What determines the expansion of the pupils. Dilated Pupils: Common Causes. Diagnosis of excessively dilated pupils

Strongly dilated pupils in children or adults often indicate the progression of a dangerous internal disease, injuries, the use of certain groups of drugs or drugs. If even after exposure to the visual system of bright light, there is no narrowing, this condition should alert and become a reason to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment is prescribed complex, self-medication is unacceptable, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

Main reasons


Constantly enlarged pupils in a person may indicate the progression of dangerous diseases in the body associated with the visual system and other internal disorders. In this case, there will be accompanying pathological symptoms that cannot be overlooked.

Dangerous diseases, under the influence of which the pupils of the eyes can expand, such as:

  • malignant neoplasms in the lymphatic system located in the upper body;
  • chronic migraines;
  • glaucoma, in which intracranial pressure increases;
  • brain tumors of various etiologies;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • botulism;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • complications after acute viral-respiratory diseases, accompanied by damage to the intracranial nervous system;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • damage to the optic nerve;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • avitaminosis.

Emergency medical care will be needed for a pregnant woman whose symptom is complemented by changes in blood pressure.

In a woman, an increase in pupils causes a hormonal surge during preeclampsia, just when there is an intensive formation of the fetus, vital organs and systems. If, in addition to dilated pupils, pregnant women experience visual impairment, memory problems, confusion of consciousness, sharp jumps in blood pressure, it is better to call an ambulance, as these are dangerous symptoms indicating serious malfunctions in the body.

Drugs and other substances

Unnaturally large pupils in men and women may indicate drug use. In addition to an increase in size, there is an intense darkening of the pupil. Such symptoms are observed throughout the day or more after the use of prohibited substances. Such a reaction from the visual system is provoked by the following drugs:

  • cocaine;
  • amphetamine;
  • ecstasy;
  • pervitin.

However, after using another group of drugs in a teenager or adult, a constricted pupil becomes. Drugs such as:

When a person uses heroin, his pupils are greatly narrowed.

  • heroin;
  • morphine;
  • preparations containing poppy milk;
  • codeine.

Pupils often increase with the constant use of certain types of medications. In this case, you need to inform the doctor about the changes, who will decide what to do next and which treatment regimen to apply. Medicines that affect the eyes in this way are as follows:

  • "Adrenalin";
  • "Homatropin";
  • "Atropine";
  • "Scopolamine";
  • "Cyclopentolate";
  • "Mezaton";
  • "Midriacil";
  • Tropicamide.


Often the causes of pupillary dilation are physiological. They become enlarged during a person's stay in a darkened room, when visibility is poor, and it is required to focus vision under the environment. However, you should be wary if there is a narrowing of the pupil of only one eye, since normally the diameter fluctuation should be synchronous.

Strong emotional experiences of any nature can cause such a symptom.

Dilated pupils in a child and an adult are often a symptom of strong emotional outbursts, and it does not matter whether a person receives positive or negative impressions. Smoking, drinking coffee, alcohol also affects the organs of vision, increasing the diameter of the pupil. It is easy to distinguish physiological from pathological causes - after the elimination of the irritating factor, the condition returns to normal, and there are also no pathological symptoms that disturb the general condition.

Pupil dilation is observed with loss of consciousness. It is important to note that if there is no reaction when the visual system is exposed to a light stimulus, this is a sign of deep fainting, coma or death.

Associated symptoms

If a dangerous disease progresses in the body or a person uses illegal substances, wide pupils in this case will not be the only pathological manifestation. Signs such as:

If an image of a capillary network on the organ additionally appears, then the person needs medical help.
  • rapid deterioration of vision;
  • reddening of proteins, formation of a capillary network in the sclera;
  • pain, itching, burning and pain in the eyes;
  • distortion of perception of images, objects, letters;
  • the appearance in the field of view of bright flashes, dark spots, multi-colored threads, dots and flies;
  • disorientation in space;
  • lack of response to light stimulus;
  • unhealthy appearance of a person;
  • speech change;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • strong thirst;
  • weight loss.

If a person always has wide pupils, this is a characteristic sign of damage to the optic nerve, due to which the pupil almost completely loses sensitivity to light. In this case, while staying in a well-lit room, the patient complains of headaches, discomfort in the eyes, and confusion. This disease is often diagnosed in adults, young children have increased photosensitivity.

Diagnostic methods

The attending physician can supplement the physical examination with coherence tomography of the organs of vision.

