DMV physiotherapy. DMV therapy: indications and contraindications. Pathology of the rectum and prostate

UHF therapy is a therapeutic technique based on the use of electromagnetic waves in the decimeter range. Microcurrents penetrate deeply into tissues and organs, affecting the physiological processes occurring in them.

How it works

In the body, absorbed electromagnetic energy is converted into heat. Heat generation in the irradiated areas reaches a maximum at 10-15 minutes of therapy, then stops. Tissues and organs rich in water (blood, lymph, lungs, muscles) are subject to the greatest heating. Their temperature can rise by 3-4 degrees. The skin and fat deposits are heated to a lesser extent.

Under the influence of heat, small vessels in tissues dilate and metabolic processes intensify. A decrease in vascular resistance leads to improved blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. In patients, the contractile activity of the myocardium increases, and the blood supply to all, including ischemic, areas of the heart increases. Blood pressure decreases slightly.

Warming up the muscles helps eliminate spastic conditions. The vessels and nerves clamped by the spasmodic fibers are released. This effect is manifested by the weakening of pain syndromes and the restoration of normal organ function.

Due to the expansion of the bronchi, breathing becomes deeper. The condition of patients with bronchial asthma is alleviated and status asthmaticus is relieved.

It has been established that under the influence of decimeter waves the functions of the endocrine glands are also enhanced. This primarily concerns the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. In the adrenal glands, the formation of glucocorticoids increases, blocking the development of inflammatory processes in the body. The activity of the thyroid gland can be enhanced or suppressed depending on the initial state of the organ.

In general, completing a course of DMV therapy allows patients to get rid of pain, improve overall well-being and restore functional activity impaired due to the disease.

Indications and contraindications

DMV therapy will help reduce back or joint pain.

The grounds for prescribing procedures may include:

  • radicular syndromes;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis (including rheumatoid);
  • bronchial asthma (beyond the acute stage);
  • chronic or acute pneumonia;
  • conditions after myocardial infarction (treatment begins no earlier than 30 days after the attack);
  • angina pectoris 1st degree;
  • mitral valve disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive tract;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, etc.);
  • renal or hepatic colic;
  • spasms of the ureters;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • respiratory failure;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • furunculosis;
  • parkinsonism.

DMV treatment is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • epilepsy;
  • gastric valve stenosis (with peptic ulcer);
  • thyretoxicosis;
  • angina at rest;
  • arterial hypertension above grade 2;
  • ischemic disease of 2-3 degrees.

During pregnancy, exposure to the abdominal area is prohibited.


The procedure is performed in a lying or sitting position. Before it begins, the patient is asked to remove all metal jewelry. Only the area that is subject to electromagnetic irradiation is exposed.

UHF emitters are pressed directly to the skin (contact technique) or placed at a distance of 3-4 cm from the body (distant technique). With the cavity technique, the emitter is sterilized and inserted into the rectum or vagina.

The procedure is dosed according to the output power of microcurrents and the patient’s sensations. With contact and cavity techniques, the power should not exceed 10 W, with distance – 20 W. The patient should feel only moderate warmth. When unpleasant sensations occur, energy flows are reduced.

The procedure lasts 8-15 minutes. After its completion, the patient is asked to rest for another 20 minutes. Sessions are held daily or every other day. 5-12 procedures are prescribed per course. Repeated therapy is recommended no earlier than after 2 months.

Irradiation with decimeter waves goes well with, and. Combining techniques can increase the effectiveness of treatment and prolong the period of remission of the disease.

