in this odor may also indicate changes in metabolism and infection. Therefore, if an unpleasant specific odor is detected, a thorough examination is required.
  • Viscosity. This is an important indicator that can cause infertility. The fact is that sperm initially has a certain viscosity; when it enters a woman’s genital tract, it first becomes thicker and then thins out again. This is necessary to initially protect sperm from the aggressive environment of the vagina, and then help them move along the genital tract to the ampullary section of the tube. Too thick sperm is a sign of endocrine disorders. Sperm cannot actively move in it and therefore difficulties arise with conception.
  • Acidity. It may depend on the general condition of the body and concomitant diseases. Its violation leads to the death of sperm, which are not adapted to sudden changes in pH.

The examination results are reviewed by the treating urologist, and based on them, appropriate treatment is prescribed. If the indicators do not correspond to the norm, and there is a suspicion that the analysis was taken incorrectly, then it is recommended to undergo the examination again no earlier than after 2-3 weeks, subject to all conditions for submitting biomaterial and preliminary preparation.

It should be borne in mind that sperm quality can be affected by:

  • somatic diseases;
  • infectious processes;
  • overwork;
  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol and drugs);
  • stress;
  • taking certain medications.
Other examinations for male infertility

Additional sperm tests may be needed if abnormalities are detected during the test. For example, in case of agglutination, an additional MAR test is performed; with oligospermia, an ultrasound will be required; Vasography, detection of white blood cells and unpleasant odor require testing for STDs.

Antisperm antibody test (MAR test)

Antisperm antibodies (AT) are protein compounds that attach to receptors located on germ cells, thereby reducing their motility. Spermatozoa are combined into conglomerates of various sizes. This phenomenon is called agglutination, and the higher it is, the lower the chances of conceiving a child.

Antisperm antibodies can be produced in both women and men; they are determined using the MAR test. In men, blood and semen are examined, in women - blood and mucus from the cervix. The test is considered negative if less than half of the sperm are involved in agglutination. This test is the main method for detecting immunological infertility.

STD screening

Inflammatory diseases of the genital tract caused by infections lead to disturbances in spermatogenesis and sperm maturation. A large number of altered forms of sperm may appear in the semen (terratozoospermia). The causes of disorders can be identified using a series of PCR tests, which will show the presence of infections such as chlamydia and herpes in the body.

Bacterial culture of sperm with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics

Prescribed when a large number of leukocytes are detected in the sample. The preparation and method of collecting material is the same as for a regular spermogram. You should not use antibiotics two weeks before the test.


It is carried out transrectally, this allows you to study the prostate gland, testicles and their appendages. Using ultrasound, you can identify mechanical blockage of the seminal ducts and impaired blood flow in the genitals (venous reflux and varicocele).


This is a test aimed at identifying obstruction or narrowing of the seminal vesicle ducts. Such disorders can cause sperm stagnation and impaired spermatogenesis.

Genetic tests

They are prescribed for suspected hereditary infertility. In some cases, pathologies of genes and chromosomes can cause disruption of human reproductive function. In order to identify the most common genetic disorders, karyotyping is done. Thus, changes in the AZF region of the Y chromosome may be a sign of male infertility and impaired spermatogenesis.

Testicular biopsy

This is a necessary intervention that can confirm absolute infertility in men. It is carried out in cases of azoospermia, when the question is whether it is possible to restore the function of the testes or whether infertility problems need to be solved by using donor sperm. This procedure is carried out only in large, specialized medical institutions, including the AltraVita clinic.

How much does a spermogram cost in Moscow?

Most patients want to have a spermogram done in Moscow cheaply. It must be said that prices differ in different institutions. In some clinics the test can be done inexpensively, in others the prices are very high. They depend on different indicators. And even in the same clinic, the cost depends on whether advanced studies are performed, for example, Kruger morphology or MAR test. In addition, in some cases, an additional study may be prescribed, therefore, how much it costs to take a spermogram in Moscow and the prices for it should be checked with the medical staff.

Contact the AltraVita clinic if you urgently need to take a spermogram in Moscow. The results will be ready in a few hours.

Long-term unsuccessful attempts by a couple to conceive a child may indicate problems in the reproductive system or infertility of either partner. To identify the true reasons, spouses must undergo a full examination. In addition to general tests, the man will definitely be prescribed a spermogram. It is important not to put off completing it out of fear or shame. A man must know how to take a spermogram correctly so that the results are as accurate as possible.

Read in this article

The essence of the analysis and indications for it

Spermogram test is a comprehensive analysis of sperm, which will show its qualitative and quantitative composition, morphological characteristics. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to determine a man’s ability to fertilize. All analyzed indicators are compared with standard values.

It is impossible to judge fertility only by the results in case of detection of deviations in any direction. It is important to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the man’s health. A spermogram allows you to identify other health pathologies. Based on the results of the analysis, additional examination or treatment may be prescribed.

The indication for a spermogram is usually the presence of problems with conception. You can undergo the procedure for preventive purposes, excluding possible pathologies. Sperm analysis is a rather specific study regarding the collection of material. Therefore, few men decide to have it without a specific problem.

Basic rules for taking a spermogram

Before taking a spermogram, a man needs to prepare. Be sure to abstain from sexual intercourse or masturbation for 3-5 days (but not more than 7) before taking the test. During this period, you should avoid a hot bath, steam bath, or sauna. Overheating the body reduces sperm activity and can distort the result. It is important to avoid physical activity and stressful situations during the preparation period.