Often, constantly dilated pupils and concomitant pathological symptoms indicate the progression of a dangerous disease in the body. To find out the causes of the pathology and determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. After a physical examination and history taking, the doctor will give a referral for a series of diagnostic tests, such as: Certain types of drops will help reduce HD.

The treatment regimen is prescribed depending on the root cause that provoked the expansion of the pupil. With increased arterial and intracranial pressure, alpha- and beta-blockers, diuretics, and sedatives are prescribed. To normalize intraocular pressure, cholinomimetics, prostaglandins, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, and special eye drops are used.

If the pupils are dilated due to impaired blood circulation and nutrition in the brain, the doctor prescribes nootropics and neuroprotectors, as well as agents that improve blood flow. There are special medications in the form of eye drops, the main function of which is to narrow the pupil. The most popular and effective are such means:

  • "Pilocarpine";
  • "Physostigmine";
  • "Carbachol";
  • "Zestril";
  • "Enterotonin";
  • "Tonocholine".

All these drugs are available and sold without a doctor's prescription, but most have many contraindications and restrictions, so buying and using them at your own discretion is dangerous to health. This is especially true for young children, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, such drugs eliminate only the symptom, but the root causes that cause pupil dilation are not affected in any way.

In moments of joy, excitement or curiosity, our eyes darken due to dilated pupils, but this reaction lasts for literally seconds, after which the pupils return to their normal size. Modern parents, when they see such pupils in their child, often panic and begin to accuse their offspring of taking drugs, but, in fact, dilated pupils can be due to a variety of reasons.

Why pupils dilate

The pupil is the hole in the center of the diaphragm of the eye through which light rays enter the retina, where they form an image that enters the brain. The main function of the pupil is to protect the hypersensitive retina from the action of too bright light.

Normally, the pupil often changes its size, narrowing and expanding depending on the degree of illumination and the mental state of the person.

Normally pupils dilate:

  • in the dark - a decrease in the level of illumination causes the expansion of the pupil by 1.5 times, such a reaction can persist for a long time after the illumination is normalized;
  • due to strong emotions - any strong emotions - joy, fear, anger, surprise cause the release of hormones into the blood, which automatically dilates the pupils;
  • when interested in a person or object - when looking at an object or person that is of interest to us, the pupils automatically expand, in an attempt to see as much as possible. In men and women, such a reaction is observed when communicating with a person of the opposite sex they like;
  • because of a good mood - the release of endorphins into the blood is also accompanied by an increase in the size of the pupils. Psychologists believe that open, positive people who love life in all its manifestations, the pupil is constantly dilated, but constricted pupils are characteristic of people who are boring, sad and pessimistic. Moreover, the older a person is, the less his pupils dilate, which is connected, in addition to physiological reasons, with a change in attitude towards negativism.

Pathological causes of pupil dilation

Physiological pupillary dilation is usually subtle and passes quickly, but constant or unilateral pupillary dilation is a reason to visit a neurologist or therapist.

Pupil dilation or mydriasis occurs in the following pathological conditions:

1. Bilateral mydriasis with preservation of reaction to light:

  • regular consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking - chronic alcoholism and the habit of smoking more than 1 pack of cigarettes daily cannot affect a person's health. And constant intoxication and brain damage gradually leads to chronic mydriasis;
  • the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs - one of the characteristic symptoms that makes it possible to suspect the use of narcotic substances in outwardly prosperous people is the regular dilation of the pupils;
  • head injury - with a strong blow to the head, a fall or other injury, dilation of one or both pupils may indicate severe brain damage, especially if the patient has symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, head pain and impaired coordination of movements;
  • thyroid pathology - metabolic disorders and hyperproduction of thyroid hormones are often accompanied by constant dilation of the pupils, in addition to this patient, attacks of irritability, increased sweating, impaired appetite and other symptoms are tormented;
  • acute inflammatory processes - infectious diseases, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, often cause persistent pupil dilation on both sides;
  • preeclampsia of pregnant women - dilated pupils in pregnant women, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, a sharp deterioration in general condition, nausea and vomiting - this is a very dangerous symptom, indicating the development of a life-threatening condition;
  • metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus and other diseases that cause metabolic disorders can cause bilateral mydriasis;
  • tumors and brain damage - a strong dilation of the pupils, impaired vision, flashing "flies" before the eyes and other symptoms often appear with brain damage, therefore, such pathological manifestations cannot be ignored in any case;

2. Bilateral dilation of the pupils and lack of reaction to light - always indicates an extremely severe lesion of the human body and requires immediate medical intervention. May occur with:

  • drug or drug poisoning;
  • poisoning with plant, animal or chemical poisons;
  • botulism;
  • severe brain injury;
  • comatose states.