Apparatus DMV 20-1 Ranet, Designed for local exposure to individual areas of the human body and internal cavities with a high-frequency electromagnetic field in medical institutions.
This physiotherapeutic device is used to treat various diseases of an inflammatory, traumatic and other nature by exposure to the UHF electromagnetic field using the contact technique.
DMV therapy is recommended

    for diseases of internal organs:

    • acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

      nonspecific bronchopulmonary diseases in children from 3 to 14 years old;

      peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the stage of incomplete remission;

      chronic cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the gastric bladder;

      subacute or chronic pyelonephritis;

      arthritis traumatic, gouty, occupational;

    • rheumatoid arthritis in the stage of fading exacerbation;
    • acute, subacute bursitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bursa);
  • for diseases of the peripheral nervous system:
    • trigeminal neuralgia;
    • neuritis of the facial nerve (in the first days of the disease);
    • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • for diseases of the ear, nose and throat:
    • sinusitis (subacute and chronic);
    • frontal sinusitis (subacute and chronic);
    • otitis media;
  • for diseases of teeth and oral tissues:
    • neuritis of the inferior alveolar nerve;
    • arthritis of the temporomandibular joint, as well as in many gynecological and other diseases;

Decimeter therapy (UHF therapy) is a method of high-frequency electrotherapy based on the use of ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations in the decimeter range, or decimeter waves, for therapeutic, prophylactic and rehabilitation purposes. Decimeter waves have a length from 1 m to 10 cm, which corresponds to an oscillation frequency from 300 to 3000 MHz. In the CIS countries, devices for UHF therapy usually operate at a frequency of 460 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 65 cm, abroad - 915 MHz (33 cm) or 433 MHz (69 cm), often in pulsed mode.

Exposure to decimeter waves is accompanied by a noticeable (from 35 to 65%) dissipation of energy into the surrounding space, the rest of the energy penetrates deep into the tissues and is absorbed by them. It is generally accepted that decimeter waves penetrate to a depth of 8-10 cm. The absorption of their energy mainly occurs in tissues rich in water and is accompanied by their heating. According to modern concepts, the absorption of energy from electromagnetic vibrations in the decimeter range is due to several mechanisms: relaxation of polar dipole molecules (mainly molecules of bound water) and ionic conductivity. Absorption of decimeter waves also occurs due to the resonance mechanism caused by the vibrational movements of the side chains of proteins, glycolipids and amino acids. The frequency of their oscillations lies in the decimeter range, which determines the possibility of resonant absorption of decimeter waves by them. Absorption of decimeter wave energy is accompanied by heat generation and various physicochemical shifts, leading to acceleration of diffusion and metabolic processes, changes in the conformation and permeability of cell membranes, activity of enzymes and biologically active compounds, shifts in the potassium-sodium coefficient, cellular respiration activity, modulation of intermolecular and electrostatic interactions in the cell, etc. These primary changes that occur when the energy of decimeter waves are absorbed directly or indirectly (reflexively) affect various functions of organs and systems, thereby determining the physiological and therapeutic effect of UHF therapy.
The use of decimeter waves is accompanied by both local and general changes in the body. Local changes are primarily based on the thermal effect of microwaves. The degree of tissue heating during irradiation depends on the duration of the procedure, the size of the irradiated area, the dosage and the biophysical properties of the irradiated tissue. During DMV therapy, blood, lymph, muscles and water-rich tissues are heated the most.
Heating of tissues and other primary changes occurring in them lead to the expansion of capillaries, increased microcirculation and regional blood flow, increased permeability of microcirculatory vessels and dehydration of inflamed tissues, elimination of congestion, stimulation of the barrier functions of connective tissue. Under the influence of decimeter waves, the metabolism of irradiated tissues is activated, trophism is improved and impaired functions are restored.
Decimeter waves enhance the production of releasing factors in the hypothalamus, stimulate the synthesis of hormones of the pituitary gland and some peripheral endocrine glands, increase the proportion of the free fraction of hormones, and cause inhibition of the activity of immunocompetent cells. They increase the content of T-lymphocytes and reduce the content of B-lymphocytes and some immunoglobulins. Under their influence, the conditioned reflex activity of the brain improves, its blood supply and neuronal activity increases, and the synthesis of nucleic acids, prostaglandins and other metabolites is activated. DMV therapy has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the brain even in cases of brain pathology. DMV therapy leads to a decrease in heart rate, increased myocardial contractile function, a moderate decrease in blood pressure, promotes the development of collaterals and induces reparative processes. The DMV therapy procedure restores impaired external respiration function and has a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. When decimeter waves act on the abdominal area, stimulation of the basic functions of the stomach, intestines and liver, as well as reparative processes in them, prevails. DMV therapy stimulates kidney activity, increases renal blood flow and glomerular filtration, and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in urogenital pathology. DMV therapy improves the rheological properties of blood and activates its anticoagulant system.
The main therapeutic effects of decimeter waves are anti-inflammatory, secretory, vasodilatory, immunosuppressive, and metabolic.

