Read village stories. country tales

Greetings, dear readers! After reading the comments on my story "Orange Star", at the request of the workers, I decided to write a few short stories about my village. Some fictional, some real, and some even funny because of their stupidity). But since people are asking, then it is necessary!)
Real stories about UFOs:
1. Our village consists of 33 houses. The even side is longer than the odd side. When viewed from above, it looks like this -=- (only side stripes from the bottom on a par). This is exactly the village, that is, there are only fields and forests around. My house is the very first on the even side, opposite it is a small field, behind it is a pond, then again a field, but already a large one, and then a forest. And so we somehow walked from my house deep into the village, there were 5 of us. The time was 5 pm. And it turned out that three of them had already entered the first house on the odd side, and my friend Sasha and I had not yet had time. And suddenly we see how, from behind the forest, some kind of fiery wave rose into the sky and abruptly disappeared! It only lasted for a fraction of a second! And nothing more! So it wasn't a fire. No one but us saw it. A couple of years passed, and we recalled this incident at an evening party. It turned out that our mutual friend saw the same thing in the same place, but in reverse order. A fiery wave descended from the sky into the forest. Nobody else saw this.
2. My parents went to the village after work on Friday. Accordingly, they arrived at night. I must say that from the highway to the village, go 4-5 km along the dirt road. And we just had heavy rains, the roads were washed out, you can easily get stuck, and you can only pull out with a tractor, for which you need to go to the neighboring village. In general, in order not to get stuck in the middle of the forest at night and not to walk around the crown of the head behind the tractor, the parents decided to spend the night in a car next to the road, but without entering the forest. While they had a snack, while they began to get ready for bed, the moon was already opposite them. And there it is not just a small circle, as we see it in a big city, there it is a huge disk, sometimes orange, like an orange. They fell in love with the moon. Suddenly they look - a star floats right on it from right to left. And so quickly! I swam a little, once! Disappeared! And then she appeared again at the place from which she began to swim! And so several times. I don’t know what it was, but I think when you sit in a car in the middle of the night in a dead field in front of a forest, this is not a pleasant sight).
3. This story happened in general in broad daylight! At 2 o'clock. My girlfriends, Masha and Vika, were walking along the backside (please don't crumple, that's what the road behind the houses is called in the village.)))) They see a green luminous oblong object falling from the sky. Around the field, far from the trees, there is no equipment in the sky, that is, it really just flies from the sky! Well, they got scared and ran to the village. Haven't seen anything else.)
4. I remembered that the UFO described by me in the story “Orange Star” was seen with my friends one more time. Or not his, but the same type. We walked with the whole crowd at night along a dirt road towards the highway and saw that near the forest (it was 200-300 meters from us), multi-colored portholes were visible. And they blink! I don’t know, maybe there wasn’t a UFO, but they just didn’t find another explanation - it’s night, a field next to a dense forest, all the equipment from the fields is not so big, and it leaves for the night in hangars.
The story about the UFO, told by the guys from the neighboring village (I can not vouch for the authenticity):
“At that time there was a motley company in our village. Mostly boys. The two oldest were 16 years old. They often sat at the same house in the evenings. Tales were told, jokes. In general, they had fun as best they could. And often they saw from the forest that was opposite the village, a glow. Grandfathers told them that they were rotten wood (a rotten tree that somehow phosphorizes and glows in the dark, like so - author's note). And the two oldest decided to somehow go look at this curiosity. Gathered at night and went to the light. We went into the forest and saw that there was a plate with portholes, and on a stump, with its back to them, a creature resembling a man was sitting, only naked, bald, with a large elongated head and oh-so-very long arms. Apparently, having heard them, the creature began to slowly turn around. He didn't have a nose, but he had huge black eyes (almost like in the movies). One guy immediately came to his senses and ran, and the second in a stupor remained standing near the tree. The creature got up and went to him, then he ran after his comrade.