3. Unilateral pupillary dilation- pupil dilation on one side is always a pathological symptom, it can occur with:

  • paralysis of the oculomotor nerve - accompanied by impaired vision, drooping of the upper eyelid and partial paralysis of the external eye muscles;
  • Eddie's syndrome - a hereditary disease in which there is an expansion of the pupil with a lack of reaction to light, a violation of tendon reflexes and other symptoms;
  • traumatic damage to the eyeball - often accompanied by dilation of blood vessels, hemorrhage and deformation of the shape of the pupil;
  • ciliary ganglionitis - inflammation of the nasociliary (celiary) autonomic node can cause such a reaction. Inflammation can occur due to diseases of the ENT organs and is accompanied by pain in the eyeball, lacrimation, photophobia and conjunctival hyperemia;
  • migraine or cluster syndrome - if severe headaches occur only on one side of the head, pupil dilation may occur on the same side, which occurs during or after attacks.

It is not always possible to hide your feelings from people in love with all your efforts. They are given both verbal and non-verbal signals. Moreover, men and women are characterized by different ways of expressing feelings. But still, some similar features unite lovers of both sexes.

Common signs of falling in love, characteristic of men and women

First of all, this is the expansion of the pupils. Occurs under the influence of the release of adrenaline into the blood, which is not surprising with strong emotions. If the pupils of a person who looks at you are dilated, this clearly indicates his sympathy for you.

It is worth mentioning that the expansion of the pupils, in addition to sympathy for another person, can be caused by special drugs, for example, atropine. They are instilled into the eyes during an examination by an ophthalmologist.

The second sign that unites the strong and weak sex in the expression of love is a long gaze, prolonged observation of the object of passion.

Thirdly, a caring person wants to be closer to someone he likes. Touch him, enter the intimate zone. To check how a person treats you, it is enough to try to violate the social distance, which is at least 1 meter 25 cm. Approaching a shorter distance violates personal space. By the way a person reacts to such an invasion, one can judge his attitude towards the “violator”.

Male manifestations of love

There is a group of gestures that can be called "male". They shout: "Look at me, pay attention!". The thumbs are placed behind the belt, the emphasis is on the genital area. At the sight of an interesting woman, a man can straighten his tie, smooth or ruffle his hair, tidy up his clothes, shaking off non-existent dust particles from her.

In addition to gestures, a man is distinguished by changes in behavior. He pays much more attention to personal hygiene, shaves much more often than usual, starts going to the gym or in other ways to keep fit. In addition to behavior, the voice also changes. It becomes softer and velvety.

If a man decides to act, more active methods are used. He invites a woman on a date, gives flowers, looks after. With strong excitement and lack of practical courtship skills, he can make various mistakes, getting into funny situations.

Women's gestures

As for women, their body language is aimed at seducing a man. Demonstration of places usually covered with clothes and attractive to men is practiced. Such gestures include drawing attention to the delicate skin of the wrist area. Stroking cylindrical objects, such as the stem of a glass, can drive a man crazy.

An interested woman, sitting, which she likes, can play with a shoe on her leg, putting it on and taking it off. This is an imitation of sexual intercourse, which causes a subconscious arousal of a man. At the same time, her legs are much further apart than usual.

The woman's gait also changes. Her hips sway more than usual as she walks. This creates the illusion of wide hips, even if they are quite narrow by nature or as a result of diets.

Clothing becomes more sexy and open. Much more attention is paid to hair and jewelry than before. Lipstick becomes brighter, there may be lip licking. Red and wet lips attract a man, as they evoke an association with the female genital organs.

Women can use the "male" gesture of placing fingers behind the belt. But at the same time, only one finger gets into the belt, pocket or purse.

For seduction, women can also use their voice. They deliberately lower it, making it more pleasant for the male ear.

2703 09/18/2019 5 min.

Dilated pupils can be observed in children and adults quite often. According to this symptom, experts are able to determine what mood a person is in: calm or experiencing any emotions. The pupils may dilate in response to light in a similar way. Constantly dilated pupils usually indicate the presence of serious diseases. We will consider the reasons for this phenomenon in more detail in this article.

Symptom Definition

Depending on the cause, dilated pupils can occur simultaneously with various symptoms that are important to pay attention to.

Possible diseases

Strongly dilated pupils are most often observed with diseases, injuries, or when taking drugs.

It has long been known about the ability of the pupil to expand in the dark and shrink in the presence of a light source. This property of the pupil improves night vision and protects the retina from the damaging effects of sunlight during the day.