Methodology and dosage of DMV therapy.
Exposure to decimeter waves is carried out on the bare surface of the patient’s body, in a lying or sitting position. All metal objects are removed from the irradiation zone. To influence small areas and the head area, portable devices are used; the emitter is applied without pressure directly to the patient’s body (contact technique). With the remote technique, the emitters are installed above the irradiated surface with an air gap of 3-5 cm (usually on stationary devices). For intraorgan effects, the corresponding emitter with a plastic cap or rubber bag treated with alcohol is inserted into the organ cavity and fixed.
Microwaves are dosed according to the power output and thermal sensations of patients. It is customary to distinguish low-thermal, thermal and high-thermal dosages of exposure. Approximately for stationary devices, output power up to 30-35 W is considered a low-thermal dose, 35-65 W thermal, above 65 W - high-thermal. For portable devices, this division looks like this: output power up to 6 W is considered low-thermal, 6-9 W is considered thermal, and more than 10 W is considered high-thermal. Pay attention to the condition of the skin in the irradiation zone: with low-heat dosages, the skin color does not change, with heat dosages there is slight hyperemia. During the procedure, the patient should not be allowed to experience a burning sensation. If you complain of a burning sensation, you need to reduce the power output.
The duration of exposure to microwaves ranges from 4-5 to 10-15 minutes per field. The total duration of DMV therapy should not exceed 30-35 minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable to rest for 15-20 minutes. DMV therapy is carried out daily or every other day; the course of treatment is prescribed from 3-6 to 12-16, less often - 16-20 procedures. If necessary, a second course of DMV therapy can be carried out after 2-3 months.
The procedure is prescribed for children from 2 years of age, using only portable devices. Young children are irradiated at an output power of 2-3 W for 5-8 minutes. In older children, the duration of the procedure is gradually increased to 8-12 minutes; if necessary, the effect can be carried out in thermal dosages. In areas of pathological accumulation of fluids, as well as in the area of ​​various bony protrusions, procedures should be carried out with caution.
Direct exposure to high-intensity decimeter waves on the eyes and genitals should be avoided. To protect the eyes, use special glasses (type ORZ-5).

When carrying out the procedure, the following rules must be observed:
1) procedures may only be performed on chairs and couches made of wood or other insulating material;
2) the lower edge of the curtains of the screening cabin should be no more than 2 cm from the floor; the edges of the curtains forming the entrance to the cabin must overlap each other by at least 10-15 cm;
3) during the procedure, the patient should be as far as possible from the shielding surfaces in order to eliminate as much as possible the effect of unaccounted scattered energy;
4) during the procedure, the patient should not touch the water supply, sewerage and heating pipes;
5) with the contact method of exposure, the emitter cannot be pressed tightly against the body; it must be installed slightly touching the skin or mucous membrane. Strong pressing of the emitter can lead to disruption of regional blood circulation or even to a burn, which may not appear immediately, but after 1-2 days during subsequent procedures;
6) the working surface of the emitters must be treated with a disinfectant solution. After the procedure, the protective cap from cavity emitters is disinfected by boiling in water;
7) it is necessary to take breaks in the operation of the devices for 10 minutes after each hour of operation.
DMV therapy is indicated for subacute and chronic inflammatory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, cholecystitis, adnexitis, prostatitis, etc.), diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension I-II stages, rheumatism, occlusive lesions of peripheral vessels, etc.), injuries and diseases of the joints and spine of various origins (arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, epicondylitis, bursitis, osteochondrosis, sprains, bruises, myositis, tendovaginitis, etc.), acute, subacute and chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, tonsils and oral cavity , diseases of the nervous system (plexitis, radiculitis, vibration disease, Parkinson's disease, etc.), inflammatory diseases of the skin and its appendages (boils, mastitis, postoperative infiltrates, etc.), hematomas, gastric and duodenal ulcers, bronchial asthma, long-term non-healing wounds.