They say that since then these guys have big gray strands on their heads. Although, to be honest, I don’t really believe in this story ...)
Tales of our village:
1. Fortress drowned woman
Our village is called Sazonovo by the name of the lady to whom this village once belonged. There really is a so-called master's garden in which apple trees, raspberries and beautiful lindens grow. There is also a pond, the bottom of which, according to legend, is lined with marble. Now it is completely overgrown, but the older guys, who spent all their childhood in the village, say that before the pond was clean, and the bottom was really lined with some kind of stone. Maybe marble.
So, they say that the lady had a son who fell in love with a serf girl. Wanted to marry her. Naturally, the mother would not allow it. She sent him to study abroad, and drowned this girl in this very pond with a marble bottom. It is said that sometimes at night her moans are heard from the pond.
2. The man with the boar's head
Previously, very close to our village there was another one called "Dashki" (emphasis on "and"). There was a shop, and a club, even a school had its own. Now occasionally there are bricks or glass in that place, but basically nothing reminds of its existence. And there is such a bike that a man with a boar's head lives in Dashki. Where he came from, who he is and what he wants - no one knows. But somehow two guys on motorcycles were driving from Sazonovo. We drove at night after a party. There was heavy fog. And, when they were passing by the Dashkovs, a man with a boar's head came out of the fog and blocked their path. One guy managed to slip through, and the second shied away, slowed down and no one else saw him.
Unfortunately, I have not heard other stories about a man with a boar's head.
3. A drowned man, or a resident of a well
I literally just remembered this story, imbued with memories of those days. I don’t remember exactly all the details of the bike, but the bottom line is that the bucket in the well hangs on a nail right inside. You still have to reach out to him. And then one guy stretched himself and either he fell, or they pushed him, but they didn’t pull him out right away. He drowned there. And they say, at night, if you come close to the well, he can drag you with him.
Funny cute stories.) But when you go home alone through the whole village at night, you immediately remember both the drowned woman and the man with the boar's head, and I even try to run past the well as quickly as possible. Fear has big eyes!)
Thanks to everyone who read. For those who asked to tell these tales - I hope you enjoy it.)