The pathologically dilated pupil remains enlarged even when exposed to bright light. This condition of the eyes should alert; This is a serious reason to go to a medical institution.

What diseases can provoke a symptom of mydriasis?

  • If the pupils are constantly dilated, then intoxication of the body, or poisoning, can be suspected. This condition can be the result of working with toxic substances or taking drugs or hallucinogenic drugs, as well as alcoholic beverages in large quantities.

In individuals who have previously abused alcohol or taken drugs, even after giving up bad habits, the diameter of the pupils may remain the same - more than 5 mm wide.

  • A combination of symptoms such as dilated pupils and headache may be a sign of a migraine-like condition or the so-called cluster syndrome. Often severe headaches appear only in one half of the head, and in the same half there is an increase in the pupil - this phenomenon occurs during or at the end of a headache attack. In this case, it is necessary to look for the cause of migraine - only then you can decide on the treatment and get rid of the disease.
  • With a traumatic head injury, dizziness and dilated pupils may occur.

An increase in the diameter of the pupils, which is accompanied by symptoms such as bouts of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache and incoordination, requires immediate medical attention, as it indicates serious damage to the brain area.

  • Sometimes patients complain of dilated pupils in the morning. This may be a sign of thyroid disease, when metabolic processes are disturbed and excessive production of thyroid hormones occurs. Symptoms of mydriasis are added to such manifestations as rapid heart rate, heart rhythm disturbances, increased anxiety and a feeling of panic, and poor sleep. In addition, the patient may feel periodic surges of irritability, excessive food cravings, etc. To solve this problem, you should contact an endocrinologist.
  • and dilated pupils are often a sign of development, which is characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure. The basis of this disease is the deterioration of the release of fluid from the internal eye spheres.

If glaucoma is left untreated, sooner or later it will provoke a dysfunction of the optic nerve and a complete irreversible loss of vision. If the patient feels pain in the eyes, blurred vision (asterisks, circles), the pupils change in size, and the eyes turn red, he should immediately consult a doctor.

  • In pregnant women, nausea and dilated pupils are a sure sign of preeclampsia. This pathological condition is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, swelling, the appearance of protein in the urine, and sudden general discomfort.

Preeclampsia is very dangerous for the health and life of the expectant mother. Seeing a doctor is imperative and immediate.

  • Dilated pupils in diffuse brain diseases are one of the signs of the disease. Against the background of ischemia of brain cells, dizziness, discomfort in the head, constant fatigue, deterioration of memory and thinking processes develop, tremors appear in the limbs, facial expressions, speech disorder, etc.

Mydriasis can be one of the first symptoms of brain diseases, which should alert and become a reason for early diagnosis.

Diagnostic methods

In the presence of constant dilation of the pupils, the patient should undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, which includes the following examination methods:

  • neurological examination;
  • Evaluation of the reaction of the pupil to lighting and the approach of objects;
  • General clinical blood test to detect inflammatory changes;
  • Examination of the eyeball with a slit lamp;
  • Ophthalmoscopy;
  • X-ray examination of the head to exclude volumetric processes;
  • Finding out the relationship between the appearance of this symptom and the use of medications.


Prevention of pathological pupil dilation is based on the following measures:

  • Timely treatment of ophthalmic diseases;
  • Regular preventive examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • The use of medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • Prevention of eye injury.



In conclusion, I would like to note that the expansion of the pupils, as well as, can be a variant of the norm or a pathological process, and in some cases it can be artificially created to facilitate various ophthalmic manipulations. The state of the pupil depends on the tone of the ciliary and radial muscles, which changes under the influence of various causative factors. However, with persistent mydriasis and its combination with other unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Eye drops for redness and irritation are described. There will also be a list of allergy medications in the form of eye drops.

Reading time: 4 min

Pupil dilation may occur due to natural causes, or it may be a symptom of an emerging disease that occurs in people of different ages.

Dilated pupils are also called mydriasis, which means a pupil with a dilated diameter.

The pupil changes size due to contraction of the circular and radial muscles. The circular muscle is responsible for the narrowing, and the radial muscle for its expansion.

Dilated pupils, natural causes:

  1. reaction to light. It appears in people of all ages. In the absence of other symptoms of any disease, you should not worry;
  2. reaction to eye drops. Some of the eye treatments cause dilation of the pupils, but the reaction gradually subsides and there are no negative consequences;
  3. reaction to darkness
  4. stress;
  5. attraction to the opposite sex.

Scientists during the study found that dilated pupils are also a reaction to:

  1. naked women in men;
  2. children in women.