acute inflammatory purulent processes, pregnancy (when exposed to the abdominal area), tissue swelling and the presence of foreign bodies in the affected area, resting angina, paroxysmal heart rhythm disturbances, epilepsy, peptic ulcer with a complicated course, bleeding.

The physiotherapy device consists of a generator and four replaceable contact-type emitters.
- contact technique
- low power output
- small radiating surfaces
- the thermal component of the action is less pronounced than when using the Volna-2 device
- used without shielding cabin

Operating frequency (MHz) 460 +- 1%
Maximum output power (W) 25.0 +- 5
Supply voltage (V) 220 +- 10%, 50 Hz
Continuously adjustable output power (W) from 0 to 25
Power consumption from the network 220V/50Hz (VA) 240
Continuous operating time (hour) 8 (with a 15-minute break after every hour of operation)
Weight of own device (kg) 15
Weight of the device with a set of accessories (kg) 20
Overall dimensions (mm) 415x395x200

- portable generator,
- emitter I4 (cylindrical diameter 100 mm),
- emitter I3 (cylindrical diameter 40 mm),
- emitter I2 (intracavitary vaginal) and 3 caps,
- emitter I1 (intracavitary rectal), 2 caps and 2 tubes,
- emitter holder,
- power cable,
- high frequency cable,
- microwave field indicator,
- fuses - 4 pcs.,
- lamps - 6 pcs.,
- technical description and operating instructions,
- form.

Decimeter therapy (UHF therapy) is a method of high-frequency electrotherapy based on the use of ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations in the decimeter range, or decimeter waves, for therapeutic, prophylactic and rehabilitation purposes. Decimeter waves have a length from 1 m to 10 cm, which corresponds to an oscillation frequency from 300 to 3000 MHz. In the CIS countries, devices for UHF therapy usually operate at a frequency of 460 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 65 cm, abroad - 915 MHz (33 cm) or 433 MHz (69 cm), often in pulsed mode.

Exposure to decimeter waves is accompanied by a noticeable (from 35 to 65%) dissipation of energy into the surrounding space, the rest of the energy penetrates deep into the tissues and is absorbed by them. It is generally accepted that decimeter waves penetrate to a depth of 8-10 cm. The absorption of their energy mainly occurs in tissues rich in water and is accompanied by their heating. According to modern concepts, the absorption of energy from electromagnetic vibrations in the decimeter range is due to several mechanisms: relaxation of polar dipole molecules (mainly molecules of bound water) and ionic conductivity. Absorption of decimeter waves also occurs due to the resonance mechanism caused by the vibrational movements of the side chains of proteins, glycolipids and amino acids. The frequency of their oscillations lies in the decimeter range, which determines the possibility of resonant absorption of decimeter waves by them. Absorption of decimeter wave energy is accompanied by heat generation and various physicochemical shifts, leading to acceleration of diffusion and metabolic processes, changes in the conformation and permeability of cell membranes, activity of enzymes and biologically active compounds, shifts in the potassium-sodium coefficient, cellular respiration activity, modulation of intermolecular and electrostatic interactions in the cell, etc. These primary changes that occur when the energy of decimeter waves are absorbed directly or indirectly (reflexively) affect various functions of organs and systems, thereby determining the physiological and therapeutic effect of UHF therapy.

The use of decimeter waves is accompanied by both local and general changes in the body. Local changes are primarily based on the thermal effect of microwaves. The degree of tissue heating during irradiation depends on the duration of the procedure, the size of the irradiated area, the dosage and the biophysical properties of the irradiated tissue. During DMV therapy, blood, lymph, muscles and water-rich tissues are heated the most. The temperature in them can increase by 4-6 °C with relatively low heating of the subcutaneous fat layer. It should be especially emphasized that with UHF therapy, tissue heating is more uniform than with other methods of high-frequency electrotherapy.