In the days of my youth, during the passage of corrective, and at the same time, labor re-education, I, in the form of “encouragement”, for exemplary behavior, was sent to transform the national economy of the Siberian region, to an almost free settlement. He lived for about a year and a half in a small village, in the house of a dear old woman, and talked about that period of his life, in a story called "The White Spot".
I paid granny for a room, some pennies, helped her prepare firewood, dug potatoes, in return, she allowed me to use everything that grew in her garden, besides this, she also took care of some of my personal affairs, but the story is not about them.
She lived alone, without children and her husband, she buried him a few years earlier, he drowned in the river, went fishing with friends, the boat capsized, and he did not know how to swim and drowned, although his friends escaped. There are such oddities in life, a person lives not far from the river, but has not learned to swim. Once, having told this story to my friends, they told me that there was even a famous ship captain who could not swim. By the way, in my early childhood, I talked with a woman - the captain, she was the daughter of our neighbor and came to visit her mother, she was a young and beautiful person, about forty years old. Lot interesting stories I heard from her that the ship, under her command, even visited Cuba. I remember she told me that a sailor in Cuba, without any problems, can approach any woman and offer her love by showing only two fingers, which meant two pesos. If a woman even needed one of the two, love or money, then she agreed, and if she didn’t need anything, she only smiled in response - all without offense. It was a long time ago, under the communists, prices have probably already changed.
The hostess told me that her husband, even before the incident that happened on a fishing trip, had already drowned once, but it was like this. Grandfather was short and thin. The neighbors always made fun of the grandmother, they told her, “you live like a little boy, he probably has a pipette instead of this one, leave the kid, find yourself a real man.”
They said a lot of different things and once the grandfather, apparently “drinking” - was offended and went to drown himself, the grandmother, with difficulty, managed to catch her husband from the river, she carried him out of the water in her arms, pumped him out and took him to the car to take home.
Here is another case that my grandmother told me, somehow my grandfather was going fishing with his friends and he needed money, something to buy, hooks or tackle, the grandmother herself did not remember why, he began to ask her for them, but she refused
“If you don’t give me money, I’ll hang myself,” said the grandfather.
- Hang yourself, I won’t regret it, but I won’t give you money, I need to buy sugar, cook jam.
Grandfather took a rope from the closet and went to the barn, an hour passed, grandfather was gone, grandmother went to check, looks, and grandfather hangs from the ceiling, tongue out and eyes closed. Grandmother began to scream, ran to her neighbors, they followed the district police officer, and at that time, one nimble old woman ran into the barn, looked at the hanging grandfather, crossed herself and climbed through the boxes, found a piece of lard, hid it under a scarf and wanted to run away .. ,
- Put the bacon in its place, bastard, - that old woman immediately passed away, that is, she went to another world - with bacon in her bosom, apparently her heart could not stand such a shame.
Grandfather, it turns out, first tied himself with a rope under the “armpits”, and then tied a noose around his neck, like a pioneer tie, (this is a grandmother, that’s what she said, I didn’t come up with it) he wanted to scare his wife. Grandfather was tried by a friendly court, but was forgiven, because. that old woman, G-d, calm and forgive her sinful soul, she was “thievish”, then she steals something in the store, then she steals from the neighbors’ garden, she even dragged firewood at night, she didn’t disdain.
It was not in vain that I mentioned the district police officer, he is also the hero of the story. He was angry with his grandfather for that incident with the “hanging”, because when he stood on the bench, about to free his grandfather from the noose and got ready to cut the rope on which the grandfather hung himself, he, afraid to fall, hugged the district police officer by the shoulders and hung on it, well, he screamed out of fear, and that's when the deception was revealed, the villagers laughed at the district police officer for a long time. Because of this, he even wanted to imprison him, but the neighbors did not let him in, and the grandmother screamed at the friendly court,
- Plant me, I was “guilty” of everything, I traded my grandfather for sugar, I wanted to cook cherry jam, I was drawn to sweets.
Grandfather often blamed himself for the death of a neighbor, drank a lot, after that fatal accident - “did not dry out”, drunk and went on his last fishing trip. So, after the death of the grandfather, one neighbor began to help prepare firewood and dig potatoes for the grandmother, “an idler and an old fool,” (as she called him) who hunted in this way. The grandmother said that he "had views" of her, but she, for his work, paid with moonshine. I repeatedly checked the quality of that moonshine - it was excellent moonshine, the degree was “what you need” and the smell was “normal”, well, you can’t distinguish it like Stolichnaya vodka. When I settled with my grandmother, then with the housework, I already helped her, therefore the moonshine relied on me, and not on the neighbor, for this he was angry at my grandmother and at me, he didn’t even say hello, and this is striking in the village. Once he, with a “red” muzzle, came to his grandmother and began to ask for moonshine, for a treatment for a headache, she did not give, he scolded her strongly and went to the district police officer to complain, and my good neighbors informed my grandmother about everything in time.
The district police officer, having taken that neighbor - the scammer, came to the grandmother and said,
- You brew moonshine, you break the law, I came to put you on trial.
“I didn’t cook in life, I don’t know the taste and my old man didn’t drink, you can’t prove it,” the district policeman walked around the house, searched through the cabinets, looked under the bed and found nothing, he says,
- Let's show the underground, (i.e. the basement, according to the city),
- I won’t let you in, villain, I only have potatoes there.
“Whoever asks you, I’ll climb myself,” the district policeman pushed the old woman away and climbed into the basement first, followed by a grandmother with a neighbor. In a conspicuous place, there was a cylinder with some kind of turbid liquid, - so I found moonshine, “see” where I hid it, but I said, “I don’t know.”
- Wait! Yes, it’s not moonshine - water, don’t drink, ”said the grandmother.
“Don’t drink it, let’s have a glass, I’ll check it, I came for it, but there’s a glass,” the district police officer poured the glass to the brim and began to drink eagerly, and after drinking half, he says, “and the truth is water, what kind of nonsense, what kind of nonsense, why is she here?
- I told you it was water, I didn't believe it. My old man drowned when they caught him, dragged him home, you yourself saw him, he was all swollen, well, I washed him, and I collected that water and have been storing it for many years so that no one else in our family drowns. There is such a belief, I told you not to drink, I didn’t listen.
The district police officer turned red, like boiled cancer, began to "vomit" (that's her word), he turned inside out, then he began to beat the neighbor who had brought him to this case. The neighbor fell, the district policeman kicked him, that he had the strength, he could have killed him, the grandmother stood up.
- Calm down, fool, it's water, good people warned me that you would come with checks, I'm in a balloon with clean water, poured a little milk, you don’t believe it, look, I’ll drink it myself, - the grandmother drank the “fake” moonshine from the can itself.
The denunciation adventure ended peacefully. In the evening, when I came home from work, my grandmother and I were already tasting the real one, i.e. almost metropolitan moonshine.
And here is another story, my mistress told me, according to fellow villagers, she had nothing to do with her, but she was aware of events.