Colds and medications can affect the results. The advisability of taking the test will be determined by the doctor.

A week before the test, you need to completely stop drinking alcohol, including energy drinks.

Options for donating sperm for analysis

A spermogram is taken by masturbation. The material is collected in a special container, previously tested to ensure that it does not have a toxic effect on the activity of germ cells. Before starting manipulations, you need to empty your bladder, thoroughly wash your genitals and hands with soap. Be sure to rinse well and wipe dry.

In rare cases, collection of material through an interrupted act is practiced. In this case, the first part of the sperm may be lost. But it is precisely in it that contains the maximum number of sperm. The resulting material may contain impurities from the woman’s vagina, which will affect the motility of germ cells and, as a result, distort the final indicators.

Collecting material into a condom is not allowed. From the contact of sperm with rubber and processing substances, the germ cells lose their mobility within 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to get tested in a laboratory. For this purpose, a separate room with optimal temperature and increased comfort is equipped. If this is not possible, the received material must be delivered within an hour after receipt. Be sure to control the temperature conditions (from -20°C to +40°C) during transportation.

The container should indicate the name, date and exact time of sperm collection. By following these rules, you can get the most correct result. This is especially true for older men or in cases of insufficient spermatogenesis.

What do the results indicate?

The conclusion of the study reflects:

  • indicators of sperm acidity, its volume;
  • number of germ cells, their viability and mobility;
  • morphological features (cell structure);
  • leukocyte concentration;
  • material viscosity;
  • color;
  • liquefaction time;
  • presence of antibodies.

Additionally, advanced analysis may be prescribed. During the test, the level of fructose, zinc, and other elements in a man’s semen is determined.

The conclusion is provided on a separate form within 2-3 days. Standard will show the following results:

Analyzed indicator Value is normal
Abstinence period 3 – 5 days
Ejaculate volume 3 - 5 ml
Color White, yellowish, grayish
Smell Specific
Reaction (pH) 7,2 — 7,8
Liquefaction time Up to 60 minutes
Viscosity Up to 0.5 cm
Sperm concentration More than 20 million in 1 ml
Sperm count More than 60 million
Sperm motility More than 25% (group A)

More than 50% (group A and B)

Sperm morphology More than 20%
Live sperm More than 50%
Dead sperm
Mobility (a+b) 50% or more
Translational fast(s) 25% or more
Forward slow (b)
Non-forward movement (c)
Fixed (d) (c+d) = 50% or less
Spermatogenesis cells Up to 2%
Agglutination Absent
Aggregation Absent
Leukocytes Up to 106 in 1 ml (3 - 4 in the field of view)
Red blood cells None
Amyloid bodies Present
Lecithin grains Present
Slime Absent or present in small quantities

A spermogram can be analyzed by the man himself, comparing his results with the standards. This will be enough to satisfy curiosity. But it is not recommended to draw independent conclusions. Any deviations from the standards may not indicate fertility, but the presence of pathologies, infections and other factors that have a direct impact on indicators.

You should pay attention to the concentration of motile and weakly motile sperm, the percentage of germ cells of the correct shape, and the presence of leukocytes. If high values ​​are obtained, you can stop at one spermogram. Otherwise, it is worth repeating the study 1-2 more times with an interval of at least a week.

Only a specialist can figure out whether a spermogram is good or not. Based on its conclusion, a diagnosis will be made and treatment prescribed if necessary. Sometimes additional studies are carried out to determine the exact cause of reproductive dysfunction that led to.

Measures to improve sperm quality

Spermogram indicators are influenced, first of all, by a man’s lifestyle, and secondly, by the presence of concomitant diseases. And if the last factor cannot be changed without the help of specialists, then you can increase sperm activity yourself like this:

  • give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, including beer);
  • start leading an active lifestyle (if this is not possible, you can do exercises, try to be in the fresh air, take more walks);
  • introduce rational nutrition into the diet (increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and cereals, if possible, avoid fatty foods);
  • reduce time spent sitting at the computer;
  • reduce the level of harmful radiation to the reproductive organs (carry your mobile phone less in your pants pocket);
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do not wear underwear made of artificial fabrics, temporarily refrain from visiting saunas or hot baths, as they cause an increase in temperature in the genital area, which negatively affects a man’s semen.

The recommendations given may not always help improve sperm quality. Some pathologies require mandatory treatment. It is worth remembering that all the efforts made will be rewarded with the appearance of the long-awaited baby.

A room in the laboratory for collecting a sperm sample. The door closes from the inside.

It is not recommended to use interrupted coitus to collect sperm. Contact with latex and condom lubricant can reduce sperm motility. This will lead to unreliable spermogram results.

Motility is also affected by the sample storage temperature from collection to the start of the study. If the temperature changes or goes beyond critical values, it will slow down sperm production. Asthenozoospermia is a pathological ejaculate in which. And mobility is one of the 3 most important characteristics of ejaculate fertility. Correcting low mobility is a real healing process. And in order to start it, the doctor must be sure that the recorded mobility is real.

“Can I take a spermogram together with my wife/partner?”

Our clients can share the sample collection room with their wife or partner if that is more convenient for them. This is a personal matter for each couple. To ensure the reliability of the results, follow the collection rules: do not use interrupted coitus and a condom.

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