Heating of tissues and other primary changes occurring in them lead to the expansion of capillaries, increased microcirculation and regional blood flow, increased permeability of microcirculatory vessels and dehydration of inflamed tissues, elimination of congestion, stimulation of the barrier functions of connective tissue. Under the influence of decimeter waves, the metabolism of irradiated tissues is activated, trophism is improved and impaired functions are restored.

Decimeter waves enhance the production of releasing factors in the hypothalamus, stimulate the synthesis of hormones of the pituitary gland and some peripheral endocrine glands, increase the proportion of the free fraction of hormones, and cause inhibition of the activity of immunocompetent cells. They increase the content of T-lymphocytes and reduce the content of B-lymphocytes and some immunoglobulins. Under their influence, the conditioned reflex activity of the brain improves, its blood supply and neuronal activity increases, and the synthesis of nucleic acids, prostaglandins and other metabolites is activated. DMV therapy has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the brain even in cases of brain pathology. DMV therapy leads to a decrease in heart rate, increased myocardial contractile function, a moderate decrease in blood pressure, promotes the development of collaterals and induces reparative processes. The DMV therapy procedure restores impaired external respiration function and has a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. When decimeter waves act on the abdominal area, stimulation of the basic functions of the stomach, intestines and liver, as well as reparative processes in them, prevails. DMV therapy stimulates kidney activity, increases renal blood flow and glomerular filtration, and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in urogenital pathology. DMV therapy improves the rheological properties of blood and activates its anticoagulant system.

According to G.N. Ponomarenko (2002) the main therapeutic effects of decimeter waves are anti-inflammatory, secretory, vasodilatory, immunosuppressive, and metabolic.

Among the domestic UHF therapy devices, the most famous are stationary devices "Volna-2" and "Volna-2M" (maximum output power 100 W), portable devices UHF-15 "Romashka" (15 W), UHF-20 "Ranet" (25 W). W) and DMV-01 "Sun" (20 W). They are equipped with various types of emitters, allowing for both external and cavity effects. Output power is adjustable smoothly or stepwise. The energy generator in UHF therapy devices is a magnetron.

The emitter is a metal reflector with an antenna inside. Foreign devices can also be used for UHF therapy, most of which operate in continuous and pulsed modes: System 100A, Radiotherm, ThermaSpec 600, Microradar, Radarmed, etc.

Methodology and dosage of DMV therapy. Exposure to decimeter waves is carried out on the bare surface of the patient’s body, in a lying or sitting position. All metal objects are removed from the irradiation zone. To influence small areas and the head area, portable devices are used; the emitter is applied without pressure directly to the patient’s body (contact technique). With the remote technique, the emitters are installed above the irradiated surface with an air gap of 3-5 cm (usually on stationary devices). For intraorgan effects, the corresponding emitter with a plastic cap or rubber bag treated with alcohol is inserted into the organ cavity and fixed.

Microwaves are dosed according to the power output and thermal sensations of patients. It is customary to distinguish low-thermal, thermal and high-thermal dosages of exposure. Approximately for stationary devices, an output power of up to 30-35 W is considered a low-thermal dose, 35-65 W is a thermal dose, and above 65 W is considered a high-thermal dose. For portable devices, this division looks like this: output power up to 6 W is considered low-thermal, 6-9 W is considered thermal, and more than 10 W is considered high-thermal. Pay attention to the condition of the skin in the irradiation zone: with low-heat dosages, the skin color does not change, with heat dosages there is slight hyperemia. During the procedure, the patient should not be allowed to experience a burning sensation. If you complain of a burning sensation, you need to reduce the power output.

The duration of exposure to microwaves ranges from 4-5 to 10-15 minutes per field. The total duration of DMV therapy should not exceed 30-35 minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable to rest for 1520 minutes. DMV therapy is carried out daily or every other day; the course of treatment is prescribed from 3-6 to 12-16, less often – 16-20 procedures. If necessary, a second course of DMV therapy can be carried out after 2-3 months.