I already told someone about this, but I began to forget a lot of important things.
The village in which he lived was small, "everyone and everything", they knew each other there. In the morning and in the evening, people gathered at the store and, literally, “shaken out” the most incredible news, did not hide anything, even “bed” adventures did not hide. In that village, there was one woman, still quite young, she moved to the village from the city, she did not have her own house and lived in a bathhouse converted into housing, which they rented to her for a small fee, she raised her daughter. That woman had a great desire to find herself a man with a big, t.s. “dignity” (from where she dug out this word, no one knew, apparently she brought it from the city, in the village “this very thing” was always called simpler, i.e. x **). She was constantly looking for him, for this, she slept with all the village men, she knew everyone without exception. If she had the luck to grab someone from the outside, then she never missed this opportunity, by the way, this ruined her. When she arrived, she had such a rule (it seems to be so established among the city people) if she brought someone to her home for a “test”, she did not regret the treat, she was not greedy, for this the village peasants respected her, but were also afraid. That's why they were afraid, the very next morning, after checking, that woman went to the store and, to the smallest detail, told her fellow villagers everything about her nightly activities. Only now the peasant who visited her, she already called by the name of his wife, his name, he completely lost it, in her stories, and not only her, other women also called other people's peasants by the name of their wives.
- Tomkin’s husband, he looks like such a strong little man and the “nosya” is not small, they say, if the nose is big, then this ... and his “dignity” should also be in order - everyone lies, they would, these yard males, just to drink " for a gift." I don’t know how Tomka lives with him, but there’s no one to feel sorry for her ...
Then the woman publicized other small details, but the granny was embarrassed to report them, so I won’t lie, but I won’t be able to come up with it myself. The peasants of the village were offended by that woman for these stories, they even promised to beat her, but their wives called the woman bad words for a long time, but soon forgot, because they loved to listen to her, so she easily got away with it. One day, the wife of the owner of the bathhouse, where the "insatiable" village fuck lived, went to relatives in a distant village, and her husband decided to go to visit his lodger, as if for a "rent". When he came to visit, he warned that if his wife found out anything, he would immediately kick her out of the bathhouse, into the street. Baba firmly promised to be silent, and in the morning, she tells him,
- Of course, I won’t say anything to your Valka, but there’s nothing for me to envy her, you can only feel sorry for her, for what sins she got such a little man.
Baba, the promise given to her master, fulfilled, she didn’t tell anyone at the store, but that the man was visiting his lodger and her words, he himself blabbed to his friends during the next fishing trip, so soon the whole village about everything I recognized the man and the neighbors began to call him already - "Valka's husband." The man was very offended by this and decided, because of his own talkativeness, to take revenge on the woman, and male revenge can also be very “insidious”. About the method of revenge, he told his friends who, like him, had lost their male names.
In his younger years, he "had" to spend several years in prison. Sitting with him was a man who (in the words of a village sufferer) had "dignity" of incredible proportions - that's what nature, by chance, rewarded him with. The man repeatedly demonstrated his “gift” to the prisoners, entertaining them with this, first bringing it into working condition, swinging it several times. He even hung a bucket of water on his excited shaft, and in a calm state, tied it with a ribbon to his leg so that it would not interfere with walking and not be confused between the legs. After being released from prison, that man tried to marry a couple of times, but his wives ran away from him, on the very first night. Even one failed wife filed a complaint against him with the police, “for causing damage to one important organ”, the peasant was not tried, but was warned that he was obliged to warn in advance about his “exceptional defect”, but if someone suffers from -for him in the future, then he faces a term, "for intentional infliction of bodily injury." After such unsuccessful attempts to marry, that man, with his "wonder of nature" already lived alone. The village men, having agreed among themselves, collected money and went to the city, found that peasant, got him drunk and brought him to the village and said that they had a woman who really wants to get acquainted with a man who has this “farm” (to put it mildly), large sizes. The man at first refused, but after a good additional warm-up, he agreed to an acquaintance, it was very obvious that he wanted, after a long abstinence, to have an affair with an experienced woman, and, by the way, according to her specific desire and as a way of revenge, for desecrated male honor. New friends, i.e. offended drinking companions, he warned that to satisfy their insatiable offender, he would lead to the river, he wouldn’t go home to her, “otherwise she will probably yell and wake up the whole village, and then someone else can call the police, because of the noise of an outsider,” he did not want to see him suffer because of his "abnormal" organ. The village men, in response, gave a few parting words to the owner of the “giant”, “hold the woman tightly, so that she doesn’t break out and accidentally run away prematurely, plant her so that she doesn’t think it’s enough anymore, beat off any further searches there, it will be know how to disgrace us all here in front of their wives.
The hostess told me that that evening, the wench ran up to the store just before closing, talking to someone, people were indignant that they closed it again early and didn’t let anyone in. Suddenly, a big man came out of the store and walked right up to her, in one hand he held a bag of sweets, and with the other, rummaged through his pants pocket, probably counted the change by touch and told her,
- Honey, can you show me the way to the river, I'm not a local, I won't find it myself.
“Why not show it, it’s not difficult for me,” and the lascivious goat led the peasant to the river, but not by a short road, but through a forest, she had nothing to be afraid of and nothing to lose.
What happened next, no one really knows. Various assumptions were discussed, the men apparently did not know themselves, but the “evil female tongues” were more specific (I am writing the words of my mistress from memory). “This city sweet tooth, a monster of the human race, who led a lustful woman to the river to treat not with sweets, but initially to fuck, but for what else, yes, it’s her that he pulled out all her organs, the damn obstetrician, apparently didn’t want to leave traces after himself, so he cleaned it up for her there, so that the woman barely escaped from him, and then she fell ill, as after an unsuccessful abortion.
Only with that woman, it was the last attempt, the search for the main manhood.
Then, for a week, she did not leave the house, and when she already began to appear in public, she looked very sad and emaciated, she was always silent, she went, even in summer, in felt boots and a quilted jacket; I was so cold that I couldn't keep warm. She even stopped greeting people, thus showing her disdain for them. She didn't show up in the store anymore, she sent her girl for groceries, she went only for water.
Nevertheless, by the way, the last attempt to find a “worthy” man was not in vain with that woman - she turned into an exemplary mother, began to be attentive to the upbringing of her daughter, before that she did not have enough free time or simply did not have enough hands reached, who knows, anything can happen.
It’s not for nothing that people say that it’s better to underdrink than to overdrink, well, it’s about vodka, they say so, and if advice is applied about “other things”, then it’s probably better when everything is within the normal range, only who set these standards .. .