From this we can conclude that excluding medical reasons, people can have dilated pupils when they see what they like.

Besides natural causes, why do pupils dilate?

They can expand due to the appearance and development of pathologies and diseases in the human body.

Such pathologies include:

  1. aneurysm;
  2. damage to the optic nerve;
  3. the appearance and development of a brain tumor;
  4. increased eye pressure caused by the appearance of glaucoma;
  5. prolonged and frequent migraines;
  6. swelling of the lymph node located in the upper part of the chest;
  7. diabetes;
  8. contusion;
  9. lack of oxygen;
  10. skull trauma;
  11. reaction to medication;
  12. intracranial pressure;
  13. intoxication of the body;
  14. epilepsy;
  15. worms.

Wide pupils in most cases can be observed with the use of drugs, the manifestation of the disease and injury.

It is known that the pupils can increase in the dark, this allows a person to see better in the dark. However, if the pupils do not dilate when exposed to light, this may be a symptom of intoxication of the body. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Adie-Holmes syndrome

Adie-Holmes syndrome or dilated pupil syndrome in another way. It is characterized by paralysis of the eye muscles, as a result of which the eyes lose sensitivity to light.

The main symptom of Adie-Holmes syndrome is dilated pupil, but its diameter may be different. When a person with this syndrome examines something from a close distance, the pupil narrows, and then instantly expands. Vision in Adie-Holmes syndrome drops significantly.

Some of the factors that cause it to appear are:

  1. metabolic disorder;
  2. damaged ciliary node. This causes a violation of the innervation of the ciliary muscle and the sphincter of the iris. Because of this, the pupils dilate and myopia appears;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. infectious diseases.
  5. Adie-Holmes syndrome symptoms:
  6. the pupil increases in only one eye;
  7. weak reaction to light or its complete absence.

The syndrome most often manifests itself in women after 30 years. It is possible to restore vision, which has fallen due to the development of the syndrome, and the reaction to light may be lost without the possibility of recovery.

Psychological factors

The nervous system has a direct influence on the optic nerves, as does a person's emotional stability. Due to emotional instability, hormones are released into the blood. As a result, the pupils are enlarged.

Reasons for pupil dilation:

  • fright;
  • fear;
  • extreme situation;
  • bouts of aggression;
  • sadness.

If such reasons have been noticed, it is necessary to contact specialists for medical help.

There are cases when the expansion is caused by genetic factors and is accompanied by certain signs:

  • eye redness;
  • cramps and pain in the eyes;
  • blurred vision in bright light. Spots in the eyes or sharp flashes may appear;
  • decrease in visual acuity.
  • a person with these symptoms is practically blind in the dark.

Use of third party substances

Among other factors, the increase in human pupils is influenced by alcoholic and narcotic substances. After their use, the pupil is in an expanded state for at least another two days.

In addition to the fact that a person who has taken drugs has dilated pupils, their use can be recognized by a number of signs:

  1. redness and shine of the eyes;
  2. lack of response to light;
  3. clearly defined vessels in the eyes;
  4. unhealthy skin. Pale or sickly yellow;
  5. poor coordination;
  6. speech change. Slow, fast, or too sharp.

Mydriasis in teenagers

Most often, dilated pupils in a teenager are due to the use of drugs or alcohol. Parents should be very careful and pay attention to the condition of the child.

Drug use is not as easy to recognize as alcohol use. Drug use is not accompanied by a specific smell, unlike alcoholic beverages.

In addition to dilated pupils, there are signs that you first need to pay attention to:

  1. increased excitability or weakness;
  2. mood swings for no apparent reason;
  3. insomnia;
  4. strong thirst;
  5. unhealthy appearance: circles under the eyes and severe weight loss.

However, it is worth remembering that the presence of one of these signs can be a harbinger of the disease. For example, worms are accompanied by circles under the eyes, insomnia, weight loss. Also, the infected have permanently dilated pupils.

If one or more signs appear, it is better to take the child to a specialist and solve the problem before it is too late.

Permanently dilated pupils

If the pupils are constantly dilated, this may be a sign of damage to the optic nerves and loss of pupillary sensitivity to light. At the same time, when a person looks at the light, pain in the eyes begins.

People who have these symptoms need to be careful in the dark, as they will hardly be able to see in the dark. It is advisable not to drive at night.

A similar vision problem is typical for adults. Since children's eyes are more sensitive to light.

You should not treat the appearance of such symptoms carelessly. You should immediately consult a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment until irreversible damage to the eyes occurs.

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