The procedure is prescribed for children from 2 years of age, using only portable devices. Young children are irradiated at an output power of 2-3 W for 5-8 minutes. In older children, the duration of the procedure is gradually increased to 8-12 minutes; if necessary, the effect can be carried out in thermal dosages. In areas of pathological accumulation of fluids, as well as in the area of ​​various bony protrusions, procedures should be carried out with caution.

Safety regulations. Devices for UHF therapy are subject to mandatory grounding. Stationary devices must be operated in a shielded room or cabin, fenced with a special protective material made of cotton fabric with a microwire. In the cabin, the device is installed so that the emitter is directed towards the outer wall during procedures. With a contact location of the emitter, portable devices can be operated without a shielding cabin, but they must be 2-3 m away from the nurse’s workplace. The maximum permissible level of field intensity in the workroom depends on the duration of the nurse’s work: when exposed to radiation throughout the entire working day - 10 μW/cm2; when irradiated for no more than 2 hours per working day, 100 μW/cm2; when irradiated for no more than 20 minutes per working day - 1 mW/cm2 (provided that protective glasses are used).

Direct exposure to high-intensity decimeter waves on the eyes and genitals should be avoided. To protect the eyes, use special glasses (type ORZ-5).

When carrying out the procedure, the following rules must be observed:
1) procedures may only be performed on chairs and couches made of wood or other insulating material;
2) the lower edge of the curtains of the screening cabin should be no more than 2 cm from the floor; the edges of the curtains forming the entrance to the cabin must overlap each other by at least 10-15 cm;
3) during the procedure, the patient should be as far as possible from the shielding surfaces in order to eliminate as much as possible the effect of unaccounted scattered energy;
4) during the procedure, the patient should not touch the water supply, sewerage and heating pipes;
5) with the contact method of exposure, the emitter cannot be pressed tightly against the body; it must be installed slightly touching the skin or mucous membrane. Strong pressing of the emitter can lead to disruption of regional blood circulation or even to a burn, which may not appear immediately, but after 1-2 days during subsequent procedures;
6) the working surface of the emitters must be treated with a disinfectant solution. After the procedure, the protective cap from cavity emitters is disinfected by boiling in water;
7) it is necessary to take breaks in the operation of the devices for 10 minutes after each hour of operation.

DMV therapy is indicated for subacute and chronic inflammatory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, cholecystitis, adnexitis, prostatitis, etc.), diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension I-II stages, rheumatism, occlusive lesions of peripheral vessels, etc.), injuries and diseases of the joints and spine of various origins (arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, epicondylitis, bursitis, osteochondrosis, sprains, bruises, myositis, tendovaginitis, etc.), acute, subacute and chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, tonsils and oral cavity , diseases of the nervous system (plexitis, radiculitis, vibration disease, Parkinson's disease, etc.), inflammatory diseases of the skin and its appendages (boils, mastitis, postoperative infiltrates, etc.), hematomas, gastric and duodenal ulcers, bronchial asthma, long-term non-healing wounds.

If the indications for DMV and SMV therapy coincide (see Centimeter wave therapy), the first should be given preference for: effects on deeper organs and tissues; in the treatment of diseases with an allergic component (rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, allergies, etc.); in the treatment of patients suffering from concomitant cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications: acute inflammatory purulent processes, pregnancy (when exposed to the abdominal area), tissue swelling and the presence of foreign bodies in the affected area, resting angina, paroxysmal heart rhythm disturbances, epilepsy, peptic ulcer with a complicated course, bleeding.

DMV therapy (decimeter therapy) is a method of treating various pathologies using high-frequency electromagnetic waves that can penetrate deep into the body. By contacting certain areas of the body, decimeter waves transmit energy to the affected tissues and cause heat generation. As a result, local blood circulation is significantly enhanced, metabolism is improved, and blood pressure is normalized. At the same time, inflammatory processes are stopped, and pain is eliminated by relaxing muscles under the influence of heat. Structures containing fluid (lungs, blood, muscles) are subject to the greatest heating.