Cho did, but nothing, they say only “this” and did it, well, she also washed the wooden floors, in cultural and public institutions in the village, the store and the club, washed up, to whom and where it was necessary, in general, something was washed there and always, in the mornings, and she was free all day, which means she could calmly do with her freedom whatever her body desired - her education was small, so-so, something unfinished somewhere, but in the city . So, in order not to be distracted and not to get away from an important question, specifically asked to me by an inquisitive reader and, by the way, respected by me, therefore, I continue on the merits. If, scientifically, then the woman was looking for a worthy specimen of the male "sex", with a further examination of him and his urination organ separately from the whole body, for subsequent testing, in working condition.
I was told that having found one t.s. carrier, (well, I can’t somehow find a polite word, everyone jumped out of my head somewhere, if directly, then) a big X - with two asterisks means a woman, but it’s easier to say - rural fucking, having done something, i.e. with. visual observations, asked a potential (in her opinion) candidate,
- How much do you put, for a closer relationship and so that the time goes well, a bottle, or something else, - she wanted ts. ask the price and not miscalculate, at the same time, (she had serious intentions) - in general, how is it in your work, is it worth it well?
And the man, i.e. candidate, replies, (all the words are not mine, they were given to me, I am writing from my memory, it’s a long time ago, I could have forgotten something),
- My dear, if he were standing, he wouldn’t be able to find prices, I just want to drink .., I want to ... it hurts, but half a bottle is enough for my eyes - I’m a drunkard, not a fucker ... r” - completely , then the word, with dots inside, is not ethically said to write, but quick-witted people went.
So this is how scientific tests sometimes ended with that former townswoman.
If anything is so, then forgive me, old already, something has become forgotten, by the way.