Main indications

The procedure is prescribed by a physiotherapist for many diseases. Main indications:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis);
  • damage to the respiratory system (pleurisy, pneumonia, acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma);
  • dysfunction of the digestive tract (gastric ulcer of the duodenum, duodenitis, enteritis, gastritis, colitis);
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, mitral valve disease, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris);
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs (cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, ureteral spasms, renal failure);
  • diseases of the skin and its appendages (furunculosis, dermatitis, mastitis, etc.);
  • diseases of the nervous system (neuritis, radiculitis, parkinsonism);
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • suffered injuries.

At the same time, DMV therapy is contraindicated in pregnancy, hemophilia, cancer, epileptic syndrome, open tuberculosis and any types of bleeding.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before conducting an electromagnetic therapy session, you must be examined by a physiotherapist. The doctor collects anamnesis, asking the patient in detail about his condition, past illnesses and studying the outpatient card. Then he conducts an examination to identify pathologies. If the patient has not yet undergone instrumental examination and tests, the physiotherapist will issue him a referral for diagnostics. As a rule, it is necessary to donate blood and urine for laboratory analysis, as well as undergo ultrasound, ECG, EEG, echocardiography, MRI and CT. After receiving the results, the doctor will be able to determine the presence of pathological processes in the body. If among the diagnosed diseases there are those for which DMV therapy is indicated, the patient is referred for the procedure.

No special preparation is required for the session itself. You just need to remove all metal jewelry and accessories to avoid their contact with electromagnetic waves. It is also necessary to remove mobile phones and other equipment during the treatment process.

Features of the procedure

To carry out the procedure, the person takes a lying or sitting position. The area that will be exposed to heat is exposed. Special sensors are attached directly to the skin or placed in the vagina/rectum. In some cases, exposure is carried out without direct contact with the body, when the emitters are located at a distance of about 4 cm from the surface of the skin. The duration of a DMV therapy session is about 15 minutes. During the treatment process, the patient feels a surge of warmth in certain areas of the body, but there should be no discomfort. As a rule, the therapeutic course consists of 5-15 sessions conducted daily.

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UHF-therapy of the maxillary sinus area

The patient's position is sitting. Place the cylindrical emitter with a diameter of 40 mm of the Ranet device in contact with the skin in the area of ​​the affected sinus (Fig. 199). The exposure dose is low-thermal or thermal (5-7 W).

The duration of the procedure is 8-10 minutes, prescribed daily or every other day. 10-14 procedures are used per course of treatment. If both maxillary sinuses are affected, the effect is carried out on each of the sinuses in turn.

Rice. 199. Impact of UHF on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses
Rice. 200. Impact of UHF on the lung area
Rice. 201. Effect of UHF on the stomach area
Rice. 202. Impact of UHF on the pelvic organs in women. First option

DMV therapy of the lung area

The patient's position is lying or sitting. Install an oblong emitter 160x350 mm of the Volna-2M apparatus above the projection of the affected lobe of the lungs (Fig. 200) with an air gap of 3-4 cm. The exposure dose is low-thermal (power 35-40 W). The duration of the procedures is 10-15 minutes, used daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are prescribed for a course of treatment.

UHF-therapy of the liver area

With the patient lying on his back, install the cylindrical emitter of the Volna-2 device with a diameter of 30 mm above the projection of the liver with an air gap of 4-5 cm.

A low-thermal dose of exposure is used (power 30-40 W). The duration of the procedure is 8-10 minutes. Procedures are prescribed daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are used per course of treatment.

DMV therapy of the stomach area

With the patient lying on his back, install a cylindrical emitter of the Volna-2M device with a diameter of 130 mm above the projection of the stomach (Fig. 201) with a gap of 3-4 cm. The dose of exposure is thermal (power 40-50 W). The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, daily or every other day; for a course of treatment 10-12 procedures.