Remembering my childhood, the first thing that comes to mind is the summer in the village with my grandparents. They have been gone for five years already, and I am already an adult madam, but I still remember those feelings and emotions from noisy grandmother's gatherings, with stories about mermaid witches and devils crawling out of the swamps. Surely, many of you, dear members of the forum, lived and live in the villages of grandparents, someone from the village himself, and, most likely, you also heard a lot of interesting things. Every village has its own stories and legends...

In village B, where my grandmother lived, there is an old church. It is more than two centuries old, but it is very strong, and almost undamaged. They say that the mortar for this church was mixed with eggs, so it has stood unscathed for so many years. They say about this church that it was built in a bad place, so evil spirits live there, and not one priest takes root there (as far as I can remember, the church is almost always closed, sometimes priests from other parishes hold services there.)

… I remember this strange old woman well. She was out of her mind. Very old, some kind of red hat, shaggy grey hair... The old woman hardly spoke, but she always laughed. Also, she played with dolls, and drooling constantly flowed from her mouth. I was terribly afraid of this grandmother.

My grandmother told me that "Dashka became stupid" after one incident. When Dasha was still a child, she and the children climbed into that very church to play hide and seek. They played all day, in the end everyone found each other, and gathered home, realized that Dashka was not there. They searched for a long time and did not find it. We trudged home, called the adults. They opened the church and searched it. Found Dasha under the floor. They opened the lid, looked - she was there: a half-gray head, shaking hands, and saliva from her mouth ... Since then, she has gone crazy. It is still not clear WHAT she saw there, the old people whisper that “Toy-and-so” himself seemed to her.

Grandmother said that this happened when her mother was little. In some big religious holiday The father ordered his daughter to go to work in the field. The girl wanted to object, but her father was adamant, because he did not believe in the Lord, he was a communist. The girl got ready, taking her little son. Noon, heat, the girl mows, next to the river, the son is playing in the boat, tied to the shore. At this time, a tall man approached the girl:

Are you working girl?

I work, father, I work

The stranger shook his head and left. By evening he returned:

Are you working girl?


The holiday is big, you know?

I know, the girl replied

Well, grief will be for you, said the stranger, and disappeared.

And, at that moment, the boy who was playing in the boat slipped out of it and drowned.

Probably, in every village, there is a place about which they say “that one drives”, that is, unclean places where something constantly happens to people or they walk in circles and cannot get out. There is such a place in the village B - in the meadow, near the old well.

There was a peasant in the village - a reveler and a drunkard, what to look for. Once in the winter it was dark, walking through that meadow, drunk and cheerful. He hears - the ringing of bells, laughter, the clatter of hooves, an accordion - a company of cheerful guys and girls caught up with him, on a sleigh, with an accordion. Hey, they shout, Lyonka, let's go, we'll take you! Grandfather sat down, they poured him moonshine, he got even more tipsy - he drank, had fun, bawled songs to the accordion.

When I came to my senses, I realized that they were driving for a very long time, and the area was completely unfamiliar, and they were driving in a circle. Grandfather began to read prayers, he was shaken, and he ... woke up - at the well, near which he was picked up, with a frozen poop in his hand, instead of a glass. It dawned outside...

In general, I know a great many such stories, if someone is interested, I can write more. I can’t vouch for the authenticity - I’m writing everything about the words of my grandmother. So, if this seems implausible to someone, don’t judge strictly, but rather share your tales and tales from the village
PS: The most terrible story, my favorite - a thriller Grandfather is coming at night. The kalyaso rolls along the path, the grandfather took the kalyaso, took it home, hung it on a nail.

The ethnographer V. Peretz, who lived in the last century, in the article "The Village of Budogishcha and its Traditions" gives a story about "the knocks of evil spirits on the door." Devilry began one night to bang on the door of the local shopkeeper's house.

The owner of the house, alarmed by the knock, rushed to the door, flung it open, but found no one behind it. He closed the door. Again - a loud knock and a very loud cry: "Open!" The shopkeeper opened the door again. There was no one beyond the threshold.

And so it went on until dawn:

— Open!.. Open!..

Or here is another quite typical story about the sound signals of an alien. Onchukov in "Northern Tales" quotes the memoirs of a peasant woman Stepanida from the village of Korelsky Island. Stepanida once went to the forest for berries. As soon as she began to collect

berries, sat down near some bush, when suddenly she heard a man shout from the impassable thicket of the forest. And not just a person, but a relative of Stepanida, her mother-in-law Malanya. The peasant woman recognized her voice.

- Get up, let's go! - shouts.

- Let's go!

The peasant woman later told Onchukov:

“Oh, he scared me so much, my heart began to tremble, my face changed.

Another message on the same topic, recorded by Onchukov.

Nikolai Kuzmin from the village of Syuzan recalled: once he spent the night in a hut on the shore of a forest lake, but he could not get enough sleep.

- Didn't work, survived. Walks, rattles on the roof.

Several times Kuzmin ran out of the hut with a burning birch bark in his hands, illuminated the roof with it, and examined it. Didn't find anyone there. And as soon as he entered the hut again, someone immediately began to stomp on the roof with his boots, walking back and forth on it.

V. Dobrovolsky in the Smolensk Ethnographic Collection, published in 1891, referred to the testimony of two Russian peasants who also heard evil spirits. The men were collecting resin in the forest and were late. The night caught them far from their native village. Suddenly they hear: a whistle swept over the forest. He was so strong that the ears of both men were blocked.

They said:

Both got scared and started ticking. How whistled again! We run, and the forest above us seems to be falling down from the whistle. We run, and “he” again bends him and whistles, scares him. They ran out of the forest, and “he” whips and whistles above us; we look up - we see nothing above us. Everything that we had was abandoned - we barely ran away ourselves.

In 1927, at the railway station of Trudovaya in the Chita region, an event occurred that was remotely similar to the incident in the shopkeeper's house in Budogishchi. According to Fedot Dutov, a direct participant in the event, in new year's eve a commotion arose in the house where he lived with his parents and brothers.

“As soon as we went to bed,” says Dutov, “we haven’t fallen asleep yet ... I got caught!” On the terraces—there were large windows—the sound was so loud that even those windows rattled.

Fedot grabbed an ax, and his older brother Innokenty grabbed a revolver.

- They went out - there was no one, - Fedot recalls. They walked around the entire fence - there was no one. As soon as they entered the house, they closed the door, they had not yet had time to sit down - again they caught themselves with the vomit of the old one. We went out again - no one was there. And so he tapped like this ... Well, until one in the morning ... This went on for about ten days, probably.

Where, however, a more terrible test fell on the lot of Akulina Suvorova from the village of Ichura, Buryat ASSR. In 1943, Akulina was a young girl. Her recollection of the incident is as follows:

- Father is at the front ... Mother left for the city. Went to sell milk. We called girlfriends to spend the night. And that night we were “scared”. As soon as we went to bed, legs like dogs and cats ran across the bed. Once, twice ... We got scared, climbed under the covers. Suddenly there was a roar - crackling, thunder. Glass flew out of the windows, cats yelled, and everything became quiet. We lit the oil lamp, let them search: no cats, no dogs, and, most importantly, all the glass in the windows was intact.

Scarecrow, said Akulina Suvorova.

“Yes, the scarecrow is often somewhere,” assured the folklorist Balashov on the shores of the White Sea, the peasant Arseniy Zaborshchikov from the village of Varzuga.

And he gave such an example: - Here was the Kipokursky stream. So until the old people put up a cross, if, it happened, people after midnight past the stream, full sleighs will immediately put on someone invisible, that even the deer cannot drag the sleigh. Now the cross has already fallen, and does not frighten.

Mikhail Kozhin, fellow villager of Zaborshchikov:

- But there was another case. We went to dig moss. Well, they dug up, then they arranged dances near the Christmas tree ... And as they stretched out to go to bed, that “it” sang. Sasha, my friend, whispers: “Sing!” And the nun Anna - she was with us - and says: “Come on! Who, - says, - sings! They themselves danced and made a fuss, from that it seems! And she herself walks around the spruce, yes she is baptized, but she reads a prayer. And between times he shouts to us: “Tell fairy tales!” Well, don't listen.

Kozhin also recalls another mysterious incident that was heatedly discussed in the village of Varzuga several years before the folklorist Balashov visited these places. Kozhin's compatriots rode late in the evening through the forest on a reindeer sleigh. We stopped for a little need, got off the sleigh ... And around - snowdrifts, snow, forest with a gloomy wall.

“And suddenly,” says Kozhin, “there was a strange, rustling noise there. Devilry! They let the dog down and nauskali. The dog over the snowdrifts - into the forest, but how the beginning there immediately to fight the dog!

A couple of minutes later, a dog corpse was thrown out of the forest thicket at the feet of the taken aback travelers. And on the sleigh lay a mountain of freshly sawn firewood. Cursing in unison, the peasants grabbed logs from the sled and began to throw them one by one into the thicket where it was strange and noisy.