DMV therapy of the pelvic organs in women

DMV therapy of the pelvic organs in women (Fig. 202). The patient's position is lying on his back. First impact option. The oblong emitter of the Volna-2M device, measuring 160x350 mm, is installed in the lower abdomen above the projection of the pelvic organs with an air gap of 3-4 cm. The exposure dose is low-temperature or thermal (power 20-50 W). The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, daily or every other day. 14-15 procedures are prescribed for a course of treatment.

Second impact option. Wipe the intracavitary emitter of the “Romashka” device with alcohol, put on a cap that has been sterilized by boiling for 30 minutes and insert it into the vagina (Fig. 203). Attach the emitter handle to the thigh. A low-temperature dose of exposure is used (power 5-7 W). Procedures last 12-15 minutes. They are carried out daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are used per course of treatment.

Rice. 203. Impact of UHF on the pelvic organs in women. Second option
Rice. 204. Impact of UHF on the occipital region
Rice. 205. Impact of UHF on the cervical spine

UHF therapy for the occipital region of the head

The patient's position is lying on his stomach or sitting. A cylindrical emitter with a diameter of 130 mm of the Volna-2M device is installed above the back of the head with a gap of 3-4 cm (Fig. 204). The dose of exposure used is low thermal (power 20-25 W) and thermal (power 30-40 W). Procedures lasting 7-10 minutes are carried out daily or every other day. 10-14 procedures are prescribed for a course of treatment.

DMV therapy of the cervical spine area

The patient's position is lying on his stomach. An oblong emitter with a size of 160x350 mm or a cylindrical emitter with a diameter of 130 mm of the Vol-na-2M apparatus is installed (Fig. 205) with an air gap of 3-4 cm above the area of ​​the cervical spine. A low-thermal dose of exposure is used (power 20-30 W). Procedures lasting 8-10 minutes are carried out daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are prescribed for a course of treatment.

DMV therapy for the thoracic or lumbosacral spine

The patient's position is lying on his stomach. A cylindrical emitter with a diameter of 130 mm or an oblong one with a size of 160x350 mm of the Volna-2M device is installed with an air gap of 3-4 cm above the corresponding part of the spine (Fig. 206) (thoracic or lumbosacral). The exposure dose is thermal (power 30-40 W). Procedures lasting 10-15 minutes are carried out daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are prescribed for a course of treatment.

Rice. 206. Impact of UHF on the spine area: a - thoracic region; b - lumbosacral region
Rice. 207. Impact of UHF on the area of ​​the kidneys and adrenal glands

DMV therapy for the kidneys and adrenal glands. The patient's position is lying on his stomach. An oblong emitter measuring 160-350 mm of the Volna - 2M device should be placed with an air gap of 3-4 cm in the back area at the Dx - Liv level (Fig. 207). The exposure dose is thermal (power - 35-50 W). Procedures lasting 10-15 minutes are carried out daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are prescribed for a course of treatment.

DMV therapy for the area of ​​small joints of the hands. The patient's position is sitting. The oblong emitter of the Volna-2M device, measuring 160-350 mm, is placed with a gap of 3-4 cm above the back surface of both hands lying on the table (Fig. 208). The exposure dose is thermal (power 35-50 W). Procedures lasting 10-15 minutes are carried out daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are prescribed for a course of treatment.

Rice. 208. Impact of UHF on the hands
Rice. 209. Impact of UHF on the area of ​​the knee joints: a - anterior surface; b - rear surface; c - side surfaces

DMV therapy of the knee joint area

With the patient sitting or lying down, a cylindrical emitter of the Ranet device with a diameter of 100 mm (with ceramic filling) is placed in contact with the skin of the outer surface of the affected joint (Fig. 209). The exposure dose is thermal (at a power of 8-12 W). Duration of exposure is 7-10 minutes per field.

After this, the impact with the same parameters is carried out contactally on the opposite side of the joint. Procedures with a total duration of 12-16 minutes are carried out daily or every other day. 10-15 procedures are used per course of treatment.

Bogolyubov V.M., Vasilyeva M.F., Vorobyov M.G.

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