Kozhin, finishing the story, said with a grin:

- Well, as all the logs flew back, and how they began to whistle with even greater force and whistle, so they fell silent.

Great fear seized the men. Pushing, they jumped into the sleigh and, whipping the deer, blew away from this terrible place.

The invisible man, "frightening" in the house or in the forest, is one of the most popular heroes of bylichkovy folklore. He is active, sometimes excessively fussy, always defiantly impudent, often aggressive, and in terms of the number of references to him, he ranks first in the list of heroes of the byliches of the last two centuries. There is no number of his antics!

Yes, at least this is the case. He is brought by Pomerantseva. According to an eyewitness, he rode in the winter for a couple with his friend on a sleigh through the forest. The horse, harnessed to the sleigh, suddenly stopped, and no amount of prodding could move it from its place. An eyewitness reports:

And suddenly, as if from a sleigh, something invisible fell down, like a pood of iron! And it rolled, and pounded to the side.

The young landowner decided to find out how her serfs live. She arrived at the village. The headman gathered a meeting. The lady asks:

How are you, peasants?

Well, mistress, we live, well ...

What do you eat first?

Shchi, mistress, shchi ...

And for the second?

Porridge, mistress, porridge ...

And on the third?

That's it, mistress, we won't eat anything else.

What about dessert?

And this, mistress, who cares where ...

I heard that Vanka is a hero! He pulled a man out of a burning house, and the rescued deputy of the thought turned out to be. He was awarded the order for this.

So his native village must be very proud of him now!

In fact, he is now afraid to appear in his native village.


I never pulled a girl's pigtails in school. Because once in the village he pulled the tail of a horse.


In the village, the old cow wanted to live so much that at night she ran for milk to the neighboring village.

A man drives into the village on a cart and yells:

People! I brought coal!

The horse turns around wearily.

Yeah, of course you brought...


A gypsy at night, passing through the village, waved through the wattle fence into someone else's garden and let's rummage through the cucumber beds, folded pimply for a shirt. The dog began to babble, the owner jumped out onto the porch and banged salt from a double-barreled shotgun over the beds. The gypsy fell neither alive nor dead into the beds, then his master grabbed him:

What are you doing here, your dog soul?!

Master, do you believe it - no, the stomach has seized urine, no. It’s not the same thing to do on the street, I’m sorry that I climbed up to you, it happened.

What are you talking about! You stole cucumbers!

I swear I got a stomachache!

Well, where did you do it?

The gypsy rummaged around in the garden and pulled out a cow lump from the manure:


So it's a cow!

And scare you so! Here and dog-like us .. eat!


A man was driving through the village and knocked down a rooster. Stops, picks up a rooster and comes with him to the owner:

I would like to replace this cockerel for you.

No problems. Chickens are in the chicken coop.


Ivan and Abram lived in the same village. Somehow Ivan comes to Abram and says:

Abram, lend me a ruble, and then I'll give you two.

No I can not. You will drink it, and then you will not want to give it back.

And I'll leave you an ax on bail.

Well then come on.

He gave Ivan a ruble, took the ax and said:

Listen, it’s hard for you, it’s probably going to be two rubles back at once, maybe you’ll give one right away, and the second later?

Ivan thought, and really, it will be hard. And gave. He goes home, and he thinks:

There is no ruble... there is no ax... the ruble must... and most importantly - everything is correct!!!


A little girl, who first came to the village, runs into the hut shouting:

Mum! Let's go so I can show you! There in the barn, five little pigs are blowing one pig! She's gotten bigger now.


A man walks across the square with a turkey under his arm, and a policeman meets him:

What is a village to you, why are you walking around here with a turkey?

So what, you have pigeons walking around here.

Well, the dove is, you know, the bird of the world.

That Schaub I'm dead if my turkey wants war!


Can you get spare parts for a foreign car in your village?

Yes, as much as you want!

And where?

Over there around that sharp turn in the ravine.


But in our village, the peasants have learned how to drive moonshine from cow cakes!

So that's great!

Yeah! One thing is bad: the cows do not keep up!


When Dahl needed new words, he came to the village, broke 2-3 bottles of vodka in front of the peasants, and then stood and wrote down.


A notary and a married couple are talking, who are going to buy a house in the village.

That house you showed us yesterday is very nice! But the terrible concrete building opposite spoils the whole view.

It's OK. This is a dynamite factory. Sooner or later, he will still fly into the air.

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